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/ yi .* . / I . 1 \V EJS 1Y-UNK YEARS ~bX)]:a ^eme 'n 1 ctors Failed ? Pe-ru-nn Cured. ru i'} : f . : (> ; ? n v^vfJ s: v*' *.>?-,? &f] : "' 2 C& ?as$^v fv.w : - ; Z MU. *'\" I K11)1). Z # KKtJIN. IIJi -In a very recent communication Ironi (his place come* the news (hat Mr Arthur Kidd, a wellI hows architect of that city, lias made complete recovery from catarrh of the he^d, from which lie had suffertul for nearly a quarter of a century He writes from 18 Hamilton iiit.: "1 am -12 years of ago, and have had catarrh of the head for ou r half of my life, a* a result of scarlet fever, followed by typhoid fiwer. I got so bad that 1 was alm.?st constantly coughing and clearing my ahroat.. The catarrh greatly impaired my eyesight, and Hie* (louring in nsie ear, and reduced my weight to 110 pounds. "I tried nearly every catarifi remedjj advertised. besides a great many different physicians' treatments, all of which failed "I had heard and read of l'eruna, and finally decided to try it two months ago. I have now taken seven bottles, and weigh 172 pounds. Never felt happier or merrier. Keel tip top." A. K. KIPD. If yon do not. derive prompt and satisfactory results from t he use of l'eruna, write at once to Dr. llartman. giving a full statement of your ease and he will lie pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hart man, President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. AskyourDruggistforafraa Pe-ru-na Almanac The Rev. D. J. O'Sullivan. a member uf the Vermont State Legislature, is the first. Catholic priest ever elected to that body. Mr, O'Sullivan was invited to attend n dinner given by the Antl iwin 111 Liduirus. mil whb unauie 10 attend. Ho wrote a letter in which ho said: "Personally 1 am not irrevocatily wedded to any system of regulating the liquor traffic. I have never wild onu word against the prohibitory luw, hut I am heartsick of the sanctimoniouB hypocrisy, the lying, the private and public corruption and the whole train of evils connected with its enforcement." Senator George G. Vest, of Missouri, cornets the statement recently made that he is the only surviving member of the Confederate Senate. Augustus B. Maxwell, of Florida, who represented that State at the Capital in Richmond, is still alive at the ago 01' 83 years. m*m\ Many women and doctors do not recognize llic real symptoms of derangement of the female organs until too late. " I ha?l terrible pains along my spinal cord for two years and suffered dreadfully. I was given different medicines, woro plasters: none of those thing's helped me. Reading of the cores that I.ydia K. J'lnkham's Vegetable Compound has brought about, 1 somehow felt that it was what I needed and bought a bottle to take. TIow glad I am that I did so; two bottles brought me immense relief, and after using thuee bottles more I felt new life and blood surging through my veins. It seemed as though there had been a regular house cleaning tnrough my system. that, all the sickness and poison ltncl l?een taken out and new life given nie instead. I have advised dozens of my f fiends to use Lydia E. Pinkhains Vegetable Compound. Hood health is iudispensiable to complete happiness, nnd l.ydiiv E. Pliikhr.m'* Vegetable Compound has secured this to me." ? Mas. Lai ua L., Crown Point, Indiana, Secretary Ladies Relief Corps. ? $5000 forfeit if original of above letfr troviny genuineness cvi?vt Lc prodnr-d. Every Hick woman who dors not understand licr ailment should write 31 rs. Pinkhnm. Lynn, 3X:u-"s. II< r advice is free and nlv.'*?y3 helpful. The tunnel which is to furnish pure water to Cleveland from flvo miles out tn Lake Erie Is now practically completed, after six years' work, at a cost of $1,250,000. It runs one hundred feet helow the lake bottom and is nine feet In diameter. Fifty lives have been lost In this work. Messrs. W. A. Andrews. W W Mellon and W. L. Melton have purchased the woodworking factory of W. A. Andrews at Opeltka. Ala., and will operattc as the Andrews-Melton Lumber Co. In tho manufacture of sash, doors blinds. etc. ik, - . j IINOR EMTSOF THE WEES TTASn INIiTON ITKMS. Wnshtnjrloiv officials expro ~d conG deuce thai 1111 aniie.ibio settlement ot t.'ic Venezuelan com to \ ersy will soon bp reached. A decision by the Fniicd Stales Sa prem r'otirt a Herts the title of lands granted to the Northern I'acilic Railroad Company. Secretary Hay and Minister Qucsedn signed an a.-rrocnicnt extending the time 1'or ratification of th? Cnhan reciprocity treaty. On account of the shortage of officers In the Navy the class fit Annapolis will he<*d next mouth instead of In .Isnie. Tlie same coarse will he followed next year. While House relics ltt'ought small prices at auction. President Roosevelt signed tii" ldll for the reorganization and improvement of the National Viuards of the States. The White House reception to the Judiciary v.n3 attended by -htm persons. Representative T.ossler's charge that an effort was made to bribe liitn to vote for the construction of Holland submarine torpedo boats was ordered by the House of Representatives to be investigated. nr II ADOPTKD ISI.ANDS. The dispute over the Church property in the Philippines between Aglipay and the Koninu Catholics was taken into the courts. A volunteer force in Znmhnles Province. Luzon. Philippine Islands, was defealed by ladroncs. among the killed being three Americans, including Mr. Osborne, a teacher. The Porto ltiean Legislature passed a resolution to memorialize the Senate of the United States to insert in the Cuban reciprocity treaty n clause providing for the free entrance of Porto lticau coffee into Cuba. Alexander Newton Dassott. landsmail. of Durham. N. C.. and .lames Garfield Patterson, landsman, of Pittsburg, Pa., of the battleship .Massachusetts. who were injured by the explosion January Id in one of her turrets, died In the Military Hospital at San Juau, Porto ltico. . i DOMESTIC. Because of a coal train being too long to take a siding. tli<? passenger train from Wichita to Kansas City was wrecked at Yates Centre. Kan., and two men killed. Carbolic acid taken with suicidal intern caused llie death at San Francisco, Oal.. of Paul Weiss, a noted Hungarian violinist. When Edward Stewart, at Xiles. Micli., failed to throw up his hands, as told t'? do by two thugs, they shot him in the abdomen and escaped. Representatives of Massachusetts. , Colin. . ! l/.ut- an.l 1-1.....I ...I ,.ll ? ii< in < iiii Jiiiinir ininini 'ti rules for tho selection ol' Rhodes scholar.=. An attempt ill ho made to break the will of tho Into A. C. Hutchinson so far j.s his heipicst of ovor !$.">< HMHMl to I Tulnne Modical College, New Orleans. La., is concerned. The tax voted liy Springfield. Mo., to i maintain the Carnegie library was do-1 oided in tho Circuit Court to bo illegal beeause the levy exceeded the debt- i making power ol" the city. While being taken from the train to the hospital. City Attorney Charles E. Miller, of Irouwood, Mich., died in Chicago, HI. Mrs. Deppert. a disciple of Christian Science, at Indianapolis. Ind., died of smallpox. She refused to allow a physician to attend her. Eli Rogers, while temporarily insane, killed a negro hoy and a white girl at Charlotte. S. C. lie had been dis- J charged from a hospital as improved. One million live hundred thousand i converts were made by the Methodist Church during the four years of the TuahUpIIi r4?ntiipv Ti?onL .......x... ? - ...... .v wilviiu:, ! movement. ram* teachers and two of tlieir pupils were liailly Inn*:, ono probably fatally, wit Ho coasting at Mnskego, Mich. The residence of Archbishop Elder, at Cincinnati. Ohio, was plundered by burglars of $.'100 worth of silverware. The birthday of Robert E. Lee was conorallv observed throughout the South. For the tlrst time in the history of the Territory, every member of the New Mexico Assembly, now in session, speaks English lluentiy. The funeral of N". (J. Gonzales, the editor whom Lieutenant-Governor Tillman shot at Columbia, S. C? was the occasion of a demonstration of public feeling against the crime. Itov. Dr. I.nngdon C. Stowardso*. professor at Lehigh University, was elected President of Hobnrt College, Geneva, N. Y. Robbers forced an entrance into the City Rank at Sonierton, Ohio, nnd blew open the safe. They secured SUWlAA fin/1 ncpoT\?wl | ywwvv vavi|||VUl IORIIOK. Three of the moat important locomotive building concerns in Scotland were amalgamated. It was denied in Vienna tlint Archduke Eugene, a cousin of Einperor Francis Joseph, would marry a confectioner's daughter. Dr. von Hollehen, the retiring (Herman Ambassador to the United States, arrived in Berlin from Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, while "trekking" to Mnfeklng, South Africa, received a welcome from General Delarey and a commando of Boers. Great dissatisfaction was expressed !n Groat Britain over the clause h\ the Cuban treaty relating to sugaA conflagration in Armagh, Ireland, did $.100,000 damage. In consequence of the >preaii of the hubonic plague thousands of native i servants and laborers are leaving Dur.linn, Natal. The Italian Government will ask for $150,000 to establish a wireless telegraph system between Italy and Arf gent Inn. The King and Queen attended the baptism of the infant son of the Prince of Wales at Windsor Castle, London. , Tllt? child was christened George Kd- I word Alexander Edmund, CATARRH THI y.v.v.v.v.v.w.v/.w.'.v.v.v. JB ^ J C'OXU R KS^A X^ M K ''.v.w.v. v Hon. David Moekison in well known, n America. He began his political career b> of the town in which he lives, during w founder of the Meekison Hank of Na fifth Congress by a ver> large majority, a in his section of the State. Only one (law marred the otherwise <?? Catarrh, with its insidious approach and t foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccc* At last J'eruna enmh to the rescue, and ti man as the result: v/.w.v.v.w.v.vav/a'.v.'.v B " "I have a fed several bottles of ? /I ted thereby from my catarrh of t aj llcvc I hat tJ 1 usr It a short time to " irate the disease of thirty yea I Metnbrr of ( nnyress. ;".v.,av.wav.v.v.v.v.v.,.v.,1 fpllK season ot catching cold is upon us. A The cough and the sneeze and the nasal twang are to be heard on every hand. The origin of chronic catarrh, the most common ?tul dreadful ot diseases, is a cold. This in the ray the chronic catarrh gen- | orallv begins. A person catches cold, : whicii hang* on longer than usual. The ; cold geuerally starts in the head and 1 throat. Then follows sensitiveness of the air passage* which incline one to catch | cold very easdv. At lust the person has a cold all the while seemingly, more or less discharge from the nose, hawking, spitting, irequent clearing of the throat, nostrils stopped up, full feeliug in the head, aud -ore, inflamed throat. The host time to treat catarrh is at the very beginning. A bottle of Pervna, property Nsed, never fails to cure a comASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR A riso's Cur* for Consumption Is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds.?N. W. 1 Saucki., Ocean Orove, S.J., Feb. 17, ID'JJ. The dreamer is often carried awav by a train of thought. Any one can dye with IVtnam Pa iiei.ess Dyes; no experience required. It doesn I do much good to lend a hand unless there is something in it. FITS permanently cured.No fits or nervous aiit'r iirni any susc ui nr. iviuio ? rrreiu Ner>elle?tomr.|>2trial hottlctind t realise freo J >r. IUI.Umnk, I.t?l.. '.till .Vr.-b Si.. l'tiila., Pa. , Th?' man who sin^s popular song* knows tli" lay of the land. Mrs.Winslow's KoothinpSymp for child ran toot bing.Bof ten tho gums, reduces inllummn i ion.allayspaiu,cures wiud colic.26c. nbottl** ^ :: HMglHPflypafc '.f!: Pf^rnms I The Standard Rhe iu ANHADn because able physician Jjj J1 AlfUAl\U cure for rheumatism js ~r physician recently said 14 prescription that will cure rheumatism, o I dies do incalculable harm to the digesti I pletely overcomes this difficulty?benefit! ij digestion?hence it can be taken for an i be, to effect a permanent cure." v The Doctor quoted covers the case e racily. i R kUtt AU UruK&,st*. f'.oo, OI 3 Bobbitt Chemical Co., USE TAYLOR'S & % IRTY YEARS. I ^ 1 EKISON OF OHIO. 5" WiW.W.W.V.V.WAW;. ot oirlv in his own State. but throughout serving lour consecutive terms as Mayor hirli time he became widely known as the poleou. Ohio. lie was elected to the Fifty:'d is lilt- acknowledged Icadei of his party mpleic success of ties rising statesman, i cii.K-ioiis grasp, was- h\ only uiieon*|ucred siiil warfare against tti\ personal enemy, e dictated the following letter to Dr. ilariV.V.V.'.V.V.V.W.VAV.W.V. /'.'riinu anil t /ret greatly bene'he I /ret r nenurayeA to be<ayrr twill be/ally able toeraii- " s' ttlaaitiag.*'?bu l id .Mcrklnon. ?" mB I ? m m m m m m w *m nmn cold, thus preventing chronic catarrh. \\ liile many people have been cured of chronic catarrh by a single bottle of l'ertma. yet. as a rule, when the catarrh becomes thoroughly fixed more than one bottle is necessary to complete a cure, l'cruna has cured cases innumerable ot catarrh of twenty years' standing. Il is the best, if not ibe only internal remedy for chronic catarrh in existence. Hut prevention is far better than cure. Every person subject to catching cold should take J'rruna at ouee at the slightest symptom ot eohl or sore throat at tins , season ot the year and tints prevent what is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh. i Send for free hook on eatarrh. entitled | "Winter Catarrh." by Or. Hart man. "Health and beauty" sent free to women only. free Pe-ru-na Almanac Salter's RapeSPCLTJ?I mr<-? nu b. ^4gtlL?3iSn w t?t is t:: I far nt**mlmu iff i #%EEDS%i ayr salzer's sfeds nevia fail: xsai J? 1,000,000 Custeniers wl El l'rontWt rt'.M' ti .1 hpv onruilli, lK9 RH l|n? >ot \vt? ?r?* r?n l.niu t?uf !? r Wo 1H rj Uoaira, . i m< ro uuii hone? H"! Bi tlusiuiprooedcB) led offer* jft $10.00 for IOc. JR We will mail ti|k>n receipt of ioe. In slo it s MSI our uriMt . alaloj;i:i', worth $luu.?0 to any Aiel ?ldo itw?U<* Humor or ?ni.l. ;ipt ti>- JR? Tkffk S' llwr Willi many farm ar. .1 MmpW, iCJ T*a>rou<iiilP, Krai (11, as Uarlry. Hrviinus.^ffBy H ? -. ? ! . poail i rely worth ititalMl:: 1: f* ntfltQiratiy m'b fa'? . g':; '? HlffT-'S' umatic Remedy. I ia declare that it is the only absolute 5 in its various forms. A prominent I : "I have never been able to write a ?j wing to the fart that the usual reme- | ive organs. RHEUMACIDE com- [ s rather than injures the organs of j ndefinitc period, or as long as need j " Kheumji^iJe " Is absolutely hArmless. r expressage prepaid. Baltimore Hd.. U. S. A. \ atKSWSHMBSilSaM WQfflgtfK.' Hl? n ixftWP' don't jam, catch, or fail to extract, ey are the only reliable repeaters. ifles are made in all desirable ;hts and styles ; and are plain, iborately ornamented, suiting every ry pockctbook, and every taste. STER AMMUNITION ndsof shooting in all kinds of guns. _Send name and address on a Festal forour 164-j>age lUuairated Catalog. *EATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. f , || HI rokee Remedy of Sweet Oi Khs, Colds, LaGrippe jfy* Ancient and Modern Time and Disease i of Beauty. What to Restore the Lil Socrates called beauty a short-lived tyranny, Plato a privilege of nature, Theocritus a delightful prejudice, Theophrastus a silent cheat, Carncades a solitary kingdom. Homer a glorious j gift of nature, Ovid a favor of the | gods. Aristotle attlrmed tlint, beauty ! was better than all the letters of recommendation ill tin; world, and yet none , of these distinguished authorities has I left us even a hint of how beauty is to ; be perpetuated, or the ravages sif age and disease defied. Time soon blends tiu> lilv nod tin* riou< into Mm imllm* i?f I age, disease dots the fair fare with ! cutaneous disfigurations and crimsons the Homan nose with unsightly flushes, moth, if not rust, corrupts the glory of eyes, teeth, ami lips yet beautiful by defacing the complexion, and tills the bcciitive soul with agony unspeakable. if such be the unhappy condition of one afflicted with slight skin blemishes, ; what must be tli? feelings of those In ' whom torturing humors have for i years ruu riot., covering the skin with scales ami sores ami charging the blood with poisonous elements to become a part of the system until death? It is vain to attempt to portray such suffering. Death in many eases might be considered a blessing. The blood ami fluids seem to be im- I prcgnatcd with a fiery element which, when discharged through the yores i upon the surface of the body, inflames j and burns uutil, in ids efforts for relief, tin patient tears the skin with his nails, nnd not until the blood flows does suflicient relief conic to cause him to desist. Thus do complcxiounl defects merge into torturing disease, and piqued van- 1 ity give place to real suffering. A j little wart on the nose or cheek grows to the all-devouring lupus, a patch of ! tetter on the palm of the hand or ou i the limbs suddenly envelops the body j in its fiery embrace, a bruise on the leg expands into a gnawing ulcer, which reaches out Its fangs to the sufferer's j heart iu every paroxysm of pain, a small kernel in ttie neck multiplies Into u utf/.uu, n rai an ny iiir \ \ , great pearl-like scales crow Iron) little j rash-like inflain mat Ions in such abundance irs to pass credulity; and soon may we depict the sutlcrlugs to which poor human nature is subject, all of which involve great mental distress because of personal disfigurations. If there were not another externa! disease known, eczema alone would be a sufficient infliction on mankind. It pervades all classes, and descends impartially through generations. While some are constantly enveloped in it, others have it confined to small patches in tin ears, on the scalp, on the breast, on the palms of the hands, on the limbs, etc., but everywhere its distinctive feature is a small watery blister, which discharges an acrid fluid, causing heat, inflammation, and intense itching. iting-worm, tetter, sculled head, dandruff. belong to this scaly and itching order of diseases. Psoriasis, our modern leprosy, with its mother-of-pearl scale, situated on a reddened base, which bleeds upon the removal of the scale, is to be dreaded and avoided, as of old. impetigo, barber's itch, erysipelas, and a score of minor disorders make up in part the catalogue of external diseases of the skin. Thus far we have made no allusion to those afflictions which art; manifestly Impurities of the blood, viz.: swelling of the glands of the throat, ulcers on the neck and limbs, tumors, abscesses, and mercurial poisons, with loss of hair. ' 'cause tue wnoie 1 i--l can tie compi-ciu-mied 111 the one word scrofula. It is in the treatment of torturing, disfiguring lutmors and affections of the skin,' scalp, and blond. with loss of hair, that the Ciitieura remedies have achieved their greatest success. Original in com position, scientifically compounded, absolutely f?ure, unchangeable in anv climate, alwav s rea ly. and agreenhle to tile mo-1 delicate and sensitive, they present to young and old the most successful ruralivc of modern fine's. This will be consiiie ed strong language by those acquainted with the character and obstinacy of blood and skin iynnois but It Is justified by innumerable successes where nil the remedies and methods in vogue have failed to cure, and, in many cases, to relieve, even. The Cuticuru treatment Is at once agreeable, speedy, economical, and comprehensive, linthe the affected parts freely with hot water and Cuticura soap, to cleanse the snr ace of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry. without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment CONTINENTAL BIRMINGHAI Cotton Gins, Feeders, Gonden and E J* "We also ? HIGH-GRADE L.INTE Wo also sell everjthing necessary to complete ers with lull detailed plans and materia! tor cur plants without extra chary J^DROPSY ffif 10 OAIS' TREATMENT FREE. JH Eavamado DropiT and its coo* */ plicaiitus a apieiklty lor twaatT T yaars with snoit wanderffl ( laoaniH. Havo cured mauythoatJFw and oaaci. tPV is. r n. oixxws coirs, Tl ^ T-.t It Atlanta, Oft. I PAT SPOT CASH ton 511LroV vtv LAND WARRANTS lastied to aoMlers of any war. Alao Soldier* Additional HoniMat?ad Htslita. Write me at once. I- HaNK H. Rl.Ot It. P. (j. liox 14K, ttanrar, Colo. hd Beat Cough Byrnp. Taateo'OooU. Uae M : M'i mjhm um and Mullein Remedy0 1 , and l.unc Troubles. Thoroughly tested rs. All DruKPTlatft. 2ie, OOc an? M.OO. Ideas on the Subject. :he Effacing Agents Has Science Done y and the Rose? # to allay Itching, irritation, ami inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment i*4fords instant relief, permits rest and sleep In the severest forma of eczema and other Itching, burning, and scaly humors, and points ton speedy, permanent, and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring humors, eczemas, rushes, and Inflammations, from infancy to age, when all other remedies and the best physicians fail. The remedies constituting the Cuticura system will repay an individual scrutiny of their remarkable properties. Cuticura Soap contains in a modified form the medicinal properties of CtUlcura Ointment, the great skin cure and purest and sweetest of emollients, combined with the most delicate and refreshing of flower odors. It purities and invigorates the pores of the skin, and imparts activity to the oil glands , and tulies, thus furnishing uu outlet for unwholesome matter, which If retained would cause pimples, blackheads, rashes, oily, mothy skin, and other complexional dlsllgtiratlons, as well as scalp affeclious and irritations, fulling hair, and baby rashes. Its gentle and continuous action on Ihcuatural i,,i.~r ..i.i- i i-..-? iiiifi ;* uiwio VI uir M'Ujn lUC liilUT transparent, soft, flexible, and liealiliv. Hence its constant use, assisted by an occasional use of Cutlcura Ointment, realizes the fairest complexion, the softest, whitest hands, and the most luxuriant, glossy hair within the domain of the most advanced scientific knowledge to supply. Cutlcura Ointment Is the most successful external curative for torturing, disfiguring humors of the skin aud scalp, including loss of hair, in proof of which a single anointing with it, preceded by a hot bath with Cutlcura Soap, and followed In the severer cases by a ftoll dose of Cutlcura Insolvent, is sufficient to afford immediate relief in the most distressing forms of itching, burning, and scaly humors, permit rest and sh ep, and point to a speedy cure when all other remedies fail, it is especially so in the treatment of infants ami children, cleaning, soothing, and healing the most distressing of infantile humors, and preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, and itair. Cuticurn Ointment possesses, at the same time, the charm of satisfying ' the simple wants of the toilet of all ages, in caring for the. skin, scalp, hair, and hand? far more effectually, agreeably, and economically than the j most expensive of toilet, emollients, ; while free from every ingredient or a doubtful or dangerous character. Its I One Night Treatment, of the Hands," or Single Treatment of the llnir," or use after athletics, cycling, golf, tennis, riding, sparring, or any sport, each in connection with the use of Cutlcura Soap, is sufficient evidence of this. Of ail remedies for the purification of tlie blood and circulating fluids, none approaches in specific medical action ' Cuticura Resolvent. It neutralizes and resolves away (henee its name) scrofulous inherited, and other humors in * the blood, which give rise to swellings of the glands, pains in the bones, and torturing, disfiguring eruptions of the skin and scalp, with loss of hair. Cuticura Resolvent extends its puri; Tying influence by means of the pores j to the surface of the skin, allaying | irritation, inflammation, Itching, and ; burning, and soothing and healing. ) Hence its success in the treatment of i distressing humors of the skin, scalp, , and blood, with loss of hair, which fall to bo permanently cured by external remedies alone. The grandest testimonial that can j lie offered Cuticura remedies is their world-wide sale, due to the persona' recommendations of those who have used them. It is dilficult to realize the mighty growth of the business done under this name. From a small beginning in the simplest form, against prej! udice and opposition, against monied hosts, countless rivals, and trade int difference, Cuticura remedies have bej come the greatest curatives of their j time, and, in fact, of all time, for noi where in the history of medicine is j to be found another approaching them in popularity and sale. In every clime j and with every people they have met j with the same reception. The confines i of tlie earth are the only limits to their ( growth. They have conquered the j world. i To the test of popular judgment all ; things mundane must finally cotne. ! The civilized world has rendered its I verdict In favor of Cuticura. GIN COMPANY. VI. ALABAMA. sers, Cotton Presses, Engines Initors IWIIUI VI nanufacture if- ?t* :rs for oil mills. a modern Ginning Outfit and furnish our customI bills for ccr.stiucfion of necessary houses I*. Write for catalogue and prices. | So. ?. Capsicum Vaseline Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for end Muis-rlor f?> Mutlnrd or miv othor plaster, and will not hllstor tin- most delicate skin. The pain allayius and curative <|ualitics of this article are wonderful. It will , stop the toothache at once and relieve headuche and so la t tea. We recommend it as the best and safest ex1 ternal counter-irritant known, also as an ex ternal remedy for pains in the chest and torn' neb and all rheumatic,neuralgic and gouty com1 plaints. A trinl will prove what, we claim for It, and It will tie found to be Invaluable in the household. Many |ieoi?!e sny "It Is the liest of all your preparations. ' I'rlce IS cents, at all druggists, or other dealers, or by sending this amount to us in posta/a stamps we w ill send you a tultc by mail. No article should lie neeepted by the publict unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It Is pot genuine. CHEStBROllGH MANUFACTliRIMi C0n > 11 Statu Mtreat, New York City.