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v" ? FOllT Mil Ij TIMES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. Tcirno of Subxerliition: < itp yt ar . $'.00 Six months r,? Thrpp nvintha '-.r. t"on c >i>f:n<!etu'C oil current Mibjects I* Invil-tl, hut no t'sp'MifjIblllt > i- :issuire-l for the ,\ lev.* 01' correspondents. Anonymous ommuuicatio: will not bo published in tlnse columns. On application to the publisher. :ulvoitl:-lnK antes arc made known to those Intc rested. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18. l'HR The dispensaries at Charleston have recieved instruct ions t?> take the names nod address of all applicniits for liquor at the dispensai ies. This provision of the law lias not been observed in Chariest m since but a short time aflei the act \v lit j I into effect. 1 he dispensers do not take kindly to the new rule. ? I The Governor has announced > the membership of the joint com- ' niitteo from the general assembly ' to compose the Jlampton mouu- ' inent commission. This coiumis ' is composed of Senators (S. Mc J Call and .T. (J. Marshall, with Kcp ( icsentntives Altamrmt 1*. ' A. Morgan and F. M. Scahook. . * . The Southern Railway is report 1 ed to have purchased the Flagler line butwten .Jacksonville and Miama, fur which several roads had boon contending, as it was 1 considered the key to the Cuban passenger system. A through "limited*' mail and passenger service from New- Voik to Miama and then four hours by boat to Havana will be tho programme. ? * + The I*. S. Supreme court lmsnf firmed the opinion of the South Carolina Supreme Court in the case of duo. Brownfield, a negro , charged with murder, and Brownfield will hang. The appeal was i taken on the ground that while four-fifths of the peoplo of the community in which the trial was helil were negroes, there was not a negro on the jury. Brownfield murdered a Mr. Scurry, in lS'JD, i at Georgetown. ? * The Civil Service Commission lias just tilled a peculiar position which might appropriately he termed the Government's ollicinl snake charmer, although the oil! cial title of thesucaesful competitor will he "aid in herpetology." The questifiealions for the place were a morougn Knowledge ??t snakes with all ability to handle them without Bcrio'.M consequence and nix applicants for the position put in an appearance. m m m There is some dispute as to the boundryline betweon Florence and Williamsburg counties. In 181K) an act. was passed to settle the matter, but for some reason this has never ' been done. As people living in | tho disputed territory are liable to be taxed in both countios, they have requested that tho boundiy matter be settled, and Secretary of State Gantt has taken up tho j ' matter with the county eommis- ' sioner of the two counties in older to adjust it. c> v * There has seldom been a time when there was manifest a more lively interest in the United States ( navy than at the present time. 1 The appropriations of the recent congross for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the navy ( have been a source of gratification ; to moat citizens of the nation and i the navy department is now using every endeavor to secure the prompt expenditure of the appro- , priation along the lines for which it was made. * * Fearing the growing strength of the prohibitionists and their proposed State election on the liquor question, saloon k? opera of Texas have introduced into t ho legislatlire i a radical law to restrict their business and abolish the more disrenntnblr Miilnonn rPli?> liill nrAiMrluu that every liquor denier, in renewing his license yearly, must | i swear that he has violated no i statute; has not allowed minors or ' students to drink in his saloon; permitted no gambling and not < kept open on Sundays or after hours. * It will be of interest to many i' who have visited Ashville and the Bill more estate to know that George Vanderbilt has finally per suaded the negro who owned a ! dozen acres of land in the midst of the Biltmore estate to sell out and move. Thus, for the first time, Mr. Vanderbilt iH 'Moid of all he surveys" when he glances over his magnificent North Carolina property. The old negro's holding is estimated to have been worth $50 before the advent of Vanderbilt, but he made the rich man pay him $2,250 before he would consent to sign the papers. A decision recently rendered l>; i the siiijiomo court of the Unittd; States in regard to lotteries is re irardcd ?>f tin* utmost impoilance in detinini; tin* power of the Federal j^overnnicul over interstate eoinmeicp. Without yoinn into tiresome details, it may be said by the ileeir.: >n congress may exclude from interstate comim ree any commodity which it may deem prejudicial to the public welfare, and that its motives are beyond judicial inquiry. This decision mu-t. destroy the arguments ol those who have ridiculed all at tempts at anti-trust legislation through the interstate commerce j provisions of the constitution as being unconstitutional. c < ? A number ef citizens of more or less prominence were iccently brought brought before Judge Waits in th court i f general session in ("liarh ston to answer for Imbue to serve on the jury. The , lesiro of the better class of citizens hll tlVllltl 1IIIV* UnrtMen *i ? \? . . I w. I ?1 ?? ? J j V " nore marked in Oharh stun limn uiy place in tin' State, anil al tlmu^h a little stir is made by indues orensiouidly, nothing ever' amies of it and the citizens eon linue to evade their jmble duty. As is usual, the citizens wi re l< <1 into court all armed with certiorates of physicians that they suffered fiwin neivons and other troubles *nd were incapacitated fi>r t hose or ot her alleged uood t easrms for performitiir their -duty and they were of course excused by the court. Ths V?.!tte of An Education. Air. D. A. Tompkins, ?>f Chnrlotte, aays the tiatVuey Ledger, has recently published iiuuros to showthat at thirty-live years <.Id the earning capacity of a liinn with a common school education and sp< cial training for his work is twelve and a half times tiler than that of ail illiterate and untrained man; that tin* earning capacity ??f a man i with a high school education and training is twenty live times greater than that of the illiterate and untrained man; that the earning capacity of a man with college ed neat ion ami training is thirty seven I and a half limes greater than that of the i I literate and tint raim d mm, and that the earning rapacity of a man with a university education; ami training is tifty times greater' than that of the illiterate ami mi trained man. So Mint the value to the commonwealth of the man with the university education and proper training F?>r his business is tifty times greater than the value of the illiterate and untrained man. If Mr. Tompkins' deduction eor-I roct, and wo have no doubt hut that it is, as he is a very pains- ! taking gentleman and careful in his statements, it is very evident that tho educated man lias Mir advantage over tho uneducated man. Therefore I) >\s, it behooves you to get an education. ? -44? The Work of Congress. The following is a brief review ,r 41...?i. . t 11.- ?-< ? ? I Ji uir v? wi iv Ul lilt) III I y "St' Vt'Ill II 1 L'ongress: Untitled ? Alaskan t rent v. (iroek consular treaty. Provided ? Appropriations for tlie support f the Government for the lisral year ending dune 150. Id bills, carrying nearly $8l!(),0U0,(XK). Trust. Control Laws - Klkins' nnti-rohate; to expedite suits. Sr.OO.OOO and to assistant Attorney 15 enerals. Department of Commerce and Labor (with trust publicity clause.) Army?General stall'; rational militia law. 1*1) i I linn ne en m?iw>v - I I" " ....... J . International silver conference. ! Regulation of immigrate n. Rebate of coal duly to January ir,. ii)04. Relief of Philippine distress ( $;{< >00,000.) Kxtrndition of criminals to and from Philippines. Navy Increased naval personnel; double number of midship- j men; live bat lie ships, two training diips, one wooden brig. Redemption of Hawaiian silver currency. Bankruptcy law improved. Alaska homestead. Agricultural department building ($2,000,000.) Representatives otlice building ($4,000,000 ) Washington Union Railway Station ($10,000,000.) Bank reserve cities reduced from 50,000 to 25,000 population. Automatic couplers. Additional Federal Judge, New I York, Southern district. Increased Balance Supreme Court of the United States and all Federal Judges. Porto lticau delegate to House of Representatives. Monuments to Pulaski and Steuben. Must Nei UHnk. The secretary of State Friday issued a commission to I . 15. Tlnmmctf, of I>arn well, recent Iy appointed ehiel of the lit in->r eonstabulary. Jlr llnmmdt, who is a temperate man hiinsi If, has issued the following order forbidding t he constahul u v to tipple, a practice chnrged Hi;aidst tie constables freely in the past: "()n and after this date the use i of intoxicating luptors by members of the State constabulary foice will not be tolerated. Any constable against whom the charge of , intoxication shall be made, will upon conviction, be susp? ndi d lit) days for the first offence, and upon conviction of the second offence he will be dismissed from tli" service. ' V m will comiuunicale this old r as^^^ckly as pos.-ihln to 11.-- \ ? . V 1 in ]; A Gestonia f/iind Reader. \\ nil I?* I fill reports 11 .;< !) Charlotte <>f till4 livpil'itic JX>\V?M"S of WiIi 1' lyHsoua 1 T-y? ;i old l)< y who lives in (iiistoiiin. Cuyt-soux, i' is said, can hypnotize t man so t llO! Olioljly thill lie wiii II ) lie' sensible of the jabs of a luit|?in, and if \on >.: ? olV and hidean ai li? Ie and conn back lie will catch yon by the wrists, and then will lead you to where the hidden tiling is .....1 ...111 .... on. . : . i ft I it I * * 111 | 111 - ;\ II II J ?. i IM'I r l.s (I I Hi! in Gaetonia that sometime ago m misi r < 1 i (i Miiiii'vvlici'i' < r oil km* in nil adjoining county, but before ho died ho barml ?10,0(h) in 's ?Foiuewliere or other. il is re1 ato?l that young Fayesoux is now preparing to hypnotize a likoly patient and win*11 ho gels tho patient in a pro pot* clairvoyant state lie will make him t *i 1 whole t! o money is concealed. (Miailotto < Poser vcr. Sound Over ft) Court. K G. Joh list en, 10. P. H. Nivens, A. 11. Parks. Frank Johnston. Jr., F.lias Gordon and ?Toscph MeGir nis. the men chargtd with commit ting an aggravated assault upon Robert Kirhy, an employo ?>t" the Catawba Power Company, one] night last fall, wi re given a pre liininary hearing before Magistrate ihekhatu. of Catawba township, in Koelv Mill last Wednesday. .*li. Kirby ami a Mr. Chi citzburg were the the only witnesses railed up and after giving their testimony Mao 1st rate Reckham placed K. P. H. Nivens. R. G. Johnston and A. i>. Parks each under a $J00 bond for their appearanco at the court of general sessions, which convenes on tho Ulh of April. The other men were disehargrd, no evidence being offered t<> incriminate them. Messrs. Spencer ?V: Dunlaj) appeared for the proseeution and Major James F. Hart ha&tieen retained fur the defence. Arretted the Safo Crackers' Friend. The C'ho.stcrlield Advertiser says lliat the man who gave his name as Tom Roe and said he was from New York and a friend of the safe crackers in jail at Monroe, am! who deposited ?1500 with their attorney for them, has been arrested. Inspector Greuorv. us h? l. niiwil that Lee was in Monroo and what his mission was, telegraphed the sherilf to arrest him. but it was too late, as the fellow had left town. Mr. (Irogory learned that lie had pureliaHed a ticket for Koine point in New .Jersey and teVe graphed the authorities to arrest him, which they did. ? ? Pleasant Valley News. The grateful students of the deBensed Prof. I j. Shin ley Vome time ago resolved to honor liis memory and commemorate their love and gratitude, by erecting a monument to him. One hundred and thirty three ($13'i) have been subscribed and collected and a committee consisting of J. (). Hall, .1. .J. Bailee, and Dr. K. M. Potts met mi Satin: lav laat and selected the monument which will lie eroded, with appropriate oxerczes, as soon as it is <a in 11 ile 11 >>1 . r.v.? Tin? Plea-aut Valley school is now ina flourishing condition. The enrollment up to date is {S'd. Prof, linden and hisable assistant, Miss Kva Potts, will inako a 'desperate' effort to have the greatest cxhtbi- , tion that the lMeasttnt Valley people have ever soon. Prof. Hailes lias engaged music for the occasion, and ia also correspoeding with Professors East or ling and Chinksenles, of Wofford College, in regard to visiting the school and delivering educational speeches. j 1 ant glad to know that our friend Roy has become reconciled and that we are again ahlo to peruae his newsy letters. j. j. ?. The wire mills have just advanced the price of all wire products, including wire nails, hy two dollars n ton, the advnnco taking e'fect immediately. , I i/itis Kaille Banks to V?ed. A umrriam' which will ho of in- > lorfbt to many of our renders will j take place at Kershaw* on tho 25th ; instant. Invitation* lending as j folh-ws \vt! tv received hero on Thursday: Mr. and K:s. Alexander E. Banks request tho lienor cf yonr presence r.t the mnriiago c: their dacghtor Hattic, end Mr. Jr.mes iillcii long, Wednesday afternoon, the 2tth of March at half after five o'clock, at tin? Presbyterian Church, Korshuw, South Carolina. in Metnerian?. I:i llio fellowship of Christian love, wo oiler ihi> token of esteem for oar ?1? parted friend, now "absent with tiro Lord," Mrs. < "y?itliiti 1'ellc, who entered into rest during the tnidufdi' watches of hVhrnary ! tih, 1 to ?:j. In attempt iter a tribute to her en. 11. at worth. We f. el it a sad hat fjra ions privilege. 1 ora and "."eared in a homo of religious training, mid th" etna forts of a tluenee, tie reiininin;; influence ef ^otit!e j?iety early sown in her receptive li ar.. ceased not to bear abundant fruit 11 flown iooH sijjo. ' 1 -oitg y ars ?>f widnwhood sin lived amon^ ns? unr milt iiivr is rfii;;l!j she patiently in tlii'loving care of ;i Krooiu:? family, committinj* tar all to tho ".Father of the Vatherle ?." h? r.-elf to tIw* "Fodof of 1b< widow." 1:j tli'- 1mu<v of her (3o:l her fe -t delighted to <1 well?her sir a touted place in the s.iiietunrv randy mi an tin! tin) coinliiunion of lite -tints sh. held "a feast to her soul." Sharp and bitt? r sorrows he bor? in meek submission, but eouiiiient tru t in "iiitu whom sin-, believed. The evening "when shadows v.' lotsy" of her halloWi.-u days, wits crowned bj olTtilgont |wnce; in I humble gratitude sit" iej >iv t in tl. blos-it::; of fait It il by loving children, who eouuted it but an honor to eh? rish ami gladden her life, :i jns: reward for her long cxjiettded motherhood, t'hil lreti and grandchildren may w II hold her stiiiin d uieiuory a tnvcions benedict ion. To 11nn wo o!lor our deep( -1 .win| .n hy. wo too liavo lost a friend. ' Quo l?y oiio Wo an, erossiii}? ovor." May lior cotisis.out life be an inrontin'to warn worthily, that when the swift mnl silent nu"si ii^,'i' ootm ili we too shall unite hot* in "tlio land of lij.'ht," and iniu^lo ajf lin our praises to the l.amli, who hath washed and iv ! deemed us from ail sin. to on: r "the y >vs of our Ltird" l'nrover inoro. "At tho crystal river's brink, Wo shall tin i ? a h broken liulc. Tin n tho star, that fading horo, Left our hearts and li nnt s so droar. Wo shall behold luore bright .;::d clear.'* "Sleep on then liolo\ed, sleep, and take t hy rest. \\-' loved tho well, but .losas loved the host. "Thou loll us, not without warning, In a brighter clime, we'll say, not jjood nij;ht, but Rood morning." Tvesolved, That a in our minutes be dedicated-to inscribe her memory, a copy he tendered to the family, also a duplicate h > forwarded t >l'n b'ort Mill Times ami the I'vesbyteiian Standard I w ith re.pies: tor puhiioat ion. s Mrs. J. H. Mat te. , Committee Mrs. S. rh Whitk, ' Id vs. K. K GKitctc. Tragedy Averted. "Just in the nit It of lime our iil tie hoy was saved." writer) Mrs. I \V. Wntkins, of IMeasanl City, (jltio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible eottoli set in besides. I lectors treated hint, hu( lie j?re\v worse everyday. At it u^tli we tried 1 >r. "Kino's New Disiovrry lor Cmi nui, ami our (KirnistT was saved. lie's now .sound anil well." Kverybody ouj*ht to know if* tinonly Hiiro euro for Coughs, Colds and nil 1,11m; diseases. (J imrntdeed hy Thus. 1?. Meachuin, ihu^gist. 50c. nnd ?1.00. Trial liottli s tree. ? ? The court of oeueial sessions for this county conveius at York-' vilio on April I'llh. ^ ? It Caved JIi3 l\ A. D.iiifoi tli, of I,n(Jr.-uuje, (la.. sutTen d for six uionlhs with a frightful running sure on his her; but writes that I'm l:lc:.'s Arnica Salve whoiiy cured ii in live d iys. For Fie, vs. Wounds, Files, it's the last salvo in the worl i. Cure ^unranteed. Only ode. S >1? 1 by T. H. Mem-ham. dru^ist. ? Lime is cheap. Fse it. freely' around your premises for dibit:- ! feeling purj os S. VTcrk:ts Overtime. Itjighf hour laws ate ignored by 111oho tinle.-s little workets Dr. Kind's Now Lift- I'ills. .Millions urn always at work, night and day, raring ludigcsti ?n, ihiionsm-.-s. Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver, ami l>ow< i troubles. Knsy, pleasant. safe and sure. Only 25c at. AJeucham'u drug Store. - ^ ? Uoro r.iots. Disturbances of strikers rre not yearly mh grave as an individual clisorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, tin. less a'reliable remedy is imiuediatt ly employed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of tinLiver or Kidneys as Electric liitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness I Ivheuinatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only GOc, and satisfaction guaranteed by Thou. IS. Aleacham, druggist. I - / v y Interesting hems oi County News. From tho Yorkville Enquirer. Tito number of people who paid tlio commutation road tux in York county up to .March I. the last day on which tho tax could l><Mcceiv< <J by tin* county treasurer, was <!(?."?. Tho commutation taxpayer:; arc divided anion;* the townships as follows. licthcl. o'J; 1'cthesda, ltroail liiver, 1 il(?; litillock's Creek. 115; Oatnwbn, 1)0; lLbenezer, Fort Mill, Lhi; Kino's jMouutnin, Mi; York, \~t. The < haiiiLpui^ which has for isi)111nine past i)t*C!i working a roail 1 cfinii" ts Ih o Arnlstroujjf | l\ml tun! f'harlotIt- k?:i< 1. i . in tin; moved 4.o Hie stockade on the j county homo farm. The iinmedi- ; at purpose oi' the m to roI>111r a pier of road loading; from the Vii sh r toad to the La ;: 1 -1"< ! r (1 riMiil. There is a bridge t . build titul 11111< 11' 1;1111iv.i iilc to be done, the lock f. r tin' purpose having already boon liauied. Sj&SSS Xiowaupcl. Tho town tnsis vr will pay $-*? l'e-i wan' for tlie apprehension. wiili evi del!'"1 sutlioient toconviot, the who ha ve boon stoaliim chicle ns in Port Mill recently. or who ir.av hereafter commit such a theft. I T. <v !nsonilant .T. M. Si i: . i .. '! reasurc r. | SPECIAL notices, Advertisements, not oxeocdinj; 0 linos, will he published under the above headinif at V > con I s for each insertion. For ale- '1 \\ ? (hie cows, one. a 1.1 Ihtli Jersey, the other a 7-^ .biM V, ljeth o<K>d milkers. Also a lot >f Flirty < iohlen ami Farly Providence Vain ]Kitutoes. J. L. Kimlin 11. ti-ll-tt. FO11 SA.LM?Two line yonn^r n Ilkeows oa< h li ivititr voting oalf. Also honiooauno.l fruii s. pick loft and pivser\os. Apply to I;. F. . Foil S \! K. 1 mi prepared to furnish the puhiie with thorou^hhreil 1'r >wn Leghorn Chickens and bugs. My prices are, I liickens. $2 | r pair: $ 1 . t*'.* - ! I in f nl -? ' ' ? 1 1 ??,* " * address J. \V. lvUUXl.'K, Kov! Mill, S. (\ H ll -l'iu (Men Seeds. j Tustcud <'f F?y':i'_r: "The early hiril i ;j' . !;< - the wurm," let us make tne proverb reatl, "The early trnekslcr t'ela the price." We have made a study of (iiiiclen Seeds, and we believe that we haw the finest varieties of early seeds i that are to be had anywhere. We handle only reliable Heed#, such that yon enh depend upon to "row and hear heavily. It's a i>ood deal safer and surer t ? buy of us than to send away for your seeds. Mrsy's Drug Store Musie. We have two hundred s1;cm ts of music veeal and instrumental, which we will nive away to lady customers who can use same., There are more than fifty selections. We srive two* pieces to each customer. P? :?j gr&Sjj BLACXSHITEiSaG. We lmve optnod a Mtrlhsliop in lie' Bailes shop, near MeKliimiey's livery stnhles, an.I s >lioit your ' natronaeo. Only iirst class work is sent out irotn our simp, and our prices are ica.-ona'>le. 1IAL1. A- IIAUTSISLL. I V A 1 j;' " Vv ' I ^ I I li&m37 MMS that arc not found on linen fresh from ! * V>,%VT P?rMi? T ATT%"tMJV lilt u?*tAa i i Charlotte, N. urn rust stains, ink i stains, fruit stains, anil especially I scorches from overheated irons. That; is what we particularly guard against, i f'ccklesa, l'tawlcs.*, inunaeulate white ! ias white can he. or as strongof color as j when yon hough; it (if originally of a color iKittcrut, your washalde apparel is returned clean, well washed, well' ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every | Thursday mortiiu and laundry re- ; l turned Fnturduy mornings by 11). I.. McEUIANF.Y, Ajrent. i . . % Fort Mil! Drug Store. (OpjKisito Savings 13ank) At this store you will timl at nil tiuit'B a i\ mpl< to lino <?f Druids, 1'abnt Mi-dirines. Toilet Articles, Fine Stat ii>ia ry, ('i^ars, Ci^aiottos ami Tobacco. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. My '15 yea is of experience in practicing medicine and disponsinir drujjs enables me to prescribe for your ailments and fill prescriptions promptly and with accuracy. COLO DRINKS. The season is rapidly approaching when a c? ol refreshing drink is ? : s ntial to the health and eonifort of man. Our fountain and refreshment parlor will, as usual, open with tin* season and we will be bettor prepared ihis year than hi foro to serve our friends with cold drinks and iff cream. 1 ''none No. Fort Mil! Drug Store, 1 >p.. T. 11. >J KACHAM. Prop. FOR r;ni' i i ? ? ? - irr-Hf: R.?U*JuoH5, ETC. * COTO THK CJOUKD SALOON, MARK A. TEETER, Maimer, 20 W. Trade St. . Charlotte, N. G. 1 "RICE LIST. I Iucltuuin'a Delight. 1 year old Corn $1.50 2 .. <i u a.oo OM f'lvlcMt. Qnoen 1 " " 1.75 .. .. .. .. 2.25 Pure N. C. Corn '5 " " 2.36 5 " " 2.60 1'atsi] s 'o Rye I " " 1.76 ?. .. 2 " " 2.00 Pure Maryland Rye .... 2.60 Old Oakland live . . . . . 51.50 OIil C'al)iiiot llyo . . . . .51.50 Malt Rye S.oo Peach and Honey . . . . 3.00 Annie i'.randy . . . . ,2.25 < lit! i : andy . . . . . 2.5J Port Wine . . .... 2.00 5-berry Wine . , . , . 2.00 Cinder l'.randv ..... 1.5a We vesjH'et.sally solicit your patreunite and will guarantee satisfaction and prompt: attention to nil orders." Tin: c.( >rki> saloon. MAI.U A.Teetur, Mt?r. I'.ell l b mo 285. . . . Char. Phone 202 J. [J. Traywick & Ox, DEALERS IN * FINE LIQUORS AND WINES, No. I"2 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. c. "UR7~K!NCS'S try NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD, r a>'e NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Bore Throat, Croup and Y?"hooping Cough. WO CURE. NO PAY. P.-ico 50c. and S :. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WHITE TO W. II. HOOVER, I'll \ 1*1.01'TF. N. c. Dear Mrs. Person: A good while hack my health commenced failing and I got in a low condition. I was always tired: with poor appetite, s<? tired always that did not feel equal to any oxertion at all. I had en larked glands on the neck which were very sore and when 1 would take cold t hev Willi l< I Iilitni-rni .....1 " vi.iit.fcV "'"I cans*' iiu' much snflVrinR. 1 often had skills "1' nillamnirttovy rheumatism which affected the whole of my body and rendered mo helpless. I tried medical treatment, which would give toijijM?rai'y relief, but it did not cure mo. I tried various l>aiout preparations, but they did ine no i?ochI. At last a friend persuaded mo to use JVlafs. %Jt?e Pci'son'ss 3FSL e xrx e dy : : 1 bought a half-dozen bottles, and after talking it I felt so lunch better that I did not fool like talking amy more. The next year in the spring L knew 1 needed moro and aiguin took a half-dozen. I took it in that way until it has made a complete ruvi of me and my health is fine. Thi> enlarged glands aire entiroly cured, rheuinattimii entirely cured, and I aim now in stout, robust health, and I advise everybody who needs ai toaiic or nre "rati down" to use Mrs. Joe Person's Itemedy\ MRS. J. (J. MORGAN. Mavslivillo, N, C., May 33, 1902.