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J ,' fc ' 7*sTHE FOHT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATIC. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS B. W. BRADFORD. Tkiims ok Subscription : One year $1.00 Six months .50 Three mouths .25 Correspondence on cnrrcnt subjects is iuvitcil, but. no responsibility is usHuuuxl for tlio views of corrospoudeuts. Advertising rates are mude known to those interested on upplicution to the publishers. Fort Mill Telephone (with Ioiir distunco connections) No. 2<i. DECEMBER 17. 1903. The llepiihlicnus will lmve ten more* members m Hie next House of Representatives than in the Inst anil tin* I)etnocrntH and Fusionists nineteen more. There are twentynine additional members. Mrs. l\ S. Grant, wife of President (J rant, died at her rosidenee in Washington on Inst Sunday night. Death was due to heart failure, Mrs. Grant having suffered for some years from valvular disense of the heart, which was aggravated by a severe attack of bronchitis* m m m Tn connection with the territorial fight it is claimed by the demo, crats thai the republicans would bo glad to have the territorial bill occupy so much time in the Senate as to render imp issible the consideration of any anti-trust legislation at this session and that, they are urging on both sides to the controversy. * * The Senate Iihh played a sorry joke 011 the House by accepting the latters amendment to the immigration bill prohibiting the sale of liquor in the Capitol. The House has been in the linbit of attempting to gain favor with the temperance demerit by attaching riders with this provision to bills going up to the Seuate for some time, trusting to the Senate's throwing them out. # % ? The XJ-nited Stnte government will Boon issue a new 5-cent stamp to represent the pnion of the North find South find the obliteration of sectionalism. On the Htamp will be a picture of Abraham Lincoln and in the background two draped female figures representing the two sections, the North and South. These figures are clasping hands over the likeness of Lincoln,showing the uniting a^ain of tlie North and South. * * The value of the silver in n dollar is only 38 cents now, and it was stated in New York the other day bv cine Rpnnniiitoil tlm ....... cv v? t? t ii mo im in A 1 lint nearly one-lmlf the silver dollars in circulation are counterfeit ? tnat is, not made by the government. An expert could easily make n silver dollar worth juHt as much as the government coin and make a profit of 62 cents, and so long as this can be done without detection the temptation will be too great to be resisted. ' South Carolina's Ntgro Settlement. In Clarendon county, about fifteen miles from Mnuning.and twenty five miles from Sumter, is St. Paul, one of the most prosperous, intelligent and the welthiest negro settlements in South Carolina. Over twenty years ago Mr. David Tifvi wlvi uium 111n , -F .. ?W ".!? at < inn chant in Manning, following the custom of the low country merchants, branched out of town to put up a country atom in thie cotton belt to catch the negro trade. He moved all of hit* effects in a two horse wagon, and started bushiest* in a log cabin. Now he owns several thousand acres of land adjacent to St. Paul, and in Clarendon county, and haa a monopoly of the entire trade, and in fact will not allow any other white man to d ? business in or near St. Paul, a? he owns all the land save what the negroes own. Mr. Levi ?h kind and obliging to #rdl the negraee around there, furnishes theim money or supplies, mules or anything tliey want, buys all their cotton ami produce, and lbs large store thia season of the year, with over a half dozen clerks ia alwnys crowded. An average of 60 bales of cotton ia ginned there a day, while the outfit lielongH to Mr. Le vi, negroes move the entire fer' business for liitn.- Exchange. Shot Down In His Home. A. L. Bishop, a shoo drnmmoi of Lynchburg, Va., who is known to a nuinbor of business men here, shot and killed Air. Tom Wilson in his own home in Charlotte last 'Tuesday night. Bishop, though a ! married man, was infatuated with a Miss Lena Sohultz, of Charlotte, with whom he had an engagement to call at the home of her brotherin-law, Mr. Jacob Meyer, three floors from Mr. Wilson's, and Miss Wilson invited Miss Sehnltz to spend the night with her. While at the Mevei home wine wasdrunk j by Bishop and -the young ladies, ; the wine being offered them by \f_ ^1 _ I a 1 a i\ f.n i I I .mr. iueyer. /vi iidoiu ;r..>w o ciock they went to the resdence of Mr. Wilson and there continued drinking tlio wine given thein by Mr. Meyer. The trio made so much noise Mrs. Wilson went to the pur lor door and !ook? d in, seeing the wine on the table and objecting to the proceeding, returned to Iter bedroom and awoke her husband. Mr. Wilson walked into the parlor and ordered Miss Sehnllz to leave, which she proceeded to do; then he ordered Bishop to leave also, catching hold of t lie lapels of Bishop's eoat. Some words were passed and Bishop pulled his pistol and pressed it against Wilson's side just below the heart and lired. Wilson fell to the floor, exclaiming. "Ho has killed me," and did not speak again, although he lived for half an hour. .Bishop got his eoat and tied, leaving his hat, and has not been apprehended. Mr. Wilson was well thought of by all and held the position of overseer 01 uie puDiic roads i i tlie county. BISHOP SURRENDERS. Nothing was heard of Bishop until Sunday night when a 'phone message from the officers of Petersburg, Va, to Chief Police Irwin of Charlotte, stated that Bishop had surrendered and was in jail in the former city. Bishop told the mayor that the shoot inn was entirely justifiable and that he tired the fatal shot in self-defence, as Wilson was striking him over the head with a Htiek and he was dazed by the blow. The Petersburg officer stated that Bishop would return to Charlotte with out requisition papers. Magistrate Boykln Reinstated. Some time ago the governor removed ?T. W. Boy kin as magistrate at Lamar, in Dnrlinton county, he having performed a marriage ceremony of a white man and a mulatto gii 1, claiming that it was at night anil lie did not know that the girl was other than white. The ex-mairistrate was urosecnted in the circuit court, but was acquitted. Ill view of the acquittal by the people of Mr. Boy kin's county the governor Thursday reinstated him as magisarate to till out the unexpired term.?The Stale. ?- ?? Woodmen Elect Officers. At n meeting ?f White Oak Camp W. O. W. held 011 Tuesday night of last week, the following officers were elected to serve during tho yenr 1903: J. Q. Cousart, C. C. S. W. Parks, A. L. L. J. Maaaey, banker. T. A. Mills, clerk. B. O. Fergerson, watchman, J. C. McKlhaney, escort. T. E. Merritt, sentry. D. G. Kimbrell, manager. Bull FlghToidn't Go. The proposed dog, chicken and hull tights, advertised to take place at Friday at Robert F. Thomassos's place near Rock Hill, failed i _ iV il -1 -1 10 come ou, mougn mo interiorence of Sheriff Logan and the ltock Hill militia were nece-sary to put a stop to the Spanish-like amusement. In accordance with the instructions of the governor, SheritT Logan wont to the proposed arena hefore the hour tixed for the beginnig of the performance, and informed Messrs. Tliornasson ami Tillman, owners of the bulls, of his instructions and his intention to carry them into etTeot. The roply was that they, too, had taken legal advice, and that the governor had made a mistake in choosing his mode of procedure; that In? should have applied to the courts for an injunction. The sheriff was not disposed to split hairs about the matter and. as the projectors of the program scorned determined to push the fight, lie decided to call for help. A message to Rock Hill was all i that was necessary for in a short time the Catawba Rifles were on the spot, rondy to support the authorities. This put an entirely different view of the matter before the bull : fighters. They realized tlint the J sheriff alone might not be able to stop the tight if the crowd came, ; but thut the sheriff hacked by a | military company could win in au Ml appeal to force. Me 8-irs. ThomasH'.n and Tillman thereupon decided to call off the main features of 11 the program and tj amuse those . who had conic with a drm* race. Sports who went fioin tliis place say that the hulls would certainly have heen put together hail net the bheriff inU rfereil. The Ne ws of the County. Rock Hill Horald. Mr Alex. L?ailey and Miss Flora Limeher^er were united in mar Milieu at .St.j'j o'clock NVcdneailay I afternoon at the Methodist pnrsonnge, Rev. J. S. Beaslev oflieiating. i The ceremony was witnessed by a number of Iriends who extended warmest congralululions. Paul Robinson, a inaehitiist at i the dam. whileengnged at his work ! a few days a<40 had the misfortune ] of sustaining a very painful wound by a piece of steel striking him in tho right eye. Mr. Robinson left yesterday for a few days'stay at his j home in Columbia. A negro by the name of T>evy Primhle and who is wauti d by the shentf of Newberry, was arrested in this city Wednesday night by Olhcer Miller and placed in the station house. The sheriff was notilied of 1 he arrest at once and he came to Rock Hill yesterday I and carried the prisoner hack. Yorlcvillo Enquirer. Treasurer Neely is not milking as much progress with tlio work of j collecting taxes as he would like. I p to Thursday night, he hail collected only '$21,159.14. This amount was inclu led in 2.!>21 reeeipts The total bonk calls for $101.4111 .'.ft. and that means that there is still more than $so.Of;0 to he collected within the eighteen days. This amount is included in about (i.oUO receipts. The treasurer did splendidly in Kuck Hill In.-t week, i.ssu tig 1,200 receipts, nearly half of the total number issued. There are quite a number of people who are calculating on the usuextensiou. The extension may be i made; but if so it will probably la* made by the general assembly. The governor has given it. out pretty emphatically that he will not be a party to any such foolishness. Yorkvillo Yooman. Mr. (diem Gordon has been elected superintendent of the county chain gang, and took charge tin Monday. Mr. Whitcner, who has had charge of the force for two years has come to Yorkvillo and taken the place on tin1 police force vacated by Mr. Mendeuhall. Mr. C. E. Jl. Mendeuhall this weok had an operation performed for the removal of a wen from over his right eye. It made him right sick for several days but he is j walking about now. Ho expects to leave for Port Mill the first of next, week, to work for the Catawba Power Company, at the dam near India Hook shoals. Mr. Kobt. T. Love, a well-to-do farmer, who livi?w nlmnt I't milnc west of Yorkville, found u nugget of gold on his farm one day hmt I week that weighed 58 penny weight. Teats of the nugget hy a local jeweler proved its genuineness. Mr. Love says that the nugget was picked up from the surface of the Lrround in n cultivated field. There is authentic record that at a point about six miles from Mr. Love's farm, in 1.S51. some miners found a nugget that they sold for nearly $5001). The old Wheele carriage factory, a landmark of Yorkville, was destroyed by lire Wednesday afternoon. An ageil negro man living i in part of the factory, innde up a fire ami came up town to the market and his tire got out. A wind , blowing across a vacant lot saved valuable property. ???? York Negroes Moving West. During the past week thirty or forty negroes, whose homes are in and around Yorkville, have emigrated, to Arkansasaud Mississippi. T1 ?y emigrants were of the I rest class and they write to their friends here that conditisus in their new homes are more to their liliti.r than here, and that they they expect to remain. It is possible that others will follow at an only day. The white people here do not seem to bo at all concerned about the oxodns; in fact, tiio sentiment seems to be growing that the rapid development of the ngrieultnral interests of the State domands that the negro must go and that class that has built Up and developed the West must come, and that the English, Germans, Swedes and simular desirable classes will never come in large numbers so long as the negroes are here.? Yorkville corespondencu News and . Courier. WANTED?A jfixsl mi Ik cow, fresh with calf. Jersey preferred. L. A. HAIl RIB. Place your orde-s for Job Printing wttb The 'innes. ft. , '' 1 ^ I FOU GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WHITE TO W. IF. IIOOVE1*, CIMKMMTK. N. c. j ' ^liuilDRY MIMSi ; that art? not found oil linen fresh from Tho MODEL STEAM LATJND3Y, Charlotte, N. O., are rust stains, ink stains, fruit stains, and especially scorches from overheated irons. That ! is what we particularly guard against . ticckless, flawless, immaoulato?white | ias white can he, or as strong of color as I when you bought it (if originally of a color iKittorn), your washable apparel is ; returned clean, well washed, well ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every j Thursday morning and laundry re: turned buturday mornings by ? j I I). I.. McELUANEY, Agent. TRUSl'ASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned against hunting, fishing or otherwise trespassing up>n any of the lauds owned or eontrolled by the undersigned parties. The law will he rigidly applied to anyone aisrt'nanlmtf tliis notice. F. NlllS. W F. PATTF.ltSON. \V. II. Jones. T. S. Kirkpatriek, ?T. W. Anlrey. \V. C. Armstrong. 1). A. l>-c-. 11. S. Torronee. \V. E. Spmtt. T. O. ispmt t. W. 11. Iioko 11. M. t-'prjitt. Misses Atltlie mid Dovie Harris. J. H. Colt harp \V. I. .loin s S. K. White. 1). F. Koniiett. J. 11. Mack. T. A. Mills. W. F. lloytl. TRY THE Ci(^ Barker Sliop For u tiret-class HAIR CUT, ! SHAVE, SHAMPOO, or HAIR SINGE. Caroihers & Son. Proprietors. Third door Bunk building. ID. J. WILLI AMS, ; Statesville's Lipor Dealer. i laurel Valley Ccrn Whiskey, 5 Years Old: 12 Full Quarts, in neat ease, . $7 GO 84 Pints 8 00 48 Half Pints . . . 8 GO 4la (iallons, keg included, . 'J 00 One and two gallons, jug and orate included, per gallon, . 2 2G , Pure N. C. Sweet Mash Ccrn WhiskeyNew, per gallon, .1 40 Two to Three years old, i>or gal. 1 75 Fure Apple Brandy, per gallon, . 2 00 Elxn City Club Rye, 7 years old, 12 quart s, . . . . . 8 00 Twenty-four Pints, . . . 8 60 Fnrt v-eight Half pints, . . 0 00 I yuu llllll 1WII gUllOllH, JOg ail?l crate included, per gallon, . 2 aO Sscekior Rya, jug and cruto included, per gallon, . 2 (Ml 1 Poach and Iloncy, ]>er gallon, . 2 (X) Rock and Rye, jxjr gallon, . . 2 (X) ! Holland Gin, per gallon, . .2 <>o Remember I sun no rectifier or compounder. In buying my goods you are not buying water. 1 guarantee all these j goods superior to anything being shipped frohi this market. All jugs will he put in boxes instead of crates for loo. extra; kegs boxed for 2,">c, extra, and all lx?xes are shipped without any marks to indicate their contents. Cash must a *.conipany all orders. They will bo filled the I same day received. Send money by j registered letter, post office money order | or express money order, f loods shipped | either by freight or express. As to my resiMtusibility 1 refer yon to I tho Drudstroet and Dunn Mercantile Companies and my hundreds of customers all over the South. Remember, | again, that I guarantee satisfaction in | all cases or refund the money. D. J. \VILJ,i A MS, STATESVIIJ5, N. C. An - ire *en(1lng n *krt. h and dcacrtoMnn may t,ulekly aacortaln our opinion froe wf.oilier en In mention U prnhahly put en table. Communion. llo.v?Klrlotly eontldontlnl. Handbook on I'ntenta innt free. oldest aironey for aecurtng patents. I'.o<uita taken thrnturh Mtinn A Co. receive rperi/i ni>tUf, without clinrgp. In the Scientific American. i A hiutdaetncly Illustrated weekly. rlreulntlon ?.< eny aolantltlc Journal. Ternt*. Fl a year: four mint ha, fL. Hold by all nowadealeni. MUNN K Cn.36'Broadway, New York llranch Other, tu* F St, Washington, 1>. C. The Times nm! tlio New York World ul Sl.7o u y jar. % Fine Photographs When you go to Chnr- t lotle don't fail to pay a vibit to J RADER'S PHOTO, GALLERY, . We make nil tlie latest styles and sizes, at reasonable prices. 1j 1 \\, Fifth St., rharlalfr, N. C 1 t t PLACE YOUR ORDEBS * FOR .TOR PRINTING r WITH THE TIMES. ' : I Your Xmas G Should be made of the best Fl ii?i? Company speaks to every bo suits from her baking of Cakes a Dan Valley Fl 25 POUND SAO 50 POUND SAO 100 POUND SAi Some of you know?others nu noiqimlin this place. It hakes critics. (live us your or lei and Delivered anywhero in town. Fort Mill Manutacturii L. A. IS IRKrTHE OLD REL1 Annual Clea Since tlie inangurati we have made it a nil December of each year includes everything ii our big store, always 11 jtions oil all remnants, < Our clearance sale tl Monday, December 1, \ make this the most int so far eondneted this ! counts will bo made on I \ I I ' All our Deeeniher sal ful, hut the event of thi previous occasions of t are a money saver vo I this opportunity to bin specially reduced price WANTED?Cow P other kinds of Peas, a market price for them, a number of wagons an oiler at bargain prices. Grain Fertilizer just horses and mules to be Yours for 1 THE OLD BELI T. IJ. 11ELK, P. S.?Highest mat Corn, Ilay, and Foddci I REGISTRATION NOTICE. Th? books of Registration for the own of Fort Mill for the year 1903 are iow open, ami will be closed on the bird (3) day of January, 1903. W. R. drachma has been appointed Registrar. By order of the town council. J. W. McELHANEY. lutendant. NOTICE. Tlio aniiunl meeting of tlio Comity knuinissiouers of York County will l*i lold in thoir office, Yorkville, S. C., on Vodnesdny. December 17th, 1902. All persons holding claims against he County will present them, duly atestecl, to the under igued 011 or before aid day. Claims not presented the 'ear tlioy are contracted or the subsiLuent year are forever barred. MARY J. HUNTER. Clerk of Buurd. Govern tier 19?It. iake our. The Fort Mill Mnnufncturusewif who wishos the host retul I trend tor the holidays. We sell our? i KS 60c KS $ 1.20 IKS 2.40 ist find out?that Dan Valley has beautifully and rises to suit all be convinced as well as pleased. lg Company's Store. , AI<tn<ig:t?r. ABLE STB ranee Sale. ion of this business c to conduct during a special sale, which 1 all departments of inking special reducodds and ends. lis year will begin on and it is our aim to cresting sale we have 5 year. Special disi all Glothingi Shoes, Furniture, Stoves and Trunks. les have been successis sale will outclassall lie kind, and if you 11 Will 11/lt Am f ? AAA 1*\/C \/ * VI Jl V /\/I\ r high-class goods at s. eas, Whipporwill or nd Avill pay highest We have on hand id buggies which we Two car loads of in. A few head of sold cheap, business, SBIE STORE, Proprietor. ket price paid for r. j \ I