University of South Carolina Libraries
FOItT'MILL TIM KS DEMOCRATIC [I BUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. ? ?' T? i !!!>" of Subscription: < in" ve:ir $1.00 Fl\ months to Thno months , ?icspondence on cum nt subjc-t ts Is I ! v .. 1. but no responsibility ie umi I for the views of correspondents, ynious coinmunioat Ions wjll not I ' i ".i I >! tailed In the*e columns. <>n >;)pl|ration to the publisher, ad-j i i:mi?k iruteii are made known to thou Interested. ' t Mill 'Phone (with 1oi?k distance < lollh t No. UG. JANUARR 14, 1903. ReaseveIt and the 1904 Nomination. it has long been known that President Itousevelt was losing bin balance in bis desire to secure the j nomination in 1901 He has in tin* past prided himself on being a nihil of his word, but today it is only necessary for an influential lb publican to whisper that a pro. posed move will prove inimical to j Air. Roosevelt's chances in 11)04 j mikI the former pledge is quickly forgolten or fulfillment evasively j avoided. The latest, evidence of tiiis inani/i on the part of the president, and it is littleness, is his nation in regard to the Indianola, Miss., post mastership. Some of . * the president's friends, or enemies, haev been assuring hi in that he must focuro a stronger hold on the \ negro vote in the South or lie! would find disaffection in the next ; nnti .n?J convention. Possessed of this idea, the president made his decision in regard to the Indian- i ola postoffice closing Ihe office and compelling the residents lo go ( u> me trouble and expense of cs- , 1 m 1)1 inliin?^ a private ottiee without i even making a proper investigation of the circumstances. If the facta 1 were na represented, the president ( might have been warranted in , taking such action, hut now there i nrocrave doubts us to the facts and 1 < ven if tliere hud been persecution of the postmistress by certain in- | dividuals the case called for critU' , imil prosecuticu and not a whole. < Hale punishment of criminal and ' innocent alike. These facts are now beginning to come out and it : is probable that Mr. Roosevelt will , yet have to stultify his former I action. I The Dispensary In Alabama. Tin* News and Courier of the 2d i inst. contained the following: I The Le_-islature of Alabama has i adopted a local option dispensary I system which iH in operation in a few of the smaller cities and some I of the towns of the State. We have < received a letter from an attorney 1 tit Mobile informing us that there is a growing sentiment in that State in favor of the dispensary system, and that it is probable that a bill will be introduced in the Alabama Legislature, which assembles this month, to provide for a dispensary law for the entire {State. Wo do not think any more of he dispensary system of regu- | Inline the liquor traffic now tlnui we thought when the system wus established in thin State about ten : ye^rs a^o, It has been the fruit-! ful source of many crimes, has re-1 suited in the building up of a oreat political machine, and has not promoted the cause of temperance. Indeed, the revenue which the system would hrini; to the State instead of the promotion of temperance 111110111; the people, was the prime object of the system. ' lt#m$ ofilooal Interest. Front thu Yorkvillo Enquirer. Supervisor-elect T, VV. Boyd received hia commission laat Saturday and took char^o of the office at. the regular meeting of the board Wednesday. An extra term of the court of the court of common, plena for York county hna been ordered to Iteuin at Yorkville on the that Monday in February. The clerk, auditor and treasurer, constituting the board of jury commissioners. I11VM it ibIaiI n nrtlim> .. ~ ? V r '? .iww.vw MMIIWUIIV 111^ that the drawing of the first ami second week jurors will take place on Jan nary lfith and 33 rd, re? npectively. There will he no grand jurors to provide for at this special term. h A eon?ti|iH?ioii has been issued Mfctq^he Carolina Furniture Co., of HfKock Ilill. which will have a cap if/tl. took of ? 10.000. The ci.rpor] ntorn are E. M. Andrews and J. H. i Faulkner, nf Charlotte, and j, fci. i*y?<-h, ?f Rock Liill. Four Professional Crooks Arrested. Down in Richland county jail four men. C11ms. Howard, Kdwnrd Dulthii, TIioh. Nolan and Win. McKinley, are con fined, having been com in i i ted in default of a $20,000 bond fur each. The charge aipdnst the men is that of'iobbintf numerous banks, postoflices, and business bouses throughout the Slate du iiifi the pa-t year. Tin so men, it is said, had a w? ll organized band, whose headquarters were in Columbia. Tin* police of tlifit ciiy we 10 informed (?t their presence there by a woman and a close watch was kept on the gang. The arrests were made during the past week. The trial of these men will be watched with much interest by the people of this section, for it is the general belief that this gang is responsible for the robberies of the Fort Mill postolllce and Savings hank, hot h of occurred during the past year. The Columbia Record gave the folllowing account of the record and capture of the crooks: Howard is the leader of thegaug and has "done" time in West Virginia for safe cracking, so Inspectors Gregory and I'ulsifer state. The four men were formally arrested on a wanant sworn out by I..... 4.... i >.. i..: r.... ?...f I .Ti i iinuri HM i (I in iri f uriui C iiiiru States Commi.-sioner Lide, at l)rangebnrg, in which they were charged with, on or about November 8, 27, 28 and 2ft, 1002, and December 14, 1G, 1U and 20, 1002, breaking into the postoiHces at Cameron. Knorce,liowesville, 1 lineman, Hartsville. Montmorenci, Batesburg and Renuo, and did take various sums of money and postage stamps. At all t hese plares i it is allowed, that the safes were broken into and money taken. Most of these post offices are in stores, an t in most cases post of lice money was taken, together wiih private funds. The p> stoliiee inspector had nothing to do with | such robberies as those of Mullins I tnd other places where no post- I )lii ce funds were involved. L'ne ' I 1 1 < * 11 U'Of^t f I IV? lirlioil luif. .V:> f n \. i \ in uu^ilUVl UlU/i* VWUr lliissioner Lille, who deputized Chief Daly to make the a:Teats, and eneh of the men was held in default of :?20,(K)0 bonds. District Attorney Capers has been notified of the arrests anil will represent the government befor the United States commissionn\ and it is expected that the evidence will show that the gang had conlederutes in Charleston. No such gangs have ever operated in this State before. They not only robbed safes and got away with good money, but they have Hooded many of the smaller towns with bad specie, and the counterfeits were so clever that merchants and others accepted them as genuine. Dies were found in Hateshurg not long ago and these were coiitiscated. They were such excellent representations that the secret service men wele convinced that the government Imd to deal with the most daring and dangerous gang that ever worked .1.! i C . I * mis pari <>i me country. Vlir officers found tluit mure than $50,000 in counterfeit money was being distributed by men who have been cracking safes. and in this respect th**y got the countrymen, coining ami going. - ? Resolutions of Respect. Mr. Elmore E. H owie, son of Mr. J. (J. Howie of^Belair, died on Tuesday, the 5th instant, and was buried the following day at Boiair church. lie was a devoted member of the order known as the "Coming Men of America," and the following resolutions have been drawn by the members of the local lodge: Whereas, Almighty God in Ilis Infinite wisdom has seenjjfit to remove from our midst our friend uiul brother, be it resolved by the memborHof lMensnnt Vail y Lod^e No. dOlo, C M A , Tluit by his death we have lost a valuable member, whose wee counsels, extensive information and courteous manner had won our admiration and esteem. Resolved, That the sympathy of this body be conveyed to the family of our deceased fellowmember, committing them in this hour of their bereavement to the kindly consolation of IIiin who doeth all things well. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed, and signed by the president and secretary of this body, t.o trans vi i Mo/I I v I 11 ii ?% % % I *? P ! '*-> uiivvcu v / mo iniiiiiy ui uui lillt" br >ther. Resolved, That these resolutions he spread on (lie journal of this society. , S. R. Baileh, Pi est. 11. M. Bickett, S? e. The H'^hland Park Mfo. Company, of Charlotte, has decided to erect another bitf cotton mill. The new enterprise will have a capital of $450.(XX) snd wifl l>e located at Rock Hill or Chariotte. TOWN IKh.taUKKK'S KKI'OK I Tin* following is the report ??I* the Treasurer of the town of Fort Mill. S. C., for the year ending lanuary 12th, 1!MK{; RECEIPTS, j From former treasurer.... ? 12.T>2 I Street tax collected 4 1 5.;.0 1 Property tax colli uteu ... 405.20 Fill! H collected 40U 70 I Licenses collected 12.50 i 11 . i . . * mierieu on cemetery ioih izuu Wood sold 35 o.) Ken h, town hull 30.03 $1,300 00 DISBURSEMENTS. I Managers of election S 3 00 Water bucket .30 1 Drayage, dead does .80 Lumber bought 20 01 Expense to York ( 01- 02) 10.00 Secy. lid. of Health, 1001 . 12.00 Feeding prisoners 4.23 FiX. prisoners to York... . 4.30 I Wood bouuht 35 50 Painting hall windows...> Work on cemetery 14.00 Fine refunded 1.00 iiisuruuce, iowii mill lu.z.) j Phone messages 1.35 Advertising .'52.00 CI lining well and fixing pump 5.92 Rcapuiring roller 5.00 Expense smallpox ease... 0.70 Iteeeipt Ijpoks, stationery. .90 Meuciinm ?fc Epps, acct... 1.20 Mills & Young ? ... 5.92 j T. B. Belk. ... 15."I | A. A. Bradford, Jr., acct.. 8.9b . A. A. Young,Inccot'tit.. . 11.45 i \Y. B. Ardrey, ? ... 2.7<? A. (). Jones, ? ... 5.95' It. E. drier, ,, ... 1 351 IS. L. Meachnm, ? ... .75 Sexton ,, ... 1 50! | Working streets 501.30 Police salary 302.07 Dr. T. It. Meachnm, acct. 5.U0 Dr. T. It. Muncham. Secretary Board of Health... 12.00 Interest, town bonds 20.00 J. W. McElhnny, Intend ant's commission 87.00 W. B. Meacham, Intend ii ut h commission 2.00 | T. (}. On I p, Intel. Com.... d.0d S. K. White, on ceuietory lot d7 60 ; Treasurer's coininii-Hioii.. (>S.18| Balance on hand 2 50 si.T.nioo J. M. SPRATT, Treaa. Finds Way To Livo Long. The Ktartlin^ nnnounceinent of a 1 discovery that will surely lengthen i life is made by editor (). H. Dow- i ney, of Churubusco, Inci. "I wish , to Htnte," he writes,''"that Dr Kind's I New Discovery for Consumption is the most infnllihle remedy that I have ever known for Coughs. I Colds and Grip. It's invaluable to people with weak lun^s. Having this wonderful medicine no one ; need dread Pneumonia or Con- i sumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain." Titos. H. Meaeluun guarantees every 50j and Si bottle, and otves tiittl bottles free. The United Slates government had never issued a postage stamp decorated with the head of a | woman until December. I. On that day the Postoffiee Department bewail sending out to p< stuiiiHters a new ei^ht-cent stamp on which i is used the head of Martha Washin^ton. The design is consideied one of the most beautiful ever put lout by the Postotlice Department. The head isenireled with a wreath. At the bottom on the left 1732,the year in whieh Martha Washington was horn; on the riijht, lb02. the year in which Hlte died. Tha Secret Of Long Life Consists in keepinc all the main organs of the body in healthy, regular action, nnd in quiekly destroyi i 1114 deadly disease genua. Electric j Hittera regulate Stomach, .Liver j j and Kidneya, purify the hluod and I give a splendid} appetite. They work wonders in curing Kidney Troubles, Female)Complaints, Ner. vorfB Diseases, Constipation, Dys| pepsii and Malaria. Vigorous j health and strength always follows ; their use. Only 50c, guaranteed by ; Thus. B. Meachaiu, druggist, * The Southern lladway has re! certtly made Home wholesale j changes in the runs of conductors and engineers. Heretofore Char- j lotte and Spencer have been ter1 minal runs with Savannah as a terminal from Charlotte. Now, however, Columbia has been 1 made a terminal and the runs are j i-i Iiiiiiuv null! vjjriitn li? V.KI II HI UIH nnd fruin Columbia to Jacksonville. ? Now Century Comfort. Millions ate daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklen's Arnica j Salve. It killp pam from Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Sores; cures' Kruptions, Salt Rliemn, Boils ami Felons; removes Corns and Warts, j i Beat Pile cure on earth. Only 25c I ) mm FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WIN ES, lUiANDlKS, ETC., CALI. ON Oil Wlirru TO W. If. HOC)VK1', nnUCOITK. N V. ? ??!T.. LftUHDRY fMRKS that are not found 0:1 linen fresh from The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, Charlotte, N. ('., are rust stains, ink stains, fruit stains, and especially score lies from overheated irons. That is what we jiart icularly guard against, lleekless, flawless, immaculate -white ias white can l?e, or as strongof color as when you bought it til originally of a color pattern*, your washable apparel is returned clean, well washed, well ironed. shipment made from Fort Mill every Thursday morning and laundry returned Saturday mornings by ? I D. I.. McLLHANHY. Arent. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons iini hereby warned against hunt iip*. fishing or oi herwise i respassii:^ upon tiny of the binds owned or eontrolled l?y the iittder<iiriied parties. The law will lie rigidly applied to anyone disregarding this noiiee. F.N IMS. \V F. P \T TKI'.SOV. W. II. .Tones. T. is. Kirkpatriek. I. W. Ardrey. W. C. Armstrong. D. A. Lee. U.S. Torrence. W. E. Spratt. T. I'. Spratt. W. 15. Iloke 11. M. Sprat t. Misses Aildie anil Do vie lltirris. J. H. Colt harp W. I. .Tones S. E. While. 11. F. Feiinett. J. 11. Maek. T. A. Mills. W. F. lioyd. TRY TilE Cily Barccr GIiop For a tirst-classs HA III CUT, SllAVE, SHAMPOO, or HA 111 SINGE. Garoihcrs PROPRIETORS. Third door Hunk building. D. J. WILLIAMS, Statesville's Liqaor Dealer. Laurel Valley Corn Y7h:skey, 5 Years Cld: 12 Full Quarts, in neat case, . .$7 .">0 21 Pints, . . . . S (Mt -IS Half Pints . S 60 4'j. Gallons, kng inoludud, . 1)00 Ouii ami two gallons, jug and uvutn iiwiiiol...! ..-.II iu< acini, j??-| ^.liinil, ^ Pure N. C. Svreel Ma:'n Corn V.'hishcy: New, per gallon, . .1 40 Two to Tlnye years olil, per gal. 1 ?."> Pure Apple Brandy, i>er gallon, . 2 00 Elm City Club Rye, 7 years old, 12 quarts, ..... S 00 Tweniy-fonr Pints, . . 8 /jo Forty-eight Halt pints, . 0 00 Olio and two gallons, jig and crate included, per gallon, 2 50 Excelsior Rye, jug and crate included, i>er gallon, . 2 tx> Peach and Kcncy, ln-r gallon, . 2 00 Roofc and Rye, per galfou, . . 2 tut Holland Gin. i?er gallon, . . .2 00 KctiHuulHir 1 am no rectifier or coinjsmnder. In buying inv goods you are not buying water. 1 guarantee all these goods su|?erior to any tiling being shipped from this market. All jugs will be put in boxes instead of crates for 15c. extra; kegs boxed for 2">e. extra, and all boxes are shipped without any marks to indicate their contents. Cash must accompany all orders. They will be filled the same day received. Seiul money by registered letter, ]>ost(>niee money order or express money order. (iood.s shipped either by freight or express. As to my responsibility I refer you to the liradstreet. ami Dunn Mercantile Companies and my hundreds of customers all over the South. Remember, again, t hut I guarantee satisfaction in all cases or refund the money. 1). .J. WILLIAMS, STATES VILE, N. C. The Times ami the New York W oriel at $1.75 a year. - ' Designs "? " Copyrights Ac. Anrono sending a sketch and description m?T quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention la probably tmlentaMe. CotmmtnlcaI Ion* strictly conU.lentliil. Ilnultiookon t'litente cut freo. Oldest miency for securing patents. Patents taken thmuirli Mutin A Co. receive notice, with.nit charge, la tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weeklv. I.arrost circulation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a. year; four mouths, $1. bold by all newsdealers. NIUNN & Co.36'6'"1 ' New York branch Ofhoe, <35 K SC. Washluitton, It. C. * JUUt&Hb Ntw Grccery and Meat Ma'let I wish to nunoiincc to jny f: i- n Is that I have recently ad led to my market business a nice fresh stock of Fancy (iroceries and Confectionerie-. Hereafter 1 will keep I on hand at all t inn s a select slock < f FKES1 f M BATS. POIIK S.U'SACE, CANNED (i<)(>I)S, FANCY CANDIES, Fill'ITS. NETS, CKJ A IIS, TOHACCOS. etc.. Ami will bo pleased In serve mv friends when in need < f anything in my line. Yunrs very truly, .7. T. J. 11A KIMS SUGARS - Ai ~%7Zr g advis 18 i>(""i(ls 1 Lot us quote you !>y Fort Mill Manufacturi I l !UIM?I >41 I ? l? l? I TEE OLE BEL Still in the !e We continue to competitors, and by j severance during: iho > break all former reeci taught us that we can business by selling ' c-/ its, thereby selling m i * the future our motto s "Se&i lots of and sell ti w,. * j YJ ?. ? 111 '.'uiiiiiiiir and STOVES OX IX do a general credit I) selling on close niargi who pay promptly win \Y e have the goods a to merit vonr trade. ] EAGLE SHOES for 11 lllCIIAKDSOX S for v EITT I E TU AMI' for C FE11TILIZERSfor all kinds of Fertili paid for cotton seed cotton seed meal or fci "WHITE FLINT Flour sold in the state THE OLD BEL! T. H. BELK, P. S.--WE PAY HIGHEST I PEAS, HAY AHO COUHTHY PR ilk. *1 fcifa r Fine Photographs When you go to Clinrlot'e don't fail to pay a visit to BfiSER'S PHOTO. GSLLE3Y. We make all the latest styles and sizes, at reasonable prices. I W. Fifth SI., Charlotce, N. C. PLACE YOU II OR DEBS FOR JOB FEINTING WITH THE TIMES. DYANCiNG. g "buying:, fi!T $LOO the hundred or barrel. ng Company's J Store. S >1 ?n ijfrr. T AM V. O^TinnP IftDLB dl'UttB ad as usual. set the pace for our aisli, pluck, and perfoar 190?'i, we hope to >rds. Experience has do a more succesful floods on less profore of them. So, in hall be, goods* hem dfeeapE55 to sell FEllNITUltE STALLMEXTS, and msiness, and propose ns, especially to those iMi accounts fall due. nil will do all.^ye can I 1U1 m'li WC Pfll $ ^ J- ~ ' - i 1C11. * vIIOES omen. SC HOOL SHOES 1liilcl ron. -We are headquarters izers. Sneeial nriees J A when exchanged for tilizers. is the best straight for the money. [Mi STORE, , Proprietor. MARKET PRICE FOR CORN, ODUCE. /