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? FORT MILL TIMES WEDNKitfXIY, AJJGUST It*. 11K)8.. IN THE LOCAL FIELD. facts Picked Up Here and There About People and Things. Mrs. S. \Y? Parks apent (Sunday' wttli relatives in Hock Hill. Tt if picnic season is about -over tnnoli io the regret of the young people. I)r. X. E. Mnssey, dr., was up from Koek Hill Hunday on a professional visit. Miss Bull., t?f Columbia in >1 ini"-' ' ' ti... to?/< -i , , ? . .u 1-11- JllBftOS VillJ) /it the Palmetto Hotel. The fall trade will be late in , opening this season on account of! tlu* backward. condition of the cotton crop. Mr. ami Mih. S. L. Mencimm are now occupying their handKoine new residence on Confederate street, having moved there on ! Monday. The heaviest rain of several mouths fell in this section Friday evening. The ixiin lasted for an hour and it was estimated that at least tive inches fell. The Times is daily expecting fiome one of it? fanner friends to bring in an open boil of cotton. Come on wiili it brother, and let your name be first on the- roll of honor. By a alip of tin* pen in last week's issue, tin* date of the niari iage of M ins Ktfie Culp and Dr. J), (1. Thompson was made to read "August 15," when it should liuve hetai September J. Married Sunday afternoon at <he h?iiuo of Mr. John Collins at the Millfort mill, Mr. M. W. Ivuykendul and Miss Mary O'Brien, Both of Charlotte, 'Squire J. \V. McElhaney otKciatiug. The census department will, as usmtl, send out its August report of the* cotton ginned throughout the country, but it is not likely that York county wilt he mentioned, as very little ginning, if any will he done in this section before {September 1. Work, work, work, has been t he order with the Times man this week, for our assistant typo. quite unexpectedly lo us,did the "grand bounce" stunt on last Moudnv w morning. Therefore, if there he any shortcomings in this week's issue, kindly excuse im and wo will try and do better next inane. Mr. Ed. Rodgers suffered a very painful injury Saturday afternoon while at his work in the plant of the Fort Mill Mfg. Co. 1 u some way Mr. Rodders' left hand I Hi fame entangled in the machinery find liefore lie could release it h half inch of the middle tinker was cilt completely off It ia said that a new bunco game is being worked on unwary mer?chants throughout the country. .A man enters the 8tore, displays a government h due awl slates that he is tn the secret service and on the lookout for connteifeit money. Me looks over tin* cash drawer and invariably finds lour or five ''counterfeit" dollars, which he "contisicaleB." The whole thing i? a fraud. The Horolli comet, alxmt winch no mucii has been said, has now passed the |H>int where it is invisible to the naked eye. It" anyone in this place Imd the pleasure of viewing the bright-tailed monster <1 tiring it? sojourn over those parts, the news was kept h secret. Hut, tlien, our people are too busy a set to sit up half the night watching for comets. The officers and mouthers of the local military organization will S>r interested to learn that the federal government has j nut. issued to the State 2.S00 improved King Jorge nseu rifles, complete, and 'in addition to these the cavalry troops of the State have the latest model of carbine*. The new Iv rag Torgetiseii rifles arc at the State /armory and will be shipped out as soon as all the State encampments are over. M r. Titos. McGuire, who is well iknowu here and who lives just across the Mecklenburg lino, near Catawba river suffered the has by if.!re of his home aud most of its ef feets out tho ui^lit of the lOth inst. Jt is uot kuovu iiow the tire originated* hut <rtj*n discovered, had ;>iiti*ted such headway an to render it impossible to extinguish I lie flames. We understand there was iio insurance ?u the dwelling or furnishings. There whs a corner atone laying ?t tlve works erf the Catawba Power company Inst JjVidny. The ceremonies was not especially ostentatious; but it was, nevertheless, interesting, little con <?f Dr. Gill Wylieoffit lated?W.Gill Wylie, Jr. ile delicated the stone to (the service of t te company and to the benefit of the people of the country snrrot uding.?Yorkville f?nijuirejr. f T"WO < O: FUR ???? u Our rnnm tn r i extra ware rooms u \ rooms can be had bu duce stock, So, to d< SPE For the next SIXT | Line, The goods m give you better va \mmnn If you are not reac MILL! Mr. (i. S. Thompson, < >f (i raham. N. C., was h visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. Mr. T. It. Helk left Monday evening for a short stay at Hot Springs, N O. Mr. It. M. Spratt, of Chester, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. .1. M. Spratt, iu this place. \ i i * ... i 11 /. i i?i t-rv-.i r*. ?i. .-\. IIIIU 001111 undti. B. Hull, of lt<?ck Hill, art* . spending a few days with Mr. Al. Thornuell. t M iss Zoe White returned Friday evening fr??m a visit to the home of Mrs. M. V. (Ireen, near Lancaster. Mrs. It. A. Yoni?ue and little sons. 1 ioi> and Middleton, are visit in^; their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Wolfe, in this place. I Misses Flizaheth and Catherine Beau, two charming youti? ladies of Clinton, are visitim; the Misses Thorn well, on Confederate stre. t. A 1 _ I * U #? *1 ? > * " -mi. nt'n n. umt< iKHt .Miss Jiessic (Jilcs were married Sunday afternoon at the f irmers home in tli? upper mill village by 'Squirt1 ; J. W. Mi-Kllmiiey. 'And Gov. lley ward lias pardoned 'Squire Mailt*.*"?(iastouia i Gazette. Yes, but there are a good many who have not yet pardoned the governor. Mr. Star Al. Mason, of tin1 quartermaster's department, I*. S. A, at Sullivnti's Island, S. ('.. s?>- m? ? -vend days af the past week with I friends iu this place. Indications all point to a higher price of canned tomatoes ami lovers of this popular vegetable are advised to put up as. many of thetn as they possibly can. At its monthly meeting a fewdays ago the hoard of county com ' tuissinners awarded the contract for painting (lit' Culp bridge over : Catawba river to T. W. Pawls <if I Yorkville, the contract price beint; $304.25. I Fort Mill's second ball nine met jdefeat at the hand* of a Pineville team last Wednesday by a score <?f 9 to 5. Another i?anie took place I Saturday between the first teams of the above places in which Fort Mill won out by a score of 15 to <? More than three thousand persons at tended (ho bij^ educational <4atiierin? at. Tirzah last week. Addresses were made by Snpt. O lb Martin, Prof. Clinkscales, of \Vof! ford, and otlior prominent gentlemen. A large crowd were present from this place. South Carolina's first bale ol new cotton wiih marketed at Bain l>erg Thnisday afternoon. It w?h 'mown I?y Abe Simmons, colon d jnud weighed 4!>S pounds. This i.\ seven days later than the first hah , of last year. The earliest hale evor marketed in South Carolina w?o ! on July t>, 1N!)0, grown by the same negro. The Highland Park Imll team will couie over from Hock ilil! Saturday afternoon and again contest hall honors with the first niiu of this place. This gauje prom is en to la* one of much interest, at two games have been pJayed hy these teams this season, each win iiing a victory, ami it is need lei to say that the "rid)" will he cJose J^y contested throughout. /I CJ-A.IR, Li f Up"*^-]Dat I limited, we \frere con i which to stcire the < t for a short time we ai 3 this at once, wik are g :GIAL BARtQA Y DAYS in ever^ftur ust go and if^ye hav?W* lues than any house i ly to b>uy, call and see tl i S YO Mr. lid.I Armstrong and family linve inawil fruin Koek. li'ill to thin phi<j|Mn 4V>' Mr Ilentli, a pi il^Wient riii/.ou i^tt*iaiieastyr /iid ?\efcterclay in h hfi^rihi I iiitjjhw ^ ork. The i?c\u<> \d spirits and if the 2$n^*eeas. iiis )iold out a i little louden tht^ftwitton erojis will he very vr?>\??d iu^ll(^i< immediate sect ion. rile <i d i\3h>n is fruited [ well front Ixpttoui ?<> 'op, hut Hi-ii-eoiik juct iii nit' required to hold it and lyriuir it to maturity. That the {proposition of Mr. J,. \V. Ardrey tea sell t ho State% farm!* and engage 1 the couviets 'on ll e roads, as sulVinitted in V..?i- I convention decently. is approved throughout tlhe State is attested i hy tin* publirnty piven tin* resoln lion and t lie uunnv fiivorahlc coinincuts of the \tarious papers. W. (> Blahkck received a^riy! t painful scalp wound while at work Friday at the (lam on Cntnwlm river. Soino workmen who were at work on the Willi nh ?vc Mr. Hlalock dropped aipieee of iron which .struck him out the head. It was reported here J Friday afternoon j that Mr. lilaloelc's skull was cm-It ed and he was im a precarious o.m (lition, hut a "pUone message Yesterday seated thmt his injuries are not s ri >ns atl all.? Hock Hill Journal, Tuesday. The inquest Tpnrs(|fl.yv',oWr1111e remains of J. 1R. *>rinan. the white man who I was drowned in ('atawha river op Monday m?>rn i 11 yr of last week, ivas held hy Cur oner ljonthian. of Yorkville. he havim* been calleal in the ah-once of Sipiir.; J W.! McFilhaney. of this place. The jury, after deliberating for H< me time over theevi denee suhmitted, rendered a verdict. to the simple effect that the i deceased came to his death hy ( drowning. The remains were interred Thursday afternoon in the public cemetery. Mrs Annie Jones Dead. Mrs Annie donea, tin- beloved wife of Mr. A. Oscar Joiics. (lied Sundny afternoon at ,r? l."? oeloek ai her home on Cleboui ne street after an illness of about. three inontliH. Mrs. 'I<iiion was n dnlighter ol j Capt. and Mm. M. M. Wolfe, the former of whom survives her. ller i death brines to the coin muni ty and the church a great los?, and to her hushnnd, father and little son that which is irreparable?and how end to he taken so early in life, for sinwas only "2?l years of age and had 1 been the wife of Mr, Jones for . In.t four sliyrt years, 4 Mrs. Jones had hcen a member ' of the Fort Mill Methodist church for quite a numhereof-yedrs and 1 was ever loyal and faithful to hei ' duties ac such, nevov btpng absent ' from its services without a cause, i So likewise she was true to her I family duties an affectionate wife and mother, loving and obedient ? to her i arents Slie lm.l ? l?? , - mil fl Iflim" circle of friends. and a nreat com* puny attended the f uncial, which whh conducted by her j astor, tlie Kev. Mr. Wright. The burial.was < made in the family plot at the city cemetery Monday vdteiiioun ut 1 o'clock. \< ? y " . i ' rt v * jj . 1 .r \ y \\M O ADS % N e LT IFL IE a, I ipelled to rent two goods, and as these re compelled to re^ roing to offer some INS ig in the Furniture diat you need, we'll in this section, * w nm+mr^gm t***0+* ie stock anyway, TTZCsrO Soap, Cheap and Serviceable. If you want Soap and not perfume, one of tin- host toilot articles on the market is j FAIRY. You get a lar^e white cake for oo. It is a beautiful soap and you will liud it elegant for the hatli. Glycerine and Tar Is not to he surpassed as a rou^li dirt remover and owin^f > to its healing and antiseptic * qualities it lias a splendid ef?feet upon the skin. 11 is also f> cents per cake at? Ardrey's Drug Store, n ? <> > + w The Charlotte Steam Laundry, 1 f 7 ^ I : OLDEST, t t BIGGEST, I I ; . * BEST. + A M^ELHAHEY-PARXSCO. ) A . Agents, | Fort Mill, S. i ' t * Shipments Wednesday Evenings. ^ !' I DO YOU READ? If s<>. 1 can furnish you with (lie following standard literature: Brotulwuy MaK^wrttn l"x' Ainsloc's ,, 10c McUlurii'H 10c Century JMe Black Cut 08c " I^'slic's Popular Monthly.... H Serihtier's ,, 2.V Smart Sot 2'>r Strand I<>< Collier's Wookly i:,. 10c Vanity Fair loo I Oldies' Homo .Touvt'.iil1. > 10c American Hoy lOo Juritfu i Hte Park l"o Nioklo Muffii/ino. ....... Oar Mntisoy 10o Artfosy 1(k! Also several weekly newspa^ pers for sale, ' 4" -? \ 1=1. E Parks, At Ardrey's Oru& Store. i \ ' . V , . J. Of, ' . 1 % .' -lis < NEW H SEWING My Are the best. Why? Bee as lone as any other miieh sew better, and never get pet)pie use them. The m use them. Rich people u can afford to have the b< tliein because they know t cheapest in the end. We 1 for the past 1?) years, and from actual experience, chines, nor run a wagon, i at HALT the price. You le getting needles for our need any repairs. Cash c; Call and see. L. J. MA fib You K ** That Drew-Sol J* host WOllllMls' sill w2.r>() and JJ.00 tlia S ThatJ*# ** 11. (1. Godm an host womons' slio Sl."jr> and 1.50 : Thatft ? The host morel f 1??' II *. * ( i > iidiiMii" ( in- <(ii Z They Do. ?? To be had only at the store i z Meachaiv | Here Tliey 1 The most complete lines town nil now j^oocIh, latest sty As to price, don't mention and we will make the prices to Two t>ishipments of the < should ho' them before they ui 4 4 J $$ SHII Our stock of shirts iH so % v rolling new customers anions t Several times during the j 4 4 ties to call for a shirt and aftci paring quality and prices with them in half-dozen lots. !| McElhaney4 4 figlJMMER Y """ ? THE U] ^^ATES THE LE OH THE S\JMM southern 1 Comp ~m Mailt; |\A5LWAY W.AT?,,. Pass. Traffic Mgr. ^ WASH I NOTON. D. C. V<_ I Bo Patriotic* Patroni \ IOME iCHINES. ausethey lartt TWK'E ilie. They run lighter, out of order. The best ost intelligent people se thein, because they est. Poor people use liev are the best and have been selling them know the above facts We do not peddle 111ajonsequently, can sell never have any troubmachines, and never >r Easy Payments. SSEY. tiwvtwwwwv,; now ? I by Co. make the no for S2, 2.25, ! ? t is made ? & Co. make the 8 >es on earth for K units in the conn- 8 ove goods? 8 i & epps. 11 Be Foil j of HATS and CAPS in $5 les and beat qualities. that, but come to see us 3^. suit your pocket book. irtof above linen just in utid you ?? re picked over. ITS. g >od that we are daily en- %6 he shirt-wearers. 55 Mist week we have had par seeing the lin:? and comthose of others, would buy ?? Parks Co j| ^ *"" J ME FOR BUSINESS, NE FOR PLEASURE, N'E FOR ALL THE BEST ER RESORTS lete Summer Resort Folde* i Free to Aoy Address. S. H. Harowicit. *. M.T*n-o?, Gen't Pass. Ae?ru. Asst. Gent Pass. Aet. WASH IMG TOW. O..C. ATUKTS, OA. t i . 'L.I m zo your home printe r