University of South Carolina Libraries
? FQltT MIU/ITM |<:s DEMOCRATIC f-gBLfSlflCp KVKHY WKJ?NHSI>Ay , B. W. BRADFORD. To nm of SuliNt'i i ?he yenr J 1.00 I Si x rnotjth's .50 Throe months 1 . j I I ??irespondents on < unent suhjeets Is . invltoil, out no responsibility is ns- I purni'd for the views of correspondents. i Anonymous (omniunlcuilpn* will not ! ) ?' published in (hew columns. Jf)n miDlicaiiiui to th<' publisher, sid- I j vertisliiK Jut'i-H are luadc known to ( ^Viost* 'ligct (jaiml. Fort MIH 'Phono (with lona distance ( connection*) l^o.' 16. ( I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8C. lWS. , ~ I Removal, . . . t On account of recent additions , to Tlic TimcH out lit, it heroines | pp.- essary to obtain more 11 ?or apace | lor i ue business, and tliia will be j j the hit issue of the paper figm its | present quarters in the llauk j b biding. Hereafter The Times | f will occupy the two rpar rooms of j ihe Ardrey budding, on main ; si eef. over tlfe store of W. B. Ar tbvy & Co. = - - - \ Fort Mill has the (lestiuction of e having one men-hunt who, it is j u s id, w.ll not handle any t i\.st made i v o als. If a I the men hunts j I throughout tie country would o luiiow this example, anti-trust ' legislation would lie unnecessary. i * * c Congressman Finley has ipi An- " papolis catletship to give opt to s some competant young man of the * ^Tifth congressional district, be- 1 tween the hges of 17 and 20, and , " will dispose of it through a com-i' pet i live exaiuiunt ion to he hel 1 in , '' Yorkviile on Tuesday, May 12. I * A 1! A 117 1 . . e /\ccoruini; iu a iv asiiin^ion ? ^ special, President Jioosevelt Iimh | j. under serious consideration the summoning of cQtiuress in extra V session pir|y tlijs fall. Apparently \ . no determination has been re tolled , and {.betels i|0 official announce- . lie nt of such a purpose, l>ut. ltd- . ministration leaders acknowledge v tin extra ssssiou is highly ppobuble. |J" * * Is Tiie S'nte militia will he equip- t tied with kaklii uniforms and (I l^rutf-Jor^eiisen rifles in less than I two months. Adjutant General t. Impost stated recently that the re- \ quisitions were being made out t find that the exchange would he f made as soon as possible. The h old uniforms and gnus will I e sent I hack to Washington and the new r ones shipped to heiuhiuarlers at Columbia iu a few days. j Clijceo, the Charleston blind tiger king, visited Governor Keyward recently and wanted to know ^ ?'hat he could do to make the raids " less fr?qneiit on his estahlishiiient 1 in Charleston. The Governor 1 cave him tue only answer possible 1 and that was to go out of the busi- " pess of selling blind finer liquor. ? Chiceoclaims to ha e had $21,000 v worth qf booze taken from him ^ ?inee thg dispensary law en-j v acted. c * * * Id President Samuel Spencer, of | , 1|ie {Southern road, denieB t}mt lie j jp going to resign. A telegram in , the Atlanta Constitution from i1 Jrfew York says; President Snmnol * bp eneer, oflhe Southern railway I 1 pyyieii). yigort?usly denies the re- ' jjprt sent out from Knoxville tluit he is to retire sod bp succeeded by W W. Fin ley, second viee-presiflent of the pysteui. The report >yas printed on the alleged author- j r jty of Col. W. A. Henderson,, aspiotunt general counsel of the road. ( Governor Hey ward says he de- ^ prorates exceedingly the recurienc qf tlje di-penyary trouble in t Charleston, He is emphatic in his opinion that, it ly had for a ' j cuiiftahle. or any other pliicial, to ] j egiv)esq|y indulge in the use of ( pistols. I)iit at the same time lie is f-tpially emphatic that the author- ' jty of the ctinctahles will he upheld, ( and the dip respect shown to the ' lnw h is npide him all the more tieterniiiied that there shall he a j ^ proper eufqt'ceiQ tit of the law in , UliiU'lettloi). j < Tli?* yovernor in beinu embnrrns- j ed by letter* from parties reqnent- i iiil? that rewrrti* be offered for ( those who have committed Bome | crime. garnet imea the letters come only h d iy or ho after the ] priiqe is committed, and the law f evpressly states that, tip reward ] tdiopld be ottered until the officers \ ( ||ad used every meipis in their j jiower to captive the criminal ! Consequently the governor does not feel that lie would be j untitled | iu offering a r wtrd in those ease* . ' * ' > I Henry D. Crum. a New York < ne^ro and a brother to Dr. Cruui, < the Charleston aspiinnt to Federal J appointment, in an interview wi'h 1 j - p newspaper reporter a few days i said t^ut hig bro(hpr ypM* f"'|y * i# ip?#b|e of tilling Lie pHice pf ppl lertof\ or pvi*ii tjiat of pre.siden of Hie iuit.1011, but that it he did yet till1 job PI)#* of tlp'SC I p .-I) ?!(led i South CitvoliipaiiK won) I kill loin. Wonder if Heipy D. had in mind the little Lake C'lty incident of a rpw yea is ago, or nan it real'y lie that he hag a bp: tpr eye to bus)iie.?s I linn t he notable Dr. \\ . 1). ? tft f% The pxtraordiu iry rise of the M Rsissippi river, which lias I) en , .'Hllsed t)y the excessive rains. j Jon in lieu, and the situation is be oiuing desperate. Some of the evees along tho river have broken mil hundreds of miles of lo*v noils are inunda ed, resulting in iiueh destruction to property anc) he loss of a considerable number if live Block. Fortunately, there las au yet b on no lo>s o hnrjpin | iveR reported, as they had wain- I ng, bu' a g oat, number of peo- j )le have Ijipunie hemmed in by i he waters and grave fears are ; all for ti.eir safety. -? ?- ? Another Snub Fcr Roosevelt. Th e very limited influence 1 ( vhi h 1 rcBidont Roosevelt ex rts in the Senate was again dem- j | mstraleil at the special session vhen two nominations in whi h ie was espeeially interested faihd if confirmation. Mr. Roosevelt , ised every intlneiice at his com- ! , itu ml 111 i.opti rii t lio Piimlie . ut ion i ........ ... .... ......... I, if Dr. Ciuui. tin1 ne^rn wlioin lie ; loniinnled during the regular j ession for collector of the port of | i 'ImrleRt'in. hikI of Wm. M. Byrne. i lie Add irks candidate who re- ' igned his position as I'nited i hates attorney to defeat the rejection of litpiesentntt ve -now >o ator?13hi 1, of Delaware. Byrne ; ' Ucceeded in defeating Ball ant 1 lecting a Democrat to the house ' roin Ball'.; district, hut having ? ailol of election himself, lie irontptly asked to be reinstated as Inited States attorney. During ' he regular session Mr. Roosevelt j' mini mud him and his noininn-j ) ion was ipifavprah'y reported hy J lie judicial y committee, of whicn v.mator Hoar is chairman As oon as the Senate met in special , e-siou the President sent in these ( wo nominations again. The julieiary committee again reported iyrne's nomination adversely and ne commerce committee ret used j j o again consider Crum's uouiuih- ,, ion. Mr. Roosevelt wanted to ' j orce a vote of I ho entire Senate, j ind, having failed, it is said that ie will now appoint both men as cocas appointments. i r Rock Hill Items. I IVom the Rock Hill Herald. Mess; a. J. F. Gordon and It. F. Caldwell were in town a day or two iijo. They are both raudi lates for | t lie otfiee of Sheriff. Allhough : I he primary is lb months off yet. t. is understood that Messrs K. Ij. ' >eoggins, E. A. Crawford, P. \V. s jove, John S. Saudifer of York- I ille. J. M. Sims of Sharon and l r. W. McKlhaney of Fort M II rill offer their services also for the itHee. , Frank Putterson,a colored man. lied Thursday of smallpox at his iome t?n Black street, lie had not } ?een vaccinated until after the } lisease had taken hold of him. lie laitned he had, hut this was misepresent d ion. He was always steemed a very worthy man. Mr. Stephen Sutton, Sr., Dead. Mr. Steulien PSntton n hiirldv ? ? ... J , aspect ad and, with possib'y one { , exception, 'the o d'ft white mn'eL itizens of Fort Mill township. , lied at the In nil' of his son-in- n?v. ( d r. ?Jhh. It. Kp| ?. in I he Go <1 ) I ill | 1 action last Wednesday from the , fTeets <if pneumonia, which din- ; ( use lie contract* d a t\v days pre | dons. His remains w. re in!* rred n Flint lhll cemetery the follow !i ntf day, by the side of the dear j | n k w ho had "crossed over the j j iver" before him. I i Mr. Sutton wi|c. in the 90th year i ?f Insane. Ho was one of nature's < loblemtn?an honest man?and vas highly adeemed by all who mew him. When the war be- ( ween the States came on. he was no old to taK*1 an active part, but lid bis full duty as a ?_r< pd ? it ami n looking after the welfare of the vivea and children of bis fellow ..I. H I ? 4 4l ^ f * A nen *itoumi ^one 10 uie it oil l in inttle for home hikI friends, Mr. Button leaves one daughter, VIrs. J. P. Kpps. ami two grandions, S. H. Kpps, dr., and S. A. Kpns. besides a host of relatives tiid friends to mourn his loss. ? Workiag Ov?rtim?. Eight hour la\vs are ignored hy those tire|e.-s little workers?Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Millions ire always at work, flight and day. mi ri n ir Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sink Headache and ill Stoinaeh, Liver, and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe and #ure. Only 23c at Meachaui's drug itofe, ' . i ; * ..i Local Nevys. TJip pnblie well <>m Mftiti strpet demands tlie immediate attention < if t lie mi! lioritu'S. TJie tw.- nty-tive dollar reward seems lo have put a quietus to I lie Hii< k< II thieves. The Port Mill Mftr., company's plant was idle Friday, owino to a lireak in the inaehn.ory. \Vork has been eommeii'-ed on the Hve-to an eoltaoe of Mr. li. (i. dohiinton on White street. P ? If yon wai t to urow rich invest your luotey in thermoineU rs They are >401 up every day. Fis! pruien have heen makino fictile fine rate lies of srale fish on phtawpa river during the past few days. Mi?? Heulnli Wilson, of Morjjnntou. N. (J., speiiI several days of I he past week with her bister Mrs. L. d. Massey. Confederate park now presents II neat appearance, tiie trees, hedoi 11 vr and flowers therein having been recently trimmed and woi ked. Mrs. Dr. T. S. I\irkpn!rick and M i-s lies-be Withers s| ei ! S nh.y in Ho k llill with Mrs. k jr.\pairick s daughters, Misses Ki'ly uid Mahle. Subscribers who have not paid heir suhserihtion the past year ad 11 do us a favor if t hey will set t le A'ithout wailing to receive 11 statement. The Times is pleased to anlonnee that Capt. S. E. White. ,vho ha?i been ill tor some, days ins recovered sufliciently to be >ut iiouin. Air. mm Airs. \\ . T. 5S-Hers , < it rived Saturday niulil from Manlin^. whore Mr. Sellers was em- , ^ floyed during the cotton season 11 nst closed. i 1 . - r W . H. Arorey Co.. who man- ; the Fort Mill office? f the Hell j LVIef hone system, have had a iieat elephoue Dooth installed in their! )utahliuliment. Very few farmers were seen on : he streets during the past week. ;' is tli?* ground was in pitoper shape : at- work and the country people j ' nul no time to come to town. Flour and wheat have advanced tnd tin* probability is thai com : miners will have to pay ten or if een per cent more than former i iriees. New flour will not come 1 n hefoic the middle of duly. The Times uian would thank . .lie people to either tell or send 11in the news, as otherwise we may uisH some thinuH. Our time, for i . . 1 in* nest pari, is sp m in 111?* work ; iliop mikI it ih just impositde t<> I lenr of everything llittt takes ' j lace. The town council has iriven Mr. "h Ji. Meachain the contract lo (|iii|) the tire b-dl with an electric ilarin, whlcli will he rung from lie central phone office in cmsch p ire or when an officer in wanted uoiind the surhnrhsof the town. The lire and police < alls will he listingiiished l?y different nuinhers if strokes on t he hell. A young son of Mr. S. P. Wilson, >f Gold Mill, was the victim of a ,'ery painful injury on last \V?di-slay. The little feliow with) icveral other hoys were at play, .vlieii a rock, thrown by a little I Karis hoy, accidentally struck Wilson on the head, cutting a .jasli ihoiit three inches long l)r I) .1. Thompson dressed the wound, Mr. William Ritcli, a young man who was taken from this [ilace several months ago to the isyiuui at Uolumtna, died m that institution on last Wednesday morning. Mr. Kitch was '21 years if age and a brother of Mr. . L. Liitch, of this place. His remains were brought to Fort Mill Tlmiolay morning for burial. Fort Mill Knights in Charlotte Eleotra Lodge, No. 87, of this! place, waa well represented at the big Pythian bnnqnet, ip Charlotte last Thursday, and ail of those who attended report an enjoyable time. Among the number from Fort Mill was Dr. J. H. Thornwell. G. of It and S , of the domain of Sunth Carolina, who delivered ; an interesting address on tlie 'Origin and Pi ogress of I he Order''' at tlie afternoon session. The 1 Observer has this to say of Dr. Thornwellrt speech: "The afternoon session convener} at 3 o'clock. Rev. Dr. J. H. j Thornwell made a delightful }alk | pn "The Origin and Progress pf j the Order." His recital of the | story of Damon apt} Pythias fqgpt lift ting," " | The Sayings al Utlier? Senator Tilljnipi has made etj It i a record jib debt collector tl at 11??- . country edilois are thinking of eliihhint; to??ethcr unci tpvituc him ;i jolxm t heir subscription lists.? A ken dotirnal. Ucnhpii H Pitts may make till tin* atfidavitts in the world. I tut what we want to know is what was H school t? jichi r (h in^ w i li a pis tol in his hip pocket. Pallia tto Post. We are making dis"ov r'? s in iri' lii-iin-i'Vi ry ?l y It has loner Iii'hm It? Ii v?(l Ilia* I'iun I'tti' Kin iki'or cans' s insanity. Til Philai'p p n N rth Aum ican linds ll a lis mily causes oiiiarct ?> smokin<_'. which is nearer the h-sie truth of th" matter. News anil Courier. Since William I). Cmni was tbs' nominated for rolh ctor a' ('hnrh-s ton the Hit'nition > as h < n tirt'nrialIv ' hani/ed. The iti/"iis of Ch<ole i >n have sit; lilied iininis'akahlv that tliev would urealI'y p' eler soni" other man, and their preference has lieen su-tainrd by th" eonfiriiiint* hod v. the senate. Put Pro ideiit Itoosevelt insists that tliis feeluiLr s' all he overridden, and so j he iioniina'es Cmni ai?ain. At the i Ivst. and with any t'M'tniuati<m. the enisode is mueli to be reoretlod. ? Now Yoik Sum. In The Negative. If yon don't desire business, Ifdptl't wish to eueeeed. If you curt' not for tin* custom. And for profits have no t?ived, if you It .vo no prea? ambition. In tlie Imik n.-ss world to rise, You will find it very easy If ypu do not advertise.?Ex. - Card oF fhanks. I tttkb this method of tluiul<in<? the unplnypos of the Kurt Mill Mfi*. conipuny and tin* Millfort Mill and lint jitizniisnf Fort Mill Kouerally for their prompt assistance in extiutfuishinf; the rti*<* that oreare I in the Fort Mill Mf;rDompuiiy'ij plain on last Sunday 00:11 in#. S. E. White. Frost. F. M. M. Co. ?? Tragedy Averted''Just in tin* 11 i?-k of time our little b >y was saved." writes Mrs. \V. Watkiiis, ot Pleasant City, .-.I... 1? - ? 1 1 [Jlliw. i it* I1IIKIII1H I1H I Mill . havoc \v'iih Ijim and a lerrihle [ (in.'li set in besides. I )ueto: s I ro iled him, hut lie grew worst i*very t|ay. At length we tried Dr. i King's New Discovery i??r Con sump.ion, and our darling was j saved. He's novv sound and well.*' Evervhpdy ought to know it's the uiiiy 611 re cure for Coughs. Colds' and all I at ng diseases. Guaranteed hy Thus. H. M.neham, druggist. oOe and $1.(X). Trial hot ties tree. A man named ("alts was run i river and killed by a train in l>. !< ware, and yet, according to his name, heshou'd at the very least have had eighteen I ves. /The old saying, ' Fog in March frost, in May." is rather discouraging to planters who put faith in it. We have had a great ileal of foggy weather since tlie ntontIt eameiii. ? It Caved His Log. I*. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga., hii fieri-d for six months with a frigntful running sore on his leg: imi i.... *!...? ?> ? i i ? v ....: ~ Mil n inrr I um I o ? \ I 11 11 f I Salve wholly cured il in five dnvs. For I leers, Wounds. Piles, ii's tin* hrst salvo in the woi I I. Cure ?_rnarante? (I. Ouiy r>*k\ Sold hy T. I?. Mem-ham, drm/ir si. ?? + An i'Xi'Iihm e h-iys that "in Chester tiehl count y, I \v<?swi i idle is made money out of the people 1 >y L'ivint* away eleeirie holts. Tie v would harnl out aluminum eutT buttons for a ee* tain price, which money! tiny would place in the hells and | t;iye them awav. A few of the hdtn did contain ntonev. hut the r-h?rpeis left wish $!*?() ahead.*' One of the sharpers did the same stunt in Fort Mil! reeenily. Moro Riots. Di-tnrhanres of strikers nre not tfearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will ue followed ny iiiiit coiiaps*. milees m reliable remedy is iinmcdiattly employed. Theie's nothing Bo efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Kiectrie Hit tei'8. It's n w< nderful ti nic, nod effective nervine and the lt nfesl ail around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Mai tria geinm. Duly G')e, and satisfaction guaranteed by Thos. B. Meacham, drmripst.. The Charlotte Observer irth Carolina'# Foremo*t Me??p?pfr. Riwrer ami more attractive than ever, | it is nil invalnahte visitor to the hojne, ttyo oftteo, tire c:lub qr. pie work room, 1- p >u inwne rm n i wujj imi an'o.'w SS55 Reward, TUi> town trttasmw will pay $- "> rowjiv.l for the apprehension. with evidence to nmvirt, tlio tliioics : who have been stealing rhieketis in Fort Mill recent'v, or who may lmreaftor . commit such a tlicit. T. < J. l i t.", Intendant. ; J. M. f^fu.vrr. Treasure),. | SPECIAL NOTICES, ^(Ivi'tt'viiipnts. not exceeding <"> lines, will 1. published under t h > above head in;; at cents for each insertion. For Sah*?Two line cows, tine a 1*? 1 lit I) Jersey, tli ( ??ther a T-x' K* |, jj,h>' 1 milkers. Also a lo*j^t Farly (lohloii unci Early I'r >\ idi^ff Vain " potatoes. J. 1.. Kimbrell. J J1. KOK SALK T%\ cy*die yoan^ milk eowj?J eaeh h .vinj; youns calf. Also home- | eanncil f-ails pickles and preserves, Apply to 11. F. M \SSKV. FOK SAFE. 1 am pit pared to furnish the puhMc with thoroughbred Frown 1 s-ehorn t hiek'Uis and Kuirs. Mv prices are. thickens, $*! per pair; J?l per seti iuir <?f 1 t :ilS on or uiblre.xs .1. W. KUONl i:, Fori Mill. S. (\ I'.-b li :im %r Vr \y .S^-v ? sSilIC. 2 i S ^ Having retir ?1 fnun the yt * , + hot. 1 business, 1 now hive z < i n iiai11?1 a quautj-y of house ? ? hoi.I ami kitchen furnitlire "? * \ ^ thai I will sell cheap for cash, ?** C 5 ^ Parlies i met esled can see ? V 7 J ? same liy calling at my i? tsi p ^ deuce on W liite street. 4 < K. V. H.irI-< !I J v?\Kv?v >?-%?'Sevp-w^s Garden Seeds. i Instead of sayinir: "The early liird eati lies tho worm."' jet u 111;iKe me pi ova ri? read, "The enily truekster go's the priee." We h'.ve made a s.udy of (iaideu Seeds, Mild we l)i In ve that we have the fluent varieties of early seeds that are to he had anywhere. We handle only reliable Heeds, sueh hat you can depend upon to ymw a <1 bear In uvily. ! t\s a uood < enl siller and suier t > hay of us than to Head away for your seeds. Arfirey's Drug Store jMilsie? We haye two hundred ^ sheets of iniisio voeal and intstr11 mental, whieh wr will give away to J lady customers who ran u.-e satne. ; There are more than fifty selee- i lions. Wo give t*v? pieces to each eustoiner. ^ - - - BLACKSMITHING. Wo have opi'iit'd a fun it 11 si k >|> in In* l?ai!i h shop, near McKlliaiti*y*8 livery sialili s. ami Hol.eit your l>a v naoo. Only tirst-ri?i-H work is sent out from our sin p, ami our prices ai * i easuna It*. il ALL A- 11A UTSKLL. 8. SI that are not found on linen fresh from The MO DSL STEAM LAUNDRY. Charlotte, N. C., aro rust stains, ink stains, fruit stains, and especially scorches from overheated irons. That is what we particularly nu ird against, tleckless, flawless, immaculate?white ias white can be, or as strong of color as when you bought it <if originally of a color iKiftcrn), your washable apparel ts returned clean, well washed, well ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every Thursday morning and laundry returned Saturday mornings by? LD. L Mc'iLIIANfcY. Ajfent. T. D. FAULKNER, UNDERTAKER. I carry a complete line of cheap, madtum. and high priced COFFINS and t'ASKKTh. ( an also furnish hURlAL ROliES, OLOVKS, SIIOK.S, etc. Seo iuc when in need of such. T. L>. F.\UI4vNEU, Fort Mill Drug Store, (Oypqjitu Saving*- Kgnlj ) At this st >re yoij will liud at nil times >i cniphto lino of Dru^H, I'mt nt Mediri nes, Toilet Articles, Pine Stationery, Cigars, Ci}jnipt.|pa ami Tohncco. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED, My 35 yeaiH i f experience in practicing medicine and (}ispcns? intf drills einilileH i||e Ip prescrilje for your ailm, nts and till prescrip? tjtW^pnmiuily and with accuracy, tWv /, #D PRINKS, 'Tlif spaUon is rHpjjly approaching when a cop I. refresh ill); drink i> , hgi'iitiaI to the health and coin; f?nt of man. ()ur fountain and i efr< Hlnnent parlor will, au usual, open with the s? psop and we will lie better prepiptij this year than before to Mwve our friend* will) cold drinks and ice cream. Plmpc No. 43. Fort Mill Drug Store, Di>,. T. B M1CACHAM. Prop. -^FOR?^ FINE UQWORS. WINES, ETC. GO TO THE GOURD SALOON, MARK A. TEICTKR, MumiKpr, . 2 It \\. Tra<]e St. . ClinrlqttQ, N- C, 1 KICK LIST. , IlackntHu's | yejjroldCorn $1.?}Q .1 ,1 g (JQ ()ld Srvle Mt. Queen 1 " ' L7 ? :i M M 2,21 Pure N. C. Corn 8 " 2-2<l SS(! ?! ! n ?' *? 2.;?q Pplavweo Ryu I " M 1.7? M ' 2 " *' 2.0Q Pi]re Maryland Rye .... 2."?U Old Oakland Rye . . , . . 3.^1 Old I uldliet Rye .... . tf.olj Malt Rye 8.0Q l'uneh ttiid Honey , , . . 2AX) A]?p.e fcramly ..... 2.2tj Old Pmndy 2.;Vj Port Wing ...... 2.1 K] Sherry Wing , , , . 2.0Q I tinker Rrgndy ..... I.A<1 We reajteelsully solicit vpur pntroujipi and will j^nar-antee satisfaction ancf ]trqni]>; attention to all order*. THK GorilD SALOON, Makr A. Teeter. M?r. Rpll 1 l]onu 2oii. . . . Char-. Phone 2112. t . u - 1 - .. ?u ^ J U. Trayw'ck & Co., DEALERS IN FINE LIQ; <)H8 AN1) WINES, iko. 4'j Kj>at Trwlp St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. 0. DR. KING'S " try NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures ConsiimptiopJ^oughs, Cohls, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,Hay Fever,pleu" risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup an4 Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. Pricw 50c. and $ 1. TRIAL EOTTLES FREE. 1 ' ?J 1 x . . . ... X. 1 FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC,, CALL ON OH WHITE TO AV. II. MOOVEH, uniiiorm n c. ! * ' 1 Dear Mrs Person: A ffQQd while hack my health cqmmanned failing and I c^it in a low condition. I was always tired; with poor appetite, so tired al\vt\ys t l\a r I did uqt feel equal to any exertion at all, I had enlarged glands on tla- nook \ylpch wore very s<>re an.i\ when I would take eold they would enlarge and cause me much Kuft'eriuR. i oflet\ had s jh*1 1 s of intlamiiiatovy rheniuutism which affected tl^e whole ofmy body and rendered ine helpless. I I tried medical treatment would give temiH>rary relief, but it did not cure nm, i tried various patent. preparations, but they did me no good. At luat a fripi\d 1*4^ suaded pip to nae * Mrs Joe Person's Remedy : 5 I thought a half-doMin bottler, and after taking it I felt so. much, better that I ( not fpel like taking any more. The next year in tl^e spring 1 knew I needed more and again took a half-do/am. I took it in that vyay until it lets made a complete, curt oi me and my health is tine. The enlarged gland* are entirely cured, rheumatism entirely cured, and I am now in atojut, robust health, and I advise everybody when needs a tonic or are "run down" to, use Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. MRS. J. C. MORGAN. Marshvillv^ C.v May *?3%