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IN THE LOCAL FIELD. Facts Picked Up Here aad There About People aad Things. Prof. J. A. Tute spent Saturday in Yorkville. Rev. A. L. Stough of Pineville * was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. Coughs and colds are tlie commonest complaints prevailing now. Last Saturday the sun wasitivis ihle to this section during the entire day. Mr. A R. McElhany, of Charlotte, spent Sunday at his home in this place. Ex-Chief of Police Orr. of Charlotte, was a visitor to Fort Mill Saturday. On account of the holidays The Titties will be issued on Tuesday of next week. Butter and eggs are in great demand on this market and the prices are high. Manv are anxious for the weatli erto clear up for Christiias?merchants in particular. Christmas is just one week from tomorrow. The chrildreti are alrcadjr becoming impatient. You haveonly two more weeks in which to pay your State and County taxes without the penalty. "Mountain schoonerfc11 loaded with apples and cabbage, are very coiimiou on the streets nowadays. About this time of the year most people arc beginning to formulate good resolutions for the new year. M iss Mabel Ard rey returned rvit unlay morning from a visit to Mies Jauie Mussey,of Rock Hill. Very slow progress line been made at the Catawba dam during the past week on accouut of tlie hail weather. Mrs. M. E. BanKs is still confined to her room as a result of injuries she sustained by a fall several days ago. Will Iz ird and Lewis Crawford, colored tnen, were fined $2 each Monday morning for engaging in a difficulty on the streets. Mrs. Duncan Wolfe returned Saturday from a two week's visit to her jwirents, Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Yongae, at Springfield, S. O. The Pleasent Valley members of the J. O. U. A. M. lodge are rehearsing for an entertrinmont to bo given during the holidays. There is said to be a wedding of n Fort Mill couple on docket for Christinas eve. We haven't permission to announce the names. The cotton is nearly all picked out, the corn all gathered and the wheat, oats and rye all sowed and in most cases a good stand is lip. The report reaches us that n Mrs. Wilheiui, who lives at the Millfort mill, a few days ago killed a hog that netted 40.'i pounds. Next!. A delightful at-home was given Friday evening by Misses Maud and Nannie Thompson in honor of Miss flattie Campbell, of Bethel. Mr. J. M. Willeford and family have moved from Fort Mill to Lancaster, Where Mr. Willeford has the {x>siti>>u of head machinist in the big new mill. Mr. James Givens and Mis* Bessie Wolfe were happily married last evening at the home of Mr J. L. Patterson,, on Cletjourne street. Rev. W. A. Wright officiated. Christmas shoppers would do well to pny Messrs. Mills & Young a visit while on their rounds These gentlemen have a select stock of Xmas goods, and their prices are right. Read their new ad, The Fort Mill Mfg. company and the Millfort Mill will give their employees a vacation of three and a half days during Christmas. The mills will suspend work Wednesday at noon aiid resume work Monday morning. The J.'resl>yterian congregation held services Sunday in the Baptist church. This change wae made on account of the torn up ! . condition of the Presbyterian church incident to the repair work being made to the building. At a meeting of White Oak camp \V. O. W., held during the past week, it was decided to hold a reception and supper in the town hnll tomorrow evening. All members of tlie order, with their families are invited to be present. Notice lias been received by the dealers here of an advance in the price of keroeine oil from 10 to 1.1 cents a gallon. The retail price ie still 15 cents, though the slightest rise in the wholesale price would compel the dealers to put it up to 20 cents. Pink Jennings, colored, who lives on Capt. S. E. White's place two tuiles north of town, wrs tried Monday morning before Magistrate McElhaney, the charge against Jennings being wife boating. The negro was found guilty in three cases and sentenced to 00 I days oil the gang. I I t Our neighbor, the Charlotte Observer has made arrangements with the Southern to have its papers come south on the early morninn train. The Observer now readies Fort Mill about S o'clock, or about one hour and a half ahead of The State. N(lW IU llli* Ciioa/\?> -.w,. >v# ?nv uowu i in*- yrui when cotton lying on (lie ground or exposed to the west her easily becomes damaged. Farmers should look carefully after their hales if they wish to avoid hiss. Don't let your cotton ruin after it has been made and gathered. Mr. Kdgar .Tones announces elsewhere that his uiill on the Catawba river is now open to the public for the grinding of corn. The days for grinding are Tuesday and Fridays of each week. The public ferry at the mill is also now open and will doubtless be used extensively by the public, it being on the nearest and most direct route from Fort Mill to Rock Hill. Jim Brown and John Williams, two negro employees of the Catawba Power Company became engaged in a difficulty Saturday night at the home of Williams, who came 4 r ii i* i J ? ?? j out ot me ngiu wuu a millet wound in his hip. The quarrel whieh led to the light was about an amount of money which Williams owed Brown and refused to pay. Brown was arrested and bound over to court upon the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. Negro Dies of Smallpox. The Times of last w? ek barely escap -dan untruth in its statement that smallpox had not appeared in Fort Mill. The time of publication was Wednesday noon. Bate that afternoon a rumor on the streets was that <leo. Williams was suspected of having the disease at liits home on the south s do of town. The local board of health immiediut ly appointed a physician to go to the i? eg roe's home and examine the disease, which, according to the physician's diagnosis was genuine smallpox. Williams said that two weeks ago he had gone tc Charlotte to work, leaving his wife and c hild here. A few daws prior to his return he began feeling ill and fearing tha the had contracted smallpox came hack to his home here. Upon his arrival ho informed his wife of his susp cions as tc the nature of his ailment, and she, becoming alarmed, left the house, locking Williams on the inside Thus the man lay for two days and nights without food or attention The physician did all in his powei to relieve the negro of his steadil) increasing illness, but without avail for the announcement reached town Saturday morning that Goo Williams had died Friday night . The burial was made Saturday at the town's expense. . Dr. Campbell to Marry. The Fort Mill friends of Dr Leon Campbell, of Bethel, thu county, will be interested to learn ' that he is to he married this after i noon to Miss Bessie Wilson, ol South Point. The bride is i daughter of Mr. W. W. Wilson i and one of the most charming I young ladies of that section. Dr , Campbell is well known here, hav ; ing for several years attended tin | Fort Mill High School, rlegrad' ! nated from the Louisville Medica , J College in J one and has since prac . ticed in Bethel township. He ex pects soon after his marriage tc locate at Piueville for practice. ?? Mules Killed?Liquor Traffic. The following items are taken from a Fort Mill letter of Monday to the Charlotte Observer: ' Though a peculiar accident, Mr J. H Sutton, a farmer near hear lost two tine mules Saturday. Hit wagon loaded with 5,000 pounds oi , cement was going down a steep hi I at the Catawba Power Company1* i works when the look chain broke ( The wagon rushed to the bottom ol the hill, carrying the two inn let before it. Fortunately two other mules which were hitched to tin wagon had been detached at the top ' of the hill. The zeal with which Chariottf liquor men are working Fort Mill and surrounding territory is cans ing much talk here and attracting some attention from tlit* authorities and it in probable an effort will be made to atop it. ltarelv a day 1 passes when one in not here anc; ' trains are delayed here several mill 1 11 tea extra by having audi a quail tity of jugs and boxes to unload It is said that the liquor men break ' the law by receiving the money it this State which virtually locate! 1 the sale here. The manner in > which tlie town is boing floodei with whiskey has also revivei dispensary talk. NOTICE?The .Touch Roller Mill on tin Catawba river is now prepured t< grind corn on Tuesdays and Fridays The Ferry is now open to the public EDGAR JONES. Our Xmas M Cut this out ntulstvc it. It will selection of Christ mas presents. Cut Glass Water Hetties $5.50. t Cut (* lass Sugar and Cream Sot $5. Cut Glass Spoon holders $1.25 Cut Glass Syrup Stands $1.25 and 1.50 Cut Glass fcjalt and Bopperers 25c Cut Glass individual Walters 15c. China cake plates and salad bowls, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. 1.25, 1.75 and 2.00 China chocolate sets $1.50 and 5,00 " tea sets $1.75, 2.50, 8.50 " bread and butter plates $1 to t 2.50 per dozen. 1 China Flutes. "Halsbad's" goods, pure white $1.25 per set. 1 China handle teas to match, "Hals- J bad's" goods, pure white $1.25 China ice cream set, very nice, $1.75 ' Candelabras 50; to $1.50 a set " Brick-a-brae, great assortment, from 5 cents up r Wrought iron Catuleliibras $2, 2.50 pr " " uubrellu stands $1.50 c " " Vases 25c. 50c and $1 Vases in china and glass from 5c up j in toys, we snow you a nice line. All All things point to a bright Xun j than any Ninas for ten years. Tin I financially and all feel good, and i friends teel oelter by remembering 1 So let us join hands and hearts and I MEACHAM i | Squire VV. (). Huiles writes the] Charlotte Observer that lie as ! t married the following couples this month: Mr. 1\ 1?. Brown and Miss | Addie McArtliur, of Fort Mill; | Mr. K. A. (1 rillith and Miss Kunieej ; Hunter, of Pineville; Mr. W, P. Williams and Miss Cora Pressley, of Mathews; Mr. E. F. Joiiston and Miss Maud Williams, of Charlotte. A Million Voices, Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Ilall, of West Point, la, Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his hums causing a most ' obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had coiisutupt ion, luit could not help liini. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery fori II Consumption and writes?'dt com. I ! pletely cured me hihI saved my life, j I now weigh 227 lbs." I t's positively guaranteed for Coughs. Colds I and Lung troubles. I'rice 50c and 1 j $100. Trial bottle free at Tlios. B. Meachanrs. ' ? Congressman Finley, of this dis> trict, has prepared for immediate introduction a bill appropriating 1 $100,000 for the erection of a inon ement to commemorate the battle of King's Mountain. t [ Saved At Grave's Brink. "I know I would long ago have ' I been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. ! H. Nowsom, of Decatur, Ala. "If it bad not been for Klectric Hitters. For three years 1 suffered ..utold agony irom the worst forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a 4 I world of good. Since using it I ' I can heartly and have gained " if') pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of appetite, Stomach, Liver and 1 Kidney troubles Klectric. Bitters ' are a positive, guaranteed cu re ' Only 50c at Meacham's drug store _ ? The cotton mill industry for the State of South Carolina represents, . up to this date, an investment of capital amnion tiling to $40,577,1)29, in exact fibres. MK } Fcils A Deadly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physicians were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, lndM "hut was completely 1 1 cured by Dr. King's New Liie j Pills." They work wonders in I stomach and liver troubles. Cure | constipation, sick headache. 25 ' | cents ut Meacham's Drug Store. ( f I rr. ***"! 1 The government hereau estimate ' of cotton crop of 1902 5 was issued 1 at 12o'clock on the 3rd inst. Jtes tinnitus thecropat. 10,417,0 0 httles 1 r The Pride Cf Heroes. J Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for Scratches, , > Praises, Cuts, Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Buck> Jen's Arnica Salve is the best in [ the in the world. Same for Burns ; Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Erup r | lions, and Piles. It. cures or no < ! pay. Only 25c at Mom;hum's Drug i Store I! TAB SOUTHKKN RAILWAY Offers Its Usual Xni.ts Holiday Hales Tlti* Year. I On account of tho Christmas holidays ' the* Southern Railway announces tho * salo of round trip tickets between all i (mints south of tho Potomac and cast of | tho Ohio and Mississippi rivers at a fare , and one-third for tho round trip. : Tickets oil wile Deo. 24, 24, 2.1 and ! Dee. HO, til and Jan. 1 with linal limit " j of Jan. 8, also for students and teachers :? | of schools and colleges upon presents-! j ! tion of pro(s;r certificates, tickets at the . above rates will l?o sold on Dec. 1(1 to , 1 22, inclusive, with final limit of Jan. H, 1 inclusive. emorandum I assist you in mnKin<* a profitable oys are mechanical, 10c up Cuff au<l collar boxes 75e, $1. 1.25 Jewel cases $1.25, 1.50, 2.00 Albums 5l)e, 75, $1, 1.25 and 1.50 Album with music box attached $<t.5( Pictures from 15c to $1.50 Nice line of ladies purses 25 and 50c Child's sots 25 and 50c Infants' toilet set $1 stiver uair Receivers, Uigur Stands hi gar and Cream Stands, Card Trays \sli Trays, Bon lion Trays 2 >o each Sterling Silver Taper (Jotters. Slio< lorns, Hsiir Curlers. Nail Files, Tootl Jrushes 2"? cents Doily Kings 2-"?c each Dolls of all kinds from 1 cent to $1 Ties of all kinds for men and hoys. Umbrellas and Parasols, silk and glo ia. $l .2">. l ed. 1.7.? Silk Handkerchiefs, T.inen Handker diiefs, Embroidered H'k'fs, 10c to oik' Neck Hull's for ladies $ 1. >(), 2.<15, 3.00 Chatelaine bags .Vie, Toe. Sl.oO Bedroom Slippers oOaml Slo cents. is. More presents will be givei a country is in excellent tdiapt want to make our kindred tint litem with some token of esteem have a merry and happy Xmns. and EPPS. &TFEW SUGGESTIONS For the enjoyment of Christ nmstide will lie exeoetlingl) timely. We ltandle no tie hlrnetableH as are hortt ant destroyed in a day, but good solid, serviceable presents tlm carry weight of affection ant demand a whole lot of appro ciation. There is nothing ? "???? ? % ? r 1 !??.* ......... niv.r t <11111 I Iini. Vill i IUO UlUIt Kent intent 111 u 11 HOOKS. Wo Imvo Homo henutifullj bound volnmoK that would or tiiiinout tiny parlor table fo do cents. Some well houm books for 25 cents. Some re cently copyriuhted novels fo do cents. Some elegant littli testaments nt 25 cents. Soim leather bound pocket diction tiries at 25 cents. Some boye and girls' books, from a hand some bound volume at .15 eta to the linen and paper juven ilea, and A H C books at . and 10 cents. HUNDREDS OF XMAS CARDS Finest Perfumes. Handsomest Box Stationery Sachet Powder, 10 cents. Dominoes, 15 cents. Checker Hoards, 10 cents. Fontella and Cubtiuola, moe poptl iir cigars, hiiudsoiuctpackage, $1.00 per box. Caudles and holdeis for orni ment or Xuiiis tree. Ardrey's Drug Store FOR FIKE LIQUORS, WINES, ETC GO TO TIIE GOURD SALOON, MARK A. TEETER. Manager, 29 W. Tnule. St. . . Charlotte, N. C PRICE LIST. Hack man's Delight, 1 year old Corn $1 .5 " 2 " " " 2.(1 Old Style Mt. Qnoon 1 " " 1.7 .. .. .. .. :J .. .. O..J Pure N. C. Corn 3 " " 2.'2 " " ** " 5 " " 2.5 Patapsco Ryo 1 " " 1.7 2 " " 2.C Pure Maryland Rye .... 2.5 Old Oakland Ryo. .... 3.5 Old Cabinet Ryo ... . . 3.5 Malt Rye Poach and Honey .... 2.(1 Apple Brandy ..... 2.2 OBI 1*.randy . . . . . .2.5 Port Wine . . . . . .2.(1 Sherry Wine . , . , .2.11 Hinder Brandy . . . . .1.5 We respoctsnlly solicit your patron iip- and will guarantee satisfaction an prompt attention to all orders. T11E GOURD SAL< >ON. IMakk A. Teeter. Mur. Boll Phone 2H5. . . . Char. Phono 20; New Grocery and Meat Male! T wish to nnnonneo in niy friend that I have recently added to in market business a nice fresh stoc of Fancy Groceries and Coiifee turneries. Hereafter I will kee on hand at all tiinesn select stock < FRESH MEATS. I'OKK SAUSAGE, CANNED GOODS, FANCY CANDIES, FRUITS, NETS. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, etc.. And will bo pleased to servo in friends when in need of anytliin in my line. Yours very truly, J. T. J. LI ARRIS. SANTA I Ha,s ai 1 ? Headquarters ; I LJ-M{ i ^ 'le largest and prettiest 5C ever shown here before. We ^ Nuts, Uaisins, Citron, Currn If you want pure candy, that DO we en 11 supply you at very low Qv Come ami see the pretty t do the rest. liei ;! <? Li. or. nva:^ 11 0 ('Phone 1 ?0??0??45? ?? ?6 ^Holiday G Ola Saat With his bountiful supply, h j counters loaded with many nice tliir ? children. Beautiful Chrisl We have many handsome articl for the older people. So in lookii wife, husband, son. daughter or frie wiIf iind our PRICES LOW. | Fruits, Ruts, Wo have a complete stock of tli r Grapes, Raisins, Fi^s, Dates, Pruiii o can till your Christinas order promf p Call on us or "Phone No. 12. Respect fu IViiLLS (house fui E. S5. ANDREWS, I Everything for homo comfort sold here, oil !l LOWEST C. t. Everything favors credit huyin prices elsewhere. Our (jualilits nr hility. Our tcrniH are practically inent and the balance in weekly or your convenience. Our stock cons PARLOR and BEDROON SION TABLES. HALL R.' . ENAMELED BEDS, OH DINING IK)OM CHAIRS, CARTS, BABY CAKKIAC Our stock represents nothing but | very latest. output of the bent facto 1 profits just to advertise the fact tha ,0 I of House Furnishings. !e.m. andri fj! J. S. LYNCH i0 1 l() j Dear Mrs. Person: A good while >o hack my health commenced failing 111 ! and I got in a low condition. I was always tired; with poor appetite, so ,0 tired always that I did not feel (0 equal to any exertion at all. I had iq enlarged glands on the neck which ,5 were very sore and when 1 would take cold they would enlarge and ~ cause mo much suffering. 1 often 1 had spoils of inflammatory rheumatism which affected the whole of my body and rendered 1110 helpless. 1 tried medical treatment, which , would give temporary relief, but it did not cure me. I tried various patent preparations, but they did i me no >od. At last a friend jierL suaded mo to use ? Mrs. Joe Persons y' _ ,k Remedy : s p I bought a half-dozen bottles, and f after taking it I felt so much better that I did not feel like taking any more. The next year in the spring I knew I needed more and again took a half-dozen. 1 took it in that way until it litis made a complete enre of me and my health is line. The enlarged glands are entirely cured, rheumatism entirely cured, v and I am now in stout, robust " health, and I advise everybody who ^ ; needs a tonic or are "run down" to uso Mrs. .Toe Person's Remedy. MRS. ,1. C. MORGAN. 1 Marshville, N, C., May 21, 11)02. >???????????? OLAUS. | 1 :rived, ? . i 1 Ass usual are at <29 issey's. ? 6tock of Christmas Goods \ also have the beet Candies, ntH.^ete., at lowest prices. /j& which in really good to eat r prices. m hings. the low prices will ? spect fully, lSSEY, 1 So. 71.) g fli Ireetings. a Claus, - M as vieitod our store and left our itrci i<i nr ii L>a ?vln/l 1?a !..?? ?4? ?' ' < uac H,okU ? ??*; iirni m ui lliB tmas Presents. ^ les suitable for a Christmas present n>* around fos a present for your tid, bear in mind our stock. You Candies, Etc. I e best Apples, Ornng g, Bananas. tiH, Nuts, Candies and Cakes, and )tly anil at lowest prices. d YOUNG. - M _ fNISHINGS. ROCK HILL, S. C. IOREDIT, ASTI TRICES. P Our credit prices are CASH i* personally guaranteed for ritirai'OUR terms. A small first paj monthly amounts, arrau^ed to suit ists of an excellent assortment of r FURNITURE. EXTEN^ U'lvS. BHASS ami NVHITE IF F() N1E KS, COUCHES, PORCH ROOK EBB, HoI ES, FA N CY ROCK BUS. the newest styles of furniture, the ries. We hi'm Kellimr it. nt uloirt t wo carry a full uud complete lino ROCK HILL, . . . . S. C? , MANAGER. T. D. FAULKNER, UNDERTAKER. I carry a complete line of cheap, medium, and high-priced COFFINS and CASKETS. Can also furnish RUR1AL ROBES, GLOVES, SHOES, etc. Sea mo whoa in need of such. ll-r.-lin T.D.FAULKNER. J. U. Tray wick & Co, DEALERS IN FINE LIQUORS AND WIN ES, No. 42 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. O. DR. KINC'S try NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,HayFever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,!? 1 Sore Throat, Croup and ; Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. Pric* 50c. ?nd$1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE.