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J il Y TIMES iMCCRATlC . BVERYWEDNESDAY . W. BRADFORD. . Subscription: ?v?r $1.00 .noiitii* <?. nionths 'J > .i-?ri"vpon'Icru-e on current subject* ir bin no responsibility i.. i -.uiiK'tJ for the views ul ioi'ivk'" n* Auhnymouw*c lnjmunlcntlon.s will not be i>ubliKhei'. In then* ciium::*. On *1 -.'i'. an to jutM-. h r, i<t V??rtirinK ?ut ai > made hvoivti to itstt ? '}?t?!'J. Port ?'! !: 'Ph (with !on< dltftunco count- tionn) So. JS. JANUAitF. 21, 190y. KbcseveFl Losiiitf 0'n,,nd. a . * fpi, iwV . .i> .i r>.n. tioosevcH'B "wwtsi to j negro ib costing liiai dearly. Many I of his I). si flic lido and hor-'f *-f. ; o j staucchest supporters Lave turned tlioir -'BcUh *on him, nrid in b >!d terms have denounced his a t;- n ns extremely disgusting and wholly uncalled i<>r. Among tln?t?e who have given him the cold shoulder ' is the Ni \v York Herald, whieh. a few days ago. hauled down the j Koosevelt (lag from its editorial masthead, and devoted several < >\ tnnris of space to show that tie president h only reason for appoint j ing Cruni was his color. The i! r aid printed illustrations, maps and statistics to show that there w< r< \ more negro than white citizens in the Charleston district, and the up i pointment. was a recognition of the , negro race alone, although most of of the negroes are hopelossly igno rant and cut no tigure i i busii ess or at tho polls. Census figures were quoted to show tho uni.t r- | sal illiteracy among tln> block . majority in companion with tlo IHIIIUI II V. Against Toy Pistols Anions the bills in trod uoed in the Senate Friday was one in which every small boy in the State ; is interested. Senator StnnhiuU, of Dorchester, is the author of the bill which aims to prevent th?> sale of toy pistols, caps and toV pistol cartridges. There is already | a law preventing the sale of tire j crackers 3 inches in length, and last year there was very little violation of the law. Cap pistols were used, however and a lar^e : number of deaths from- lockjaw j were reported from various sections of the State from injuries received from cap pistols and other toys supposed to ho harmless. The bill provides a heavy penalty for violation of the law. - ? Heywnrd Will TacKle the "Tigers." It ia said that the liquor situn ; tion down in Charleston is acute at this time, which in <111?? to tin? fact that Governor Hey ward is | determined to have the law en- j forced. Grievous wrongs will be righted, the friends of the governor declare, and if there ia no power by which the city court can convict, sflch jurisdiction will be given to other courts in the city. Charleston ia losing a revenue amounting to nearly $">(),000 annually from the operation of the -dispensary law. With the present method of doing business, the I dealers escape all licenses, and the illegal sales are so heavy that lit tie trade is left for the dispensaries which pay a port of their profits to the city treasury. "Post Check Currency," Cue of the measures now pending in Congress is that which ptovidea for what ih known as "Post Check Currency," which is intend td to furnish a practical and con veuient method "fcf sending small auuia ui money uy mail. 1 he I "post cheek currency" is in effect, u greenback in denominations from 25 cents to five dollars, which passes current like any other jI money until the holder writes in r. I space on the back the mime of a person to whom he wishes it sent by ii.ail, it then becomes payable i to the payee only, and on his en- ! doraemeiit is deposited in the bank and gets back to Washington I through the usual channels and is ! destroyed as "mutilated currency.'* ??? ? Ths P.cit Year In dlstory To say that 1002 was the best : year this country has ever ex peri- J 'iii'od, while truthful enough in the main, does not suggest fully the enormous strides which the *Tnitcd Htntes took in the year just closed, frantically every branch of ordinary trade and manufacture | ah owed un increase above the best and of previous years, and yet this immense enlargement of output was not sufficient of itself to satisfy the.giowinyr, it might be termed insatiable, demand for all kinds of materials. In many enses the usual foviegn outlet for jjrodncts was, force, pegie^ted by the American I prodm-ons, who confined 11 ?->r of ! forts to eupplvinj* inaistmit doute?[ tic demands, while in < there 1 i | ei^n production v.m t I!oil upon to | reinforce dome-tic out pit, \vi i h the revolt ihaf new euro ntw nm! ;h?u 1 rtols w<?re created in out* foruipi trade 1*' x i ?it trade, Ihcofore, shrunk, while our mi *? >"ln espand ed to upprtvedeuted I'.* . The , raili oiuIh ot the country, in 4heiv efforts to handle the nasinewsoffer| ed them, suffered r.s never before ' fro in congestion and complaint of iticerferenee with pivduiftion and dialrilmtion of th<> products o the farm, the mitv , the -hop end he loom was practicaliv urn v. r.- -i. , industrial uniwt w r. tiiiiuraily ( marl'p !. as it. nlv..v - 5u times i either of prosperity 1 r of dullness iSpeeulation, it in true, felt the checks imposed upon it r,y eon eava'ivui by abort 1:..., i i i ..i ' ? . ! i . cc: i i r i. .. . , 1 jctrt ny r.b'rh Va'? s f<?r m ,r.< y, bid despite that fact the stock luuikcl opornti uis were <nly a In ;>t one half those of 1901. Bnnliing cl?ur ! iisjJT ?, thoro usually relinb! idee i f business, .showed ayinyyitcs pvactieally equal to the hi;!ert'?| unheard Io totals of 11>01, \!!fhib' war. accomplish- d v. i!h a miti'miuu < f friction, ;n rellei led i r > i . of business emban meut Brail street. -at ?- ? Evidently a Mistake. "The (IretMiville 1ouvoc>|i'?. ; > f the Kpiset^nnl eliut"h wi'l Slid its' next regular meeting in Holy Trinity church at l*'orl Mill ou 1 I'Vbruary 11." The above paragraph, taken from the Sjmrt anbury Fie I.'invc is doubtless nn error, l->r tin is not, to our knowledge, on i.'pisei pulian j:> F-rt Mill, and is t-.t-riHiill Y II > SUCH CUUIVM UK tilt* "Holy Trinity' in lliis pine.-, lN>st?!y it was intended fa-Fort ll;li. -? * ? Oruhc'n Children. Too ninny people lmve mislaUcn ideas hWont an orphanage. Some seem to think it the name as the county poor house, but ri^ht thenis where they make u hi^ mistake. | For instance, one charitable-mind- ' <1 man will say, "I guess t might j us well send these brown peas to some orphanage, for I know I eannot sell them, and if I should be nble to sell them, 1 would not yet h decent price for them." Another says, "Let us cither send that old piano to the orphanage, or use it for kindling tires; it is no good J now, hut I know the little orphans will enjoy its tin pan music, and will never know but what it. is a i grand, melodious square'" Yet an i other says, "I always give my old 1 oBt. clothes t?> 11i?^ clem* little orphans, that is, what 1 do not give to my cook.'' Do not orphan children have intellect, refinement ami feeling-, as ; well as the most wealthy man or: woman? Does not the orphan linve an eye for,the beautiful, and ; a taste for the highest culture as well as anyone? Of course, wo dej not mean to j make heroes and heroines of all the orphans, nor are they all per feet by any means, but they are j I due more consideration than is sometimes given them. I The above examples are only some of the exceptions to the general rule of unselfish love toward God's children. There are many, ; many God-like men and women * who are really interested in the education -physical, mental and ; spiritual of the chilbren of their one King who is in lleaven, and may the loving Father of all re- \ ward thein justly and doubly. In J faot, we, ourselves, have so many . rich blessings, wo should not stop J to harp on the injustice and sol i ; fishness of the world, for that only | tends to make on? bitter and l scornful, but there is more than one earnest-mimiod Christian who! wishes some of the world was very much otherwise. One nioro word about orphan* acres. ninJ >?? #.< ?,1>??-? --- --?' - , ".|jiiniiii^c in [mnic ulfti'. It has every ndvnntuge in education, both manual and mental. Its school system is carried on ns if it were some large college. French, Latin, Greek,German and Stenogrnpy are taught just as in college; nil'extensive library is at hand to be consulted by nny who dosire; there are the same bright, happy spirits, the same quarrel*!, the sau.o love affairs, the same loving hearts, and last, but not least, the same sweet religions ox- j ercises which draw their hearts, closer together in the realization of a gracious Fatiier in common. Let no one ever shun the orphan on account of its "living on charity," no some say, for when Christ j comes to make up his jewels, "the last shall be first, and the first shall be last." Mae E. Downs. Olinion, S. C., Jan. 15, 1002. For several days past the weather lma been extremely cold in this section, the mercury standing be low the freezing point. % N. 0. Smi b/ Jin TlltoM Mr. N.(1. (Jon/ales, r-ditor<?f tf??v Col tin.him State. dhd Monday n< 1 o'( 1 n k <>r prritmiit ia, resnltiuy frotn a LMinahot wound :?? tli iiv r. Mr. (! ni/.?t!es wan shot down Thro? Jay on tin* main Hi r> ? ? t ('nluittbin by Lit tit -r.nnt (J^vrro Jan. 1! 'ri 111naii W lint in tllOU?'lit to 11HI' d iho nhootif^ wn- tin* i!! fo??i>n which 11un bet we n the I w men >ince I he iio vclt iikin? uword incident occurred abon; ? yiir HLf'i. When the ! ist Slate criirpuimi opened tip M. . ' > t./ii' throUiii: llll' C ilut.llis of hi* pup . renewed his r.tlnchs on t 'i il mi i:, I* until) dcieinn !u hint it: i made cimrgcH wlii di ho even dr. . ?! Td'mnti d ny. l'l; char^t-a v.ore spread till ovortUe Sodtil auu j-uu-.l'j a , tosut'ori, tVii.tiv xiti onii li.vMiinis*: n-Mnc: nv.d- ' ? the pr k. of tho ir.nhy, hoc j 1': 11 mat] del not recent the chio ?v s From th accounts of the pap rs, liic tragic nti'air vrus ubout as i' >1 lows: The snoot in^ occur <al at t fi rncr of Main and (dermis streets, jiiHt opposite the '*!? **!i*j?* street i ail way fransf?*r oltict . an;! tin bui let aeeins lo liftv* been : d <"i 11> ? spur <T the im''11?*?11* by f' l Tili man. ns tt > wools passed beiwi h'ii him and Mr. (hur/.afi s. (\>5. ' i ?11 uiii:i nr ! Senator Tr.lbird. of Beau* fi-rt, war- coming < n'tfier from tie I i ret i> :i of tic State In in-, Mini M v. t ion/ales WHS Wall; .n Main street toward (h r\ '.s. .' *i t a:. Ill' d cfi se up ta C !. Tib>si. the I a I tar pulled his pist ' hi, 1 fired the i ill let, a 38 calibre, en> ii ring Mr. (?? uzale*% stornac i it over the lower vest pocket, to the loft. Mr. Gonzales clasped hands l his st<?rri?i<-'t and v..a slowly sinking to tlic gr and when cuu^ht by a fr md w!i was dund lap; m ar. Another report'has ;t tliuL Mr. Gonzales, when fired up jii, staggered and falling meiinsl a wall exclaimed, "Shoot again, you cowanl P Tillman wiped Ids pistol, placed it in his porki t. and walked to the middle of the street, where h whh confronted by an < t fleer to whom hi' readily surien (fi red. This was at '. .1p. rri. iUr. ? ionzaies was assisted to his office, nn<l a number < f physicians were summoned. The wound wi found to be very serious and 1 ? ? physicians decided an immediate operation netMs.-inry ' > save fin" life uf tin injured man. M; C i /.uIoh was lliereupon talon to llm Columbia Hospital, where, during (lie afternoon I he eritieal operation was made. The physicians stated that I In* patient was very low and that the chances were ten to one against his living over the night. Mr. Gonzales rallied, however and at 10 o'clock Friday morning it wa stated that he had rested fairly well during the night, and that he was holding his own as Well as could he expected, C< :isideiing the grave character of the wound, hut that the odds wore sti.l greatly against his recovery. A number of newspaper men called at the police station and asked Col. Tillman for a statement. This lie refused, stating that his counsel had advised him to say nothing concerning the affair. There was oracticallv no chaiice in Mr. Gonzales' condition dining Saturday, though on Sunday tlio jjjrntifyinj^ niinoiincciui'iit was made that moreencouraiiin^symptoms had appeared in ids codilioo than tit any time since he was wounded. One of the physicians stated that if there was no turn for tin* worse up to Tmsday, Mr. Gonzales hail an even chance of recovery. This was only a temporary ini proveinent, however, for at 10.150 Sunday ni^ht peritonitis appeared and lie gradually ^r w worse until 1 o'clock Monday, when death relieved his Bulfei in^. Narciso Goner Gonzales was horn at Edinysville, on Ellis to Is laud, August ISr.S. and was ason of Ambrosia J<w Gonzales and Harriet Elliott Gonzales, his father heiiiLt ? distinguished Cuban so! dier and also a colonel iu the Confederate army. In tS'.Jl Mr. Gon zules, in connection with his brother, Mr. Ambrose E. Gonzales,started the. pubfieation of The Suite newspaper and he hos controlled the editorial policy of that paper since. When the war with Spain broke out ho went t<> the front and was appointed tirst lieutenant on the stntT of General Eniilio Nunez, at Tampa, who was then preparing an expedition for the relief of /"i i *r . urt'iitTHi lUHximo vioinea, id com trnl Cuba. The war being over, Mr. COMznlcH returned to Columbia and resumed editorial charge of the paper. On November It, 1001, he marrieddSliss Lucy Barron, of Colum bin. - 1 - ! " NOTICE.?J.J. Hoggins, Optician, of Rock IIill, will b? at tho Palmetto Hotel on Monday, January 2<*th. Eyes examined free. <. " rc;'*t Chl'o t.ftfecr Sill. in IliC' tin* * \\ taint - ! vy morn .VnrMhnil uitfothio-rl u ?.* iiiit 1 lnl>.<r iho main prnviM imm of wiiirh hit: Tiinl i?f * *' r May 1, in child under !') .era* old cdwdl bo employed in any fact ' > . aft. i May 1, U)hno child the ncjo of il "I. li b.' cm; 1 <|. !. ?nd iifii" y.A'j 1, ! '.'O.i, no t 't: i?I i ?id< i I J shall he o ni >yi .! Aftct v": v I'.K'n, no i.Ihill under j 1shall !m ; ; ?. ttod to work ho tw> rn ! ? hour o'. ^ p. m. ami '> . pr vlth :.n 'iil i .11my woi k nil.- * - ! nitt'te up I'm lot's I n. vii.;f art idiDie I i ma j i-i r> o hor c'niw'H. f iiihl ... ' 1 il 1 -1 *1-1-. : tu i ia uimi cmi'iia m of I inly ilioublc fathers,the oliild i ;t being del) ndflUt annn . r'i i;v ??_- me.*" prr 5 . trorlf'i an . fidnvit to be ... i y . .i.1 I!? . i i( iicr f.o t >,i- mi i lid;-. it hointr 1 it toy ? id Sin ? attend* *i iii i i.< >ur nionIha of t ho ' . ?i . t ar ami ran read and write. ' ! vj.'iv be employed in mills > Ju!\ and Auon-t. It | is said tmtl Id- bi?l n nets tin* ap i pr oval id -i number of mill men. ( ol. Mar.-hail has t?iveii the > sul i<ot mn II . -I>t ami "arelul I'f.i.i. i>. M'd h In T' ,i - ill at ' lb pr i ! :;s of !!u bill v. ill prove j a'.lvanj hiih lo all in" Tests con i r, !y Sf>. Survives. i'.\ 11 <! atb "f Chief -lied ice J r Mclver, on the Idtb instant, there! ail? now !iv.!i?. aiih I the i'lb DU'li'!!"'-' ' ! t be :n i\ft|li ns si * ill fii: fit > ,, wit" : WKB fob I' ?w- 1 l)j I h? war ' (?v? e i 1 b> ( it-" . ' i t, day. J i. in- l:t a- i i :.u 1 ' >: b dend" unit iii. tli i>' vvoro t; i hurvi vera > I this famous b> tii\ ' tSuice 'b it t (into tl>< Kev. \V H. Campbell, Cap!. John II. K i xxfctl- l and Chan I i .. m - I v 1 i loil'H v\ . I/. ICHllPoll il.lVi' }>!U-8l'U H\vjiy. Now roup s tIto di Kill of fuiiop Mclvrr. lrfiviipr only hi-< -nrvivors Tiosrniv L. \Y. Sprntl, i 1'etrr S'oUt-s. I'ol. .1 )t;ppii O'tuirl ; Popr, I )r. .1 'is. fi <trlinlp, Col. II. , A. Thompson una K C. Lo^nn. ~ F( )K GOOD WHISKIES,' ! WINES, IJIlAI'iDIES, ETC., CALL ON Oi; WUITK TO W. IL 11OO V JSK* CH.IRMUTK. N. C. LA15MBRY I that are not found 011 linen fresh from | The MODEL STEAM LATHERY, ( harlotte, N. C., are rusr stains, ink ' stains, fruit stains, ami especially scorches fruni overheated irons. That is what wo i>nrticulurly k'nunl against. :tookloss, daw less, immaculate?white ins whit- can bo, or as strong of color as i . when yui bought i' (it originally of a i 1 ?lor pattern), your washable apparel is returned clean, will washed, v/oll irono.d. Shipment made from Fort Mill every Thursday morning and laundry roturncnl Saturday mornings by ? III). L. McKl.liANEY. Agent. TRY THE Earner SIiop For 11 fiist-cluaa HAIR CUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO, or HAIR SINGE. r -r> 5".??*n ?r 2* ??TrvT-? _ Proprietors. Third door Hunk building. - Trace Marks' CORVRtCH-8 Ac. Anronn npiiiMtia n nU^i li and <1< *cr'.nt|on may quickly '>i?*f>rtatu our oinnion truc auditor nn luroiitlon la |?rolinh'.jr nit -i.toMo. r -n.i-jiml v?ttnna Mtriotlf o-oifldontinl. liWillHifiltc.n I'atoi.ui sont fi?o. ?>l 'out UKdlfiy fi?l* MCUI1ii|| pat.'HU. taken through Minus X Co. rooe'.ve qyi inl fliitlK, irlthiHit charyti, tnthu Scientific American. A handwmoly Illustrated weekly. T.ardent rrtrctrlatlon of any arirntlUo Journal. Tnrint, f'i m Toar - HohI by nil nraMMlm. MUNN&CO. 381 Broadway, Newtoik I flrannh office, IX i<t. 1?. C. Mi GftctTy nt. Meat Mat tot j wish to nnnouiiuc to my frtonclH i 1:mt ! hnve svoontly niMsxl to my miirkcl hr.Hiiu'HM a niae rivnh ntuok of Fancy Gioat/ricH and Oonfoctiomnm.-i. Heronfti r I will keep on lir.ud at nil tinman :u:!i' t >.toi:k of KiCFSH M MATS, PC.ifK fciAt'SAU M, C ANN FT) CtOODy, FA NOV (AND IKS, Fi iTS. Nl TH, FKJAIiK, TOiUCCOS, utc., Ami will bo p!imn?d toaervo my fru'ii'in whtu -n iiccd of anything; in iiiv lino. * # ' xours veiy truly, .7. T. J. HARRIS. ! SUGAR - A ~%7%7~G><rxciT7"i 553 Pounds Ij{'1 li;-. Villi l?V I % * Fort Mill Mamitacturi I . 4. II.1RRI \V<? jny 20 n rlozon for fres TP 010 PI i Dii ij I* y rtsL ?3UII S!i use K WV continue to competitors, and by } severance <lurin^ the break all former reci taught us that we can business bv selling c? its, thereby selling in the future our motto > "Sell Sots of and sell fl We will continue and STOVES ON I> do a general credit 1 1selling on close man?: ^ u who pay promptly \vh We have the goods i to merit your trade. * EAGLE SHOES for i I RICHARDSON ; for 1 LITTLE TR AM I for < I FERTI LIZEIiSfor all kinds of Ferti i i .1 ! 1 jniut ior couoii seeu rot ton seed meal or t'c uWHITE FUNf Hour sold io the stut< TBB OLD DDL T. \i. 1SELB P.S.--WE PAY HIGHEST PEAS, HAY AEQ COUNTRY P! lass Photo?;raphB *. When you j;u to Char* lolto iloii't full to pay u viait to SSBER'S PHOTO. E4LLEBY. We tunko all llie latest i !) ies unci sizes, at reason nbtfi prices. i W. Fifth St., Charloioe, N, C. PLACE YOUR ORDEBS FOR JOB PRINTING WITH THE TIMES. I ? DVANCING. '53TUL'yiX3 ;!!!' $|gQO t he hundred <>7- barrel. tog Company's Store. Iv it eu?;s. IABLE STORE ;ad as usual. set the puce for our >ush, pluck, and peryear I90J5, we hope to >rds. Experience has do a more succesfuJ goods 011 less proflore of them. So, iu diall be, goods9 hem cheats!" _ JJ? to sell FURNITURE fSTALLMENTS, and business, aud propose ins, especially to those Leu accounts fall due. nul will do all we can Don't forget we sell nen. SHOES women. ? SCHOOL SHOES Children. ?Wo are headquarters lizers. Special prices when exchanged for Ttilizejrs. 1" is the best straight e for the money. V I IB Li STORE, l, Proprietor. MARKET PRICE FOR CORK, RODUCE.