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" o^ I ! I I WeakT " I suffered terribly and was extremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last 1 tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again." Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyrae, Ct. I No matter how longyou I have been ill, nor how i I poorly you may be today, I j { Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the I best medicine you can I take for purifying and enI riching the blood. I Don't doubt it, put your J : I whole trust in it, throw J ? away everything else. i J >1.00 a bottle. All dninglrts. I Ask yotir doctor wliat )m tlilnki of Ayrr'* U I Sarinpnrllln. lie know* ill :it??nt Oil* terand B old tnmlly incdlclnn. Follow Ml uilrtco m>4 K B v;e will be KH?i?n."l M J. C. AYKii Cc., Lowell, Mass. j CLOSE TO T Doan s Kidney Pills have leaped into Public to the makers and secure a trial free, and largest sale known to any Kidney r Cchbicr. O.? 1 liml such sfwr.i in i back that I could not walk. I used the san<- ] . pie of Dona's Kidney l'llls with such good re- ; t>ulls 1 sent to Toledo for another box, mid they cured uie.? Bakau E. CoTTunt.i., Curtice, O. Fai.moctii, Va.? I suffered over twelve ] moid hi with pain in the Mtinll of my back. ] Medlelucr. and plasters "nve only temporary ] relief. Dona's Kidney l'llls cured me.?F. S. Bbown, Falmouth. Va. West IUvf.n, Conn.? Eight months ngo I took it severe pain in my liuck. ' he sample box of Dona's Kidney l'ills helped me so much 1 purchased two boxes ; unt on tny second box. My heart does not bother mo as it i used to and 1 feel well.?Sakaii K. Buauut, No. 377 Klut Street, West Haven, Conn. ; Houston, Tf.x.?I took the sample of I Douu's Kidney l'llls with such great henelit I bought n box ut our druggist'*. I'sed over ! half and stopped, because my urine which ; before had only come dribbling, now became j so free. 1 had medicine enough. 1 had lum- : bat'o and the pills rid me of it. I should have written sooner, but you know how soon a well itorsou forgctH about, being sick.? Mr. C. II. ItoENCiiu, No. 231V .MeKenny Ave., Houston, Tex. t PAY st'OT CASH FOR i land warrants want to solitlor* of ?ny wnr. Also Soldiers' Additional Hoiiie*io?<t i<Urh*,k. Write ins st once. i hank U. llKOi'.H, P. O. lb?x I**. Dell To.. Colo SWIFT CREfcK Slock and Dairy Farm. M ^ lis* for sale alnrire nuiahcrof ft.y t . 17^ i'lc? young rektatared a j.c.o. i t j Jcr?ey UuIN mot Uppers. IllJ* NoneIteirerbred tilths south L/ ? oi/itilulnp olonely dip most Wi\ \\ /fl In America. MulU 10 t? u A*"**--* month* old, ui> Hcircrx, Mmnur?\ ?>t Pi>LAN?i C::.NA PIQS,fS.uOeach, end check and get what run want. T. P. I1K AS\vC.I.L. 1'rop . liuttleboro. V P. i Is the Standard R1 The ONLY compound on the m; disease without doing irrcparabl g UNEQUAEEED as a CHEERFULLY REI M Gentlemen:?I hail rheumatism for :tl> & I hail to u*o cruti'hi'Hor I'lino. WaHconlln p at a time, several time*. Last aprimr I beg B, bottles before I noticed anjrli^ni'llt. A >* K out*' soems to bo complete, as 1 have In ? . Kj I can cheerfully recommend your inodli For sale hy Druggists, or sent cxpr: I Hobbitt Chemical Co.. So. t?">. I 'mcsson'S (4r\ i v SSDMOSHTZQI n CENTS. I.XVvJP I 11 . qwisau - . i | i VrjIEN^jjll ! pain|anguish i wfflng'vbrow, ' ; aminstering ; angelthou: & ^sg/o everywhere.^ A?U Ynnr Dealer f?p Allen'* Poot-Kne, A pow?lor to shako into your slic es; rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, swoollen. Sore, Hot, Cnllous. Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. All? i's Foot-K.use makes new or tight shoes easy. At all druggists and sin* stores, '25 cents. Sump) mailed Fkee. Address Allen s. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. Don't judge people by their clothes unless >ou see the family wash out on the line. Ilow'n Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cane of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney <V Co., Toleilo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chcneytfor the last 15 years, and believe lilin perfectly honorable in all business tratiractioiiH and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their llrni. West A. Trcax Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldiso, Rinnan A Makvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh ( uro is taken internally.acting diroctly upon the blood and mucous surtaccB of the system. Testimonials sent free, l'rice, 75c. per bottle, hold l?v all Druggists. Hull's Family l'llls are the lust. FITS pormaiieHtly cured.No lttsor nervouspeas after tlrat day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nervo Restorer, til trial botthmud treatise free i Dr. 1!. 11. a;, Ltd.. ' :! 1 Arch St., Fiiila.. Fa. After a mua is married he begins to lose his conceit. Mrs. Wtnslow's SoothiugSyrupfor children ' teething,soften the gums, reduces iullauuna ! tiou.ullaysuaiu.cures wind colie.'25c. uboctle HE PEOPLE. ~~ favor because the people can write direel ' Thus has been buildcd the greatest lame ncdicine in the world. Aching backs arc cased. Hip, back, and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust sedi mcnt, high colored, pain in passing, drib bling, frequency, bed wetting. Dunn's Kidney I'iils remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, leadaelic. nervousness, dizziness. FREE ? CRAND FOR SPRINC K'.ONEY ILLSk -Pills, r. - ^\ f r:> FosTun-MiijirnN Co., Buffalo. N. Y. I "louse semi *i!?? I>y rent!, without charge, trial box I loan's kidney I'll la. Name ________ State (Cut out coupon on dotted lined and matt to Koktvi-Viilliurn Co., lluffiiio, N. Y.> Medical Advice Free? Strictly Confidential. Mosi women would rather he ntarried unhappily than be not married happily. Jamsure Plso'a Cure for Consumption saved my iife throw yours ago.?Mas. Thomas Hob* iiNs, Muplo St., Norwich, N. \ Fob. 17,1J00. The chronic borrower is usually* out 011 a strike. Money refunded for each package of Putnam Fadeless Ijves if unsatisfactory. Hard work is the best sort of physical culture. \g u m at a cRe^cdy. I arket that cures this terrible e harm to the digestive organs. BLOOD PURIFIE.R. | COMMENDS IT. Frexstatr. s. c.. auar. is. isxu. W out twotvo years. Great deal of thctiino fcj od to bed, nearly helpless. 1 hree months 3 :an to take " itiirdmac!du." i used two n Itojrethcr I useil seven bottles and tho jK nl no symptoms of rheiinvMlsra since. Bj sine. IS. F. FKNIOAN. W ?ssagc prepaid on receipt of ?t.oc. Baltimore, Hd. Jg wny"-mii ?ao aa?W? A Golden Rule of Agriculture: n Be r;ood to your land and your cron I will be good. I'lenty of Potash | In the fertiliser spells quality j 5| 1 and quantity in the har- . iej vest Write t:s and (Vv^UwW*,'? 1 we will send you, free, l?y next mail, C^Ww8^wT.-'j ! our ntonev winning books. ?.lr/l .",v. r t'' 1 GERMAN KALI WORKS, & *i; 93 Nassau Street. 5 ^ m I P| qSggA.Hgi JLy HMNU^TANteftD Q u W C0? M<*? THAN "1 >%*?' W H*l> A CtWTWY. : jjfrj I *]??*} . ss5~" %%?' AJWticaiO'oNnttiuiA. Kyrfv%*' TWM?i?M<IU:I':>towtogw . * MKWttimitKAtftitffgTWLit [ '-r',1-,-!- )?? I CURlSW^il AU fl? F Alii,' aT U lleat (>>u?b Bjrrup. l'aatOH Good. Uae ?\ Etl lo time. Hold by itruiuln'ji. SI USE A TELEGRAPH BLANK. How Bachelors May Safely Make Promises of Marriage. Lawyer Abe Hummel is authority for the statement that if bachelors who wish to avoid breach of promise suits will use telegraph blanks in doing their proposing they will always keep on the safe side. He basos this assertion on an incident in a Westchester county breach of promise case, in which Mr. Hummel appeared for the defendant. The plaintiff's lawyer began to read the alleged proposal of the defendant to the jury, as It appeared on a message blank. He began with "My dearest Louisa." Mr. Hummel Interrupted. "If the co-irt please, this document is partly pi...ced and partly written. By all the riilou t\f ovirlpnno thn rtlnlntlfT rnnnnt offer parla of that Instrument. lie must read it all." The opposing lawyer protested that the printed mattor had nothing to do with tho ease, and the fact that the proposal was written on a telegraph blank was an accident. The court ruled that everything on the blank should ho read. Reluctantly the plaintiff's couusel read: "There is no liability on account of this message unless the same is repeated, and then only on condition that the claim is made within thirtydays in writing." And then, after the signature, "Yours lovingly, John," followed by "N. U.?Read carefully the condltlcis at tho top." It didn't take the jury long to render a verdict.?New York Times. Singular Plurals. A correspondent who keeps a watchful eye on our columns wants to know what are the correct plurals of "mongoose" and phoenix." One is tempted to write "mongeese" as one is tempted to write "Musselmen," though neither man nor goose has any claim to consideration in these words. 'Mongoose" is quite a fancy spelling, and you may spell it "mungous" or "mongous" or "mungoos," as you will. Therefore, we think "mongoose" ts quite plural enough to rover all ttie specimens that are likely to come up for christening. As to the phoenix? its case may be dismissed with the swiftness of a police court magistrate. There is never more than one 011 the active list at the same time, so the phoenix does not require a plural at all.?London Chronicle. The total value of exports of animal products in 10011 was about $:t.000,00rt greater than the like exports of the previous year, but there was a decrease of nearly $S.OOO.OOO in the value of cattle exported. This was due to the sharp demand for beef in this country jr wek Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelwein, j Iowa, is another one of the j million women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A Young New York Lady Tolls of a Wonderful Cure: ? " ?.ly trouble was with the ovaries ; I am tall, and tiio c*>etor said I grew too fast for my strength. 1 suffered dreadfully from inflammation and doctored continually, but pot no help. I suffered from terrible drappinp sensations with the most awful pains low down in the side and pains in the back, nnd the most agonizing headaches. No one knows what I endured. Often I was sick to the stomach, and e~ery little while I would be too sick to po to work, for thr>- e or four days ; I work in a larpc store, and I suppose standing on my fi?et all day made ine worse. " At the suggestion of a friend of my mother's I began to take* Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it is simply wonderful. 1 felt better after the first two or three doses ; it seemed as though a weight was taken off my shoulders: I continued its use until now I can truthfully sav I am entirely cured. Young * K,u.i v? iiw iiro uitTuys paying tioctor'ij bills without getting any help ns I did. ought to take your medicine. It costs so much less, and it is sure to cure tlicm.? Yours truly. Aiuci.aipk PuAin., 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York City." ? $5009 forfeit if original of about l*tt?r nroulry aanuinvnrst cannot be produced. Ifs<h Insurance When traveling there's a heap of com- 'Sj H fort in knowing that ycu and your dear fly y.l ones are protected from accidont ty H Bj insurance. pi More people become ill than Injured. IS tH Are you protected from illness 9 You H should be. Don't travel without a bot- ?y Dr. Thaclier's | Liver and Blood Syrup | r!) All it costs Is 50 cents and it may save H -,?j ten times that in doctors' bills, besides pij f'N giving ycu absolute protection from fu Great for all Liver, Kidney end B'.ood H > ^ Troubles. Ask your druggist. W" ' jj 25. CO cents and $1.00 per Bottle. fa $ 1.00 size contains more than twice 50 K El cent size. 9 Wrne our Consultation Department. UH H explaining symptoms, and receive free M Hi confidential advice. ' t [? TMACHER MEDICINE CO., M SE&SiflSl Thompion's Ey* WaUr HOW A BEAUTIFUL SPRII Nothing Robs One c J %%%%%%%%%%%%^%%%%%%%%%%?%%%%%%%%%% i \ \ h -*rfv ... 7^*^. % ?-?-..... ' ^'.^: TyJw * " y <V -% J MISS HELEN - l^'WA^'V V\ VVWWWX'VWWWW^WWV* v Mins Helen Whitman, 308Vi Grand Avei * There Ie nothing like fot no ambition for icork or play. After t 1 /ett unable to regain mi 1/ health, but derful change and restored ma fo j?<? t/our blood In good cond It ton you nre the veins with pure health! ut bini>ti Have you got nerve*? Well, you ought to have nerves. Hut they oujibt to ho strong nerves, good nerves. Does your hand tremble? \ou ar*. living too last. Does your heart flutter at times: You had ; better call a halt. Americans live too last. | They crowd too much iuto a single day. ; rhey have too little leisure. The hospitals ] ?nd insane asylums are filling up. The ' juiet, pastoral scenes of yore are becoming i rare. It's time that we quit this sort of business. USE TAYLOR'S SS f APUDINE Cour v CURES Stomach ? AND ? . . Indigestion 10, 25 and 5->c. at Drugstores. Genuine stamped CCC. Never sold In bulk. j Beware of the dealer who tries to sell ' sawothing just as good." _ 0 \ Delicately formed and g V >n all the seasons of their liv *5^ ers> ^at one simple, w yjj gently and pleasantly and usec* with truly beneficial i when the system needs a la is well known to be a simpl Yfjp' and carminative principles ffyj matic liquids, which are ag (w\ taste and acceptable to ^ j* cleansing is desired. Many of the ills from whii sient nature and do not co r.: tf,-y ana 11 is pleasant to know i V'~*:' ?-*;* the beneficial effects of Syr %.j more than a laxative is nei \{ Y family physician and to avo C^\j|Lv loudly advertised nostrums O?! V-* one needs only to remove t gestion, or similar ills, whi /,/tp condition of the system, use fVO Syrup of Figs?and enjoy ac^es an<^ pains, colds to inactivity of the bowels. Only those v/ho buy the g< ^5/^. to get its beneficial effects Q?cellence of the remedy the California Fig Syrup Co.? package and without it an] >\ }j? of Figs is fraudulent and : who know the quality of offer of any substitute, w f?r. is always resented b; [&/!& some first-class drug esi Y^r not recommend, nor sell remedies. The genuine : /.?>yb reliable druggists everywiiei WOMAN ESCAPE! NG CATARRH BY i >f Strength Like Sp; Spring Fever i WHITMAN. i iwvvvvvvvvvvvvv*.\vwvvv\vvvvvvvv% ' me. Milwaukee, Wis., writea: ? that tireU leeling, iehlch glvrn yon a prolonged ilium* ahou( a yeurnyn, /our bottle* o) Ternt?<? made a uionrfeot health. Ah long ai you kcc^ all right, anil J'rrttna err me to /!< i lhoro%tithl g endorse it." ? HISS I ILL US WHITMAN. i How to /Jet Strong \ervem. Firet, repair the injury already done to i your nerves. The way to do this is to do i exactl*- as did Mnttio I>. Curtis, Secretary I <>; Legion of leival Women, Hotel Salem, | liostou. Mass. She Raid in * recent letter: 1 "I suffered for over a year with general! weakness and debility manifested in so- j vere headache and backache. I took four hottluk of 1'eruna. and for two months j have been entirely free from these mala- I dies." j rokee Remedy of Sweet G ighs, Colds, LaGrippe fjr WELL DRILLING TWtA<-'3l3 X3NT3!-: NTS. . J II Hattox. i>f Kom. Mis*., writes ?? f. ll>ws "I will say that I have inner-xon u Well Ditlllmr Mn.hioe ttmt urnuhl e.|tiul the "Otiln" Mm him- f--r this part i t the country. It is the fastest mm-hitm In earth or rook that 1 ever seon. ami 1 am well ' i lease.I with it. 1 have ha.l no trotil-lo with tt sinoo I started it l'arties wiehim- to hue'hi-kit-th i Well Machinery iiidre?? LooMIS MACUIoK CO., lilliii. Ohio. ^dropsy] S1* 10 OAIS1 TtlEATHENT FflEL 71 lS HaTea*do5ropry MditaeoEi* y plications a jpacialty lor twoBtjr ' Ifc-Ar'' i yearn with tne isoat wondcrrcl , ( Lcccrai. Havecnrudtaaaytaona* ^wWTyjtwv and caje?. M.E.a.csaw3 30*DL tAdfrrri.t-. " Tlor D Atlanta, oa I ently reared, women will find, es, as maidens.wives,or mothholesome remedy which acts naturally, and which may be . V effects, under any conditions. rffU * .xative, is?Syrup of Figs. It e combination of the laxative of plants with pleasant, aro- (pjFel; ;reeable and refreshing to the <?jg. the system when its gentle ch women suffer are of a tran- ; '--V1 me from any organic trouble j&V'% :hat they yield so promptly to up of Figs, but when anything H eded it is best to consult the jfy'vi id the old-time cathartics and V of the present day. When : >,v. \ he strain, the torpor, the con- Yx ch attend upon a constipated Vv^'i;V< ; the true and gentle remedy? ' freedom from the depression, \ and headaches, which are due Va %% mulne Syrup of Figs can hope and as a guarantee of the exfull name of the company? W is printed on the front of every V? f preparation offered as Syrup - % 'r.ry should be declined. To those this excellent laxative, the y/:V hen Syrup of Figs is called ,' j y a transfer of patronage to. lablishment, where they do 1 false brands, nor Imitation :V article may be bought of all re at 50 cents per bottle. : :'j?' ia|I^YK ) 1SE Of PE-RU-NA. ring Catarrhis Spring Catarrh. .Vcrt'OMi Pt ottration. Thousands of cases might ho quoted in which Peru nil has been used to rescue people from the perdition of deranged nerves, and put them on the good, solid foundation of health. The t ounty Auditor of hrie County, New York. lion. John W. NefF, in a recent letter written at ltuffalo. New York, stated: "I i\ as persuaded by a iricnd to try a bottle of your great nerve tonic, Perur.a, and the results were so gratifying that I am more than pleased to recommend it." .4 .S'p fin a 77>?t (< Almost everybody needs n tonic in the spring. Something to brace the nerves, invigorate tlie brain ami cleanse the blood. That Peruna will do this is beyond all liiosiion Kverv ii'f who has tried it baa had the snine experience as Mrs. 1). W. Timborlake, of Lynchburg. Va., who. in a recant letter, made use of the following words: "1 always take a dose of Per una after business hours, r.a it is a great thing for the nerves. There is no better spring tonic, and 1 have used about ail of them. Catnrvh hi Spring. The spring is the Iwst time to treat r? tnrrh. Nature renews herself every spring. The system is rejuvenated by spring weather. This renders medicines more eP fcctive. A short course of Peruna. assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of cntnrrh that have i csist< d treatment for years. Everybodc should have a Cony of Dr. Hnrtman's latest book on catarrh. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus. Ohio. Mrs. Lulu 1 firmer, Stoughton, Wis., sav*: "For two years 1 suffered with nervous trouble and storn\ 2 ae'' disorders until > '!$ that there * 2 vri>li nothiiu; to mo 5 i?iv2 tr~ * ^ut R bundle ol 5 * nerves. 1 was very 5 \ _'~-i L i e irritable, could not j.iV'u r V*' 5 sleep, rest or com;0 pose myself, and wnH ?*rtainly unfit !? ' to take care of a ~ Rv * household. I took ! i * nerve tonics nnd | Mrs. Lulu Larmier. J ^pills ^without ^ benetaking Peruna I grew steadily better, my nerves grew stronger, my rest was no longer fitful, ami to-dav 1 consider myself in perfect health and strength. Mv recovery was slow but sure, but I persevered and was rewarded by perfect health."? Sirs. Lulu I>armer. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peru tin writa at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a full stateineiit of your case, and he will be pleased to ffive vn? ! ;- l-l- * .? -* vaiuiiuic a?iv!c<* Address l)r. Hnrtmsn, lYnsident of Thi Hnrtnuiu Sanitarium. Columluw <? um and Mullein KS'/S, t and- Ludk Troubles. Thoroughly tested! Lrs. All Druggists. Uor, lOu and Sl?OQ? I Salier's SI'tUTI?1 ittrrs HI '1' t'I irt It! I n Pi nuN^jj VV u'.jiogl f'txlFARM ^/SALZEK'S SEEDS KEVTK rAILJ^kl i ,008,003 Ouslcisers^ r / l' i -r .1 < f : B^B t'J ftn?t yet \v? *f? rrnHiii^t ul f r \\o FVJ I y .Inly iht, :?? .i\a) x.iuin u:.ii bCUeo ^1 tt.ti uiix>recoilent?'4l oiler. i|\ Sfl CKGO for HOc* /I wa >V c will ma?l uitoxi n*r, .j?t *.<? in rtair.j>il ?9 o ir inmt rataioi m\ wi'i!:i *..??< ? t?> any A'fJ rwril.'i inriii*T r k.tnlttM'i ! >. Aw ?IA r?,tli!,r Willi many farm f *1 KanipV.*, A??im ll<?ur?1 +? i?;tcl* v, !*.:? nms/'fllr VAX llni-.el.v.n ,|.?.inv :, v .ir;:i >^X.-V *i<" ? l-> K'l I. KM . Willi, >4.'v3cS?^uImj:'r?' "I'1' r l,ut -ilC\ ^ , . >- u<w r' .;..v.'..-VsV yl V1 r> \I -'/ ? . * 4 J ' V.1> *V/ i V, ||| ' afs .V v&