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A PASTOR WHOSAVED ! Rev. fl StiibriivoTl. oT KIkhorn. Wia., Joho's i lurch, ol place. Itcv. Stubei cnted r 11 hiTo by Kmporor William of tie Itiblrs th>- f.m|?cror Iuim written in lux owi TJi.' honored pantor, in u recent letter Ohio, toys i llieir imoua catarrl The rem u? Mledlcine fit., Columhu ileal f eaten. "I hrin<trrhaae* tiespmired a/' ?ne. I took Herunit and euMragr, omt made health y, pare hi in a health ij rotor, and I /eel well. It In erer?o?r kept f*eruna in the house it Vear.*'?H STtJ HENVOLL. Thousand* -of people have catarrh who would be aarpri.wril to know it, because it ban been called hoiiic other name than catarrh. Tin- f.?<-V is catarrh in catarrh wherever loi-ateii. and another fact which i* of equally jrrrnt impwrhiMV is that l'cruua cute* catarrh, whenever located. ^/Snrthewv 5^wiqe5. ] 3k THE BEST SHOt ^1N AMERICA TAKE NO j: Jj SlIBSYiTiJYE M -t lJ ?' YOUK uwhlcn uvci % I tj NOT CARRY THEM, % / *Sl(y/ A POSTAL CAPO TO US '' VW,LL TtUL YOU WHEAE VOU CAN GET THEM. CI^IW&TO&-TE&I\jr CO. ^KADCNG SMOI- A1AWUFACTI/RERS ?Mr TEHtE SOUVH. LYNCHBURG VA. f H1EADACHES ^ CURE D W?MLF. YOV WAIT. ?Y CAPUDINE WO EFFECT ON THE HE AWT. ^ >\t gkll Prxigstorfts ^ X>. 4H. ^^mmmmhmwmbbbbbwbwbbbwbmh | ^ | Is the Standard R '& The ONLY compound on the r ? disease without doing irreparal | UNEQUALLED as c ' CHEERFULLY Rl onUcmof*?I hud rheumatism for n M I h?i to um?ruU!liR?cr cnno. Wasoonf Bj times. Lnstsprin* I b< R IvitUts before 1 noticed any benefit. K raw MeaM to bo complete, as I bave W I c.a.n cheerfully recommend your raw For sale by Druggists, or sent exj I BobMtt Chemical Co., ISwgWaBiglWRWIl^ LJu. A'AS BEFRIENDED BV Ar3 EMPEROR bir pe-ru-na. l.jijii^ J ^ 4^5^J ' \^ yH. iSTIllvirtVO , is pastor ol tlio Lullioran St. 1 vol 1 is the possessor of two Kilties ptvrniniiy. Upon the fly leaf of one of the i handwriting a text. to the L'eruna Medii ine Co., of CoiuinbiiH, t remedy, Perunn: s, Oh to. ?/" Mi? I itttfpi /or a lottp tim ?, a ti if nil tens cured. It pur- me strong li and til. It Increased mi/ u-ri/ht, pare mr the best medicine In the world. If w mid save m iny Jvom death every If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Perunu write at once to Dr. Hurtman. giving a full statement of your case, and he will lie pleased to give you his valuable ml vie. gratis. Address Dr. llartman. President of 'L'iic t man Sanitarium. Columbus. Ohio. The smartest man Is often a war dummy In the hands of a clever woman. neater** Cannot lie Cnrcil by local applications as they cannot reach the ! diseased portion of tho ear. There i only one way to euro anil that is hy constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused hy an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tuoo is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imntirfeet hearing, end when it Is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can ho taken out and this tuba restored to its normn! condition, hearing will he destroyed forever. Nine cases out of tea are caused by catarrh, which is nothing hut au inflamed condition of the mucous surface. We will eivo One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh") that cannot ho cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars sent froo. F.J.Chenjcy A Co.,Toledo, O. Sold liy Druggists, 7F>e. Hall's Family Fills are the host. Si'.k is considered unclean by the Mohammedans, because it is the product, of a I FIT.-tnern- montly eurod.No flts or nervousnwsafter tlrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Orout j Nerve Itestorer. fit rial bottle and t roa' Isnfr i a II., Ltd., 081 Arch s:.. Phi la,, Fa. Fame it merely an entree; fortune ij a feast __ M rs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for child r >u I teething,soften too gums, reduces inflammat iyti.allays palu,cures wind colic. .!.*>a but I lo Tlic dull season is when the scissorsgrinder .loo- hi.- best business. Ft i.vav I'mui.kss Dvks cost but 10 , cents per package. It's funny bow even cold casli can burn a hole hi .1 man's pocket. 1'lso'aCura for Consumption isan Infallible medicine lor coughs and colds.? N. ,W. | HAWfBfc,Ocean Oeore,N. J,, l'eh. 17, iooj. Life would be very monotonous it there | wan nothing to kick about. 111 .ft j M H heumatic Remedy. I narkct that cures this terrible lie harm to the digestive organs. y i BLOOD PURIFIER.* j| ECOM MENDS IT. Fbkkrtatk. 8. C? Aug. 18,1A02. 9 ibout t welve years. Oront deal of the time 9 ln?d to bed, nearly helpless, three mouths U Pkran to take " Itii r.UM acidb." I used two Jf Altogether I us?d seven bottles and the I had no s\mptoius of rheumatism since. I Itetae. n. F. kkxioan. I reshape prepaid on receipt of $i.oo. Baltimore, nd. I Ml HHIMIIIII?IIHI'I'IIII Healthy Exercise Is conduciit to Good ft Health and Long Life. fi! No woman can take proper Be! exercise unless 6he wears a cor- Xj rect corset. The Straight Front Royal Worcester end I Bon Ton Corsets conform to every movement of the H body. ^ ^,1, your dealer to order for you. H Royal Worcester Corset Co., ... Wore eater, Mas*. K | MINOR EVEHTSOF THE WEEK WASHINGTON ITTCP.TS. The report of Insyeclnr-Genornl J. (7. Itroekcnridgo :.';ivp 1?ijlt 11 praise to the Generals operating in tin* Philippines, nn?l said ihat progress had been made lii every d< partni tit of th Army. I.Ieutenant George Th Rice, who lias boon in the Naval service for ten years, lias tendered hid resignation, lie is a Kentuckinn. Sereno 10. Payne, of Now York, announced his candidacy for Speaker of the Fifty-olglitli Congress. The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury awarded to \\\ (". and C. <1. IJnrton, of St. Louis. the contract for the I erection of tlie* Government building at |the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. OITII ADOPTKD IST.ANDS. The Philippines Insular Treasury lias Isuffered a loss of S1 t.<100 gold by the , ilepreeialiou in silver. General Chaffee declared that the United States should try m remove the ! Sultan of .Tolo and pension liim. I Tho volcano Kilaura. 1 n Ilavrnii. 11i? =? ibroken out in the mnsi violent eruption for tho last twonty years. Kilatn a has shown inlhl intermittent activity since the outbreak of St. Pierre, j Cholera is steadily increasing in tlio Philippines. Controller Bidgeley chartered the First National IJr.nk of Porto llico, I an American institution. General Miles arrived at Iloilo. P. I. There were a reception and banquet in Itis honor. A further decline in silver compelled the Manila Government to make the rate 52.~?0 for SL of gold. The old rate I was ?*2.4(J to $1. Methodists of Ran Frnfielseo, C:il? ; decided to establish a Japanese Curis| tian home in Honolulu, Hawaii. DOM KSTIC. I Because of weakness of his eyes, ; Theodore Uooscvelt. Jr., lias left GroI ton (Muss.) school for a short rest. Sixty-three Chinamen were shipped from Providence, 11. 1., to Norfolk, Va, to lie deported. Miss Celia Ettleson.a popular teacher at New York City, took poison rather than face Investigation and possible dismissal. I'ccausc of the Fx elusion Act TJeti tenant-Governor Wright, of the Philippines, was prevented from bringing into the United Stales hls.Chiaose servant. | Under sentence of death, Charles Lenox made an unsuccessful attempt to break jail at Unite, Mont., having out through nearly an inch of steel lining his cell. The big plant of Armour & Co.. in Sioux City, Iowa, was destroyed by fire, with a loss of ?'.>00,000. During a rn'irrel. It. F. Hush shot nud killed John S;< veils, a railway conductor, a Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Kol.uui It. Molincux is in Sioux Falls, S. D.. preparing to sue for divorce. The freight blockade In the Pittsburg district forced oO.tioo men to remain Idle. The Standard Oil Company, because of competition of independent companies. was forced to out its dividend ?2,? 000.000 tin.- year. The Ibiltiuiorc and Ohio llailroad. despite the expenditure of S*_\r>oo,nno for betterments, shows a net increase in earnings of ?-,021,111)7. T'resident Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, testifying before the Strike Commission declared recognition of the union was essential to peace in Ilia anthracite region, lie said that ?1 .."i'ip.oo i had been distributed to the men during the sirike. Former I'resident Grovor Cleveland said in Norfolk. Yn., that Davhl 1$. iidl's nomination lor the Frcsideney in 1 ool was ' a possibility." Charged with accepting an unlawful fee. former Pulieo Captain Moynihan *.\;:s an ai med In New York City. pleading not guilty. Frank ('. Andrews. the convic oil Vice l'itsi lent <?l* 1he wrecked O ty Siviims Rank :n Detroit, Mich., n as sent to the State prison to begin ccvlug his fifteen years' sentence. For emlirsraliiig the funds ot' thA (??rman National Hank, of Louisville. IS y? former President J. M. MeKn.glil v as ; sentenced to six years' imprisomue: it. Frank Rrunner, a ball player, l t>rmerly of Eastern leagues, was shot .r ud killed by Charles Pnrmentor, at F >rt Scott, Kan. A dispute over telephone tolls led to John Southern being killed at Itogetrsvllle Junction. Tenn.. by Deputy Sheriff II. 1*. McCullougb. The Minnesota Board of Pardons declined to free Frank II. Hamilton, serving a seven-year sentence for the mpri er of Leonard Day. llolnnd R. Mollncnx will enter business with bis father at New York City. The latter said be spent more than . ?100,000 for bis son's defence. FOREIGN. Prince Edward of Snxo-Weimar, a Field Marshal In the Riit'.sli Army, died in London at the age of seventynine. The funeral of the reform Viceroy J.iu Kun Yi, at Nanking, China, was 1 the occasion as an imposing tribute) of I respect on the part of foreigners as I well as natives. Austrian courts decided that a marriage of an Austrian subject abroad may be invalidated on account of a difference in religion. M .... 1- - ?* * ** I .11.111,1 iiuntiii-iin in uuiiiiiu lives "were* ! reported to have liooit lost by tlio crupI tion of the Santa Maria volcano iu Guatoinnln_ It is thought that oO.OGO British and Americans will visit Delhi, India, to witness the coronation durbar; the enormous prices- being charged, however, will prevent many persons front being present The Spanish gendarmerie arrested a number of Anarchists on the charge of having been concerned in the reenf. outbreak in the Spanish "tines near Gils rail nr. Pietro Mnsengn'. the composer, now In America, appealed to the King of ltgly to intervene in Ids case, hut no notiee was tat en of the musician's alleged grievance* ? * Importance of Education. There are some subjects about which one can never write or talk too much. Their importance and value to the public arc so great that it becomes the duty of the press to keep eternally publishing something about them until their real importance and value are fully realized. No subject is of greater importance to the people than that of education. We may have splendid railroad facilities but while every man appreciates conveniences of this kind and fully rn ognizes the worth of a good railroad system no one will deny that a good public school system is far more important and of a greater value to any community. Intelligence is the life of any n"i"h borhood. Kill up your section of ihe j slate with a lot of ignoramuses . a i you couldn't bo hired to stay there, for you would be dissatisfir-.l and unhappy. I l.ct a state neglect the education of hor i young people and she discounts her j standing in the civilised world. The days of "blissful ignorance" are fast passing away. Today. America is of such great impurtan' o t ? ihe ?-ivilla.* I world that it is absolutely necessary for her people to be endowed with knowledge. ll&s til (pSKSSE kH Ell V]Mlm&W" a, ?ipff J A nervous, irritable mother unfit to care for children: it mire tinim herself. The trouble i i i \\ too often is due io the fact the. weakness, and sh" is entirely nihil t that governing a child involves; it icalmly. She e inno help it, as her , shattered nerves caused by some <1 with baeknehe, headache, and all kii of nervous prostration. When a mother finds that she < I children, she may he sure that hercoi not do bet tor than to take L.vdin 12. ? This medicine will build up her s enable her to ealmlv handle a di?obe children will soon realize the dili'erei will themselves heroine quiet. Mrs. May Brown, of honor is di have so I>1 *?? ?*?? pound v #.'- & ? &' *S?lt nmt irrita V -v*V fv3t>?J%** Jp which hul ti;at itt,,v I*k Tik-V \ strength. j ^ *-i ? .. if you came to you honor. Gratefully yours,? Mlta. Mu How Mrs. Pinkham H " Pkar Mrs. Pinkham : ? I feci it r pood you and your Vegetable Compound my first baby was lw>rn, and at the birt myself thought 1 should never live throi came regular, and when it came I sufT ovnriau trouble. A friend of my hus IMnktmin's Vegetable Compound but now notjiing could induce me to l>e 1 regular, and I feel like a new woman, ing wom*n. I hope this letter will lead Vegetable Compound. Yours trul St., San Francisco, Cal." (March 16, 19( x3t?*7?i^ h t1txt/1 a w ? "* JL Jllil'IV .AIj A1 If there is anythiiipr in your < special advice, write freely to Mi Mass. Her advice is free, and l?e tennn forfeit if wo cannot forthwll i yW we sboT*t?tuoonlato,whichwlUprori f Bmmi S ' FACTORY LOADED M "New Rival" "Le f^J7'F you arc looking $3 \ munition, the kinc /Va point your gun, 1 M] Loaded Shotgun Shells: 41 Black powder; "Leader" bj with Smokeless. Insist Factory Loaded Shells, ALL DEALERS Take Counsel With Yourself. Young men cannot estimate too highly the advice of parents and friends. It affords them the benefit of experience and is given them from sincere solicitude for their welfare, li should be remembered and weighed, and acted upon. But, after all. every man has his own individual existence : he has his own life to live, for which ho ulene is accountable. He should sit down ami meditate by himself and make up his mind as to the course whhh he wishes to pursue in this world. Having done this, he should enter upon the execution of his plans with a determination to accomplish what he undertakes, without reference to the opinions of others. No man is of any real account in the world unl"ss he is something in and of himself. ?Street and Smith's New York Weekly. wo ' >-i. "f our public instlful'cuts and \\t* have a perfect 1 isht to fool proud of t'icrt 1>-:i wo sadly neglect our pubi. : . :;!?. Wiuit v.c : < <1 : well orj.;;t1 public s boo! syhter.:. rystem v*? -!! r.rpani'.r ' i that tho i:' y ;n?": x.o alt; ;?'i o I public s-'.Ki-. in:..-, w-- > ;! lavcompleted lb< prcs ibed course u! sti.dy, 1 able t.:- at * iuv cntf: <<. Ipso ot university. Freds ric':3burg. Va. .Free Lai* v. % J^si^&&^3KSk ?rtf^ k ><ir-'Kk^^ *" ?t?\ " ' "'MnSn "- *&* SL-- . : :': j':3 ften on the vorcc of hysterics, is ; a child's disnos'tion and reacts een rhi. !'.?'.i ;u:t! their mothers t the in i;!i"r has sonic female o hear the strain up -n Iter nerves ; impossible for her to ?io anything condition is due to suiVerhig and I e range meni of the uterine system ids of pain, and she is on the verge annot he calm and quiet with her id it ion needs attorn ion, and she can- j 'iakhain's Vegetable Compound. vstem, strengthen her nerves, and dient child without a scene. The ace, ami seeing their mother quiet, Chicago, ill., says: r Mas. Piskham :?'Honor to whom ae,* and y?>n (Icm'pvc both the thanks of the mothers of America whom you e: sedlv helped artl benefited. I have 1 in I']. Pinkliuiii's Y<'ffctal)lc Comvhen 1 would feci run-down, nervous ble, or have any of the aolies and pains few women escape, and 1 have found lieved mo at once and pave ine new Several ladies, members of our Lit>n. speak in the hiphest praise of your Tom pound, as they have boon cured serious female troubles. One lady, thonplit she must submit to an opera- i was cured without usinp anything in >rld but l.ydia E. Pinkhani's Vepei Compound stml Sanative Wash, tiave hosts of friends in Chicago, and visit our city we would delight to do | IV lluowN, 57 Grant IMace, Chicago, 111. lelped Mrs. McKinny. ny duty to write and lot you know the ; are doinp. 1 had been sick ever since " ,h of my second, my doctor, sts well as j iph it. After that menstruation never i ered terribly. 1 also bad womb and ! band's advised liim to pet Eydia K. ! for me. At first I had no faith in it, without it. Menstruation has become Your medicine is a (Jod-send to sufferl others to trv Eytlia E. Pilikll'tli's y, Mns. Mii/dkkd McKinny, 26 l'earl 31). >VICE TO WOMEN, wise about which you would like rs. Piiikham. Address is Lynn, r tulvice is always helpful. lh produco th? original letter* and signature* of B their ah.oiutn genutnono** K. I'lnkhiiiu Medicine Co., Lynn, Mtu. fare <i *r i.l ' ?. iii i'i>-.|ut .. \v rile fur H|H'( In! ('OLLtiliP.*. Klchnjunl.Va.tilrinliOKhaiu. Al.i, SHOTGUN SHELLS || ader" "Repeater" S; for reliable shotgun am- R 1 that shoots where you K buy Winchester Factory H lNcw Rival," loaded with |f and "Repeater," loaded R upon having Winchester w and accept no others. |j[ > KEEP THEM Jf * ItSSir! Our money winning books, ^ [;j written by men who know, tell B EH you all about B I PotsvsK i SeJ They arc needed by every man Bfl m who owsrj a !i'-'ld and a plow, and {?$] ?|j \v;ii? ui.'siros 10 j;cl lite iiio.t out Kg tiicltl. t 1 liry a.r*/rte, ScnJ }>o?tal card. nj < ;:v\N Kat.I tvrip: ^ m p. . .,,J jf vk t "' m, ' vf ?'., y I' J] fete & W. L. DOUGLAS $3&$3?SS SHOESS IV. L. Dtmqtul. hccs ai? fAi? fie tftir.f o/ li'if ntirlj. IT. L. Duuclaii mtd? nrO v.!.' .?? . ? ntfn's CJnoilyrar Wolt Ihnl In lie-Drat six months ?f ih(t. ;,n.. ci\ ,.r mantifnrtKror. CIO nnn '"AVtltflniilii? pji<lti>nii>ont*nho H> c U.VJUu ian < thir ?t;jtru:.-nl. W. L. DOSJ ? L AS $4. S M OE3 CANNOT L;E FXCC-LLiD. S:\:U0.000 Ct if Imported on I A' < if rf. lieyl's Patent Calf. En imrl, ;i r C.ilf. I'n * if. Cotnra Colt, A'lt.. Kiimy.r in. I'n;>t < ol?>r I > fli ts nm<il. foiitian t Thn K<m>nni< hnvf V.r T TtOTJOLAS' vuuumi . uhmtnodrrlo mnmtiKl oq bsttoni. Slim hit wait, * i'i Jlh . < 'iton.'j j'rto. W. L. POlUiLAS. IIROC TON. . \ASS. IRKH For twenty v >ars I laul been a sufferer from broneliln] troubles nc- ? compnnied witli a harking rough. 1 at times suffered from extreme nervous prostration. About four years ago 1 began taking Itipans 1 Till ill l??*i ????/! v!to.? ??..?.? 1 ??.. 1 ..? ** uiru e Uiivc USfeU them pretty constantly. 1 rarely retire nt night wiihout taking tny Tubule. and 1 tlnd they keep my digestive organs (which naturally are weak) in good order, and they also allay any tendency to nervousness and make uic sleep. At druggists. I'ho Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, tin cents, contains a supply for a rear. Capsicra Vasslins Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or nny other plaster, ami will not blister the most itefiejite skin. The aula nllayout and curative Uunlities of this art loin are wonderful. It will slop tii?* toothache a? once and relieve headaclie told sciatica. We recommend it an the best and safest externnl eonnter-lrrltant known, also n:, un external remedy for pains in the eliest and atomacli and alt rheumatie.neuralete and irnntv com* plaints, a trial will prove what we claim for it, r.n I it wiil le touad to lie invaluable in the household. Many people say "it is the best of all your preparations." rricf st? cents, at nil uruppists, or other dealers, or by sending this amount to us in postage stamps we will semi you a tube by mail. No article should l?e accepted by the puhlio unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it Is not genuine. chksfcbrolgh manufacturing co, 17 State Street, New York Cltjr. ~#?kDROPSY W 10 0;,yS'mATMENT f REE|J Hayenado Dropsy and Its com? FMfca "y plications a specialty for twenty I yoars with tile most wonderful I I saoccts. Havo eared many tnoat* JSh.and oases. ts*E-a- ontzva bohb, ' flnNTS Bui U Atlanta, 0a. for malariaTghills and fever E3 TAKE IXIB8ABEK. jA Known aj! oyer America aa the nur .. ........ ... <??> >aiui>riura Iran *? u prcvi'ui.vd ugMnit lyj.h'l i. Prepared by RI.?i'.:y,RW:?hl A lO, \\ a?.h Iriztou, I). C. iy Vfrxtr for IrslimoniuU. CREE CATALOGUE IS" I Bargains- l.e.vllpjx v?rl tlca thoroujrhbr.-d farmtitlvd poultry and ei;#*. while fiuloea*. pea fowl*. tur?ey?, ducka, wlldxiid domuatlo Shropshire ehrop, plirt <*l>ea. Unllaw and Ang.>nr?tn. U<'l||ltn hirii.eaiiary bird*; best brc< <t? of dog*. shepherd, ra:, nan h. p Inter*. ret' em. hounds, h'.oorl, nj'in, wolf and ia?t foe; red fo* cub* M A*(l\. V. I'. Na 'tonal StocH Awoclnilon Icniberi A iter lean Shr .pMi're A- s'n, Klrknvl Ic.M /ft rfl fi Rrifl A Itl Made by Dealer* and U ! | IV V V1 Afc-enu with our Kaal 00 'I , \o 00 "nJ ^ W u 1 ^ J I Or for a Hn. Mii Holder t aialoauc I'r. r. I'llMST'H'H NOV. Kl.T Y < O.V11' VNY. Ut.NTIMJ I ON. I.N III A a A Wear Red Seal Shoes . . IV,1C> CO] Catalog tor Postal bo. 48. All ^LSt^LSV" LL4 Bo?l Couiih Byrup. Taetos l?ood. Cn PV In time. iMild by druggist*.