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Ibs [ The Standard Rhe " ^TANT^AP?^ because able phyaicia g 25 I AnLIAtVly cure for rheumatism | = physician recently sai< 5 prescription that will cure rheumatism, < j dies do incalculable harm to the digest 5 plctcly overcomes this difficulty?bench 5 digestion?hence it can be taken for an be, to effect a permanent cure." The Doctor quoted Covers the case exactly. All Druggists, fi.oo, c | Bobbltt Chemical Co., . | | (cartridges and shot shells R are made in the largest and fi i best equipped ammunition o I factory in the world. b AMMUNITION 1 of U. M. C. make is now g accepted by shooters as R "the worlds standard" for it shoots well in any gun. Tour dealer sells it. The Union Metallic (f Curtrid^e Co. Bridgeport, - - Conn, g 1 I*AV 81'OT CASH FOR MItiiTiA?.NTv LAND WARRANTS t?su< t-cli'.ii'js of nny war. Also Koldterb* AiSiti* I iloan1 !!< i> ! ) ml Mc lit \\ r.i>- iue ct <4?oe. l'UAli'K II. u::ul-.l(, P.O. Dux l p. Denver, Cola, Psoriasis, Scalled Totter, Ring Speedily, Permanently ar when All Els The agonizing, itching, and eczema; the frightful scaling, hair, and crusting of the sea facial disfigurements, as in p awful suffering of infants, and as in milk crust, tetter and remedy of almost superhuman with tlipni 'I lltlfiirn Qn arc such stands proven beyond made regarding them that is r evidence. The purity and s\v immediate relief, the certainty cure, the absolute safety and them the standard skin cures, remedies of the civilized wor Comlete External ant Bathe the affected parts with hot v the surface of crusts and scales, and without hard rubbing, and apply Cutic irritation, and inflammation, and sool cura Resolvent to cool and cleanse tl affords instant relief, permits rest i eczema and other itching, burning, a and blood, and points to a speedy, pe all other remedies and the best ph wonderful curative properties of Cuti wide sale, we quote from we hod. Mr. Justice u I desire to give my voluntary t< your Cuticura Remedies. I have suf of uric acid in the blood ; and since th attack of Eczema, chiefly on the seal limb. I was for several months und remedies prescribed were of no avail, r my face was dreadfully disfigured, an my wife prevailed upon me to'try the ( a thorough trial with the most satijdact to dissappcar, and my hair commence hair is covering my head, and my lin gradually improving. My wife think: has been purchasing them in order suffering from similar complaints, and Society, has told the Bible women to i her notice when a poor person is so be resorted to." RC Pietermarfuhurjc, Natal, Ocu ly. y CUTICURA KUMKIMKS ore ?old th?-oup\on?. t nt, 80o. per bottle (In the form of Chocolate Ointment, GOe. per bo*, and Cuticnra Soap. 'X>c. p of the Blood, Skin, und Scalp, and How toCuroTl Testimonial* and TBrectlona In all languiifiM, ln< 27-28 Char terhooao Rq., London, K. C. Preneh I?< R. Town* & Co., Sydney. POTTER DRUG A ' prlotors. Boeton. U. 8. A. . sumatic Remedy. ns declare that it is the only absolute j in its various forms. A prominent ? 1 : "I have never been able to write a g awing to the fact that the usual rcmctive organs. RHEUMACIDE com- ; ts rather than injures the organs of indefinite period, or as long as need ] " PhcueuclJe " is absolutely harmless. | >r cxpressage prepaid. > Baltimore Hd., U. S. A. ^ iiSTfiUi "ML 5iCNS IAIL IN A DRY TIME THE M Of THE FISH NEVER FAILS A IN A WET TIME. $. ' vk Remember this when .you buy Y!c\ Weather Clothing and look for the 'ft,?:r name TOWER or."the buttons. r-',i This sign or.d this name have stood for the BE5T during sixty-seven years of increasing sales. sr your dealer win not supply you write for free catalogue of black or yellow waterproof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and horse <?oods for allkir.ds of wet work. A. J. TOWER CO.. THE .rOWEl?* BOSTON. MASS.. U S A. ?S IG N * J TOWED CANADIAN' CO.. ?]S TORONTO. CAM. lUMtrea. well"drilling TVH AniiliMKr< AT J. IT. Hattox, of Ecru, Mh-?., vritmas follows: M1 will .-?ty thai I have never w-vti a Wi ll l>il]1inc Machine that would equal the "Ohio" Machine 1 r Tills | art of tlu> country. It la the fastest machine In earth or rock that I ever scon, ami I aiu will i 1o:im*i1 with It. I havo hail tin trouble with It aimi*. 1 started it." I'artlcs within-.-to luix iii-i 1 iiul, f Well Machinery auurvss i.i lOSklo SI A* III Nil CO., ilwU, Ohio. So. 12. I 8 fl (T4 A IHSti, mm UFUSl, ;w0rm5 etc, id Economically Cured, ;e Fails, by burning of the skin, as in as in psoriasis; the loss of lp, as in seal led head; the imples and ringworm; the anxiety of worn-out parents, salt rheum, ? all demand a virtues to successfully cope an. Ointment, and Resolvent 1 ' * all doubt. No statement is lot justified by the strongest eetness, the power to afford / of speedy and permanent great economy have mader blood purifiers and humour. Id. I Internal Treatment vater and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, ura Ointment freely, to allay itching, the and heal and, lastly, take Cutiic blood. This complete treatment ind sleep in the severest forms of nd scaly humours of the skin, scalp rmancnt and economical cure when ysicians fail. As evidence of the cura Remedies and of their worl?) Fwmore's Letter. tstimony to the beneficial effects of Tered for some time from an excess c middle of last year, from a severe p. face, ears and neck, and on one ler professional treatment, but the tnd I was gradually becoming worse, d I lost nearly all my hair. At last, "uticura Remedies, and 1 gave them orv results. The disease soon began d to grow again. A fresh growth of lib (although not yet quite cured) is s so highly of your remedies that she to make presents to other persons I, as President of the Bible Women's *cport if any case should come under afflicted, so that your remedies may >BKRT ISAAC FINNEMORE,* {Juit.C* (>/ the Natal Suf-rttnt Court * he civilised world. PKK-TA Cutlcura RMOlr Coated Plllf. 25c. |>cr rial of 00); Cutlcura sr table), Kcntl for the \rorlt," Itmoours Item,"04pa; i.oOO DiiMsosc*, wltli Illustration!", sludtng Ja|>au.'M and Chinese. Itritlsh Depot, spot, 6 Itnede la Pal*, Pari*. Australian Depot, Nl) CHEMICAL. COHPOltATION> CM* Pitt - MsSSjSBfllSg^ w iHnHSHH| I HHHHHH tMHKMflSHBjflK iWB^MW[|^|^BW|^M|M| 9 i>m y^^^nnR^H|^BwHBni^9H ii^HwS^HBR3B9S?SH|^^H ' MfffrgagSBiB^^ 1 . ~-V v - ftftsr1 >y^iyvyyj3 ^HBmpjgHn^HBHH^9^^H^ra9|^H tl^W^in many rases iheexpenenre results in a beneficial change of habits and the man takes better care of himself. Besides, bis obstinacy is aroused and he determines to live 'just to show these insurance men.' Any physician v.ill tell you that such a determination is a great help in fighting off disease." Means Much to Colorado. Peter English, manager of the Boulder, Col., Gas company, has discovered a process for extracting an excellent quality of gas from lignite coal, which abounds in Colorado. This will open a market for a large product that is now practical!v valueless. B. B. B. SENT FREE. Cure* Htooil ?n<l Skin IHseafioa, Cancers, I telling Humors, Hone 1'mIiim. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.} cures Pimples, scabby, scaly, itching Eczema. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Serofulu. Blood Poison, Bono Pains, Swellings, Rheuinn tlsin, c.spccmii,v nu vised for chronic cases that doctors, patent medicines and Hot Springs (all to cure or help. Strengthens weak kidneys. Druggists, $1 per large bottle. To prove it cures B. B. B. sent free by writing Blood Balu Co., 12 Mitchell Street, Atlanta, On. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Medicine scut at once, prepaid. All we ask is that you will speak u good word for B. B. B. The scissors sharpener knows all about the daily grind. Denfiiei* Cannot Bo Cured by local applications as they cannot roach tho diseased portion of tho our. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condlticfh o! the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inhumed you huvo a rumbling sound orimporfeot hearing, and when it Is entirely closed Doafness is tho result, and unless the inflammation can be taken aut and tills tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ton are caused by catarrh. whioh Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surface. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any enao nf llanfnon.i k.. ?U\ ak.a cannot bo cured by flail's Catarrh Cure. Clroulnrssent free. r.J.Cheney JcCo.,Toledo,O. Hold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Very often the hardest things to keep are promises. FITS permanently cured.No fits or nervousness after llrst day's use of Dr. KUno's Oreat Norvoltestorer. 42 trial bottloand treatise free Dr. 15.11. Kmsk, Ltd., 931 Arch Ht., l>hila.,l'a. Few artists are too lazy to draw their salaries. Mre.Wlnslow's HoothingHyrup for children teething.soften the gums, reduces intlamma tiou,allays pain,euros wind colic. 25c. a bottle You can't keep your friends and give them uway too. I'lso'sCureisthe best medicine wo ever usod for all affections of throat and lungs.?Wh. (). Endsley, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. If you would travel the road to success keep out of the ruts. Putnam Fadeless Dyes arc fast to light and washing. He&ith Insurance When traveling thorc's a heap of com- ^3 H tort in knowing that you and your dear ones are protected from accident by H KJ More people become ill than Injured. I H Arc you protected from Illness? You i. ' should bo. Don't travel without a boti' Dr. Tltacher's | LSver and Blood Syrup [ IS! All it costs is SO cents and it may save M ten times that in doctors' bills, besides H 1*1 giving you absolute protection from K |g 111 health. j Great for all l-iver. Kidney and 31ood 11 B Troubles. Ask your druggist. ? 25. CO cents and $1.00 per Bottle. K JJ $1.00 size contains more than twice 50 iB Write our Consultation Department B explaining symptoms, ar.d receive tree B confidential advice. m {I THACHER MEDICINE CO., g B Chattanooga, Tenn. 0 ti! they have used Peruna. Never in the history of medicine lias a remedy received such unqualified and universal eulogies as l'eruna. A Nt-w York AMoimnn's Kiprrleniw, lion. Joseph A. Flinn, Alderman Fifth District, writes from 10-1 Christopher street. New York City, as follows: "When a pestilence overtakes our people \ take precaution as a nation to preserve the citizens against the dread dis- 1 ease. "La grippe has entered thousands e.f our homes this fall, and I noticed that the poo- ' j>*" who used Peiattia were quickly restored, while those who depended on doctors' prescriptions spent weeks in recovering, leav- ! ing them weak and emaciated. "1 had a slight attack of la gript>o and nt once took l'eruna. which drove the dise;isi out of tiiv svetem in a few davs and D1/AP TP (1 3 USfc I AT LUR'S coui Odds and Ends. j Philadelphia Telegram. j Called down?the dude's mustache. The canal mule is an animal with long ears and longer tows. And now they hav;. "painted" signs | on the fire plugs. What will come down the Schuylkill next? If some little men were half as big as their talk they would have to ride ' in a baggage car. Why will some men dump a quart of barber oil on their hair and then look down on the man who has been eating onions? Census Man?Sambo, what reason ' have you to believe that you are 150 years old? Sambo?'Cause, boss, I was a little boy when de New York papahs crack dat ole joke 'bout Philadelphy bein' dead de fust time. How ail abscess hi the Fallopian Tubes of Mrs. Hoi linger was removed without a surgical ooeration. MI had an abscess in my side in ! ; the fallopian tube (the fallopian : tube is a connection of the ovaries). I I suffered untold misery and was i so weak I could scarcely get around. The sharp burning pains low down in my side were terrible. My physician said there was no help for mo unless I would go to the hospital and be operated on. I thought before that I would try I.y<lhi E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound which, fortunately, I did. and it has made me a stout, healthy woman. My advice to all women who suifer with any kind of female trouble is to commence talcing Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound I at once." ? Mas. Iua S. IIollikoeu, j Stilvideo, Ohio.? >}5000 forfeit If original of i abort letter proving genuineness cannot bo proiueed. It would seem by this state; ment that women would save J time and much if tliey I would get Lydia E. Pinkhauro I Vegetable Compound at once, | unci also write to Mrs. Pinkhain at Lynn. Mass., for special advice. It Is free and always helps. No other person can give such helpful advice as Mrs. Plnkham to women who are sick. HHi n.>< I BKSflBagagag^ HBn^HBHHnnBMnM^H1 HI KMIi^?ftaCTWlroniga3^ygg%^ l?"^^j^ah3BlHM^W' i "'Following a severe attack of la grippe 1 seemed to he affected hndlv all over. 1 differed with n severe backache. hn!i;;cn* tion and numerous ills, so f could neither cat nor sleep, and 1 thought I would -ive up toy work, which 1 could not afford to do ' ; "One of my customers who was greatly j helped by I'cnma advised me to try it. and I procured a bottle the same day. 1 used it faithfully and felt a marked improvement. 1 hiring the next two months 1 took live bottles, and then felt splendid. Now my head is clear, my nerves steady. 1 enjoy food and rest well. I'eruna has b -en worth a dollar a dose to me." -!). 1.. Wallace. Mr. O. II. Perry, Atchison, Kan., writes: "Again, after repeated trials of your medicines, l'ermia and Manalin. I give this as my expression of the wonderful reof vonr verv vahnthl'- medicine in it< I rokee Remedy of Sweet Gi ?hs, Colds, LaGrippe t\ iK"* trwritr to Dk. Taiikr Mko- Co.. I'coria, 111., for freo sample Tabor's Pepsin Com>ouud, the guaranteed curt for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all stomach ills. Gudine Cures Nervousness AND N;RV0U3 HZAACH ?. O, 25 nn?l 50c. nt l>ru?jstores Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of tke dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." Our money winning books, pi! m written by men who know, tell h I Potash. I 35 They are netdid by every man 1^ 5j2 who owns a field and a plow, and Eh who desires to get the most out jja A$ OHUMAN KALI lTORKf) m BJ l>n X?ft?nu Htn-ft, ?w York H Salitr's 1 i SPEL'i Z? IUoiA3lil?i?5k/S>>*JV hM U It I -#SPFnft% | /?/ "*** uo bsi aw ^ v^,\ | /??7 SALZER'S SEEDS HEVER FAIL! V5$ tff 1,090,000 Customers V5 BV Frotutaftt record of any tferi&rnaa on earth, ft >M MM VM Wo uri: rflClllllfOQt 1. r BIOTta Wo m, Mre, by July lit, ftojgo more aod bene 3 f'1 igjl ?1U? unprecedented offer. fej |\StO.OO for IOc? k i K*i\ \N e will mall upon roc. is* of nv. in stamp* A?i ouf /n**1 cotaloioic, worth to any fS?P lnA wide mrnko farmer or R.ird.'iior to- JSoi7 \rCivW:t"'r "'l'' n,,l,!y farm seed aamplfs, >F A ay^Lioonnto, llunllfii Itarlry, l-ro!uu?,Airi7 VTn\. ltai'c.rtc.,do.,positively worth Jff', ?!".??> to yet w Hart with, .VRvJK ricaac tbrw"l"'nr'<c'1" " l>utl " I 1 h 1 with .<? a 1..n>-. , lie, to .^alacr ' -/\jTy/Oy W^tcotl ! r^DROPSY V?k 10 OATS' TfiLATMENT TREE. tjf *" vi Ilaro tnado Dropry apd it3 con* S riicatior.o a cpacUlty for r Vearavriif tea most wandorUl X" , ,1 tncao?B. HhTocnrodinany thoua* -A! v /,V anil cases. ta.H.a.oas2H-8co*8. !'* Do* h Atlanta, On. 1 TS CUIUS WHIIU All lilt FAILS. gST Im Boat Oouith Byrup. Tastes Uood. Dao rjl 1 fl la tlmo. Sold by druggists. rH l*I ap r , Path latarrh Wrecks. i '''i) >t ring S _ ?''"y ^"* ^ ' I Ihcrecunt "%) I S?in?i, '--. VV Ar- 'iP claiming ~~Py-T^- -Z^-^Tf S ft}J, J a million W | ( \ /X \jl.'-/ |r~r> ? i TO 8 or **!* !&&/ I Kt. , <, f/?? <jf!i I V \ ' - ?, ;/ of l'< ru\ i, rV \ ' nii in qui*-trip tVv\ rcii.vtUij this 5 '" i malady audits ((vOfi t-\ \haa htm lw V\\ |: ? ' A' ?f *** x\^$i. w;i jcoit/incnt." OF MEXIC0^5rf/! effects in my case after repeated trials. "First, it cured me of chronic bronchitis of tit teen veal's' standing by using two bottles of l'eruua in January, 18'J4. and no return of it. " \fter 'I was cured of bronchitis I had la grpne every winter for several winters. But. through the use of Peruna, it got gradually weaker in its severity, until it dwindled down to a mere stupor tor two or three days. Now the stupor does not trouble me any more." ? O. II. Perry. A ConcrcMHiitun'M Kxpcrience. House of llepresc'itat ive?, Washington, I). L\ Pernra Medieine Co., Columbus. Ohio. tientlemen?"1 am more than satisfied with Peruna, and tind it to be an excellent remedy for the grin and catarrh. 1 have used it in my family and they all join me in recommending it as an excellent reincdy." \ cry respectfully, (leorge II. White. If you do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a full statement of your ease, and he will be pleased to give you bis valuable advice gratis. Address l>r. Tfnrtman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Colunibus. O uin and Muiiein ; and Lun? Troubles. Thoroughly tostsdf rs. All Druggists. 25c, OOo jin*. St-OO* tjVf H UNION MADE ? 1 YJ. L. Dnufflnv makes and seffla marc mart's Gcodyaar Wet! (HmndSlv/ld shoes than any other monufacturcr .n the vrortd. $25,000 REWARD will ho paid to nnyone who f. . Wfl can disprove this etuteniont. [* ' 'J-jH Because W. I,. Douglas KwSJVbPsv. is the largest manufacturer r'JS^ ho can buy cheaper and * ?\> produce his shoes at a piaijyv* . [y lower cost than other con- r corns, which enables hitii 1 to sell shoes for S3.50 and jjL, b. 1 S-'UKi equal in every ' "/joo. way to those sold else- A where for $4 and $5.00. 7f ' '\t The Douglas secret pro- 'iSStWf!A^KfV/ A\v 'B reaa of tanning the bottom Boles produces absolutely pure leather ; more flexible and will wear longer than any other tannage In the world. Tho ealee have ruoro than doubled the past four year*, which proves Its superiority. Why not give W. t>. Douglas shoes atrial and save money. XiMlrr I nrri'Hir /1S1W Sale*: tt.ttOH.MMtf.lfil lu Biulwrui \Ui08 Sale*: SS.Ott.lUO.OO A gain ot *a,H20,*?(l.7l? In Four Years. W. L. DOUGLAS S4.00 CILT EDO! LINE, Worth tS.OOCompar?d with Other Maktt, The best Imported end American leathers. Heyl's Patent Calf. Enamel. Box Calf, Calf, Vlci Kid, Corona Colt, ana National Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelets. Pantlnn The genuine have W. L DOUOLAB wall Hull name and prloe stamped on bottom. Shoes bv mail. 15e. extra. Jllus. <\ttalog free. W. L. 1IOI ULAN, IIHOCK'ron, MASS. To Cotton Ginners. We Manufacture the Most Complete Line of Cotton Bin Maohloon of Am Comoani In the World, namely, the PRATT, WINSHIP, M LINGER, EAGLE, SMITH. We also make Llnters for Oil Mills, Engines and Boilers. We also sell ererytlvng necessary to complete ? Modern Binning Outfit and furnish our cjstomors with lull detailed plans and maI o r i?I kill* L. a# as^ssnn icnai uiua iui uudOUvviimi ui iiowo<??ciij houses for our plants without extra charge. The Continental Big Company, Birmingham, Ala. WB1TB FOB OUB LATEST OATiLOOCI. So. 13. I I' 'M 11 III IIIMMHIfB I Stomeich TrovibleH Can be C\ired! g I' STTOF^ rj T O HI demonstrated to the H r.i * K| entire setisfactiou ol Ri ^ i i ^ IV }i any one intereeted wj 4auci?nra Thc foct thnt 1 0,n 0 Fd I' rHIL! . j. sperinli>t o f twentv 13 F years standing in these diseases only shoufd 13 K ih* sufficient to overcome prejudice and in il Li. vite investigation tor yourself or some ufflic n ted friend. I have no mjdlclnas or fl r app'ltxnces of any klr.d for stale. K Bj Send me your name ana nddiesa on a postal b'.j card and I will send you ra6f ntctiotvs, with- H L out cost or obligation on your part. '? ,, P. H. STRAUSZ. M. D.. if | 712 SpltEor BIJf. Toledo. Ohio, flj *