University of South Carolina Libraries
_ um a M'lXi eriii{|ll".',"tIV.\n li*np ni>rvni?wif+f nllvrfirst tlu\us.- ol i* . lOiiii ; *.>- :* ywxlU'l'lorcr.iatrlsl bot t Iviind t rent Isi- f reo .J>r IUI.Kmn> , Mil Ar.-h St.. I'hili:.. :'u. A woman's Jove i- more empli.'Uv ilian m m.iuV. *tnd >s. i? Iiim Jcmpcr. Mr.-OVin- bnv'i; KoolhintjSyrup for children l<wttifni!,!?'Hvn tin* jjun.s. reduces iiillninma 1iou.nlIn vk pnln.curen wind colic. 2.V. uhottl Fro* skin ninkes I lie toughest leather known in proportion lo it* lliicktn-M". I'dTKAM K.MiKI.I.Sh l)VKS color Mime jovod*. brighter colors. with lei* work vhnn ol hem. Solil foi !m'~.."?lki.70 years ago .1 |>ir<-e ol land in Merlin is now valued .it SI'.'.'.itD.IMhi 1 do not believe Pteo'." t'ure for Consumption has no equal for cough* unil cobls -Johm bowr.Trinity Hprinjts, Ind.. Feb. 15. 1909. n k w*n i to juni|* a l>oar<l hill t<> jump n hill hoard Ihnr id Pleming, a Philadelphia golfer -who destroyed his caddy's eye by a blow struct; In the heat of passion, about a year ago. has been ordered to pay $(>.000 to the lad. He surrendered to thi" sheriff and refused to pay the judgment, lie wilt retrain in the jai! precincts for six months and will then be released. Fleming is said to he wealthy in his own right and is the. grandson and heir of Philadelphia's' richest woman. K.u li y? iir nhout (jWO.OOtl is expriideil in prinkling tlm streets of latndim with sand to prevent horses from slipping <Q|.WXt A A distressing case which baffled the ski Mrs. Hayes, of the following letter cured, after every th Lydia EL Pinkham's Mrs. Hayes* First Letter Appcii "Dear Mrs. Piwkuam:? I ha niont for a long time without any j ? tumor. I cannot Hit down without up iny spine. I have bearing-down do men is swollen, and I have had tl< petite is not good. 1 cannot walk or "Tho symptoms of Fibroid T curately describe my case, so I writ E. F. IIaye&, ?52 Dndley St., (Roxbi Note the result of All though she advised Mrs. her medicine ? which she her letter contained a m tions as to treatment, all about the happy result. , LL Ti- ** *"* - WEAK JV1R8. flMKHAM:?Soilli ing my symptoms and asked your i all your directions carefully, and to " The tLse of Lydia K. lMnkhu expelled tlio tumor and strengthe miles now. " Lydia K. I'inkhnnt's Yegei lars a drop. I advise all women female trouble of any kind to give E. 1?\ Hayes, 252 Dudley St., (Koxbi Mountains of gold could not j tl?o plnco of the health and hupi Vegetable Compound brought to &uch testimony should l>e acr evidence that Lydia 13. Fiukhai without a peer as a remedy for all ovarian troublos: tumors: inftainir placements of the womb; b&ckacb menstruation. Surely the volume h tors we are daily printing in the new Mm Hayes at her above addi which sick women may write for f Iler gratitude to Mrs. Pinkliaiu ant Oompound is so genuine and heart great for her to take in return for h Truly is it said that it Is Lydti pound that is curing so many wom< get this when some druggist wants tmnn forfeit if we cannot torUiw MuviJl) **><>* toitlinontala, which will pro' IWINC11 FACTOKY LOADED ?1 "New Rival" "Le f&Mj ...?V *.?' fei ww y?u ar? Wm iS ti* munition, the kin uSr?!! point your gun, Loaded Shotgun Shells: Kg Black powder; "Leader' jj& with Smokeless. Insist pf Factory Loaded Shells Tin* !V*rn*nn AIniHiinr. 'Jin* Iruggi-.- hitxi* ulrciidx been supplied xviih Priii.. ahumi: 'I'm- li? in* a i'1-loaiKi ior (ln-c ulniuoiir- on .n i ount oi the articlx** on astrology which 11 icy contain. T't subject of ?<i(rolo;> i* n very atlr-it \e one to nio-t people The arlii-li1*. on astrology in ilie Petunia aliiuuia i . i iu i ii iiienisliril 1?> i v< ry . u)k ; -i?. ... i^iami the menial eharui? ler:- - . eavh sign in given, constituting iiIiikm. u I'limplrte horoscope. A list of uui-iion- iiul itnsvxcrH o.i astrology sent me upon ienu?*?t. There will tic a ere; iiitli for these hooks. Ax'%. jour druggist ior one early l?o*Y>rc they an- all gone. nil* population of Malta, about 20O.(HlO, relies xx hollx lor its mill; supply on the goat. ?too He ward. Moo. ! The readers of this paper xx ill he pleased to earn that tli?*ro Is at least one d rem led ills* j ease that science tins been aide to cure in alt ! its stu2es. iitid ' hat is Catarrh Halt's t ainrrli j Cure is the only positive euro now known to ( ! the medical fratornlty. Catarrh being iv eonstitutfoual, requires a eoiistltutlorai I treatment. Hull's CatiirrhCureiNiaken interI nnlly. aetlcj: directly upon tin: Idooil and inuj coin- surfaces of the system, thereby destroy' ng tin- foundation o? thedlsense. and pi vim; I the patient St rvllgth by building Up tllecoi:[ stituMou and assisting nature in doing its ! ;vor>.. l'hc proprietors have so much faith in ! it* curative powers Hint they offer One Huti| drod Dollars for any ease that it fails to euro. J Send for list of testimonials. Address v. J. CitBMRt A i'". Toledo, O, Sold bv Druggists. 75c. j Hall's Family l'ills are the best. A creed is a chart ami not a religious eotnpuss. So. 4. mors Cured. ^ of Fibroid Tumor, | II of Boston doctors. Boston, Mass., in tells how she was I iing else failed, by Vegetable Compound. illnp to Mrs. Pinkham for Melp/ vo been under Boston doctors' treat- | elief. Thev tell llic I have a tihrrmi great pain, and the soreness extends pains both hack and front, .fly abnving spells for three years. My apbe on my l'ect for any length of time, nmor given in your little hook ace to you for advice.'* ? (Signed) .Airs, try) Boston, Mass. *s. Pinkham's advice alii ayes, of Boston, to take : knew would help her ? ass of additional instruc! of which helped to bring Mime ago I wrote lo you deserib- I idvice. Vou replied, and I followed -da.\ I am a well woman. m*s Vegetable Compound entirely tied my whole system. 1 ran walk j table Compound is worth li\e doll who are afflicted with tumors or it a faithful trial."?(Signed; .Mas. ury) Boston, Mass. lurehase such testimony? or take dness which Lydiu K. ('inkham's Mrs. Hayes. epted by all women as convincing n*s Vegetable Compound stands the distressing ills of women; all lations; ulceration, falling and dise; irregular, suppressed or painful md character of tne testimonial lctspapers can leave no room for doubt, ess will gladlv answer any letters tiller information about her illness. I Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable felt, that she thinks no trouble is too er health and happiness, a K. IMnkham's Vegetable Com m,ana no other medicine; don i forto sell you something else. Ith pr'xlnrn thn original l.-Uer* and signature* e4 ?? tbeir ah?ohitA gruuiiinorju ? K. I'inkUaiu Hodluiu* Co., 1,7011, M?U> IE&TER 1 SHOTGUN SHELLS tr iader" "Repeated !?' for reliable shotgun am- jyj d that shoots where you Eg buy Winchester Factory B "New Rival," loaded with B ' and "Repeater," loaded Hj upon having Winchester Wf , and accept no others. IL S KEEP THEM M "annual message. |, (COSTISVKU KHoM FIUST PVOK. tution. as tho annual report. which will be submitted to you. will show. 111STORICA1. R KCO R US. No Stale 1U the Union lias made more hjgtory. or more glorious history, tliiin Sbuth Carolina. Nor has there been ;i Slate which lias paid less attention to the preservation of that history. The record books and historical papers have been preserved, but until recently they were scarcely available on account of the condition in which they were kept. Tho work of indexing nuu ..i iiruperiy arranging them. how- j over, is now done, and much historical i data of great value is being brought to j light. CONCLUSION. 1 have endeavored to obey the man date of the Constitution to review the departments of government and to make such suggestions as have seemed 1 to me proper. In taking leave of vi>?. ! you will permit me to say that my ear- ' nest prayer shall always be for the ' welfare of ail the people of South Car- , olina. I trust that your deliberations 1 may reflect eredit. upon your junginent | and that whatever you do may redound j to the good of the State we all love so well. 1 am sure you will have the t hearty cooperation and sympathy of * my successor In all things that tend to promote civil liberty, high ideals of j citizenship and the continued happl- ' ness ami prosperity of the people. You should lay aside all personal in- I j teres is au?l let your best efforts lie rt i - | j rected to maintaining a government | that will bring peace to the people; j that will instill a love of country; that ; will develop the highest type of true j j manhood, and that will "conform to ; the highest Ideals of civic virtue." j M. B. McSWEENEY. Governor. , 2 t r I I 'l taey . un me cauci nine ui ua.? i*l or night by looking into a cat's eyes, j | The pupil of tlie eye. assuming that j ( Ill'- m-iinni' 111 cpH'SHOH !S JUSl W1HT jl ii ought to he. gradually diminishes r.s noon approaches. until it looses : ' I completely its oval form and becomes ' > a thin perpendicular lino. When that i lino Is plutnl). it is 12 o'clock. Then I tho pupil begins to grow very graduj ally and tinally becomes as big and as I round as a marble. Then it is mid[ night. With patience, practice and I good mathematical perception, tho Iv.pi' ;';>'T.e;-jor of .1 time keeping oa? can toil the hour of the day and of the night, because the thin perpendicular line which the pupil of a cat's eye as- ! sumes at noon, gives him a clear start- j ing' point. I'liforiunatcly M. Hue did not toll us i how to know the living time keeper ! from any common roof walker or hoot ! jack dodger, and that is a great mis- j fortune. It may be that lie did not | discover all the ins nnd outs of the j secret, or. if he did. he selfishly kept [ Ilieni to himself. How tine it would be if. instead of raying half a barrel j of money for a good watch, a man j could get an infallible cat for the tak- | ing away of the thing! But this, of 1 course, would involve the necessity J of carrying a bag for the c at and of I Uef i-ing poor puss inside with care. The missionary discovered ibis vulu- ! able piece of feline peculiarity by pure J _ accident, lie noticed a Utile boy mind- j ing a calf and asked him if ho knew ; l! the time. The child looked un and re- ! [ marked tHut tile day was ton lia/.y: he ! ft couldn't see the sun. "Hut wait a tan- B mont." ho said. "we will know precise- ? 1\ in a moment." Then he ran into I 111.' nearest hut nail came one with a 1 H big < at in his arms, "it is just half-, I past i ihe shouted, and. running up to the missionary, he placed the cat's face under the holy man's nose. "See for yourself!" said lie. "Sure enough," said Hue. who had serious reasons for concealing his astonishment and his ignorance, "it is just half-past 11!" T.ater on. when he got among his converts, h > asked them .o explain the mystery. They did so. and showed liini some living specimens of the precious time-keepers. The good man. however, was not altogether satisfied with the proofs. He was always worried with the thought that too many eats might he cock-eyed. -New York Sun. Chinese Army Rolls. Now that China has Russia for a ? near neighbor, it remains to he seen how suoccilbfully or otherwise the {J Middle Kingdom will continue to prae- _ tice its favorite game of bluff. How < it has reinforced its army is shown l?y the Swedish explorer, Hedin. t The Chinese have a most extraordi- [ nary way of enumerating tlioir troops. They are not content with counting the soldiers only, hut reckon In also (heir horses, rifles, shoes, breeches, and eo forth, so that the resultant to !*.' ^ . .. + ? ~~ I tal is a long way above what, it ought j to bo. They apparently go on the snpposi- ! tlon that the rlflo is at least as valuable as the man. and by An analogous train of reasoning they argue that a man is of little nso If he has to truvol on foot, that he cannot go about naked and so on. Hcnco they count the whole kit, horse, rifle, breeches, and nil. By this peculiar process of arithmetic they fancy they deceive the Russians into believing their garrisons much stronger than tbey are. fAS BEFRIENDED BY AW EMPEROR n BY PE-BU-NA. A PASTOR s*2-* ' ^ IA"^ ]>V. II. Slubenvuli. ?>f Kiklimu. \Vi>. lolin'v ('Ihik li ui that i>li?? ? . Itt'v. Siulwn In hiin In K?i|M*mr W illiam of (Jrunany. Kni|i<-roi Im- written m hi* own liatnlwril "I'lli * iioiioicil |i.i tor. in a remit lettei Ohio. says cmiotriiiiitr their fainou- eatarr Vhr I'eraaa M etl iriitr <??,. (o/nuibn.s Hcnllcmeu: " I hurt hem nrrhtiffrtt Irs/in irrd <?/' air. I took /Vnniii an <1 att raf/r, nail ma tic healthy, purr bin i i Itrallliu en! nr. awl / /eel I cell. It I ceryoae hep> I'rrttaa If the haasr il ,ear."?lt. SI I I! \ I til. I.. IhOil-ainK oi |ii'i11111* iii vt catarrh wim voitlil In- >iu"priM,?l to kinm it. In .ni-i* it in* lie'.n , illril .nun otiirl name than ea urii, j 'ii- hi i - ituirh i- entarrh whet ver incati'il; ami a not In r tat! which i- <?! 1111 it 11 y ureal imnortaiice. i* tha* IVruna VUUMIM ?MI? H UM I" ill* <1. Ask your druggist for a f\Vhy take s like a dose disgusting, disguise the taste. Fool y< offensive to your taste or s makes certain things repu yourself to nauseous doses bowels, destroy your healtl fuJ. Dalatahlf* nr?rf<'rt mn tonic you find in ? Brst for the Dowels, j/al^ Genuine tablet starnpr< Sample and booklet fre Our money winning book?, g? written by men who know, tell K Pota.sK I K They are needed by every man I who owns a field and a plow, and Eg I who deaires to Ret the most out I <>f them. K P They are frrr. Send postal card. raj X BFItMAN KAl.t WOHK? S 9 9ft NotMii Vw YurL KK i pat spot cash ran LAND WARRANTS ?n?it (o aoldier* of any war. Alan HcMler** Addlooal lionieiitead high;*. Write me at oaoa. FRANK II. Rt:OK 11. P.O. Be.* l?, 1) .invar, Colo. V* '% Is the Standard R1 ITho ONLY compound on the m disease without doing irreparabl UNEQUALLED as a CHEERFULLY RE Gontlomen:?I hail rheumatism for ah I had to use crutches or cane. Was confln at a time, several times. Last spring I be> bottles D?foro I noticed any benctlt. A cure seeme to be complete, as I have hi I oan cheerfully recommend your medh For nla by Druggists, or sent expr Bobbltt Chemical Co., a ^ ; , , \ \\ , is pastor ot the IOv;tiii;eliciil l.nthoran SI. 1 voll is t he posies-air oi two ISil'les present' <1 : I p-?n the fl v leal ol one ot the IfihVs the | iiiK a text. to The l'eiima Medieine Co.. o! Coluinbtw, li remedy, I'eruna: , Ohio. ot the I < it 7ft /'or o /our/ time, and all wits cured. It i/ttve nir s'rcnyt It and ?</. It IncrctiHctl my weight, gave >nr s the hest medicine in. the world. // ' would sure mn u ?/ front death every It yo.i .1 ? not derive proinpi mil salistac j tor\ i emit ? troju the use ot IVrtina, write tit ooie to Dr. liat t man. virile ;i lull statement oi tour eh-e he will lie pleased to rave i.,ti his valua de ndxiee ir itis. Address IV. ILirUitnit. I'te.-ilcnt oi I he . I! irintiit S.initar.iini. Co innltu*. (). CDrr Or no > * n ~ ' "it / c ~nv -,v/l HLMANAU. , %ew! Salts ar. ickcning salts or repulsive ca of salts means violence, gr id leaves your stomach and as well take concentrated 1\ nauseating* truck that your : :)ur own stomach, eh? Don' mell is going to do you real t lsivc, so you will not take , and you ruin your digestion, h. On the other hand see wl dern laxative, liver regulate All druggists. >nc. 15c, 50c. Never r.old in bull 1 C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money bad e. Address medy Company, Chicago or New York. & erokee Remedy of Sweet (j j.^hs, Colds, LaGrippe V.V.- li'y;! METAL SM INGLE s <jJ:L1 ?.? ??-??i? i r - J JJS, - V- -'IO V' t'O"- ? sillMii.K ' ' -~ ( II., t utuili n, X. .1. A Disintegrating Bachelor. A good-looking. well-to-do Springi field bachelor who was being teased by th? vonng women of the club for not i i marrying, offered to take the girl j whom the elub should rlert his wife j j Just to show them that ho was not averse to matrimony. Each girl went to a corner an wrote her choice on a piece of paper, disguising her hand- j writing. There were nine members of the eluh. and the result showed one | vote for each. The young man is still a bachelor, hut the club Is broken tip and Us members are all mad at each outer.?Kansas City Star. niuni-f, i lie VTMUir i llll UlUHttll .S O! lilt' ancient Church of St. Sophia is a gigantic figure of the Savior. Mohammedan desecration lia.s covered it with whitewash and paini, but through it j all the original picture can be easily ident?(it'll. leumatic Remedy. I arket that cures this terrible rc e harm to the digestive organs. BLOOD PURIFIE.R. tfj COMMENDS IT. FKCXSTATK. P. C., Ailjf. IP. 1WC. B out twelve years. Great dealof thetime tg ed to bed, nearly helpless, three months B run to take " Khf.itm acide." 1 used two ft Jtogetber I used sevenbottles andtho B id no symptoms of rheumatism since. Bine B. K. FKNIGAN. *j essagc prepaid on receipt oi $1.00. J Baltimore, fid. E mm "'H|i|ipn 17 I To Cotton Ginners. We Manufacture the Most Complete Line I Of Cotton Rin Ma.ihlnort nf A? P? ?J v? nn vuiIILI.ini In the World, namely, the PRATT, WINSHIP, MUNGER, EAGLE, SMITH. . We also make Linters tor Oil Mills, Engines and Boilers. We also sell everything necessary to complete t Modern Ginning Outfit and furnish our customers with lull debited plans and mai terlal bills for construction ot necessary houses for our plants without oxtra charge. The Continental Gin Company, Birmingham. Ala. WRIT* l(>R otlt l.tTM*nni? M - S$%n(jG|AS |IML? $ V* UNION MADE ' W. I. Doi!flar< makos and sell* nor* mtn's S3.50 and S..OO shoei than any other two manufacturers In the world, which proves their superiority; ^ they are worn by more /r ^ peoolo in all stations of f Vs* life than any other m.tke. f Sy Hei ause \V. I,. Dniisjuis t tTi isthe largest manufacturer oifv-7 he can huv ctu .15.. r alio f. , x nnhlnec hi- Mines -it a j '.? ?' , lower cost than other eop-jj<&?MW cents, which enables liitu 1 way t<> those sold i ! ewhere for S I .mil -^.V'H. lY ,'vyj and Sit shoes aro worn hy I hoUMmiltuif ineu w ho have been paying " I m I ' ',ii"f helieviiig tle-v cnuhl get a tir.-t-class shoo l"r kjt (in d' lie has eoiit Ineeil llo o that till style, hi, ami wear of his an I 3o.(H> shoes ;s nisi as good. IMaeed si'!" hy si?le it is icjio?sihje to see any-lillt i"ii"e. A trial will cdhvtnee. .Viilice Increase f >?>* ^^.'.'Illl.ssa.'JI In llteln , ; s 3.1.Ot! i .:?!?. ??? \ s'.v a o' V t . .ft.llf I VV. L. DOlltlA j S' GILV tOCE LINE, V/orth SO.OO Ocnir/'rvd with (Vi-c Mnkes, ...... r f ' .< irl'H, . / !> ? Pa"i>t Cat;. rr :v.l, B x Calf.Ct r i rM. Cvruiui Colt, >ini N -t vi 11 /u. ' jV.Vr f t/rlrl\. Pllltinn Th,> "W. L. DOUGLAS vjutluli ri'.nn' .i". 1 rrloo on bottom. .Vftort* r,? omit, !V, r-itra lltu < WmIm i'iw. *V. I.. I?<M Ill.vs l(XU*'UT(*\, >1 AH*. Money Savin* Catalog (era Postal f?f id Castor Oil! or oil? "Goesthrough you ips. gripes, gases, soreness, bowels weak and burnt out. re. Then there's castor oil, stomach refuses unless you t ever believe that anything jood. Nature weaken your jr and bowel ^ : argr-W ' ium and Mullein a anil i.uiiK Troubles. Thoroughly tcsterf nrs. All Druvrjrlsln. 5J.'?c, f>0<; iinil fel.OO. ?^DROPSY O 10 OAKS'TREATMENT FREE. It2 " jV Have mado Dropajanrl ita comQmL */ plication? acDuciaity for twenty 4Pr^v?? 7 y?ar? witjL tna mo?t wondorffl 1, ( aocoeis. Hare unrud many thoua* ?-s4n?? / and caaei. ts. n. n. caiwc aowa. Box If Atlanta, (hu WANTED 350 You.n? Mon A J mire to qualify for pood j oaitlons which wa Kill guarantee In writing undnr n 95,000 deposit to promptly procure them. The Ga.-Ala. Bus. College, MACON, GEORGIA FKI IT TRKB*. ORftAMKWTAI. TRKKM MTRAWHKHHV PLANTM. ? nnm ii' nimr.h (,It A I*K VI\Ka, AHP \ It Alil'ti. KTC . |P~fe?aUHHiesent on Bi>Bi>l|nat|i<n. A nice lot *r Brown l.rghorus as4 Barrel Plymouth llorkw. Pull blontrd Corlirrli anil I'nUwla at SI onrh Also pure POLAND CHINA sHOATS. three months old at J6.U0 rack. J. B. WAYRIKR A IIBO., tlallahoro. Va Capsicum Vaseline l>utupin Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and SnnerHr to Mustard or but other plaster, autl will not blister tin- most delicate skin. The pain allaying and curntive qualities of this article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache si onoe and relieve head, ache ami sciatica. Wc recommend It as the best and safest pi ternal counter-irritant known, also an an external remedy for puins in the c >eat and stomach and ail rheumntle.neuralgic and quity complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for It, and <t will l>e found to be invaluable in the household. Many pontile say "It in the beat of all your preparations. Trior 1R cents, at all dnifrrlstu, or other dealers. (,r by ?-endlntr this amount, to us in iinstayA F'amp- we will -cud you a lube by refill. v. article should be" accepted by the publlo unless the same rnrrt?- our lit!1. as otherwise It Is not (tennine. CIltSEBROKill HANUPACTlRINfi CO, 17 Nlsts Street, ?N?w York City. ho. 4. la tllfte. Bold by drugglvls. Pi BSSBH2a@DE2Mp . I.