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FOKT MILL TIMES WEf^ KSD \y. M ARCH 2fi, I00H. . 1- - . . . j.j 1 l ^ ... . IN JHE LOCAL FIELD. facjs Picked Up Here and There About Happening?; Around Town. W. B. Wilson. Jr . of Rock Hill, 1 PTfM 0 p Monday on business. \Ir. SnnvM Deihl, of Columbia, was in F. rt Mill Friday, on a profc.-bloo visit. The elm-ken thieves linve evixleti 11 v lost all energy, or decided to xj^iit I lie business. <)*ir local weather pophet nssureu us that there will besunshino enough after while. The thought** of the fni?* Rex turns these days toward Raster bonnets and gowns. . _ J _ wr it v*t? >i " ? m r. . it. O llltlie. ot I iold 11111. spent Monday iii llock Hill, presumably on business. No home should l?p without one or more irood newspaper. The home paper should occupy first place. It is said 'hat drn?ririntf n brush ; p er oats wil kill out the Hessian Hies Nitrnto of soda is said to Kill tlieui equally as well. The time for pavine State nnd county taxes has expired, and ex eeutions will now he issued against pll those wha^hnve not pa d. Some of our older citizens sav tint in t?il their days they do not remember u dav on which so much raiu toll as on last S ituiday. So far old March has been as gentle as a lamb, but. some of the weather prophets say she will roar |ikpa liop b 'fore she p isscs away. 'I he Tlf?v. II A. Yomjue. former pastor of the Port Mill Methodist i'lt'.tr It, will preach in the Presbyterian church at. this place next Sunday morning at 11.30 o'clock. The p >rcIi trees are blooming. I the grass is beginning to put ui . ; the yiulets are in bloom and the birds are beginning to s'ng. evidencing the fact tliat Hp'inu is up on iii. uuil |t is welcomed by oue<- j and iiii. The heavy rains of last Saturday and Sunday played liavoa witli the streets Hiid roads in many places. The bridge over the bitr hi Hindi this side of Raile-t' bridge waru ashed away Satunlny evening. Our merchants are antic pitiiig a Hue trade this spring and lire laying in large and well selected Stocks of goods. 'Watch the nil verliairig columns of The Times And \ou will know where o buy your goods. Wl iie on Sunday the people of i this section were witnessing a heavy rain storm, accompanied by lightning ami thunder, he people ?>f M ssonri and Kansas saw the heaviest sno.v storm of the year 111 some j laces the BltoW It ac lied a dep h of six inches. The dray horse of the Fort Mill Jdfg. Company docs not believe in | doing things by halves. A few j days ago t he horse tan away and! was not stopi ed until it reached Charlotte, The animal, of course, l i . - 11 - (Mil not run quite nil of Hie way. ! but tlie ordinary horse would have jriveii out in It tlf the distance, j when as this aninial seemed little I worsted by its loin; run. *P eakiftjrof successful poultry' raising, Fort Mill has at leant (> e citizen who has h d wonderful , paccess in the chicken line, accord- , iii}^ to hi - own s'ntement. Ke says, , at present, he has 82 yon in; chickens, tive liens to hatch ill a f w i <lays.froin which he will realize 70 little chickens and is netting pix r day fioni seven other' liens. Pretty uood. John CMiilds. colored, an employe ,.f ii n i i i? ^ in ilie v/imiwua i owt?r uompauy celebrated lust Sunday by getting on h bin (bunk, comtr.iting mi ns HHiilt < u another negro, and almost fatally wounding himself. In replacing his pistol in his pocket, the wenpou was accidentally discliarg (I, H"d 'ht* ball entered the liegi'oe'b thigh He was taken to Itock Hill and locked up to await a hearing. It has heretofore been the policy of this paper to publish free of ! charge all obituaries, cards of reaped, ineinoriains, etc; , and it would he pleased to continue do go, but owing t<? the usually crowd- j ed condition of our advertising columns and the amount of news that is necessarily crowded out thereby, we are compelled to refrain from so doing. There fore, in the future our charge for any of the above named notices wiU be $2 for e??-h ipsertiuu. | The Store // ? J The up-to-dai ^ up witli all tht / ? // / / % LOUNGES, SOFi U KUS si / ?. ? X ^ We Will Si'11 you oil iTt'di Our SI'OT CAS 11 prices will v f ________ j/ Dry C3rO< Our New ,Spring J>ine i n oiionh. Hh s. ('iiis. Pants, >? / arriving daily. Cotton lias as the ti ji.oods were bought ..11 col ton mjods at the old pi ss see our line. Our prices ^ ~ Call aud see us or "plioin ^ service. Drills // // // On Saturday mental tticCatuw ha House. l(ev K. A. II art sell united in marriage Mr. William lugoii Mini Miss (Jla r Kodgers. of whom me employees o' il;e Millfort mill. Another marriage siie e out last issue was tha of Mr. llichaul Ligoii ami Miss Laura Alexander Sunday night at the home of Mr. R. 'IV liailey, also employees ?'f the Millfort mill. The lat ter ceremony was performed hy 'Squire J. \V. McKlhuuoy. There have been sever d small fires at the two mills in this pla e during the past week. Wednesday afternoon fire was discovered in some to >se cotton in the pickei room f the upper mill, but by quick wot k it was extinguished bef ?re any real damage was done. The tiie whistle was again soundei 1 Sunday evening, when fire was diseovered in the drying machine, ' but tins was also extiuguislied with but* little difficulty. T. e Mdlfurt MJl also bad a small blaze 1 Thursday eaused by the beating f a box oil one ot the speeder 'rallies. The lire bullied all t lie i ot ton from 'In- frame, but other tiuiu this tindamage was slight. A case wliioli cons'inied the KM'iiter purl of Motulity wn- tlmt of Jane Avery, colored, ftijHin.-l Mr. L. S Nivalis, wliirli was Iri.o I)'fore MiiW-alrate MeKlhaney. > Sumo time ayo Tom Avery yavt Mr. Nivens a morloatre on hcvcrnl rows and household effects. I pon 11its failure to redeem (lie niortuag< . , Mr. Nivons too!; po^s* khioii ?it ti property. Avery's wife look out a | elaiin of delivery upon t lie ypoiimi ' that the properly was not A very V. luit her own. Mr N ivoiih refused to sui render t lie* properly to tin . woni ill and a suit ensued. Tin jury after lieinjr out several hours ] d filled on a compromise, allowim.Mr. Nivensand the woman each I a part of the pr< perty in . (mst;oi.. Mr. Nivesis was ivpreseit ed l> W. K, Wilson, .Jr.. of I lock I It.I Totn A vet y skipped some dayr h? parts unknown. *'l"nele" Jim Springs, colored, the oldest man in this to.\i,ship. and < roliah.y of this ?ehon, dieu w .dues.lay on the Springs place, north of Fort Mill, after an illness of Utieumoliia. "I'nele" Jim wjis a r< mat knhle man, not only for the au^ lie attained < ml ^jood health up to his (leal li, t > u t for the excellent ' record which lie p isses-ed. Hi was a slave of the late JncKy Spiiuys. ami later of Mr Baxtei Spriie_'H. deceasd. When thes.aves were freed, the ^le^Vo had ho de ^ sire to leave his old ma tor. and J remained oil the same place until i his dentil, Jim Springs was lit? 1 years of af?e, and had never jour- ' neyed farther than 10 miles tmm the place of his hiitli. During hin life as a slave he was whipped nut once, was never inside a jail 01 penitentiary and was never art Gated. Jim was much liked by all who knew him. Wanted?Ladies to see car new spring K<>ods. They are Ue?ii\tios, T- '5- belle. . Wanted?Men and Hovs to mo our special bargains, ii\ Shum.' T. li. i , feu ' ' that Saves you e Furniture store is s b newest designs in ^ r irf?' I . s -?-VO'v \ BEDS, ODD HOCK- i\ .. it nil prices. ^ t for less I linn you Imve been puyiuo i-u-li surprise you. Do not huv u *iI you !>:u'? 3ds. Cl-roc< of Dry < Joods. We still leml in lle>i iki?1 Shoos nii? eeries. uwikiir_r th.s liti advanced. hut You will always tint) it eurly. we oiler freshest and most u ices, ('nil Hiu! W e tiny nil I sell !>utt??r will he riiilit. ot her eouiit vy produce. No. 12 your ouleis. We ^'oe pnu Yours trul\, i <&, "Toi - ~ <T-#- C Our Spring Has Arr And is now ready for Ijargest E L?a,t?st JEStri CL Lowest IE? Suits, SO< Come, and let us lit you body from a tt-year-old Ixr man, and at prices that su For style, comfort and g< are none that give such s iT^fT<3^^=s<r>T^ ?-? isoii X?ir?xt:s, Wes1 JESctttX? -A.3CG Don't fail to soo our lino Stovos boforo buviny. Wo' % *1 NOW I3TH! To <>ot your liorsos, cattl lioallliy ooudit ion. S>rn11 iator will do tlio work. V sized package you want. I TV lloLl'lllilittl' f<*?* /.I _ - . ^ / i i \ f ? y \ m1 i i i %J ? ' % producer and disease ( (Jet our prices on COTTON SEED MEM., PHOSPHATE, KAiNlT, ?t3TH MURIATE OF POTASH, LEi'S I fixture. Old - ReliabL T? 3. TRESPASS NOTICE. All porsonsare hereby war nod atrai list Minting tishiny or ol lierwise trespassing - ?. ? j, ?]m?u any of i he lauds owned or coii- ?l> x ?. rolled by the undersigned parties. The aw will be rigidly applied to anyone lisre^ardiu^ tL,i$ notice. i] \ F. N ims. W F. Pattkksov. W. II. Jones. T. S. Kirkpalrick. J. W. -Vrdrey, W. (J. \rnisrroiifC 1). A. Leo ICS. Torreuoe. W. K. Sprptt, T. O. Spratt. W. H. fluke B. M. Sprat t. Mi-ses Addie and Oovie Harris. f-n _ ? J. 11. Colt harp W. I Jones S. E. White. B. F. Bennett. J. B. Muck. T. A. Mills. mi W.F.Boyd. 11,1 The Times has several hundred old fo> &rU* at *.>Je a liuudred. * V * r f * i Money I! J s s till loading ^ Fupniture, // // yjf*\ ?? M ? r/wJ U Ik 1 Ill-]-] /I IS l*r.' O , I" H'-W.jiv yy CKlT. % tj?~\1 55 ? >> y y fur at ??t11 *?r places. so mi our lino. _ yy iries. j'j vv and fancy (iro- ^y. o our special study. our stock the very // ~ |i to date (iroceiies. yy , chickens, em^s and V, i y y npt and satisfactory % XX1S. If // yy yy r -r c-?f sr-?y-<t-j .<*-* ^>4 v a*. -4 +-4-*s*e^*-4 Clothing 1 T7 0fl v uu your 1 I ? itocli, rles, ^rices, 3 ^:o SIB. We lit everyr to a dOO-pound " it all the people. [>o(l service there atisfaction as the 3_d !V3!ol,C3.or til? tover or 5 fisQrioe. of Furniture and 11 save you money. * I TiiY! E \o and hogs in a 's Animal UcsjiiVo have it in any Try Pratt's Poniliickens. It's an urer. .E GUAMO, ACID ATE ?Jr SO0A, PREPARED UM Oi a - ouure, airieior. X. q ~u.ei.rt. TRY T1110 7 Barber Shop For a firbt-clasd lit ( I T, SUA YE. SHAMPOO, or IlAllt SINGE. rothnrs dc Son. I'liOI'KIKTOKS. id door linnk building. yOU >r. PRINTING SEE THE TIMES. I ?S?SG9?30 @? ?0 @? 0 I ClOTHiNG. yP We have a nice stork of Men's n . 11int is inisurpassed in quality, fit rannot tit you from ?? in stoe! suit made to order on short notice, pies to select (rout. See the floods ? 1 MILLENEBY, ()ttr spring stork of Millinery i? jK we are showing a beautiful line of for ladies ami children. Our dress Qp about April 1. We have the larjja al we have ever shown. Our style int. rest yi.u. ^ ^ ^ fS^' ^B They are all hero, and Ion n any VV s|):ict'. Come and sot- the pretties' heie before, and note particularly ? Li. ST. Mass ? ???????0???S)??Q | Getting Acqif Many pe? pie have hocum** slight f$ our prices on Clothing*, 11.its. Shoes, e two mouths. We want these and al | Better Acq us i/t ?????????????? c7t * And thin \vi 1 happen if you will \ ii>lt 11 in next thirty <l??ys, hikI coinpar tho-e of others on Men and Hoys' Clotl I mler'\veiir, Neckwear, Mens', Ladies', | Just Recer A (\illiplete stork of Moils", Woille Oxfoids. Don't miss seeing them, I % McEIhaney-Pa Head-to-Fcol Outfitters, 9 @?0G0???G? S? ??@? | Spring and | mer Goo Are arriving daily and ainon^ t Vp some genuine lai^ains. So collie early I Big Barge 'O' Five hundred yards of ltd inch Mm ? 1.) and 20 cents, all at 1') cents t'he yal 8 Hfiliiner ? ? Mrs. Culp is hard at work pre pi ninth >>pri i.i; Optiiin^, which will these cwlnins later, (j-p Respectfully Vonrf ? OSO003SGS0S ? ?S?0 THE SOUTHERN S The Greet HlRhwer of TRADt en THROUGH THE SOUTHERN Excellent Service Quick Time Any Trip It a Pltttur* Trip lo Travel via THE SOUTHERN R The Finest Dinin^-Car Servic For detailed Information an to TicKetn. Rule* a vatloni address the nearest Agent of THE SC W. A. TURN S. H. HARDWICIt. 2 f e t rsffit C??rr?l PatMStfar Ag?M. WASHINGTON. D. C. WASHINGTON, D C. 6y ? itld U .y's CI"Hiing 0 hu(1 |iric?*. If we ft k. eim lmve ynu h A& We !'live oiK) Bum- /?, Liid *.-<>1111?,.iv , trices. ' Vri) V V c<] < here. Phi-; week ? r ready to-wt at. h- . % Iwils will l?. ready Hi mid pi?! tu tt atoCK. Ks' ^ :n *-> 0 hiivi |n igce win vy PS. I In iK'sortho i his Vy 1 U"0(1H fViJl t liOWU OUl low 1>1 insey 0 * V.-* ll.AIV't V S*> j ? qifiTPn v O. 5 k L : *.' '-<? 3 C-. 1 'MWMDMHQK - 'Xi>rm f 'j ly iirij;iiii111 (I with * J c., dm int. ih 3 pant 6i^ 1 others to lic 'iue is:t mil .it,< ,'hire our pricea with Iiiiij* I'mitn, Siiirtp, \ , Cliiltn, i.'s tSlioob. V d, | n'r? nrnl Cbildreii'H ^ , '<>r Uu?>'ie nobby .rksGo. it % S* * U'i Vu\- <* @5>?~02>C^S|j5 O CO' ullllr I li US | &> hem you cur. find ami n?<l ' c.iOiet*, p ra ls?. cii , & iiiuj j-ei*". l.j, tfor'h ^ ,1. ? ?y P % ning f t our mam- CD ho miilion ir?'ii in 1 EPPS. i Co C_v^ C*^y ? ?< jSIS* i:s) r~ 1 S!?Sfc*-- i ""-r RAILWAY d TRAVEL STATES. Convenient Schedule* ihox who AILWAY. e in the World. n?l Slooplnif'Cor rowr. >UTHf AN K All. WAY. W. M. TAYLOE. AiMtUnl Cmt%. P*?*?A|SP AfsMt V ATLANTA, LA. a ffimWM