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IN THE LOCAL FIELD. Facts Picked Up Here and There About People and Things. Prof. .T. A. Tate spent Sunday in York villi*. Mr. .1 L. Wats >n, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in this place. Contractor A. A. Henri ford, ?Tr? spent Monday in Charlotte on Liasi tress. Hon. W. \Y. Stewart, of Hock IH'I. was a visitor to Fort .Mill yestecdn}'. The local eri-rmnn dob is arrangintr f ?r a riituce in the town liall Friday i?i?_r111. Mr. It. M. Pounds. of Charlotte, siwnt several davsof the past week with friends in trokl Hill. Mr. Sum Hav, o Rock Hilt. *5{>i-vt Sunday lit tli<? Unme of Mr, ?T.H. Jlt-Jiurmy, near town. Mr. S. L. M.eneli*.m, of the Fort Mill Telephone Company. is nrraniriuu: t i Ixi Id ? line through Hold Hili. Mrs. K. P. Galling, "of Hallshero, N. C., is vi.-dtitig Ium mother, Mir. M.A.iJelk, on ConfedeTate street. Mr. and Mrs. Heroy Springs, of Idam-aster, visit 'd their parents. C'apl. and Mrs. S. E. White, dura1the past week. Humor has i. thut a number of new business (louses will be ereeted <111 Main street, as ?nou as tlie tspxiutr weather arrives. .M iss?'s Nellie ami lit-ssie Rankin, of Ait. I!oily, N. U.. are gne-1s at the home of their brother, Air. F. Kims, in lnw<-r Fort Mill. Quite a number of employees of flu- >liiiM*n<< I'ark mill at LC??< k Iltll Intve recently applied for jjImchs in the nulls at this plain*. Misses Mahlo an.I Kitty kirkpat i k im I Wren lim i ts returned to Wiutlirop Tue>day after a short stay at their homes in this place. The Soul It Pat -oliua leppslwtlire having ad jour it oil Sattt day a? mooii Hi-presc tut ice J. It. Iiaile retu?tied S d.nnlaj' ui^lil to hishoim i it t3?. rR plaice. Magistrate J. \V. MrKllianey was not i tied a few days h?;o of an increase <?f ."i'SJ a year in the salary of his office. This amount will lie -equally divided between Ihe niacinIrate ami his const aide. It is said by several tlrnl more jwrtridijes have been killed in this section the present season than for many years. Many envies have been completely ?l siroyeil and it is believed that birds will I mi scarce next season owiuo to the few that v ill he left over The roads in this vicinity have been badly cut up during the recent <J" wet weather and the c^.? L..: i i ? iinmnnnvci rerinjjTnucil IKIIUcreU ion feauliii}* out their itii11w iJ sup e:c. However, on tiecount of the lateness of s-.-n?vm. tin* fanners realize t it it r work time is near at hand ami their tenuis are iimw liusy earvyiutr out their supplies. ivir.Hi<lle?s of the conditions of the highways. TUe price of cotton has lieen oil , w steady UK-reuse for the past ten days, and those wdm were fortunate eno'iitli to have.* few hales on hand 91 lid dispus <1 of it reeieved several dollars a.onv per ha'e than their Weiuhlxns wtoo sold out ft few months ago. The highest price reach*-.] was ou Thursday vclicu lit cents a (tontrd was paid I r a nuiie her of h des. This was the first timero tnu had reached the lOrent mark in ft Milliliter of years. A New Mercantile Business. Mr. W. K. Whit<csell, of Spray. N. C_, spent seri al days <91 the past week in Fort At ill. making arrnngttieuts to move h\4 family to tliis place. Air. W li ile.sell will em ha rk in the merchant lie hasine.-*, "carrying n If nil line of heavy and fancy groceries and notions, and w if I at once begin tile erection of a storehouse. 25 1?y 50 feet in which to place Ills -stock. Tin? (local ion of the building will he on the vacant lot. adjoining the property <nf .VIr. If oh t. Harris, and opposite the mill of the Fort Mill Mfg. (knwpany. Mr. WhitoseU is well known hi Fort Mill, Waving resided here a timiiner ?t years, and his many friends are pleased to k?ow that 4ih is to again become a cMtdzeu of this nlaee, ?? Mr. Mace Sutton Severely Hurt. Mr. Mace Sulton, it young man nviiose home is ah >nt 2 miles west of Foct MiH rw.*t with >n serious accident Saturday night while on liis way to the Catawba I'ower Company. Owing to the itnteuse darkness of the night, Mr. Sutton lost t he road and his horse 4o?<catne eutagJed 'm a lianfo d wire fence. The yottng man sprang en t of iii.s hnjrgy and endeavored to release the animal from the t&arp harbt of the fence which were ^ploughing deeper at each serge of the frig ileued beast. In the struggle -Mr. Suttou wua knocked 1 rx ? SS i % The Store f?^ Tlie iip-to-daJ ^ y ^ up wit Si all tSi >/ ? // // ^ y ^ ^ v i^-rT w m II <ir~~' ] % LOUNGES, SOF % EllS / ; ? We will sell you on cred sj> Our Sl'OT CASH prices wil '/$ XJX-y CSrO Our Men's Spring Line V, N oiioiiK, Ha s. Cut s, Punts, // iirrivino tlnily. Cotton Iimi hs tlie-e ijoods were houeJit 'A ?" rot t on o< iods 111 tile old p ss see our line. Our prices Call Mid see lis or plioi > service. I U^ills * y 4?>1 J4?<t^4vi^?44'4444if4 ?X'^ down and trampled l?y the horse. Some p isserhy found the youuo m tu in 11is luisfort nlie nlid assistt'd hitn i<* 11is hone*. I>r. TJioiuuI sou was sen ior and upon examin ill ion found that, t lie vouiur in > it's : liar lame was broken and lie was otherwise injured. Mr. Sutton has since been con lined to Ins bed. but is trettiui; aloni; as well as C ?ll!d he expected under the circumstances. The horse was fear fully cut about the let's and b ?dy and was almost unable to return home owino to tile loss of blood. Mr. Patterson loses Fourteen Chickens Mr. Jttlni M. Patterson, whose 1 luiine is on e isl lioolli sir? el, has retired frem p nillry raising ?or at least until he c til purchase ano; her coop ?>r low.s. * mi riiursilay 111i11 thechckeii thieves, who have been Ko acive during 'he past month, pa ill .Mr. Patterson a quiet e W and departed, leaving lion totally ehiekeaiiess. 'i !ir dimr to the fowl house 11 a * 1 Iveu left open the previous evening and the chickens, fourteen in number, were carried 'i?t and away w thou I the slightest noise. The tiiieves were tracked across a hip field near tlx' house, lint were tost in a piece of woods and nothing has heen d senvrred to furnish a ele.v as to the rooties. .Most ot t In' eiti/.eno now slee;? with one eye stint and tin* other paxinp lietween die hammers of a double hairel sholpun. and il is only a matter of time until the ropues will tin.I themselves die recipients of a dotihl * d. sc of extra iarpe huckishot. ? Giiuousa Burn a i. I Thursday at 12 o,clock the pin' Iiow-h ami pininp niaehine'-y of .VIr. V*. T. liailes. who lives 5 miles north of Fort Mill, was totally deotixiyed 4?y tire, in tJie Iniildiiip we re five bnilea of seed cotton nud i from MdH to 1,000 I) .islleis of cotton seed, which also Went Up in I. fillc i i i MiiiiM-. j. i iv ij re 11 tit i gained consnlenal>ie headway before it. was discovered and nothing could I>?? (l<mc to ?heck the spread of the: flames. Jlesidos the ^inhouse, lire ! mtcw pit, in which cation Ms packed into bales, was destroyed. The exact cause of t he re in unknown, hut it is believed that a watch had been dropped about the Insi.!di>wg and had been lighted by wit gnawing it. There been no :?lH wi no done for several days. Mr. liailes estimates his .loss at from to 51 .WOO, with Hot a cent insurance. The cotton seeds burned were the choice of last season's yield and were being saved to ^clant this years tr??p witli. Raoomed His Stolen Clothing. Officer Johnston and Mr. ttiia*. Hoaglar.d had mm rxrWiig chase a few wights a4?'<) at<f? r a Vo^ue who had stode a dot of dlotliaiig from the letter's home in the upper jo id village). The day's washing over, the idothes hod Keen hung out to dry and were allowed to remain if) the yard until after dark. Great was the surprise of the family tflim about U o'elock it was discovered that a thief had been - r**^? *9^9-9- y-9-^-9-^9-9%? r#that Saves y< ?e Fill?21 it 12re s^orc i e newest designs A BEDS, ODD 1UH11< at all prices. it for less than you have been paying I surprise you. Do not buy u t iI voi ocis. Gi-rO' of Drv Hoods. We still lend in , and Shoes are reries. makitn; thi s advanced, but You will always li early, we otfei freshest and tno rices. Call and We buy and sell it wiJJ he riijht. otIter country proc ie No. 12 your unlets. W e mmianlei Yours 11 uly, 5 3T c 0 a aaa aaaa aaa a r r * c 4aaaaa4 aa<i>3 caas s4 there and stripped the line uf , every garment of the clothim*. ' Mr. lloai*land at oliee notified Ollicer Johnston. who, with his ' li nnds. were soon on the trail of t| ? 'PI... 1 r o i . >< iwpiia-n. inn 11 igs lillllUVl'.l 111. ( nil for some time and limilly came up to the Inmisi' uf u negro man west of tlit* null villain1. Imt the occupants of tlm house denied all knowledge of l!ic thelt, ami as the ollicers were without warrants, ] a search of the premises could not he made and the party returned to town empty handed. The following morning, however, a negro woman enne to Mr. 1 loaglands and informed him that the clothes were then in the home of Sam Faulkner, colored. Mr. llonulaml went at ouee to the home of Faulkner and recovered the stolen gar *> '! IS vi it It i hi I tionldn No one has yet been eltargi d with or arrested for t lie I heft. Money for the Alleged Safe Robbers. A few davs ago a man giving hi s name as Thomas, of New ^ ork. arrived in Monroe and demanded an interview with the alleged safe r iok? rs. claiming to he ttieii friend. At first he was refused an luerview. lull later two of the prisoners, Lang and Kodgers. were taken to the ci y hall where Lee met them. The result wa? I hat.Mr Lee gave Mr. Fr i J; Aim 'field, their attorney, $t)OD to deposit in lie* hank for the prisoners* Use. lie said lie whs willing to spend Sl.tJOO more if nece-vnry. He also spoke of bringing .lane s \\ . Osboine, assistant d strict attorney of New" \ ork, to Monroe when the oeneral charges an* pre. < ferred. .Mr. Lee then pur loined a l'ulliiinu rur ticket and left 011 the ' evening train tor New York. ? Will Build a Bt* Dam at Lantfsford The secretary of State a few j days ?oo issued a charter to the 1 j I lidianola l*ower Company The com [may is coin posed of Col. Ler? >y ' Springs, Hon. T. Y. WiJliams, and Messrs. \V. C. Thompson and .1. II. : Wit hers poo n, of Laiieaster. The I company, of which Cot. Springs i is president. wiJI put in * hit; ? lecl trie power plant a# LMiidsfol'd, < n , Catawba river, and the power will j he used in |?ro|sdlin^ tin- hit; cot> t<?i mills at Lrffc liens tor feted Chester. ! ?f wJitell CV?I. Sril ilies is president am* h stockholder. The head office of the power company will ho at Cl>e?ter. ? -4M- - ? Better Stan Gold4,I was 11 otiIfor several years with cliconic itidicestoiii mid nervous debility," writes F. -I. Cireeii. of LliuriKS'boi., N. II. "No rciucd) helped p?e <41 iit i I I h i?Mll iiniiii> Electric 33itters. which did me mora jyood than all the medicines I : ever used. They have also kept my wife in exelent health for years. She says Eh dric Hitters aire just splendid for female troubles; t-luit they are a maud tonic and invijrorator for weak, run down women, i No other medicine can take i ,s place in our family."" Tiy XffeeWL. () |y fttlc. Satisfaction gnuiuuitoutl,, by Thug. Ah-acini in. t J,..' > '.? ]p*N?>N9*fc> * / 3u Money III // *3 sti'.A lotTl^iJig ;.'? irs. iParsariuiyc;. '? :; , j #*vH. $< a W ^JJ <Nr n Tn if -:' |lj] M I 22 /%\ hf ? <C*T ^n-v ,w -K // rr^"' a*' ' '-Errs 1 \W ' t<?'y .r s . S cash for at other places. i have seen our line, ?? G02r:i<3iSi. '/> Heavy ami Fancy (Jro- ? ''* s line our special study. ? iii(I in our stock the v, ry ?t up-to date (iioceiics. y'y utter, chickens, cn^s and , ' ^ // luce. "y // ' / / * prompt and satisfactory ? j, y>11 < ? * v^?w> o<y> omvw tap % w?L?3 ? ^ / >? , ? , ^ v' * .tvxf- ? f c--o* 7 <-ir SPECIAL NOTiCES. K< >H SALK. One tin" Jersey milk (>>\v, with voting call'. Applv to V. NI MS. * 2 t A' A NTH I >.?All per-ins desiring water oak trees mi their lots, can have same set out and ituaraateed to live by tiplllvillir to I !? Illiiier<!irn.?.l 'I'. N to l.' feet hii?h. I r!? ?*. ?1 per irec. i W. 10. S11? A'iT. h | SAl.K. I :iin !?? !?:*? ?-?1 to furnish 1 the public with t )inrnni;hhre<l |>rowu Ixc^horn < hickcns ami My prices ;iiv, Chickens, per |?:tir: Kk^s, $i per setting ??t" 1 tall on or I athlress.l. \\'. KDUNCK, Kurt Mill, S. U. fob 11 nut - I W ANTK1).?To 1> aril a youtij; K1'"* tleiuan tlu> lucres utilo business; mast lit' uvi't' 17 years ohl sttul j*oo?l in in mathematics. It you use whiskey 1 or tobacco in any form <lo not app y, .\<hlres. in own humlwriic, "AlkK- ! CttAAT, care Tim i imcs. BLACK . : 7 0. we iimvo opened a hitr.1 Itsltnp in. I lie 1 IniSeH shop, n? ill' MeKllutlii y H livery sliililcs, tiiul solicit your1 linTotiaoc. ()111y lii Hl -ciass work is sent out from our shop, imd our prices aie ic.r-ona le. 11A LL A- 11 A(i LA 1\. ' ! Lest You Forget, We r**iiiiimI you that how is1 the timi' to J. 1 m111 your hot lieds. Mini earliest seeds and Bear In Mind That Aidrey lakes pride in keeping the heat assortnient. of tlx* lit st <|tlillity of seeds to he hail. We Sell You ! Thrive live-cent, full qunntity packages, for 10 cents, and two ten-rent packages for ]."> rents. That is more than reasonable. Ardrsy's Drug Store "Flinch" is all rage, Ulc per pack. J. U. Trayw c* & Co., DKALNRS IN FIXE LIQi'OltS AND W I X ES. No. 4C East Trail o CIIAULOTT& - - ~ N. ,C_. i? ^ i I 3STE I aoc Now is I lie best time to nr hih! children's clothing, before ?We have just opened up a (iin<_rlinms and I'.ne Madras. hu dreii's dresses and waists. On Qy i?r forty inches wide and the t ^0 seven inch ^nods at the sauie j We have very few winter | anything in this line that you r. st. New lot of ? Furni sj> SSo^vsLrim.g ^ Stoves ? At prices too low tondver 2^ j?ive c iinpetitors the night mar / ft ('iiim* unit uim - K'" 0 X_r. J. IMLi 0????????<8i??<3 O A- A "U A?"? O- A%-A tiP ? We Are Thi P It T o our ninuv friem bestowed upon us duri our business career. niu tinunnee of the same, p <4^ tin* people tin* be t vnli A ^ We extend to every ^ ship mid surroundin^ e to enII mid inspect o stock and compare out CV the Carol inns. A x Our stork roiisistR Fl'KNlsniNG (K)OI ALLS. MENS', LAI 5^ SHOES, TRUNKS, H **> ,. | invi* us u rail, our jn | McElhaney g Head-to-Foot ?00??@?S?? ?? I BigBarg; C.i> i r X Twi'lvt1 or fifteen pnirs of D. lasts, mostly small sizes, f $1.77>, we will close out at, US S Twenty-five or thirty pai hi/ a. one anil two pairs of a I1 1 ."at and $2.00. we will b A few pairs of Men#' Tai Qp yours for $1 OS. ?0 Hoys' Tan Shoos, the $1. 0 S-' hind for .$1.7"). 0 We make these rtducth <5/ winter stock and to make too which will bc^in to arrive in | mEACHAH * * ' " " ^ LAUNDRY MARKS tliut arn not found on liuuii fresh from The MCDEL STEAM LATODBY, Charlotte, N. ('., are runt stains, ink stain*, fruit stains, nutL. especially scorches from overheated irons. Tliat is what wo particularly unard against, heckles*, flawless, immaculate.?white ia* white can he, or as stroiiKof color as when you bought, it (if originally of a color pattern), your washable apparel is returned clean, well washed, well ironed. Shipment made front Fort Mill every Thursday nioruiuK and laundry returned Saturday morning* by? PP. I.. McPl.HANlV, Agent. PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR fTOP> PRINTING *YITH THE TIMES. v "M : iv. C * tflw 7 V'v fflra @?0@d<S^C 'iOC ;w I IDS- 'j rtkp up your Wh\t? VV the spring rus. r ?nu? beautiful lot <"?l . I- C. <*'' ituble for lncli? ?** Mil- Cy r plain white Tn?' I *ms jhiiih quality as t; o t v. ! *>3iicHR. (^v hohiIh loft, hot w bn^'i* want, the piii-eo will ih>\the & Ltx3Lre>, iy 3BZa"t^ tise, ms we Jon'i waiiu .<> \?&t 1. 11 assey ?@???3??^^5C4^ . . .., _ inkful $ i!h for the liberal pie. ii??_T the Hrfit thirty u .y. ot I respectfully su'ieit a < >n romisinsj: in return t-> ve tes possible for their to >: citizen of Fort .M'li * ? outitrv a cordial i?rvi*-ti??i? ' & nr slock anil compare out prices with ati\ h< ive in ^ of OLOTHlXa, GEM'S' )S, ODD PANSS, ON ?Tl- 2# )TES' and OH 1 LI WRENS' AC J S, cic. q rict a will interest yon. Jd -Parks Co. | Outfitters. 8 "0G??? ains I In Shoe?. 1 . Wonieim' Shoes m i ^ ormerly sold i> >r : 1 ..V i nl CCHtS. ? V* ih of Womens' S> d( , mil cind. former!v * >iX' *, o ell tor .5c, 1'bi- $< ii' 1.50 i Shoes thai sold ai . .> 00, 25 kind for 75 oahi?. The ^j) oiir in order to chur out ur J** in for the new tjirini^ j^oods a few days. y 1 8 E PP&, S 988880e&K&SG9 Dour Mrs. Person: A jrootf w.Wil& hack my health cnuinieticoMtiWIhitt and I pot in a low conditio)!, t waa always tired; with j<oor ayi<*.sr> tired always thai I dM not *#? > equal to any oxer io?. **. all* 1 ha I enlarged xlandt. on the fj'; ntuen were vary sore a.: .jt * woe | take cold they wouj ?, v anxo an ' cunw; me m .oh ,c "ft' had upells of tnii;1 in .? tisin which alTo* < . * my body and rc nJ- i . < .s. I tried inodi'-nJi t ?*. ? nieU would tfivo icui^w*' idiot. i. il did not onrq. na*. i patent pro|iqj'u.tI nt. did me no jroodj, At. la..><, i|; ret-Kuutlud I Mrs. ?i - > w'ss Rem?>>i:? s s I boujrfct# -%i. I after taki&^g it ? felt so. tuucn ' qtvir that I djll not fret li*-^> Amjc j??y more. The.wexr >. t is m xprawc I knew h needed u.<<n> 'w awin took a t?w5"diKA? a. li . . iu ( jut way mif'JL if haa paul* 5 complete cure of 710 and my Y.?d?h in thee. The <*uJoigQtl tfhijud/i entirely cnretL rhpumat i*ui ?tv>vyly cured, and f am now in atOfcC,, i^hxtBt hcul*?t> ?i?d I advbm c.v ry^dy who nowJUa tonhj or > - . l<y. n" to Ve nmeitr#. Joe Per* . Ilemmiy. MKS,.). C. tii, liMM,