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BUT IT CURES Rt lu'J nil rliM' tmrn arifilttff front iinpurtlh iti fnrt' thn <1 it-r nr\f<ttin. I tttnrrh, linafer thr /nnpfr/tll bltitnl jtur TWO BOTTLE <;ofitlemoriI takn pleasure In hcarln of your " UllRUMAOIUK. Two Irottlc* cut bt> of ?iiy tx-uetlt tu you i;t a<J vortisinir yoi Tours truly. W. II. HAND All Druggists, Ji.oo, o Bobhitt Chemical Co., > *0. ? ~ ? . * ?. 5f x j/7\ K too-seuzeh^ qks all headaches. M't&z* j jpAffllAMM J ' \ ! "K" ! ammsrapa ; j. angel thou: i m Sold EvERYm&>i\ ' L ? tJI i Fish Act as Surgeons. "Along the Caribbean Soa." said nn j , artist who has recently returned from ; those parts. "it is a common thing to , nee men and women and children sitting on the hanks of streams, with their hare logs soaking in the water. "They have a strange reason for this >ngo conduct. They are much tro'fn by a little insectn kind of tick- which buries Itself in their flesh. | and is very nard to dislodge: and ko. vrhun the ticks have gotten in thorn, they go to the water bury the infected parts beneath the surface and keep I <iuite still. The tish have a fondness . 1 for licks, ami they hasten to the * gleaming hitman flesh they see. and { pulling the ticks out, devour them. ' "In that manner the Caribs fish are t ailed upon to act us surgeons. Kffl- ' cicnt and painless surgeons they make 1 ton."?-Philadelphia Ueeord. As You Like It. [ 1 pray do Lawd wid all my might, *Fo* Chris'mus time pass by. | , Hut olo Br'cr "Possum out or sight. Kn Turkey roos' too high! 1 1 Oh. believers. What you gwine tor do Wen ole Rr'er 'Possum gittin' wise. Jin Turkey know vou. too? i I tell Br'er 'Possum: "I yo" fr'en.!" j Ho laugh, en wink his eye; Rr'er Turkey 'low he dea can't sleep Onless he roostin' high! Oh, believers. What you gwtne ter do Wen ole Br'er 'Possum gittin' wise. Kn Turkey know you. too? Mother j "My mother was troubled with I consumption for many years. At 1 last she was given up to die. Then * she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, g and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. 3 \ No matter how hard ] vnur cnutrh or how loner 1 i I you have had it, Ayer's S ! 1 Cherry Pectoral is the | a best thing you can take. ' ? It's too risky to wait | until you have consump- J 8 tion. If you arc coughing today, get a bottle of $ 1 Cherry Pectoral at once. | 9 Three tlies : 23c., ?Cc., $1. All dra;flst>. m <Vvn*nl| eotir ilneior. If It* w*t? tnfc* ll, fi a thttii ii<t m it* ?*/*. it it* ton* )o? not L I to toko It, then don't ink* It. II* know*, n Ixtto* It with tilin. Wo *r* willing. P ^ J.C. ATKR CO.. 1-owitll.MtM.j k,. I ;URE=ALL, HEUMATISM ?? in the Monti. It /fiitlrrlft trill not Kj liiiltn'f/, l.lrof oml stoninrii troiitihit P? if'yin(f qittiliiii* It/'thin mi lliriltr. lQ S CURED. H; K A LP.Kill, N*. C. Ej it teetlmony'to tho curative properties IK tl iny Buo of a tm<l case. If thin will H ir meritorious remedy, you can use it. ? , Stnraril, .V. Inntitutinn for Hi I ml. wj r expressage prepaid. ilaltimore, rid., U. S. A. S WWBFW' J1 I'M M&m A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Be Rood to your land and your crop M I will be good. Plenty of Potash in the fertilizer spells quality I ' C and quantity in the liar- .d ! vest. Write us and , we will ? end you, ^vjj'H free, by next tnail, Ly- fhnlfri our money winning GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, ' Mpaaa-BBOFIIIII, . J1 u-il\ rnlil. ?*lu .ii?jr I li. JIONTIIO** rv|li.N<;i.h *W*?* XTI pJ CO.. (lnndm? N. J. Fruit trice*. ohxamkki \i. thee-. sTit v \\ iir.itit \ im.wi*. s II It I'll-. ItOxKM (ill Vi'E MM>. \HIV\ It \<i| *. FTC. rrutili>Kii MJiit .? ai>r>, llralIon. A nlcr lot of iron ii l.i ulmrii- noil ll.irrnt I'l vininilli llm ka Kull bloinlrd <'< < krrl* mill l*nllri? m nl ?*nrli Uni p irr l'Ol.ANn ( IJlN.V MIOATS, thrri* inrnths ml at enrh. J II \\ \TKI.\X *V IBHO.. 11 n 11 *l*or o. \ a. | Scier.ce in Business. In a recent Issue of the journal of I he British Society of Arts sonic strik- | Ing examples of the effect of the use j of science In German factories are given. In 1840 154,000 ions of beet root were crushed, from which 8.[100 tons of raw sugar were produced ? about 5 1-2 per cent. In 18G0 1,500.000 tons were treated, and produced 128,000 tons of sugar?S per cen?. Last year 12,000,000 tons were crushed. and yielded 1,500,000 tons of raw sugar?13 per cent. This increase of quantity, as well as percentage of product is due entirely to scientific ; treatment. The production of dry colors, chemicals and dyes in CJermany shows a corresponding increase in production and dividend-paying capacity. which is due to the constant maintenance of laboratories or trained scientists, whose onlj purpose is to improve and cheapen processes. Reflections of a Bachelor. "Has Mr. Washington any original dens?" "One." answered Miss Cayenne; the idea that his views are original is exclusively his own."?Waslington Star. City Nephew?I noticed that the hir*d man didn't drink coffee for breaklast. Farmer Bontover? No! He's afraid t will keep him awake durin' the day. -Puck. nut-nun we ii nave goon weather for Chrlst'ntua?" "Don't care ef we don't. We wos inginrully so full den dat all weather look alike tor us!" No man becomes wise until he has often called himself a fool. Monterey. Mexico, is to have an electric rail ci(l system thirty nniex long, calling for ai c.x|?emliture of fti.BOO.UOO. It (XT'* Tilt*? V>e offer One iinn<tred Dollar- Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot l>e cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. t itxct A Co.. Props.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1.Cheney for the last IB years, and believe him oerfec'tly honorable in all business transaction* and financially able to carry out any obligated made by their (lrui. IVr.HT A Tuuax. Wholesale Druarirists.Tole to. Ohio. Waj. imxo.Kixk as AM a u vis, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Oatnrrh Cure Is taken internally, noting directly upon the t>looil and inaeous surfaces of the system. Trieo. 75o. per bottlo. bold l>v all Druggists. Testimonial* tree. Hall's Family PlUs are the best. Orders have Ih>oii issued to the Russian police to forhid the sale or use of phonograph rollers for the reproduction of -acred tnusie FiTS permanently cured. No lltsor nerv usnossaftertirst dny'suse of Or. Kline's (1 rent Nerv.' Restorer, atrial bottleand trestive trow Dr.,, l?:tt Arch St.. Philn., i'o. A lover - o.i.n rrl often serves to ! real; t!:c monotony oi Imp.iinenH. Mr*. Window's Soothlng^yrup for children toctluiiS,softn the 311111K, reduces iuflmnina lion .allays pain,oufra wind eollv. 96o. a bottle It i>* much easier to expound the truth than to nail a lie Pirn's Cur# conuot bo too highly spoken of ft a cough cure.?J. W. O'Brien, 3x1 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan. ?, 1JJ1 Hearing- a* a rule, t* more acute with the right than with the left ear Old Situs, Hacks of Chairs, ete.. can lie dyed with PUTNAM Fadp.i.e?* Dyes. The Knghsh language is f.okett by 115,0??,0.7J people. TALE OF A BASHFUL MONKEY. Simian at Philadelphia Will Only Chum with a Cat. The Zoo has a bashful monkey. The keepers call him "Bashful Willie. He was born in the Garden one year ago. and is the son of the large Japanese monkey, whose destructive proclivities have earned for her the sobriquet "Carrie Nation." Carrie was with Willie in a separate cage unlil he was four months old. He was then placed in the large cage with the other monkeys, but he was found to be too bashful to live in their company. He kept on bowing right and left, but was too timid to eat or even drink in the presence of others. A special cage waq placed in Keeper MfCniMnn'c nfHen nn/l fKaeA in ctxM tude Hashful Willie is thriving. The oniv company he enjoys is Snake Keeper I less' white cat. which has become famous for having one blue and yellow eye. The cat pays regular visit - to Willie nnd allows him to pul' , i her tail through the bar. A few days aco Willie had a cough, and it was thought advisable to bring the mother to him. hut even Carrie was repulsed by Willie, who screamed loud and buried his head in a corner. ?Philadelphia l.edger. He Kept Cool. One of the pluckiest tilings 7. have ever witnessed, says a traveler, happened when I was staying for the night 9t n eountry inn. I was on a cycling lour at the time, and 1 had just put up my machine when a man on horseback galloped up lo the inn door. The horse was e. splendid animal, voiine 1 ] and spirited, but its rider managed it I with the most perfeet ease. On dis mounting lie asked that his stoed I might he turned out to pasture?a i request whirh was granted. In the morning as I was about to recommence my journey 1 overheard the horseman inform the landlord that i he could go and cat eh his horse him- j self, as it was difficult for a stranger , j to approach him. "No. no." said the landlord, point- j I ing to the meadow. "D'ye see that . j bull?" , We both turned and saw a red-eyed, ! I savage-looking hull regarding us from : over the hedge. Not far away from ; him the horse was placidly feeding. "lie looks nasty." said the stranger. "Nevertheless. I'm going to fetch my horse. 1 should also advise your hull to keep his distance." We both looked at him. There was something in his cool assurance that was very taking. Origin of "The Finnan Haddie." Many years ago at a seaport town on the North Sea.. Port T-ethen, a tiro , occurred in one of the fish-cutting t houses, and partially burned the end i of the structure, which was piled full | of lightly salted, freshly caught had dock, which were lying on beds of 1 dry kelp. After the flames were extinguished ' and the charred top and side of one of the piles of fish were removed, the Maister pulled out one of the slightly smoked haddock, still warm from the heat. He smelt it. while the curious group of men around hfm watched his | every move. He tore off a piece of the fish* and. and tasting it. took another bit. sagely nodded his head, and j I passed it over to the foreman. Sandy, saying: "Taste you it. Candy! It is nap so nasty." This proved to ho a great clay in Port Lethen. for every fisherman in the town had a haddie given him free of eost that had hern cured by the smoke from the burning help: and j front that time until the- present no one in Port Lethen or the greater fish- j ins village a mile away. Findon. ever I cured a haddock except by smoking I themhver the burning seaweed. , The cleverness of the Findon fish- | dealers in being the first to put this new cured haddie on the market won 1 for them the glory of the trade named "Findon Haddie," which was abbre- j I vlated Inter on into "Finnan Haddie." i I II Syrx. I (hfr b"< $f? Ti . ijii|| It is pure. . p || It is gentle. f(,I 11 It is pleasant. & I j % I It is efficacious. Jv 1 it!1 t. : It is not expensr |l| ! It is good for chi >}, |' ! || ' jl'; flj It is excellent fo sV; ? II ' ';J It is convenient 1 & .'11 I* 1 It is perfectly saf m ra V.'-j i It is used bv rail , 1 :/i ; |j j It stands highest 1*1 ill yon usc ^ ^ou 11| produces. ? ! T; y ' VJkM . HEAL Praise Pe-ru-na as a C Mrs. M.J. Brink FIRST STAGE OF CATARRH. A Serious Mistake Which Thousands Are Making. 'i lie* lirst stage oi catarrh is what i~ j ooinmorfly known as "catching eo!d." It ma; Ik* in tin' threat or !n11yc. its beginning is sometimes si seven1 as to cause a chili ami considerable fever, or it may be so slight as to not hinder a person front his usual business. In perhaps a l'?ajority <?t eases little or no attention is paid to the tirsl stage oi eutarrh. titnl I hence it is that liearlv one tntlf <o tin. >.. . ! tie have chronic catarrh in some form. | To neglo' t ,i cold i- to i11\ it< chronic catarrh. A* soon as any one diM-otttsj the tirvt symptoms of ratchinjr < old fie I should at once Itcjcin the use of IVriwia j ucoordinu to direction^ on the hottle, I USE TAYLOR'S fc Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell 'something just as good." fi Indigestion Pains *1, R EL I E VE D IMMEDIATELY BY " $ CAPUDINE I I'i SOOTHES THE STOMACH . Sold At Drugstores . -- -- S2 ^5. - J: 4?fe.DR0PSY m 10 D/.YS'TRtAIMtftT FF.EE. Earn made Dropsy audits comPfar* y plications a specialty for twenty T years with ths most wenderflU I I success. Have cured many thoiu* " ilgfcrZL.'ECB. a. H. GBEEK'3 30MB, WWn*''' Box 1- Atliuitx, Qa. [S3UUKtS V/MKii: All USE FAILS. KJ M llcrt rough Syrup. 'I'a-ics ITm> fj In ttme. So'd by ririurgtsiv ( ( Why IM i^U Jis Us? : family I Motive ire. ldren. r ladies. for business men e under all circumstances, lions of families the world over. , as a laxative, with physicians. have the best laxative the world THY WC ure for Colds and a F and the cold is sure to |>as? away without leaving any bail effects. I nil's- this is done the cold is almost sine to end in the second stage id i.iturrh. which is making so many liie#miserable. If 1'erutm was taken ever> \ time one has a cold or cough, ehroi^i catarrh would be practically an un known disease. Miss Klizahclh I'btr. No. ">7 I tassel; street. Albans. N. writes: ( ' "I have always dreaded unsettled \ weather brean.-e 01 my extreme linbil- * itv to eateh cold, when a eatarrha! trouble wo- 'd quickly ilevelop through inv entire system, wfiieli it would take weeks to drive away. I am thankful to say that since I have taken l'K It I N A I do not have any reason to dread this any more. It t have been at all exposed to the damp,wet or cold weather, I take a dose or two of l'K KI'NA, and it throws out any hint of sickness front my -\-trni." Mi-Khfuhelh I'her. Mrs. M, .1 brink. No. S'Jtl Michigan ave- , mie. St. .lo-eph. Mich., wiiti-s. This past winter during the wet and cold weather I < aught a sudden and severe J coM, which developed a catarrhal condition | through my entire sy.-lem. and so afT"clcil my general health that I wa- completely ' broken llotvn in.I 1.. -- ..... >' MU,M III I Vl?U* II I 111 . ami until ^lo supervise w\ liorno. : \i\ pii\ ii iaii prest nhetl tor me. lull some- j how In. itii'iiicim* .1x1 mr no go "I- IIimH- | ing ol I'Kit I \ \ I ?!? ? uli'il i.i try it. .\f- I tt*r I hail taken lutt flute hollies I I'wimtl ] inysolf in lint' Ix itltli." Mi>. M. .1. brink, i Sihyl A. Matllt-y. 'Ji> Main strfft, lliinl melon, Intl.. write* "Last winter after getting II1J iff! wet I began to rough. \v liiih gradually grew worse until my throa' was sore ami raw. Ordinary renietlies did not lielo uie ami rough renietlies i iiaiiseaietl me. lb oling an rdvrrti.einen' rokec Remedy of Sweet <ji jrlis. Colds, LaOrippe Capsicum Vaseline Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A Hillslllli'f for anil Superior to M us turd o' anv ol he ' piaster. ami w ill not l>M?ter Mi" most tiolieale kill. I lie pa I n allay 111:.' anil eurative qualities of liti?? artlele are wonderful. II. will stop the tootliaehe :t' oiiee nild relieve headaelie n tit! srhit lea We recommend it ie- the l>e-t ami safest ev tertinl eounter 11 vitnnt t.newii. also as an exleiiml reniett.v for patus In iherlit?i and stone ? !! (tini aii : Jir;; :;in x u*.r fii: 11 Vi* nil?l k'nlJIV ?'otllplaints. A trial uill prow* what ?i' claim for It. mt ti will !.*? foninl to Iw invaluublr in tlia limischoltl. Mhiii people -ay "It i*> tin* lies* of a!! your mepn rations I'rlrp 1ft *nts, at all ilruceists. orolhor deal er-.or by -enillnp tin- aiiHiuu: to us In nstn'/a stamps ivp will Ffilil vim n tube by mail. Niiartirli* nhiiuldlp accepted l-y tin* piihlto uiilo-s tin* -ami* currie- our latiel. as ullirrvrin It is not ttniiiine ' cntstBROiion manufacturing co.,[ 17 Ktato Hlrrcl# Nrir York City. ' ' I V Pay More ISHOE Ctt! Money Savin Catalog T TAV SPOT CASH FOR v,v LAND WARRANTS f" folrtiar-of any war. Also KoMt?r?' Adililioual Honit?*t-ad Mr Mm. Writ a mo a* .nee. f HAN K. H., r.o. bos MS. l>e;iv.r, Colo. I ... i;.Vw uLS l Thompson's Eye Water Bee 2v\j Its component parts arc all wliol< It acts gently without unpleasau It is wholly free from objectiona It contains the laxative principh It contains the carminative princ It contains wholesome aromatic agreeable and refreshing to th All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifical Its value is due to our method of i the orginality and simplicity o To get its beneficial effects ? bin Manufactured t (autorKia San Fra.ncisco. < Louisville, Ky. BOB SALE BY ALL LEADING 11 )MEN Veventive of Catarrh. miss ?ara mcGahan. >l w 11it l I'KrtL A .A could <lo, I derided to I rv ,i hot tit', and you can imagine how ll'.ad I lilt when ii began to relieve me in .1 \eiy short lime. In than two v.iehs I \\a- completely eurcd."?Sibvl A. Iladlei. ,?r; i Mi~s >. |i.ih_ Mrti.-hi.n. No. li?T :td street, Albany . N . \ .. i\ i i;es ; "A tew mouths ago I ?<i;(Torod with a M'vev. aitaek of influenza, wliieli nothing i . . i ? .....i.i I.. M\ lienim" lieeunot lias!, iiix ?-\Ihm .1 nit* v i~iI >toil ami ex eri?h. m'i'iih'iI rivrlii ami limiting I ate ta-U-1 k?hhI ! took I'Kltl \ A ami w it Ititi ix-.. x- i ? !?? I xx.m |u-i i'ci-t !\ xvell." Sarah Met oi'mh. 11 x on tin not tlerive prximp^ ami ^lisi.k x i ?-~nIt - h um tii<> ime hi IVriuiu xxrite at onee to Dr. Ilartiuan. giving a lull statement of yotit ease, and lie ?x 111 lie glad to jjix'e yxitl Ins valuable adxiee gratis. Address Dr. Ilartiuan. President of The Hart man Sanitarium. Columbus. O. Liyi and Alullein ami iaing Troubles. Tlicirmiitlily tested r . All Druggists. S.'iC, 6O0 uitrt Vl.OO. To Cotton Ginnsrs. We Manufacture the Morxt Complete line of Cotton Gin Machinery of Any Comuiny In the World, namely, the.......... PRATT, WIN SHIP, MUNGER, EAGLE, SMITH. We also make Linters for Oil Mills, Engines and Boilers. We alsc sell everything necessary to complete a Modern Ginning Outfit and furnish our customers with full detailed plans and notarial bills for construction of necessary houses for our plants without extra charge. The Continental Gin Company, Birmingham. Ala. WniTK run OT7R I.ATKS f r ATALOO Elt. III jsome. HI II ? it after-effects. j|| || ? ble substances. || | is of plants. II | iplcs of plants. rlr! = j jji liquids which are I' : % e taste. | i j ! : ! /V i I Iv compounded. i ji ? ' i i manufacture and to ? ? f the eon-.hinntinn : . Pj? y the genuine. >y !j^ i'ljljj )VRllP (T L; I New York, N. Y. ||jj ||l DKCOG1STS. ||;| |El r