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FORT MILL TIMES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1903. IN THF LOCAL FIELD. Facts Picked Up Hers and Tiiere Ab?uf Happenings Aramd If there is t<> he no more wintry weather, we will have an ubun lance of fruit. Last Sunday was an ideal sprint; day, and all the churches in the city had lar^o congregations. The almanacs and weather prophets made a blunder in mv dieting a cold wave for I lie loth. A party of yon rig people enjoy' cd a delightful dance Friday night at the hoiueof Mr. J. \Y. Bailor. The season in which to hunt partridges and other game birds, without violating the law, expires with the that day of April. The warm weather of the past few days has brought out the blooms oil peach trees, and vegetation is assuming a. spring-like hue. Times renders will regret to learn that 4 I'uele" Totnuiie M e ritt. is seriously ill of pneumonia at his home in Gold Hill. Mr. Merrill lias just passed his JlOih birthday, and tins fact causes his friends to have grave fears as to his recovery. Mr. J. 13. Mendenhall, who for, several months h is been ? mployed at the Catawba dam, has accepted a more lacurative position with a Greenville brick manufactory, and iR leading his household cdec's preparatory to moving to that place. L. S. Pitman, an old man who formerly lived at this place, wii-f found dead near th<* railroad trai ks below Rock Hill .Monday nioruino. It is said that l'itm m was drinii ino Sunday ni^ht, and from the wounds on Ids body, it is thought lie was stru'-K by a train and Killed. Two freight ears were d 'railed fiuil c msideralily wrecked Thursday ntorninij just south of the depot. t he iiiaiu line was blocked for several hours, but all trainWere a1 !-.? to pass the wreck liy goin;? 1;iroiii^h the side track. No one was injured. On account of illness in iiis family. Dr. .). II. Tlioinweil was una ble to attend the installation of a I). (). K. K. lodfcre at Jacksonville, Fla., Friday evening, up >u which occasion he had been chosen to respond to the toast "Columbia and Jucksouvillo." Mr. W. L. Mall, of this plnee, is the owner of a hail less mule. tSoaietiino ayjo the niuie showed ,.f 0U...I.1:.. - : I.I o>^.?ou> Oili-Ullllll^ I ri roiu, mill lillS has gone on aloulily until now scarcely any hair is loft on the aiiiiual. It is ulllicted tindisease known ns stable mange. Air. S. A. Epps ami milliner, Mrs. Eleanor Culp left. Wednesday night for the northern in ukets to purchase the stock of spii .g fnhri s and milliuary for the firm of Mono,ham A Epps. Air. L. ?1. Alns.-ev is also in the north purclmsing a like stock for his store in this place. I* v. E. A. llartsell, who for years has conducted the Catawba House, Saturday placed a placard on his door staling that the hotel was closed, he having decided to retire from the busim .->s. Air. Hartsel! will hereafter have charge of the llartsell & Hall smith shop at the head of Alain street. Air. C. F. llodgers, who li is had charge of the h ick work on tho big mill at Lancaster, has completed his work there and is spending a few days at his home her". Air. Kodgers will leave in a short while for Ware Shoals, S. ('.. at which place lie will superintend the erection of a 50,00'..) spindle cotton mill. The chicken thieves are still on the alert, aild scrrcely a night passes but that somo of our citizens lose thereby. Daring the post week Dr. IV tt. Kivkp.itrick. JLlev. W. A. Wiight and Messrs. \\ . J?. Ardrey, L. ?J. Alassey, \V. Ale. Cnlp and J. T. J. Harris were victims of 1111> rogues, each losing a number of tine f >\vls. John Spratt, an industrious colored farmer "who lives west of town was a victim of rogues last Wednesday night, and was reliev#?|I /if fi il'UI'U I . C - vw? c ?v iiii i/upurin ui corn. Spratt cannot tell t lit* exact amount taken, but as there wer> three tracks leading away from the crib, it is natural to eupp me that several bushels of corn was carried away The safe at the posloftiee at Liucolnton, N. ('., was robbed early Monday'morning of $701). % H i l". IV*. . irl iu >*i Kov. ) '. \ i tut i ' r : . : 11: l V i 11 I i. i : '! . \. A !' ! . < i -' ' i' : > .. unlay iti < 'i r.!-it t . Mr. Henry Mm.- y, <f r-':i/ah, ' spent Saturday hi F. it Mill. Mr. W . A. W a I son. i Charlotte,) was a visitor to !' at Mill Sunday, i Mr. . W. McElIt mey went njt lo < 'hai l" itt r!i .1rsti.i \ ill lai iiiij.-s. Mr. and Mrs. lion Pali aeon, ?t K.c'v Mill, v s.tod vtialives hero Sunday. ('apt. S. F. White Iris la-en o n lined I. hi" r -ei si \ i :l d:i \ s 1 an sickness. Miss limiluh Cro\vd? i. <1' l)a, visited frit-lids in Moid Mill the J>"i.-1. week. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. I\indM !!, of Uoek Hill, spent Sunday .with iv! atives in this place. Mr. S. W Parks returned Saturday morning from i several days stay in LYnsaeola, Fla. M iss Mary Ardrey returne ! Monday evening from u visit In Inr 'sister, Mrs. W. A. Wat on, in Chariot te. Mr. Iv. M. Krwin, <?f Pineville. H]>;* 11 Sund iy at the Iram <>: his father, Mr. d. }>. Krwin. in lowei Fort Mill. Mrs. Koroy Springs, <>f Lauras tor, is a gin st at the home of In r |;ar?'i?I?, Capt. mid Mrs. S. 10 I White. R II. Phillips has aeoepVd a i position i:i 10. M. Andrews furniture store nni.Ic vc.cmh! by the removal ?;i" S. V.Ctilp to ("harlot U\ Koek Hill ] If lit!*!. Mr. .1?ill:> While, of Power i'ort Mill, h i': Monday ni^ht for X<w Midway, Md , iioar \vl Tli plaa lie is to take a position a 1 irpe stock farm. s!(jV The friends of Mr. W. ! J, n *. will regret to h-iuu tlnit h isayain nn inmate of the hospital f ?r the in:, uie, at (' lnmb: i, having been taken there Monday nio/n atr. It i was hoped, upoa 'ni:: r-tnrn hone J )i f.uv months a^o, tha* Ic was en tirelv iv t 1 1 ! "' " 1 eontly he has .-liov ii of re-1 ill ni i;iu illneas. nip I il wuh i . nii-ii host liy his family I > hnv liiin r - ; Una to tlr* hospital I r further treatment. Mr. .loin*-was aivoin|)?!llU'tl t.? ( oltlll.oil 1?V MoSnl'.S. I Mi.(ur .1 mil's a nri (\ T. ('rook. ji'vT A vU.KJ!:ation. Then is r lit tie mattoy t lint finicrm? r.?, miiiI \. hi. a our *.il>,?t'rilM" ? and advert v h i vii Veininjdy fnr/otten. To uS, it i* an imi>oriaiu unit ict? if is a u iicic^'ary adjunof to onr bn-in And whilo \v<#aiv vcry niodoSt di$iik.? to S|m>:?!c sibout it, .v. \/onli? n our friondS aid !m>:iin.'' t; u?'<|iia:ii ffo inton Or lh-n.^-rv< in air t?oball'.?Kxohungt!. Snmunl \\ . S|)"ii?'i-r is t ? relinquish the president*)'of t in* Soulhfin railroad on Aj vil loth. He will In* sucrodod liy \Y, W. Finlev. at pivsont slcoii ! vice ptvsid ottt of ,tlio road. The Foiled States lias the hl^li; est murder ratt of any country in I the world. \ ' r% ' : ?~ y. r . y . > A , \ . '* <J *r~? *"* * 1 a... . r> JJ -u-'.L -i. ..i \ll(I is WiiW real\ foj *TP -i '%** o v.-Tt. * rrr -tl- c ? *- ' ' ' - ^i.-+ y ^ ^ ? s. 11 - u. . . 3 (b *.. - Ls*.JEO>I7-,/ os-t :n= rS3"iL2.l"^ O'-O Ooiik*. and ial as fit y o body from a 3-year-old b man, and at ^ru c lh;d s OF Si \ li', t '1 >; i 1 i?)i"i ! are now eliii- eave saHi ,r$r,c:s -* I'*,** <- ?? -v~* .?> i.v * ??' .!.. . . ' ....' -!i. >"_. ' ?g -tL o IL?3 d 4U3l . a" l?" ? ?3. lESa^grlOj. "^57^03 -h-.x> ..- L A J.-? ... 5>on 1 iaii lo see orr line Stoves before b-ay.-o^. V> < h i \ n * . r 'vl * - H ; s ;< u J? ">.i ?/ .j ? ?v.-i? w j To va ;? be -i healthy condition. Pra lator will do i work. s I V.Vi i ]K: i'\ '< \ i:; V Ol! V/ i III. try IviMr uh tor For vo ir ' ? ' V egg produeer and disoaso Get our prices on 1/ O ^ K-' . i c : ' ; >. ) vt liUl U'iu:V r V; 5; i: . >. v' oV- f<Ti'*.': i i;' . I- I Tj Niulj 1. V- .. ) IsTi&i /"V ~U "M -3 0 -j -i {jlrf HPJ'ipn1 J?-? ..... V?j *?.. -.1?- ??. .J arrs y> *'? ;>z? v '* ,r H* .". >1 .ij* 7! jft J. .JiIJ .', O i o n S o l cj ?5 o Tiilv i'Ar : NO', 1"! All }>< rscus?<v lirr by \ : m< <i ;ic ii'j.-1 hill' (iiivj. Ii>l; ';_ >, j > i npon 11 y <> (lit; Inn Ih nvao i ton trolU ! l>y ;!i mi rsi I ... - LTn law will ri,.; I ) nnyov (Usro^in,lin ; this n i. >. f I '. j\ !M>. v ' \V. 11. J i"\t. S. i:i. i .5. \Y. i . \. \ . .ii j: 1). A. 1><*. U.S. i .oiiiT \\". i?. Sprntt. T. I S;>i;;M. V, . 1'. Hoke i' M. S'| .Mlf. Mii-v \ihlic - n?l 1 .. : , T. IJ. Oolth.'ivp \V. i. 1 m. < ?* S. K. Whit. . P. 1 .n? 11 J. H. Muck. T. A. Mill.s. rr W. F. PomI. The Tiuies urn or.;! I -1\:. ir?-: >'.<i new spa pel i lev ill V a , t - & I ?? 1 d s $ v <s jr V- k 1 <* ' 1 v.*-v .> V' v : i <?? HHMBHHMMnw P^HnEM^nBI^^Hra^HtfSSHE; EH^^^^^^^MD^HXEI^^^B^HBHEK Hmnunera I B K gBpHMM ~s>f^ 'jHHEigPS^^HlBH^BHBPBflcSBSS^^R^^^^ ^1 BSHRHnB39BHH5sBBraSEIH ; ~'"; -. / '-'.. .* i '-. - ? s ' ! ' ? ... ' :;.. V-' e ' - : * 9 v; ,f M - .1 V 4.1 tr \ A 0 j our in spec tion. S'^ocl^., i $ yles? ^ .. V, _5 > ?- r* ' "> ?m . j_ .i' </ r; ?LJ> (L ' iL^ - - - ~l> Ti ^ u, Wo >*1 o\ ery- jv , ) \ ? (i C i uit. all iho |)oo;>lo. ? 1 1 ii,o{>ji scr\ loo t.iioi'o |g sali^iao'i ioa ?is loo 1 3~lc1 3../?^o3.- r , or .* *, ,? ? . _> _ ? > \u' l~-~ _j O :i. A 0 fciObL <0> O. ;.';V / V . . ...? *. ? .... ., ..." A'. '. > r i I 2 . ' I I I 111 v < 4 4 i i i iV i 1 save you :ao:iev. > ;'"" T' r 6: M t*' " v >1 o** 1 :.rm J 11 O. ii 4j:w? ^vij tie unci hogs hi a \i s AW;u ?.i He^uWo have it in any ^ * < . a : . ; : ' > w ; . .. * ? Vhli'KiW-* it ,'Ucinvr. c-* 'Si /.J ?c: ; Ml V- & ^ x* v ' ^ M %,* p .># ^ 4 ? . , I' ' dtiifii. ;v * ; . .7 ?i?" u. J fN! ? ft ? / \ ^ ^ *- / *. ij.*j / > P \ P< ? r. >, 8 f H !> ' , - * v f ?i i?i li f: .".it b ft ojuic./r u. ( i I i i i : I ..... . , . ti H . j s.i*i .*. ~ --? ? iv.-/_i. . B L* (?r <i lii'nl-rli'.sa fl :>! IA v i'. I Si! A M M'Xi. or J: \ I U SINGE. v V*? t T*". r 1 ' *' y-> J? . " ivj. V. 1-/4.^.1 % I'uoi uij:t;>!<s ft Ifiiil ('.OKI' haltk J . IJOI aiNI INO JT" fla:. TIM I;:?. , <S0C;0??@0?S!??C i COS O G C Skew - spimn \Y :i< a are arriving daily. T mention here. C*??nn* and Bt : 1\/Ti 1 Hi L'V .'k JU xl KQCS LCWfl >iV N 1 < i irltnt ::t will he unusually a If est a: -l prettiest stock c .. ' ha! v.i !m\ ? ev. r shown r.hout halt the usual uiillim .\ i !a v v ti aLrain have charge t : |>-t arc u.d exquisite taste fast id'oiiB. t 'uc and sec what we have ? V iil tin i ! est. X_Bu ?F. 3ME? J . . > ' c- _ 7. pi0o00* . kf - %> .. . pWT.?S v \ utir Sutij s >' < \ 0 Millions. . . | L &l \.m I :, v-5 V : I ' kJ A V ' S ' **? -te.'SA x " -i^v 'L vW Other< > Bu ? W. i. ') of Fi J i 1 rfi 11 < )vor ; ..- i\ you i \?| the i ; . -SVj ^tylej '* .' : = 'VH thiui :W "l #? k P^J if. Cx, n'v Brill ; ,.iI Uiifi r' M n"" ? kh& m S!;>3 ; at*as?jr y x%i> S1U&. ? ^ .V V ^ ^ <*, "vQ, 3^1-^ <?,?$. ? i- ?^"t. "H "? ii-snv^ vt>iy( k??????0????? ) > TM HPW 1.1 i i'i Xj VV i ?? "r*..' * l*-V? Now \oik < 1. 11' ?r i 1 Tin1 Times: Pl< > ?! .' wt are here, at tho '"More! ? i mvIiilc the h'-st. and nicest !ii ? Ivi /lit !)tiyin<( tho very latos . I I.-' ]) < : So ?.l ! \irl ?! ill a in 1 si lii.M ;:i, more and more that wo i: V t! 1' as t,h? y com 1 \ ? t ii t hy takiii:* en re of o / '. ill;' t .' I O oil I. elves. S. J ; :f] H'ii niviiniiin 4Kt.? x/. .. .;i< ?'-i ? * Yours ivspoc 3 S. A. 1 ) JS1 i s. .> 15 ; K,f 'S < 4 Y?| A t|i >. ' ;.u m i 'v:. . V iii 'j ? :15?S . S??fci?? ? ? ;.jai THESOUTHEF Tl.r Or cat Highway of T THROUGH THE SOU F,:reliant Srroice Quick Tir, Anr Trip ii o rie.\?ure TruVtil via T I* L SOUT1 T >c Finest Dininj^-Car J Fo- * .'Ir ! information b<i to Tlck?l vr.ti. *, il.'ic l>c nriircst Afient < V'./K.W.. < S. H. HARDV r. fnt r "J* ?. n<-^+r. C?n?ral ** ?% rwg# VTAlVIVfCl - U < WASHINGTON *r, v ^ ; -a-? .,.- ?. ; rri J ^S0??(8?< 5X7* I /v"f53 tTVT' 1 "l 3-u.x s G - GOODS, 1 io ninny pretty thin. t o what wo liavo. < )ur jj? ttractive this season, the SI f Ladies' ami Children's Jra! Our prices fro always :5k ry prices. Miss Mahlo ef this departmeiit. II* Sr will appeal to tho inrsi \ The goods nn<l prices ^ 3 issey. - 'V.- V% Vv<^- . v h. >>?!*. Vw c-v\, ^ ?.j A 7 & ^ *> <? ? >;v fifieSl o *5 if in a g narrse ? & 5# me* it nicnns much. linitvs it costs money. jj> t wliem you buy n pair of Ja, i. Uou^las Shoes, or a suit {M tehheiuior, lv? ill'er & < ?' <?? n-s, or a pair of Keystone nils, or a Alt. Vernon Hat, ^4 lon't linve to pay extra for nanie, but you ^et bettor - and quality for less money you |iay for inferior brands ^ ods elsewhere. rx tr Surplso This Spring e np-to-date lino of Men's iiri? we have from $5.()0 to () I) r ?ilit Soo Itianey-Parks Cf g ?n'v S*?Y> '-> -" ?b $ YORK I jl. v/ .L v JLa. # L'ily, 3VIurc-li 17th, 1<)0:1, use nay to our customers 2s laudiso Hub of the World,' qJjn ie of j^oods we have ? v n* ^ I of everything in our line. ^ irrouudin^ country : * hedo Keep up with all <ho ^ e out. and wo, as a firm, bour customers, we are best V >, t-tivo us your patronage in the future. ^ 4 fully, N uyens for Cfl i s EPP8.1 X 2??0?@?S? 3??> * 11 U jj i | -~I CN RAILWAY I RADE and TRAVEL rilEKN STATES. no Convenient Schedules Trip lo (hone who ! IERN RAILWAY. Service in the World. ?. PalM and Slr??plnf*-Car>f THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ~1? " ' VICH. . W. H. TAYLOR. r Ajmnt, Atllttsnl C?n. r?i??n|?r A|?M, P C. ATLANTA, OA.