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M iss ^Airr!cs o i:o young" women al Menstrual Period ? 1 suffering and rcmov< Lydia EL Pinkham's "To Young Women: ? T sutYt rhea (gainful periods), so nmeh so knew it, meant three or four <lays this was due to au inflamed ecnditii by repeat,ed and neglected rolds. "If youni? ^irls only realized 1 this critical time, much su fieri up v for hydia Fk t'inkhiiui*:< Ycjjetn livdieino which helped nre any. V take it, L u diced a marked impro\ th time of my next monthly perioi ably. I kept, up the treatment, and an: k her person sinee. I am in perfect added t'J pounds to my wcityht, fir happy." ? Mis* A<-n::<, ye Tl?o montlilv cicl.uKu^ fo?, linilth. Anything iriiiKiial ni niuJ i?rt?f?:T attention. Fifty vlui that, liplia II. Piuk"i!??n*s Wtfoi struution ami m ikes those peri ri:ai> what miss . , } HOI uiiiimr; Tjynii, ?Iass., lid* iulvlro :s 1':i *1 nvr woman who asks i'or it. IE more than one hundred thoitsn it, my :-i< k sisters'* FORFEIT lf ^ ^L'Uvi'CF s.U/vo>, ? m i ' KTK-Ti. on; ^ w,T;r<3ra.-.Trjt:r- r~ k<t. ?^ j iWTMW/^ li cartridges and shot shells S ' arc made in the largest and p , test equipped ammunition J factory in the world. j | AMMUNITION 1 & of U. M. C. make now d accepted by shooters as ? "the worlds standard" for E j 8 it shoots well in any gun. I Tour dealer sells it. u IT He Union Metallic f? Cartridge Co. Bridgeport, - - Conn. R f apudine Cures Nervousness nun ttrntiniio Iinntnnr miiu ncnvuua ncAUMunc. lOc. !!">?', ami f?Oe. ?t I)*nnitorfs. ! | The Standard Rh* I STANDARD cure for rheumatism jfl -TS.7Z physician recently sai N prescription that will cure rheumatism, j?{ die* do incalculable harm to the ?liur. ? , W plrtclv overcomes this difficulty?btncf M cfigestion?hence it can be taken fur an lj i?c, to effect a permanent cure." The Doctor quoted on ers the cacc cr jelly, AU Druggists, $1.00, ' S Bobbitt Chemical Co., f :r, of Chicago, speaks bout dangers of the ! low to avoid pain and e the cause by using Vegetable Compound. ?red for six yours with dysmenortliat I dreaded every month, as I of intense pain. 'l ite doctor said 011 of the uterine appendages caused. how dangerous it is to take cold at rould be spared them, Thank God hie Compound, was the only i ithin three week., after I started to enient in my general health, and at I the pain had diminished eon.siderwas (..., ?(! a month later. I am liko health, 1 iv eyes are brighter, I have v color is good, and 1 feel light and Potomac Ave., Chicago, 111. ts the c mriition of a wonian's I that viice should have prompt wsaiid tetters lrom women provo table Compound regulates menods painless. i UXI>!.KCK SAYS: Vfns. I'txkiiam:?Lydin 11. Pink- j table Compound has greatly liene- 1 will tell you how I sulfered. My ! willful menstruation. I felt as each j 1 y that 1 was getting worse. 1 had ig-down pains in my back and ubdod advised me to try Mrs. Pinkham's did r.o and am now free from all my periods." ? Jessie ('. Lindbeck. ! ct, Uochford, III. :k a ovic i: to wo3ii:n. ember. every woman is cordially (? write to Mrs. Pinkltniu if there ?>?* about licr symptoms she does ml. Mrs. Pink ham's address is i'id cheerfully {riven to every oiler adviee has restored to health nd women. Why don't you try | | Ith t!??? or-^in \\ letters anil pipnatur?# of { l'p T11 *ir ?lhte i r. I'liikltam Mor'it'lno < ??.. I.ynn, Mass. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in hull:. j Beware of the dealer v/ho tries to sc'l "Something just as ?ocd." A i?d-?* . o"? ! solution now ol?vlnir? th.* need of u dm U rooui in photography. bo. IS. j FITS oernmnotii i v oared. No Ills or nerv > n- i netsafferllr?: <P'vY 1110 of Dr. Ivllno'.* i?roV. i NervoUo.Htorer.i '.J trial i> ittloaad t roali-nir i? J Pr. i.'.: . hi.i.NK. '.Ml Aroii St.. t'hila., I'.i. j A pirl may lorke n onto with n fellow and | not tare a iir '. iv _ Dvsvkvhia, Inimoi arion and all jitomn-h | 1"N posltivetv cured by 'J'abi:i?'h 1'r.rsix Compound. iOe.siro mailed free to r.ny address. Write l)r. T?l?-r Mfg. Co., Peoria, 111. The a>( i'.ijic in iiuiic apt to speak her mind than to mind her speech. riso's l.'uro cannot be too highly spr ken or .iB a cough euro.?J. W. U'liRtin, S'jS Third Avenuo, N., Minneapolis, Minn., J an. t>, 1POO. The average mail is known as a "good follow" until,his money ts all gone. Prrr.nam Kapki.kms Dyks do not stain the hands or spot the keltic, except green and purple. The few men who know themselves thoroughly keep quiet about it. n. H. Oukkn'h Sons, of Atlanta, (in., are the only successful Dropsy Speeiallsts in the world. See t heir libi ral offer in advertisement in auothtjr column of this paper. j tt?. ? fee nmiaiic itemeay. ins declare that it is the only absolute r in its various forms. A prominent ?< d: "I have never been able to write a g owing to the fact that the usual reme- H live organs. RHEUMACIDE com- p its rather than injures the organs of N indefinite period, or as long as need S , " I\heumMCUe " is Absolutely hArmless. ar expressage prepaid. Baltimore lid., U. S. A. 3 I BILL ARP. 1 &' of ?<! S 'X&3.1c KStfifcSiaSilt St 9?S9ifiSi&%9fcltXJSKfl One hundred anil fifty years ago old Dr. Johnson said, "A cow is a very good animal in a field, but keep her out of (lie garden." l.ato last night as the girls up stairs were going to bed and were closing the window blinds they saw. in the dire moon light, something moving along in the garden and sure enough i: was a cow?our own eow and she was not far away from the rows of English peas that wore in full bloom. Thi alarm was given and my wife lighted the lantern and with the girls mi ie haste to e.xnel the intruder Everything was wi i and of course 1 was not allowed to go. AH I could do was to hold the lamp to the widow and feel ashamed that ! was tick and no account in an rmr:y,i ncy like this. The cowboy;. in Texas n> ve:* trotted around with more alacrity liutti ! my wife and these cowgirls after that row. "Keen her n\v. y from the peas."' I a maternal voice. And I echoed the speech of Patrick Henry, who said, "it is in vain to cry perns win n .'acre is no pea:-." The old hussy ran hy the Kate three times and taoi; the gracal rounds with half a dozen eaives visible and invisible following her. i>nt finally gave it up and went out and was put up in iter den. Old Aunt Dolly is our milk won: an and dec In res she "fastened dnt gate good." b't the cow and the garden say she didn't. Rut the garden lias a gate too nrd i remember now that my wife told me in the morning before it rained that I might po out and cut the asparagus for uinner and ' i did and reckon I left the gate open. Rut "all's well that ends well" and now there is peace in the family and peas in the garden. The world roes up and the world goes down And the sunshine fellows the rain. Dut sick or well. I'M s- " that the row Don't g<t in the garden again. Early vigilance is not only the price of liberty, hut it is the protect!* n of a garden for almost every day *1. iittie j grand children come up to t-r>e me and j comfort me and now they want to jjicit I some strawh? rr'.?.s an;l l ull tin some | radishes and 1 -ay of . :: i 1 i thev will leave the gale open and ii ir? ; my l,ns::jcss to shut a i n ;l>?y Pave j nil idea that 1 n just here for their pleasure. Tiny njwr> come h'-'.gry for they 1;. av. that i . r.'uima l.r.s got [nine appi< a or < ake hi : ?-\ry and grandpa wiil yet thmi. I'.vcn t < iittle | 2-year-ohl hey knows where the sideboard keys h um; ru ; v. in -h doo>- i 1 . .. c ?.?.. I . 1. - ... i. u.v . . I" r.;:s ?' ami lie taken mo by i:i<* ii.r'.i nr.'i ...!.? v..e ' vp. \ hiseult w'li !n iiirn" i-': l<i rr ji sit lio:ne. but it wont li? re. Wo;! 'm ;:?\rrn. but our house is a t r?- ami t>:i y nia-c and tto ilaldnn of tit . i k:mv. i. On liuster Satin (my aim cue l.tindred and lifty r tamo qui. In i? i !i -re to mint the pre t.v etjs an:! it was a biq ivo!ie and the n.otln s am! a.r.iis i anv with i them and i* t ' !. 2<? c'nxt n ca-'s to ",o i around and i \ >ey liil!.- tat ;::u some. I They play. ! jtatr. s in the prove and i tennir. in the court an I n o! 1 p.op] ? j wore happy be.nusi ;lu- *-*ti 1?In :s were. Almost < wry body, old y.-ini;.;, came to salute nto as I played pat rian-'n in the I. ~ chair or ;ii v ran lab. and some brought tlo.vias nr. ! int o imntftht fruits ami all 'mor.yh: .! .. and a it in not s> h: ; in he <1 . -i it artor all. livery nriij nr in me no ... leltms;, kind i' Iters from fur away an 1 unknown fri a is a id < y,i\i me cmii ion ami i an-v.- :tlI <..n. but nivst j toil the t;: boo. i .ii*. in .? one- :\:t .1 ;hat j I cannot write any more < ornp.: v.ti- 1 i ions or essay;. ?>; debabs nr. I they arc j waiting their time to On j young man wants my opinion <m the; immortality of the soul ris though 1 was Addison or a pr :. ! ? . and . r> I sent him a post?! card an < referred hint to the Prophet Mlcau. si:.:it chap- ! tor and eighth verse. There is n od enough for anybody's s-oui. Another mother wano a 1'::.. .i States history that is reliable and ah . > a biography of general and "Stou. wali" Jackson. Write to Dr. J. William Jones, Rich-I moiid, Va.. the grand < ha plain of the Confederate Veto:an the historian ?.f j the Confederacy, rho grandest man now left, a beacon light, a synonym of wisdom and truth, and the gifted biographer of and Jackson and rtnvii- I fill. >- - - * . ..jum- laui ne nas ltve.l j to give us a I'r.ited State:; hir.iori that is; beyond the rca ii o! .hit am t;t! will, i hope. be naoptp 1 ! y every school in tlie South and be in every household. 1 rejoice that Alabama has passed a bill for uniform text hooks and titist that the governor will appoint u commission that can't he bought. We know that in some schools in Georgia Southern authors have been displaced to make room for northern text books and it was done with money. A friend writes me that our own Maury was so displaced to make room for a Northern work and that it took lage money to do it and that it was not possible for Georgia to pass a bill for uniform text book?. But there Is life in the old land yet even though a clerk ir. a hank can steal a $100,000 before he is found out. and even though athletics are now the most important part of a young man's education. The rnco problem seems to he assuaging down and our president can take a month off to hunt bear and shoot lions. May the good Lord help us and save us from utter disgrace. Just think for a moment of Adams or Jc fTcrson of Madison or Monroe or Van Huron or Buchannon or Jackson hunting bear or shooting ducks. The dignity of the presidency ha* demrtmi When will it return?? Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. Dumb Man's 3uccesr?fui Campaign. The death of Joseph M. Hunter In Idaho recalls the unique campaign he conducted as a Democrat to be elected Recorder of Jefferson county, Ohio, some years apo. At the outset of his canvass his speech left him and ho went about with a slate and pencil. Soon after he was elected his voice returned and his opponents claimed that they had been tricked.?Cincinnati Enquirer. PROMINENT PHI y7 IPI I vfc-n', kt/fci'- :i'V * \1 \\ ' ^:v\\ rv\V #% \\ a s ?'J % * y ' ROBERT ROBERTS M.D^-? f Koho I t II. Roberts, M. D.. Wash- J J ingtou, 1). (w rites: ' "Tit ma ah tn if men ejrpertener e J ?s well ni th it ?/ ma it it ?/ m if t j/riV?rf(t ami a et/na into tiers who t J liavr hern cured or relieved of ea- t *tarrh btj the tine of Ihiritiiait's t J JVriiiin, I ran eoti/idenll it rrr- t * mnmcml it to Hume HujJ~eriny t * / roil i snrh il isn filers, ami have no r ^ li< si t ul Ion in iircscrihiiiff it to miff * fiat tents. "?Ilohrrt II. Huberts. * \< < )N>TANT!.Y iti?irifj tr.iimicr o: physicians pr? s< rihe l\ rt in their! regular pr.ioii<<\ It has proven us incntsl >il f 111 t **l k! 1 fT 11 I \ I 11 t I l> , J , .. . i . . 1 - . -- 'f " ' ' 1 ' * 1 ^ "'Jx OMM'coillt' their | : Jiii11?-?* ,i;;.iiiist mi ralicd patent modieitu.s and reeomnicnd a i>> tin a* puticiits. I'eruiiu oicii|iiiN a nni'iue po-iti.iit in niedn al seieiae. It i> tin- only int< -rnai s\r-leintr i.itarili remedy Umavn to tin1 mci 1 i? .11 prou .-don to-day. Catarrh. a> everyone will admit. is tIt*.* eausr of one- 1 half tin* disease* w hieli aflliet mankind. | Catarrh and eatarrhal disease- atl'.ict one half of the people of I nited Stales. I". II. Itrand. M. I)., oi Molana, I 'J.. u-es IVrima in his prartne. 1 in- lo'iiowiiiK < ase ! is an example of the siiii>es he has lluouyh 1 the use ol lVruna lor ratarrh. Dr. Itrand say>: "Mrs. ai;e 12S, had been a sullerer from eatarrh for the pa.-t sevi-n jears; eould not hear plain and had \vat< r\ eve*. She eame to n?e almost a wieeU. Mie had tried the Coiielalid en res and various other so-eailed Npreiau-is, and had derived no benefit from Client. She tolii me -he did not DON'T ET AS:< Your? DIALED Foa 7riE SUCAik::? MADE FAMOUS BY A BEPUTATION \ tvthd^i^r r?ir\ tu m [ '4 half a century. % S :^v tower'6 garments and *")~Tyr> \ kits arc r.ia^^ cf the be*.t <j !?- ) v \ v 'n cr yellow ' j .' ?/ . i * for all kinds of vv?t v/ork. ' ' mtftfackck i.'. c'j.v.acil!:!) ir yc'j stick to . CP THE FISH.. J= j v piah coj li* 'to: ."o?'-Vo0ca'n c^t''^&t.:srtj-Z^ liicsv. tir--r-. i^^ires Jjk 4# ?.&**?. Iffl i jjl bo. ll>. A fertilizer Potash is not complete. IS Our book', ire complete I rSICIANS PRESCR Br. S?S. Q. Oas, o! " Pe-riHia is , fit to ?| lip ^ J] ' / " : s-? '< x ukiiu 11/ 1 ( v.;ti*i In rid ?114\ nrnr?- lunacy <>a modieint unit - s I maid .is.iurv lier relief. >?.?.%.*.?.? - "t |iit; iui 141. I'c * < ri,ntt ":'1 h-'r 3 > ? ' ti 'V.. (4 I,. 4 (4(114- 14.11 I; 111 I ' ' -A-*1-*' % .7^ J 1 \i 11 week*. I l.i- ?-i * if ' lee.s Well- \\ I1TI.I.-4 '* > ? J till. The . u>t .l-iwn . * i -v .> f^f. * look -lie had wl-.-a 1 * 1 'y' * ' tii*-t S.IM in: 1.??1 J V >-^ > J ii it |n 1 ,i;i() a -;.i-.'e 1 * WT^'-a ''vV ' adiii iieil li< r mie. * H ' >?'<' K'l'l ' j a ililTe- i-at S / / ' t vva-i improved anil ' * "'Hi t In*!* i(IkI nut I ,? K. II. ISraiul. M. I). J trouble her any 'vvivvvi-vvvvvv vv?' moil'. "This is only oik* case of tin* many I have treated with your valuable medicine." I*, li. Kratnl. ,\|, I). Catarrh tn.iv invade any orran of tin* hoilv ; may destiny any fiuii'tnm of '1* hody. It most onimonl) attacks the | la-.ul. no-'* ami 11 j? ? ;*t. Imt ilionsaiuls upon thousands of cases of catarrh of the hint's | j ^sss==^srsT^W', ] IS /-~% \A#3.* f T v..? \ iU \ I ' / * V? "\ \ by \M". N V to, ; /| f.i- t) V>3V''; /;# d-i'-V /> <J :>. ft/ /:! v' sV } vjlis^ w . yy "5^E:<vra '": : v I Sao *& .;. 9 Tl # Don * MH M>irw l'ror#,, o/innnl^tr IU?? l-.llom w* | rot!ur^N |?, ,,. r , ?<.?:. r..,| low-r. wearing li alltfr ?t?tu km> ??( hvr I?i.uatc Tiir sale* hxt? nori'lltitdiu* I ?c?| tbr* | -t futir j? ?r?, wlilrhpruin ||? aiiprriorllft i *..; **-;,%???:(, m * :?.!? i I*.-'.- >al? .>.*?,<>'? io.oo ; ^iKI i dr. im Eft has been curing poople afflicted ju Bje preparation for toning up the syster What you need is just this me well as ours that you take it at c 50c and $ 1.00 per bottle. Dr. Tha ie^g \Vrita our Consultation Depar iet? roccivo free confidential advice. g| THEGHUR HBKGftE gg The enlarged .soul will not be swollen With conroit. IBES^sBESja^lS CURES 'HIKE All ELSE P-V Boat i;.>u?h syrup. Tmuss W.haI. Uoo 5~| In tlrr?. So'd by driiKKl*.* F~a IBB PE-EB-M. : Sail Fraasisss, Says of Gspesla!) BssssWosisn." tomn< !i. Kidney*, h'n.hlrr and other pelvic VKiitts have keen run 1 hv I'erano. Petunia is able to euro catarrh wherever i niii\ he located In u< tine : aiv ion upon ho rmvinis im-mlit ain s. Catarrh mean* iiikitiit'd mucous membrane*. I'eruna aets o:ire m c.canse ami invigorate the caartltal inilition 01 the mucous membrane : ? matter where it may amir m the odv. Its action is the fame on the mucous lining of the nose as on tlie mucous lining of the bowels*. It cures tlie atarrhal intlammation wherever it may jceur. Dr. 1*. Dobbins, Muskogee. 1. writes: "1'cruna is the best tncdw in< I know of for cough and to strengthen .1 wealt stomach and to jpve appetite. JJeside prescribing it for catarrh. I have ordered it tor hi.:!, atsd del.dilated people, and have not had a p.ii'cn: hut - lid i' helped him. It is an excellent medicine and it tits so many cases. "I havi a large practice. i:u| hive .1 linnet* to prescribe your l'crnna. 1 hope ton ma' live iiuijj tv> ii?i go-*d to the sick itul suITcring." W e .-ill I'er'.iltil cures catarrh. The )?? ?p'e ,-;i\ I'erena ceres catarrh. Prominent men and women all over the I lilted >i.ites mi Maine 'n Ciiiiornia do t.ot he-e.ate to come out in public print to s.iv that IVrnua is what il is recommended to he. an internal, svstemii i atarrli remedy that tire-- catarrh wherever it may be lo atcd. Dr. A1. C. (ice's Experience. II,. M i i : - .... .... * . 11:11* 01 mi* pnysioian? .vim cndor-o IVliina. !n .1 letter writ ton itciiii I:? -Iotas street. San Krancisoo, I'til., In* says. " I'lli-fr Is n (/rnrrti' objection on thr pact o f the prar: id hi/ plii/siciaii to <1 it roea Ir patent nteti let ties. Hut when unit one inetlieine cures hnndeeds of people, H d enion*i ca tc* its '?ien value o ml itoes not nerd the cn~ t'"c***srinent of the peofestion. "I'reuutt litis prefofutcd so mono wonderful en res in San I'rn neiseo 'hot I a lit eon el need t tin t It Is u ea I uilile reinidi/, I ha re I eei/ne nt I p ttdrtsfd Its use foe women, as I find it insures rpfiulur a ml painless tnrn*teuation, rutes I meorrhoen and en fin >1 t enables, am! builds up the fntlee st/sle in. I also eonsidee it one if the fittest catarrh remeilies / '1 > >;;* ?/. ! bra el tin mtloese xjoue medicine."?>f. <' Her, M. I) Wiiiui'ti an* especially lia'i'o to pelvic rli. ii-ai.r.i* .v. aLnoss a- .1 is common y a!.. <i. I". , ii.i'l 111 the tii : !evv \ oolt* 11 warm weather <1?< tin* di-acroeable -vaipi'-tn- (muia* wr.i\n? -- ntal-.e tin m.i*lv< el. In 1 r.s]i. t il weather ill .111 u it-.. :? 1 - .villi pel vi.- i-at.inh ii.i lint .-,-i ~ . i-.-i 1 tenth ill: il.-lnii ati.ti. eli i-ts : tin- ilrain iipi-u tin* -v-i'io. lint at in* ippin. 1 ni ...Mimei Willi it- .i-~; ami :;-i.1 il (-lilies, tin- -.ntii-ri-r w-ta |M*lvie a;\i ill I...- tin- iieeil .ii .1 >11 en it then ill k .unit*. IVriii.a i- not mi! the I of sprinn tonic or stn-li -. lint 11 p 1 - isteil ia *viil effect 1 riilillilele our.-. Vv 1 iti Jul' a enpv of llialtli am! llc.iuiv v. fit tf-n ?*sp? ri.illy or women In I >1 . I t.u: man. It >011 want n road o: -anno euros. also, vvrito ior a iinv iii "I'.ii'ts ami I'.n i's. I liat will sitre\ convince von that our elaiins an* valid. li v.m do not dorivo prompt and s.itisr-,. toi v 1 (siilts from tin- iim* ot I'm 111a, vvrito ii! 01110 to Dr. ll.irtman. tjivinii a full statement o! vonr . iim* i.iid ho will In- phased 10 yivo _vo-.: Ir- vahialilo advice tcrat is. Address Dr. Ilartnnui. President of The Mart man Sanitarium, Columliu.-. Ohio. Lc, DOUGiLAS" O^f! 1?. O OO i/v ie>.-!,? Union -SJlll? V>OtlOCb Mr.cto 11 ? ao -aii- .mil .>;$.?) ? in ?>o -. ?.n-|\ irinif M . !.. Don:;las 'Sitall or .'ii -Inn's, no } :.*; as i'.u?il 111 ovoiv v a- il Miat V# Ix-i'll Cos II lie V nil I 'I'll S '.OI to (1i. I In. .11 Ills I ISO s I - ot VV . i .. I II ... ;'-l? ; llo s |.| l,v IS fin- v siijh rinrilv ..v. r nil > .la- in ii>. s. ' H i -', st -.i- ill U-i.- hi ivwlu-ri*. .j . ii an- tii.v 1 in . a.1.1 juice. djis'-s, ,;l- na.i .1 011 .Is- lotl 111. Make in .;'Vy Ml litilli: .-. -I t'ul. 1 ; II -1?/. ^ , A>V W' it Ollt Ktlfce IJ .* S ' /S Oivill.l.. in* 011:1a I loll '"'V _ nn\ |irici-. ;i'J IMF WflD? p / <? ; " r>V "il WUnLu/ioi \ -0>.v,. 1 iff /':BffiS ,.v;\ '"> > I lis rank 'B > Ml cll!< inoco i: r,'< iViUd-Sr V?M1 V. *. hh(H!B ' '' ' y ? '^r t U' r . i lr?r wm in. J>4Lw .'JoU rtC^?<rC '-jii : : VI-1 !iiv I**-! .? !'.irH'ilnim VHUM < Hi ?< ?!Imm? . Doss1nt that v/ord ex- \?|| ress your condition ? Jm ron'tyou depressed, red and all fagged out? jM* Ever stop to figure out hy ycu feel that way, $jijm "id how you can get over gfeia ? Well, we have done le thinking for ycu and in give you relief. For st as you are. It's the greatest HH n. building new blocd and muscles. H|M dicine, and it's your advantage as Hfcvd ncc. Commence tailing it today. 1 'VI r Wnlir-.iim I I oc_ HISS* J sure it's Dr. Thatcher's, though. ??3h Irnent, explaining symptoms, and BaaB }., Chaffanooga, Ton?!. |J| w_ ff mm r Removes all nwellinf; in 8toao / days; elfccii a permanent euro A v? ji. in ?a to bo days. Trial treatment /fift'X jjiveu free. Mothin^can b? fairet N- Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons. 1 ?"'* Socialists. Bos IJ. Atlanta. 6a.