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1 I I ??U 1 FOR? MILL TIMES \VK.n\Tn<j).\Y. JULY -i'.\ 1908, m rHE LOCAL FIELD. Facts PloK<?t Up Hers and There Aboul People and Things. Mr. D. C. Barber left Sunday | tuornmg for k weeks vacation w ith relatives end friends in Chester county. Miss )3eir.lah Crowdor, of Catawba township, is spending a few days with relatives and friends in Fort Mill. Mr. and Mrs. E. \V. Kimbrell returned Saturday after a month's j visit to relatives m New York and other Northern States. A protracted meeting will begin at Philadelphia church on the 4th Sunday in Argust at 4 o'clock in j the afternoon. The pastor will I e assisted by Rev. NY. 11. Hodges, of Lancaster. Mr. Frank .Kimbrell, win for several years *as held Hie position <>f head clerk in the mercantile establishment of E. \Y. Kimbrell A Co., left Monday afternoon for 4'liarlotte, where lie has accepted a clerkship in tho store of W.I. N'un Ness A Co. The colored ball tenui of Fort : JM ill will play two games of ball here tomorrow. In the morning a game uiil he played with the l'leasant liill i ine and in the afternoon the locals will cross bats with a team from I'ineville. The lirst load <>f home raised watermelons of the season were brought to town t rid ay by Mr, ?T. J. Oruinnd, whose home i* near O rattan static n^^gyftlh of town. rn 'Tr\ ih r -illlllii, h\)\ . -i^*-i'i7*LC the iirst, Mr. Ormand bad 1 little tn uble dis; ositig of them at A a very fair price. I Au excursion for colored people! v; >.t t i through the city Thursday I from Charlotte to Columbia The! train consisted of teveu well filled! coaches, and all seemed to bp liav-l in^ a good time. Several Fort! Mill negroes joined the excursion- ! ists here. | a party of people from I the Steel Creek neighborhood as- I seutblcd at the p.nn Friday aud H enjoyed n day of fishing hik! pic H dicing "ii tlii* Catawba. A mini H part icipants came over H to town lay anil a port (he occasion ouo ol imicliJH pleasure. ' The, following gentlemen will^B reoreH nt Fo Mill township :n^B aids uiventif?n w. ich^| will !i hold Yorkville to 1 i> C F. Hhinkenship, J. M. Sprat J. W. \ id it . W. MeEllmn.y.B 11. M. Faris, Fiod NiinB, S. ll.^B Kpp;, Valvar .Jones, C. T. Crook,^B B. F. .M iss y. D. A. Lee, W. fl Stewart. The Fort Mill Light Infantry ^B returned Monday morning from a ^B week's eneampni nt al Columbia. and, though their general showed p! inly that thoy '^^ had not sp *111 t w^jj solely in pleasure mak i ii^J^Hvh setfmed JH v. jfl B'Xpci e 3 hi i idug^^^^^B^B 3 lA R the B ;iy i 11H I of 1 :1 Ha> bo vcn^^| i v : H" 1 "m L ' v 1 le^^H attend S(i(-'^^^^H worthy The t^^^Bf(,?(^H figures .-^. '. '-M^H^B j1 1 erit 1 |^H siona. anion ls ^^H|| to or the IHBHH"" ______ have h.'IMJ|^^^^HoW,|^HH count.Arrangements have ^*^"181 feetcd'for tin' big annual pifl I Friday at Brown's shop, near borne of Mr. S. H. Epps, Sr., it is believed that tin- crowd tendance will ho larger than number of venra Tim fan-wino Hill band will he present and ^^^BH iiisli music for the occasion, bt I a number of other enh r';mB B features are listed on the A big crow I from Fort Mill SB ns The best game of ball plt^B^^H here this season was that Thursday between a nine Rock Hill and the second t^^BB^H The visitors first with evidt-n^B B home strm-l^^^H^HB^B and that play B u the kind to the tire I TWO < l Wflti1 n *"* -w?t*?"?WiMtt fTJi'f i r? [ j IF" XT ]R TMwwg a. *3jssrrr fty.?ir f .yryTjrras JWIVI-BH ?H??>^>j?vwi vmiftr . rv_ * vjur room DClXlg extra ware rooms ir rooms can be had bu duce stock, So, to dc SPE For the next SIXT Line, The goods mi give you better val If you are not read5 "Sit It***" ?' 1 mawm 1 JLVJL ?i. _Lj _L_s >1 H hbhi O-A-IR, L : IN" X T i Receive \ limited, we were coi i which to store the t for a short time we a > this at once, we arc < GiAL sd?Af?!G^ Y DAYS in everytliii ist go and if we have 'v ues than any house y to buv. call arid <ze>o tl 3 &r"Y" O mjtmtVp mw&nm R 1IBIIMII I mi ^flBBHHSBnHDBnnRifiS i BH Excursion to Astievule. A big excursion from Lancaster ' to Asheville is to ho imt on Aug- ( ust Oth l>y Mr L. M. I lull, of She! j : I)}', N. C. The excursion will I start from Lancaster at. 8 a. in., i! passing Rock 11 ill at i> ()."?, and arrive at Asln ville at alioiit 2T50 p. in.! same day, via I'dnoksburg, Shelby. ] Marion, and the Southern Rail- j way. Returning, t he train will leave Asheville the meet day, Auguat Till, at ,T p. in., thus giving the excursionists more than a day and night in'"The Land of the Sky" ' t<> enjoy the many wonderful attractions that Asheville alone can boast of. Mr. Hull is an experienced ex I cursionist and good order is guui antei (1. All those who go with him will have a good time. This I is the first opportunity the noonle of I hi-; seelnm have had in quite a wliili* to visit tho mountains.on nn ' outiiil' at so small a cost-?J?2.7o round trip from Koek II ill ?and it is worth many times the price of the ticket to only sue \ underbill's ten million dollar ostate, to say iiotllitm of the orand scenery eilrouto. It is safe to say that a lar^e crowd will 140 from h'ort Mill and vicinity. I rain passes Rock I iill at liO a. in. ? ? People who make a practice of 8'Uidini; into the city for t heir supplies should never complain of hard times. The way to prevent iIi>11 (1 times is to get all the money l f I 1 111 <1 t ll'i If <1 V . > I ("III lit..! I ...? .. 1 ? I' " your own town. In other words, ?>!!<ro ii/o your local merchants. l'loyr is slowly advancing. Kv* erything to cut has yonc up late 11 y except l)fioon and lard. Canning blackberries and fruit and making jelly is the order of t he day just now with the ladies. Prof A. It. ilanks, superintendent of tho graded school here, moved his family to .own last week preparatory to entering upon his duties in the fall. He is occupying the Hasseltine dwelling on Harr street, recently vacated by .M r.t. Foster.? Lancaster Filter prise. . A large picnic party came over Tuesday and spent the clay on Catawba river, near the dam. FOR GOOD WHISKIES,! WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL OS OR WRITE TO AV. II. HOOVER, CHlUliOTTE,. N. C. 1 , 'f I .^ \ n ,lMwS?< id Oik. ZDS to I I II i I III IIIH1II?!! ! Ill I III CJRE npelkd to rent two goods, and as these ;rc compel led to re^ going to offer some JNft ami 1 v4_^' I ig In the Furniture vhat you need, we'll in this section, , !ie stock anyway, > TX T-T C3-_ I I i SPECIAL NOTICES. AllVCH is.'HHMlt S. lint CMMM'clill^ II lillCS, wilt be published under the above heading Jit 'J.i cents for cadi insertion. - u_4.- - .. I WAl&TKD?We need at once a few more teachers, both experienced and iuoxjierieuccd. We have more calls this year than ever before. Schools and colleges supplied with competent touchers tree of cost. Address with stamp, American Teachers' Assoeia tion, J. L. (I'rahani, 1.1, I)., Maiiaj;. r, Memphis, Teiui. ."TUT-iini Kite lion Nut ice. An elpAoion for an lntendant to fill . mt tile unexpired term of T. ti. t til, , leeeased.iwill be held in the town of Kurt MillJS. on Sail riliv, August *, act ween the hours of in a. in. and 'J p. T. I). Faulkner, .1. I'. Hughes and 1\. -hannon kave been appointed managers if said elect ion. 1 ly order of the council. J. M. Spratt. < Merle. i last Week. Our voting contest closes with litis week. More thtui ballots liavi lieen east so far by those who caret! (< vote. These figures suggest tin- p<?pnlitriIy of >f our colli diink ft : vice a p. j?u Inrity earned l>y serving the regardless of profit. Visitors say ' jur ico cream is not surpassed any win re. Travelling men people , who know praise it and call lor more. We carry fr in one to three rlavors all the day and pari of the night. Many housekeepers find it very eonvenieut to send for a disbud at meal time Many iind it profitable to have us furnish it for their swell dinners. a m ? ? ? Artirey s Drug Store. <*?<>??< ? 0 $ 1 z Tlio Chariot to ' i Stonn Laundry* ? o * ? i OLDEST, | BIGGEST, t * BEST. ? V $ I M^ELHANEY-PAJSKS CO.1 | Agents, | o a J l;?rt Mill, S. C. ? | Shipments Wednesday Evenings, t : . t b.i - It -fed \ ISTETW G Keyless Fly Fans Pearl Waist Sets, worth 35 , at It) inch White Lawn Knanieled Preserve Kettles Fruit Jars and Jolly (Masses Special 33 ? 1.25 Hammocks now Misses and ehildtt n's 25c. Lace Stripe Floor Oil Cloth \\ lute (?otitis Straw Hats M illinery 25c Summer Dress Hoods 1 or Tinware at Siininii r C.Motbin^ and all oilier 1 I ? I il('F to close Oil t. Lots ( I I bud Bargains, ('nil and s Lb J. MA I A Til Forj k Wo must soil goods for a pi Bill the lime has come for us 1 ?:oo<ls without a profit, iih we in room lor our Fall Goods. Now the kind this year, so we mean at a protit up to this time. No cost for the most of our Sumuu iuk?? in an hawns, I'iin11h'k, J Miliiin ry. Straw 1 lats. Slippers ^ So. ] f you want to buy i;oo? ^ this year, call and not? uh. *%> Our ?luly buHiuess is the lai want to j;?-t a Klartor for August lb-duct ion Sale, and tlio only oi (*5 i M EACHAM $ r n f* r s? s ? v *-n v3^ vl? \ > \/ m> \ x < * / \\ ?sf Saie? 77 7$ _ ~ _ || Qia&ft Only. Si ? u ^ Owing to chan; <>i111? to make, we 2? stock of Ladies' SI V WHOLESALE CO! These are all in ?? Styles, etc. It wil them tor future need a pair at pre: ?? Tell your friend last long at the pr p FUcEihaney?3 -f ? J ?'?iT-4 4444444444\4 r ^iimke2 | *?' A Hii LIIV i >,?j i rlfc Lirs CM THE 6&WHES;] " *""T jff-:?LW$f ^Jr P.7SJ. T. -fJ.c Jw;;r. ^ WASHSUOTON. O.C. 'I ? \ .r it | r ' $2.25 25c 5, 10. 12 1-2 tiiui 17 1 2c 40 ntid 50c cheap argains. $ 1.00 (1 Hoeo now 15c 25c and o3c yd 5c up half price half price 16c 10c "Miininer Goods at ANY OLD eo. SSEY. . !.! ? ?? v<v -v # 111 Tliis. | rolit, if we make a living- ^ it sell a certain class of ^ inst have the money and , this is our first offer of it. We have Bold goods' w we will ho glad to get gp r Goods. This will ^ i>..44: e.Mi. /a ?t - (jriiucrK, mis, wr^mifiiea, mid Ox fords. A* Is cheaper than you have j^eHt we ever had ar.d we lie m ember, thin is our ^ in we have had this season, & Epps. | ' j , r ? - 1 - I L' t III : Vr)\rVi\?,N*V)V?V - I i?es that we are 52 offer our entire g? toes at ff _ 2e ST I* :w goods, correct g$ IL pay you to buy || ICI> i ^ ?ritn /1/AM 'f * ' unw, n ruu uun i rg sent. Is. They will not || ice. Parks Go | >. T* ^ I ? iS-".- --- ' ' * IE FOR BUSINESS, | IE FOR PLEASURE, l IE FOR ALL THE REST* f; ER RESORT5 1 v| rte SumrTtrr Resort Folder ' | Free to Any Address. m ?. H. Hahdwick, W. H.Tavlo*. . I I G'.nJ Pass. At ant. Asst. Gon'l Past. Aft; 1 I W.^rtlNoTOM. D.C. ATLANTA, OA. \ | 1 ?J I M