University of South Carolina Libraries
jay ; } '* ' '' , ft THE LCSAl rSElO. Facts t...Aei t,'p ii-ro There Abrjf r'eopia Things. , Last Sunday v is 110! unlike a a spring day. Monday was "tin anniversary of Gen. L. o'e birthday. Many u Now Warresolution has already b< m broken. Dr. .1 I-L. Tliornweil spent Mon clay in ltock Lliii. The days <*n:w Iotipor now at the rate of fivt minutes a week. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bde&cbam spent Monday in ltock Hiil. Rev. A. L. Slouch, o? Pineville. %vns a visitor to K'iri \fili *ri. Dr. C. 13. Stephenson, of Char lotte', \vas ?. visitor to Fort Mill .Monday. Dr. d . Ti. Spralt has boon contir.pd to his room several days with an tack of grip. Mr. Joe Hoke has accepted i; t position cf nig'..* en ineer at the lUiltfort Mi'!. Mr. T. M. Hughes, of Lancaster, spent several day.- >! the past v. eek with relatives in this plat- . The graded school was closed yesterday on account of the ex tretneiy bad weather. Mules are very scarce on thD market at present, and the prices are a little higher than usual. I Owing to a lesk in one of its hoilers, the M.illfort Mill was hut down last Thursday and Frickiv. ( Messrs. Fred Nuns and Will "White left {Saturday morning for a few day's visit to relatives m v Mt. Holly, N. C. Mrs. Levey Peas and children returned to their home mi Itork Hill Monday, after a visit to r. la lives in this plnee Miss Anna Vaughn, of Koek Hill, spent several days >f last week with her friends. Misses Alary Gulp ami Lula Wolfe. Mr. W in. P. Harrison, cashier of the Loan and Saving- H.uxk of York v LI Ie, was a visitor M nday at the home of his sisW-r, Airs. F. Nims, near Fort Mill. The northbound train. \o :?n due here at 9.14, a. m., tli<i not arrive Monday until 3 p. in. The delay was caused by a wreck on the main line near Winus!). n>. A letter recently received from 'Squire W. O. Bailee, the matri inonial nuptialiat wbofe home is near Piueville, stated that during the year just closed he married 302 couples.?Rock Hill Herald. Mr. John Jones, an employe of the Southern Railway, and Mis?. Lucy Howie, daughter of Mr. \V. It. Howie, of Fort Mill wore married Sunday evening at Chester. It was h Gretna Green alFair. Married, Wednesday, ltd: instant, by Rev. \V. II. Hodgt s, at the home of Mrs. Brunsou, at tii<? cotton mill, Mr. John Howard of Fort Mill, and Miss Ollie Black mon, of this place.?Lancaster Ledger. At a meeting of White Oak Catnp No. 41, \V. O. W., held on Tuesday night of last week, S. W. Parks, A. L.. was elected a delegate to represent the lodge in the annual convention of Woodmen, to be held during the coming -Mftrcii at t'eusaeola, bla. The new firm, MeElbnney-Parks Cotnpamy, opened their door* to the public on last Saturday. These young men have laid in a select stock of new goods, and their prices are interesting. You should not fail to read their advertisement elsewhere and give them n call. The farmers in the country sur rounding Fort. Mill are bringing in wagon loads of wood occasion ally and have little difficulty in disposing of it. The prices are a littlo higher than usual, but considering the condition of the roads and the scarcity of wood, it is well worth the prices asked. A local gardener has given the following schedule of work for the present mouth: Prepare and fer tilize the soil for the more hardy crops of English peas and prepare the ground for Irish potatoes next mouth. Prune your vines, fruit trees, hedges, etc. Early Wakefield cabbage may be sown. Onions and shallots planted. Carrots, lettuce and turnips sown. Tito Ti inoj moil ~ ?.ai\ ? iiiivo man iiajuiiUU Ul IX citizen (?) a few days ago if he would iike to subscribe to the paper. His reply whs, "I get it every week. You see, my brother, , takes the paper and lends it to me." ttakes, but ain't that mill? Wonder w ho loans the publisher money with which to print that paper? If some one in York county would begin now and arrange plans by which he Would have a hundred or more young pigs on hand this time next year, we think the ready sale and good price he would got for them would induce him to continue the business. I NEW FX Our buyer has just i he bought lor our IL( the latest styles in Fi ' i spot cash, lie got a s y >v spcvial iiuhieoii ' VM c will sscll | you vercy close ?03 ! CASH y > ?? j.T.l cKit:wd xrrvr CREDIT at immensely low p elites ora j U 513 y T *51V733. S . | < >ur stock, when al i and usie (-ablnct s, Extension Tables, ("1 all grades. In facl, \v Irom a teaspoon to a IMC X Hi Xj ttfO.,. Stow-art. buildi. r VO-IMC- - \J -? MOJ- .'f II I ! ?W I U7H .VTJWt- I 'WM .1 Comparo/ Sure fioabed. , . WVdnesuay night the store o 11 he fc'ort Mill Mfg. Company win j entered by burglars, and about worth <?t pocket and table eulterv kIuh's and articles of n.erchnn I difC taken therefrom. lMitranc< to the store v, as made through tin j front window of the udjoiuiug of ' lice and u partition door. Tin burglars retnov <i the shade fron ; tlie office window, placet I it ove t ho store window, lightil a lamp ntu 1 proceeded to search the room fo money or other valu tbles. Tin i cash drawer was broken open, bu no money was found therein, tin managi meat l aving cleaned tin drawer the previous evening of ai its contents except a few of tin I company's checks'*. Tilt* theives evidently fearing detection shouh 1 they attempt to dispose of th I chocks, allowed them to remain ii | tho broken drawer. The robber left the store by way of the hue door, which whs left ajar. A nuni her of tools wore found scattere about the room, and inquiry ft 1 voided the fact that these wer taken from the Millfort Mill, wliic Imd been entered by the rogues I Nothiug else has been discovere missing from the mill. Ther i is sis vet no cine sis to lti? ir-mlt parties. Capt. L, M. Crist Dead. i A 'phone niessai*e from York ville Thursday announced thp . C-apt. L. M. Grist, senior meuibc of tlie tirtn of L. M. Grist Soni publishers of the Yorkville En iijuirer. had died early that morn inrj of appoplexy, after havin > been coniined to his bed sine I Monday afternoon. Captain Grist was probably th i oldest nawspaper man in the Stat and was the publisher of one c [ the best newspapers in it- the bos perhaps, of any county pap-'r. 11 ; was bom in Spartanburg count in November, 18J1, and he \vn ; connected with a printing oftic ! from his boyhood. His fatho John E. Grist, was a printer, an in May, 1810, Capt. Grist went t work in his father's orfioe, at York ville. When he took this poaitio he had litth education; could rea a little by carefully and laborious j ly spelllirm out words. He wn j the tirst publisher of the Yorkvill Euijuirer, a paper that in its'ear! career, liad a wide circulation an great influence in several of th adjoining counties. He com menced tlio publication of it Jnnn ary, 18o5. with John L. Millerum Samuel W. Melton. He bought ou | Miller and Melton in 18J8 and ha continued the publication, wit his sous, since then up to the pi t scut. He entered the Confedorat < army as a hrst untenant in 586 [and later was captain of coin pan A, Twelfth regiment, nnd wa -wounded nt the Second bntllo o I Manassas, August, 1802. Ho di not serve in the field any longei [ but continued in the Confederal service until the close of the wai I t He&is Shculd i-Tevcr Ache, Never endure this trouble. I s nt once the remedy that stopped i for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnh Ya. She writes, "Dr. King's Nc Lite Pills wholly cured me of sic headaches I had suffered from f< two years." Cure Headache, Cor stipation, Biliousness. 25c at Tlio; Ji. Meac barn's. JMITURI l<WI*^'MWW^jiV<W returned from the furn uise Furnishing Store, urniture. Being on the peeial discount, so wo i uents in anything in ? o I arrives, will consist of Bedroom Suites, Siclelx nffoiiiors, Hall Hacks, 4 o will cam evervfhiiur % * v? monn i ' >! j oi i < i nil v i o Alii ??\ * ' *; I o it*0*1 - W ?? -- S'-xim 'larrm* ng, nearly opposite our Dry 1 Jooi'.s uu Bui! Fighting In Yorh. f : From t!?e following letter received sj hy (Governor MriSwt't noy n few i > days ago from Juo. P. llaiues. i , president of the S. P. C. A., of i - New York, ii would seem that ??i ' bloody bull tight hail been pulled ( in this county recently: "Dear Sir: 1 take the liberty I ' : of enclosing a clipping from the 1 New York Tribune of January 10, 1 referring to a brutal nflair which 1 i is reported to have occurred at I Lamar, York county, S. C. "Cannot something be done to * j punish the promoters ??f this af. L' . fair? There appears to be an epi j "1 domic of brutality in York county which only harsti measures can : stamp out. 1 know you will do ! all you can to protect the animals." A flourishing school, under the II , efficient care of Miss Beulah,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crowdor. has recently been estnbliehed in the Lestdie neighborhood. Ll 1 ?Hock Hdl Herald. Ij : Finds Way To Livt Lcng. , j The startling unnouuemnont of n tj discovery that will surely lengthen 0 life is made by editor O. H. Dowy uey, of ChuruhuHCo, Ind. "I wish to state,*' lie writes,"that Dr King's New Discnverv tnr (S.nanmi>t!<.ii is the moet infallible remedy that 1 have ever known for Coughs, - j Colds and Grip. It's invaluable to it people with weak lungs. Having it'! this wonderful medicine no one need dread Pneumonia or Coni sumption. Its relief is instant and i-, cure certain." Titos. B. Meacham g : guarantees every 50c and 51 boitle, e | and gives trial bottles free. ? - ? ' | State Constable .7. T. Tomasson, 1 of Chief FantV division, who has , : been stationed here for quite a while, has been transferred to Chief Lafar's division and loft for Groan* : ville several days ago to look after ' the blind tigers of that city. We have not been informed as to who J will succeed Mr. Tomasson at this place, and for the present Hock 1 Hill is without a constable.?Ilock n Ilili Herald. d! r Tho Secret Of Lcr.? Life s Consists in keeping nil tlu main v organs of the body in healthy, r? g>'' ular action, and in quickly destroy* (l, itig deadly disease germs. Electric 01 Bitters regulate {Stomach, Liver 1 , and Kidneys, purify the blood and 1 j give a splendid^ appetite. They | [?j work wonders in enring Kidney 'I Troubles. FemaloJComplainta, Nor s. vons Disease. Constipation, Dyail n^itciu oti / i v: 1^ 'in run i ? ( (li.u Id. v im 'I UUD ' health and strength always follows their uae. Only 50c, guaranteed by Tlios. B. Meacham, druggist. 1 i ' y i There is some smallpox, six or i *; Roven ca sen among the colored! 1 population, in Hook Hill, but tlx1 situation is not at all ho serious as some people would have outsiders ] believe.? Hock Hill .Journal. ' ? -? ?- - ? Usw Century Ccrnfort. o Millions are daily tinding a world it : of comfort in Buckleifs Arnica ?. i Salve. It kills pain from Burns, vv | Scalds. Cuts, Bruises; conquers k I leers, and Fever Sores; cures >r Fruptions, Salt Hheurn, Boils and i-' Felons; removes Corns and Warts. 3. | Best Pile c. ? on earth. Only 25c at M cue hum's drug store. 0 1 STORE. iture markets, where an elegant line of all spot and having the ire prepared to otter the furniture line . 'WItcii youi? Parlor^ B^droL'm^ or Ilsills; need 2 ?? 1 1 furnishing 01? recarpeiing^ re? ! raie.ra.'be::i? we have j ust exactly wnui yoix wa.iif:Parlor Suites, Parlor >ards, China Closets Cupboards, J hairs of iu house furnishings r line. ?*k ""** .if"1 ''Wu w?i" rrr~- ~ J LJ JD4 Qja-. <1 liror-'ry Ston\ Loan Amvicmtinti will upon a nrw so- : ries oil .lauuary 21. ilHW. Call on Lite Soon. tary, W. 11. Muanltum, for full information in rnfjard to mibj-nrihiiiL; for this stunk. 7-2t . NOTIOK. I havo a ouantily of Wood j (standing> on the Murray piano r nth ' of Kurt Mill, that I will dispo.-o of a: ' $1 per cor?l, to Ijn paid for hop re wood ' is ri' MILS. I?. O'CONNISLL. , STKAYKP. From my j.mmi.fs, north ' of Fort Mill, oil Dc.*een?b??r -tI. two female shout ber. Color, black with rod s|K>ts. Would weigh possibly .r?o IHjulids each. .1. J. COLTHARP. , 1-14-lf ' VTANTb'iV T<? take snl'Sjciptk>ns for . the Yorkviile Knijuirer. Parties fail- ' i iiij; to w tin uiultTMgacd may leave j j subscription* either with \. O.Jones I or Post master li. H. Massey. W. H. : CROOK. * I-U-tf j For Domestic Animals.1 j ! | When you \vnnt Stock and Foul- ! try Foods mid medicines come: | where you can get n Inrge assort ment to choose from, mid where . you will he assured of getting fresh j goods. We buy and sell and t!o not! keep tt few packages lying around I until they deteriorate front age. i j We handle the lending brands. International, our leading { j food, is made at the largest factory ; ! of the kind in the World. Inl?rnntionul Stock Food. International Po til try Ft K >d. Allan's Condition Powders. Allan's Poultry Powders. Pratt's Food. Pratt's Poultry Food. Pratt's Animal Regulator. Magic Stock Food. ; Mn^iu Poultry Food. iSfirkor'n Powder. Ardrey's Drug Store ? FOR HHlEUQUGRS, WISES, ETS. GO TO THE GOURD SALOON, MARK A. TEETER, Manager, JJi W. Trade St. . . Char Jot to, N. C. i PRICE 1A ST. Haclnuuu'ri Delight, ! y urohl Corn ?! .<V.: ' 2 " " ? 2.00 ! Old Style Mt. Qneon 1 " " 1.75' " H " " 2.25 j Pave. N. (J. Corn R " " 2.25 ? 5 " " 2.50 . Patnpseo Rye 1 " " 1.751 , 2 n it 2,00 Pure Maryland Rye .... 2.50 Old Oakland Rye 2.50 Old Cabinet Rye :t.50 Malt Rye 2.00 < ; Pencil and Honey .... 2.00 ' ' Apple Brandy 2.25 ! Old Brandy . . . . . . 2.50 , [ Port Wine 2.00 | , Sherry Wine . , . , . 2.00 Ginger Brandy ..... 1.55 : | \Ve respect sully wdicit your patronI a^e and will guarantee satisfaction and prompt attention to all orders. THE GOUKL) SALOON. Mauk A. Teeter, M^r. j llell Phone 285. . . . Char. Phono 202. I 50C&O0O Si? ? 1 | <3? u f <Sea& Si SJ $S @ Nrw 'stotds 0 Ladies and ^ Star brand a i C ? jg) visbury\Nh< ^ k lie very u< S (he very 1 'if J AL.S9 a . V o 8 ? c$ ^C^- ^?6?0G?; ? *V U t ti *N ^ ^ .. ?" V TN - Ct ? x. % 'i, *,"?. a ?>, q. *v -?H H <$ :j | ALL NEW H $> m K arc opoi i i u ** up a <?? ? GENTS FP UN I: C'liiidrcnV Si!' >KS, ami wo s# 5< txniio. Wo liavo tho Imsft^u ^ Our linos of PANTS, II g f>F|??S 04 i . Our stock of shoos in ar that you civ*1 us a Showing it \4 result.. \N i- kuow thai you f# style mul jtrico. <V 0^ Come anil sou us. Our i McElhanei -J Head-to-fo 88G?0?9880 ?@ IWhHa g Ty nw 1 For your e aa Tiulia Linen at .k-, 7 I Persian Linen at r!g Forty inch Linen at Plain NaiiiMook C? Checked Dimities Checked Nainsooks Qy P. K., plain and figured Qy in these yon tind the nine; drf inch Organdie at jic 72 inch < Mgandie at 2b inch Linen Lawn, very h1 CO Colored Blouse Lawn -5 pieces A. F. C. Ciinghau for tin* money AA A complete line of Apron (i 3s sold so long, and they are l'n A big line of Pleached Musi %r (iive ns a call. | M EACH AM ia????0?@@?0 Dear Mrs. Person: A good while back my health koiiiiuciicoiI failing and 1 got in ?t low condition. I was always tired; wich"poor appetite, so tired always that i did not feel equal to any exertion at all. I had enlarged glands on the neck which wen- very sor and when 1 would take cold they would enlarge and cause nte lunch suffering. 1 often had sjwdls uf inflammatory rhetunatism which aib-cted the whole of my body and rendered me helpless. 1 tried medical treatment, which would give temporary relief, but it did not cure me. 1 tried various patent preparations, but they did me no good. Atlanta friend j>ersuuded mo to use E&'rie Joe Person's IFt.? me cly : s 1 bought a lullf-dozen bottles, niul after taking it I felt so much belter that 1 did not feel like Miking any more. The next year in the spring I knew I needed more and again took a half-dozen. I took it in that way until it has made a complete cure of me and my health is fine. The enlarged glands are entirely cured, rheumatism entirely cured, and i stm now in stout, robust luulth, and 1 advise every body who needs a tonic or arc "run down" to use Mrs. .Toe Person's Remedy. MRS. J C. MORGAN. Marshville. N, 0? May 23, 1!K)2. . gj < i ^"y (KW ;* ^ of Mmi's ^ Childmis ^ ami liaraos just in. ^ st Shoos at 0 v-sl prices. 1 ;?8SS?y? ' ?.. ^ t-- "v <*?*,,? k.^.% ^-^.-?>.-^.1^'^-#,-S^<&.-XA.-X ?; \S>' VI'ATjITY is Your Security H< iv. " ;' GOODS- ? $s 11ew stock of CLOTHING, 5$ 1111 NtlS, Men's Ladies' and jjP will appreciate a part of yonr ^ nlitirs in nl! the lending styles. >, Sill UTS lire now atul our re flight. g riving daily and all wo ask is - wo will br satisfied with the $\ will if you consider quality, Prices arc 1UU11T. $5 t'-Parks Go ? n* n,timiA.f *9 U V> # 11111 Jl *? T ^ * <* *.*_ v 5M^203?^?S???S? 3Cf.S*= |> aily spring sewing. ? ' 2c, 10c, 12 l-2c. 15e, 20c, 25c. <g| 15c, 20c, 25c. fy V 10o. d 15c mid 20c. (A 10c, 121 2c, lac, 20c. g) . .5c, 7 I 2<\ 10c, 12 1-2c, 15c. 1 Oc, 12 1 2 . 15 . 20c, 25c, 35c Jg li-talked-of Oxfords wearers. ^ 35c unci 50c. ieur. 50c ^ 1.5 and 20c. ?$ is, the best goods cm earth q!^ inchnnis, the kind we have ist colors (? L-2c. ix iu and Embroideries. JSr AND EPPS. I i "~T. D. FAULKNER, U8DERT?S??!h I carry a complete line of cheap, medium. and high-priced COFFIJXcJ au?l C \SKOTS. Can also furnish PUIilAh ItOlil'S, <fI?OYI->' SHOKfc*, etc. ceo me when in need of such. J. U. Trayw:c'c & Co, DKAl.KK.-! IN FINE IjIQllOHS AND WINKS, No. 42 Kant Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. 0. _____ DR. KBUG'S i try hew discovery FOR THAT COLD. TAKE WO SUBSTITUTE. | Cures Consumption,Congl j, Cojds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, | Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. WO CURE. NO PAY. i Price 60c. and $1. TRIAL BOTTLES f-RCE.