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IN THE LOCfL FIELD. Facts Picked Up Here and There About People aod Things. M rs. \V. T. Sellers continues to improve from her rev lit uttaek of appendicitis. Dr. S. \\\ Prior wuh up from Chester Saturday un professional business. Mr. Orover flail, who is with the Andrews Furniture Co., Roek Hill, spent Sunday at his home in this phu-e. .Mr. W. M. Phillips, of Rc?<-k Hill, was a visitor to Fori Mill on Sunday. Representative J. K. ilniio left Monday morning for Columbia, to ( attend the Legislature, which eon veiioa yesterday at noon. Dr. C. B. Stephenson, of Charlotte, spent Friday in Fort Mill. Mr. \V. B. Hoke returned Monday to Barnwell, after spending the holidays at his home in this place. Mr. Hoke has charge of a big saw mill near Barnwell. Miss Tothmie Gulp on Monday resumed her duties as "hello girl" at the 'phone office, after a several week's illness. Mr. 15. M. Faiis, who for the past two weeks has been visiting relatives ill Southern Floi ida, is expected home tomorrow. Barber's bridge, over Sugar creek is again in a very dilapidated eoudition. The high waters of the past few we -ks have washed the foundation l.oni the center bench and the bridge'is so much sagged as to render crossing it iin pi issible. Mr. -las. II. Lee, of New York, who is spending a few days in I T - ^ r . . ..... lower r #rr ;witt wil.ii Ills father. Mr. I) . A Lee, paid Th?? Times a pleasant call yesterday afternoon. Mr. \V. T. Hon^land, one of the town's p >p ti I ar livery men. was <>u Wednesday the sueee slid ? <>ntegtniit for a $2 suit of elothes presented by the Tupi)-Lon?_; Co.. of Charlotte. The winning nnniwas 2-lb Mr. lloaultnd went up to Cliarlutle iSaturdiy after bis prize. Mr M. A. Thompson and wife, of (Jaktonia, spent yesterday at the home of Mr. 1). (J. Kimbrell, south of town. Tlie mercury in the thermome* ters yesterday morning at OoYlock registered at It) above z to, Wiioli was 2 degrees colder than any previous morning this winter. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massey returned last evening from their bridal tour South. A largo party of friends met the the train and after extending congratulat ions escorted the Inidal couple to tho home of Mr. ?T. W. Atdrey, where a brilliant reception was given. Grace, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Krwin, was Heriouslv burned about the body yesterday tu truing. The child walked too near an open fireplace and its clothing became ignited. The mother was uttinrtcd by th" little one's screams and going to it she threw a heavy woolert garment around the child, th-roby smothering the fire. Mrs. Erwin whs also painfully burned in her efforts to extinguish the llamcs. Light Vote in Town Election. The town election last Monday was one of the quietest ever held in Port Mill, only -fi of the Hi registered voters taking part in the election. There was hut one ticket out, and of course it carried. This ticket was ns follows: For Intendant.? T. G. Culp. For Wardens.?W. li. Mo icham. ?T. M. Spratt, Ij. A. Harris, Li. N. Culp. Of these gentlemen, the first three named were re-elected. Tinnew council was sworn into otlice yesterday, immediately after which a meetii^; was held for the puipose of $kotiug ? < !?? f police for the yearfllThere were a number applicants for the position, hut for a reason not given out the election was postponed. ? The Produce Market. Look over the following list and you will know exactly what you are going to got for your products when you put them 011 the market: Sweet potatoes 60c per bushel, plentiful. Irish potatoes $1 to $1.20 per ?bushel, plentiful. O.itiolr otiu 1 4) 1 A O". ' v/ia ivnvnn l w lr J IU t'iiCIl, acsrce. Kirns 15c per dozen. plentiful. Butter 15 to 2Jc per pound, plentiful. Onions $1 to $1.20 per bushel, scarce. Cabbage! 2c per pound, plentiful. Clay pens, 75c per bushel, firm. White pens, $2 per bushel, linn. Corn, 60ljto 65c per bushel. Corn meal, 70c per bushel. Wood, $2 to $2 .50 per cord, very caree, 'I MARRIAGE AT MORGANTON. Mr. L J. Massey. o 1 Fort Mill, and Miss Cora Avery Wilscn Wetf. A ronv~pond -tit of tlu? Charlotte Observer irivew tlit* following account of n uinrria^o licit occurred in Mor^anton, N. on Thursday j aftenio">n: At the residence t>T the hride's father, Major .lames \V. Wilson, on Kiiitf street. at d:dO o'clock tld< afternoon, Mi.-s Corn Averv Wil I son was married t?? Mr. I;. .1. .Mass??y, of Fort M .11. S. ()\vin?;t<> . tin* recent death of a near relative j of the liride. it was n quiet home ! wedding, no invitations beiti" isi sued, and only members of families of the contaaetin<r parties and their intimate friends were present j to witness the ceremony. The windows of the \\ ilson residence were closed nil 1 darkened and the interior was brilliant ly lighted j with electric lamps. The p ?rlor ] deeorations weio in white and ] ureeii and hnire palms were massed I in the hay windows and alcoves, j Over the arch of the central hay window there were wreaths of I rn 1 and li >llv, and from the centre of 1 ii .. . ... .. ...i ..! ? i in*- nn ii v?Mr? s*i?r?|/ iiu? U < I I 11 LI V" : whi'e !) !! decorated With sindnx. | The.hridnl party entered the par lor to tln? strains of tin' "'Flower Song," played l>y M's. F. i (\a \ well, in the toll iwini; order: Missss Nellie Mat tie iiinl Millie MusHey. lihhnii yiils; Mi.-s Carrie (iil)hon, flower ^'irl, Im arin^ a lar^e hou(pief of carnations; Miss Meulali Wilson, sister of th" bride, iii-itci of honor: the irrootn. Mi M .1 Massoy. wis It lii-t lust man. Mr. I. K \\*i11 iai> 1 ~<111. of Fort .Mill. S. .('. .the bride, Miss Con Avery Wilson, tin tlie arm of In r father. .Major James W. Wilson. The bride and ermi n stood se!< by side iimli r the li II while the \vi ddiiil; oereniony was ?jraeefully performed by liev. Thomas J dinson, the lino ceremony beino employed. Dinner was served to the miosis i after the wedding ceremony in the laree dinino room, when the decorations w< re in red. red carnations and holly berries preddomi nat imr. The bride's oow n was of m-ev crepe do chine, and she wore a black hat, and carried a !? > ,net of white roses, Mi-s If-nlnlt Wilson was attired in white organdie and white hat. Miss Nellie IJattle in , i; i M . . i .0. I r i 11 rv * n ^I?II i sv? nii* i i lii ;i ir Massey in white organdie. Thf presents of silver, out l;Imss. china and linen and einhroidry tili ed four tallies hi the drawing i'ikiiii. an 1 wa r.' wry lian Is. ane, car ls of many Chariotte so lefy people lieino in evidence. The out-of-towu Giles's were Mrs. C. M. (lil?l) >n and 1 )r. and Mrs. R. Ij. (iihhm, Charlotte; Mi.-ses M .1) 1 Aidrey and Lillie Mussoy, and Mr. d. Iv Will'amson, of Korl Mill, and Mrs. II. IJ. Rattle, of Savannali. Mur^antoii will sully miss the hriile, wliopvns cxeedinoly popular and prominent in s icinl and eliureh circles, and her place will 1 ??* hard ito (ill in the Sunday school and 1 the missions of the Presbyterian church, where she has done such faithful service. Mr. Massoy, who is one of the prominent ami successful ynime husiiiea* men of Port Mill, has indeed won a nri/.o. rind 11 >111 the l)rid 'irroom mm i t h? town of Fort Mill are to I??* ron oral ii In t ? ? 1. Mr. and Mrs. Massey leave M w ranton this afternoon for Sa vannah and Jacksonville. where they will remain for s >me weeks he ore ^oiii" to Fort Mill, where tliey will iimko their home. ? The News of Sold Kill. The Imd weather of tin* pas' f- w weeks has retarded farm work very much. Some of our neighbor* have not yet finished sowing wheat and this is to he regretted, as some will doubtless make the mistake of putting their wheat laud in cotton instead of corn or peas. The fields are still white with cotton. j\lr. \n . II. W incite has 11**mid nothing from I lie* chicken thief lie j gave such a warm reception two j weeks ago, hut judging from tlie j trail of blood Heft I?y the roeue, Mr. Witulle feels confident that lie has since had a "shot-picking" time. Mr. ?T. L. Kimbrell's potatoes aie keeping nicely in the improved potato house built by him Inst fall. Ah the hoi se will shelter 800 hushels, lie expe !? to engage more extensively in potato growing this year. Pigs a e very scarce in this section. Several of our citizens are totally without porkers. Mr. S. P. Sutton, onr oldest oitizmi. is still r gilt spry for a man . of SO years, s ure November last. *>ir. 1. Ij. niriH cm i<> ?t is nnprovinyj as rapidly as could be expected. Mr. Win. Caldwell and wife, of Chester county, returned home on Monday, after CP visit to this sec tjou. Roy. Rein'niscences of Fori Mil!. Fust Friday ten of the sol d citi/.i'its of Fori Mill assembled at tin* tiff of Mr. Waller 10. Sjiratl. in order to celebrate the, anniversary of his birth. ilif dinner was ma^n i iuont. iiikI was enjoyed l<> tin* full, rs peeinlly hy the odor quests. As ill house wmk lmilt in 1S12. 11 iii**Sv years ul'o. the i on versa t ion naturally drift)*'! to tin* past, nut! many interesti:i<r ineidents *?f llie olden times were told. line are .some of Ili? in: One of tin* lirst while men to set I le here was l'limnns Spruit. He was horn about 17ol. on a slop i.i the i-oi'Mfi, as his parents were c< niinu from County Down, in Inland, to Aineiiea. He left Char h>tte iti 1 J tin intending to tin to 1.0110 Cam* Settlement, in \hhe ville ciunitv. The lirst ni<_dit lie camped at the )ld Spratt Sprite.;" on tie Nation Ford load. The (\itawlm Indians liim to stay with t hem and .IT r? d to triv?? him all tin- land In* wanted. He cniis anted ntul settled ri^ht there and at oik*". Ahoiit live tildes south-east of F rt Mill, on A j>'a-e now i\vn"d l?v Mrs. .1. I?. Alack, is the p!ne? win h1 tin* <_rrent haltle l> tween the ('a taw I >ms find ('In-p Koes xvas filjyllt. it WMH t>? dooide till' 1) tlllldary lint' hetw >en the two tiihes. IMii' (\itawhfis were vieiorioiis, tliou<r|i they lost nearly ??ne Ihotis an 1 waniors. aerordim.' to School. . eraFt. till) historian. Sometimes skulls nr>' uni'iirthi'ii on this j>!a < . iltit 11 ? olio can toll whether they \v n1 ( Mierokees or C'alawhas, as all Indians am alike to us. The first train that entile into Fort Mill was oil -Inly t. lso*J. The ntinl was t inn en lied t lie ('liarlotto. (Joliimhia iV Augusta IJ. li. The iron h>r this side of the livei was h iuleil over in xvn^ons. I mil the lollow in_r < ?eto oi Fort Mill xvas the northern terminus of this railroad, hut then it patriotically y i"! !. 11 ties honor to ( Mi at lot t e. as tli it was the vilhn/o in which the Meekleiiiniro Declaration >1 11nh | oiuh li o was made. hi lilt* inl! iniiir Mr. Sprnlt's arc llii' re in-i ins of a fort m< >1 * I linn 1J.") years old. hi token ot lliis. when (lie plition was sent I < > \\ -isiiiinrtoii for a pos oiliee. the (I partment was asked to ^ive it the name of hi at 11 ill, I mt in t here was an otlice in i'ickt use unity by that name, they culled il I?\?rt .Mill, whieh is about as near th?* mark ! as lie publicans are apt to hit. K. Two Tra^o-ias at tha Dam. DnriiiLT the past week two more names were a'hleil to the the list of those who have met death at the dam since work wis ii'jrnn there two years a^ >. The fatalities thus far nniiiher ab mt a do/en, all of whom were e ?lort <1 I l> avis. On Monday < f l ist week Mack Mormw and live other lleeroes started aero - the riv- r in a sum I bitteui. The> were only a short wiiv from the bank when the boat -ii hlenlv beijati t > dip water and ^im I- A I I I I . ... - I ' Minu, .tii iiii- nr-'_; i lit-M Micct'i (Irll in swimmiiiLr ashore except .M >rrow. who, In'iiii; a poor swimmer, was carried down by the swift cur rent and drowned In-fore assistance could lie Liiv< :i liitn. I i is hodv had not hroii f und up lo Sunday morning. i >:i the following moruin<r Dave Durham, also rolor. d. mot instant dentli at one of the compiu\"s rock i]uairies. A crowd of hands wei e at work directly under a In derrick which was twd to haul rn -k from the bed of the ?piarr\ to 11 11 .1 ill** ! j111?1111 !_c oil 111" kllltli; r. j lie t'Xlrciiie weight of a bio granite bloek mused the boom Jo oivi away ami ilowu it went with a 111*iii* ndous cm ash. 'I he i>i _c of timber landed squarely ? n Dim ham break mil; his t.kull, neck. hark, Ix>111 l. os and one arm. Durham was a Koek II ill in L'l'o and ids body was taken there for Initial. The Rsck Hili Election. JOditor ?J. .). Mull wins the ureal mayoralty |h'iz" over t to I ii? in-t Mayor J. ?J. Waters, who is retinal to private life wit h a souvenir of 52 Votes against his opp >n e 111 "s 'dlu. 15. N. ('raiu narrowly nii-srd defeat at the hands of .1. A. Shinn. who received 111* as against Mr. ('raio'H 1 It) for nidi i'litan at lar^* , t o*. .. ....... i no y I'di n in ill. Mr. Jlr.iiison slides h ick in fr< in Wurd One by tin* "rare of 111 r?*i? la rye. juicy votes, Ins opponent Mr. I. W. O'noal, r*M- iv:n^ 'JI of the b~> vot H rust. .1. M. Cherry ami K. II. Averv, the fo: liter from Ward Four ami the latter at lar^o for the one year term, uraeefully want' under the wire, winning w thont opposition, the former reeeivino 20J votes and the latter The day was altogether without exciting or evon interesting inei-! dent. There were only 2?>-i Votes J east as against 271 two years ?n?> i when there was a smaller resist ' .Himb'fL+r - lion hut when there wimi- four inayorality i unidatcs. The r-^isIrtition was &*{ "> first man tij volv was A. A. Munn ami tin' last was Dr. .1. Iv .Mastic y, Sr. Mr. Hull's victory h (1 all alotio boon |>r? ?Ii t< <1 on account of tin* lati iii of Mr Wa er's iiiitioniicoiii< nt on lop of his dcclaration up to within a few days of the election that In' would not he a canidatc and f? r tlm iurllu'r lcisms that i<c did not take an active part in the campaign. Then, Inn Mr. Hull iI?? s? ua!\ stroii}* and would |>i"? >1 >u I?iv have won anyway. partirnlavly as M iyor Water.- Ir s had the otliue for many years. Mayor Watt is to -U his < 1 < f. at o, ^ it J nnturedly. sniiiin when lie oo! the news at tin* i>.lls and jocularly e< moral ilia! in" himself. IJock Hill .Journal. Head: Should Sever Ashe. Never endure this iroulilc. I'se at once tin* remedy that stopped :t for Mrs. N . A. W'ehstcr. of \Y innie. Yn Sis wi itus, " I )i\ Kiu_ s N?*\v Li o I'ills wholly < u rod 1110 of >?irk hond irlifs I 11;i< 1 siilTotvi! for t wo yours.** Cur.' I ioinlnuho. I'oii si ipation. I!iIiousut'ss. J.V nl Tin s. I> Mow-1 nun's. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ailvurtisuinuiits. not oxooi iliny; linos, will ho pulilisli.'.l ui it tor t lie almvo lioailiat oonts fnrouoli iusortioii. NoYlt'K. Dr. \V H. Wakoliolil, of ('hurlnltn, will l.o in 1'oft Mill on Wo.lnosday, January -js, I. >i- 0110 ilav only, llis praoiioo is liniito.l to Eyo. Ktir. Nov anil Throat i-it .mm n r.. iin' vv title llmblm;,' ami I oaii Association w ill open a new series on January Jt. ion l. fall oil I!le secretary. W. 11. Meaehain. for full informal ion in regard to subscribing lor this stock. ?-'it NoTlt'K. I have a <|iiantity <>i" wood (standing) on tie- Murray place south ol Fort dill, that 1 will dispose of at s 1 p r cord, to lie paid for before wo id is removed. M ItJs. 11. O'ft )N N Kid.. N(>Th"i: 'I he Jones Holler Mill on the I'alawba river is now prepared to ^rind corn on Tuesdays and Fridays. The Ferry i> now open t > the public, 111)1 ;.\K JON MS. STHAYKl). From niy premises, north ot Fort Mill, on December \Miih two female shoal lies, Color, hlaek with red spots. Would weijih pessildy do pounds each. .). J. CUuTllAlli'. 1 1 ?-t f WANTKD.?To take subscript ions for the Yorkville Kuijuirer. Fartics fail itt^ to see the undersigned may leave snnseriptions uither with A. O. Jones or I'ostniasier 11. II. Massev. W. 11. (.'HOOK. 111-tf HiM'c'h llll'lr oki' llMllds, 11 < > p i M?? that will prove even hotter by you than 1 which has been a year ?>f unusual prosperity. Vou may materially add to your future prospc: i y and happiness by reuieiuberino |hat we will eontiune to keep tilings most conducive to your oood health and will further luaiutaiu our high standard <>f put i v and exellcuee. No drugstore in the I nitcd Stati keeps a higher class of prep ?rat ions than W?1 i!. t fin* vi*i? i iii * r !? . ,i?i tl?.. . 4 reputable manufacturers ami oet the herd. \\ hen your doctor ( lis you to take a dose ??f un ciieiin* lie experts that medicine to lie of a standaid strength. I lie laliels on our hot t les ?\ ill satisfy your d' ?etor. If you have not alia ady learned the fact yon will learn that our jirireH are r< asonable, that's the word, reasonable. Arcirey's Drag Store ?von? FS&? LlfflJORS. WINFfi. ? - -r- ?? w y r? H rif J ftfl i WB CO TO Til 10 GOURD SALOON, MARK A. TKKTKR, Mana^-r, ' i'.) \V. Trade St. . . Charlotte, X. C. 1'RICK LIST. Packman's Delifjht, 1 year old Corn $1.50 3 ' " " 2.oi> < )lil MyleMt. Queen 1 " " 1.7a :t ' " 2.25 Pure N. <'<?rn !$ " " 2.2") r? " " 2.50 Patapsco Hyn 1 " " 1.7 > 2 " " 2.00 Pure Maryland Hyo .... 2.50 Old Oakland Kye . . . . . < >id Cubinot Rye . . . 8.50 Malt Rye 8.00 Peach and Honey .... 2.0;) Apple Brandy ..... 2.2a Old Brandy . . . . . . 2.50 Port Winn ...... 2.00 Sherry VVino . , . , . 2.00 (linger Brandy ..... 1.55 We respeetsnlly solicit your patronage and will guarantee satisfaction and prompt attention to till orders. Tin-; uoniD saloon. M auk A. Tbktku, Mgr. Pell Phone 3S5. . . . Char. Phono 202. ? I ii M . 9 ??S?@0? 3? ?? | i SHC s? 0 New. stock ^ Ladies and H Star brand ?$ risbur^Sho friie very,be* ? 1 be very bnv 1 L.J. Mi ^j)5XS<3S??S? ?@ ?? A Happy perous N X To Our Many Friei Wo 1 hank 0110 and patronai'r during 1902 The Ne^ Finds us hat tor pre than ovor hcToro. \\ and will do our host to Yours MlllSanc ?e ?0?@?0?? ?? 8 Stock Takii I is aa And wo find a ^reat tiim -ftk (idikIh iiml Dross (-roods tlint . In furl, we will close out nil v ^ must Iiiivo room for our Sprinj lioouu to arrive. V? A full line of M) iueli Con QP ?(!? r.... .. . ? , juni hm a hjlCIMg hi ?t Tiiis is one of tin* biggfs 0 Klegant forsliirt waists iiml gi Cfl and liguios. Watch this spat? WH5TE BEESS l It will lie the biggest and jt?j ever show u here. | MEACHAM , I $ 0??3??0??<3? ? 5 Dear Mrs 1'arson: A good whilo li.ick lay health eommenood failing aa<l I got ina low eoialition. I was ( always tireil; wit If jmor aj>i>etite, so t tired always that I did not feej i"|tial to any exertion at all. 1 laid I 1 enlarged glands on the neck which were very sore, and when 1 would take eohl they would enlarge and cause me notch sutler ing. I often had spells of iiiitaininatory rheumatism which affected the whole of niy.body and rendered me helpless. I tried medical treatment, which would gi\e IcinjMiiary relief, but it rlid not cure me. I tried various patent preparations, but they did me no good. At last a friend per nuilUi'U IIHJ Ml USU * Mrs- Joe Person's | < j. Remedy : : I bought a half dozen hollies, an<l al'ler taking it I fell so much bettor that I did not feel like taking any more. The next year in the spring I knew I needed more and agaiu took a half-dozen. 1 look it in that way nntil it has made a complete rare of me and my health in (inc. The enlarged glands are entirely cured, rheumat ism entirely cured, and I am now in stout, robust health, and I advise everybody who needs a tonic, or are "ran down" to use Mrs. Joe 1 erson's Remedy. MRS. J. C. MOROAN. Margin illc, N, <J? May 2J, IJ02. @?00@&???<$?&VJ | of Men's Child reus 88 and Har- ? OS just ill. ^ st Shoes at est prices. (g assey. I <a * S>? ?@?? 8? 0?S > and Prosew Year ids and Customers. ? ! 1 V i.1 _ - 1*1 "? an ior meir noerai n Year spared to serve you e solicit your trade please you. truly. 1 YUUIMj. - -> ?? .? Now Over | tiy odds hnrl ends in Dry Vh wo will close out cheap. .infer poods cheap, hs wo a ' Stock, which has already a led Madras in short letifgilis hi*tor, il irt yours for 12 l-2c. t Imrpains we ever offered wSJ i ls drosses. All neat stripes ^ o for our GGOB3 SALE. nicest line of white ^oods jftv Yours for 1003, S? \NI) EPPS. I 5&?@??????@&^ T. D. FAULKMERT liftn^BTAirCR vii ? ! etni?Rla I carry a complete lino oC olioap, juolinm, and high-priced COFFINS nuf. caskets. Can also furniwh RURjAIj itobes, toLOVES, SHOES, etc. see mu when in need of uach. II r> lm T. D. FAULKNER. J. U. Trayw ck & Co, DEALERS IN FIXE L.1QSM>1?R AN1) WIN E?. No. 40 EftSt Trndrt St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. O DR. KINC'S "> > HEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COtll. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cares Consumption,Cough.:, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,Hay Fever,! 'curisy, LaGrippe, Hoarsen e^.. Sore Throat, Crovy uno Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. Price 50c. ftndSI. TRIAL BOTTLES FftSS*