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FORT MILL TIMES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. 1903. IN THE LOCAL FIELD. faots Picked Up Hart and There About People and Things. Mrs. B. F. Maspey lias been seriously ill for the past week. Born, on Saturday night to Mr. and Mrs. Martiu Wolfe, a son. Messrs. T. B. Spratt and J. J. Bailee spent Thursday in Char1 nf fn Mrs. J. M. Odell, of Concord, spent Friday at the home of Capt. S. E. White. Dr. J. E. Massey, Jr., of Rock Hill, oame up Sunday on a professional visit. Mrs. Leroy .Springs and little son, Elliott, of Lancaster, are visiting at Capt. White's. The Irish potatoes and the snap beans are in a bad way by reason of the dry hot weather. The price of cotton is somewhat off in the past few days; it is worth II cents in this market. Mrs. A. A. Young is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Bruce, in Winnsboro. Mrs. ? Williams and children, of Kershaw, acq guests at the home of Mr. O. B, Magill, at Grattan. Lumber is being placed on ihe frTnund nanr lilia Millfr.r? .?;il C? n AfAlll&VIV LIU II IUL the erection of ten new tenements. Mr. T. A. Mills was pleasantly surprised Sunday morning by the arrival at his home of a new baby boy. "Cansler, of Tirzah" promises the Chester Reporter that he will make some more fun for the boys next year. We are pleased to announce that Capt. S. Li. White is again able to be out, after an illness of several days. Mrs. J. J. Ormand and Mrs. J. H. Sutton returned Saturday from a ten days1 visit to relatives in Spencer and Lexington, N. C. The early apples, peaches and other fruits are beginning to ripen in the local orchards. There is a pretty good crop of fruit this venr and within a few weeks; the market will be overcrowded with it. Remember the inspection of the Fort Mill Light Infantry this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The new khaki uniforms have been issued to the members and will be worn on inspection. The public is requested by Postmaster Maaeey to note that owing to a recent change of schedules it is now necessary to ciose the morning mail at 9 o'clock and the evening mail at 7.45. Commencement exercises at Winthrop College have been in progress since Sunday evening. The exercises close this afternoon with an address before the gradHalting <olass by Hon. Robt. Aldrich, of Barnwell. ,A highland crab, the first that imany citizens had ever seen in this section, was picked up Saturday near the Southern depot. It had avery appearance of the ordinary water crab, except that it was About one-fifth the size. There are a numhor of fnrmor renders of The Times not getti ng 1 he paper now, because we cannot afford to keep them on our subscription lists without gethng pay thv i.!je pp.per. It is our purpose to clear our lists of nil dead heads that they might try their hauds at beating elsewhere. Mr. L. E. Ligon, formerly Southern station agent here, but latey of Cheraw, is spending several days with his family who are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. R. Harris. Mr. Ligon will leave shortly for Blackville, where he has a position with the Southein. A young son of Mr. Eli Wright, whose home is in the village of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company, wmb bitten Friday by a dog that was thought to have hydrophobia. The boy was taken to Charlotte and the mad atone applied, but it failed to adhere. It is now supposed that the dog was suffering from a dose of poison. This section was visited Saturday afternoon by a severe storm, though the damage was principally to fruit trees and fences. Very little rain fell in the immediate vicinity of Fort Mill, but reports from nearbv sections are to the .effect that there was heavy rains, with some hail, though not enoturh of the latter to damage crops. It is the intention of The Times to publish at an early date a comSlete list of the Confederate soliers who enlisted from Fort Mill township in the Civil war. Such a list was published in the Yorkville Enquirer some time ago, but was incomplete, and The Times has been requested by the local committee to reproduce it. as a number of errors have been discovered since it appeared. ft BIO I || I We of 1 ? I -i _ ' I I 1S:E || On all P. || 1 NOTION stnr'l 4 /<nn ^ UWVVJ1 V\/li 55 To-Date If BARGi 5^ Call am i MILI II j We are requested to announce that Dr. Thoruwell will preach in *he Presbyterian church Sunday afteruoou at 5 o'clock. dames Phillips, the young son of Mr. \V. R. Phillips, had his left foot fearfully lacerated on a broken bottle while playing near his home yesterday morning. The Times regrets to announce that Mr. L. A. Harris, who has been confined to his home for about three weeks, has improved but little, if any, during the past ten days. Mr. John Bayne, Sr., an aged citizen of the township, and an ex-Confederate, died Wednesday at the home of his son. Mr. John Bayne, Jr., in the Steele Creek section. Following are the transfers of real estate in Fort Mill township during May: Samuel E. White to Jefferson Stephens. One lot; consideration $25. Major Campbell, i et al. to James Moore. One lot; consideration $25. A large party of Fort Ali 11 citizens went to Bock Hill yesterd y to attend the good roads convention and Winthropcommencement! The band from Gold llill went along to furnish music for the occasion. The attention of the local board of health is again directed to the *1? Ll: ? ii ?......v.ww ui me {Kiiiiie wen on Main street. It is only necessary for one to go within "smelling" distance to discover the filthy condition of this popular watering place. Mr. W. A. Watson, the junior , partner in the firm of J. M. Miller i & Company, cotton merchants, will wind up the affairs of the com- j pany as speedily as possible, and in the future will conduct the bus- ? iness under the firm name of W. 1 A. Watson, cotton merchant.? ' Charlotte Chronicle. > A change of offices in the Bank 1 building this week resulted as follows: Dr. 13 (i. Thorntiann rn r- - ^ moved to the room formerly occupied by the City Barber Shop, the latter having tak'ti the room used as an office by Mr. J. M. Spratt. Mr. Spratt is now occupying the former office of Dr. Thompson, and Dr. J. L. Spratt is up stairs the old Times office. The dry spell in this section has 1 been broken and most thoroughly by the rains of Monday night and ] yesterday. The clouds that have gathered in the afternoon have 1 been threatening rain for several j days but not until Monday did the rain come and then it was most 1 welcome. The weather continued , threatening today witb promise of j more rain. The rain appears to < have been general throughout this 1 section. The lightning was so- 1 vere but as far as is known did no j damage. ] That Throbbing Heniach*. ( Would quickly leave you, if you t used Dr. King's New Life Pills, i Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your 1 health. Only 25 cents, money back . if not cured. Sold by all druggists. i rjr j'ix# ? ' . v i SPEC! SALE. n i rer Tor two \ i discount of 3ER OE \NTS, SHOES, HATS JS, and DllY GOODS isists of all the Mew a Goods. This is a : \IN SALE- NO Li see us, we'll Save You A ,S & TOl County Summer School, j Tho County Summer School will bo in Yorkville, bepiuuiug Monday, Juno 8th, at .1 o'clock, p. m., and continuing 1 four weeks. The course of study will include History, Algebra, Civics and possibly pri- , mary Methods. Teachers should bring with them all! toxt booksthey may have on the above i mentioned subjects. Board and lodging will cost about $10 for the term. Arrangements for board j should be made before the opening. The county board will renew the cer- ' tiflcates of those who attend tho full ! | time and do satisfactory work. j I Trustees are cordially invited to visit ' the school and select their teachers for the next term. A circular letter will bo issued soon ! giving additional information about 1 the work and also containing the names of those who will take boarders, together with their prices. JOHN E. CARROLL. Co. Supt. Education. ' 5-27-2t ; LAUNDRY MARKS that aro not found on linen fresh from ' The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, Charlotte, N. C., aro rust stains, ink \ stains, fruit stains, and especially t scorches from overheated irons. That is what wo particularly guard against. J Reckless, flawless, immaculate?white c ias white can be, or as st rong of color as fi when you bought it (if originally of a c 3olor pattern!, your washable apparel is returned clean, well washed, well 1 ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every Thursday morning and laundry returned Saturday mornings by? ED. I.. McELIIANEY, Ajrent. FOR FINF IIMMRQ WIIICC CTP r . -> ? B>^wwnw| K illkW) b I Ul GO TO THE r GOU11D SALOON, * MARK A. TEETER, Manager, 39 W. Trade St. . Charlotte, N. C. a PRICE I AST. t Hackman'a Dolight, 1 year old Corn $1.50 a .. 2 " " " 2.00 Did Style Mt. Qneen 1 44 " 1.75 3 " 44 2.25 Puro N. C. Corn 3 14 44 2.25 r i ? it it rj it it 2 50 A] Patapsco Rye 1 44 " 1.75 2 4 4 4 4 2 . 00 1, Pure Maryland Rye .... 2.50 Did Oakland Rye 3.50 Did Cabinet Rye 3.50 Malt Rye 3.00 " Peach and Honey .... 2.00 \pple Brandy 2.25 Did Brandy 2.50 Port Wine 2.00 sherry Wino . , . , . 2.00 Dinger Brandy 1.55 We respectaully solicit your patronage and will guarantee satisfaction and ( nvwtit uKtoinuiii 10 uii orcierrt. ^ THE GOURD SALOON, ] Mark A. Teeter, Mgr. i Soil Phono 285. . . . Char. Phono 202. ? ???=?1 Try a "Want" ad. in The Tijuos- It will pay you. I A / // / " // AL [ > $ n " 4 // irA Al//^ ' ^ ; i i ^ : jstt || .CAPS, pi , which ij // nd Up. i Y'\ genuine FAKE { | loncy. 1 /J ING. !! I ? * s* I // // // / / j / AT THE FOUNTAIN We receive nothing but kind words for our service and we will prove ourselves more worthy of this appreciation when our plans have been more fully perfected and our infant industry shall have grown in experience. OUR SYRUPS Are always pure and fresh. They are flavored with pure fruit juices. We will con- I btuntly add new drinks as the : public demands. Ice cream every afternoon for the present. Harris' White Stone Lithia "Water 30 cents per gallon, 5 \ cents per ^Iubs. EVERYTHING LEADS TO CLEANLINESS. ! Ardrey's Drug Store. : i STREET TAX NOTICE. Sec. 1. Ho it ordained by the Jnton- J lant and Wardens of the town of Fort > ' Mill. S. C., in council assembled. That i ill persons subject to street duty under ' lie laws of South Carolina, residing in j ' laid town shall between the Itttli of May. 190:1. and the 1st of.Tune. 190.". pay o tho treasurer of said town a comniu- i at ion tax of two ($2) dollars or perforin 1 > days1 work on the streets of said town J miler the direction of the proper nil- > liorities. ] Sec. 2. That after the first day of Tune, 1908 all delinquents under this irdinance shall lie subject to a line of m ccuis or 0110 nays additional work . Ki tin* stroots. 1 Rati tied this, the 5th, day of May ' 903. : ; T. G. cui.p. ; Attest: Inteudaiit. A J. M. Spkatt. Sec. and Treas. MINTING AND REPAIRING. If your Buggy, Hack, or Sur-' ey is all run down and scar^ ^ ed, and you think you can not ;et along without a new one, List bring the old one around nd leave it with me. You'll hink it's a new one when I m through with it. Besides this, I will give you ^ nore work for the money han any man south of the _ akes. A. A. YOUNG. DR. KING'S TRY NEW discovery FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. JJures Consumption,Coughs, }olds, Bronchitis, Asthma, pneumonia, Hay Fever,Pleu- t it>y, LaGrippe, 11 oarsenoss, Sore Throat, Croup and , vVbooping Cough. i NO CURE. NO PAY. 1 Price 50c. and S1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. SELIMJ Wt1 are overstocked 011 the ful wholesale cost for GASH All Mens' and Hoys' Clothing. A Straw Hats. All Summer Drees t Percales, Organdies, Silks, White ( such as Applique, Galloon, Braid Summer Shoes. All Ladies' Slii Carriages and Go Carts. We mean exactly what we saywe must have the SPOT CASH for 11s anything, a settlement will he ai to pay our billsThis Cost Sale will commenc MAY 2S. ami will lou< f..?* TWO WEEI NOW is VOI R time to snvre m L, M/ | fl'MEty. Place in town to % ini?, Ilats, Shoe: fi wear, Etc. : ft You will notice t differs from tli ?# and you will a 1st % ICHEi bv far, consi eri elsewhere. Just er shipment of tl ^ that *;o at 10c th every day expec a shipment of 1 if I 4 J __.! ? y-f iuu?, aiiuvvitise J# strictly in kecpin $ McElhaney i* SPECIALSMEU SHi Morcerized Madras, 15, 20, and 25 o Persian Lawn, 15, 20, and 25 cents. India Linen, 5 to 25 cents. Shear Linen Dawn, 30 indies, 50 c? Plain, Nainsook, 15, 20 and 25 cents Seventy-inch Organdies, 55 and 50 P. lv., for skirts, 15, 20 und 25 centt juress C Forty-four inch Fnonch Voil,$t.OO. Forty inch Stiiped (Jrenadine, 80 e riiirty-Hix inch Voil, 50 cents. Forty-four inch Burette, 75 cents Lucked and sheared skirts. FvLrrij s Pearl Waist sets, 25 and 35 cotils. \ in her Beads, per stran, $1.00. Stock Wash Ties, 25 cents. Lawn Ties, 10 and 15 cents. Ka n rl Tr #= don nnd Women's Pure Linen llui den Mini Women's Linen Iinndkert U<-n and Women's Lawn llandkerc ilon's Silk 1 Inndkcrchiefs, 50 cents fVleacham TRY THE i ' City Barber Shop For a lirel-class HAIll CUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO, or It AIR SINGE. Carothers & Son. PROPBIETOBS. Third door Bank building. BLACK S M1T HIN G. Wu I lave opened u smitlibliop in lie Builes shop, near McEllmney's ivory stables, and solicit your >alr< na^c, Only first-clans work h sent cut from our shop, and uuv ) rices ar-a reasonable. HALL 4* HABTSELL. 'k . ITATCOST lowing goods, and offer them at ONIY: II Millinery. All Mens* aud Boys* ioods, such as Ginghams, Lawns, ioods, Etc. All Dress Trimmings, Is, Laces, Etc. All Slippers and rt Waists and Skirts. All Baby ?no fako sale. Don't forget that . ..n i u -i ?* on hvjuub nuiu m com. i[ you owe jpreciated, us we need the money e on THURSDAY MORNING, KS ONLY. 1 toney. ISSEY. JUU\VV\\VUV\?2 | buy your Cloths. Shirts, Neck- 5# hat our heading <[!> le general rule, > find our prices <>S jlFER| | ng quality than 5 received anothlose Suspenders jS e pair. We are 2# :ting to receive 5j! the latest style Q 11 them at prices S g with the times. -learns FOR SUM5PPERS. enta. >nta. i. cents, J. 3r00ds. enta, These are the goods for your sliinp-s. srcliiefs. idkerohiefs, 10 cents. liiefs, finer quality, 25 cents, hiefs, from 5 to 25 cents. i 8 Epps. . < Dear Mrs. Porson: A good while back ray health commenced failing and I got in a low condition. I was % always tired; with poor appetite, so* tired always that I did not feel oqnal to any exertion at all. I had enlarged glands on the neck whioh wore vory sore and when I would take cold they would enlarge and cause me much Buffering. 1 often had spells of inflammatory rheumatism which affected the whole of my body and rendered me helpless. 1 tried medical treatment, which would give temporary relief, but it did not cure me. I tried various patent preparations, but they did me no good. At last a friend persuuded me to use Mrs. Joe Person's) Remedy : s I bought a half dozen bottles, and after taking it I felt ho much bettor that I did not feol like taking any more. The next year in the spring t u.- t .. mn-rt a iienutta more ana again took a half-dozen. I took it in that way until it lias made a complete cure of mo and my hoalth is fine. The enlarged glands are entirely cured, rheumatism entirely cand, and I am now in stout, robust hoalth, and Iad.iao everybody who needs a tonic or are "rnu down" to nso Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. MRS. JL 0. MORGAN. Morshv.ille. N. CL.Moy aa,.l?4L "i