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THE PINKHAM CURES ITTRACmG CHEAT ATTESTIOJ AflOXQ THOKISO TOES. Mrs. Frances Stafford.of 243 E. I14th St., N.Y. City, adds her testimony to the hundreds of thou- j sands on Mrs. Pinkham's files. "NThen I.ydiaE. Pinkham's Ilcmc- ; dies "were liret introdueed skeptics j nil over the country frowned upon their cur.i ivo claims, hut as year j after year has rolled by and tlio ! little group of women who had been ! cured by the new discovery has since grown into a vast army of hundreds of thousands, doubts and ! skepticisms have been swept away | as by a mighty flood, until to-day i the groat good that Lydiu K. j Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and her other medicines aic doing among tlic women of America is attracting the attention of many of our leading scientists, physicians ] and thinking people. "Merit alone could win such fame? wise, therefore. Is tire woman who for a euro relies upon Lyrtia F? Pliikhum'sVecretabloCoiupotind. J Cure- Bisna?U:x ltd Cclitita cy tcutrillska Iks r.cli ) I: far bc'.t:: taia tbs ben M:c-i yuriScr. A'.i V.ocf v In tho fall-winter of 100J I wuaulHieteit / thnl I had to use u oaim iu insist tuo in w C no i"i?u to uiv ttalitli, nnil the only im-itU y Htraiicht out tn front of me, whilo 111 * I ec C of the disease, I benuu treatment ut, t J Mr. .1. T. Itiuti-r, el Greenvtllo, of the di > " Km :IM M inn." 1 purohMod u bottle fi I Hosier that i( 3 I mt lies it Id not i tire nte \ bottle relieved nto, nud I have had tin tone / W. A. I'aliuor, who lived tier-' at tho tun \ of rhf-uonit inn,and for ?l* weeks Imd t?> i y uaeof sovenil iNittlea of Itll I'.UM ACIOE, i v tinr idiynieiiiu, who is n iire.?f i.? uev r In 11. P Your* truly, J. 1- O. TIlOMl'.-oN. S All Diujrj^ists, or exprcasar ^ Bobbin Chemical to., RUNNING fORCOVER.! TH2 OS'S'"*!. \ /fw/GILES} CLOIHSNG /. yw/V8C . / / (tiAt>eMkLACK*KirciLO?v) /\A W/ WILL COVER YOU /%&!/.'? WO KEEP YOU PRY IN TUEWEIIfcSr WEATHER. - ? 0K 5AUi tVCRYWH?f. TAKE J.'O SUBSTITUTES. A.J. TOWER CO?&C*TON,MA55_US.A. -a TOWIR CANADIAN CO.,li?l<?. K WMTO.CAN BROMO-^ SELTZER CURES ALL Headaches 10 CENTS-EVERYWHERE I Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. ; Beware of the dealer wbo tries to sell "MmethJu? jast as good." ' PROVE IDOAN'S Tboso who doubt, who think becaus no good, who feci discouraged, the of Doan's Kidney Pills. The wond | * - Aching bocks are eased. Hip, hack, and i torn pains overcome. Swelling of the, ' limbs and dropsy signs vanish. "V They correct urine with britfc dust sedi- ' ment, high colored, excessive, pain in pass-! , ing, dribbling, frequency, bod wetting. . Doon's Kidney Pills dissolve and reniovo j calculi and gravel. Itelievo heart palpita- j -1 tion, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness. t Salem, Iyi>., Feb. 5.1908.?"I wjeeived i the trial package of Doan's Kidney Pills i and I must confess they did me wonderful j j good. It seems strange to say that I had : tried several kinds of kidney medicines j without doing me any good. I had back-1! orlio, pain in my hlnddor and scalding; : urine, and the sample package sent ine i slopped it all in n few days, and with the package 1 am now using from our ding ; store I expect to l?o cured permanently. It | i Is wonderful, hut sure nnd certain the docs lis worl;. I was in constum I misery until I miuincitwd tlie use of, i Doan's Kidney Pill*."?t has. IL Cook. i JL\_0. ilvA HO, tkiicui, Washington 'Jo., lib | i t :r 4 When man finds himself in a hole he shouldn't be surprised if other people look down on him. There is more Catarrh in this section of tho country than all other diseases put together, nnd until tho last few yoturs was supposed to be incurable, l'or a great many years doctors f renounced it o local disease and prescribed ocal remedies, and by constantly failing to euro with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be n const itutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure. manufuclur"d bv F. .T. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.. is the only constitutional cure on tho market. It is taken Internally in dos''s from 10 drops to n teaspoonful. It nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer ore hundred dollars for iinv cii.?o It fails to cure. Send for circular* it>:d testimonials. Address 1'. J. liiiMU A Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by l?r-.i{fgl f?. 7>\ Hull's Faintly 1'ilLs uro the best. When a man his .1 aood opinion ef himsell be is anxious to share it with the rc>t o: the world. FITS permanently cnred.No ills or nervousness after first day n use or Dr. Kline's tlreal Kervcllcstoror. ratrlul bottle.<nd treat ise frva Dr. ?.Ii.KuNr, Add., obi Arch St.. l,hila.,l'a. It take- a man with a strong fuce to . travel on his cheek. Mrs.IVinslow sSoclhing -tyrim for children j teethinfi^orten tho guu , reduces inflatnma tion.alloys pain.cured coiie.ab.*. noottli : N\ lien a man s temper get-- the bettor of hiin be is naturally >.ten at his ivore. 3 do not be'lovo l'lso'a Cure 'or i.'onsu nntloniiHSitnc<pt 1. forcou pis ami co ds?Jotiu 1. I!oya.r, 1 r.aitv SSoriugs, lad., coo. lj. ItMW. The man with a clear ro-i-mence doesn't mind f people see through hint. No muss or failures made with I'i txam . Faueeesm Dves. Our tronhics .oso hail their bitterness il we can but loll tliem to other people. Clearwater Clenchcry K- Manulac-I luring Co.. Clearwater. S. C.. has I called a meeting of stockholders for 1 February 26 .'? vote on Increasing capital to $100,000. This company is now capitalized at $150,000, and lias built a plant for bleaching, etc. Its oncers are in Augusta. Ciu.; Thomas Itairctt. president. Tlie Mexican d<yx ha' no hair. The ; hot. climate nui! such a covering superfluous. s ia tli? tired ltd dtiriac tits cut cf tt: b I dUeat:; yield ptxjtiy tc tt:c great needy. ( with Sui.itic I thou runt lain, so tuncli so . uikuijt. I'|i:mtitrii(ruimii, iiicru w:is S >ii i>i vh'i'li I toisM injur my li e wi j C llniiiet i'd?iti> ii. itt'uli/.iiur tne i aturo ? ut.?firciv? >1 i > c? Ik r u.aiii ii?.lift <i Py r nut thin i-t 1*. in-- A iii.-U t, to t:iko ) ?>ra iiu-ai mill i Uii? >.-i, it.ih;- !'<>r >lr. ( l 111" lliull. y wuiilti |m> i I'ltui il. One \ I llt'lllllltl IK III -11,1'C I hilt. 11 tut'. C le (lUUi), wdown \v it li u Mrvi i nttnck f > 'ilirncil lit l ei! cm it >li -< i. M'ti-riliv S i( V i?|iritii(iiiiifi 'i i?ii|| liv t In- at ti iiti- v ? A|tl(MK v i 'i yonr rtwilc . c p.: .ii-r i iulincl. Pickens.8.0. r re prepaid, Price $t.oo. r Baltimore, Hd. / Not in the House. Representative MacCartney of tlie j yiniiBn.'hiiRPtm legislature tells the | story of an associate who. on being elected to the general court of the ' state for t;io first time, was very greatly Impressed with t^e dignity ot his office. One nil ht he was sleeping soundly when his wife heard, or thought she hoard, a noise. She tried to arouse her spouse and found it far from easy. Giving him a hard shake, siio whispered: "John, John, wake up! There are thieves in the house." "No, no. Maria, you are mistaken," he answered; "there may bo one* or two in the sorn:o, hut there are nono In the house."?New York Times. Shall I Complain? Shall T complain because the feast Is o'er. And all the banquet lights huve ceased to Rhine? ! Kor Joy that was. und Is no longer mine; Kor lovo that came and went and comes no more: For hopes and dreams that left my j open door: Shall I, who hold the past In fee, repine? Nay! there are those who never quaffed life's wine. That were the unblest fate one might deplore. To sit alone ahd dream, at set of sun. When all the world Is vague with coming nJght? To hear old voices whisper, sweet and low. And see dear faces steal back, one by one. And thrill anew to each long-past delight Shall I complain, who s'JIl this bliss may know? ?Ivoulse Chandler Moulton. )'hKKK HELP. e other Kidney Remedies do them >y profit most by the Free Trial Irous results stamp Doan merit. ? v ^ South Bat.tonville. , III. , Feb.' 3. 1903.?"I received the package of Dean's Kidney's Pills and have bought vcveral boxes of my druggist. The5' have lone me much good. I was hardly able x>do any work until I began taking them; low I can work all day and mv back does lot get the least bit tired." fimn Gray. ~ FREE?TO MAKE YOU A FRIEKD.T" ...-c t.r ,s-yv vv.scTA . rok- Co.. Buffalo. N. V.. 1 i?\:sh wi <1 ?n? liy mill, without ctiuj,;?, triui Itox boon* Liilucy I'iiU. Nome - - i . i 0 (Cut ?ut r<>u; '<i on (! ttcil II<kv ! moll to liitcnliKinirn Co.. lulTalt. 1. Y.> Medical Advitjo k-rmm?HUtcLiu f fulUwtlil I - - - ?- .. - . ...??? King Edward'a Piato. The fall in the price of silver still ; leaves the king the possessor of an 1 enormous.fortune In the plate he ha? j Inherited from his mother, both at Buckingham Psilaeo and at Windsor Castle. The late queeu had the great preponderance of her plate at Wind- | sor, whereas during the present relgu [ Buckingham Palace will probably be I the more plentifully supplied. No valuation has had to be made for probate duty, for the king does not pay the king's tates, any more than thu speaker of the third estate speaks. Not long ago, however, an Inventorj was made at Windsor Ca ttle, with the result that the plate most of It silver. some of it gold, and a portion ; of It. such as metal peacock and other j ornaments, set with gems, was apprais t ed at a sum far in excess of a million pounds. Edward VII., who has made considerable additions to the collection by the transfer of liis own plate from Marlborough House, may well i be alluded to among connoisseurs an j "the silver king."?l.ondon Daily i Chronicle. 'Pr.ll I'nur fvfnn/1 r/... r>, ? I A VI? ^ WW. ... ..v. j wu IUS.UU IU .-|R-!HI , your life fighting l'or money ami pow- ' er. and he will, if he he an average man. applaud your decision: t-11 him you mean 'o dwell in the country, gaining a simple livelihood from your labor, and he will either not believe you mean it. or will conclude you ar a beaten competitor in the city's race. Most people do not know they are slaves of their modern improvements, so called, as.-erts a writer in the Na- i tional Maga/.ine. They build houses larger than they can occupy?for show, they pinch and scrape year after year co pay for them, and afcer that continue pinching to pay taxe?. repairs and other maintenance charges. A large taou e demands expensive furniture. Tb"n fine dress. And the demands increase. The man keep* libs nose on the grind-tone, the woman wears herself out taking care of fine feathers. No time to jti t live and <-n Joy it; get to matte a show first?going to take a real .e t. and out ojT all the little vanities next winter?next summer?some other time, when matters are not quite so pressing. I am not exactly a loafer, but I like Walt "Whitman best of all our American writers because he had sense enough to "leaf and invite his soul" onco In n while. I am tire" of bearing the everlasting preachers of the ' strenuous" life. Go slower. and you'll go farther an I enjoy it better. Don't, live to work; work to live. Dread and butter work 1 moan. Leave a little time for the sort of work yen find your chief pleasure in. Peuficld (tin.) Hosiery Mills will in stall additional machinery. Inerotvdng his equipment to slxt> niaeli'in*;. The product is l.'lt! anil 172 needle goods. (This enterprise was erioneously referred to last, wifk as a new one just, r'ojeeled hy F. ft. Boswoll and an associate. The plant has been cstnb lisbed for some time.) r.T-nrl': ~ l: i' :: II vjl'!: i'ifijl (J*** Am*!* .0 'hti mm ~ j ill 111 I:,P- u k ~,reI !|| It is gentle. >* ;. ';![ jj|' '3 It is pleasant. T;' I'j |ji It is efficacious. J?., ii(! ) It not expensive ' ? 'In ' & i liii S! It i? V^ood for chile & i liiil ?;i _ . r-V:| ii:i| It is excellent for t1' | ' :,r ' It is convenient fo :x- ,![| ^ jii;| It is perfectly safe % jjj It is iised bv milli? ? ,ij if p ij. j ,j It stands highest. |j i i |ij If you use it you I w | JI" produces. 1 i | . L r Which? j! A lean and potash-hungry soil, I wasted seed, wasted labor and idle 9 1 gins?A MORTOAOE. Or, plenty of ? Potash | in the fertilizer, many bales and a I busy gin?A BANK ACCOCNT. fl fl net*. We send r \ .v. e. v < DA Xl rX x ^m-^" m v?? ^wl \ ^ / * I < J I Psrunare j ? Congress, by <1 /Majors, Captaii; \?, Clergymen, irtii jffl tions,and thorn \ a the humbler xvi Why p.of Fids family laxative1-en. ladies. r business men under all circumstances. r>ns of families the world over, as a laxative, with physicians, lave the best laxative the world USEiAMod ^DROPSY IS 10 CATV TP.IATMENT ffiEL rJ 55 Ea"*oraad? Dropsy and its cobsy pllcatioc* a soociilty for twenty years with too most wonderful A I ?ccao63. Havaecrcdmacythcnt_-df X?T //wandcMoi. ta. s. e. osstwa ecus. Err B Atlanta, 3a. FRUIT IKEE^. O^avcmal THtsr UTRAWBERRY PL A VI P. IHRIB HOSES f.HAPE VIAE*. A8PARAGC?. ETC. tJ*"^??a'ojnr'soot on sr>?p1!cAtloa A nlra lot ot Urnwn Efihnrn. anil Hsrrnl !*l, ntnu'li Rooks. Kill I hloodrH l oi krols nnd Putin* nl 1.1 rarli. A ?n > m l"'I,tND rll H v MO \TS. Ihrre mouth, tit vi oo each. J. II. \\ 11 K V- A Ho.. Ila inborn. Vn i r a v spot css i pun ""iAAtv,V LAND WARRANTS ifsiint in soMlora ?,f ?nv ??r. Also tors' Addliiou:*l H.iir ' mi i?!i ?. \\ ?<' tin-tit lioo. iKhNnll It (? It. P.O. t?..i |.s. Dsuf* Colo !.?"frV?T?t Tjcmpscn'c lyo Wuicr ym "'Ik '4 ? ti * f/'tw m*$? x >* {0?lnc 'an<i commended Governors, Const! is. Admirals, iny Hospitals and sands upon thovsam ilks of life, / B?ca\j? Its component parts are nil whclcso It acts gently without unpleasant n It is wholly free from objectionable It contains the laxative principles c It contains the c arminative principl It contains wholesome aromatic li< agreeable and refreshing to the t; All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically i Its value is due to our method of mai the orginality and simplicity of t To get its beneficial effects? buy tl Manufactured by '^LlfORrflA Snn Franetsco. Coi Iycxiisvffle. Ky Nc FOB SALE BY ALL LEAJjJSO jOh rokec Remedy of Sweet Gun ?hs, Coids, LaGrippe & $ fle<K IjvsurAUc? | I 'Vhen Uaveitac there s a r.eap of cc.-r,- ^ .*rt in fjvsvnni jV.t vcu er.d your dear * o*.;s are protected from accident by I I i insurance. y \ # K-*-a people become tl-an Injured. j H Are you protected from liir.ess 0 Yru i ihO J.d te. Do*, t travel without a bet- B , Br, Thscher's ^ 11 Livsr and Blest! Syrup jj < All it costs is 50 can's ar.1 It my save 1 ten times that In doctors'tills, besides I , vw.rg you absolute protection from ft ill health. ?> _ C'?. 1 for r'l Liver. Klrtn'yand B'.ood M Troubles A-k ycui flnitgict. I 23. CO cents and $i.00 per Bottle. j?3 > Si .00 size contains more then twice 30 ft| , cent t'zj. M j > Wrte our Consultation Depaninert. H ? citl'ii'.irp ?ynr toir.s, and receive ire'; Vj _ confidential cdvioc. M THACHER r.'CDICINE CO., .7 Chottcnccfia, Tcnrt. ra ^jA^& ! Pot 1 fnA^mr1 *Z&sb?MfUk\ \ <: u ^zfmEi j& ' members of 1j !s, Generals, ? it Physicians, L-( \ tublic institu= ji \ is of those in j|j rsmssgss&witsmseftS tip ||| !ii'i ! I .'*< me" ^ 1 I tier-effects. ;ji :j^ substances. ifj j r ji' \[% >f plants. |j> j j I ^ es of plants. $ j ? . i :i! ' inicls which are II';;; p. lsle* 111 | ' I I $ compounded. j i nufacture and to | she combination. if p I i"' $ tie genuine. !! ';CJ III 1 S* fill Vh*!r* io IH j* i'V- U i | : % w York. NY.' | | | UQGJilTS. ! iij j| ' ' ^ n and a^..'d1I1>ir Troubles. Ttioroutfhly tested AH 2 ~?c, tOc and Sl.OO. Jif **7,i Otff5?S#PEVER FAILf V&l I CasSesiers^ffl a Inoro MJ n 4SJO.OO for !sQqb ft m gSM ? ? ?ai. ., c'; ; P??H rei r -xotlU s& ,f iv wiiii ???w '^vuvwi'^/"MVof lo Milrfr.^o, .y^VTStCV* '.^-(^.,^1"',*>- '" !>".. 1>. ^^2E?gB333E$35E?|'-5 'mHSr^TrT' '>T ,'r"',^,t*' ??|L w . : '.- > . J