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^BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS if America Use Pe-ru-na For All Catarrhal Diseases. 1 I ! Sr ! l lb mo f iv fer i : v ;.,^l r i / . ; J ' v%>. ; ; ^ ^ y* \ * U . ,/,/s ?; 3 M ?I>. liKNI.hllta a. >-. .MA1MI. \ j??vvvvxvv,v.vvvvvl,xvvv,vvv,vvvv?< r. !.( tdli lit ' -t?i i .it loll oi* c . Mr.-, i!, ii. . a. N. m'.. it. !, m<-iit .' ..-'.'mi. .it :rj7 uik-'>:i iV. . iii. .lie. \\ -i!... \. t.. t.ii *&>. II1.. >; "I utli r^il with la grippe fur s? \ :? weeks .iml n >thi)tg hoipt-M nil' uotii 1 tried IVrnihi. 1 1<'!: at n:tee that I had at la^l Aceutvd the right nicdieino and he t steadily imui< vi.)r \\ :llini thin wis 1- - I was fully 'I'fu/rt.l." Henrietta A. S. M iv.di. liulr|irii(li'ut Order of tiooil Ti'inpUrt, of Wiialitiigtoii. Mrs. T. W. Collins. TnaMiirr I. O. (I. Y.. of Kverrlt. \Ya?h., has used the yri at catarrhal tunic. I'cruna, for sin aggravated caw ?>1 dyspepsia. She write*: "Afi<'i hating a severe attack of la *rr>p|?>, I also suffered with dyspepsia. After taking I'omxa I eon'.d eat my regular UK'S Is with relish, tnv system was built up. miv returned, and I have re autilied in \.'Ot ent - re.igth and vigor -Bow tor over a y ir." M . 1 . \\ . Collins. If you do ii< I derive promp' and salisfaeton results ii.i i the use of IN rut,a write *1. unee to l)r. if irtnian. ;;i\intra full staUsieni of your and In- will lie pleased '.to ;fi\ < you his valuable txiviee gratis. Add iss Dr. llartia.'in. IVi id< at of The Hantaan .Sanitarium, Coluuihus. Ohio. New Bloom. ' hsard the liHos growing In the night When r.en old hark; j fen, w they made a glimmer, dimly white. .In the cool droamlng dark Nothing the garden knowSo soft they grew? Until tno> > ' K'-v.-ris 11 in uio nsiu. For all to i -?ark. t heard the dreams still-Krov.lni; In the night: Ncr was there one Tli:;i I saw clear or. ?oo!n:;. named ' aright: ltut when the night was done. The frnRi nnoe t<? lie AwnUer.vd me; I ?..iw their faces leaning plnd and w hllc T'uv.nrU thee, their sun. ?Josephine Preston Pcabudy. v,;4' -4 Peary's Future Plans. While in Brooklyn a few days ago Lieut. Robert E. Peary, the arctic explorer. was asked wnether it was true tJhat he had at any time declared he would never again try to reach the north pole, replied: "If 1 had an independent fortune I would go bark to the atretic at once and I would stay there until 1 had reached the pole or had been removed from the possibility of ft:nher effort. What I did say was lhat 1 had spent all my money and that 1 could see no prospect of another expedition. 1 have nothing to fall back upon, except my place in the navy. For that reason I am going buck to Washington to report." jZo/igr i^wl "About a year ngo my hair was * coming out very fast, so I bought g a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It X stopped the falling snd made my tj hair grow very rapidly, until now it a is 45 inches in length." ? Mrs. A. 8 Boydston, Atchison, Knns. v There's another hunger | than that of the stomach. | Hair hunger, for instance. I Hungry hair needs food, | needs hair vigor?Ayer's. I This is why we say that \ Ayer's Hair Vigor always j restores color, and makes a the hair grow long and U heavy. s:.oo ? bouic. Aitdnubu. n Iru/r.lst rannot supply *end n* out; dollar ami we wi'l e'sp'iess B yu a .'<? sure ainljrivo tl.e i.aiuo j} ??f your nenrent ex,.-e?tn ofii.-e. Ailiiuw, H >T. C.AYUH Lo?rell, Mans. W ww "i??> owai'<iiiii?i m ii a? > n u bo. ol. IA Golden Rule 1 of Agriculture: Hp i^ood to your land and your crop ^ will be good. Plenty of Potash In the fertiliser spells quality j -V?= * and quantity in the harwe will send you, our money winning V OERHAN KALI WORKS, H Nsum Stmt, vflp4JjphMjHl \ > \ MINOR EVENTSOFTHE WEEK WASH!>rt:?X ITKMS. Having fail* il of promotion. Naval Paymaster .John <\ Sullivan was ordered before a retiring board. Postmaster-('"iK?ral Payne will investigate the anonymous attacks by a mysterious letter writer ou wealthy families in Chiwigo. Colonel II. C. 1 Tasbrouck. Artillery I Corj>s, commanding at Fort Adams. It. I., was promoted to be Ilrigadier-tlenernl. preliminary to retirement. Charles II. Ttuiler. of New York City, was appointed rep ?rier of the decisions of the United States Supreme Court. out: Ai>orTi-:t> isi.amis. Governor Taft established concert Ira- i tlon zones in !ti::al Province, Lrxmi, P. I., as lb" lost st"n in an aggressive campaign against ladrt u< s. | I 'T!,en or mtti/n: i< us o troops In the i Villi, i ! s v< ovdet ed to ex: ? )r:*": piers with an e.p'al number ! of i. ". .v.iuxn4 ir. ,1c TMiiliopinos. | | Vlce-Ve v. nor Wright. <.r the Philip. I pir ?;. mi - it on :? .). rrreat bub* i I i'is.S >' < lit !- i . 1 . .inilil. ? in the Islands. ' <'an'.-M.' Stevcr." of t lir? American j BcliunitM* .i<> *:? 1. Hii"\v, ho shot anil ; kiiled Frank ste Idard, at Fn.iardo, 1'. It., was acquitted. I ievidence sho\yj lug that the shootint: was accidental. ; The wholesale purchase of rice hy the jMnuilh (love:iniieiit and its distribution anions natives has broken the I combination tiiat was hold ins prieos up. Midshipman Richard Wainwrisht, ! Jr., son of Commander Wailiwrisht, j was stricken with fever as the result [ of headius a canal discing party at ! Culebra Island, I'. I. | IX?M KST1C. 1 1'airy Johnston. an m .or, who kill, d 1 Mrs. Kate Il.issett. an ac'i-css. in PL 1: ad'dpliia, confessed on his death lied that the two had disci.-sod double - iOltll* 111 - ? lllvinif . 1.... l.> fon n her to carry il out she allot hini aiul lie tlien killed licr. lulius A. Meyer, a New York dentist, was found deml in llic Harlem River. Murder is suspected. I>r. I.ueius C. Adamson, a noted expert on religious mania and other forms of insanity, was sent to the insane pavilion of ltellevue Hospital, in New York ?'hy. Inning suffered a mental breakdown from overstudy. The hodv of Thomas IL lteed was taken to Portland. Me., the dead j ! statesman*s home, where the funeral ' i was held. M. Jules Canilioii. retiring Ambassador from France to the ("nlted States, ' sailed from New York City, and expressed Ills sorrow at having to leave | America. Struck by a street car James 11. TI 111. a retired capitalist, of St. Louis, Mo., was instantly killed. Having failed in business, Frank ' MuiumonliotV. a commission merchant, of Indianapolis. 1ml.. killed himself by cutting his throat. After six years of work, costing S? 1.| 2oO,(K)t>. the water works tunnel under , Lake Erie for Cleveland. Ohio, was ; practically completed. The schooner Aloha, given tip for lost on Lake Michigan, was picked up ; with the crew on hoard and towed to Gargaufua. George Rear, the Indian convicted of murdering his squaw, was hanged I at Sioux Falls. S. D. lie behaved with i great stoicism. Mrs. IClln Hnllaughcr, who was re* | eeutly acquitted at Iowa City, Iowa. of the murder of her husband, was lu| dieted for perjury. She is alleged to have sworn falsely in her own de, fense. I At !>r. i.ouis, mo., the jury in the | ! rase of Charles A. Denny, on trial for ' perjury In connection with the Sulturi ban Railway boodle deal, returned a ; verdict of guilty and imposed a sentence of two years in the penitentiary. Tlie statistician of Dun's Review says the cost of living is one per cent, less than a year ago. A skifT containing Charles Love, aged thirty-two years, and John Rock, aged sixteen, both of Rice's Landing. Pa., went over dam No. on the Monougahela River, and Dotli were drowned. A big windstorm swept over Northern Mississippi and Southern Tonnes, see, doing corsidcrnble damage. The total vote of Tennessee at tDo last election was ltX),14J). a falling otT of forty per cent, from 1000. FOKKIOX. Seconds of M. Syveton and the French Minister of Justice favor arbl* ! nation instead of a duel. The Cuba Railway opened through j trathe, the tirst train leaving Santiago ' for Havana. Ecuador, appointed Alfredo Racquerlo Moreno, its Secretary of Foreign Affairs, to be Minister to the United States. The Parts Journal Franeais- stated that Jean de Rydzewskl will be prose- j euted on a charge of homicide through Imprudence for causing the death of Mrs. Ellen (lore. Tlie? British ship Tartar Prince was totally burned at soa on a voyage from Now York City* to Port Natal, but all on board were saved. Secretary of Legation Bailey at Guatemala and another man wrote that Godfrey Hunter, Jr., killed ^Willtain A. Fitzgerald In self-defense*. Colonel Lamb, n member of the HritIsli rifle team which visited. Canada, shot and killed himself on the Cunarder Etruria as the vessel wus entering the Mersey. There was -buying of thoroughbred cattle on a large scale in the United Kingdom for Americans. It Is expected that Premier Balfour will have a royal commission appointed to study the question of municipal trading In Great Britain. The Italian Government received renewed appeals for protection from Mascngnl. the composer, but derided to ignore them. The French Government suspended the salaries of several Roman Catholic prelates because of their activity in opposing ihg law of associations. PIRACY NEAR MANILA BAY Desporn-^Rs Loi by an American Rob Passengers cf $'.7,000. flier tf> Kltl All Hii'mU ou liie ISria: It Tliej ma Not Kc?n? yaic!-rfo?;ioil. Victoria. It. ('.?Tim steamer Slinwniur, from Manila, ln-incs news of piracy in the Philippines. the desperadoes licing I?>d by an American. The brig Marida, from Cfttauuan. Tayabas I' for Manila, had beaten up the co.i' t ami was lieealinod off Cavite I Jay. She lmd iio pass, ngcrs five t'hinesa ; erehanls. who were on their way n> Manila t > purchase goods. In the night a nlooji canto alongside and six men eiirnhed over the rail and iminedia; ly ove'ruoweved the t'hlucse I n 7M IIT1S :: 11 U.'ltMls Wiih IV.1 -.J. Or ? o:' ii: i at . was an .v >' v an dt an '.vppcior <?r < : s tabula ry. Two <T 1'- ' il'.-iwv .s nls > wo:? cousta ni.?a; v e>!';rs and car- ! reVolvo-.--. <": m th" An? all. 'I b" !s\ three Pilipillo.; Welt: armed with loirs. On 11n* piiate* reach::' tIio de k <>f 1 lie Ma.i.ia. i1 d<v said that lie was 1 nnrd of health inspector, and int?n to search the vcs. 1 for units nui! auimitniiin:i. M'hen the crew was overt., W! e 5 the Chinese were brought forth, nrd at the points of revolvers were made to ytive up their money, nlinut $17.t*oi>. Tip* pirates eniharke.l in their boat again. and heading toward Cnvite. threatened to kill all hamls on the brig if they did no' keep 'piiet. Wlvn the .Maviehi arrived at Manila the customs nfdeors wer<> informed. but no clew was found to the robbers. PORTO RICO MAKING PROGRESS. flnvrriior Hunt'.* I'c|>i>rt Sliows a Stonily AilT.inri'mi'Ht. Washington. P. The report of Governor limit, of l*orto llieo, tinted July ! *, ippo, just made public, is the second one presented sine.' the inauauration of civil government. II :ulvi <'s tlie President of healthy progress and steady advancement throughout '.lie islands In all suit tatdial respects, it states that there has been proaress in i comprehension of the institutions of the l'n! c?l Stat that administration In mil 11!affairs lias improved: that tallicali.mi is spreading its good iniiuoiuas; thai more land has heeii cu'ilvntcd. exports an 1 Imports liave Inri'i'.'i 1, now rnruie have born built, tbo lolegrnph system lias been extended, tlio lira It li of the pconl" is hotter ami lite death rate has dei re.i ied. Su.rar is r- in! >1 as the principal crop of til island, ami it is ?lutod that ! tile crop oi' P.t02 is tile lnrgt --t save i uo ever prod nerd. In commerce and niiinufaetures n remarkable increase apfiears. The value of imports from the United States for the las' tisoal year aggregated $10,7 !!).!> 14. Imports from foreign countries amounted to $2.42i),0<Ml; the exports from Porto Itieo to the United States In the same period amounted to $8,207,420, and to foreign count t ies $ 1.502,7.03. CREAT NILE RESFRVOIR OFENED. Klioillvi- Tut im Kf.v timl Ductless of Coiiiiiiuglit I.iitn I.rvNl Stone. Assouan, Egypt- The great Nile reservoir and ilani were opened in the presence of the Khedive, ihe Duke and Duchess of Conuauglit. I.ord ('router, the Drtisli agent Consul (Jenernl in Egypt, and Lady Cromer, llie Ministers and . many other distinguished persons. The ceremony tool* place in tlio afternoon. when the Khedive turned n key which put the electric machinery in motion, whereupon the sluice-gates were opened and a great body of water rushed through them. The Duchess of Conuauglit then laid the last stone of the dam, the foundnton ston" of which was laid by tlio Duke of Conuauglit on February 12, 1SS)!>. WHALE STUCK IN PROW. A S tea m all I p I*nn Into tlte I.evlntlmn, IlrenUinc It" Hark. CJrtl% ....I rpt. ?A. ? - nuu r iiiiil-iklu, v ;ti.? a iic* sicamsuip Sierra, which has arrived from Australia. reports that while steaming at the rate of sixteen knots the vessel struck a whale, breaking ils back and rutting it so deeply that the huge body stuck firmly on the vessel's stem. The steamer was Immediately slowed down, but the whale's carcass remained fast to the stem, and it was only upon coming to a full stop and going some Title distance astern that the whale was thrown off. The vessel was not damaged. Tui?n Spring* Up In it Nlglit. Tingle C'hyt Oklahoma. a few day* ago, was mm tiehls and raw prairie. On the following morning it was a town of 200b inhabitants, with a (Tinplete municipal organization, a ban': in operation, a daily newspaper established, a fairly good hotel, four restaurants. seven saloons, at least :? sc-? < of mercantile establishments, and 1.0 i e'.ul of gainhlimr houses. It looks now I ns If F.ngle City will have -1000 rcsi(louts soon. Tl is to bo :i division poinf on the San Francisco line. Mexico to r?j IMou* Fund Avrf\r<l. Secretary of the Treasury T.iniantour has asked the Mexican Coiiin-- ss to authorize the payment of $1,420.082.07 in Mexican currency to the Fnited States Government, together with $13,050.99 as interest thereon, in accordance with the award in the matter of the Pious Fund. The former payment Is to be made within eight months from October 14, and the latter February 2, 1903. I<entencj For Convicted Boers. The report of the Royal Commission which was sent to South Africa to revise the sentences pronounced under martial law shows that the com mission has dealt very leniently with these cases. Out of 794 cases the commission ordered the liberation of 119 prisoners and made large reductions In the original sentences of others. Burglars Ksrnped on a H*n<l Cnr. Burglars took $2000 from the savings hank at Whlteville, Tetin., and escaped on a hand cnr. '"V ../fj THE < i r" ^Vrr-' Life out of d< JJi mcnt which they preater part of tl ^/ happiness when | " rf if piven to them to / i / on whicli it acts, i / ft component parts ; / if every object ionab f(f well-informed, nj 1 ( because of its pie; Syrup of Fips ; s be u?cd by father: . v Syrup of l'"ig ' nntiirnllv wit* j.. i system effectuall; p . X from the use of i! V{ , which thp ch: fire: ' xrow to manhood them medicines, assistance it: the ' " ^ent'.e Syrup. ; " Its quality is -e,.' laxative prinv;p!o ae o to ottr orifjin. the little ones, do ' "I crs sometimes oil ? bought anywhere \ " A 5 x A.A, . ? ..V v.. . v < : t -xy S^V\\ - \\ V-S -s Vv ^ ' ? 'V - 'VWi ? v'-X . ;:'v' [J i-'"'f. - " : . .. c-;/ s Jfc* -J r . : *ti ' " 7 ": V X ' . ''"XV ''' iQ-i"^."V-\V .*y>zx .-"% > . x" "V .) rCAPUDINE^| CURES | Sick IIocvlacHo, Nervovisrxoss sxnd J I'cvoiis! \i\c NO EFFECT ON THE HEART f ^ Sold by u!l 11 < i it * i ; i i s Wr offer One Hundred Hollars Ttcwnrl for any rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by IfaliV Catarrh < urc. 1'. .1. CnKSr.T .V Co.. Toledo. O. Wo, the undersigned, Lave known F. J. Cheney for the iant lf? years, and believe him perfectly honorable Jn all business trausac- j tlons and financially able to carry out any t obligation made bv their firm. W kst & Truax Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, i Ohio. Waldino, Rinnan <V Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur- ; faces of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. i Hall's Family Pills are the. best. It takes the constant labor of 60,000 pco- [ pie to make matches for the world. I FITSnnrmiinrtntlu niirAi< Va Ufa 1 Msnfterflrst day's use of Dr. IUino's Groat NerveRestorer.t'itrlalbottlonnd treat isofroa llr.R. II. Klikk, Ltd., 931 Arch St., l'hila., Pa. The number of laborers required to cultivate the tea crop of India is 066,000 Mre-Winslow'sSoothlng Syrup forchlldroa teething,softeu the gums, reduces inflammation,allays patn,cures wind eolie.OSo. uhottle A chimney of 115 feet high will, without danger, sway ten inches in a wind. Carpets can be colored on the floor wit! rutsam Fadeless Dyes. The average of wrecks in the Baltic Sea is one every day throughout the year. 1 do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds?John F. Hot En, Triuity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. Forty-four muscles are calied inio play i in the production of the human voice. IS NOT A BUT IT CURES F .hid all <1 is'itsrs n risi nf/ front impui is. injure t/ir tfif/rntlrr organ*. t'ntarr it d itappea r under *ltr powerful hi no'! j S TWO BOTT |j Centlemen1 take pleasure in bra |jj of your " UiiKUMAOIDK. Two bottle w; w in uuy ufMieuc to you in advert ieiit;* Yours truly, W. H. ItA! All Druggists, Ji.oo y Bohhltt Chemical Co., . r % WITH NERVES UNS' THAT WISE. \ BROMO -! TA TRIAL BOTTI , so. at, Newest Sfcoe Styles ISMOl COJ Send tor Catalog .. .iiiMi ii f . ?.>?. *,> i* ?.??.. .11 anmWfi n. >..Y CHILDREN E jors and out of the frames which they p ' receive and the efforts wuich they lat healthful development which is so frown. When a laxat've is nee'ed tin cleanse and sweeten and strengthen tl diould be such as physicians would sai ire known to be wholesome and the rente le quality. The one remedy which physi >prove and recommend and which the isant flavor, its gentle action and its bei rid for the same reason it is the only lax . and mothers. is the only remedy which acts gent griping, i . atlng, or nauseating and without producing that constipated It e (>ld-timc cathart. s and modern itxtit : should he so carefully guarded. If y< and woitt inlt's-mJ, : troti:;, healthy and 3 a< n medic:: -s are ; i" cd -d, and v i\ tv of a laxative, give tliei ; only the si Figs. due not only to the exec!! .nice of the c n of plants with pleasant aromatic r.yri il method of manufacture and as you i not accept any of the substitutes which Vr to increase their profits. The genu of all reliable druggists at fifty cents to remember, the full name o CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.UP C the front of every package. In order to get its ' f beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy /""'cv^v \ the genuine only. A M l^:v i 2 Different Way to Express It. Sir Henry ('anipbell-Hannei man. the Kngllsh liberal leader, was aanuunred to deliver a speech in tho commons I on one occasion. A newspaper man tent a note asking how long he intended to speak. Sir Henry replied: "I don't think 'intend' is the proper word, hut 1 'fear' about au hour." j? SOUTHERN MADE for SOUTHERN MAIDS Hit Best Ladies' Shoes In America tor $1.53 TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. IF VOIR DKAI.IIC DOI.N MOT I ABRV I HltTI, A I'OK'i .% I. CA HD ro cm will tki.i. voj \\ i?l itr. YOU < AN ttKTTHK.TI. O O O O CRADDOCK-TLRRY CO.. flAKKRS. LVNChBURO, VA. Ufe ^ v I Or fnr n Uolile-r I Minlotiur Free. COVHTl'l K >OA Kl.TY ( O.MI*\.\\ . lll>TI\U'U?\. I.MMAAA a^BHaBSw^^^^ CURE-ALL, RHEUMATISM Mr.? in the Idnod. It fiositircli/ trill tint I It, lihlticy, l.ircr ami stomach trouble* I \mrif :t i mj qtitttitle* of'this mrilicliir. LES CURED. H IIai.kioii, N. C. M rini' testimony to tho curative ivopert les 9 ?>1: .! my son of a bad < ase. if this will your meritorious remedy, yoti can use it. N S"I). Steward, .V. Instil lit I nu for Mind. H , or cxpressagc prepaid. Fiattirnore, Hd., U. TRUNG AND HEADS ACHE VOMEN SELTZER RE LE lO CENTS ^ M B?*t ( JUgh Syrup. TutVs (lood. Um B 1' l In Ocm>. Hold by drugitet*. W i > .*) I !*> f.v:.- .' INJOY ^0> ilay and the enjoy- *'-C"i - >' . make, comes the r~"\ essential to their V " : remedy which is 'At ie internal organs ^ \ ' *C; action, because its / dy itself free from ; icians and parents, >'K ? './" , : little ones enjoy, * iclieia 1 cfiects, is ? ative which should lv. pleasantly and which cleanses the ' unit which re-uits atious, and ayairst a w aid have them happy, do not piec rhen nature needs inplc, pleasant ami * .! omhination ?>f the - - > ip. and juici but ?'"' O/ raiue tlie health of -* *.v unscrupulous deal- * ^ inc article may be >> \ |k r bottle. Please ,< f the Company? Y '.O. - ?S printed 011 \ v \ :sfPs~^ , - f \ I s %>.<<--: ; * , "^WCANDY CATViABTIC Jic. llructlall Pennine stamped C C C. Never sold in fcullt. Beware of the dealer who trcs to sell 'something juct as food." HT PAY? WRrrfR)S(AT&sri(wi;!Anf f! 8 a A1J SITUATIONS SECURED r'UR 6RADUATES.0R MONET KlTuRNlD^ViT PAYRf?fASt NA5SEY COLLEGES^ BIRMINGHAM. ALA. IflCMMOND.VA rOVIS~rOlNJ.TEX. COL-UM3\JS.GAPAies or kiemorrhoids i whether itching, hlreding or protruding, promptly ! relieved and prrmanenty cured by my method without ' kttifc or operative measures. Write me fully rcgardi ing your case and I will advise you honestly in the matter. Consultation free. IVice of treatment complete. only, Satisfaction guaranteed or money rc funded. Write today. Dr. li. N. TANNER. E< Aurorn. N. Y. DROPSY ^ 10 OATS'TREATMENT FREE. C/ Hov?made Dropsy und itacota? plicatiops a specialty for twenty f vears with, tHs most wonderful I .1 ioooess. Bwvo cured many tbou?J^acd cases. es. a. n. oaiE?cs ccko, 'V Dor li Atlanta, On. WALTER'S u 14 iUadache w M POWDERS 'J estlmonlul. t ioia i -very section. Sold ut nil dm* stores-It powders. 10 rents p.? ! Mire to netW A l.TKIt'S. Kefilse nil other* Your druifKlH will get thorn for you. Tln?> urn 1 Mire twelve relict ir they don't cure. .-end lo cents lor pnckaice to 'I'MK \tAMIlt ? HKJ1 MA 1, < <>.. tt ASlllM.TOs.o p. Capsicum Vaseline Cut up in Collapsible l ubes. A Solwtltutf for and Superior t<? Mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the moat deilrnte skin. The pain allayinu ami curative qualities of this art lei* are wonderful. It will I stop the toothache at once and relievo head ache nltd sciatica. We recommend It .v.? the l>est and safest external counter-irritant known. u'kO as an ex \ ternal remedy for pains in the eh -st and stoniuehandall rheninut ic.nemalitlc and coutye.ou. plaints. A trial will prove what wo claim for It. 1 ami it will Is- found to l>e invaluable in thrr liouseliold. Many people say "It is the l.esi of all your preparations Price 1 ft rents, at all drintslsts, or other dealers, or by .-ending tU's amount to ns In postage at amps we will seitrl you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the puhllo nnlcss the same carries our label, as otherwise | it i.-\ not genuine. | CHESEBBOIGH MANUFACTURING C0? 17 Ktuke Street, New York City. t*2i VuSr m /jam. <m mjjixk a ; i suffered from inclines- [ tion and thought I wou'd rather die than live. I was not able to work for fourteen months. A friend recommended Ripans Tabules to me and 1 got a box. 1 immediately began to im ; prove. I enjoy three good meals a day now and never felt better in my life. At druggist*, rb* Fire-Cent p?ck?t ? enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, 60 cents, contains s ??T>n?r tor a ve?r. I FAT SrOT CASH FOR j M1HoCNTV LAND WARRANTS """ FRANK H. REOkK. P.O. ?ox 101, Denver.Colo. IThompson's Eye Water,