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jhHI Health and beauty are the glorii who suffer constantly with wcaknes tain their beauty. Preservation of p a duty women ore to themselves. When women are troubled wit! menstruation, weakness, leucorrhoea, womb, that bearing domi feeling, i ache, bloating (or flatulence), genera Castration, or are beset with such situde, excitability, irritability, i chfdy, "all gone" and " want-to-be-le lessness, they should remember th< E. Pinkliam's Vegetable C Case of this Prominent Chicago Confident*'* in I vdIn P DlnL-l ww.aaawaavw U1U *4 K Mrs. Pinkiiam :? IL affords testimonial to the great number who 1 ttxm'.H Vcgctabl? Compound. Thi ccasivc physical a ^ ncrvo*Js irri' ^99 one of my club fri< & 1.,-v W been cured of ova *TO Loo mi si St., Chicago, III. President arcsters, Catholic. "What Ls left for tho women of i ak we publish, but to believe. Don't s able feel bow wicked you'are to re yourself and your friends, when a obtained ? Don't you think it wou prejudices and " T*ry JLydiu E. PI; which is better than all the doctors f of hundreds of thousands of women should convince all women. Follow the record of this raedici of thousands of women whoso lett< paper were not brought about by 44 Pltilrhnm'c ? ?? ? v V/WUij/UUlHI >> Oman's Ills. Those women who refuse to a< hundred thousand times, for they go ? r-tirk to the medicine that you 1 Pinkkam for advice. tftrAfin FOTtFniT If wr cannot fortbflt Health, Insurance j |7 When travsling there's a hoap of com- 'p'j I IB .tfr! hi l:now:i |f that you ancl your dear ?| I one- arc protested from accident by >? i insurance. .4 ' ? Mure pcoclo tvoir.a ill than Injured. ,! }J% Are y.'u pretested from illness ? You ' | * hould be. Don't travel without a bot- j 1 Rr? Thaslicr's | Liver and 8ico&3 Syrup n JB Ail it costs !s 50 cents and it may savo ist 1MB ton times that in doctcrr.'bi!ls. boslrtes U MB ({'.vine >ou abeolutJ protoction from M I Ta til health. ' J Great for til Liver, Kitinty and D'.ood 3H Trcucias. Ask youi druccist. J j w .* v vvm? u.iu fi.vj per uniue. k 1 3 1.00 mz? contains mora than twioa 50 B JH rent tizo. g jl Write our Consultation Department, w rt. explaining symptoms. and receivo Ireo R $5. confidential rdvicc. ' $ THACHER MEDICINE CO., & $ Chattanooga, Tonn. . ^&smmzmz^<sazs??j CtRIPrn CU8LD WITHOITi CUTTING, ft j\ I,n" || A Now Vegetable Remedy. 11 ? AIm> PI1c?, KNtiiln end SoroJ. Cure Guaranteed inLvcry Case Treated. VATIONAI. CANCEIt MKMCINK COMPANY, Austell Bulldlilj;, Atlanta, tie GRIPPE HUB The lingering results of La Grippe remi They suffer from over exertion an tints. Doan'a Kidney Fills ovcrcor Arson*, Nkw Mexico.?I received ttvr free sample of Doan's Kidney Piils vhirli 1 ordered for a girl nine yenrs old that was suffering with bed wetting, nnd tdu: improved very fast. Tho pills acted on the bladder In her case ami copjpe'j tbc trouble. J. C. Litkko. Uatts.i: Crkkk, Mint.?My htislwind the sample of Doiui's Kidney IflLrt and lias taken two more boxes anil fimdi like ft i.ew man. He is n fnvinan 0:1 tflkc 11 rand Trunk 11. II., and the work is hard on the kidneys. Mrs. Geo. Gifford. Pi tt.y. "vy. Va. ?The fire trial of *>t:n's Kidney Pills acted so well with we. I wrote llooff, the druggist, at Point 'T^Vosant, to send inu. three boxes, witlitlie mxMill J have gained in weight, as well ;if. ?-?rircly rid of my lddnov trouble. My wRvter bad b'-eome ve ry offensive r.nd contained a wiiite sediment nud eioudy. 1 pravid Ji.ivo to get up six and seven limes the night, and then the voiding xid dribble r.nd cutis.- frequent atttaiwpts but, thanka to Dnnti'a Kidney Pills, Afu-y have regulated ill' tiiat, and I cannot Tt.vtc them loo mutit. A. I-a^uau. mih " \ ;s of perfect womanhood. Women 3a j?;uiuiiu n) i nun sfx cannot roirctty features and rounded form is It irregular, suppressed or painful , displaeement or ulceration of tlio nllanunation of (lie ovaries, baek1 debility, indigestion, and nervous symptoms as dizziness, faintness, nervousness, sleeplessness, niclanft-alone" feelings, blues, and liopc^rc is one tried and true remedy. Compound removes such troubles. Woman Should Give Everyone lam's Vegetable Compound. > me great pleasure, indeed, to add my ire today praising l.yilia E. I* ink ce J-ears ago I broke down from exnd mental strain. I was unable to also lost my appetite, and I became so table too that my friends trembled,and j ,cnd to my work. Our physician pre- | L as 1 did not seem to improve, I was j I could neither spare the time nor ery much worried when, fortunately, ?nas called. She told me how she had I .rian troubles, andhow like my hymp- I seven bottles of your medicine cured I she insisted that I take some. id so, and am plad that I followed her Within six weeks I was a different btrong and robust in health, and have ver since. lumber of my friends who have been with ailments peculiar to our sex en your compound, and have also been l?oneilted." ? Miss Eliza ami Daley, of the St. Ruth's Court, Order of EorVmeriea, after reading such letters ome of you who are sick uiul misermain so, making life a burden for euro is easily and inexpensively Id pay to drop some of your old nkliatn's Vegetable Compound, 01 cures?" Surely the experience 1, whom the Compound has cured, no, and remember that these euros ers are constantly printed in this something else," but by Lydlu E. - thfl Croat. VVnman'o 'lfoiimilw - o * oopt anything else* are rewarded a t what tlicy want ? a cure. Moral mow is the liest. "Write to Mrs. h prmlicn lh? original totter and signature of it* ktivilntA genu inones*. L. 1'iuU.Uuiii .Muilloiuo Co., Lynn, Mua*. Wasp's Method of Attack. licit, in his "Naturalist in Nicara- ! gua." draws attention to the methods ; of attack used by different species of i wasps. One, accustomed to animals I and not to man, takes rare tc crawl j down the outstanding hnirs to the ! skin before inserting it3 sting, while i others, which live In the midst of lui- ! man dwellings, fly straight at a man's 1 face. The tlrst species, true to inhor- j lted instinct, when it attacks unfnmi- j liar human beings, attaches itself to their hair or their beards. But there j must have been a time when the sec- j end species discovered that tne faco was the vulnerable part, and the discovery was the outcome of the action of brain. Among the many presents received by the Czar last Easter the voffcrinc of a Siberian convict attracted unnotni attention and the Czar la said to have derived extraordinary pleasure from it. It consisted of a hnzel nut. the hollow of whir.' contained a Chess hoard with nli the men artistically carved in hone The convict had worked on it for many months. So. 28. >T KIDNEYS. tin with the kidneys for a long: time, id the heavy drugs of Orippe mediae this condition. Aching hacks arc eased. Hip, hack, and loin pnina overcome. Swelling of the nmns and dropsy signs vanish. Thcv correct urine with brick dust sediment, high colored, pain in passing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Doan's Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness, dizziness. Ajjop n 5 pRCR? f$(PPpf't-Qdr^V Ifwk y'M u,1? V ( coupon "vine* so cwt %.' a <1 <1 r c s 3 V\ V^W for froo trial lx>x. rorrnt-"n.rfHS Co. Lu.Tulo !i. T. rieaw mail mo free tr'al box Peon's Kl?lac7 Fostodec Mtdlcal AC . lea Fut.-SlrlctSy Cootidec '.tai. BY FIRE AND FLOOD Death and Devastation in the Wake of High Waters. TALES OF TERRIBLE SUFFERING Inhabitants of North Topeka Cut Off From All Chance of Rescue? Much Loss of Property. The City of Topeka suffered frightful Ics3 of life and property last week by both fire and flood. The story is told in the following dispatches of Sunday and Monday mornings: Topeka, Kans.. Special.?People who did not leave North Topeka Saturday night when they had a chance, are now in the greatest danger of losing their lives. As far as can be estimated at this time, over 500 people are beyond reach of rescue. The Kansas river is rising at the rate of three inches an hour. Thirty are known to be dead and the list will be larger. Hundreds are missing. People arc drowning and others are burning to death. If any portion of North Topeka shall escape destruction by the flood, it seems as though fire would finish the work. The large lumber yards of Jonathan Thomas i aught hre this afternoon and the whole block of houses were burned. Burning houses are floating through the streets and setting fire to others. It. is reported that the Union Pacific depot and hotel have been burned 1 There is no possible way of quenching the flames. The Ions of life will he appalling, and the property loss in the millions. Nobody can tell just what has been destroyed. The water extends around Sliorey and other suburbs. Every foot of North Topeka, Inhabited l:j 10.000 people, is under water. The current is so swift that no boat can live in it. Seven thousand people have escaped to the southsidc and are being cared for as well as possible. The remaining hundreds have not yet been accounted for. They have been forced t?< the ton floors or llio ronfo 11 f l.ulM lugs. and are waiting for the water to subside or carry thom down stream. They are safe only as long as the building remains standing. Below town scores of men arc in tree-tops, yelling for hoip. Thousands of revolver shots and screams have been heard on the north side, signals for aid. Women and children in the western part of North Topeka a-e standing on the highest points in reach and yet in water to their necks. Burning houses are floating about, setting fire to others. The lower stories of the burning buildings contain 10 feet of water. The current is so strong that no boat can approach any of them. People are gathered on the tops of houses and will meet death either by lire or drowning. The cries for help can be distinctly heard a mile away. The whole city is wildly excited because no aid can lie extended to the sufferers. The river at North Topeka is five miles wide. No possible estimate of the financial loss is obtainable, but it can be stated that it will reach into the millions. North Topeka was the manufacturing district of the city. Three large flour mills, three woolen mills and other manufacturing enterprises are ntirely destroyed. The water supply of the whole city has been cut off. The water from the river extends nearly a mile on the south side. The Roek Island depot, has been abandoned, and more than five hundred people on this side of the river are also homeless, hut no loss of life has resulted in South Topeka. The Kansas avenue bridge is the only one across the river for miles and the approaches to that bridge are flooded by thirty feet of wacer. a pontoon linage ts being erected, in an effort to reach the suf- 1 ferers. 1 Seven thousand or more people are i on this ride of the river sheltered in i th^ public buildings. Topeka is now able to take care of all the uufortu- | rates. The work of caring for the refugees is being pushed with the utmost , rapidity. From the State house as many as &0 fires can be counted In different parts of North Topeka. The entire central portion of the city had 1 been burned out at 10 o'clock and it is safe to say that by morning not a house in that part of Topeka will he left standing. When it. is stated that North Topeka has 10.000 inhabitants, the extent of the disaster can be realized. People are sticking to the roofs of houses and to trees, and many arc giving up in despair and dropping into the waters below to be carried away : by the swift current. The dispatches of Monday morning give a fuller account of the loss. These follow: Topeka. Special.?At 1 o'rlock the number of drowned people was known u> uq ni icasi iou an.i a iarge number were yet missing. Several were reported burned to death, but this could not be substantiated. From all over eastern Kansas boats are being rushed here for the rescue of the sufferers. Shortly after daylight nine boats arrived from Ottawa on a special train and they were put into active rescue service at once. Soon after reports of drowning began to come in. A boat containing eight men was -swept away in the swift current about 7 o'clock and as far as known all were drowned. Other small boats were not able to live in the whirling current. North Topeka is a scene of utmost desolation. Not a square foot of land can be seen in any direction. There is but a small chance of any of the residences being left standing nt the end of the flood period. Sherry Oakland, and the reform r.ehool north of Topeka. are all under the rushing waters, hut the situation is favorable In these places compared with what North Topeka is undergoing. Nearly all tho fires we;-, put out by the heavy rain, which fell 1 nearly all night. The total loss of life in yet pure guess work. Other points in Kansas ! aro suffering severely from the fiend, and the damage will aggregate many | millions of dollars. REGISTER OF THE U. S USES PE RU NA Summer Catarrh Afflicts Men and Women. 4 HOW ,1UDSON \V. LYONS. Register of the United States Treasury, in a letter from Washington, 1). (_\, says: "2 find I'eruna to he tin excellent remedy for the wfesgl catarrhal affect lone of rr spring and summer, and those trho suffer front depress I on front the heat of #1... ...21 ? *>? *# /i remedy the equal of I'eruna."?Judson 11". Lyons. No man is lrottor known in jS? the financial world than .ladson W. Lyons, formerly of Augusla. (la. His name on every *5 piece of money of recent date makes his signature one of the most familiar ones in the United States. Two hiiiTMllne From Thankful Women, Miss Camilla Chartier.o West Lexington St , Baltimore, Md., ' A writes: j "Late suppers gradually af- , rjjSbjS feeted .igestion and made me it miserable dyspeptic, sut"fering intensely at times. 1 took several kinds of medicine ? which were prescribed by different physicians, but still eon- i " tinned to sutTcr. It lit the trial of one bottle of l'eruiiii convinced me that it would rid me of this trouble, so I continued taking it for several weeks and I was m excellent health, having gained ten pounds."- Misst'amilla Charticr. Summer Cntnrrli Airs. Kate ltohn. 111!) Willoukhby Ave., Brooklyn, N. V., writes: "When I wrote you 1 was troubled with frequent headaches, dizzy, strange feeling 1 in the head, sleeplessness, sinking feelings, faintness and numbness. Sometimes 1 had heartburn. My food would rise to my throat after every meal, and my bowels were very irregular. "I wrote you for advice, ami I now take pleasure in informing you that inv improvement is very great indeed. I did not expect to improve so quieklv after suffering for live long years. I am lceiing Two of the loading ticket scalpers in Vou* no liooi.i i?: i?.~ ' * rr* ... - - v ? VI ivuuo, im> ill IIIYI' una a. 1. Smith, were sentenced to imprisonment by Judge Doarman for violating tho injunction issued to restrain them from dealing in Reunion tickets. Smith was lined ?1Q0 and ton days' imprisonment. PITS permanently cured.No til? ornrnon?. n" ss after t'r-o. day's lis" of l>r. Kline's <'.rent Nervt llostor- r.s-2i rial bottloand t r -at isefri ? lr. i'.. 11. ki.isk, i.til., v:>1 Ar.'li ? ., l,l:ila.,l'a A woman is never so skepl leal as not to believe a man wlion lie tells her lie loves her. I.mile* inn Wotr Slinri One sizo smaller after using Allen's rootEase, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cure.; swollen, hot, sweating, aehing feet. Ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At nil ilruggi ts an I shoe stores. Jilie. Don't aeeept any substitute. Trial package Fhkk by mail. Address, Alien S. Olaistod, I.rlioy, N'.Y. Fully 230.) pcr.-ons commit suicide in Russia every yea. Tiso's Cure cannot be ton highly spoken of as a cough cure.?j. \v. O Duie.n, 022 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, -Miin).,.lao. 0, il'00. The vnliev ni (l.n A. *.o ? ? - **? ? ..W ami iniidiii.s almost unexplored. Carpets ran l>e colored on the floor with > PUTNAM l' ADKLKSS i)YES. Flattery is a tool that will pry open ah most any woman's heart. "Too Kar Up the Gulch." President Roosevelt invited Capt. Seth Bullock and his wife to tiio musicale at tho white house the other night. Capt. Seth was the lirst sheriff of Deadwood and has a record for eliminating many had men from his community by the simple expedient of shooting them. He is an old friend of the President. After the musicale the President said: "Well, Seth, how did you like tho music?" If woo tr\r\ for* ' * -v ..?.v?v? mi n|? me (jiiiiii ior no," Seth replied In the vernacular Df the West that delighted the President. "Next time you come," said the President to Mrs. Bullock, "you'd better take Seth's gun awuv from him, ?o he won't shoot a tiddler."?New York World. Miss Clrace Seeley Henop and Robb De Peyster Tytus were married in New York last Tuesday, the ceremony being performed in Grace church, Broadway and 10th street, in presence of a large and fashionable gathering. The buckles on the bride's shoes were of rhine stones, the same worn by Dolly Madison at her wedding. I Grau Hair I ^ a "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor H j for over thirty years. It has kept | | my scalp free from dandruff and I t has prevented my hair from turn- fl ? ing gray*"?Mrs. F. A. Soule, I j Billings, Mont. ^ j There is this peculiar i thing about Ayer's Hair f| jj Vigor?it is a hair food, j Knot a dye. Your hair docs 1 M not sndt'onlv turn hlocV $ f| look dead and lifeless. jj >| But gradually the old color * i\ comes back,?all the rich, :j dark color it used to have. | The hair steps falling, too. I 11.90 it belli*. All dra?|U:s. n If your driipftlst cannot supply yon, rj Jj send "us ono dollar antl wo.will express j i yon a bottle. Ho snro and ?ji\e the name J U of your nearest express oftlco. Address, rl J. C. AY Ell CO., Lowell, Mass. U CV?wr - n >*' r mmM !. TREASURY FOR SUMMER CATARRH. J] Hon. Judson W. Lyons. _ . very good and strong. 1 thank you so ' much for IVrunu. I shall rceominend it to all suffering with the effects of catarrh. ; and I consider it a household blessing. I shall novi r be without IVrunu." For those ohascs of catarrh peculiar to summer IVruna will he found cliieacious. IVruna cures catarrh in all phases and stages. If you do not derive prompt and satis- | factory results from the use of IVruna. write at once to Dr. Ilartiiuiu. giving a J full statement of your case and he will he pleased to give you his valuable advice i gratis. I Address Dr. Martman, President oi The llartmaii Sanitarium, Columbus, ; Ohio. I Tli.-. i-.r. i... ??- >-* *-- ~ ...v vmau mi n.v mi- une .jucou fs. i Rogers, the locomotive builder of ; Paterron. N. J., is inventoried at a lit- ' tie over $8,000,000. Most of it was i bequeathed to the Metropolitan ; Museum of Art, at Trenton. The exe cutors' fees foot up to $'_', the largest sum eve'- paid in New Jersey . for the administration of an estate. i i -~ "*'$l The Lcjs Vrltli tuCiass fy j 1 l #f IIiiwilonthwr,lirl?lit?nJut 3 ?Wpi?its tl?? rt'M * lit lior ft Fnn?i arqiitri't m-inti \T V - n:il lm< putt J| Tl!l H : < * :oti\ Iter f.-wor ic UTdnu,^ \ fM^Hires { !?&? Rootbecr fJS y -p /' 11>? Riftwmttv^r J-'* i tssrwtwa'w ?T-^'Vr.is1;-. ' i -41 % ?ar if ARJMNfT four ^ CURES Momacli a vh . . Indigestion io, 25 ntrd 50c. nt Drugstores. r."sr. *1111 1 au tut f?u?. r.'l r*iS Heat Cougu syrup. Tastos OcxkI. Ueo j,*-J Lei In ktraa. Sold by drmrglst*. 1*T1 J5E7; KSTFOB^ I QUAKANTE2D CURF, for nil bowel troubh n blood, wind on the stomach. bloated bowels, U pains cfter eating, liver trouble, sallow skin r. I regularly you are sick. Constipation kills mo H starts chronic ailments and long years of suffc 0 CA3CARET3 today, for you v/ill never get v. | right Tnke our advice, start with Cascnret 1 money refunded. The genuine tablet stamp H booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Com| Natural Flavor ==Cottage= Corned Seef ^ I it rsjr Keep it in the house for omeipenciee? for s you want something good nnd wart it quick, appetizing lunch is tcady in sn instant. Libfcy, McNeil! &. Libby, Cn TTUEE: IIow to Improve your Complexion, Vrlfe ; to Wilson'* Freckle Cure Ca, Iberletton, 8.C. I T0RTUR1NB DISFIGURIN6 Skin, Scalp and Blond Humours From Pimples to Scrofula From Infancy lo Age Speedily Cured by Cuficura When All Else Fails. Tha agonizing itching and burning of the skin, as in Eczema; the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair and crusting of the scalp, as in scallcd head; the facial disfigurements, as in acne and ringworm; the awful suffering of lnfuuts, and anxiety of wornout parents, as in milk crust, teitcr and calt rheum,?all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soat). Ointment ntul HosoIvimiZ urn stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regarding tlicmthat Is not justified by the strongest cvldeuce. The purity ami sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent enre, the absolute safety and great economy, liave made them the standard skin cures, blood puritiersand humour remedies of the civilized wor d. Hat he the affected parts with hot water and Cutlcura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without rubbing, aud apply Culicura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cutlcura Resolvent, to cool nml pli'iinno t.ho hliuul ?..m_ plete local and constitutional treatment affords Instant relief, permits rest ntul Bleep In the severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning and scaly humours of the skin, scalp and blood, anu points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all else fails. Bold throughout the trr.rH. Cutlcu-ti Il<to,.ve?it,.VW*.r?n fori*! of t hm-olnt* Coated IMU, ii-V*. prr \'ul of & ). OinfITifr.t. V)c, J* IT t linden. v7 <'hart*rh<?U*? t?q : Ihn?. 5 llur <1*? la Palxi Tlofton, I 7 Co!.uubu? Alt. l*otfcr Druff ft Clirm. Corp., Sole Proprietor*. 4 for 'Hour to I ur? Every llumour.** j MOMO-^j CURES ALL o iieadaeKes 10 CENTS-EVERYWHERE I WELL DRILLING 1VIA. _,TITJXr > ^?. V. J. H Ilattox. of Kern. Mtm., wrltoa gn follow*"I will say that 1 li?vd u.'vpr w^jii a Wall 1 >i-|lltt>fr Machine that would eunal the "ui.h." Machine for this i-art of the country . It lathe faatoat mnchltia In earth or rook that I over won, mid I nm well pleased wttli It. 1 have hud uo trouble with It tdnco I to art.?l It." l'aitlo* wlahlnc to t>U'' Ihl* kind, f Well Machinery UAcUINK Co.. Tiffin. Ohio. ? ?? I^n Removes all swelling in 8 to so / days; effects n permanent cure /V in .10 to 60 days. Trial treatment *' given free. Nntliingc.-in t?e fairer V.'(KShi^/% V Write Dr. H. II. Orcon's Sons. V.J.vr7^id SoanlalUts. Box IE. Atlanta. Oa. so. 12:;. 7K CftKQV Hi rtnvrF?.nr?B^ A$mV ?s, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bod foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, nd dizziness. When your bowels don't move re people than all other diseases together. It ring. No matter what ails you, start taking 'ell and stay well until you get your bowels s today under absolute guarantee to cure or | ed C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and ??ny, Chicago or New York. 50a I /! / MIMX/ ! ______ oAV't'^VTT^fw1 I \\Nw -7i. <T&jvV I nke our choice corned heel, cook it and season i I done by c*pertf~hctt?-r than is possible at i When just right we put it in cans to keep . ht until you want it. upperj. for sandwiches?for any time when I? bimply turn ukey and the can is open. An 1} ;0T,{n Write fot our free booklet, "How I | lutl?,w. to Make Good Things to )Ut." |j Thompson's Eye Viator