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I M "LL TIMES b K DX BSD 'f. JVIAr 15, Iy<)3. \n THE I'M FIELD. Facts Pick' 1 Dp ere and There About oKiiid Things. Mr. A. 'Arett, oT Hock HUl, Snndi ftth tun friend. Mr. James in thiR plaee. MIkr dV/'.e well, of Rock Hill, ?pen1 severnl dips of the past week with Miss Louip McMurray near town. Tino cwwrd in town Saturday w?b the largest for some ' weeks. The merchant?'report traue exception, ollyjjood. ? Mrs. T. 15. Meacham i? spend' ing a few days at the home of her eitt, Mr. T. * 15. Meacham, Jr., of O reei i wood. Miss Bessie Crnlee returned to tier home in Charlotte Sunday morning. after a visit to Miss Ennice Hall iu this place. There will he preaching by the jjjisH?r \m me liaptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock anil again In the evening nt S.15. Mrs. W. K. Denton and children, of fluntersville, N. are spending a few days at the homo of Mr. T. D. Faulkner lit this place. Mr. L. A. H arris, who has been confined to his home for several mouths oil account, of sickness, is able to he out strain, and was seen on the streets Friday. His friends wish for him a speedy restoration to health. { The public well on Main street hns at last been repaired. The curbing around the well hns been raised about a foot, a new top put ? -<011 and this enclosed by a nice picket fence. A new pump has hoe 11 ordered for the well. As will he noted hy change of ad. elsewhere, the voting contest at Meacliaui's drug store will close Saturday, instead of today, as previously stated. The winners in the contest will l? announced in next week's Times. The German given Wednesday J evening by the local pennon club complimentary to a number of vistiting you a ^ people, was the first attempt since the warm weather began, but despite the heat a large crowd was present and the affair was much enjoyed by all. The Woodmen supper held last evening in the lodge room was an occasion much enjoyed by the large croivd present. Refresh of i? cream, lemonade and cake were Served and the local string band, ?h usual, added much to the enjoyment of the evening, Pursuant to the announcement, the protracted meeting at the Methodist church betran Sundav night and services are being held daily at 9.110 is. m. and 8 p. m. Rev, W. H. Hodge-it of Lancaster, arrived yesterday ami will assist Mr, Wright through the meetiug, The public -HT cordially invited tc attend the services. A car load of negro laborers, enroute to tlie Southern's track gang in Virgil in, passed through here Monday evening, and there is at least on* Fort Mill darkey who is sorry. This particular colored gent shoved his kinky cranium too near the triiu as it pulled out mid, as he pits it, '"one o' deni railroad niggeu stole his hat."' Mr. R. VV. hosier, one of The Times* best Phasant Valley friendlias lately received from Mr. J. W. Graham, of Cnno, N. C., a buggy which, for excellence of style and finish, tops anj vehicle that we have yet seen Mr. Graham, whc is manager of the Couio Ruggy Company, was nt one time a resident of Fort A ill and has many friend hereaboits. At n house jmrty given during the past weet hy Misses Kit lie and Mnble Kirkpatrick, the following young Udies were present: Misses Nettie -i pratt and Margin Jackie, of Chester; Miss Kempit Knight, of Greenville; Misses Be-.aie Bong, Aletts Gates and Rebecca Brioe, of Ru-k Hill; Miss Margaret Blaiu, of Blackstocks, and Miss Clara Vaighn, of Kershaw The annual reunion of the Culp family will be ?eld the tirntThursclay in August ?t the home of Mr W. J. Stewart 2 miles south ol town. The committee of man tigers are arranging a very interesting program of entertainment nnd it is hoped that each inembei of the family will attend and inakt tins gathering the laruest and most enjoyable one yet held. Double tracking; of the South ern in progrea-ing rapidly between Alexandria and Orange, Va.Three thousand laborers are at work on the track, scattered along in squad? of two or three hundred, Detweeu the two point*.' It is said to he the pur pay n of the Southern tc first tinish the work from Alexandra to Lynchburg, then from there push on Soniki. Twenty mile* have been finished and solidly bal asted. ICngineejm are now at work between Lyittdbtmrg, VaM and Urecnsboro, || A % \ TH] l -3 , ? /< I || ! MILI I T ? ^ "i?' *2 * lUr Jtr< II 1 II 1 | J > j * "T*-^ T" 1 L? u j <f< Store Burglarized. Saturday ninlit between tbo hours of midnight and day the grocery store of A. (). Jones, on ! Main stieet, was entered by buri?| ....,1 ....l,l>.wl ..F ..I t cor. :.. luin (inn nun/rvi ui (u?um 1(1 cash. Entrance to the store was made by prizing a wire screen from one of the front windows. The money stolen had been deposited in the oftiee safe, but by an oversight Mr. Jones had closed ; the store and left the safe unlocked. This made it easy sailing j for the thieves, for all was necessary was to enter the building, pry open the small safe drawer and lift the contents. In the drawer, besides the $25 in silver, were a lot ; of pennies and checks, such as are i | used by the store of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company. The rogues evi-; 1 dently were not hunting small fry, f 1 f.._ ?i._ :- - .... -i ii nn iin: pennies nun cuccks were left unmolested in t.lie drawer. TIiuh far Mr. Jones lias missed nothing from liits stork, and there is 110 clue as to the guilty parties. ? i Sad Death at the Dam > i One of th? saddest accidents , . that has ever happened at the dam , ' occurred Friday morning about t> i o'clock, hi attempting to stop I three ears loaded with rock that ' | had broke loose from the engine on the company dummy line, A. i | A. Brown was carried over the cofI fer dam into the river The body i was recovered at t o'clock in the afternoon some 50 or 75 ynrds be1 low the dam. It is supposed that i young Brown was caught and held fast to one of the cars, as he was j , still hanging to the cars when it I dashed over the dam into the water i 1 in passing over the cotter dam liis j ? head struck a piece of timber pro' | ducing a bad fractuie of the skull and it is very likely that death re | ' ; Bolted from this wound before the | unfortunate man reached the water, j Youne Brown was 22 years old and ! > , tvas thoHon of Mrs. Duncan Brown, of Hillflboro, N. ('. He had been j studying a course in civil engineer- | ? ing the past two years in the Agri- j * cultural ami Mechanical College, i at Raleigh, and had been employed j at the dam only six weeks, having went there to work through vaca I tion, thinking he might gain some . practical experience in his studies, i i At the time the accident' mured 1 he wns assisting the foreman on the concrete platform in having f the rock cleared away as they were . dumped from the cars. He was given this position only the day > before the accident occurred. The body was taken to Rock . Hill in the afternoon and prepared | for burial, and Saturday morning j D. E. Brown, brother of the de. | ceased left on the north-bound , train with the copse, for Hillsboro, . ; where the remains were intered in i , the family burying ground. I | ( 1 Sunday, according to the alma- j , nacs, was the first of the dog days, , and it rained. An aged citizen now saya that we are to have wet , weather for 40 days. ' NOTICE?The Jones Roller Mill on Catawba river is now prepared to grind I your wheat. My mill is equipped [ with iiew machinery and I guarantee the beat ftonr and meal from your' #raiu. EDGAR JONEb. MWMMMMMMW< ??W?P ??O^I l| W Hifcl II *m CS SPA rlcseryed Fi pi o TT V~V TT J& & IUU li e Popular LOCEI RKTITTJj AT . H K.g The Community Picnic. Not in years have tlie people of j tlii-i section eiijt?ye?l a social leathering more than that of lust Wednesday. The occasion was what j niny he termed the first annual j .1 illy picnic of Fort Mill township, though the crowd in attendance ' Wednesday represented people from the entire surrounding coun- I try. The nuinher present was es- 1 ti 111ated ai from 800 to l,()()0 ami some said 1,200. Anyway, sutKce to say, there was a lii^T crowd and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. The program of entertainment as prepared by the committee on arrangements was carried out in i detail, ami the youngsters afforded j much amusement in their efforts! to win prizes in the various eontests. The Gold Hill cornet hand was present and furnished music l.etween the contests. After dinner, which was pronounced as one of the best of the season, l)r. J. H. Thornwell, in his usual interesting and appropriate manner, made a short address to the crowd and delivered the \ prizes to the winners in the contests. Those to whom the prizes i were awarded are as follows: lloys' hoop race Jesse Harris .. 1st, Kdwiu Mack 2nd. Girl's hoop race?Olive Harris, 1st, Bessie Spratt. 2nd. linn race ? Hoy McMurray. Potato rture?Miss Mabel Kiikpatrick. ,1, Donkey contest?Miss Kitty It Ivirknatrick Greasy pole contest? F. Nims, Ir . Ji Pit; race?Crnwfunl Tsclieliier. tl Jumping contest?S. L. Moach- d am. ' u After the exercises in the afternoon the crowd went to the hall lc: ground at the Spratt Machine shops, where a j^ame of hall was ~ played between the the Fort Mill and Pinevilie teams, the result heiny a victory for the home team by a score of 15 to 5. ? 9 The Charlotte l ( * ? $ $ o Steam Laundry, J " 1 * ; j OLDEST, % ,, \ t BIGGEST, BEST. j II. ! McELHANEY-PARKS CO. 1 * Agents, J1',! : In | Fort Mill, S. C. f, T Shipments Wednesdey Evenings. J i 1" * r // // // I l ce i II ; // / i1 " ' ! or y < I j NG, I!; 7 i; ? i i : ? i // // i it n 3 CS ? " / t I // I // 1 // RE ! II 1 // I // f // U =2 { ^ // // // // // / // // // // // 44 44444444 '44444444444444444444444 ^iKo^oiiiwiwwri^no ??i>?i?.? > | Merit Tells] Vo^xumwom. y<?wii?>w?>w?-?/ I i w^oww ? ?> ?m? I i^jow t | .Tust a cursory glance at our | cold drink patronage and yon [ will see ]M'oplc who arc judges Iof quality. Not people who are satislicd with just plain ice i cream, hut demand something in keeping with the times, something built on scientific principles, smitotliiinr tlmt > ... quired study and effort, Not t tin- kind tiiat mother made f i twenty years ago, but the kind s that tastes like her's tasted then. , Everybody is talking of it. . and praising it, and wo regret ; that our supply lias not been equal to tin; demand, but conditions will soon be improved in this I'espec.t. ; When you eat our Ice Cream !you can have that satisfied biding arising from the fact that it ;! is made by feminine hands, t with good Jersey < ream and ! pure fruit flavors under good i sanitary conditions and from i I modern book knowledge. ! Ardrey's Fountain, j L'tnl I. ...... l -ll - ' I v i ii i i o i# unir^i' .M'linit r SIII [I and Eiiiraiuc Kxaiuinatious. Tho examinations for the invanl of leant scholarships in Wintlirop Col jte and for the admission of new sin 'litm will bo held at tho County Court ouso on Friday, July 10th, at a. in. Applicants must not be less than tif a i s of af?e. When scholarships are vacated after illy 20th, they will he awarded to lose making the highest average at liscxamiuat ion. The next session will open about t*opnnher 1(5, 11102, For further information and a cata-j iftue address l'res. 1). 11. Johnson, Hock ill, S. U. The fiirl ? > w a w***VWt WA1 * The Ugliest Boy. Vote for your choice. From tlim date to July 18 each old drink bought at onr Refresh I lout Parlor entitlos the buyer to ne vote each for the prettiest and lost popular young lady and the I gliest man in the township. < hi uly loth the winners will each e awarded a Valuable Prize, i i A correct list of tin* votes will e kept at the parlor and those bailing inny from time to time ee how the contest progresses. Wo have studied the cold drink uestion thoroughly and tind that lie making of perfect drinks re inrea peueci materials nothing <83 thnn the very bo-<t. This re uees profits, but profit is not all. Chec ks on sale in the refresh- j lent parlor at 5c each or 0 for 25c. Mam's Drug Store. ' *1 V i v Our Glean S1 Commences July 1st. Evei Coeds line goes at Wholes, time for bargains. SZF>ZEO] Due $35.00 Bicycle, now $ Steel Frame Mosquito Can* Clothes Baskets, 50c, $!.(>( Chinese Matting, 121-2c up Ladies' Crash Skirts, 20 an Ladies* Shirt Waists, '25 ce Sewing Machines. SS.50. IF Ladies' Hats, IOe up. New lot Cooking Stoves, Rubhers. Etc. All summer Dress Goods, Ikibv Carriages. Ete.. at W1 If we have anything you i ii mighty little bit of nione; La Jfa : STRAW HATS AT 5# _ We have fally decided to el for the summer, so we have put ? Q them: All 31.50 hats for To cents. All $1.25 hats for (50 cent All ?1.00 hats for o All 75c hats All 50 Ad Cloth Helmets for hoys that wer W Table Felt <>0 inches wide, oh en & NEW (lOODS, i Ladies' Taped Vest. 5c. India Linen 5c to 25eeiits. Embroidery, 5e to 25 cents. HI....I.- -I? r i my J. - ^ ' .X > |MIII &W| f> IV I I Setter quality of same, 25c. , 2 Slack Lawn. lOc. Mimi'h. ladies' and children's It if Specials for 5c. See thorn. i<? One pint of Yasnlitiu for 10 ce IMEACHAM ti # / \\ It's No Bluf H or False Re] 55 55 55 If vou want a suit < 55 y$ a pair of pants, a 44 shirt, or anything ii class furnishing gc \\ The qualities ar goods have got t< U ii price. Hig barga 21 our place. ?? 11 McElhaneyJ *' 4 4 4????44?44 \4 ( f SSSSSSKBSSm x^unriln ..vw. _ the liiv ^rates toe on the ,s?jmm: couthee;: ' -? M?-*- as ?.,T, ^ r | Pas*. 1 r..'/lc Mjt. % WASKIMOTOH. D.C. ^ ja _ weep rything in tixie S?ir lie Cost. Now & r A T . I ;r~ \ >pies at $1.50. \ ) and 1.90. d 50 cents. V nts to $1.00. ;.00, 19.50, etc. Furniture, Fruit Jars Hats, Clothing, Shoes,\ liolesale Cost, need, you can get it for- < y now. Come see. SSFY M , m ' ' \ _ HALF PRICE. % _ ,;.V fiiii up our straw goods vi n\ prices that will move ft* 0 cents. ^ . for !1S cents. ^ o hats for 25 cents. ^ All 25o lints for 10 cents. ^ e 25c now loc. ip at 50c, now Hoc. JUSTIN. ' I t linings 15c. - Cfc nndkerchiefs 2 l-2c to 50c. nts. & Epps. | r%% V%\ ti-^ . '" "1 ^4VA4\^N<<\^%(<%'4VA;A'<V'tf ^ S^- \?- NX*N?>\#A*>S?- V X 9 S? F 4< .,'K$port. || _ g i>f clothes, a hat, <t? *?? pair of shoes, a ; kept in a firsto? oils store, see us. 2 5 e right and the |> > go at some old tins await you at J J n 1J . Parks Co II h 1 1 . * rrr ~ 1 , IE FOR BUSINESS, \ IE FOR PLEASURE, IE FOR ALL THE BEST JTD "O PCr>DTC?II 8 tyJ-V X O || ? Ae. Summer Resort Folder j Free to Any Address. I ! S. H. Haspwick, W. ft.TATto*. . II I Gen I Pars. Agent, Asst. Gen't Pass, Art. { | W/.SH J NGTOW, D. C. ATLANTA, OA. J !