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FORT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC IUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. Terms of Subscription:. t ine ywnr ........i.. ? 11.00 months M Three ui'inJhs. -^5 (.'niieKiKiii'it'ncc on rurn nt sublet?is is Invited, bui nt> rt s) constbl.ity Ls a*- j suiiied fur the views of corveKiMiiulenxi. Anonymous communications will imt be published in these columns. On application to tin* publisher, nd-. veitlsliiK jutes arc uia.le known to those Interested. Port Mill "Phone (with lont; distance connections) No. FEBRUARY 2?, 1 Work of the Legjala&ire. Tilt' South Carolina legislature, t which Satnrdav, patfc-ed ISA ?flH. Many of the ImIim authorize ! local legislation and oiliers merely ' correct errors in (lie code laws. I The following are n maj ritv of ' lie new nets llnit affect the'S'.ale at larger To prevent the s:do of toy pistols. etc*. To regulate the employment of j children in factories, nines and ! inannf.iet nriim establish in -?i11 m. To protect fish by regnlating [ the sale of dynamite, etc. To establish a tab.e of mortuary r tatist tes for evidence in the courts. An net to allow wholesale drill*jpsts to sell alcohol without profit to licensed(IrnotjiHtB. An act to amend section ;?<?{ of the criminal code of l(.)u2, ho iib to further regulate the location and establishment of dispensaries. An act to fix the weight and regulate the trade in corn meal. An uki infli! ?... r.. ? l It'll nil M?, I IV- | il code, relative to persons emitted lo pensions, by eliminating age limit. An net to amend an act lo create a hialo boad of entomology, to define its powers and prescribe its duties, and provide for the inspec- i tion of fruit trees, vineyards and [ vegetable farms; to prevent con- i legions d senses and dealroy ilea-! tructive insects in orchards vineyards and other places An act to amend section lb!* of ; the criminal code, so as to give magistrates jurisdiction in stealing from the field when the property stolen does not exceed $10 in | value. An act to fix the burden of proof on the party accused of violation of the game laws. An act to prohibit the sale, leasing, etc., of pistols. The general measure as to magistrates and their salaries. i The three appropriation acta. An act to prohibit the driving ?>l fiiitle hmU oilu*r live stock into ; lliirt Slate and to provide a penalty j therefor. : The Dug Tax. Owners of do^s in this section are very inueli interested in lliej new dotf law just passed l?y the , li'nialatnree. Theeoloied citizen ( who owns the proverbial coon dorr , or hound iH also giving himself j much solii itude on account of the j : extra tax which lie will he called i upon to pay. The provisions of , this law ar.e as follows: 1 | 1 All dorrs. whether blooded | aiiiinals, or curs, whet her ''iuutir?rel, ( puppy, whelp or hound, or dorrs , of low deree" ahull have imposed , upon tItem a tax of fifty cents, to lie paid by the owner. The pro- I , ceeds of tliia tax on dorrs will be j ] used for educational purposes. 2. In makinrr tax returns owners 1 of dorrs 1-hull return their caninea j in the same maimer in which they , return their stock, bonds, real ea- , tHte or other property. 3. The do*; tax will be collected in the same manner in \*hicli nil other taxed are collected. 4. A man who owns a dog is giv- < 4*11 to undei Htand that, the t x oil , Ilia dog shall he considered hh ii first lien in favor of the State of Soutn Carolina on all his other , possessions. provided he fails to pay thin tax and if necessay the , owner's horse or house may he sold , in order to collect the 50c. dog j tax. 5. If the owner of the dog faila fo pay his canine's annual contribution to the State, the money may he collected by proceeding against < ihe owner of the dog if lie owns ? leal estate in the same manner as , if the tax on the said real estate t were niip.tid. j , . <*. Any canine whose owner fails i to return him in making his returns ( diall forfeit the righta of citizen- j , ?ihip and in no court of the State ] will his dogship he held as prop- n ?r1y- _ 1 lysterions Ciscumitanee. I One w?h and sallow and the i i other fresh and rosy. Whence the I <litfervnoeV She who is blushing 1 wgh health uses Dr. Kino's New < jLife l'ills to maintain it. By gen1 ly arousing the lazy organs they I compel good digest ion and head I tTconstipation. Try them. Only i 25c at Meaciiuui's Drug Store. No Bail For J H. Tillman. Judge IY>pe r?u Thursday refused lie* *ipl'i?7iteilk for bail of James It. Tillman.. It whs the rule of t lie court, lie saw I. hi wicb ex*** >8. to uinke no explanation of tlie reasonings governing the decision Murder was the taking of human, life with malice a fare-thought. With the oath of office so rerent on his lips W> must do his duty ; and deeliii#* tl*e application of tin* defendant in t bis case. A multitude of ak&diivits covering the ease with no infinity of detail was pre- i seated by the State and a large number in reply were read for the defendant. The State presented a number of affidavits of the Edge- ! Held people impeaching t be testi-; mony of the ntiiant Holtzbach. and al-o detdartMg that the affiant While was a paralytic, past ;">(* years of age. tl?e result of paralysis being to weaken the will power and moral na'ure. The defence replied with affidavitssiKtaining the rejmtnlioin of Holtrhnch and the competency of White. TTre Slate presented affidavits of Representative Lancaster. of Spartanburg, that lie saw a pistol in Tilium/s pocket on *11 ? . 1. me <imv prereuiMn live shooting, and another frown a Columbia t?unHtnitli, thai F. H. Doiuitiick, <>f Newberry, previous to the hIiooI- j iny, Imsi^bt liitn a nvi^i'zine pistol ' an tliat he repajred it. H. J. Wal-' son, of The Kta'e. swore to a eonvei sat ion with Tillman last sumni'M' in which the latter requested him to tell Cionzales substantially tlmt a continuance of the liewspaper attacks would heat his peril. Wataou declined to convey the message. (). D. Khiek, a railroad mini. ; made affidavit that Tillroin told oil a train, and a^aia in Augusta, that he was going t<> kil) (t mzales, [ exhibit!.ig the magazine pistol. KoU'rt Lathmv, Mr. Gonzales' stem^grajiher. swore to a statement of Mr. Gonzales taken by him when he had death in view and relating the story of the shooting. Mr. Gonzidea declared he had sent Tillman no message and considered tll?? 11 *11 t t ? t* llll.xl Several well known citizens of i Columbia, who saw ihe shooting, | testified that Gonzales made no I threatening motion. \V. R. Hull, of Camden, and M C. Lorick, made : affidavits corolioratinn the story j told by Ho) zlvieh and Tillman. ! T.llnmn made another affidavit, aayinu that Gonzales liad persecuted him for ten years, lie denied the story of a threat told by Watson and of olher threats. In the arirnment the State euipha- . sized the point anions many others j that t lie language i?h to the white ; feather <li?l not constitute a threat ; when coupled wi.h the fact that | at no time before had Mr. Gon-1 /.ales employed any violence to- j wards Colonel Tillman. ? Remedies for Common Complaints. When chickens are from one to two weeks old a uroat many die from b nvel trouble. This can be [mrreeiod by taking away drinking water and yivin^ scalded milk A ureat ninny youn^ chickens ire killed I?y lice. To *;el rid of lice mix one part kerosene undone part lard and grease the heads. If litis is put on when Hie cinchona ire hutched it will keep lice j For the past two seasons several remedies have been tried for sine head. The best results were obtained from the following mixture: j L'hleronaphtholemn one part, larcl four parts. Mix well ami grease i the whole he .d. If in ail adavneed sla^e, wash the head in warm water to remove scabs before ueini;. To keep away mites and lice from littint; liens, paint the inside of nei-t* with crude carbolic acid. This has been used with perfect ! niceess for the past two seasons. To prevent cholera in summer, put ten drops of sulphuric acid in Jlie gallon of water twice a week. To keep away disease, keep ?verything perfectly clean where 1 poultry is kept. Use lime freely.? Selected. Solution of Road Problem. While riding out in the surburhs >f town ??n- afternoon lasi week we ww Mr. Alfred Caskey, one of Judge Irn 11. Jones's progressive oid intelligent farm maiiag-ra, en* ^aged in a work which if patterned : ifter by others would result in first I'lam roads throughout the country Mr, Caskey had tenuiH hauling rocks out of .Judge .Jones's fields ind putting them in holes in the 1 public highway. Hands with picks crushed*!he larger rocks Irefore they were placed in the road. While Ihe hands were crushing and unloading rocks Mr. Caskey himself was engaged in cleaning out the ditches on each side of the road. If every farmer and landowner in Ihe county would follow Mr. Caskey's example the troublesome road problem would be solved.? Lancaster Keyietr. ' Bistup Sentenced to Five Years. At .'i o'clock Sunday afternoon tin* jury in the case of Arthur L. Bishop, whose trial at Uhariotte for the murder of Tbos.. Wilson consumed the greater part of the i prist week, came i-rito court mid ! rendered a verdivtof iiuinsLivi_later. Bishop was in vou>at und his wife- . wan lliy his side. 1 in media telly after I lie verdict v ns- reud Bishop' wat*remanded to jail, huIoi Moii- j day UMH'nin^ was senteinred liy Jiulire Neal to tivo yvavs in the pe sitetbtary. Thoi case-was ({ivei> to. the j,ury at lil o'clock Thrsday.. Osl tliej Bint ballot the j iry stood, live for J I llldhNI le r Ilk live H.' 1 for m-ijjuitlal, two fur Munihlktii^liter; undone iiimIThe vole tlu* jury finally hung uu was nine ' f<#r umiitslaiighter wad three for acquittal. The thiii e hroke over 1 Sunday and an agreement wrs. ivwlit'd. The penalty in North ; (.'tbnJinru for manslaughter is fonr f montljH in iI as the minimum j and 2<tV y ars in live penitentiary as the maximum. ll*du>p\ who traveled $>r a New England shoe factory,. killed Tims. Wis.hi in CLuirllotte on JLVcember !hh, kast> lie had yon*1 to Wilson** 1 home in company with Miss [jena ( Sell u It'A and Mies Ail a Wilson,. lj daughter of thede easeil. Wilson j discovered the three in his j lurlor j drinking wine and ordered Miss SchuriTtiiitd IK*Imp to leave. Bisfe op wanted to pirley and Wilson 1 endeavored to eject him. when he! was shot and killed l?y Bishop J The lath r tted and made his way | to his lanne in Petersburg, Va., ! where lie surrendered. ? The Cotoplalnt Is Universal. There is universal complaint. iibnit the irregularity with which J the trains are run over t.ic Southem Railway. It is t lie exception f for its i input ant trains to lie mil t .... u?.I....i..c. ? ?i - * i i wii nv uru ii M* i IIIIV lilt* ll'NY^I* 1 lii?K public in thnvby ^ really in-i ouiivenieneed and commercial in teiests stuff--r lib m consequence. A reason fur thick coud-tion in . furnished in the statement thai ? there in a scarcity of rolliiu; stuck. I The compiny, however. has recently placet) orders with a nuiii I her of car and h*co:v.ntive works for the immediate construction of l 200 engines, A.000 freight and coal ; cars and 50 pHHsenyer couches, j the deliveries to l>? made at the f earliest possible nvnn lit. When | General Manager O. H. Ackert ! went into t)ie market it was his) desire to place the orders with hnl | few companies. Oil iiit'Oiiiil of the ! r?reat demand for rol linj? stock lie' was compelled to divide the orders a mom; car and locomotive works all over the country. Even with | this plan he can j?et no assurance ; that the j? hhIs will be delivered before the end of the year, althou^li , he stipnlated each must he con-J sidered a rush order. Stito to Pay For Lost Stock. The legislatere recently decided to pay Mr. H. Masscy and tenant. Kd llnrtnn, of Tir/.ah, $Stk) for stock killed air ait two years a?{o by the order of Dr. Neman, State veterinary suryeou. w ho declared tin* stock had inlanders. Several | of Mr. Mnssey's other mules had the disease shortly afterward and recovered. This caused doubts as to whether the animals kided real ly had glanders, mh it is said that stock never recover from a genuine attack of t e disease, Mr. Mnssey carried the matter before the legislature, and after much discussion that body decided to allow him full pay for his loss. Aiming the prominent veterinaries .vho investigated the case was Dr. Lancaster, of Spartanburg, who declared that this seeniH to he a case where the j doctors made a mistake and didn't want to acknowledge it. Escaped an Awful FateMr. li. Muggins of Melbourne Fin., writes, "My doctor told me f hflfl r>iilinllMinlinM m>'l * ... ....... .....j/. (vu rum nwiiiiiij^ could bt? done forme, I wnstfiven up to die. Tl?e offer of u free trial bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for CoiiBiiinptioii, induced me to try it. Penults were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe nil to I)r. King'** New Din. overy. It surely saved my life." This ^rent cure isjiiiarnnteed for all throat ami Inn* diseases by Thos. It. MeHclinm Druggist. Price 50c & 1.00. Trial bottles free. A chimney 115 feet high will without danger sway 10 inches in n wind. Nearly Forfeits Hli Life. A runaway almost ending fatally started a hor ible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied nil doctors nud nil remedies. But Buckleu's Arnica Halve had no t rouble to cure him. Equally good for Birns, Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles. at Mencluim ? Drug Store, < +0<*4>0 <* <>>+ | ELT^38 L T A ?A RJ n IS A SURE CURE ?FOR-CATARRH, Price, $1.00. For sale by f B. ABBBEI i CO. f J! Guilty, Gui' o-o-- ><> ? -? e The trial of The Old lias been in progress fo has proven thai it is gi of the most complete li : ^ ? I'iimmiMi.* in upper of those who have ( this fact as follows: Witness No. I: I ki priotor of the Old Rel the largest stock of go< Witness 2: I kno\> host stock of Shoes in chem cheaj)er than any Witness 3: 1 know more clothing: and ha to in town. Witness 4: Mr. Bel ing a general mereanti 17 years and has alway v %/ ers right. Witness 5: Belk's goods ill per cent chea and he soils hard war cheap to mention. Witness (>: At Belfc crvthing up-to-date i and now ho is soiling loss than otlier mcrchs Witness 7: Hoik b furniture for cash or 01 loss than his com petite Witness 8: The Olc fertilizers, cotton soedi planters, plowstocks, machines, and every prices to suit the times Witness t): I agree statements, and have n that Bolk is eivimr nws _- ? three nice presents to t him. To show our appreei ronago, we are going t< or 40 days a nice hall i table. With every do goods, shoes and stoves the winning number. Call and see us. THE OLE EEL! T T? T?r?T rjr THE (SOUTHEl ! The Great Mighwr.y of 1 THROUGH THE SOU Excellent Service Quick Ti, Any Trip ! a Pleasure Travel via THE SOUT The Finest Dininp;-Car For detailed Information aa to Ticker vatlons address the nearest Agent W A. TURK. S. M. HAKDt Pataengar Traffic Manager. General Pa^t?ii|i WASHINGTON, n C. WASHINGTON The Charlotte Observer N nth Carolina's Forrmo.l Newipiper. M Flipper aiul more uttrnetivo than over, ' 1 it is an invaluable visitor to the homo, i tbo otlioo, tbo club w tb*s work r?v"u I 'imii ) Lty, Guilty. Reliable Storo, M*ftieh r the past 171 years* lilty of cairryitag one [lies of generall meiv t!i C arolina. A few lealt there testily to low T. 11. Belkl prop iable Stroe, to have ids in town. ?" Mr. Belk has the i town and he sells - firm in tlir State, that T. (>. Belk soils ?than any throe firms k has been conductile business here for *s treated iiis customhii*: store sells dry f * % per than other firms, e and groceries too /s store you find ev* n gents' furnishings, men's oyercoats for nts can buy thenu ) selling stoves and 1 credit at 15 percent >rs. 1 Reliable Store sells ileal and hulls, cotton wagons, McCormick tiling you want at > <i I I 4-lw* "1"--- -- H1K1I (111 till- it (HI VI* othing* to add except iv every oO or 40 days . hose who trade with ?? ^ at ion ol public pat> give away each 30 ack, rocker or center liar purchase of dry ; you get a guess at [ABLE STORE Proprietor. 3 RAILWAY TRADE and TRAVEL ITHERN STATES. me Corwenionl Schedules i Trip to tKoaa who HERN RAILWAY. service In the World. is. Rates end Sleeping-Car reaerof THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. WICK. W. M. TATLOE. ?r A|*itl. AmiUni Ctn. f*tt*hg?r Agent. K O C. ATLANTA. OA. a 1 , T. D. FAULKNER, UNDERTAKER. I curry u complete line of cheap, roelimn, ami hitfh-pricetl COFFINS ami 'ASKKTS. Can alao furniah HURlAlv tOBKS. GLOVES. SHOES, etc. So? no wfcuu in u?o/J of anch. T. J). FApl.KKJBR,