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yOllT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC 1 U HI .IS1IKU K V K11 Y \Y KI )N KS DA Y B. W. BRADFORD. Trims ??f Sulisrription.* due yenr $1.00 1 Six months "<! Three months -8 Ciirie?|Hiiu!eii(T on current sitbj??? is Is Invited, but no i < sp 'iislbllity Is ??sinned for the views of correspondent s. .1 nunymous i-ommunl<;i lions will not 1 he published In tliivo columns. j On application n> the publisher, mi- i( v<>rtisliij( j-ntes ii i o made known to." those Interested. Fori Mill 'I'lioin (with loiiK distance I < (innet'tloni*) No. I'fi. , , I WEDNESDAY. APRIL 32. RAW. The .work of the ('Iminix r of i Coiniuono of !111111>i?i for tin* i jMirp'JBt* of V ? U: i; i.;< ino i' -t ill ! l!o* eJToi't to Inivo 11 m ? Stati* ; ,' South t 'tir limi ? ivtlitnhlv n'i?r?-? J S< lltH I ill tllf St. HIS Lxpos I I II is meeting wit!i uocss ati<l linn | tiro Is of h-l tors from . vorv so i i u ' of the Stato haw lii i'ii ? ?< i?iv (i ;? fc in trmIt* i?;aiii/.iti us mi'! town i * * i%* : i II? .? mi i i:ny oun inis |>n '.mmr supp n mill co-operation in tlie project. ? * v While e<>tl ti hie- shot above tin* u ten cent mark,, thi n is little, it v u.iy, in tlm han 's I' tin- un n who ^ made it. If thoecuhitors want f to ?i Ijj the ?' nntry, I hoy sh uhi n net the prices up t tiju < cuts next .V fall ami winter, s - that the nK>tie\ j V will j*o into the han Is o: the farm* ' | era. instead of \> im? nto the han s (, of h few epeciilnt iv. The present hitrh prices will < nl\ serve to en M c< urajre the fur in is t > plant a t * i ?r ' erop to the licidcct of other equally as edaentinl cm; s. *> * " fit For tlie first time in years a I. Smith Carolina court has passed " 1 he wentem e of deal h upon a white j J1 man. A'.lje Annus was recently .j convicted of mm 'er hi Valhalla f and sentenced to he huso on the lirst Friday in .1 line. Henry llotV and W. It. Atiaius were tried w.tli Allie Adams as accessories, hut t were acquitted, [t will la* recalled 1 ' that Adams shot fclenrv Jacques, a ./ quiet and pouceahl-a ? iti/'-n, on the 1 lltli day of 1 ehnai y, mar <'< it tamo ville, with a hhotomi loaded with buckshot. v d After all, Senni> l* McLanrin lias v fallen into rich lines and pleasant *' pastures. He was rcrntly elected ( tithe position of first, vice-prcsi- j dent of the ^lolniwk Steel and j Wire Company, a<-or; rati u with u a capital of )vi' w icli hae acquired a ctintrolliiiy interest in , the HriuiHwick ami Birmingham ltailrc'ul, the Brunswick ])u k Co,, i and the Alabama Consolidated 1 Coal and Iron Co. Tlic capital of ' the merged companies its $200,000,- | 000. Senator McLauriti is also , I attorney and director of the hi*; i c concern. (?' -? ?- <1 Vaccination Unneceuary. Lettuce is no hI>1111' preventative of ki?iiU|x>x. N is i:i tl least particle is danger >f ontchiui*! j M.iallpoX w'l O'lls H lit t It' | every 'ay. l.?>*14." is a th'-usam! 1 timet* ' than v ? i it aii 11. >: j has ii' lin% ilities, I ko v:i< einati n.' , t pi' 'la w I'lcr 'ist-as.'s. \\ ' iik? j willing t stake r Make,, ur v ; . f, ssional re; tnti 11, 11 the 1 a '. | 1 h ateuient that any lie wl oatH n lettuce daily will n t catch small- ! p.)X, wheth r !.' ' e vueimtted >r 1 not.?Xjcxili^ti 11 l a's;atvh. ' j, | s Thi Child labor Evil, t Seventeen linn 'rod and fifty-odd j tlvnisaii'* children between the ) inres of 10 hiiiI 15 years are em- ? ployed in the mines am) factories ! , ( I the United SSt'itoH,H?y? the New h York W- rid. Win. S. Wandhy, ( special agent of the department of ; | labor, gives some harrowing farts v shout them in Iv'sslie's Monthly v for April. I In the anthrnoite region of Penn- I Hylvatiia hoys may legally work in tne hrenKerw at 12, and actnnlly they often go to werk at 7 and U. There are automatic slate pickers, ] which can do this work successful- | )y, but the Hesh-andd>lood child ] ma< hineg Hie cheaper. They earn ( live cents an hour?sometimes rh < much as ten. j, Ltittle girls work in wire mills > ?vr* n wet'K III ll>e I ?midst of uoguardsd machinery < watcbiiiu for h ciiniice to Hiinlch h 4 fluttering lock of hair or corner of t A skirt. An anthracite miner who I lost his leg in n mine accident list* 1 s daughter 10 years old working i nil day in a silk mill for $2.10 a \ vr?jek nnd another of l:> working i I The Constable Got Drunk Last M is lay a n? tiro \v< t h linnd r*iiIT-i > m his wrists walk- 1 up to theo I'uty id i ii^'iui; rump and ?sk"d if that was the oim in-antr. On hritnj a: Kwcri' ; in th aliiiina live. In* sai ! 'hut 11? had < in to \v rk and ex; iained that a white I I t i I I man i. i earn ' t<> i i' Hi.' Mini in a luiL'ify. 1 >*11 u t drunk on tin* way. Ill se! t!.?- lun.'uy in ' was uiiahia ti un any forth r, "an * I jis iil i.l unci wt!k? i! tlm Ijaiain " of tin* ivay." ?'Xi IniiH-d lh-? in ith. Tne in tiro turned out t be i'liil tkiilry, .vim was air still in Kbein zer >\\??.-)ii|> liy St to Constable das. riii>n.:ifsi?ii h -me 1 i11?*? atro for ransport i n<* contraband liipior, ml escaped just after In* wasar sli'il and was re-raptured liy liief .1 nnkins in flock HlllSatnilay niiilit and taken before M it'isralc Anderson, who tiavc linn a oh on llio tianti nuil sl utnd Iiiin >11' to that institution in charge ol us constable, who took on ton nnch tea. with the result stated iliove.-- llork Hill Herald. That Eclipse of the Eleventh The pa i t ial er I'l ise of t he iikvui J rhicli was visible here on the lillht of the lltli has connected I'illi it a wonderful fact, nau.ely, hat it is I lie last |iartial eelij ;e ol he moon which w ill he seen here or centuries to come. On the j I i !4111 of October ? of the present ear, there will l>e another pirtial , elipse of tile moon hut i' will he | nvisihle in Aineriea. This will te the last partial eelipse visible u the earth tor several emitnries. Afiwr it...I .l.o.. ..II ..r It t: ' ' ;ill he 11 it a I mat i nuiiit; h?? for per aps eiirlit rentnrieH. The Assyri its are aeredi ted with the diaenvry <>f tin* fact t.liat the partial r!ipsi's extended aver n prrio I of j even or ei^hl oiMiturii'H. followed y a similar period dnrimr wliieh ll the ellipses nrr total. The next artial eolipue visible in this rutin- ; ly will take plaee in the year1 .700. or nearly NX) years lienor.? ixrhaiigo. Short on Convicts. The pisHair-' < f the la * allow nj* niv'rt-, < nteiie <1 for | n \i a is to e r tainnl on t' a o..nt\ ' ha n n.j-i is 1 t\*iriir a 8iM'i >u.s <?st i t >ii '< } iiii .ti try, 8-?ys 11. ? Inin inl. > ti t i> *irs' f 111.oil" inly ill) ul It ? n* It l? ilit ilj i :i !mvt K ti r> < iv 1 \> ithin the alls, w'ul- I i-if ir? vr a 11it11ir* aire iifirt'H'il am! inairn il tli" ar? < I "id vhIiio at nil. S vnil I'timli h I'uvo lO'i'iitiy in ?lo liral""M ? ir.'icti t \. rl, ( n ' - highways, wliirh th \ .u ii wt'i! 1 ' i.u 'fi the law, !>nt fIi?? ? nit. i.ti iry a..!1 rith s haven't ; t tli? m I lon.? . \ t lily that, i ait tli ?y art' sh. it tlio n t? ?'?*?r 1 hoy arc repair '?y ? . In I t" , iiinis!) tho !i sii'i", i 'ill. With a >ntinunn<v f this s rl "f t'm .i* t will n ttak" : aiy \ ;i\- t j?l 1 o , ponih ntinry on tho . xpenso unt rathor than liavo it tarn a venue ii.t tl.o State w l?i<h it ias l orot t i" il i o. T' ?M't> aro a n- ist !o-H an 1 ?:i * r 'urtivo m irts within the walls w than v-T before, tlii'y hoi- ?r able t?> ilt> inly the lightest sort of labor. ?? -4 - ? Brooks Acquitted. Win. Rrooks, a white mnn, vhj rietl Wtd osiliiv a t! li.trLr 'o? miliar ati'l I ir. onv. }'.r k wis i mill i jif rat tw.'n I > i iix i ' \ ruilo. '"'l Vi h'Mee sll Vi ' tl'il lie fii' t'TV hi I' tt I*' it ^'i!l urn >r?ikon '>]>on the niirht nftitli RTU'il f *>r ' l\H ill th t iv\it I'ouIh was IIriv-to ! mi ' he! ' !' t lulril*-: ' u' us th.-:v una in? in ri limitinjj evidem ?? lie, rOilrt. TI;? 11 xt ?in v in M!lS 111' sti il aif!i|:i Riii' linn hi It ,s |i ss i i cert '.in ^ 'si! it \\viy id* ?ifitvl ns tin vi tiLT h n 111 k * 11 fr- hi lie store. llf <la m ! t Iimvo ii.itnl fit Hi" ?; >'s ii dor an \ r ie?d briduo in 'harlot to. His est Iiliony under t' e or?s-rxuiui latiini 'i f the solicitor rinst d a itroii^ presumption I' ^u'lt; but In real ovidem in the rase was inrd y solKei- nt t warrant a < < nivtitui, And tli*' jiny returned a rerliet of in.l guilty. V rkville [Mit)iiirer. Skyscraper Canteloupa Patch. Mr. J. L. Kimbrell, of the (-fold lilt Meet ion of Fort Mill townahip iaa what his neighbor, Mr. It. M. Faris ileacribea aa a "akysornp r" 'auleloupe patch. It in on h hill >r knob that luta hii urea of about >ne and one-half acres, and tin* row vimls around from the bottom to be top, making thirteen terraces, jr aecordintr to Mr. Paris, S*ton?s." The entire length of he row is 7.i>00 yards, and Mr. Paris eHtimates that he has over f,O0O hills of canteloupea, r\nd if he a lucky iu the undertaking lie exjeeta to help supply the neighborng innrketb tliia summer.? Voi k rill? Enquirer. Convicted of Manslaughter The (as1 ?tf the Stnh1 vs. 5Saiu"! V ivmii, chart;. I with the murder i f I i: S. t i I of (Mm lotte, a tni- l hi e oil N \t 'lihti i'i-Jlh, hint, came up f r trial . \ ikvilie Thursday u < ruins; him) was concluded Friday afb rn< on i 'I'll*' jury nmaiticd < nt only _ ' minutes and render? 1 a cr-' t < f iUMiislair.:l?l<"'. vlun 11; on d. i n ! ant's at tor in v uavo notice of mo lion for a new trial. Tim i??i w : in^ i.-> The Fuquirer'n u*p >vl ol til? evidence submitted . According 1?? Mi:' riv? :i *-i s'< ry. which was (airly v II t;,? le tiy tin* witne.-scs f : t'i di ' Douglass had e me in h? twe i ' siater, Mrs. A nth ny, an ' 11. - i blind, e.uscd a s- ,111111. nil living in adultery J* u.'ui> m i j AI I'm. Anthony v r?* i>i 1 ti 11! Tho ivu i < Full Miil jiii 1 r -i.olrt-his pi I'i r and msI.t tli 10. lit pi ir d work tnr Ins sistt*r in 11 .* n iTlifir lioiui- wits >i hundred \ o s | from his. ll?' wi iil t'* Hi tin in i*v*<iy 'lay <?r two t pp-vide foi tllfll WillltH. Out* Sum I iy iu >.. veitilmr in* \v?*ut iiv r as umiuI and ft unit i I) ui o I as 111 i|i*. II' 11.1 1 i in' down Irun ('Imrl' it" tint in in no. Iiriiio his liiti" daui'ht*-r. li>.? r ilt vr.l Ooiiolas out of ill.- h and iXnmlus uttar-kod him with a chtiir. ilt 'I'fi'iidnfl hip s If with a stifk. OhU^Imh kiioi ki"l h ri to his kiifi'h. A law Ivi-rthat Im hut In'i.'ii usinii as a iiioht w iiti hi'i' ii. r.dl nut of his p .vk. t t the tl i Iv ?1 h rii -11 iri a I mil I r it. I > ,< lus i'?in_ 111 hold of tli- ImiTi 1 an Mi'Cravi'ii by tlm h hp In. lit tl s rujitflo tin* weap.ui was ?iiI'lcir^ I all ! 1 * iH'.Ias was kill m < ('ru\? ?i < 11i:11 1 l i Iiiivo i\ . i?uhI> f < ' i>! im D.jii^Iiih i > < iiic t ill'' ll USl'. Tho ?slinxaty ?f Hi' wifn s f<?r tlx' State was t ill < IT'-? 11! ! Mrs. Anthony !ia<l been Douglas as a lk<aisok- ej>or cook ami 1.iK111? urn of \, .t> iiltl ilaii; liter. W ill in lift, en inin .l"s alter i1 1 s r.'H 'lnal t'.irl .1 11 t in > mint;, lie wis at tlx ? t>! /?? " ri.l>ie ! Iiy Mrs. Mr'ra. ii ! ami Mrs. ,\u li my. nu?l h iVw Pennies 1111' r M<-(.'raven xwne i<ii tlx set ik\ lie lushed into tlx' lion i' ami sll 1 I* u;;las, j r;x 1 ixa I ly i Hijjlit. ' *11 r-' was ix) pivvi us I'Teii! i< >11 fails kin I at llx* ti ami n i -Ii n e . llx r<-! ro ix> < xt lit < >f s !. li fi ns t'i t iio 1 raxxily. Mier wxi ' hi xyx w ii ix sxs in tlx* six?.(i uir t'XC' j '1 Mrs M't'iuven. M'l'iav?i! himself am! Mrs. ,\ntlxuiy. T'm Slate relteil priuci xi| ill' i>x 1 .-({ii *.?:i.t'i i " tlx I ti;llkx of l!:< Ul liv.ii f M- ''l.lVOIt lit 1'j*? hou-e. wi'h r- t' r-!?< < .? the shotting, t" r m tt.-t n;'iati> i> of its theory. All tllO .vitllfrtSi > t* l' the I State were ivrl i:> thatlhcrt could ! have a.eti u.? -1 rut';: !o. Attention Confederates. Tile following general order was issued Friday evening from the 1 headquarters of the South Oaro lina division lT. O. V: The commanding general re(fUests that all veterans attending the State reunion at Columbia j shall wear tlie.r camp badges, the [object of this being to facilitate , the work of entertainment committees lit the depots, enabling ill** commit lemeo to identify the vet ei'AiiH. It is also desired lint each vo ornii who intends to attend the reunion advise nt once Seeiotary K ?l. Watson, of the Ulumilit'i' of Commerce, whether In desires 11terlnimneht free of e? st. it this ; ih promptly done, tlie work of nsI signing tlie old soldiers to cotnI fortuhle quarters ran he aceomplished in advanee of the reunion, and each man w II he enabled to come to the city with the address j of Ins host in his pocket. Veterans' Meeting. At n t?n eting of Fort Mill Camp 1 No. 920, l\ C. V., held Saturday 1 afternoon, the election of delegates ; j and alternates to the State Keun- I ion at Colombia, May 12-14, re sulted as follows: Delegates?Bowman Merrit and | L. N. Culp. Alternates W. T. Aklerson and ' Or. T. H. Meaoham, Mies Roberta TUomwell was elfded sponsor for the en nip. A resolution to (ledieute n page in Mie cainpH minute book to the j mem >rv of 'outrode Leroy Kitnbrell, v !i si d nth occurred about August loth. 11)02, was adopted. 1 The camp tben adjourned to meet again on the first Saturday in May, at which time the election of officers for the year will be held and preparations will be made for decorating the graves of the j Confederate dead on Memorial day, t Explosion in;:;?v.3 Four Men. A dynamite explosion Saturday afternoon at tin* (\uuwba dam r?* suited in the more in It ss s rint^ injury of four of the eojnpiuiy A colored liibuii'is. From tlif int> i ;iui'ion obtaina bio, it seems Hut tin* accident win tiu?' solely '<? tin ( ' 'nlosiit -< < ; I Lose injured. A nuinlit r of heavy fli-.r-jfcH of dyiuitniit' Inn! hot n l-lnot <1 under 11 > fork nod tin fuses iuuited. ()nr by me th cuiup'S oxpbxit <' until, it wmIbought, all had i d. T;e:e w in some way :i wren. fount of 1 < llUllltiei' of I; n |l,at ti.'rd Ml.,! 1'ie iiit*n c*?miiiiI <?i i tli**11 !ii*ii11 pliietH, rem In d tin' -pi t jusi in l .in** to u**t tin' r ! i' 'i ff !' tli hist e\plo.sion. \\ 1 u liii- siu<>k? rli'iired tli** f It >\v!iiji in* n \v? i. found to !>.- injui Ship Dm kin-, burned about faro and hands. 1*11 i Macon, liiiht hand hlown oti and arm broken. Foster Means. l-i??lit \ ' out :.lld anil broken. lv.l Dye, arm liroi?. a and other wise injured. An Ola Pic..2 or Money Mr. T. \W M !v i.l",'. ,.f this phiCi'. is i i p : - -si n -I* what i>>r 'ha' ly t'?? . I : ii . , .f pape'i in 'n'v in IVis part f the c nnlryJ l! is 125 \"i ir !. hnv been t'i'i!>t< it io tli ' t . 7"S ' in o i*' side is the f I< in u i !in^: *'S\mi |t >llars? No. | .mi .In ;* is not disi't i iih' ie. | S. ' I North ' -noI fi*i. 1 i- ' ti i 1 h s t . ! <*ii' I !' i'< i v. t n i in ; I I 1 'I l.ii s. "r t In- \ at ii It 11 , hi iMi.! ||* nil el', ULTl't i . Ml a? t f t' I Assembly pis.- ut !i ll.slioi'o tli ' 1 h da\ I A '."Usi. I * . > I > mn i i tie I w er Mn ' corn r . s | ?I* i M I . "I el's- ' i.. II til* I i 1. 111 ?11 !' l>| >i I'Oel " (In ! i, i i J .!iiiii(1 Mill1 i/ II, " I > it 1 I ! Ii t r i:. IS " T!io sipn-ii ntvs .hi i. t It ! i I ill* r !. it i" i| .it a ?>m till j ;t' -e of m ney.? Waxlriw* I intei j -??U A Tboa^r.t: -'. Man. M M. Aii?l in <>l \\ iin'ln sinr. Ind kllt'W wllllt t<> tin .i I 'm1 lu ll' >il need. Iliswife had such an iim iisiiiiI case of stomach) am! 1 \>m trouble, plijsa ian.? n uM not In Iji imr 111* I Inni_lit of an I 11 i 11 I r. Kinir.s N"\v Life I'iilsaml sue eoj iciiefnt o|ii't'Hii?l was I'malii cured. Only f>0i', lit Mi'ii liiiins ilni*_i st u>. ( >ii Sunday. lii- I "> 111 of April IMt). kiiow fall in l i- vii-iuit . 1 a di-plli of thr?-i' or four in Ii s. as it did oeiietnliv in tin- Sniillnii Sides. It was tlnn followed l>\ frost for two or time niorn in r which kilhd the vomitr leaves on the tines ami all tin Voting ve??etn Ides. Wi dnc.-day it was i-anuiy and nuil?' coid and a numb r ot creditIIbin peop e inf >r111 us that l hey saw several Hakes of snow fall aaniin on t In- 1 St h o f April but this time it was not followed by fiost.?(iatVin-y L- djor. A Groai Scr.:a*dcn. There was a bio snsalion in LeesvilU*. I nd.. win ii \V. 11 iirowi of that lilaee vi'lio iv.i.. v i .mi-i . i (. die. had his lif>? saved by IV Kioto's New Discovery fur Con sumpl ion. lie wViit's: "l endiiretl insufferable agonies from Asthamn but your New Discove \ y;uve in. ilium diute vi lief and soon lln-re alter effected a cianplrte eure." Similar ctiii s of Consumption Pneumonia, lhonrhilD and (iii; aro uuiner->us. It's the the peei less -remedy for all * tii >;it and liini troubles. Price ~>dc, nut Jjd.tH) (Joaraiitced by Thos. 1' Meaeham Drinsist. Trial Ivitths free. A Missouri editor who is mIioii to pull up iiiul leave for lack u support sareastirn liy icimuks ii partiii(4 thai (? tors don't neei money. -Don't worry about tin editor," he hays, '"lie ha* a char tor from the State to act as doni mat for the community. He'll "r the paper out somehow, and st un up for yon when you mil or olli ? and lie about y< ur | io?ron-loe< daughter's tacky wadding, am blow about yonr bi(4-fooltd soni when they j^et a SI a-wcek job, a or weep over your shriveled up sou when it is released from vour^rasp ins? body, ami smile ut your ipduj wife's second uiarria?o. He'll jm nlotio. The fjord only knowhow?but the editor will oet then somehow."? Kx. Makes A Ckaa. S^rccp. There's nothing like doing r t It 1 iter t li< \Ti iilir It 1 ( if oil fl?. you ever heard of, Buck lens Arm CM SmIvc is best. I I sweeps H\vn\ a? <1 cures limns. Sores, Bruisce CiiIh, Boihi, 1 leers. Skin Krup lions mid I'lles. Its only J.V. it in KURtiHiiteed lo Vu sat iffnction by TIioh B. McmcIimin driiLruixt. TRESPASS NOTICE ~ All persons arc hereby warned against hnnti x, fishing, or otherwise ti-espas siliK npotl the fanrls ?>f the under .itrued under peualtv of the law. W. li. VVIKDLK. Eo'o'sed The G.av A start lin^ ineiil t> . i hv .lolin ( of ! * 1; t<>ili>ws: " I wns in 11 m ill inn. M y ski ti wi. - i w. eyes sunken, t< . p tin cm>uI inn,-illy in !> - \ ii?? appetite. mowing v. * by buy. Three pay: ? iven mo up. Tli ii I o t<> use Eleetrir l? t <_o eat joy, I lie Ii rst 1 ?! eulel impiuvciiidiit in >1 t lioir use t". >r t ii re itn now a well num. *T <?!)lted Ilio fcjravi' i tin. ' No one s!n1 n!(' i in in. < )nly oU ei t Mi indiums drutr si Tlie town tn*n*nrcr w v? I'll for t?>e a|M>n>t' i nee sufficient loc. ,ii . \ 'i > liici! Ins'ii v i- I :i: ? !ill recentIv, or vlin r 'in in it such a tl. t . T. ( . . oi J. M. Sl'KATT. TlV;; -m SPECIAL NC \flvcrtiseinoiits, not \? !i\> !ti pul?lishe<l nn n_. at '2 cents for roc.. I ' SAI J'-.? t am < i puMie wft!i I.. . . l.? ylmrn l'hielmn| TV'S lilt . i iI 11 ^_;s. $ 1 )x>r -? ! 1 ii!' aillll'i-s.s. J. W. K?J> S. (J. V4TXV? V" ?.?-. % XS..Itrr Bilker A: I'o.'s I CKOGGL^E ^ Waller Baker A I o. \ *l*e!er Cooper's \ KELZm-J. "> Spec i Tv t In mi \\! / . v fur they are tin > ./ ' fur excellonce. it f\ mimical to buy tin .? hmiI vt?u will ii.\ V f ooont.-iiatice and inu' conscience u 1 . > ' ? taiiii your ? you use 111esc Ij .i V i ? J > ed 'IV i Use I In- <1 f fill imported "Knl u < . t jr W e have it in sinui! * cent packages s< n-.pi id % v imp-rted. The ibs ?dv<. i- jI???_; i ii price is in< u < :1 u '? > qunlized by I he ad i .. , * in stre?iL;t h. mid \ < u . . tho superior aroina i t. < MDREY'S DBiia S.i " . < i THY TIP. City Barljoi For ? lirtsi-vl: -s HAlli ITT, SHAVE. SI 1 AM I" >0 II A i K ' v.' I'ltOEUlEn I Third door iWink \Vt promptly obtain 11. H. n* \ '.v'id aiodoJ.anoUitt or y I <io i * ' ? ! ' _ ^root op-o.-t on gotcntability. | WAS HJ^NGTON . BLACKSMITH, I We have opened a aunt i i > i >p in i the Bailes shop, uenr MrKilmn y's liveiy stables, ami solicit y< >n i uulri.nayo. Only tirst-cia--. . oik is sent out from our .- imp. u?m oi v prices are rea.sotia> h-. HALL A HAKTSKLL m>11 , 0001) WHISKIES, WINES, IJltANDIES, ETC.. t CALL OX OR WlilTI ro ;j W. it. lionv Kli, unr. in .t. \ 1 A FOll ES, ETC. CO TO THE - liivw.) SALOON, M.'.llK A. TEF.TEH, Manager, T.-urt St. . Charlotte, N. O. I KICK IJs*T. .ti'.slV'i:;ui, I voarolrtCorn $1 ..10 2* " " 44 2.00 Mt.Qn?*-u t " " 1.7.1 ? y .. 2.?a v O. Com :t " 44 2.35 4* r? " 41 . 2..<M> i) Rye j l.?;? " 2 44 44 2.00 1 !i'ylantl II yt . . . . 2.10 K > . . . . . Jl.SO : l kiliot liyo . . . . Jt.oO :?'yo 8.00 iiutl II muy .... 2.tH> i-jrantly ..... 2.25 Mil !v . . . ? . 2.80 ., r.\v. 2.00 w iiif , . ? 2.00 i . itidy ..... 1.55 ,). ( i. .il > ? >1 it it your patroi*i . w ill . <at isiactiun ttikl .! t ii ion t > all ortUiA (a ;n:i> saloon. Mai;k A. Tr.KTEB. M^r. I iiie'-iS.i. . . . (,'bar. 1'hutie -5*3. .]. Tray-w ok & Co., dkai.KKS IN >;E eiqcoks AN I > W I N ES, No. l\i Kasi '1 ni?lo St. : . - - N O. DR. KING'S NEW iiiSCOVERY ' OR THAT COLD. i NO S'JtfSnTUTE. 0 mump'ion,Coughs, s, 1 ronchitis, Asthma, u .ncnia, May ( ever, Pleu., J.i ; "i p.} o, H vsa r sen ess, ' lire if. Croup and \ >0pilljT UOlltfll. NO CURE. NOPAY. .TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. .' mis a. r.v not found 011 linen fresh from 'ihe MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, i , N. t\, aiv rust stains, ink fruir stains, and csixHnally . from overheated irons. That i n ?v particularly fjuanl against. - , i:a v.*loss, immaculate?whit? can 1"'. or as stro:?fTof color a? . . . ;>ii bought it tit' originally of a . ?. rat inn ?, your washable apparel is I clean, well washed, well i >' oil. i m:nt made from Fort Mill every . t.s:l:..7 morning anil laundry rvn I Sat un lay mornings by? LD. 1. McHLIUNEY. A*ent. -- ? j' i'.-ai a! i - ! vmii: A good, while tii) health commenced failing anil 1 ,' >! in a h>w condition. I was always ovi!. with peor?i>()otite, si> t ired ; I ways that 1 did not feel i.| i ll ;> my rtionnt all. I hail enla I glands on the neek which wen very -ire anil when I would 'a!;* cdii they would enlarge anil can* in inncli suffering. I oft em had ,'idl* of iuHamumtory rheumatism wlii li .iff-cred the whole of n.y holy and rendered nie helpless. 1 tri medical treatment, which would g \ v temporary relief, l>nt it did not cure me. I tried various pnte i; .reparations, hut thoy did ino no {nod. At last a friend pwrsaailt d int* to use iSTi-s:- oos Person's 151-2 rcrxxody : ; I 1 a,lt';t n lialf-ilocmtbottles, and after *ing n 1 ft It so much better that 1 did not feel like taking any more. i. next year in the spring 1 kn-w I . riled more and uguiu took a ha If do/, -n. [ tiH?k it in that Way niiil it lias made a complete. 1 cim >t" ee tail my health is lltie-. The t 11 ivied glands are entirely can d, ;'. -nmat ism entirely cum), and I am now in stunt, robust li alth, ami 1 ailvise everybody who need: i tun in or are "run down" to u- Mrs .Too l'erson'eKemedy. MKS. J. c. MOUGAN. Mi r-liv ille, N. t'., May 23, 11W6L BO YEAM* ?< - d?ti^fcEXPEn,ENCie Trade Copyrights Ac. AilMnc nwrtlug ? ?)tri rh and <1<noriptlon maw quickly ajM-L'rtrln (mf optutou free whether atv iiivitiitlon is probahlfT'Uoiitublo. Communing lion#mi-tolly oonlMmit ml. Handbook on Patent* cntfreo. Oldest aKcm-y for aocoiltM patent*. iA*vi throuirli Mitnn * Co. receive r.f .ai n< rttr, nl'hotil clinrao, lutlio Scientific American. A handsomely to ?*<|r. Iinrppnt cl r?" i of .vv . ariU.lo i< i':iinl. Terms, $3 * ?<\irI ( >p. Sola Ojrall newadoaler*. MiiKH lCa,3s,a'?>j-"- New York y suwubiBii<>n,i>.c.