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FREE BOTANIC BLOOl) HALM (lt.B.B.) CC1CK9 Blood and Skin jilm'HiiFii, t'lcrr?i Cittu-j-r, 11<-liIiik; Smlib; l Kricmn, Koiif l'ulna, Klooil I'oIkoii, UKKl'-HKATKU CASUS A STKCIA1/1V. Send no money. Simply write and try Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) at our expense, to prove tliat li. 15. 15. cures the worst and most i deep-seated Hlood and Skin Diseases. If yon suffer from had blood, producing itching scal>by eczema, scrofnla, cancer, blood poison, ulcers, eating sores, bone pains, pimples, offensive eruptions, swellings, risings on the skin, offensive catarrh or deep-seated old rheumatism, we adviso you, to take 15. 15. 15. It has cured thousands of the worst cases, even where the body was a mass of ulcers and boils, blood thin, with JUTOni'/.inir 1 tflllIn<r linrnimr ulriti ?O O' 8' ? " "o ""'"l u,,u where doctors, patent medicines and Hot Springs failed. Blood Balm kills the poison or humor in the blood, heals every sore or pimple, makes the blood pure and rich; aches and pains vanish forever. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B.B.) thoroughly tested for 30 years; composed of pure Botanic ingredients. Good for weak stomachs or weaic moneys. urag store *1 per largo bottle, with complete directions for home cure. To prove it cures, 15. 15. !5. Bent free by writing Blood Balm Co., 322 Mitchell troct, Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble, and special free confidential medical advice sent in sealed letter. 8. B. B. sent at onca prepaid. DYSPEPSIA I Havlnc taken mr wonderful ** Pate air* ttM for ihrvt* 11 ? 11t lih and bring entirely cured of tonmi'h catarrh ami dyapcimia, i think a word of pratao Is duoU?"<'tt?Cftr?'t*,rf?r their wonderful cnmpoattlou. 1 bavn t.ik'Mi utttneroua other ao.railed rained tea but without avail and I find that Paacnret* relievo more in a day than all tho other* 1 have taken would in a year." Jaines Mctlune, 10i< Mercer St.. Jersey City, N. J. Best Tor ?3 Bowels CANDY CATHARTIC Pleaaant, Palatable. Potent. Tan to Good, Do Hood, Rarer Sicken, Weaken or Urtpe. 10c, 25c, SOc. Never old in bulk. The g'-nuln# tablet atatnpod C C C. tiluarantcod to euro or your money buck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 592 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES f apudine Cures Nervousness AND NERVOUS HEADACHE. lOc. 25c, and f?Oc. at OruRatorcs. VRKK ! How to Improve your Complexion. \?'rln> -* ?? \Vil?ii'? Krfcklc I'urf Co., < linrlt*-l'<n. S. O. Mlnur Matters. Until a few days ago John Wnnamaker was believed to carry more life Insurance than any othor American, his amount being $1,500,000. Now he has been outstripped by bis son .todman. who, in addition to the million which be carried for some time, has taken out another policy for an etiunl amount. There is more danger in the underground currents of desire than in the overhead winds of temptation. It is not enough to breakdown the thrones of sin; they must be built into temples of the Saviour. Ho. 22. " "y A DANCFR SPOT. A dangerous spot for p^ln sv- Ufigbrs 1 ease. Cure Kidney and Bladder troubles before they reneli the serious slage. Head how easily it eau lie done. W. .1. Hill, of -10 South Union street. Con<*or<1, N. C.. proprietor of hardware and harness store. Justice of the I'euee, and one of the best known residents of that eltv. savs: "bmin'u Kia...... Pill* proved n very efficient remedy In my case. I got a box al the (llhson I>rug Store and used them for disordered kidneys and backache, from which I had experienced a great deal of annoyance, trouble and pain. The kidney secretions had bothered nie for a long while, were very Irregular, dark colored and full of sediment. The Pills cleared It all up and 1 have not had an ache in my back since taking the but tlose. My buck is much stronger and my health generally is improved a great deal. I am glad to make a publlc endorsement of the Pills, trusting that It may he the means of relieving onto other sufferer." A Prick Triai. of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr. Hill will he mailed to any part of the United States on application. Address Poster-Miliaria Co., Buffalo. N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price AO cents per box. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL Petersburg's Future. Tho Chamber of Comraerc r.f Tetersbury. Va.. recently consolidated with the Young Men's Business Association. has elected Messrs. II. P. S iatton. president; Stith Belling and C. C. Alley, vice presidents; F. M. D'Aiton, T. S. Beckwith, R. 1). Gilliam. Robert Cahaniss, James VVeddill. James Gallagher. W. P. Arrington, R. J. J. Spratley and George Cameron. Jr.. board of governors. At the banquet which followed the election the speakers took a most optimistic view of the future ot Petersburg, and Mr. Alexander Hamilton, speaking to the subject of Petersburg as a manufactu' ing center, traced the city's steady progress in that respect since the war. and pointed out its many advantages as to climate, labor, rates and government. Another (iustier. A dispatch from Beaumont says that another gusher producing at the rate of 20.000 barrels a day has been brought In on the newly-proven territory at Spindle Top. near Beaumont, Texas. The effect has been a spurt in well-sinking, and it is said that there are now seventy contracts for wells under drill or to be dirlled at < nee. Textile Notes. Madison Manufacturing Co.. Huntsville, Ala., lias completed its new building, the main structure being two stories high. 100x300 feet in sire. Its additional machinery. 15,000 spindles and 525 looms, as announced last month, will lie installed during the next several months, and by S ptember it is expected to be in operation. Print cloths will be the product. About $200,000 is the cost of this addition. The company's original plant has 7.200 ring spindles, and manufactures hosiery yarns. No public confirmation has been made of the report mentioned last week that R. Frank Mebane and C'.ernmn capitalists will build a 200,000 spindle ndll at Spray, N. C. Rut further dispatches state that plans are being formulated by Mr. Mebane and his associates for the erection of a large cotton manufacturing plant. Messrs. O. A. Robbins of Charlotte, N. C.; Geo. W. Tayler and Peter 11aminerskimth of Relton, Texas, have incorporated the Relton Cotton Manufacturing Co.. with capital stock of $50,000. They have acquired ami will put in oparcation the Relton Cotton Mills, which has been idle for some months. Probably the plant will bo enlarged. It has 2250 ring spindles and 100 looms. Magnolia (Miss.) Cotton Mills has Its buildings about completed, and has begun the Installation of 5000 spindles and 150 looms. The product will he the cheaper grades of cotton goods, such as canvas. About $115,000 will be the cost of this plant. Production will begin in a foew wesks, and it is pioposed to double the capacity if present prospects for the plant's success are realized. James L. Wood, of Morristown. Tenn., who announced several months ago his intention toestabllsh a knitting mill, has comnleted the nlant. lie has been manufacturing for some time, and operates as the Wood Knitting Co.. Jas. L. Wood, president. The equipment includes ten knitters and complement, for producing seamless hosiery. Lumberton (N. C.) Cotton Mills lias under consideration the erection of another building and the installation of 5,000 spindles, but has not made a tinal decision. An enlargement of thlR extent would cost about $100,000. The company now has 6,000 ring spindles, manufacturing hosiery yarns. 20s to 30s on cones. R. D. Caldwell is president. Messrs. Walter N. Brown, of Enfield. N. C.: James T. Green and Chas. E. Cottslick. of Baltimore, Md? have incorporat ?d the Enfield Cotton Mill Co., to manufacture cotton goods at Enfield N. C. They will operate the plant reported last week as leased and to no enlarged by Walter N. Brown. Authorized capital is y'G, ooo. The Sycamore Knitting Mills of Syc- | uiuuir, jim., nits ncen organized, Willi capital stock of $100,000, and wil lcstablish a mill for knitting underwear. VV. it. Schrome of ITtica. N. Y.. Is president; .1. E. Goodrich of Little Falls, N. Y., vice president; D. E. Lewis, of Sycamore, Alt)., treasurer, and \V. U. Callahan of Utica, N. Y.. secretary. E. C. Machen, care of Brunswick & Birmingham Railway. No. 7 Broadway. Now York, is endeavoring to induce capitalists to locate a large silk mill nnd a knitting mill at Brunswick, Ga. Asheraft Cotton Mills, Florence. Ala., has onle,l a meeting for June 17 to vote on increasing capital stock from $150,000 to $200,000 nnd the lsof $100,000 in bonds. The company now has 0.240 ring spindles and 200 looms. Clifton. (3. C.) Manufacturing Co. liass declared a dividend of 4 per cent., payable July 1. and au dividend of 2 per cent., payable at once. Tucapau, (S. C.) Mills has declared a dividend of 4 per cent. Pacolet, (3. C.) Manufacturing Co. has declared a dividend of 5 per cent. D. E. Converse Co., Glendale, 3. C., has declared a dividend of 4 per cent. Laurens. (3. C.) Cotton Mills held ita annual stockholders' meeting on May 14. The annual report of the management was voted satisfactory and the usual semiannual dividend of 3 per cent, was declared and an extra dividend cf 1 per cent. During the year $20,000 was expended for improvements. The mill now has nearly 45,000 spindles and 1216 looms. It is proposed to organize a $50,000 cotton mill company at Camden, Ark., and the Camden Comerclal League is promoting the movement. Messrs. T. L. Morgan. E. S. Greening nn<l Adolph Kelsenth&l and others are interested. Mesrs. J. W. Lybrand. D. K. Gantt. J. W. Bauphman. L. S. Etheredge and I). R. B. Jeffeoat havo Ineorporatod the Wagner Manufaeturing Co., for the purpose of building a cotton mill at Wagonner, S. C. The capital stock I is plac</.i at $100,000. No details de- I elded. 1 | Bronchitis | I " I have kept Ayer's Cherry Fee- f M toral in my house for a great many tj years. It is the .best medicine in 3 1 the world for coughs and colds." H J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. B | All serious lungjj I troubles begin with a I 8 ticklincr in thf throat B I (You can stop this at first B in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, j Use it also for bronchitis, J consumption, h"ird colds, I and forcoughso. ali kinds. I Three sizes: 25c., 59c., SI. At! drviflsts. p Consn't yonr doctor. If lie noyn t*t:o tt. * then do an hn ? ?>?. If In* toiln yon jiot L to take It. then don't tsUe it. <!o kuow .. I Leave it with Mm. Wo nro willing. J. f. ATKKl'O., Lot/all. Mas-. * w??? a Ofcaflja en ?, ? fl cartridges and shot shells E 4 r? ro mnHo in f ho In rnrnoi- nttrl ?cJ JUII v IIIU.MW ill VIIV> *ui g,<^oo anu Dj best equipped ammunition ? I factory in the world. i AMMUNITION | I of U. M. C. make is now 9 accepted by shooters as H "the worlds standard" for B 1 it shoots well in any gun. Tour dealer sells it. a The Union Metallic fijj M Cartridge Co. a Bridgeport, - - Conn. |j V:j tzr^TT- 6MBPBI *-- wa.wg> ar-vram It. is stated that President r Sittording of the Virginia Passenger & Power Co. of Richmond, Ya.. h: loscd contracts for over -.">.000,000 Oi t of lumber in Amelia county, Virginia. 11 i? contracts include oak. pine, hickory, walnut and maple wods. lie will establish, it is said. thr< e or four saw-mills near Amelia Court House. FITSrsraianentlvcur?tl.\o Ilt^or nervo'Mreas afterllr*l day'sino of Or. Kline's (Sraat Kerveltestnror. V'itriul bottleaud: rotuiseirai i'i., Ltd.,' id Areli St.. Ptilla., t'a Tito owl ntav have a reputation for wisdom, ami yet he never looks oa the bright side ot lil:*. I 'to Allen** Foot-Ki?*e. Tt Is the only rum for Swollen. Smarting, Tiroil, Aching, Hot. Sweating Feet,Corns and liunloiis. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to bo shaken into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25e. Don't neeopt any substitute. Sample sent Fukk. Address,Allen S. Olmsted. I.eUuy, N.Y. There are some people who would cheat at solitaire. Itrwur* of Ointments For Catarrh That Contain Mercury, ns mercury will surely destroy the sense o' smell and completely derange the whole sys. torn when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never he used except ou proscriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from thorn. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chei.ey A Co., Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, tunl is taken internally, anting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of thesystem. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure he sure to get the genuine. It is taken internally, and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F J. (TtoD.ny A Co. Testimonials free. j&Vrioblb' Druggists; price, 7"> *. per bottle. U..ll'. l II? T.:l. - - ? > i> i uiuiij i ins iitii mi) nest. is possible lor two to Jive :? * cheaply as i .10, but it depends largely upon wliii arc tlic two, ami wiio is the mi". Fruit acids will not stain Roods dyed with Putnam Fahki.kss Dvks. It doesn't take a contortionist to pal hi'nscit on the bark. I'lso'sCnre is the best medfolno wo over uso.l lor nil affect ions of throat and lungs. >\ m. t>. Yauburon, lnd., Feb. 10, l'JOJ. Tilt- fellows who are adepts at making Icvc don't make the best husbands. Wagner?I'll wagrr that that Miss Jones is a beautiful girl. Jagtui?What makes you think so? Wagner?Because every woman in the sewing elrcle has pronounced her positively ugly. Improved Nervier to mid Prom tlie t'ool vin Smboiiril Air I.lne It"). Buffet Parlor nnd Observation Car is now operated on trains 89 and 40 between Charlotte and Wilmington. Leave Chariot'?. 5:01 a. m. Arrive Wilmington, 12:45 noon. Leave Wilmington. 8:30 p. m.. arrive Charlotte. 40:15 p m. piompt Iinffet service at moderate prices. Ciia-. II. Itvan. Gen'l Pas-. Agt. Tuoa. 1?. Mr.Anas (lon'l Agt.. Wilmington. N. C. II. M. t.'oFKKv, P. A T. A., Charlotte. N. C. II. H. Lkaud, T. P. A., J'.alolgh, N. C I j Coroi Sheamtira ial I7 trniriUilig '.ho J It fu tit'.rr this the but tb;l jorlSsr. All C In the fall-winter of 1000 I was alibi / that I had to use it cane to ussist mo I C no ease to ray thigh, and tho only pot 1 straight out In front of mo, while In >t c of tho disease, I begun treat moot at one J Mr. J. T. Poster, of Greenville, of tli > " KiiKOMAOine." I purchased a bottli J Doner that if 3 bottles did not euro 1 \ bottle relieved tne, and I have had 110 t< / VV. A. Palmer, who lived heroat tho C of rheumatism, and for six weeks hud 1 J tise of several lioUlrs of ItH BOM At'I I > v lng physician, who is a great believer it y Vours truly, J. t. O. TIIOMI'St> S All Druggists, or exprcs 2 Bobbltt^Chcmical Co., . t MAKfrtG CANES TO ORDER. Fashions Change in Thia as in All Thi"?8 Else. "Fashions change in canes, an thev do in everything else," said a manufacturer who knows all about the fashionable trade. "Last year our cus1 tomers were calling for rough wood in its natural state, without any ornamentation. They wanted canes made uimost as thin and as light as whani gees. So many cheap imitations had I been made of silver-mounted smooth' wood eaucs that men of fashion would not look at them. This year we are returning to silver mounts, but in designs made to order that it will be almost out of the question for importers of cheap German silver to imitate. In umbrellas the large handles of rough wood still hold favor with i the men. It is no longer fashionable j to decorate them with initials. A man j likes a:i umbrella that he can pick out i at sight from a bunch of others at j his club or elsewhere. Some men will I have the crooked handle so that they j . .m cucni i a:. on a hook j ill a hat rack, and wo have *to matin factum a i'ow of them to moot, the j demands of the trade. Women always ; no in for something odd, and morally i expensive." Roof-Brcakino Crews. For a long time the Public Works ! Department in Victoria. 15. had been pu7.1ed to count for the contiued lea'-aae in the roof of tho drill shod, an imposing building v.itli a slate roof and solid-looking towers in front. In spit" of frequent repairs. 1 slates would persist in fulling down. A thorough investigation showed that the trouble was caused by crows, who swarm on tho bea?di at'low tide and dig for c lams. The birds found out that a clam dropped on the roof of the shed would break nicely, leaving the contents in a safe and convenient spot for l.dsurly consumption. Nearly every time a clam was dropped on the roof a slate would be cracked a? well. Scarecrows have been erected, and no crows have visited the roof since. ranucr without courtesy is not courage. 1141 Vf'k I Many women and doctors do not recognize the real symptoms of derangement of the femalo organs until too late. '* I had terrible pains along my i spinal cord for two years and suffered i dreadfully. I was given different I medicines, wore plasters; none of these tilings helped me. Heading of | the cures that I.ydia H. IMnkliam's ? Vegetable Compound has brought about, 1 somehow felt that it was what I needed and bought a bottle to talce. How glad I am that I did so; two bottles brought ine immense relief. and after using thnee bottles more I felt new life and blood surging ; through my veins. It seemed as though there had been a regular hoi:so cleaning through my system, that all the sickness ami poison had been taken out and new life given me instead. I have advised do/ens of rnv friends to u?o i ?' *?: i-i *-- '* * i.iu.u *> ? itiiv.:;uu .1 ^ ?: i?io Compound, (-hkki health is india nensinhlo to complete hapnincs1;, and Cydin. I!. Pinkham's Vcgftahlo Compound has secured this to mt'." ? Mns. I.AUltA L. ltiiENRR, Crown Point., See rotary Ladies llolief Corps. -- $5000 )'nrfrit If original of above letter prooin.] griiji/xrcxs caei.ot be produced. livery sick woman who dors not understand Iter ailment should write Mrs. Pinkhain. Lvnti, Mass. t?rr advice is free and i i tcldi la tht Mood tad drirtag thta est cf ta# lytttta. S tleed dlieaaea yield trcajtly to this grttt reaidy. I !tod with Sciatic Uhoumatism, 30 much an / D walkiu - npon sitting down, there VM S in w icu 1 could hoar my log was 1 1 eclluir.,; position. Ht-nlh-iiig the nature ? so, but received no relief until induced by r e drug Arm of liruco & Duster, to take y s from I hem under the guarantee of Mr. t ae the money would be refunded. One 1 i?ucb of rheumatism since that time. ( time (1901). was down with a sovereattack / lo bo turned in bed on a Bheet. After the S E, he was pronounced well by the attend- C 1 the etSicacy of your medicine. i 1 .V, Editor 1'icktn* Sentinel. Pickens, 8. C. r sayc prepaid, Price fi.oo. - i , - Baltimore^ fid. ) fSBC ETY WRECKE L w mS ' : ! ' & v" V^tfe I A "A-a Hk^, i.v*A iKA I jfpfos. ?.} -"- " > '. " .? 1 Li#'.?<&* " ' ' ' -V:-: r.\ Wt-Yi5 i$?r; ! t V- ' !' "';cvc h ;. .ft' .. | I? _ > - ' ' ^i!j:!;l.;i I i | ?s<m * I " wM i 4 " ,u-... ^Mrs. h ir\r\./Ju/j ir Tm*J AUtivcss Or. Ilartman, I'rennlcnt ; o,'' the Ilartman Sanitarium, Co- ! ^"^11 . , , err a tiller. ^ ^ | v t 1; A ...v I DR. TiW I LIVER HI E2w6 has been curing people afflicted jus TV.! preparation for toning up the system What you need is just this med i,V J'" well as ours that you take it at or wwl 50c and $ 1.00 per bottle. Dr. That SHffl Yes, your druggist sells it. Be IRwjl Write our Consultation Depart BrgM receive free confidential advico. |g THACHER MEDIGifiE GO mmammmm /fo 3 1& /-" -- va\$3.= *y\-\ / ,,d V.? \ wr v.i ' L- -. fci \\ by xv. i. I rii ""U. 'v.? V Tlioy ; Aj& / ...CATALOG FRf I RFVTt*~Z ... ri?.? hbut:>s *erro| prot??? of innnlae *!? Wodcra %n'r% prQifnor* mure (Irtihlr an.1 Wf*rlmt Iralhor I titan rut nihor Imu ii v The *%!??? hnte morr tl<an rtnu* I le.t Ib*? p%%! f.?nr ?m*t aKlrli protm lit kcprrloni). I*" ll??2 > tie* Cotton Gins ji Jt MADI CONTINENT Birmingh ENGINES ai i Send for new catalogue just iss ffiVWCh RIFLE K- " It's the shots that 'It n.'" -J RiHe and Pistol Carti they shoot accurately s ft./ 11 t-| trating blow. This is th y. ?. ^-=3 if you insist on having t j g^^^^ALLDtALERSSEUJ^ O A M P C D CURIO WITHOUT CUTTING, I.HIvULn * New Vegetable Remedy. Ur A|vif> Piled, Fimuln and fort'*. nation- P,u^r?v!e,e,d inEverV Case Treated. NAT ION A I- CANCER MEDICINE COMPANY, Austell ftuUdtiiK, Atlanta. Ga. M <x>ugh Syrup, '1 aat<M Good. Go? Ml D HER HEALT'). ] Tiretf, Nervous, Aching Trembling, Sleep.ess, Blocd'ess. Pe-ru-na Honovatas, RegaJat33r Restores. .V I'rcJly New Yurk WoiniuiV. IttM'ovrry t !ii' lnlli ol'llcr Niciu't'ous I'riomN. Mrs. .1 !!. l'.nn. S'J Ka.t it. .-'i leoi,. IV.'ii .r<?. N Y .. writes: I'omtia Mcilicinc I'd., C'olumlit: ?. ' (t'rn f It'in r/i/ ftw f 'i iirs u <Jo / it at! la f'i >'' '' ft reft/. ns in.'/ /leufiii it'ns ' nnid* let 1/ broken down. Thct!< tor tt-dr/sed, a ' om/delr- rr.s( for a '/rut . ./s this mas out of foe quest inn for o time, I he fan look' for sontr other incurs of rest or; nf nit/ heu/f/i. " / /nttf often ril of I'rrnnti ' ris on e.veet'en' foii/e, so 1 bote;. 1 0 hot'le to see trimt it won't! f< r m e, rt in/ it et rt hi n I if t >ok ho'it ''/ hi ft si/sf em. oiitl ft fit remit ed me. am/ in /ess than, tie < months 1 nuts in perfect tien/f h , unit noitr when / fee/ worn, oat or tired a dose or t wo of J'ern n<t is ttU that I need ."--.Mrs. d. K. Finn. Catarrh Causes Female Itiseasrs. America is the land of nervous women The great majority of nervous women ate so because they are Butlerinj; from ram form of female disease, lty tar the great est number of female troubles are caused directly by catarrh. These women de-pan of recovery. Female trouble is so common so prevalent, that they accent it as almost inevitable. The greatest obstacle in tinwax of recovery is that they do not tin deitsand tliat it ts catarrh which is the source of their illness. In female complaint ninety-nine rases nut of one hundred arc nothing but < atarrli. l'eruna cures catarrh wherever locate 1. " gp5 Does'nt that word ex- fevj ess your condition ? *en't you depressed, v-0 cd and all fagged out? feg Ever stop to figure out iy you feel that way, ?>?}; d how you can get over 5 Well, v/e have done ^ e thinking for you and n give you relief. For ) years other's i lood mm i t as you are. It's the greatest i. building new blood and muscles, gifi licine. and it's your advantage as Ks|j| ice. Commence takinc it todav. IBM :her's Liver Medicine (dry), 25c. fttHa sure it's Dr. Thatcher's, though. j ment, explaining symptoms, and Qbatfanooga, Ter.n. |p| LDOUGLAS~~ ?ant! S3.?2 Shoes S4PJS2 ii caii m?*?- 11did i.? h/i.iil) joarlj rinj? \V. I.. Iloii^liiH -a.ftO ?>r Ml >hoe*. aro uk fcnoil hi over} way a* those that o been costiiiK y-iii lrmu S-*.' <> in$f?.iso. '1 !t?: uuioiiKO Kale of \V. I.. I? uu'.a.s shoe* |>rov< * their HHj>erinrity over all other ntiikt*. (v Solil by retail t !.< < ibiilor.s over; niter-Tlic gt'iiuiuo haw name ami pi :r? {raPVstlitu|>etl on llio bottom, Take r 6ul?tit lite, /-'lift < ii/nr l'.u<!r(< ust t.. \Y. I. lluu gill* tt-t I.ill Kile* M'i'sw' l.lno eatiliot bo ?'i(itu!li : - at any |irj? . ?fiSWeiF~ N W. I.. Doiuhamnlirurind ae'lii mow rtf n';* Goodyaar welt hund-aewei" proce*** nhct'ii than any ** h*r nianufartur* r In tho wor.-d. $25,000 Reward Maileot tli* l??t iiiiporlml antl American IritlhriK. and Presses l BY Jt j? AL GIN CO. am, Ala., id BOILERS lued. ?^ 'OL. CARTRIDGES. hit that count. " Winchester idges in all calibers hit, that i3, ind strike a good, hard, penee kind of cartridges you will get, he time-tried Winchester make. l^JESTE^^AI^OF^CARTRIDOl^J So. 22. t DropsyH RtmovM all swelling in 8 to _?o days ; effects a permanent euro in jo to 60 (lays. Triattreatment given free. Nothingcan be fairei Write Dr. H. H. Greon's Sons. Specialist*. Bos R Atlanta. ? -