7 rr^MTifo 1
4 /. UAI* I>i4.Li^J jl r
Dt MOCRATIC. ' ; 7
Tkiimsok bl'duchiitiom :
Quo yeur $1.00
Hix mouths .50
Three months . .... ,.2?>
Conv^poinl?'in'M on rnrront s il>j?'rts is
invited, (rut no lvsiwjndhtlity in. i^s
HUllltiU v'r l ill) views ui ini nwiniuHcmt.'
AdveftwiiiK rotes afo mude. know ft t?>thorn*
iiiteruBte<l on application p? the
Fort Mill Telophoite (with long-ilis-'
tiineo oauueotiouH) No. 'Jt}.
DECEMBER 10. 1002. ,
06 Wa Need a Dispensary?
Do jwe ^eed a dispensary, or
ritherj will h dispensary ivlievy
t'te siJUation? This quest ibh in
per pitting the minds of ninny
senou|f*.t liinkiqg oiil'/.wttj.. at', present.
Tito whiskey drinking business
in*. Fort Mill has grown to
sin-It alarming proportions -that
many of the older residents, heretofore
anti-dispensary ilea, look
with favor upon Hie establishment
of a dispensary here, not because
they especially,favor such uistitu- !
turns, but as the only means of |
bringing about a moral reform, i
Many others would doubtless come !
to a like conclusion, ,tliey 1
familiar with the liquor traffic as j
it exists. Whiskey, any kind,
any f^rade, or any price, can Wj
b m^lit ri^ht here oil the streets'
any time by almost anybody, the j
only qualification to insure a pur- j
chase being that of having the !
cash. The buyer does not necessarily
have to be of age.to get
liquor-, but any boy can deposit
his money, think up a ficticious
name, and he gets his goods.
Hgt these,facts are not all thnt
would seem to make a .change adv
sable. The finances of th^\own>
Would he inatwriullu nidarl t?*r luk-Ii
u business. Xl 10 exact amount of
utouey paid out for whiskey by the
people of this place cannot, of
course, ho slated, as there are so
inauy different sources from which
liquor'Is -obtainable. Hut, as- .
tonishiug as it may sound, it is aj
fact that the dealers of our siste^r!
{State are turning iuto their tills |
piouthly Fort Mill cash to the!
amount of $;i,0(J0. This statement;
as to the amount, is vouched for
by one of the town's most reliable
citizens, and there would be little
reason lo ^Jgubt'the assertion were'!
all as Well posted on the receipts j
of whiskey here as our informant.
Those w ho. nre familiar with the
Jirst cost of whiskey can best estimate
what the yearly profits front'1
this volume of business are, but it*
is safe to say that, the town .is;Joe- i
jug several thousand dollars manually
nfider present conditions.
TltU Uthlo('l<\l* * O anol. "" * "
? MV Mivuuitvm 10 nviv.il as IU rnupc
the older citizens to realise tlml
pome Action tun fit lie taken, and
for the good of the town, ttie soon.
er ths better.
Thfc year /1VH>^ is growing old:
And thiero'a'rt(jBUti thany who havV
pot paid their year's subscription1.
To 11)086 who hio behind on their
pnnofa we would again ask that
they come.forVfrard and pay up.
We nml tht? tuoney to run our
business. :
r j * w < !>t ' v v * :
Th-HRM Hill l^crald of Saturday
appears in au?nll-bomt^ printed
form. The improvements 1 it The
H eralU durmg t}ie past twelve
months .T)av^* beeig little less th'an
wonderful and df issuo of Sub*
urday is a fair snmp'.e of what the
paper is to begirt f the-f^tUire/
pit diet, for it unlimited success/
The" prtaidcn'ts message to @opm
?l w- t- - -
gives, inane powte a Jew tjnya rfgo',
while appealing to, the p^ti;iotic
sense of ineiql>ers of boiji parties,
in already lining interpreted bf the
Republican leaders sh Bnnctiftni'fig
a masterly inactivity in* cegurdt fri
that legislation pf which tin* count
t:y stands in the greatest need. ,
v ?
The liquor dealers pf Charlotte
and'other-North Carolina pMnts
hav<* sebred'-another victory id the
recent election in Monroe, where*
by the diapenaary goes out of bnsinea^.Qn
January 1 and tl?g oonneil
i f i hat town refuses to g ^ .license
to ba?* rooms, As is the osse in
? : : " O A 1
r*. .ii Mill, do* (Je ir.' Me bar iiirii
> TV | tin* Southern L.xpress Com
jvniv \vill*!e*j...4ifter t'o* Vienefi't
of M.iifiroo's livju.^r Uu.fliv. V
There arc already sinus of an
active guid interesting tight in tlic
Senate over tlic admission to state- j.
hoo<J -of jl )(vlalioiua. Arizona itud
New Mexico. Tlic Democrat's are
prartil'tilly unanimous f .r adinis
sm/;k TLAd' New Kngland iliepnb- 1
tj | . ,
lit'-HitVii*et.op|^?se?l. to it and the
others are divided. If it is found
that Mie'.biU earned'b?? defeated in ;
its entirety, tui.etTort \viU.be made r
to single out Oklahoma, .\vhich is
regarded as reasoniibfy safe to no 1
"Repujiiiciili,1 to tlii4 exclusion of [
the uthVf tiv^'t^Vf-itOrlhW;
oof rVrb.MP'*,
? A Remarkable Fall.
i >n Usr.t ju- >'
The follow inn lijrureH from the
woaUiei^Mireau forU-his Slate will
fte'tetfcfc'AVttl)'fntefrest: jj
4,A 'comparison of the local,
weather bureau record of this year
wijtb thej^vrHnm .yeaivs show
that wit h or^* exception this has
bi'CTi-the'-wai Ttres+'-N-oveinber si nee
1SH7/ TUe exe ptiyn was the year j
in;?o. wmcn nveraj^en a Hour Unit a
decree per day warmer, willi an n\*- i
'Vi h^o for t lie' uioiit It
while this year t he'a,vefnfce ia 59 I
decree. There ha'Cfc been*a number
of warmer single days but none,
with.the. ?utjt.aiuod warmth. The
highest jecurded tepiperniure for
any Novein()'er iVrte' bo do^ret'H in
1 (>00,' and'the coldest '21 d et^reea in
'l-n.dmi.partb-ular t he weal h er
record'haa. been*- badly ,;brgken
.t.^i8iyearv,ior w;hi}ii the average
date of first killing frost in autumn
ia N-o.vgui^et 5, and the latest previous
date of ti.rsf kijliilg frost was
November 25, 'US, this year wehad
otir'tfAu.kitiHnir frost on .the 28th
ivLieJi i? Lb I've tluys later than any
on rce9t(U. . y, *.
"While the "November of "ISUii averaged
wainVei as Above stated.yet
ili' that' }4ti'r life first ^killing frost
occuredft )ct j^28/MO that the subae- |
(pieHt WijriM weujhor hnd little effect-qji
^Yuuelatjpti. ;T,li.o etfert of
the lalq fall oh root crops is re-,
in li'lmbfe/ Turnips weighing from
5 to 11 pounds are common.'1
j Can frotejpute Without Notice.
Innsniuch as the opinion pre- |.
v|?jlri|-li?vtvjbi>^tH that all land- I
post their lands'
before bribing fiction against j
t r< if Vniffl 1 fho follow- |
ing from pnge Jill of the criminal
code, astto hunting on the iland of
another:*'.- i v ?l
V -"rtv vt |r " ' '
Sec. 542. If any person, at any
time whatsoever, shall hunt or
ran^e on ^jny;| lAnds whatsoever
witb'ojn^ tlje'ed^si^nt of the proprie^
tor, every sucii person so offending
shall fu.ctuit und .pay tl?y sum $?0 i
for such offence.
vA.ny, person or per sons
who shall hunt with fire in
the'nltjht ffriie. for "every tutch of.fetwe
shall forfeit atul pay a sum
npt exceeding $10, ami for every
deer s<s 'kit* eci a sum not exceeding !
-$25} mi-foib^ver-T . hnrse or head
of neat. cattle, .or - .other stock of
any kind, a sum not exceeding$50,
Sec.'5t5 ?"Tn case of any person '
or ptyfeojua So convicted shall re-1
fuse or neglect to pay such tine,^
t l\oit if oho I I u it/1 ?%? ?? 1 o? I ii ut t n I
?n? ii a v- oil 1111 tuui ujdjr W inn i ui, I
and the ma^i^trate before whom
he ia couvieted in required to comShft;B\Jeh
pe^m ot. persona to the
l;oY(inf n jart of the eoTTnty where
jiliii. qfTendej^'or otleiKU'ra shall'
"have com mi ft ed the' Haul crime,
there to remain without bail for a
t^rm nut e^oejgdintf thirty days for
unlaw flUty lifiiiMii^ with iiro in
ni'uh't flrtie. And for a term not exceedttt(?thirty
day^for violations
dfleLtftiri vW'2 *f\h*i chapter.
ttock Hill Herald..*
. '! .t-! ff>!/ ttaovderi of fort Mill, will
. have chATpre trf-flre Spring! ein farm
' rb*x-J. year,HU^lrenioV^eil his family
fhore M&tiqay,.
> , (Prof^A^Ki. dankH lias.beaten all
J *our fartifera? ^'inv -Wednesday In*
plllt;k/-il a;wejl-riyened watermelon
L Hyit^ppw ip his^rden at Kershaw.
;V Ckl'lid) Collmp* yyjio allot his
.grainiraiher, ?J, ?>pn> ks, in tins
r vUy bjst night,. find who
was plucv(.1 in the guard house in
4 th'fn'uft/of lAiil. dirts been released
' mi n SUHK>;bor>d; .Messrs. Alex, and
, Joljn Willefpul b'dng tiia bundsmen.
' , '
The-corn *orop of York county
r. I hi* yyar. is much larger than last
year's crop, but fanners fire offer.ing
very*, diUle of it for sale,
i. Nothing bbtter . shows the more
i prosperousCondition .of the .country
than the ability ,of, farmers
to hold th$ir corn and pen crops.
n \hr ,f. VV. Smith, ot
th& ffi^tdafid'ralrsMill, swore out
> * against Krnest Sims, a
i boy Tti years of age, charging
thin with ' iitaliciuftislv and with-'
out just IMIISC o Uljfh I It ili<^ flit us
KHuit 4iml I mi l? ; r\ with eutent to j|
k-.ll ins sons. .! .I111 Smith mid Aj-- ,
^> Smith. l?y knocking; tlumi down j
with a riM-k or piece of iron." (
ifohn Smith is suffering ffom it coii-' 1
sulerahie bruise on liis "hip, while
his brother Atyo is injured on the' 1
Vorkvillu Kuquirev.
It is said tiiat the distillation of
inoouHhitio liquor Htill lacks apical i
d'-al t>f havintr become a lost art in
northwestern York and in Cliero- ?
kee township, of Cherokee county. 1
The dispensary constables fre- ;
quently tiiid fresh tracks anil even
hot stills in those sections; but it 1
is very seldom that they ever catch !
any of the moonshiners. Most of ]
tri.osc moonsh ners are aeipiainted J
With the lay of the land and have j
friends who are ever keen to warn '
1111*111 of pending dumber.
At a meetinn of 11n? town nuni;
eil last Tliui'H(lay nij^lif, the resignrilioii
of Policeman C. It. Mei?--*>
don 11 >i 11 was accepted, and Mr. \V.|<
f. \Y hi tenor, at present superinten- t
dent of the chaiiiuan^, was elected
to till hift vacancy. (
Mr. C. K. Mendenhall has an- s
uounced his intention ofnivin^up -s
his position as policeman, and en- j
terinj* the employ of the Catawba j
Power Hompany. He will proba- \
l?ly make the change as room as ?'
the town council is able to till his F
present place.
Members of the York bar arc 1
discussing the idea of petitioninn
f?>r an extra term of the court
of coinuion pleas to he held in
February. There is so much business
pending that such a step j
seems to be imperative. As jet. I
however, nothing defmate has been 1
decided upon.
If the railroad people can just ti
arrange to deliver a morning paper
in the town 011 the day of publicu- 1
tion. they will confer a great favor.
Ah trains now run, it in impossible
to get a single daily paper delivred
from any (lirection until the day J
after puolieation, and the New ,
York papers are as fresh on their
arrival as are any of the State
I carry a complete line of cheap, medium,
and high-priced COFFINS and
CASKETS. Can also furnish BpRlAL
me when in need of such.
11-6-lm T. D. FAULKNER.
i ; i
New Grocery and Meat Madet ,
I wish to announce to my friends
that I have recently added to my
market business a nice fresh stuck
of Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries.
Hereafter 1 will keep,
on hand at all times a select stock of
FiMe?<n U
C1GAKS, TOBACCOS, etc.,. -s
And will be plenued to serve mv \J
friends when in need of anything
in uiy line.
Yours very truly,
J. T. J. 11A lUUS.
Offers Its Usual Xiims Holiday
Kates This Year.
On account of the Christmas holidays
the Southern Railway announces tlm
' sale of round trip tickets between all
jMiints' south' of the Potomac and east of
the Ohio and Mississippi riversata faro
and oneUhird for the ronud trip.
Tickets on sjile Bee. 22, 2t, 21 and
Deo. 20, 21 ami Jan. 1 with Hied limit
of Jail. 2, also for students and teachers
j of m.hodls atld Oolleim* upon present*.- >J
tion of proper certificates,' tickets at the i
above rates will be sold oil Dec. lti ro
22, inclusive, with final limit of Jan. 8;'
f inclusive. ,* v 1
For detailed information apply to any
Utfout of the Southern Railway.
I 20 "W. Trade St. . . Charlotte, N. C.
Huckntnn's Delight, 1 yearold Corn $1150
2 2.00
Old Style Mt. Queen 1 " " 1.75
8 " 2.25
Pure N. C. Corn 8 " " 2.25
5 " * 2.oQ
I Patupaco Rye 1 " " 1.75
ii ^ ' 2.00
1 Pure Maryland Rye 2.50
I Old Oakland Rye . . . , 8.50
1 Old Cabinet Rye- ' . 8.50\
Malt Rye ... . . . . S.tK)
i Peach add Honey . . ' ' 2.00
Apple .Brandy . . .. 2.25 i
Old Hnwidy . . . ..... 2.50
Port W ine . ' . . . . 2.00'
Sherry Wiuo . , . 2.00
Ginger Brandy . . , . 1.55
Wo respecbmlly m)licit your patronage
and will guarantee satisfaction and
prompt attention to ull orders.
Mark A. Teeter, M?r.
^ Boll Phouc 285- . . . Char. I hone 202.
iooi) \yu!skies,
\y in es,
i5randiks, etc.,
w. ii. 11 (> o v k1* %
unin.om;. n c.
* ! ' 11 " 1 ? '
f cr.'v FT \ I
hat art1 not found on linen frosh from
Charlotte, N. C., are rust stains, ink
tains, fruit stains, and especially
icorehes from overheat oil irons. That
s what we particularly guard against,
leekless. flawless, immaculate?white
as white e.un l>e, or as strongnf eolor as
wh en you-bough) it (if originally of a
olor pattern), your wasluthlc apparel is
ettimed clean, well washed, well
Shipment made from Fort Mill every
Thursday morning and laundry reurnod
Saturday mornings by?
ED. I. McELIIANEY. Ajrcnt.
All persons are. hereby warned njriinst
uniting, li.shiu^orother wise1 resixissiiiK
ifM>11 airy-of t-he lands owned or eonrolled
by tlx- undersigned parlies. The
aw will be rigidly applied to anyone
li&tv'^ardinK this notice.
F. NIMS. W F. Pattkusos.
\V*. H.Jones. T. S. Kirkjv'riek.
J. Y\r. Ardrey. \V. C. Armstrong.
D. A, l>ey. 11. S. Tommce.
W. E. Fpliitt. T. C. Fprtitt.
\Y. H. Hoke B. M. Spmtr.
blisses JVddio and Do vie Harris.
I.- 11. t oitharp W. I. JpilOS
S. E. White. 11, F. Bennett.
J. 11. Mack. T. A. Mills.
W. F. Boyd.
* ' I . ?
City Barber Shop
. Ftit* u tirbl-clilBS
till AVE,
Carothers & Son.
Third door . liaidt building.
StatesvillB's Liquor Dealer.
taurel Valley Corn Whiskey, 5 Years Old:
v Id Full Quarts, ill neat case, . $7 fit
g( Pintti,: . . . . ' . S tw
4M Half PiiSts . . 8'5C
-H^Uatlons.^keg included,. . l> Ot
, Oqe and two gallons, jug and
* i crate inc.udcd, jn*r gallon, 3 2?
Pure it. C. Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey:
New, pet gallon, . ' . . 1 U
Twbto Thteo years old, pAr gal. 1 77
Pure Apple Brandy, i>er gallon, 2 ot
Elm City Club Bye, 7 years old, 12
, quarts,' . . . .HOC
Twenty-four Pints, . . Hal
Forty-eight Half pints, ... . i)Ot
One and two gallons, jug and
. eta to included, i*-r gallon, . 2 51
Escelsior Bye, jug and crate included,
per gallon, . . 3 (K
Peach and Honey, per gallon, . '2 (H
Bocfc and Bye, per gallon; 2 Ot
Holland Gin. per gallon, . . a in
Remember 1 am no rectifier or coin
pounder. In buying my goods you art
not buying water. I guarantee all thes<
goods superior to anything being shippet
from this market. All jugs will be pn
ill boxes instead of crates for loo. extra
kegs boxed for tine, extra, and all l>oxe
pre shipped without any marks to iudi
cute their eonteiits. Cash must acconi
puny all orders. '-"Tliey will bo tilled th<
same day received. Semi money le
registered letter, i*>stoffice money ordo
or express money order, t Jo ids shippei
either'by freight or express.
As to my re**i?onsibility I refer you t
the llradstreet and Dunn Mereantil
Companies and my hundreds of em
Turners all over the South. Remembei
again, that I guarantee satisfaction ii
all oases oi' refund the money.
\ ' 1J. J. WILLI A.MS,
trade marks
'nHHlV Designs
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain onr npli froo whether an
t Invention la probably patentable. Comnmnlcatloru
strictly confidential. 1 landhtmk on {'atonic
sent, froo. tlidest aitency for securing patents.
Patents takon tbrouuh Munn A Co. receive
* rpffiul notice.-without charge, tn tho
Scientific American.
A hands'.naoly Illustrated weekly. I.nrwo?t clrcuial'on
of any srlentllln journal. Terms, T'l a
year ; four months, |l. Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.38,Bro,idw,y' New York
Branch Office, taa K Bt* Washington, l>. C.
The Tiiiies nnd the New Yor
World at $1.75 a yeur.
Tho books of Registration for tho
town of Fort Mill for the year llHW are
now open, and will be closed on tho
i hird ?;$> day of January, IUO.'l. W. B.
Meuehunt lius Imhmi appointed Registrar.
By order of the town council.
J. \V. McKLHANKV. Intendant.
The annual meeting of the County
Commissioners of York County will bu
hold in their office, Yorkvillo, S. O., on
Woditosdav. December 17th, 190*3,
All persons holding claims against
the County will present them, dulv at
*ji m n rv \ i i \ t* ua jruur umn nil
Delivered uny\vht?re in town,
Fort Mill Manufacturi
hi A. HtRBI
|the old e
Annual Clei
Since the inaugural
we have made it a in
December of each yea
includes evervthm<r i
our big store, always 1
tions oil all remnants,
Our clearance sale t
Monday, December 1,
. ! ' 7
, make this the most in
so far conducted th
/counts will be made o
;i f r
) -*
) T ^ T
3 All our December s;
J ful, but the event of tl
* ' 7 4 ' \ ' '
* previous occasions of
; are a "money' saver y
* I this opportunity to hi
0 specially reduced pric
i< ?????????????
tl ;
I other kinds of Peas,
- i market price for then
) niimhnr nf \i'n<r/niu ?
" "IV'"" ?
offer at bargain price
Grain Fertilizer just
horses and mules to b
Yours foi
,j i- T. B.BELJ
P, S.?Highest 111
k | Corn, Hay, and Fodd
Fine Photographs
When you ?o to Charlotte
don't fail to pay a
visit to
We make all the latest
styles ami sizes, at reasonable
1 \Y. Fifth St., fharlotee, X, C.
; ,
Your Xmas i
Should ,he nm<ie of die best 1'
inir (^oinpaoy apyaksto every li
suits front her baking of (Jakes
Dan Valley F
25 P0y?^ Sit
50 POL'SS sa
too j'OUfta sj
Some of yon know others n
notcpial in this place. It bakt
tested, to the uudcr-igttod on or beforo
said day. Claims not presented the
year they aro contracted or I ho subso
liunt year arc forever twnvd.
Clork of lioard.
Novcmbor 15>?It.
''lour. .The Fort Mill Manufnctur*
lousewif.* who wishes the best re-'
and Bread tor the holidays. Wesell
CXS 60c
5XS S 1.20
IGXS 2.40
11 us! Ii:id *.? .!t that Dati Valley hn?
s heautifnlly and rises to suit all
d be convinced as well as pleased.
ing Company's Store.
IS Maiiiitrrr.
irance Sale.
lion of this business
le to conduct during
r a special sale, which
in all departments of
making special reducodds
and ends,
his year will begin on
and it is our aim to
teresting sale we have
is year. Special disn
Stoves and
ales have been successliis
sale will mits?lna&nll
?. t
the kind, and if you
on will not overlook
ly high-class goods at
Peas, "Whipporwill or
and will pay highest
i AV
11 v inn v; ini Jl(IUU
md buggies which we
s. Two car loads of
; in. A few head of
c sold cheap.
1 business,
l, Proprietor. .
arket price paid for