University of South Carolina Libraries
I. .. IN THE tOCAL FIELD. facts Picked Dp Here and There About People and Things. Mr. J. L. Wat sod, of Charlotte. ( spent Sunday with bts mother in this place. Col I^eroy Springs of Lancaster, was a visitor Sunday at the houio | of Cajit. K. K. White. Miseee Frankie Frwiu and Neely PoiLt. of Steel Creek, are visiting 1 relatives and friends in the city. j Mr. Wr. M. Piiilllips and little eon, Richard, were up from Hock Hill for a short while Sunday. Mrs. S. L. Meachatti went up to j Piueville Monday for a short visit to Iter parents, 1'rof. uud Mrs. J. A. Boyd. Mr Titos. B. Meacliara, Jr., of i (i roe it wood, was a visitor Saturday j at home <>f his father, Dr. T. li. | Mcttclmtii. A cow p-otected from cold winds j aud rains in winter will give twice I as much milk as one thai has to J t*\ke tlie weather as it comes. 1 f erery man who takes and reads j a paper was honest and paid his debts, we poor country editors would be a great deal better off. The l>oar men, with two big brown hems, appeard in town Monday. and to say that the small boy was delighted is mildly putting it. , Herbert, the young 6on of Mr. I and Mrs. das. Patterson, is serious- j Iv ill of typhoid fecer at the home ; of his parents on h]ast Booth street, j Again we would advise you to; pay your taxes at once and avoid , the rush. The time expires on the i *>?_*: . ? ?i 11 .jiwi m?i, mill mere will lie no extension of the time. >1 r. Joe Hoke returned from i Cheater Saturday evening, accompanied dy his cousia, Mr. Cree Spratt, who sjH5iit Sunday with rd&Uv? ? in this place. Mr. and Mrs.J .E.Caldwell returned Monday to their home at llarisburg, N. CM alter a weeks visit at! the koine of their daughter, Mrs. U F. Crier, of this place. All of the merchants are now busy in opening their holiday . goods, and the rush of trade is just ; beginiug. The busiest season is about a week before Christinas. The town has a large force of bands engaged in crushing rock, prepara'ory to macadamizing a portion of White street near the Fort Mill Mfg. Company's plant. j The two rear coaches of the ' southbound morning train TiturH . day showed evidence of having ; passed though u snowstorm somewhere up North during night. J. T. J. Harris is a new addition to the ranks of the retail groeerymen. Mr. Harris has opened n grocery in the Mills storeroom, and invites you to read his advertisement in another column. Tne mortality in the swine 'family has been enormously heavy dur- i ing the past week. Mr K. \V. Kim- i brell holds the championship thus far for the b'guest home-raised hog. His weighed Beginmug with Tuesday the Southern added a new sleeper from Charlotte to Charleston, via Rock Hill and Camden, by way of the Ohio River & Charleston Railway recently purchased by the Southern. Our merchant a are looking for- , ward to a brisk holiday trade, a d they have large and varied stocks j of goods to select from. Read the j advertisements carefully each week in The Times and you will know where to get the goods you de-ore. j Very few have thus far availed j themselves of the op|oriuuity of j registering for the approaching ( municipal election. Thisisarnat..t tl 1; w\ m tuiui uiumuiy im|M>rlanc<* mid should he attended to before it is too late. Some idea as to the amount of SHUllHg, IMC,, til the ^Hiiiiiiri ii tit this place may he gained from the fact that freight No. tit put in just' eight hours here Saturday morn- ; ing liefore continuing its way | north. A 'phone message from Yorkville Saturday stated that the bond of Samuel McCraven had been placed ?t $2,500. McCraven's friends have not yet succeeded iu raising tile bond, but think, they will he able to do ho in a few days. The attention of Times readers is directed to the advertisement i elsewhere of the Gourd Saloon, Charlotte. Mr. Teeter, the manager, is well known to n majority of the citizens of Fort Mill, and those dealing with him muy always feel assured of prompt altentiou to all orders sent him. At a meeting of the Pension Board, held in Yorkville last Wednesday, Mr. J. F. Wallace was alected pension commissioner for York ; county for the year 1903. Under an act of the lajjt Legislature nil applications for pensions, transfers of pensioners, change of class, etc, must be made to him during the month of January next, at his office in Yorkville. m. The Sunday school children of < the upper mill chapel, under the i li direction of Mr. \V U. Carothers,: n are rehearsing nightly for an en- a terfuinuient to be given at the 1 d chapel during the holidays. A 1 a 'Christmas tree will be given the; u children of the school ou the; v night of the 24th. t i Dave Hunter, a rantntikerous j g individual of dark complexion, on Wednesday loaded up on mean ' liquor ami carvor'.ed ground in a manner that di?l not 'zactly suit 1 V Minnie McKee, his "honey,*' and ^ i the two engaged in a neat little ; ^ ! catch-as-you-cau wrestling match ' v i on one of the city's thoroughfares, i " ; His honor said for Hunter and $3 for Minnie. I v | f As will l>e seen by notice m I t another column, Mr. -I M. Scott, J of Charlotte, wants a competent j ^ man to take charge of his farm, 4 ( miles north of Fort Mill. This! place is made vacant by the resignation of Mr E. II. Phillips who has act'fptwl n position in the o furniture store of E. M. Andrews,; a of Charlotte. Mr. Phillips will re- t move his family to Charlotte with- t in a few days. s The South Carolina conference ' of the Methodist, church, which has j '' been in session at Newberry for a ' <" week, adjourned Monday ni^ht. :n Kov. \V. A. Wright was returned I to the Fort Mill Methodist church f' for another year. The llev. \V. ^ P. Meadows was made presiding ; elder of the Rock Hill District to ' succeed Dr. H. W. Bays, who is I u transferred to the Charleston District. Sol Carlisle, nn employe of the Catawba Power Company, was shot and instantly killed Wednesday j afternoon in one of the companies { I i? 11 nil I u 11 t limiuuj !?? 4 1 .,r x't.iiiy miner () son, a colored damsel with h clmr- r acter strictly in keeping with her ' complexion. Before the coroner's ' ^ jury Thursday morning the woman (] claimed that the shooting was acci- ^ dental; that Carlisle handed her the pistol, saying it was empty, and j told her to snap it at him. This | she dul with the result that the H weapon was discharged and Car- j lisle fell dead with a bullet in his' < brain. The verdict of the coroners jury was that the negro man came to his death by accident. - - Called to Her Reward. I i At the ripe old age, of 7<> years 1 Mrs Cynthia McCnllough died yesterday morning at 8 o'clock at tho ^ home of her niece Mrs. B. II. Mas- ; ?' sey. four miles south of Fort Mill. I Mrs. MeCuHough, up to 2 years t ago when she was taken siek, was v remarkably w?-ll preserved for one 1 of h<-r age. She could get about I ' well and wis lively, cheerful and * active in the discharge of light ' liouseliold affairs. She was a noble J Q woman, a good neighbor, and wud I ' beloved by all who knew her. Deceased was the relict of the late Jno. A McCullough, who until his death resided in Ebenezer town- I ship. J f uneral services were held this \ morning in Ebenezer church, of t which deceased was a member, and u the iuteruient was made in the~ c churcli^burial ground. H t Coming Marriage. v . C The following item from the -j Charlotte Observer of Monday will j (| be read with interest by the people : j of this section: "Shortly after the tirst of the year ; Miss Cora Wilson, of Morganton, j who is a sister of Mrs It. L. Gibbon, of Morganton, and has many friends 1 v here, will be married to M r. L. .J.lo Mttssey, a prominont business man 1< of Fort Mill. S. O." The marriage is to take place at ; (' Morgan ton on the evening of Jan- * uray 8. I c Don'! Tarn Tbeai Loose. y 9 * ________ , Mr. J. \V. Byrum has received a ,, smalt package by mail from a [\ friend in Texas, containing about ,1 a dozen i>olI weevils?the insect j, which played so much havoc with y the cotton crop in some portions of Texas this year. They look like a doodle only they have wings and a horn-like protrusion from tne p head. The latter they use iu boring h into the boll. Mr. Byrum was c very careful in transfering tliein c from the package to a vial to see F that not one escaped. He keeps s the vial tightly corked and carries c< it in his pocket, hut they seem to e live as well corked up in the bottle as if they were at liberty.? Waxhaw Enterprise. ? 11 Smallpox in Laneastor. h The citizens of Lancaster are much alarmed over the smallpox situation in their town, and gener- v al vaccination has been the order \ J for the past ten days. Smallpox S first appeared in the mill village, h just outside the corporate limits, t! and the health authorities inline- S diately set about to prevent, if pos- j ti sible, the disease entering town, j p In this, however, they were oiisuc- j fcj essfnl hhii carpenter named l)un *p has a fully developed cast* on ne of the streets of town. Tlieie re about twenty cases in the mill istrict, but none of the patients re seriously ill as the disease is , f a very mild type. Compulsory ; acci nation has been ordered ami i ho physicians are now busily en- ; a^ed in inoculating the people. j The people of Fort Mill deeply ympathize with their brethren ver in Lancaster, for it has been ust a year since our citizens had his loathsome disease to contend nth, and while there are perhaps ... f _ . . mm- >ilh!-n III liHIICHHlfI', lilt* lllSase in Fort Mill was of a more 1 iolent form and several deaths esultod from it. However, up to his time if there has been a easel f smallpox in Fort M 11 township his fall it has not been reported. < ?tflparoe Rapist to Hang. John Marsh, colored, convicted ! f an assault upon Alice Curclock, i colored school teacher, during I he last week in October, lies in i he Union county jail under the entence of death?to be handed on anuary (?th, lttJJ, between the lours of ten and two o'clock. The ounsel for the prisoner took an ppenl to the Supreme court, and his will of course stay the sentence or sometime. If a new trial is panted, he has another chance for lis life, if not, he has no futher j esort except to ask the Governor's nercy.?Monroe Jounal. A Million Vuicai, Could hardly express the thanks f Homer Hall, of West Point, In, listen why: A severe cold had setled on his lungs causing a most hstinute cough. Several physi- j inns said he had consumption, hut 1 ould not lielp him. When all 1 bought he was doomed he began to { ise I.)r. King's New Discovery for lonsumpliou and writes--''it ccuuiletely cured me and saved my life, now weigh 227 lbs." It's positivey guaranteed for Coughs. Colds nd Lung troubles. Price ?r>0e and i 100. Trial bottle free at Thus. B, lleacham's. <?> The friends of the Charleston iegro, Crum, were given a severe olt Monday by the president sendng to the senate the nomination of Jajor Micah Jenkins to be collecor of internal revenue for South Carolina. Crums friend's had toped to land him this important dace or that of collector of the lortof Charleston, but the protests /ere so many and loud that the (resident seems to realize that ittlo is to he gained by putting he negro into office, and he is ikely to remain outside the ranks if South Carolina's government | pie eaters.'' -4#^. Saved At prave's Brink. "I know I would long ago lmve teen in my grave," writes Mrs. S. i. Newsom, of Decatur, Ala. "If t had u<it been for Electric Bitera. For three years 1 suffered in told agony ironi the worst forms if Indigestion, Waterbrash, Stoin,ch and Bowel Dyspepsia. But his excellent medicine did me a irorld of good. Since using it I , an oat heartly and have gained '5 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss if appetite, Stomach, Liver and Cidney troubles Electric Bitters re a positive, guaranteed cure >nly 50c at Meaeliam's drug store A Missouri editor who went on a ncation left a minister in charge f his paper. A day or two Inter a utter came from "a wnybnck subcriber," which read: "You know well I paid my subscription lie last time I was in your town, f I get any more sucli letters 1 will otnc down and maul bell out of ou." The minister answered: "1 ! a ve ueoii trying to ilifiUi that thing ut of the editor for yen.8, and F you really coine down and maul L out of him. then, my dear sir, I ave twenty members of my church ou can operate on." Foils A Dtadle Attack. "My wife was so ill that good hysicians were unable to help er," writos M. M. Austin, of Winhester. Ind., "but was completely ured by Dr. King's New Life ins. liiey work wonders in ] IoimacI] and liver troubles. Cure ' unstipation, sick headache. 25 ents at Meacham's Dru^ Store. The reports of the department Iiowh that postal money orders do ot pay the expenses of running at branch of the business. The Pride Of Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war rrote to say that for Scratches, , Iruises, Cuts, Wounds, Coras, J lore Feet and Stiff Joints, Buck- , m's Arnica Salve is the best in lie in the world. Same for Burns, icalds, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Erup* ions, and Piles. It cures or no < ay. Only 25c at Meachaurs Drug itore. There is a iiihii living not many miles from Camden who has a family of nine boys, the youngest one Uow being about grown and as large as liis father, and a doctor has never been called in to see one of them. The grand jury is investigating recent student riots at the State I'niversity of Iowa and will send alxiut twenty of the ringleaders to jail if the evidence can be se cu red. The biggest gun in the world is the Hi-inch coast defense gun shipped yesterday to the Sandy Hook proving grounds. It will shoot a i projectile weighing 2,H76 pounds ! a distance of 21 miles. W ANTED- Overseer to take charge of j a or ?> hor-e farm, :t miles north of | "Fort Mill?a jurt of the ohl Springs | tract. Apply in writing and give ref- I e.reaee. JNO. M. SCOTT, Charlotte, i N, C. tf | A FEW SUGGESTIONS For the enjoyment, of Christmastide will be exceedingly timely. We handle no destructables mh are Ihiiii and destroyed in a day, but good, solid, serviceable presents that carry weight of airection ami demand a whole lot of appreciation. There is nothing nicer and that carries more | sentiment than BOOKS. We have some beautifully bound volumes that would ornament any parlor table for 35 cents. Some well bound books for 25 cents. Some recently copyrighted novels for 35 cents. Some elegant little jililitfi 4 < u f o..nlu ???? leather hound pocket dictionaries at 25 cents. Some hoys' and L'irls' hooks, from a handsome hound volume at 35 cts. to the linen and paper juveniles, and A U C hooks at 5 and 10 cents. HUNDREDS OF XMAS CARDS. Finest Perfumes. Handsomest lh?x Stationery. Sue Ik* t Powder, 10 cents. Dominoe*, 15 cents. Checker Hoards, 10 cents. Fontella anil Cuhauola, most popu'ar cigars, handsomest package, $1.00 per box. Caudles and holders for ornament or Xmas tree. Ardrey's Drug Store STOP! Friends and Read This. Graham, N. C., Nov, 27, 1902. Nrs. Joe Person, Kittroll, N. O For some 5 or (5 years prior to three years a><o. I was troubled with an ulcer on the lejr, which came from the scratch of a rusty nuil. I used ovoiythiii|? that I uvcr fjiw rooomeuded but nothing t w ?n \?in> ii-iii J#* ii.ii y i until I used your remedy. After using five lndtles I hud to stop the remedy, as the trouble seemed to get so much worse. However, after sloping it. the sore healed and has not bothered me in three years or more. I uni satisfied that your Remedy did the work, and cheerfully recomoud it for any blood trouble. Yours very truly, JNO. R. HARDER. J. U. Traywick & Co., DEALERS IN FINE L.IQIJOHS AND WINES, No. 42 East Trado St. CHARLOTTE. - - - NO. DR. KING'S r NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumon ia,Hay F ever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. Price 50c. and SI TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. Place your onlera for Job Printing with The Timet*. ???S?????????6 I SANTA 0 Has an 8 Headquarters as | Li. J. Mai The largest and prettiest etcx a ever shown here before. We nist ?Nuts, Raisins, Citron, Currants, If you want pure candy, that whi we can supply you at very low pr Qv Couie and aee the pretty thin * do the rest. Respet ? Xj. sr. ?* ('Phone No. ?S00?QO80@08S6 +&X&XX&XXiX?% | Christmas 1 U Will soon be the order of the da ^ zling their brain with the one th ^ for Christmas?" This in a ainij W wered, when you go to the right Hiipplied. No place in town app ^ Christiuaa shopper than the atoi jjj M each am ? Which is the ONE PLACE to ^ beautiful, pleaaing and aoceptHbl (4 A visit will repay you whether t< jA cordis! I v invito ron */? ? >">? ^ that we offer to till your Christm ^ We are too busy this week ^ Clans stock to give a list of the M have, but next week our ad. wil young. Come early and get a cl U beautiful stock. I MEAGHAM I GLORIOUS 110] ARE N0\1 Only a few more days and greatest holiday trade that we ha tory of our business. Buying ir begun, so if you are going to plaj mas, fall in line and march to the holiday goods at Mills ?fc Young'i ^ Remember that some one is ^ some premiums offered by us. h I MIllS & YOU TT _Af TO r;run) nuUSE ruKi E. i. ANDREWS, ROl Everything for home |~j comfort sold here, on M 221,0WEST CAS Everything favors credit buying, prices elsewhere. Our qualities are p< bility. Our terms are practically YOl incut and the balance in weekly or nun your convenience. Our stock consists PARLOR and BEDROOM F si on Tables, hall rack ENAMELED BEDS, OHlFJ DIN I NO ROOM CHAIRS, P( carts, BABY carriages Our *tock represents nothing but the very latest output of the best factories profits just to advertise the fact that we of House Furnishings. E. M. ANDREI j. s. Lrara, '' i V - * 1 v ? ' ' LAUS. 1 Q :ivecl, i usual a KB ol ^ ? ssey's. | ck of Christmas (lotwla * ) have the best Cuudit s, , etc., at lowest price*, eh is really good to eat iQ. ices. gs. the low prices will 0 itfully, 38EY, M "? 0?03?SOS??6? -?? ^ Shopping ? y, and everyone if puz- Ok ought, "What will I give lie question, eH;dly aus plHce to have your vrihils (K >onls more strongly to tin a e of 5 & Epps I visit when you want a le ^ift for old or young. > purchase or not, and we see the beautiful goo?lb as present wuuts. o| opening up our Santa ^ many pretty things we B I interest both old ami w lance at the croam of thin - -L..U1 . .11 _ KUI'. <11 ? [ LI) AYS I I IN SIGHT, t then we will have the ^ ve ever had in the hie- ^ i this line has already w f Santa Claus this Christ- '?' 1'g ! tune of low prices on ^ going to get the hand- ^ >ave your coupons. JK E PHONE ? i --r1 i i iiif? kiiCimirc BK HILL, S. 8. jREDIT, >H PRICES. Our credit prices are CASH Ttronally guaranteed for duraJli terms. A small first pnynHily amounts. arranged to nutl of an excellent assortment of 'URNTTURE. EXTEN LS, HRAS8 and WHITE iXYs IE KM, COUCHES. >RCH R(XSKERS, GO, FANCY ROCKERS. i newest styles of furniture, the We are selling it at short > carry a full aud complete line WS.ROCK KiLk IMIIER. . . i j Mm