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"POOR DIGEST LANGUID lAn Interesting Letter npwv> Della . i a t/anveau Miss l>oJln Junvenu. Olnbo Hotel. Ottawi -snown Kroneh Canadian families in Canada ? ! Columbus. Ohio, she says : "IsOHt sprFny my blnutl seemed clnfi .-xclied a nd I It'll languid and tired nit far mr. but a f riend advised me ta tri/ Tt? state that I /on??:i It a wonder/ til cl< Jit* three weeks I trns lllce a new ivmnn %K')|/?n(, tight and happy and with oil f table faintly medicine." Adia Urittain, of Sekitan. <*.. writes"After its i lit; your wonderful IVrtina 'three months I have had groat relief. I Intel oontinnal heaviness in my stomnrli. was liilious. and had fainting siielU hut ahoy have all loft me siiuv using IVruna." ? Adia lirittain. if vou do not derive oroninL and satis < Natural flavor 11 Corned Beef ? it rig ' Keep it in tho hours (or. oirnTBPucies?for s yon want somrthintf good and want it quick, apprtirini; lunch i? ready in an ioMant. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Ch ' 4w??? i i ?????a ? The town of Radnor. Indiana, has a ; remarkable case of sclent I lie and hu- j man interest in Clyde Harner. aged 25 > years, who. eminent physicians say, ! will live to be 200 years old. Though I yenr?- old. he docs not look older i than a boy of 4 or 5. is 3R Inches high , tarwl in ip-ht; >Mtf !t"? nonmlK though sit t birth he was normal and weighed 10 ' pounds. His parents are ordinary, ev?ry-?lay? healthy persons. His mental and physical growth stopped when he was 5 years old and has only developed JO. oTH'-sixth the paec since, so that the man of 2."? looks no older than a hoy of -I or 5. He cats but three meals a week. War with the devil is the condition ?of peace with Clod. FASTEN A< Sick Kidneys make people look older div'S of life: fasten the marks of Doan's Kidney Pills is the Aching backs arc cased. Hip, back, ami loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust sediment, high colored, excessive pain in passing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Jinan's Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, lieadnchc, nervousness. Rslttv, Mass.. March HI. 100.1,?I received tlic. sample of Doan's Kidney l'ills. and with the use of one more box from my drnctrist 1 ?uu entirely cured of a very lauie hack.?W. a. clkvkuand. <?ai.KsnrRo. Ti.i... March 30. 1903 ?The sample of Doan's Kidney Pills camo to hand. I aJ*o got one 50-cent box from our drugirlst, and I ma thankful to say the pain aero.-* the tau'l of my hack disappeared like a snow :mnk in hot sun. Doan's i'illa reach the apot.? Ki.ur.u \V Alt pel.. ilosr.Oi.KN, Pa., March 29, 1903?The free jrtal of Doan's Kidney Pills have been of great jenefit to m? Hlnre using them 1 liave no oc*afM>n to get up an often at uight. My com tlaitil affected the bladder more when catching mid?Joaoi-u Lkii'eual. ION _AND TIRED." Concerning Po-ru-na.] i. Out., Is from one of the phlest a <i best In a recent letter to The Perunu Medicine f,7r I up, my digest ton poor, nig head the. time. Mg physician prescribed Parana. I tried It and am pleased causer a nd purifier of the system n, my appetite had Increased, I frit I a n ache or pain. Per ana ts a rcfoetory results from the use of Peruna. write nt once to Dr. llnrtiuun. giving a full statement of vour ease ami lie will bp pleased to give you lus valuable advice A gratis. Address Dr. Hurt man. President of s The II artmau Sanitarium. Columbus, . (.>hio. nkc our choice corned href, cocjtitnnd season I done by experts?better than is possible at , Wlteri just ritrLit we put it ra> cans to keep I ht until ron want it. ^ uppers, for sandwiches? for any time when dimply turn a key and the can is open. An 1 <va<Uv WritrfM ourtre? booklet. "How. I I ' ICoS**? to M?icc Good Things to Knt." | 1 Copenhagen. the Capital of Denmark. ] lias just elected a Socialist mayor, lie is a working painter, named .Jensen, ' who has been for some time president of the trades unions. After his election : he was met outside the town hall by a , 1 procession of over 1,000 Socialists with 1 torches and bands. They conducted ' him through the crowded streets which ; | were lined with cheering masses of i workingmen. ,to the People's Halt. , where a fete on a large scale was held. . Mayor Jensen is the first Socialist to j gain such high honor in Denmark. I The only loyalty in the world that j defies all tests is a mother's to her j children. So. 17. m a r?i^ c lIL4 ITI/AIVIV^. than they are; hasten the evening premature old age. The world over recognized Kidney Specific. Cambria, Wtomino.? Previous to takinc the of Doan's Kitlney Tills I could i.careely hold my urino. Now! can sleep all night ami rarely have to get up, and that aching across my hack a little above my hips is i goue.?Isaac W. Stephens, Cambria, Wyo. FREE?TO BETTER KIDNEY HEALTH. HI WWidnejs I \?yS. J nils, I: vt it. ??& ALiwKjsy I; Xfrw vfoirffeiwwt^ I I Fo^TKn-MiiJiru* (*?, Buffalo. S. Y. I'leaae am. I me by mall, without charge, trial box L)oan'? huluey liila. j State ......... _ ..... I (Cat out coupon on ilottwl lln?? and mail to r , Kueler-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y.) ' | j Medical Adv.ce Free ? Strictly Confidential f BILL ARP. ] fc*^Ka^**K&&fcliKKfcS3tSi&fc'fc?n?* A good lady, a neighbor and friend, bought one of my books and expressed her pleasure at its perusal, but found one fault that did not harmonize with her Hebrew feelings, for she is a Jewess. In two places she found a sportive anecdote that reflected upon some of her people, but they were too good to be suppressed, and would have been told on Gentiles no well. .My respect tor tn?* .i< ws lias been too jftcn expressed in my letters to be luestionel. it is not mere respect, but it is wonder and admiration. I rejoice with them that the ages of persecution have passed, and that they can now worship according to their conscience and the faith of their fathers. Their ancestors appeared at the very dawn of creation. They have been broken up and scattered time and again, but have preserved their sacred literature and customs and religion. and have outlived every nation that oppressed them. They have had no king nor rnkr nor political head, and have been scattered among all climes and peoples, but have never lost their nationality nor mixed their blood with any other people. They have for < nturies struggled against the Egyptians, Syrians and Romans, and survived them all. They were in later centuries proscribed by the Catholics of Spain, the Protestants of Norway, while their persecutors sang the songs of the Psalmists and taught. the wisdom of tueir prophets. We reloiee that their deliverance from persecution came along with that of our >wn when we proclaimed religious iDerty and civil equality to all who undo America their homo. I have long idmired that people, who have ex el led in domestic virtue, in obedience 0 law, whose children honor and obey heir parents. Harely among them are ound convicts or criminals or drunkirds or suicides, or divorced men or voraen. Their names seldom appear >n the dockets of the courts. And yet hey are patriots when patriots are vanted. Kosciusko had no braver roups than the Polish Jews who folowed his banner, and if l had to lame the most faithful soldier I ever law in our civil war I would name fonos, of our town of Rome, a Jew vho never shirked a duty or avoided 1 battle -or loitered on a march. We lave not forgotten how he came to ime after a long day's march from he Chitahoininy to llapidan. and ( vhen the colonel said. "Mr. Jonas, j 'where is your company?"* the tired 1 loldler came to a salute and said. '1 j sh der komp'ny." That Jonas was { in uncle to Israel Jonas, who all At- I anta knows, and who is now proinileut in New York commercial circles. With great reverence do 1 recall t >ur own Judah P. Henjamiu. onr lecretary of war. and on whom Mr. j )avis leaned for counsel more than i ipon any member of his cabinet. He j vas a very great man. or he could not 1 lave gone to England and worked his j vnv nnniderl to the verv too of the I English bar, and within eight years i )e appointed queen's counsel over the | nost learned members of the profes- : lion, i have nut forgotten the perfect oveliness of the Jewess Rebecca in 3cott's story of Ivanhoe. You may tind iroken vows and separations and j ikipements in fact and in fiction, but ! lot among the Jews. They are in ev- t ?ry town and city and are more of an j lxaniple than a menace to our peo- , pie and our institutions. Their names j ire found responding to every chairty. j ind I noticed that the university found was materially aided by their liber- j ility, ami I could not help wondering j low much our Christian people would j lave given to aid some great Jewish ; school or chairty. I would like to write more about ] these Hebrews, for. as St. Paul said I to the Romans, "with them was com- | mitted the oracles of God. Bnt 1 am not well today, and must defer t.? n nore propitious season. In my last letter 1 made a mistake that munt be corrected. I said that there were but ten months until )alius Caesar ami Augustus Caesar put In two more and named tbam fuly and August. Somehow 1 have had uidi iivifu t cniuu mi uiv maim*' im, and. strange to say. I was corrected i few days ago by my Rood friend Rassett, a mulatto merchant of our town, who is well educated and a student of ancient history. He wrote me a respectful letter and said that Nunaa. a Rofnan emperor. who reigned two hundred and fifty years before the Caesars, put in January nnd February for the two months, and the Caesars only changed the names of (Juintlles and Sextiles (the fifty and sixth) to July and August. So 1 make the correction with pleasure and give the credit to friend Gassctt.?Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. Nova in Paragraphs. The German admiralty proposes to increase the standard of marksmanship with naval guns of light calibre, and at the same time provide a reserve of seamen trained in laying and aiming a gun by offering increased pay to those who, after receiving a special training in gunnery, re-engaged at the end of their three years' compulsory service for a similar period. Such m? u in the homo fieet will receive $1T>0 additional at the end of their additional three years' service. "Esperanto," 'an artificial language made by Dr. u. Zamennor ror a universal language. has gained 30,000 adherents, among them members of the French Institute, professors in Continental universities. Court Tolstoi and W. T. Stead. Its object, as stated by a writer in I?e Monde Modcrne, Paris, is: "To furnish people who need to communicate with foreigners?travellers, scientists and business men?the way to a mutual understanding without uecessity of resorting to the study of many foreign languages." Wage* of English Plumber*. Plumbers in England receive 110.34 1 a week. . - Miiinent club \ forth, of St. Joseph, was cured of falling its accompanying pa Lydia E* Pinkham's 1 " Dear Mrs. 1'inkham: ? Life 1 feels that her strength is fading av being restored. Such was my feelii advised that my jxx>r health was cau womb. The words sounded like a V net ; but Lydfn E. Pinklutm's Yepc an elixir of life; it restored the lost rood health returned to ine. For f daily and each dose added health an the heln I obtained through its U5 1007 Ifliles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. A medicine that has restored can produce proof of the fart must is the record of Fydla E. Plnkhun cannot be equalled l>y any other u Uuced. Here is another case: ? 1 U "FRTK MEDICiVL AH Women would save tinse and write to Mrs. IMnkliuui for advice toitm nypeur. It is free, and has ji ri|{ht road to recovery. Mrs. l'lnkhum never violates t her. and although alio publishes women who have been benefited never in nil her experience has she the fall consent, and often by spe< Arnnn forfeit if we cannot forthwith yUUull te?linic?lala, which a ill projri \?W CANDY CATHARTIC | *?! 14*. bk. liM" l)r.??l.(. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell ''something jnst as good." ifAPUDlNE Cour ^ CURES Stomach _ AND ? . . Indigestion! io, 35 and 5JC. at Drugstores. An iceboat i? now propelled liy an <lci> I trie motor driven fan. i 8tati or Ohio. City ofT oi.kdo, i Lucas Coumty. \ ' Fran*k J. CuKSKY.mako oathtlmt lieis the j senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chenky A ? Co., dolni; business In tlie City of Toledo, ' bounty and State aforesaid, and that said firm win pay the sum ??f r. ijc::c=2P soei.ars for each and every ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Haul's Catarrh Curs. Fiiank J. Cherry. Sworn to before me and subscribed Irs my , . presence, this 6th day of December, ) HRAI,. f A. I>., 1886. A. W. Oleason. ' ?>? Notary Public. HnU'sCatarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chknkt A Co.. Toledo, O, Hold by Dnnriftsta,75c. Hall's Family I'ills are the best. f The Great Sp: After the rigors of winter are felt you :ue % BLOOD ? ? YOU WANT THE BEST, | RHEUM Si This medicine is scientifically compounded f t A bined with certain other purifying and alterative pro < Const|?aaon_lJ^oiUiJCklne^jrr<^ and all dises Ask your druggiata for RHEDK Be warn of substitute All Druggists, $i oo, or expret Bobbltt Chemical Co., - "Q>-" *^> 3 voman, Mrs. DanMich., tells how she 4-U~ l I W1 VVUIilU ctllCl .ins and misery by ' Vegetable Compound* ooks durk indeed when a woman ray uiul she has no hopes of ever 1 > lg a few months ago when I was i sed by prolapsus or falling of the tnell to me, 1 felt that my sun had "table Com pound came to nie as forces and built me up until my bur months 1 took the medicine ! . d strength, f arn so thaniful for J ;e.'T?Mits. Fi.okjcnck Danvortu, so many women to health stid be regarded with respect- This u*? Vegetable Compound, which j netiiciiio the world has > J. Mrs. Pixkiiaw:?For years E was | th falling of the womb, irregular j menstruation, leucorrhoen,bearing- j i, backache, headache, dizzy xad L'lls, and stomach trouble. I I to red for about five years but did i ( > improve. I hejsin the use of yteur < iid nave taken seven bottles* of i ( inkhaiit's Vegetable Couipomnd. loud Purifier, and also used the ! 1 ash anil Liver Pills, and am now I oil health, and have gained in Hash. j 1 ik ywii very much for what jiou j lone for me, and heartily reeom- ' your medicine to all suffering ii."*?Miss Emmjl 2jjnri)kr, ^18 East arion, Ohio. VICE TO WOMEN." L much sickness if they wojtfd an soon us any distressing fijmp>ut thoasauds ?f women on the b* confidence than entrusted to thousands of tentiraonlal* from ! L by licr advice and mciiicinc, I > paldislicd such a totter without i?i request of the writer. product* tlie urlifinxJ latter* and tlgnaturaa of e their ahvolut# grmtiuaneM. K. fluNhun Uaiikhu La, Lyna, j Bromo-' 8 Promptly I tieadj ^apaaamigjmotiii1 a miii ?tu tth. ana TYPEWRITERS! CHEAP! Pi^ Lot >'er<inrt-h*'??l Machine" nf Ml makes takrn as part pay for the Oliver Ka> ttnlna for quick buyer*. J. *t. CHAl'TON,Charlotte, M. C, Dropsyfl . f Remove* all swelling in 8 to so / cloy* ; eifects a permanent cure -o?' iV in info rinv?. Triul tvmtmrnt I given free. Nnthingcan be fairer ^ Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, juociiiisii. n?> it.> 80. 17. ring Remedy. J? liable to feel the need of a tonic, laxative and y' 'URIFIER. | OF COUKSE; THAT IS v. ACIDE. $ (? rom the extracts of roots, hrrhx and barVs.cotn- raducts. A sure ? ure for Rheumatism, Indigettion, A nea arising from impurities in the blood. X, I ACIDE and Insist on gotting it. >s of doubtful value. y is prepaid on receipt of price. Baltimore. Md., U. S. A. 0 > . s < h % f Grandma is m Generally Righi | /K57 best for your I^ivcr, B WST Kidney and Blood Troubles. We Ml Ks think she will recommend & DR. 7HACHF.R'S LIVER AND | | BLOOD SYRUP CB l>rcau?;^ liaa U en/1 ' '? M cures Been on market 50 years and is H ?2 reliable. Yon try it. |H Q| 60c nn<l $1 00 nt pood drnpjrists. Dr. rgj PC Thciher'aLiver Me?lic?ne (dr\li~>ccnts. (H pl Yea. your dntKsist. sells it. lie sure H Lfl it's l)r. YberherV ttiouph. Fa Write our Consultation Drparttaent. R M explaining sympu ma. and receive free- |[jM M confidential ndvice. BB E2 THJCIim MEDICINE COMPANY. SB gf Chattanooga. Tcnn. wH To Cotton dinners. V7e Manufacture the Most Complete Line of Cotton Gin tfaohinorj cf Ar.j Cempanj In the Wcr'.d, namelj, t'.o PRATT, WIN SHIP, MUMGER, EAGLE, SMITH. i We also make * Linters for Oil Mills, ' Engines and Boiisrs. SVo afscte.i oteryth'ng necessary to compffft? Modern Birning Clutfit and lurntsh our cjstcmers rrltti full detailed plans and material hills for construction of necessary house* (or our plants without extra charge. The Continental Gin Company, Blrml.igfcsm, Ala. vmi?s fob obr lmut c?i?r,ooui. w'dqllar for oki dollar w*th orpcr ws ship siccus to any addftts* su3jcrt to approval ^ A| |%p Buy*. Our New Im^roreci HifA Qra^i SniCwMh 190ft Modol OfrtU N?wUn Iflcyclo. All at?lM er.4 m?\?? art ASTOVt'Mtiata.T m ?? LOWmifP.1 Kcrlbr RoiJerhl blrttl# Per fieneadw, lewNt pHff? kaewa and FllEI 1 KUaOFlM, 11 rite fbr ?er Itlfyrle (' talofur. Addrrefl, SEARS. ROEBUCK <k CO.. CKhlAOO. jP~ "sBO Kicds for"TScL^|| B Itta a fact llinl ^.Izrr'iiimlF'art found fn JB HK_ 2u>ru kanion!.?uil 0:1 mura a?r:na " )O'jTrvv any oiltrr Ameri-a. Tbcr* la OCV?Z jep', rc??i>ii foriliU. \\> n\rti ind np-^Hk HI ?t*U'uvar S" OaorPa for U?e pro<luc- "VW dNU^st tlonofour :tiolcan<-o>1a. In onlrr t > jflm g^J*! -y In'hir^ynu lo try llirm wain*kir^BE< F "*? followtii* unprr?'r>luntr<l ofTt r-cKHI For 1S? Cents RostpaJt&JUi I ?\ S&eorUvoiderfil ewwne, M/K 1/ I Hi 1 Si eerlAflrf eat ?abbae?* j^llR P i-^^/ letlM# T%HaUetj }f$ 'M| f /. 1/ lOtplrieild heel aurl*. wAhl H / L f'?*---ilj *--n"#rrTi-rrr sn>i B \ I in fc.ll CIO pnattlrrly flimt thing jjl H A 1 bUBei^lnof ciliumitiuc flu\r ?rt a:nl lute*. Ijffm MB I anclloioof ?hol<~o togi twXw lJ M I cr with our jrnmt cAtalogi:* telling nil i WQ| H MB I about Miuwonl \\, lilliton i#oi-^vg' hjS f Mr**** IWwinte, 1J roan us, SpolU^^jS I Wl Vef?*.,all for jniy 1*?. in aUunpt juiU IyC^I^^V Onion erW ?C bat AOs. n pound*. II HI VlYYll ,0HN * SAL2ER SEED C<k? *?! w tIJJIJ Li Cra??e. Wit. \j| Seltzer 1 ciares all ? aches l I Which? I A lean and potash-hungry soil, I wasted seed, wasted labor and idle | gins?A MORTUAQti. Or, plenty of Potash in the fertilizer, many bales and a busy gin?A DANK ACCOUNT. ^vsas Every Day &/W k _. Can be easily made with our Kg Woll Augera & Drills *?& W ^ Or? nun and ?n? korao rronlrfd. Wo mHl ' *** the only manere of the Tiffin Wcll? VHry y Dorm { ancTllooH-Drilll.iir Machine. WtrraalrJ the llrat cut 1'arth! Many ofourouatoinora wake Iroru *tl) i?#10 a SiMi aftd UruuUra FHHK. Addr?M, LOOMIS MACHINE CO., TIFFIN, OWIO. kcj Boat Cough syrup. Taste* Good, bao M1 JHiih n *! i"' hy dr,'jg^?f- W