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J OUT 51 ILL TI M KS W ! ; J >N ICS DA V, APRIL 22. J 1K?:1 IN THE LOCAL FIELD. r- * racti rianeo up Here and There About Hopponings .Irtmed Town. Mix. L T-. V'orrelsspent yestei<J.i\ in 11 tk uiH. Mr muI Mm. I' 4 Muir spent Saturday aft rncmii ;w Clmrl. lie. Architect H. E. White, of Rock Ilill, was a visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. J >r! T. A Pritwf r' was up from 11 l? Hill S.alur ".ay on a pr.'icHf-i> mil visit. Mih. J. It ulu", of Bock liill, visit* ' relatives iu Foil Mill 1 Lc [jll -l Week. Mrs. AN. L. liaJl and children v isited relatives and fricuds in lloek 1 iill the pnvl week, Mis*es Julia and Nettie Sprat t returned yi?lerday to their Ijoiii*in Chester, after a pleasaut \init to i? i:?ti\?*.s in this place. Miaa Lou Pork returned Saturday to her home si. llickliuK, after <in extended visit to her biater, Mra. i Li. X. Ouip, nt thin place. ? Mis* Mas xi Karris has Ae-eeptod ? ]' -ili ?. saleslady in the dry ?; ?.!. depurtii.' at of L. .1. Mas eey'r, nil rcantiln establishment. A 'i Ii_r!itfu 1 llinch party was gi-.en M niiay night at the home < f Mi.-, I !.i Stewart in h> iwr of Mies Lunise JVl<. Murray, of WinJkrnp. 1 With farm work behind, the 1 ground too wet to plow and the 1 weather cool and cloudy, who can : blame the farmers for being u lit- ' tie* restless. ! ~ | I Mr. II. V Hall, who left F ri , Mill ah tut tw years nirJt -yd ha.- < been li utg a? ilaw'cinK t? ri turtle! (> this plaee Tliure-'a; .an 1 will tak . n j>.*iiti n ; lie re. I Dr. J. II. Thornwell and Mr. J. M.Spnitt represented the Fort Mill Presbyterian church in the meeting , (' H >thel Presbytery, lie.d in Rock Hill last Wednesday and I Thursday. Mr. (r rover Hull, of this place, who 1ms been employed in the,, A ndrews furniture house at Rock Hill, lias been transferred. to Winston, N. C., where Mr. Andrews also conducts a furniture business. Dr. ?T. II. Thorn well on lust , W'eduesday nijrlit united" in marriage Miss Almline Neely and Mr. 1 . U. Pong, both of Ebenezer. The marriage to?>k place at the j home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. N'nely, in Ebenezer. j Our entorpYisiiig merchant, Mr |; T. i>. '' 'k < t? Saturday ftwar 'ed j Ine full' w no prizes to Itis <*u-t m ore; .Mr. lhb't Bick. tt. a $7 hall | ru'-k; Mr T v. Alexander, a ?2.50 I rocking chair; Mr. Lee Aiken, a 11 center trhle vainer* at Si.25. Th 1 next 'rawing at. the "Ol ' Itelial !e*' \v.II take place about the 15th of May. _ ( A telephone message from Yoik ville yesierday afternoon stated ' that the trial of E. P. H. Nivens. It. G. Johnston, and A. B. Parks, , charged with assaulting Roh't Kirhy, was in progress, but that ' h verdict would hardly be reached ' < before this afternoon. The case whh called Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. I ~~ j' A now public road was (it Thurs day opened up fr< in Mr. W. E J Spratt'a resi 'eiice, went f t un. ( to the d. .ics Terry, <n ntawlm i river. The committee appointed by the b< ard <>f county comndis ftintiei'8 (o do (he work eousieted of Messrs 'I". K nnd T. C. Hpratt and I \V. II .loiiffl. These gentlemen. ] with the Hid of about titty linitds. ' put the road in good el wipe, nnd , Fort Mil! now has what she Inlotisx waited for?a direct route to i liock Jiill and the county scat. f . . ' k* r? *?*< r- >r? ? ? /" -j n J Si i ne bto? / V* Tlie up-to u<) witli all ^ / 4- * S ^l?~" U LOUNGES, > * '* g i a / G. t s * y ... * > We will Bell you Our SPOT CASH p i Dry C~ y y Our New Spring - ' NolinllH, H>1 S, Oil s. 4 J . ' a arriving daily. IV * ii> these mmds WlTC * ' ail cotton ?' tin s* see our line. <)ur i * I y. r* t ? ' Cm 11 and B?*e lis .. *'service. I JS/Lil" , ,r s ss 4c U St :;ev. mr. Gordon Accopfs. *1*lit* Kei\ M. \V. ?jonl Abbeville, who visited I'.ti I'i'i ii Iv and preached t?> t'?i> ion of tin? Jiaptist < IMS accepted ,1 ru'.l to this o i:'d V. ii! move h ? family lur t .v. i!e. mr. (.iuI'di ii i - sf >1 in tli highest, terms ! |??- p'e .if A bheV'ille, It 1 it*: 11 ! llu I i i is | a.stolllte lit I hut pi; lit" ii marked ivitli such .?i teat Ins eoiiixreyution 1ms , luiihh <! under his HiJmi ii isl i. Tin* F -i t Alill liuptisi Il'-.S ! us n wi thout It past' 'I I years and our people wiil ' lied t k in iu- I liii t I lu? i iii i I>i' v?::nu fi I It'll and hy Mt< ibl i;i vme aa Krv. (. 1 orilo i . Death of Mrs. l;!a Srni ill. 'i . frit iids of Mis. Kiln ~ i i ! !i l ift' .J. A. ?Sjiu , I nolo I.'itrn of it i i > . 11?"; 1 it \\ ';;- \ ? i ll It ill i ) K i. 1 * 11 Sr 'i lia ' 1 ?? :i ii . ! ! I' i v i r Hi ill 'ill t11? li t : 1' 1 i It .til V j ii .i ll.?* li.n^rs. 1> ' was 2(? y ar ' i ' i ' rriat/i w a ' 1 III \ I1 S |i r . < i M ' Mr 5. . !' i 1 . . S1, w . 1 i in i ' r i't!? BapB 1 i w r r. ,,>ly I ai i:i \ L'l>i i- -1 11 \. lei .iv. 1 . r I s t '' .11 r. * I'. r 1 i. ' .i i' r !' !. .iii si t is. ! ' il l stM*\ in h . i rii.Ms ?> i riii*..; ut !I* ' t1 ?. u l.-*rv:? ? i ^ iti\< ' tri< it's eiiitf ; r> ? y 1! t i.M 11 i ate f i . l' e ry f ? *r 1 \* 1'" t rvi w. o C"11 ' ':! ' I \\ .i. V* ri ' t, uflcr 1 j?r : in i ? \ el wly 1 it v < i t r>, a li< r?? t! n? .it \vu.? laud.-. Mr. Williamson's New Position. A <1> spatoli nf Wednesday i 3r?rii i???ro, N. C., ways thai '< I K. Williamson, of Bin I'm i i \ . C 'im.'i recently been < I< ecivlai y ami treasurer of Worth al Company, at Wo: rilie. ii Baudolph county. . i V\*.!!,..:usoii was formerly super, i eh < til of tilt.' two 11111 Ik in ' , t-lif ? , Inn re.- jailed t<? accept a j. sii a .is traveling salesman foi i N't w ) ui k fonconi. It m i. .-.isn be of interest to r< h. to learn the whereabouts of .M Join (f 'ligan, former ttupt. of ; Kurt Mil! Mfg. Coinpi v. \i 'i.i c in s r.l present Sept. of tie Dvciimnl Collun .Mills, of I). 11\ o I. Ii iu?z i: me there from A* Ik ? illi! \h ill thr?M* mouths 11^0. Card of Thanks Tlit* undersigned and family iikc tiiifi means of tunnkino the [)? ()))! ? of Fort Mill for t)i< ir ki < itteuiiou and aid in our ivc? rit it flieti n, and hope tlint in tin* fi !u:o we may lie 1 ' ii i i.-l a juirt of tin* , -si^:j bestowed lip ?n n -. A. A // // . '; - ' "i Money II ....... /J unloading ff 7'irniture. // . _ ^ // i 11 l'<?r al other placet). ,. seen ??nr line, .__ " 3^ri.os. y, > \ ami Fancy (iro- // it i a r Hpecial si inly. ^ i :n slock tin- very up to dale li rnccrifB. chi'kens, ?M4t(s ami // ii |>t til id butibfuotoiy s + T , 8 ang. || // // c -?>3+4-4-a s-e-t l \r. 3A.RGa!HS. < 4X 'Ifort Mill, and at ? uy it as cheap as the y in suitable for shirt .. v i don't talk unless y * 4 "* ? ! you don't get sonic y . . V. i dmp'y Store, < / v.r\ <*V?V>4 \^\ sf . * " ? % , ; * *5 :qes. : Shoes. v\\ days opening .: 5.ion's and ladies' % ' % a mistake if yon ? i.;:es before seeing M iest and new ^ and $3.00 shoes. Tlioy are . prices, for the >) e vet j*isf what you her low quarters or t Sunday or everyday r- ' hood" shoe for an e union made. j to sell these goods. c ' , cs are loaded with ... s, ; r r- A-W'M to soil them r- ,'hv do wo say this? w ? uvr offering them ^ i mn you can buy it .? ? ' s :s ;t call, the goods }J 2. M'-' ' 1,? - ' ' '' *'' ? X / . Me - Store, ' 7ro*3rietop? j'iri' and better si<ir-* ;ea;on tlian usual, them before buying. %? C? VXT*J7 JT Z>3FLC3r'X*Ji*3P " - " TOMWMJR NEW 81 OIK or : ? 5 , X PPB.ES. 1 and Hit'ii. "\\ ? hnvo ftonie no* b;y*t lluit iLi. . pit a-, v. wt-ur and price. Our third shipment u E?BB I ER?^/ 1 V k* & isiu ui-i ? 1 X ?w^ei 111 ')ur sales in this department ire m a. in. ^ miiy |' Vou don't have to pay two pi ice.- to to a; - ud ?l !> y from uh. Perhaps you uid not kn w that w?* hail a - t GLOT^SII^Ceb its. ft* a' ,,t>.00 ,? $10 00. Boy's Kmt.- fr< . 7*i ' p. . n. will/ ike you n suit to mens lire froui $0 . ? op. W < . -> anil -?'2 steles to select from. * 1 we nmkt you n pres. nt of a SlLYliR DIMK for e\ . woilh you buy from us for cash. <4P 1 . i "IS /IT OS<C ?- <-?a* ?MM -- -> !>? *V ?v? ^V#(? I ilAL SALE J J; " JnWW ??-* ^ , <f'\ -i?? ii DiliiK of Suspenders, all eolors A O __ \& /5 > <i kl *V Tins.* goods will give lis good I *g' 1*%. '." o in t iclo. Our special prree... JLv'^ii VH f* , . . C } .? mi .Madras Shirts, with ('tills lo 0 n n ft .t\ . kiatl tlait UKUttllt ball ttI allr cttcll. if Mr v a * /isjii' ^ J>* ( ? ! ' ! H'r U J%j? > j> lies Ladies' Slmes in spring or O / s .Ys t , 7's. Oilier people's '|f{r *'?* tt ? all f Our speeiiil priee IJhlll - w - fW " r ' j! .SATS fiT WINTER PRICES. g i 'Mil and s?-e if wliai \\?; tell >uu isn't true, 1 \ i u'.-t business, ?^ Z ; ; :. .Itaney-Parks Go. $ Head-to-Foot Outfitters. 2^ *v ? ( a, v. - n* t^Vk. -40 K >>' >, t \ ? V ?. g. c?'lt- V.?3-"?-W^Cv C; .3?0?????0????e53?QS@ I r 7 Sij^i I $ I ? $ . li ; ! a l^V %_ $ A: jv j tl ! oillo. $ , A"-\ <8 y i mr rs of Ladies' Fine Plrnes and Slippers. W?r 7?5| _ : i Iv-S" phmIh for yours and And thur they tfive w .li t ?u All who wear thrin sinjx their praises. Wh /t?* r ? . 0'* to $:i.00. We have the largest line of Ox- y *?:tiidsi Is we ever h;i?l. Strap Sr'uiidnls, 1, 2, and 4 ; i and *>?'.on Oxfords, turn and writ soles, >?J.OO n Lid, strap Sandals, $3.?r>. The same in heavy ^ . i * j.oo. 0 ? Llldrcn^s Slippers. <?0 n line. We have the Jttnrost nHfl best V>' ' >i/i'S 2's to ."i s, .">) and 7 k*. It's to H's, 7->r and ^ rj -I ''?? - $1 '*> mid 11 's to 2'h, ijt 1. 0t>. O.f.-, Ajrv ?1; . ? it 'ri o;ls arc in Kill ami Pafi-nt Loiitlioi*, also rod i W iiCHAM ? EPPS. g Jsv "v ?e?? ? ????????? ???? """ 'r^ T'.. SOUTHERN RAILWAY | O vkI Ilii-K. ' -r o ? n.e- * - rough the southekn states. F.xr, i' S :c Quick Time Convenient Schedules r.ny Trip Is n Plauur* Trip to ?K< !? who i V? el via THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Th'' . *r r? y Y, i n i 11 ({ - C a r Service in the World. i For . . i d ntforinalkon as to TlcKsts, Rates and Sler j>ln(<-C?r roserv.?? >? t? nearest A(|ent of THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. W. tl S. H. IIARDWICH. W. II. TAYtOk. . |?i Crrernl Ptutn^r Agmni. Aitliltnl (i?e P*t*enner Agenl, v .%%i y a wainincton. d c atianta. ca. *W IJ1.1 m.-'-*r .???</ % .JlWVi I '<?< ? i^?H,'<.s.*:'ja>'xJ3itTn ?rnrnmm?? pr l" t, sp iR/Xisra? SEETHE TSME.55.