University of South Carolina Libraries
jj Lot ig Hair " Abot ye*?" aR? my hair vu coming out TerY f?st, so I bought - of Avfr'a Hsir Virinr. It H topped tho falling anJ niade my | h-r gr< >w very rapidly, until now it 8 is 4Cj nches in length."?Mrs. A. fl Boydf >ton, Atchison, Kans. T here's another hunger R than that of the stomach, i Hair hunger, for instance. I Hungry hairnecdsfood, | nfdeds hair vigor?Aycrs. R ' This is why we say that ? Ayer's Hair Vigor always | restorns enlr>i\ and makrs I I the hair prow long and ji K heavy. SI.CO a bottle. All drntidsts. L M If your driigsint cannot numdy you, I fl lend u? ono dollar und wo will exprr?K B I you a bottlo. Do ntiro andplvo the tiamo ft h of your ncaroit or prers office. Add reus, U J. <). A VKlt ()()., Lumll, Mom. Bwnun - >- - I I ?? ?a WlNt IN POWDER FORM. French Method for Obtaining a Beverage in Concentrated Form. The liquid port of wlno contains . light ethers, cthyltc alcohol, heavy alcohol and oils, and substances such as furfurol and aldehyde. All those products are poisonous. The solid* of : wine are coloring matter, fixed organic acids, and mineral salts, all of which arc harmless, with the exception of the lime and potash, the lime being very bad for the gouty. Now, a wine which la deprived of the heavy alcohol, oils, lime and potash ahould contain no injurious elements. According to L'lllustration, it seems that Dr. Garrigou of Toulouse has been able to obtain this result by concentrating wine in a vacuum, this process taking away the cooked taste which ordinary heat produces. In this way wine may be reduced to a dry powder, and if then the powder be placed in water or ethylic alcohol, all the properties of the wine are recovered, with tho exception of the poisonous elements. By this process there is obtained a perfectly harmless wine, which may be kept indefinitely, and which is handled readily.?Philadelphia Record. INSURES FRESHNESS OF EGGS. Novel Method Adopted by the Dairy~* w-ui r iiivn v?i, ucimdny. United States Consul Brlttaln nt Kehl, Germany, says the Washington Star, has advised the secretary of state of a unique method insuring the freshness of eggs adopted by the Dairymen's association of the city of Kehl. "The agents of that association," he says, "go among the farmers each day and purchase eggs, tne farmer guaranteeing that these have been laid within the previous twenty-four hours. In consequence of this guarantee the association pays the farmer three pfennigs, or about half a cent, above the regular market price for each eggs. The Dairymen's associatinil 1 hnn mal/nc n roo/\r?l ntioK chase by giving the farmer a registered number and numbering each egg In corresponding manner. "When a consumer chances to And a stale egg ho returns It to the dealer, *lio In turn charges It to the association, which reports the matter to tho farmer. Tho method is a protection to all parties concerned and is said to meet with much aucress. The egga are delivered lu cases containing five dozen each." God's promises are weighty because they are gold. S M ^ ft ft ft "ft m m i m jlSAW MILLSr?:s?: B wit It Ttcyc's 1'nlversal l.otr beams,KectlllnIttar, Simultaneous Set Works and the Ilea HoooK-Ktng Variable Feed Works arc utiex Soollod for ACCtKACV. SIMI'l.ICITV, ITHAIlll 3ITY ANI> KASK OF ol-F.KATIItX. W rite for full | Idcscripttvt' circulars. Manufactured by thcL HSAI.K.d IKON MOIIKS.W Inston -Salem.N.C.I iBBwnKgmags TT^:?r?"Trreaai n h N P ? n ClRl D w,T,50lir CUTTING, 11H I11 0 C. I i A New Vegetable Kemedv. Vfure Guaranteed in I ver> Case Treated. NATIONAL CAM Kit MKIHCIKK COMPANY. Austell Building, Atlanta, tia No. HI). w.\",r.,y^7.l? Thompson's E.yo Water Judge Cox. of the United States Circuit Court, whilo delivering a lecture at Columbia University told of a young lawyer who came before the Supreme Court *o argue a ease In which he was also defendant. Addressing the court, he referred to the old French adage declaring that he who argues his own case has a fool for a client. After the case had been heard he left for hla home In St. Louis, asking a friend to notify him by wire when the decision was handed down. This was the pithy dispatch he received: "Old French adage affirmed." NERVE WOR ~I>o?n'i? Klrinry Till* inako freedom front kltl- I nrj troublo pitaslhle. || ^ Jt They carry a kinc! of 6&fi implication to Ills klal- PVI /iCi/ ney* that brings a bright K3| vSPBH^I n way of In-po to desperate Mail \ I Pj eases. ?M*pTa?t* so C\ Aching bna-ks nro enseal. V2k A Wttwit Hip. laaclc, mil loin pains Xik&UXWixJLcu OTCrcotno. Swelling of tllO ! limits and dropsy signs NAME vanish. Lock Haven, Pa.- Mrs. p- <> Ms W. Arattnumen writes: ktatk -jE* A few weeks ago I sent for '*' trial bo* of Loan's Ki n -jr _. >'or bo*Frills for myself, and they dial wr 11 Ussy are said to do. My raw slip bus hand was kicked last fall ? FITS permanently cured.Ko fits or nervous- j nes.s after ttrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great | Nervoltostorer.*2trlal bottle and trentlsefrea I>r. It. H. Kmne., 'J31 Arch St., l'hila..l\? Glass tumblers do not make good cirrus acrobats, for they always go broke when they travel far. l.ftiltrn fan W??i?r Khn?? One size smaller after rising Allen's FootF.ase, a nowder. It makes tljfht or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, swcatlnR. achint; feet. Ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At j all druggists and shoo stores, 26<\ Don't accept any substitute. Trial package Fhkk by . mall. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lelloy, N.l. j It is no trouble to do bv others as they 1 would do by you, for it is never a whole | lot. J do not believe Ptso's Curo for Oonsunrtp- > tlontnisauo ptal f >r oouglts and colds?Jon* Jb. .boxes,TrinityHprlup, Int.. Fab. 10, ltfJJ. The man who in lost in thought is never j found in dude clothes. I.It t lei on Krnmlc r<illr?p. Ono of the most prosperous schools in tho South for tho hlirber education of young ladies?an Institution tiiat has really done a great woik. Wo will make a apodal offer to the llr-t young lady In your county from whom we receive a copy of this advertise- , meut. Address l'axs. IUiodks, Littleton, N. C. I I Humanity's debts to us ntuke our j credit with God. m Mrs. F Wright, of Oelwein, Iowa, is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Comi>ound. A Youiifr Now York lonely Tolls of a. Wonderful Cure: ? " My trouble was with the ovaries ; I I am tall, nii'l the t?P>ctor said I grew ' too fast for my strength. 1 suffered dreadfully from iutlammation and ! doctored continually, but (jot no help. . I suffered from terrible drnpsjinfj sen- | I6ations with the most awful pains low down in the side and pains in the hack, and the most agonizing headaches. No one knows what 1 endured, often I was siek to the stomach, and e- cry little while I would he too sick to go to work, for thr* e or four days ; I work in a large store, and 1 suppose standing on my feet all day made me worse, j " At the sufjgestion of a friend of my mother's I began to take l.yriki | K. I* ink ham's Vegetable Coin!><>ilii(l, and it is simply wonderful, felt better after the first two or three doses ; it seemed as though a weight was taken off my shoulders ; I continued its u.?e until now I can truthfully sav I am entirely cured. Younggirls who are always paying doctor's bills without getting any help as 1 did. ought to take your medicine. It costs so much loss, and it is sure to euro them. ? Yours truly, Ar>>k Prahx., 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York CltV." ?$5000 forfeit if original of above letter mrovlng aenuinrncsr cannot be produced. Grandma is $ Generally Right |j Take advantage of her vast experience I "J and ask her what is t| /p> " best for your Liver, Ks Pjf* Kidney and Blood Troubles. We Nf y think she will recommend [ . g DR. TRACKER'S LIVER AND $ BLOOD SYRUP Hh because .he has tried it and knows it 139 , | cures Decti on market 50 years and i* Co H reliable. You try it. S| Thacher's Liver Medicine (dry), 2ocenU. ra H Yes, your druggist. arils it. lie sure Qi Lfi* it's Dr. TheclierV though. Gfl Write our Cnusultntion Department. H WB explaining symptom*. and receive free ?1 H coutideutial advice. MM H TH/CHER MEDICINE^ COMPANY. fig H w ('urei ^ ? Sick Headache and Dizziness ) 10. !5 anil 50e. at Drugstores. ^ An indication of the rapidity with which the country west of the Mississippi Is being reclaimed and settled is to be seen in the project of the cattlemen of Dakota and Montana to transfer their business and their herds bodily to South America. The grent , ranges of the Northwest are being out.] up Into small farms and the t?rea of ; public grass land Is diminishing rap- | Idly. The cnttlemen nre looking for ranges In Chili, Brazil and the Argentine. and if they can not find large unbroken areas of grass land In those countries or are unable to make satisfactory terms they intend to try Africa. N KIDNEYS. by a horse and badly hurt ? I hia ft I r\ ________ . ...viuivu ? emu | _ after he recovered lie was in I Jail's such misery that ha could . i a hardly walk, and to stoop , ?? caused him such distress that lIlS he thought he would have to *t?.' E-pSgSl quit work ? affected i torn. V^S/ his bladder, and he was uniT ^uff^V --a/ to make ids water with ?nt so much distress. I in Ki.itod on his fitting a box of your pills and trying them, so I went to Mason's Lirug Store and got a box. The first box helped him so much mail this coupon to that I got the second and also Itoaddiwia 1ms the third, and now he entirely well."?Mrs. L. W, I ?1 issuMzs, Look haven. Pa. > , I SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL Road Building School. One of the most important economic problems before the people of North Carolina today is the improvement of their public roads. The people are at last aroused to the necessity of this work, and within the next few years there will undoubtedly be a demand for a large number of men who have scientific and practical knowledge of read construction. In order to me. t this demand the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, at Raleigh, offer a summer course in road building for the benefit of those vho, from lark of time or for other reasons, are unable to take advantage of the regular college courses in engineering and road building. The course will bo such as to prepare those who wish to take up this work in the future, and will also be of great benefit to those who are already engaged in it. Instruction will he given in location, grading. construction of roadbed, drainage and the use of the various materials for the road covering. Roadmaking machinery will he discussed, nnrl the advantages and disadvantages of each machine explained as applying to the different localities of our State. Practical instruction will he given in such rise of the level Instrument as is necessary to the road builder, and also such draughting as esscntiall to his work. Visits will he made to where roads are being built around Raleigh. The course will bo eh urge of Prof. W. C. Riddiclt, C. R.. who will ho assisted by Mr. C. 1-. Mann. 1$. C. E. Textile N(?tes. Eaale nnd Phonix Mills. Columbus. On., has declared a dividend of 6 per cent. Opolikn (Ala) Cotton Mills has declared an annual dividend of 15 per ; cent. Messrs. Win cert ? McCuthen. of Hnjrcrstown. Md.. and M. V. A. Norris. of Berkeley Springs. \V. Va.. contemplate establishing a hosiery mill. Messrs. .1. Fletcher Colbert. R. M. Gauldin. Wm. Thompson. .1. J. Wagoner and others will organize a company to build a $.">0,000 cotton mill at Colbert. f!a. The Newton (N.C.) Cotton Mills has let contract for the erection of onct.tory addition, a warehouse, and office building, and has ordered sixty additional knitting machines. Crawford Woolen Co.. of Martinshnrg, W. Va.. has purchased site for additional building; will erect same and install more machinery. Present equipment is fifty looms, etc. It is reported that E. M. Clemence has declined re-election as treasurer of the Eagle and Phenix Mills. Columbus, Gn.. and will organize another cotton mill company. Local reports state that Mr. Clemenoe will arrange for the investment of $300,000 in a plant for manufacturing colored goods. Messrs. F. H. Fries. John W. Fries, IV. A. Hlair and Clement Manly have Incorporated the Arista Mills Co. at "Winston-Salem, N. C.. with an authorized capital stock of $ tflO.000. This I com pan v combines the properties of I South Side Manufacturing Co. and i Aiista Mills, operating a total of 10,! 184 spindles and 208 looms. American Spinning Co.. Greenville. S. C.. has declared a dividend of 3V. per cent; Brandon Mills, also of Greenville. 3 per cent.; Monnghan Mills. Greenville. 3 per cent.; Mills Manufacturing Co.. Greenville. 3 per cent.; Piedmont Manufacturing Co.. Piedmont. S. C.. 0 per c?nt... and Fountain Inn Manufaeturing Co., Fountain Inn, S. C.. 4 ner rent. Industrial riiscellnny. The Rock Creek Colliery Company lias been .incorporated with capital of $250,000 for development of coal mines and manufacture of coke at Madison. \V. Va.. by T. A. Hiotz. Charleston. \V. Va.; A. L. Noel. Covington. Va.; P. P. tChristian, J. ft. Payne and M. Sachett, of Roanoke, Va. Cramer & Yeager and George Cobun. of Morgantown. W. Va.. and E. It. l'.aker, of Pittsburg, have purchased 1.Ti'O acres of land in Preston county, West Virginia, and will mine sandstone and erect a $35,000 plant for the manufacture of fire and silica brick. The shipments of lumber and crosstics from the port of Pernandina for the month of June arrgeratcd 15,815,753 feet. In Mississippi last week the follow ing saw-mill companies were incorporated: Mississippi Cypress Co. of Clnrksdale, capital $20,000; Reauter Manufacturing Co. of Clarksdalc, capital $2.">.I 000; Van Cleave Lumber Co. of Moss Point, capital $.">0,000, and Whitesand | Lumber Co. of Whitesand, capital $">,I 000. The Bagdad Sash Factory Co. at Bagdad, Fla., has added a large drykiln to its plant, which will make it one of the most complete and bestequipped plants in the South. A lumber company of Fort Worth, Texas, recently sold to the El I'aso & Southwestern Railway Co.. owned by the Phelps-Dodge Company, (>0,000 crosstics to be used on this line. A permit was issued last week for the erection of a factory by the Rock City Spoke Co. of Nashville. Tenn. The factory will cost $3,000, and work has already commenced on the building. Fielder & Allen Company, fil Peachtree street, Atlanta, Oa.. wants quar trreci oak lumber suitable for the manufacture of desks. z The Finder Lumber Co.. of Lexington. N. C., has been chartered, with a capital of $">0,000, by H. K. Finder. W. A. Anthony, E. J. Buchamen and F. Conrad. T M. Williams & Bro. of O'Brien, F!a., have bought out the saw-mill and business of George Dowling of Branford, Fla. The purchase consists of a saw-mill with capacity of 25,000 feet daily, a locomotive and several miles of railroad in Lafayette county, besides a large body of timber land. The consideration la said to be about $55,000. .. nn^i SUFFER I l \ m?5: ?mma Mitchell- <2|$ A ULRICA is the land of J &'?>'/ 1 b nervous women. ?* The great maji?rity of nervous* ,4 women are so because thev are snf bring from some form of fezuulc dise;ise. I c -Mrs. Km ma Mitehril, TrJO Louisiana j 1 street. Imlianapolis. Ind.. writes: "l'crtina has certainly lweti a blowing ! < in disguhv to me. for when I lirst began t taking it for troubles peculiar to tin' sex t ami a generally worn out system 1 hail lit i tie faith. i I "For the past five years T hnrn | 1 ravel ii been without pain, but IVrunfi has eUanqed all this, anil In \ * a veri/ short time. I think / had t only taken two bottles before I be (fit n to recuperate very quickly, T a ml seven bottles me iitII. ' J I do not have heailaehe or backache \ any more, anil have some Interest | ^ in life. 1 yive all credit where it Is due, anil that is to IVnimt." Fin ma Mitchell. Ity far the greatest number of female ! 1 troubles are caused directly by catarrh. | They arc catarrh of the organ which is | affected. These women despair of rccov- 1 A lESisI^rali Natural Flavor =Cottai|e= Corned Beef ^^^^zzzzzz^zzzz^zzzzzzzz^zzzzzz^ it rittl Keep it in tlie house for rmriKt-ncics?for t>? you want something got d and want it guiiSc. id icauy in an insiam. Lit by, McNci!! &. Libby, Chi /f&h ESSTTF8R1 V \''' V :I.j' 3j I GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles R blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, fo R pains after eating. liver trouble, sallow e!:in one |j regularly you arc sick. Constipation kills more H starts chronic oilment3 nnd long yrars ol rufTeri r , J?u will nr-vrr get Wf right. Take our advice, start with Casci-.rets money refunded. The genuine tablet etampec booklet free. Addrean bterlintj Remedy Compn urttn n tirminn-^. -irwy Bromo-1 j Promptly ? j Heads Bilious? ' Dizzy? Headache? Pain ' back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer's Pills. g Gently laxative; all vegetable. Sold for 60 years. i?$Jekc^: A Want your moustache or beard i I a beautiful brown or rich black? Use \ BUCKINGHAM'S DYE , nrrt era or namenta or * f ball > co.. wamiua. * h. Ho. 29. j | RURF C??RE?.4M?uS?,"Srrf . I N<> ?lougliln(r "IK. Writ. , and .vat. fu? full* and ?? ? mr opinion ?n<1 price 1 (or * ttin. Dr. 0?oM Jlnon U n 10, Ittj Bridge, V.. 1 \ r WOMEN Tired, Ner^us, Achine;, Trembling, Sleepless, Bloodless?Pe-ru-na Renovates, Regulates, Restores?Many Prominent Women Endorse Pe-ru-na. ji Us ' !v:^7^iM !j 3^KM s ?Hte .CQ '; " : -V ^ J . _ iV--I ry. Fcmalo trouble is so common, so uwalont. i lint they accept it as almost incitable. The greatest ohstnele in the way >: very is that tlicy do not understand hat ti i catarrh which is the source of heir illness. In female complaint iiinctvtine cases out ot' one hundred are nothing jut catatrh. Per una cures catarrh wheriver located. Chronic invalids who have languished or years on sick beds with some form of ema'e disease hejzm to improve at once liter beginning Dr. Hartman's treatment. Among the many prominent women who worn mend lVninn are: ? ltelva Isickvooil. of Washington, 1). Mrs. Col. lamilton. of Columbus. Ohio: Mrs. F. K. iVarren, wife of I*. S. Senator Warren, of iVyoming. If you do not derive prompt and satis- j aetory results from the use of Peruna, rrite at once to Or. llartm-in, giving a full tatement of your case, and he will lie leased to give you his valuable advice ;rutis. Address Dr. Harttnan. President of The Iartiuan Sanitarium, Columbus, O. M^rs> ??/ flffHfit ' nin ike our choice corned beef, cook it and season done by experts?better than is possible at When just risht we put it in cans to keep it until you want it. ippers. for sandwiches?for any time when fetuiply turn it key nud the can is open. An Writ* (m m<r l?> UcJ^O. |0 d.nice Good Things to Eat." I| ? - ?'J , rue BOOELS ^ CANDY ^ CAYHAR7B0 , appendicitis, biliousness. bad breath, bad H ul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimplcc, B I dirtiness. When y>.ur bowels don't move I ' pwple than ull other diseases together. It B ng. No matter what nils you, start taking I f II nnd stay well until you get your bowels g uuurr uosoiute n"or:intr? to cure or V j 1 C C C. Never nol J in bulk. Sample auJ R , ny. Chico;o or New York. 50a f! ____U *BgrTifr'TSt}ir'i"< ifr/Ty'-fAffr Seltzer I cures all | icfaes | aaeryangaaMta^kg.jiMRH iir 3o foil Want Yeur E^laney; TO KARN ' 7 % I ft T E R E S T ' 1'KU ( Write na*for particular* of a ^?fe, *eeur* inventlent pin ill' rnren 1 or rent, nil amount* of una uiulrc<l dollar* or 111 re. limit r,/, rtner?. \t'. II. !??> 1'. > or-i I'enn*. ^*^825 Every Day Bjy k Can be ommAj made with onr | Sli/ \AI nil An nrnt?o C* T\%?% 11? JA Jr One man f.nd one hone reqnlrcd W? Cflk ere theonle oiakera ofthr Timn Well. ? > liorlng Aim Kork-ttriUuig Marhiuw < ^.al^ Wwr??u< IW But ee Perth I ' " Mauj of our ouetomnra make from II* to tko a dee. look et-d ctroulara 1'RKE. Adrtroea. loomis Machine co.. tiffin, ohio. ^E3i^ggaio3g3snrofcr m? . Ru,Ii*MiM Alt 'Ant. 33 M Beit <d)u?h ttrrtip. r as tee (J out. Uao *1 Ed la time. Bold t>r druggliti. *] Ih-Mli.' tfiJi, ' ' I - Ji j RI inaTabulesare tbe 0Bt dyspepsia /S^GSWBPi^^ ?ver ,n,i^e? <?>/A biidred millions ?f U im bftVr bt'?n sold b tJbe United Stated lu a single year;1 Every illness arising from a disord<*'d stomach Is relieved or cured by \ielr use. So common is it that di. tises originate from the stomach It n/?l be safely us.serted there is no Edition of ill health that will not ? benefited or cured by the occasion) I use of Itipana Tabules. Physicians mow them and speak highly of them All druggists sell them. The five-cent package is enough for an ordinary occasion, and the Family Itottle. six y cents, contains a household supply for a year. One generally gives relief within twenty minutes. ram a m nb <na ? am* r KAIH I'HUW IH Promoted by Shampoos of Cuticura Soap And Dressings g( Gniicura fe Great Skin (Jure Purest, Sweetest. Most EfiaciWe Rsnie&es for Skin, Scalp and Hair. a tun kiv.auuv.iib ab Vflll U hair, removes crusts, scales and dandruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes Irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies tho roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet,-wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions of women now rely on Cutlctsra Soap assisted by Cutienra Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purl Mug and beautifying the skin, for cle-.nsing tho scalp of crusts, scales and Candrulf, and the stopplug of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing rod, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, itching* and dialings, for annoying irritations, or too free or offensive perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet nud nursery. Cutienra remedies are the standard skin cures and humour remedies of tho world, Rathe tho affected parts with hot water and Cutienra .Soap, to cleause the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, ami apply Cutienra Ointment freely, to allay itching, Irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, ami, lastly, In tho severer AaiOn, fnfto Cutienra Resolvent, to co*?l and cleAnse the blood. A single set is often sntilcli'iit to euro the mop1-, torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp and blood humours, from pimples to scrofula, from infancy to age, when all else fail?Hold fhtaitfhnnt Ihf trerM. Cnt1fur* .*> flfl form of Chocolmfo Coated PHli.i'- P*' vial of Ort). OU ment, .W . Httnp. use. Hepoi.t 2T Ch?rcrrt, t? Hq i ParU, fl Hur de !a ISiix i Host*1** Cotumhu* Ata. Potior l)ru< L. CL*tn. Corii. HoW imT* i-youd lor " lloV to Cur* OOBMr." ywill Endowed Colleges and Correlated Schools Kdnmt??a m?*n find wotm twjra and frirU not toprfti^ Gil*. In FI?o smnr itr U?i!iu<i>m i un*ier one fnanayrvtirni. Tho t-uabca us to oucr Uio u*t ailvunta^t'H nud to Save Time and Money 1 For particulars, rvddrc'j, b&Uii, ukc ami ?ex of student. Chancellor WP.l. W. 8IVITH, A. tf.., LUC. Collero Park. Ly?chburn, Va. MlTft ?R1th? aS-D^ko?: Piedmont Hi*h School, Or.- <>f the >.e<-t Frepara* ry School* in North Ourol ih. A' l? Faculty. Mountain scenery, lioulthlul Clltn it?< .-?rsioi opens ,\u?. lo;u. Wilteto W. I?. ItVttNi* Lawmlulc.N.n. CBEE A EcAUTIFUL r s r r souvenir of S iiiUlw LOIL'BMG COLLEGE and a Picture of theOreen Hill I (oust where the l:lr$t <""*" :e of tlie M. E. Church w. Kl.trois IVEY ALLR^ NOTifiln HO, N. O. HEDICAL, DEPARTMENT Tulane University ?f Louisiana. It? adra nUfc-c* for practical i?tiuction, both ?n ainplalabor at or i**n nrul rIiuii?i?i t iiJpiuti main i tar* niequailed Fr?** - re*** iff to ttao ?r?*At ('liar 'y Hospital wil h 9iii nud fti' nail Kp-cial ins ruction m iivan <**17 atth- badmd* of the ho It Th- next n??ion be^iu* Oct b*r S-'d 190'* For rataloff.ia and inform at in'i ddre* Piior. H K CHULl.^, M. D-. Duan, P. O. Drawn* 261, flaw O loans. La. JiM ODICAL COLLI 5E OF VIRGINIA^ 111 K.t.bll.Ol IM.TS. ?mmmm I)et artmp-it* of Medicine. Drnt!?try nod i'l<nriiiHer, I he Htxtv -ixtti Seedon will coiiiiut'i.ce Sep ember 30. ItAM. Tul. ; <in fee* nmi living t?<i>en>e? nro moderit?*. For announrem-utrtnd further infnrmau,ti uitil..... < .nk? ..t, *1. I)., Di'nn, lllri- niond, Virginia* Dropsy y' Removes all swelling in 8 to 20 / days; effects a permanent cure /fc sjfr" /V in to to 6? days. Trint treatment given free. Nothiiigcan be fairer Write Or. M. M. Green's Sons, wrT7Tr?Jl^ specialists. Bex K. Atlanta. da. 'PricKJy Heat ^jyS ^ ,?*ag3p^' Cleanses the Stomach. Miff*S pood /or children to* "* rilF TARF ANT CO, l 1 -00 11 Jay an. Mew Tore. . JU Druggists or by inalL. m ir W7 , 9fi$: