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.FORT MILL TIMES WKDNEsOAY, MAY 07, IN THE LOCAL FIELD. Facts Picked Hp Hers snd There AbosJ People and Things. Prof. J. .I. Daiies spont Monday ni^lit in Cliariotte. Miss lloaglnnd spent 'Tuesday in lxoek iiill, shopping. ! Miss Mart mi B. iles. of LMe.isn.ul Valley, is visiting relatives in Gold llill. Services were held at all t!ir?-e of the churelies in town Suuday flight. Hun. \V. U. Stewart, of liock Hill, was a visitor to Fort Mill Sutu rday. The Timec thanks Miss X. Y. /. for an interesting letter from Gold ' Hill this week. Messrs. Frank Irwin and Frank Carothers, of Knndlestmr^, N. C., visited Fort Mill Sunday. Mr. Fred Harris cam? down from 'Charlotte Sunday ami spent the day at his home in this place. Miss Nettie Battle, a charming youn^ lady of Mor^unton, N. C., is a ^iiost at tl.3 home of Mr. L. ?J. Massey. A lar^o crowd of Fort Mill people attended the commencement exercises of the Pleasant Valley iriit>li school en last Friday. Mr. W. B. Hall returned to Hawkiusuille, Ga., Wednesday, after a ten day's visit to his mother, Mrs. JM. J. Hall, in this pla -e. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. iHeuelmm sympathize will- them in I lie It ?H.s of their infant daughter, which died on Monday. It ii reported ."? railroad circles that the Sealxiard Air Line will in n short time purchase the <\ cV. N. W. road, which runs from Chester to Lenoir, N. C. Mr. .T. YV. Ardrey returned Saturday looming from the Confederate veterans reunion at New Orleans. IIo reports having had a very enjoyable trip. The Highland Park baseball team has a date with the Fort Mill team fur next Saturday. The game will take pliKX) in Fort Mill.?liock Hi! Journal. At a meeting of the (f rand Lodge, K. of i'., in 0J ramreburg lust week, Dr. ). JL3. Thorn well of this place Nviis re-elected to the olliee of (i rand Keeper of Records and Seal. Constable J. B. Connor, of Lancaster, s^iuie to Fort Mill Inst Wednesday to take charge of Bob Bick ett, colored, who was wanted in Lancaster eounty for breach of contract. The game of baseball played on Friday between the C. .M. A. lodges of Fort Mill and Pleasant Valley resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 'J J to IS. The three-montlis-old infant of Mr. and Mrs Win. Steel Ii?-? 1 !<Vi day mornin;' at it's pai'tit-. house, in Sprattville. The bunal was made Saturday in Ilia city ceine tory. M iss Jennie TTauiiHon. teacher of the intermediate department of the local yraded school, left Saturday morning for her home at Union, S. C. Although there was every iudicclion of a heavy lain Saturday iii^lit, the cloud passed ?iver with lint n liuhlsprinkle in this vicinity. However, it is said, there was a lieavp downpour in vicinity of Charlotte. Prof. J. A. Tate left Monday rooming for his home at Yorkville, whore he will spend his summer vacation. Piof. Tato will return to this place about September J. he having been re-elected princi jmi or uie eon iYiiiUjrracleU School for next. year. Mr. C. II. Branson, the newly elected superintendent of the Fort JVliII Mfpf. Company, linn removed his family from Rock 11111 to this place and is oseupyinn the Heches house, on White street, until recently occupied by Mr. F. J. Muir. At a meeting of the trustees of the Fort Mill (.Traded school a few days the following loaehers were elected for the next session: Prof. J. A. Tate, of Yorkville; Miss Maud Martin, of Wiuthrop. and JMiss Nan Thornwell, of Fort Mill. A tented show, the nature of which may he judged by the following si.oj which appears on liie canvas, has been holding forth on Main street, during the past few days: "Seethe Rattlesnake Pauley and doe the Pet Fore Le^ed Raster Ac Friday a Fat Coon Ac Other Fine Pets. A number of tines have bei n collected during the past t\ \v days from parties violating the expuvB ordinance. The nrdiiiauce provides thai no person shall tamp r with, or ^<> nearer than lo |? ? t of any expiesfl, while the same i ; being unloaded from the trains, or W'hiio hei?o transferred to the ex?>' ess ofUce. One dollar is the pen aJ/y lor the Ural ^tTvUve, I. fvJVU.^VA/XJK,aJ? . i i. a. . ? . ~ - *?>: * * S A .?* .> >>* II I Bie | ** V // ! ; sa s s r -? t s,? 4 V '*> 5 U j Wp *> ? I t V w 01. *$ J > . I <n 3 t?-. < " ? ? a .rw ?*?* >? ? S *? "* F? / r * ? ?? $2 j On all Pi J NOTION | stock con ? | To-Date | \% I BARG/ | (-all am |1 | MILI ^ * ??? j >s >rf .:?c-r-r-c-*^T-*v<r ?e *wr-? sSstf"40sr<Nff?* -<i-d ?*'<NV vWJC>ff<i J4*.'vJi' *?*W Military Inspection 0.1 pt. T. It. S irntt has been oflicinlly not i tied that 11 ih company will he expected to assemble for t he annual inspection on next Wednesday afternoon at d o'clock. The inspection will he made by (Jen. John I). Frost, who is expected to .iriive from Columbia on the niternoon train, and will take place on the new ball ground near the Spratt construction shops. The new regulation uniforms; wiiu-ii imw been \j> te 1 for several days, arrived A'onday ?i id won* issued ton majority ??f I lit* members of the company at their elt ill last ni^lit. who wcro n-it present at the last drill can secure now uniforms by attending and applying at the drili next Satin day at leritoon. A cordial invitation is extended to tiie public to attend the inspection on ) une Serrccn By former Fert WS!l Bey. !v 'V .1. H. Als.-fi >v. son ni' Post mv..->UT l>. II. MiihHt'y, who #rndua- | i1 only a IVw weeks a<_a> from tin i l iiiii!i Tiirol-imi< al Seminary, of 'tifllllllMlil, 111l**cl til.' ):II pit of tin* !"'(irl Mill l'i'*ol)y : riati ciiiiieh Sunday in r sinami < von in#. At both horvivi k i In* c<>it#iv# tti >n was charmed hy tin* speakers il >w ol eloquence and the s i ichst attention was #i veil throu#h ut. Air. j Maescy bids lair 1 I) come a in >sl eloquent divine, ami holt Mill i~ deservedly proud ol h>*r son, which pride wa.M eviih need Su day bv the lar#c coti#tv#iitiouH thai t'li'il him. Public Dabate at Pina'/ille. Tim literary soctot ics if Gold Hill , and Pineville :nv to a train en# . , j ii a publ ! '> i e ii# I iukc* plft( till* lli#l)t of dnncfl 26th. in t! e public school build in# I at Pineviile. I ; subject t1 > I debated I Civil war has not been a benetit i..| the Month." The alBnnative wiliB bn defended by Messrs GlinoreB ('r<> !;.!>.(Mpps, A1. M . ('< >11 harp. B ami I). \. I'lpps, of Gold llill.l wiiil*' tin* negative will be arguedI by M G rior W illiaiuson,! Liiuri McAlpine, \V. A. Uo(ii;crii,l and W. L. Williamson, of Piueville,! The public is cordially iuvited toB be present. P John W. Miiier Dead. Mr. John W. Miller,senior member of the linn of duo. ,\V. Miilei iV Co., cotton buyers of Charlotte, and with whom our former townsman, Mr. A. Watson, has been associated in business tor several years, died suddenly Monday nfternoon in Concord, N. C., of lioari failure. Mr. Miller wns tx>rn in Tunicaster county in 1S50, and had lived in ('iiarlolte since 1 SG<>. lit* whs well known to a number of people :. 1/ ... u.n i Ill I oil .Hill, Iiiivmo I'll' yi'HI'H mill lienlini.'* with l lie local col ton I > 11 \ - J cis of this place, ami I is friends will reboot very much to learn of i his midden demise. ' .Many of I he farmers n:o idl* ' now, as it is melefS, lin y nun. to do tmy more work until it rutug, lili _ # t ^ *yj &z -."v v v ^ > ~ fW?n?^ wwa VWMI tnf?6?? ^?Ma?m< I f~^ f***? w i bPciCI, najMt;-u.'^crrr^KSCSc;'"" :w. , J " & A L, EL , rer for two \ i discount of 3TPT3 fr^TT"3 JLLI JTV JLZLJ VNTS, SHOES, HATS rs, and DllY GOODS sistsofall lln* Now i Goods. This is a UN SALE- NO 1 see us, we'll Save You 1 .S & TO I Charlotte's Nsw Paper. The initial number of the Chariot t.?* l'jvt*ni11lt Chronicle ram" to hand yesterday, and is brimmine full of choice news, local and m neral. Mr. Uowaid A. Hanks is editor, and Mr. \V. 1. I'ndcrwood. formerly of vi reonsboro, is cit\ news editor. The subscription! price of t he paper is $."> a year, and, J even without furthur improvement, any of our people who care to sub scribe t<> the paper may rest assur e< i ?>i relieving Iheir uion?*ys wort h. I ?k)u"iiijjt from The Chronicle's list i)f advertiseis. it would hcciu tlmt the publishers have struck upon : quite a profitable scheme. - ?> - ? Southern Changes Schedules. The following change in the running tiino of the Southern's local and through passenger 1 rains went into ? li'ect last Sunday: No. 'Jo. southbond. (local) formerly duo hi re at 7 01 p. in., now loaves Charlotte at 7 15 p. in., and arrives at Fort Mill at SOT p.m. Nil. JO northbound, (local) dm it Fort Mill at 1 Jo p. in., instcm i ?f J Jo p. m.. a- luMctofoie. N i. J7. soul hbound, (local) ar rives one minute curlier, 1 17 a.m. No. J 8, northbound. (local ) form ri v iiuc lii'l'i' at ().? p. in., iiov ; arrives at (> :?() p. 111. Xn. 29, ^ut i11 >onnc 1, (lliroii<rli) ! arrives ns formerly, 10.20 p. in. No. d ). northbound. ( ! >oal) arrives ai 1)22 a. in., instead of ',).! ! a. in. No. !}.'?, southbound, (f i-f mail i arrives at 9.22 a. in., i nstead of 9.01 a. in. No. d t north hound. (Fast Mnil 1 arrive at tS.07. p. in., instead of b.4<> ' bounty Summer School. Tho County Summer School will ho n Yorkville, tutjii 1111 in^c Moiulny, Juno >th. at r? o'clock, p. in., and continuing four woolen. The course of study will include Hisory, Algebra, Civics and possibly primary Methods. Teachers should bring with them all ext books they may have on the above mentioned subjects. Hoard and lodging will cost about $10 ("or the term. Arrangements for board ihonld be made befori the opening. The county board will renew the certificates of those who attend the fall ime and do satisfactory work. Trustees are cordially invited to visit nc s'-noot ami soiect their touchers for hi- next term. A circular letter will bo issued noon living additional information about lie work ami also containing the names >f those who will take boarders, together with their prices. JOHN Ik CAKIiOEL. (Jo. J?upt. Education. 5-37 2t f \ >+. M _ - Wi*.* -J - * rr-. pns*** ??** <*or> >v-y* >? ..- * iNl J-.'i-J + * ?"9+*S\>-^?-.* ;x y* > // // *' / ** * i s* I // 1 y y L; | y? r> :?. SilJwii ? y' ?frun?yfi-i?r j wti 5 ^ | 8 yy | I; * %% I A SS fveeks J I; i s y ? 2 ~>s I n I l <y | >$ M T I ^ >, CAPS, 5 U 5 y / >, Avllicll i f-> mil i p- i // genuine | FAKE I I n 1 // ' Honey. 2 $$ JNGr. ! I i | 5 y s I * 4. ss / ss // y y ?<* y <? & &/ G MG-SGGGG* ? 4-4 TG-rf-Vil-C-&*4,1 ft? tup pmii Taiir 2L1 A AAAJ iUJiU J&U1 Wo receive nothin^ but kind \v< rds for our service and wo will prove ourselves more worthy of this appreciation wlicn our plans have been in >re fully perfected and our infant industry shall have j^rowti in experience. CUR SYRUPS Are always pure and fresh. ! They are tlavored with pure | fruit juices. We will con- ! stantly add new drinks as the . public demands. Ice cream every afternoon for t he presen t. ( " Harris1 White Stone I/ithia j Water d() cents per gallon, 5 ' cents per "lass. EVERYTHING LEADS TO CLEANLINESS. Mrey's Drug Store. | JhTllKKT TAX NOTICK. ! < See. I. !'.? it ord.lined by the Tuten- ' (];:nt ami Wardens of the towa of for: M ill. S. in council assembled. ali persons subject to street duty under the laws of South Carolina, residing io >li(ltov.ii shall between ti;e Kith of j May. l'u.t, and the 1 st of June. 1' ? nt pay t-? ilie treasurer of said town a commit- \ tat inn tax of two ($? Hint hit's or |>erform davs' work on the st reels of said town 1 under the direction of the proper an- 1 t horitics. Sec. -j. That after the first day of .Tline, 11?;>:; all delinquents under this ordinance shall he s.ibj ct to a line of cents or ono days' additional work on thi' sfroots. Km iiiotl this, the Oth, (lay of May i ioo;{. " * 1 T. C. (Vt.f. Attest: liitondant. .1. M, Si'KATT. Sec. au?l Treas. AMD REPfllBMS. If your Buggy, Hack, or Sur^ rcy is all run down and scar/' red, and you think you can not get along without a new one, ! just bring the old one around | and leave it with me. You'll think it's a new one when I am through with it. Besides this, I will give you more work for the money. than any man south of the lakes. A. A. Y0U8G. j DR. KSNC'S try NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO RJORTITIiTP Cures Consumption;Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,Hay Fever,Plea- , risy, LaOrippe, Hoarseness, j Sere Throat, Croup and i \ Whooping Cough. i NO CURE. NO PAY. 1 Pric* bOc. and S1 TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. V ,.k,. % v. We are overstocked uu ti.o full wholesale cost for GASfS All Mens* and^ Hoys' Clothing. All Straw Hats. All Summer Dress (i Percales, Organdies. Silks, White (J such as Applique, (lalloon, Hraidi Summer Shoes. All Ladies' Sim Carriages mid (Jo Carts. We moan exactly what wo say? wo must have the SPOT CASH for us anything, a settlement will ho up to pay our bills. This Cost Sale will commenct MAY 2S, and will last for TWO WEE! NOW is YOl'U time to save nu L- J. Ml I j + * i? Place 111 town to ini;, Hats, Shoes wear, lite. : Von will notice t! ?[? ilifl'crs from tli Z* and von will :iI^m " SS #><* ' +? by far, considerii elsewhere. Just or shipment of th I hat j?o at 1 Oe tin ** every day ex pec a shipment of t llats, and will se \<j> strictly in keepin it r ? il [McEShaney s* f '*>X. % A Few Thirsgg Ln<lic?r vests?Wo lmvo a full liiu Soo our Lylcs N est, two for 2~>o. Ijiulii'H Knit Pauls, kuoo lon^jtlis. Ladies Knit Comet Covi rs at 2~i <. Infants* and Childrens' Vests, 2 o K. Waist, for Child ran, 2.~> cts. Mi lls' Gauze Shirts and Drawet . olnred, and no hotter value to ho fo Mints' Klastio Soann d Pepporals J \ bargain. Xvl _l X_i i XH We nro still husy in this depar .vork. We hnve just received a r This is tho iiowost with white suits, liein, they are nice and cheap (.H) ( SLIPI Wo have sold as many Slippers uj ast season. Why? Localise we ha % ItSeacharn TRY THE City Barber Shop For u tirst-clasa HAIR CUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO, or HAIR SINGE. Carothcrs <3c Son. PROPRIETORS. Third door Iinnk building. mm^sS^m^,M* BflBSMSR IffiPsBBB BL'AXKSSMITHING. AW liavi? upi-ut-d a hinillisliop iti ll>?? liailcH slK'p, near .MclOlhaiwy'H livarv stabli-H, and aolieit, your patronage. Omy Innl-on-n work i irf aunt oilt from our ttiiuji, and our priors arc n-aiona If 11A..L A 11 AliibKLI.. t m . J $ TAT COST. v>\\ ^ouds, HIIII offer Ihent n* ONLY: I Millinery. All Men** nucl' nods, moh ms Ginghams. J.frvsu*^ nods. lite. All Dross THmmiiirjr,. *. Laces. Etc. All Slippers wMi'' t Waists and Skirls. All Be-Hocy -no fake snle. Don't forget tliratf all ^oods sold at cost. If you ow?preciated, as wo need the money r ) on THURSDAY ABORNING, f milV 1 >ney. ^SSEY. ^jrjSlQ I huy your Cloth- <*y* ?, Shirts, Neck- S* uit our heading 5S e general rule, ?j tind our prices <t* | ii? quality than !>5 received anothose Suspenders * pair. \Ve are ?{ ting to receive he latest style jS II them at prices ? with the times. i^arksGoj ? in Season. ; i?t* those from 5e to 25c. nt 25 ets. Is. t s. This ia the best on the market. 'k. 25c, 55c and 50c, white and nnd. lileached Drill Druwers, 50 cents. MSRY. hnent j?ettin>j new trends every diipmeiit of White P. K. IlHts. or lorontuiix hats. Come and see ta. and $1.25. 3ERS. ) to 111 in time ?is we sold nil of vo what the people went. i 5 Epps. m Dour Mrs. Person: A good while bnck my health commenced failing and I got in n low condition. I wtt* nlwuys tired; with jkkt appetite, so tired always that I did not feel equal to any exertion at all. I had enlarged glands 011 the nock which were very sore and when I would take cold they would enlarge and cause nio much suffering. 1 often had s|s-lls of iutiaimnatory rhennmt i:^i which alTee.ted the whole of ni body and rendered mo helpless. I tried medical treatment, which would gi\e tomiiorary relief, lmt did not cure me. 1 tried vario patent preparations, but they d nio no good. At last a friend pe. suaded me to use Ivlrs- Jog Person's "ICZ? ? - ? ? JL KlC XXJLt?Ciy 5 m I bought a hu1f:dozon bot ties, an-1 all it taking it I felt ho lunch bot or that 1 did not feel liko taking t?Mv* more. Tito next your in the apr n ; I knew I needed more mid again ^JJCTnWTvTTnzmn j rooK if 111 that way nuiil il lias liuulo a *:oi?i|?!?-? > run of me mid my health is uno. 1'lm enlarged glands aro eiitirnly ennui. rheumatism entirely eanxU uiul 1 mil now in stout, ro|>.?st health, and | iid< isoeverybody who nerds it tonir or lire "run dowu' to use Mm. Jon 1'orsoit'* Ktunudy, M .1. ?\f<)K( r.A N. " i . ... Uc. !>. May '.iJ, U'J~.