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# I DBSCUi A. Stealthy, Insidiou Thousand Women There are a multitude of women, especially housewives, and all other women obliged to be on their feet constantly, I who are wretched beyond description, sic pi v because their strength and vitality I is sapped away by catarrhal discbarges ( from '.nc pelvic organs. These woJhen get I up in the morning tired, drag themselves j through their daily duties tired, only to go to bed at night as tired as before. Mi?. Kvn lUirtlio, 1 33 Kail Utli Nltcrl, >. Y. fltji N. V.. writes:?" I mffiirml for throe years with what is grnorallv known as ' leucorrhea, tn connection wlih nfoeratloii ot thewotuh. 1 he doctors advocated an opera. tlon which I dreaded very raoeh, end strongly objected to go under It. Reading of the value of Rerun.t. I thought it best to givo this w<dl kno\yn remedy a trial, so I bought throo bottles of It at once. Now 1 am a changed woman. I'erniM cured mo; it toak nlno bottles. but I felt so mnoli improved I kepi, taking it. us I dreaded ar> operation so much. ' nm to-day in perfect health, and have not felt so well :or Ilftoon years."?Mrs. Eva Bart ho. 1 MISS LOIIIMR MATIOV. 4 fe M l?H I fttili*t< Million, 3 Glrn l!oUli^tr**i>t, Toronto, Out. Cull., .Se?-r?t?< jr ot tlie lilnu's DmukIiicis, mid .Secretary of I nit j Mhithtier*. write*:?"If :itl woititn knew or tho benefits to bodcrlved front tak uk l'orutin we would have many happier and more healthtiil women. My hi n tli ba? never been too rolmst, and 1 ant easily fatigued and ran not stand ltttteh. About a year nun J was to run down that 1 had to lake to my both and became weaker and weaker. A friend advised mo to try l'eruua, and 1 have great reason to befCrnieiul, for In two weeks 1 wasoutnt bed. and 1 n a mouth 1 was perfectly well, and I now Dial '.hat my health is much more robust than formerly, so that 1 take Parana once or twice a month and keep well."-Louise Muhoti. 1'cruna is such a perfect specific for oneh case that when isiticnts have once used it they can never be induced to quit it until tiny are permanently cured, it begins to relieve the disagreeable symptoms nt once. I j nv uncKuclie ceases. the trembling knees an- strengthened. the appetite restored, j the digestion made perfect, the dull headache is stopped and the weakening drains are gradual.y cured. These results certain- ; ly follow a course of treatment with Pttrutin. Ihirhira Albcrty, corner Seventh and N\ alnut streets, Appleton, Wis., writes tut follows in regard to Perunn: "For years I have suffered with hackache and severe pains in the side. 1 doc; torcd so much that I became discouraged. A school friend told me how very much Perunn had benefited her and 1 sent out I for a bottle, which did more to ,-elicvc me than all the other medicine I have ever potatoes vsl i irrowor?ofMct'd I'ototot^ln America. < l TlioMltural New YorhcrH fflvMUnNrrVKur. , 1jr \V Uconatn u > IcIH of ?-lv bu. per a. l*rl*e? i 1 dirt c(itn|i. kl unimolIt sf rd lionk and enmplc ?f1 . I TH>*ltttc,Nncll>, llucaronl U litoU <i8 bu. prr ' , I ft., 4*luiit 4 lover, etc., upon roeeipl of lOo poMuge. I l Jon N A. 8AI.ZKK RF.KUCO. U W U. i Vwvvvvwnrirwvvvvvvvvva Ohio Officers are finding It difficult to prevent the lynching of Robert rag Perron, accused of assaulting a girl. by THE MEN AND WOMEN ? Who Enjoy the Choicest Products of the World's Commerce. Knowledge of Wlint In llext More Important Tlia 11 Wealth W ithout It. . *? It must be apparent to every one that qualities of the highest orili r urc necessary to enable the best of the products of modern commerce to attain permanently to universal acceptance. However loudly hcra'nhd, they may not hope for world-wide preeminence unless tlicy meet with the general approval, not of Individuals only, hut of the many who have the happy faculty of .selecting, enjoying and learning the real worth of the choicest products. Thoir commendation, consequently, becomes important to others, since to meet the requirements of the well Informed of all countries the method of manufacture must be of the most perfect order and the combination the most excellent of its kind. The above Is truo not of food products only, but Is especially applicable to medicinal agents and after nearly a quarter of a century of growth and general use the excellent remedy. Syrup of Figs, is everywhere Accepted, throughout the world, as tho best of family laxatives. Its quality Is duo not only to the excellence of tho combination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants known to act most beneficially on the system and presented In the form of a pleasant and refreshing liquid, but also to the method of manufacture of the California Fig Syrup Co., which ensures that uniformity and purity essential In a remedy in JJipPiMj . 't i<iimiy use. ask any physi clan who Is well lnformnl and he will answer at once that It Is an excellent laxative. If at alt eminent In his proijl . lc39lon and has mad a special study of laxatives and their effects the sysV tem ho Will tell you that It Is the best of family laxatives, becuuso It Is simple and wh. '. u I m and awcetens th-3 system cffectnally, when I I a. laxative Is needed, without any unpleasunt after-effectfc. Every well-SnTorraed druggist of reputable standing Ifgows that 8yrup of Figs Is an excellent laxative and Is glad to sell it, at the regular prlco of fifty cents per bottle. because it glvys general satisfac- I Hon, but one should re member that In -order to get the beneficial effects of .Syrup of Figs It Is necessary to buy the I genuine, which is sold in original pack* nges onlY; the name of the remedySyrup of Figs and also the full name of the Comp iny--fftltfornla Fig Syrup Co. ?pr'ntod on', the front of every package, jrc USE TSY'LOR'S 8S A " ' ISED CAT s, Weakening Er ^tn Suffer Needlessly j MIts. KVA BARTIIO. MKS. ANNA MARTIN. Ybursjbra ( /n<t B _ < >GZ^r> 15 VJZbtY ^he worst hlizzard of the winter is inK In Colorado. Trains are delayed \ tlio drop snow. ' ^ A ?? \i/W Universally a Accepted J The I Best I Familu I Laxati SYR] IP OF Fl I W A & % vy A vy A At I Is I Recommended bu ? Manu Mill B of |j The Well-lnfc 1 Throughout the ^ Manufactured bu San Frkncin LrOuiiTill*. Ky. R SALE BY ALL LEAP ISO DBUOOISTS\ kee Remedy of Sweet Qi is. Colds, LaGrippe & ARRH ty to Women?Many trrom This Cause. taken. I used it faithfully for t*vo weeks, and it completely cured me. 1 have not had any pains since, anyw here, hut feel 'like a new woman. 1 am truly thankful for what l'eruna has done for me."?Barbara AFberty. Mr.. Kntn Miinn, KltO I'.atlnirst Stri'.t, Toronto, Out. Can., Vice I*rr<?lil(>nt of the loutles* Alii Society, ifrlltc?"1 am pleased to give to Peruna lor the blessed relief I found through Ittuse. 1 suffered for years wltli backnone aud dragging down pain's and often had to go to bed and stay there when I was so busy that I could illy be spared. It was therefore a simple godaeud to me when Peruna was brought to my notice. Every drop seemed to give me now Ufo, and orer'y dose made mo feel much better, and I promised itlyself ttmt If I found that It cured ma I w<mld ndvocnte it so that other suffering women sbr>ul?l know of it. 1 have been In perieot health for on- year. I enjoy work nnd rleasure because in ouch fine health, and no rouble seem too heavy to hoar when you are In good health. Pe mil a has simply "been a household blessing, and 1 never will be wlthout It again."?Mrs. Kato Mann. VRS. KATR MANN. Mr*. Ami* Martin. 47 H oyt St., ItrooU Ijn, N, V., wittMi?"Purtinii illil ho much forma that I fori It my duty to recommend It to others who mity do simlliarly aflllottd. About a year ago my boalth was coinpiataly broken down, had backache, dizziness and Irregularities, aud life soonied dark indeed. Wo had need Horuna iu our homo as a tonic, and for cold? And catarrh, and I decided to try It for my trouble. In lean than three mouths I became regular, my pains had on- I tlrely dls ippearod, ami 1 am now perfectly j well."?Mrs. Anna Martin. \\\,\\\\\\\\\ Mrs. VViu. ilctrick, Kcnn&rd, Washington Countjj Xel?., writes: "I am tuty-six years old and have not felt well since the Change of Life began ten years ago. I was in misery soniowligre most of the time. My back was very weak and jny tlesli so tender it hurt me to lean against the back of a chair. 1 had pain under my shoulder blades, in the small of my back and hips. 1 sometimes wished mvself out of this world. Had hot and cold spells, dizziness and trembling of the | limbs, and was losing llesli all the time. | After following your directions and taking Perunu I now feel like a di lie rent person. ? Mrs. Win. Ilctrick. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results ft om the use ot I'eruna write at onee to Dr. Hartmnn, giving a full statement. of your case, and lie will bo pleased | 10 give you ins valuable advice gratis. IVruna can lie purchased for ?l per bottle at all first-class drug stores. Address Ur. ilnrtman, l'resident of The llurtman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Hear Head' 1 VSELTZER, Professor Weaver, a leading educator at Ashcville. N. C., is sent to jail for refusing vaccination. lions \| >rmed I : World- F 3 i|l /' r- ' ' -4 I^RIP^ co? Cal. New York. N. Y. PRICE FIFTY CEFTst FER DOTTLE. um and Mullein SSSSdV0^ > and Lung Troubles. Thoroughly testod I rs. All DruggUU. 25c, OOo and tl.OO> r^i ^ B&ftfciir* ^ News of the Day. An electric Are pump is in use in Rouen, The idea is to obtan current for operating the motors from adjacent electric tram cables. The whole machine can be placed on a hand-cart or on a little two wheeled wagon drawn by one horse. Its total weight, with accessories and two men on the seat, is about a ton. A Frenchman, writing in Revenue Bleue of Paris regarding President Roosevelt as an orator notes the following characteristics: "A discourse for him is a veritable struggle. He has no little paper at hand; nothing but his memory and will to aid him. He neither1 recites nor improvises. His speeches are a singular mixture, of conversation, political harangue and preaching." A young woman named Emma Kellogg is a candidate for a game war densbip in Colorado. She has quite a record as a huntress and has had a unique experience, having once ridden a wild elk which treed her and on whose back she dropped when an opportunity was offered. After putting the excited animal through his paces she ended his existence by cutting his throat with her pocket knife. If she receives the appointment she will be the only woman game warden in this country. FITS permanently cured.No fit* er nerrousnw? after first day s use of. Dr. Kline's Great | NervoReittorer. trial bottleund treatise free i Dr. l.i. 11. Kline, Ltd.. 1)81 Arch Bt.,1'hlln.,Fa. I ?. A reformer is generally a man who tries to convert othets to his way of thinking. ar; ?.?: : Mrs.Wiaalow's SoothiugByrup for ohlldroa teething .softou the gutus, reduces lnflatnma tloc,allays judo,cures wind colic. 25c. n bottle You can't measure a genius by the length of his hair. rise's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure.?J. W. O'Bsuttt, 322 Third Avenue, 51., MluneapoUs, Minn., Jan. 6,1900. The man who agrees with nobody thinks i everybody else is wrong. Putnam Fadeless Dyes color Silk, Wool and Cotton at one boiling. Sonic people don't care what happens so j long es it doesn't happen to theffi. About 150,000 different kinds of hectics have been discovered thus tar by the scientists. Stats of Onro. City ofT oledo, ? Lucas County. f Frank J. Chkxbt, tnako owththat lie Is the senior partner of the firm of >'. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said' firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every ease of ("atarrii that cannot be cured by the use or Hall's Catarrh Cuuk. Frank Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my ,?*?, prasenee.tbisOtlidav of Dueotnbor, - seal. A. 1>., 1sn6. A. W. Gleahon. Xotary Public. Hub's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood im*! mucous surlacos of the system. Seud for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. Mold bv Driitf^ists 7.*< ilnll's Family i'llls iiro tho host. The chronic borrower seldom pays a man back in his own coin. PAINFUL PERIODS are overcome by Cydin K. Pink* huin's Vegetable Compound. ^ j Mbs Menard cured after doetors failed to help her. " Lydia K. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound cured me after doctors 1 >h<I failed, and I want I other ffirls to know a bout it b"' I ing menstruation I suffered most intense pain low in the abdomen and in my limbs. At other times I had a heavy, depressed feeling which made my work seem twice as hard, and I grow pale and thin. The medicine the doctor gave me did not do me one bit of good, and I was thoroughly discouraged. The doctor wanted ine to stop work, but, of course, I could not do that. I finally began to take Lydi* K. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound and felt better after taking the first bottle, and after taking six bottles I was entirely cured, and nin now in perfect health, and I am so grateful for it." ? Miss Georoie Menard, 5.17 E. 152nd St., New York City.? 93000 forfait If original of above letter proving fonulnoeens rennet bo produced. Eydln E. Pinkhaiii's Vegetable Compound cures female ills when Mil other menus have failed. Qfsntea is H | Gsneraiiy Kigiit a Take advantage of J; her vast experience i* y^r&gA'vii ' * and ask her what is ; Xfc best for your Liver, v Kidney and Blood Troubles. We j think she will recommend I DR. THACHER'S LIVER AHD ft | 3L0G0 SYRUP , ,d3 because the hss tried it and knows it Rjj SR cure* Been 11 market &0 years und is 1,1 H reliable. You 'ry ft. H (Ac and $1 00 at good druggists. Dr. cjj |2] Thachcr'a I.iver Medicine (dry), ii'icecta. KH M Yes, your druggist, sells it. Be sure ;j Si it's Da. Thacher'v' though. (,'j KB Write our Consultation Department H I explaining symptoms, and receive free I IB confidential advice. JB , ' THACHEH MEDICINE COMPANY. gd mg Chaitanaoga. Tenn wl *r- -Ji., oAf-. ii.jd., CURES RHEUMATISM AND CATARRH. U.n.B. Cure* I)n?p-Sf?tf(l Cmr? Kapcclulljr ?To Prove It It. It. It. Sent Free. These diseases, with aches and pains in bones, joints and back, agonizing pains in shoulder blades, hands, lingers, arms and legs crippled by rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, or neuralgia; hawking, spitting, nose bleeding, ringing in the cars, sick stomach, deafness, noises in the head, bad teeth, thin hot blood, all run down feeling of catarrh arc sure signs of an awful poisoned condition of the blood. Take Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) Soon all aches and paias stop, the poison is destroyed and a real permanent cure is made of the worst rheumatism or foulest catarrh. Thousands of cases cured by taking B.U.B. It strengthens weak kidneys and improves digestion. Druggists, $1 per large bottle. Sample free, by writing Blood Balm Co., 18 Mitchell St., Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble and froe medical advice sent in sealed letter. It is quite natural that an ocean greyhound should occasionally run down a catbo&t. Snow, rain, hail, and sleet have fallen in England, doing great damage. Jingo, the largest elep*hant in the world, died on ship board while en route to New York. DOAN'S DE/i Its the gentle and effective action Bladder, and Urinary troubli Men, Women, and Children. Mt. Pleasant, Orrio.? I received the sample of Dean's Kidney Pills, and never had any medicine do me so much good in o little time. I had Congestion of the Kidneys and Bladder so severe it caused a pressure on the lungs like Asthma, hut through the use of Doan's Pills I am free aud easy now. Geo. W. Smith, Veterinary Surgeon, P. O. Box 41, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. Aged people find Doan's Kidney PHls a gruut comfort for declining years. They cure incontinence and urinary weakness peculiar to children. Baxter SrntNc.p, Kansas.? I received the free sample of Doan's Kidney Pills. For five years I have had much pain in my hack, which physicians said arose from the kidneys. Four boxes of Doan's Pills have entirely cured the trouble. I think I owe my life to these pills, and I want others to know it. Sadie Davis, Baxter Springs, Kansas. (iORTH'SOUTH-iA&T'WESTII row VfIbfa TKUD Vk' tO ty'ti tti$> ?!L,?P &WS7M:H<3 &>&RVWR&?&. w :?7>e bcjt nviteriali jfculcJ worirtrt and SZ^r\ suit* yvm /eara eApervnc- hc*e rede I OWE.R'j 01kHer* Coeti aad hat} wH famous tSewrWcterTIvy arc modem ?f blacH or jr'tow for all b.%? d wet vs-ork WrfiEiS ftftievervsarmertbeamjtiSeOWNOP THE PliM n asnAxdto *>ve jat i:foctm All retatWe dealer} jell then. Ill rmttf AJ.T3WR CflLWSOJI.M^i.D J A All VlLCfO rc?5 CAW3UH CCUlta-teiTOMSIO. OM. Cw<?- L J*1 " ' ' ' ->-<?'> ?? . r ? '! I l? 1 .1 1 Which? ! i R A lean and potash-hungry soil, vj B wasted seed, wasted labor and idle E 1 gins?A MORTGAGE. Or, plenty of V 1 in the fertilizer, many bales and a I R busy gin?A BANK ACCOUNT. 1 J H our boot:. ' V v I Thcy ?/e vir * money wiu- fj~ (.i D ncrs. We tend l'. : T.K? '.K/'A U I thent /V*r to ^ . t V V ?/ W I CAPUDINE Cour ! ^ CURES Stomach ? AM) _ . . Indigestion 10, 25 and ?>;>c. at Drugsta^jf Peculiar to I Louisville Post: In|r??^r'A^Riii)OHt the Buffalo tragedy aad the Ohio fiend, the public is asked to keep in ........ . ...?i IXIIM.IV/ UI1II v/uu; (li C IIVM I U of Mason and Dixon's lines. There are some crimes which are rarely committed in the south. lie who will not lift up the world will be dragged down with it. I. / '' ^' '^1'rt, c'*3*-r^ IS NOT A BUT IT CURES R And nil dlarnorx arMtiff from Impuri tnjurr the dlfirstivr orr;nnn. iuhirrlI diaafipmr utnler the jH/icrrful blood p TWO BOTTI Gentlemen:?I take pleasure in hear of your " Hiikomacide. Two bottle, c be of any benoflt to you In advert islrR j Yours truly, W.H.HAN All Druggists, $1.00, Bebbilt Chemical Co.. i I 1 I Coughed 111 had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured. R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. j| Sixty years of cures | and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the greatest cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure in every arop. Tkrr* the* : 25c, 51c., SI. All drnejUtc Conenlt your doctor. If ho *ay* take It, then do as ho ray*. If ho tell* you not to take It, then don't take It. lie knows, fl J/envo It with him. We arc willing. J. C. AT1?U CO.. Lowell. Ma*?. C GENTLY. of Doan's Kidncv Pills in :r'noxr es that make them famous with Aching backs fire cased. Flip, back, and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. Tbev correct urine with brick oust sediment, nigh colored, xccssive, pain in passing, dribbling, freq en y. bed wetting. Doan's Kidney :''s dissi.v and remove calculi and gravel. elievc heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness. i FRCC ?coon FOR OLD AND YOUNG. FKiim-MluriiN' Co., IluSuio. N. Y. : Please semi me by mail, without charge, trial box Demi's Kidney Pills. : Post-office - ?? j State (C\lt oat ooutxm un iloltnl llmw unit mail to Koit?r*ililhurn (' ?.. ihilfulo, N. Y.) i Medical Advice Ff\re ? Strictly Confidential. I fCjK-?. ai w.m a. m bl n n a n j n:or fcRAPE^ Crenteot, Cheapest Food on Earth for Slioap, Swine, I h^y^ Will t. worth $l<>0 to you to re.1 wWt | Billion Dollar Grass i nnko you rich; I'J tros | I cf litter *ml loti pasture per acre, c) ^ i WV iimjC* *'fv 1 r' Yicl^* IOO tmam ' tirven I-p r acre. I For tblo Notice and 10o. ' , ?-U W? m*l! bl*oat?ln|f an-l 10 Karm E ^ N ore Hits, full/ w c:t!i $10 to tit a start. | Dp ?5ALZER SEED CO.."^! ??? xxuxxiiimxnx ~>B^DROPSY W [ ' 10 OATS' TREATMENT FUEL TtJ jB P?t? wads Drop?y mpd its c<tb? I iTTT^ pllcotiopt a BDeoixliy for twontv lBFf>' T Utn with tfi? stoit wsn^erfQ ? - Buvu>a?. u?vu uurou uau/ vuooi*' Ca"ci a. n. osskm-q sohb. Bo* W Atlanta, Shu I FAY SPOT CASH FOR milbo?*ty land warrants iarard to soldiers of any \rnr. Also Soldiers' Adilia eS25 Every Day Can ba Anally node with our Well Augers & Drills Ono roam mml om horp?* required. Wo mrc thooulv roukc.*m ot tfop Ti tllu Well-* Borftiff ?n.( Uook-Dnlliutc Wmohino. Warriiiit^l tHr Hf?t on Kartb! Mauj of our cnutoiuM-fl makr from $r.U toV ?o n du/? JoolC ?ai\/i Circulars FUflrt. Adtlreac, LOOniS MACHINE CO., TIFFIN, OHIO. FnriT tRi:itK orkamf.ytal till km tTRAWDSItnV FLAY I S. fKHl'n-.nnttP.H OK APR VIA P.*. AfiPA RAUl'V. ICTC. nrrsukifu?*s?tit ,>n ar>D:>llcMion. A tiles lot of nr??R l.rahoru, a*4 li. rr?-4 I'tymuiitli Hnrba. Fm!I klMdaOrktrl' nt.d Pullets >?? SI each. Alto pui? POLAND CHINA mHOATS, three months id ul$t.00 rtouit. J. B. watkixs ,v linn.. iiallaboro, Va CMIS WHIIK Alt (LSI FAILS. ET Boat Coush Byrup. Tnato* Good. Uso 6*1 in lima. Boltl by OrtiygHH- Hf I 1"' ?o lit. Thompson's Eye Water I Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Beware of the dealer v/bo trios to sell ' "something just as good." CURE-ALL, Ejj RHEUMATISM llies in the hlooil. It /lositirrh/ ft .'I not 8 i, Hi,!,, en, mill Stomach troubt~* fl urifyinff qualities of this medicine. ES CURED. t> I Hai.kioii, N. C. 1 Inir testimony to tho curative properties r ured my ton of u bM<l caso. If this will 'our meritorious remedy, you can use it. ^ I). .Sic,rani tf. C. Irutllut n fo ZH . J or expressagc prepaid. a m Baltimoreind., U. 5. A. [