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THE FG8T KILL TIMES. DEMOCRATIC. ?>U BUSH KD W K1 >N BSD A YS B. W. BRADFORD. Tkums of Subscription : One your $1.00 Six mouths .00 Three months .2n Corn'si* niilouce 011 current s ihjects is iuvitpfl, but no responsibility is aswuiiwmI for tIn views of corr?'s|H>n<lonts. Advertising rates are inaile i<n nvn to those inrereslo?l on application to the; publishers. Fort Mill Telephone (with long clis unoe connections) No. 2(5. j NOVOlLUCK 12. UH)2. Such assaults tin tiiut committed on a young mini in this township Tuesday night ??f last week are (lis- | graceful to a civilized continuity. 1 The perpel raters of such deeds should be arrested if possible and made to sutler 1 lie fullest penalty of the law. r. f: f A big gathering of the wholesale grocers of the United Slates was held in Dot riot a few days ago to consider the formation of a combine that will include the lending grocery houses of the country in a j trust that will rival the steel trust in magnitude and excel it in the ; ramifications of its business down to the very heart of the people of all sections. The chances seem to be fair for the consummation of the scheme. * ? * Now that the elections are concluded it is announced that the ; press report that the army in tinPhilippines is to he reduced to 0,000 or 10,000 inen|is not warranted. Seventeen thousand men are to he ke? t to garrison the islands in addition to 7,000 native con dnbulary, making a total military force of 2b- I 000 men. Various excuses are ad-j vanned as reasons for the contiu-j nance of so lame a force in iiie i archipelago,among them, the advisability of being in a position to adopt the defensive in the event of any international trouble in the Orient. Further developments in regard to the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission are looKed for dailj*, now that the elections are over. Tho press correspondents with the commission state that tlie coininiHsionors are already expressing surprise that they have heard nothing from the independent operators whom they have invited to I submit their difficulties to the commission and refusal of the in dependent operators to he party to the arbitration is likely to he made known at any time. The result, it is feared, will he to invalidate the work for which the commission has been called into existence and Ihus the solution of tho coal strike accomplished by the President with such n blaze of glory will end in n nasco. The National Democratic Committee lias conceded the defeat, in last week's election, of the Democratic party and the election of a Republican House. The figures, as, given out were 183 Democrats elected, 6 doubtful, and 1D-4 Republican. Even counting the Republican majority at 26. the estimate made by the chairman, it will be seen that the Democrats have secured their half of the 211 new members elected because of increase. npi>ortionment and have reduced lh?? Republican majority from 47 to 26. It is confidently lielieved that there were more Democratic votes polled in New York Stale than there were Republicans. All during the early part of the evening of election day the returns indicated that Ooler was elected governor, and it was then noticed, by the shrewd watchers, that returns suddenly ceased to be received from up-State. Lsite r, according to the claims of the Democrats in Washington, the up-State Republicans fixed the CWell majority at the figures nccsdry^to carry the State. They are in control of all the election . machinery in the state and it would hriVfr been u very simple matter for them fo alter the tally sheets sufficiently to pull Ode!I through. Htiwever, the republicans have won ai.:^ ?: i -1 - * * nj?e miitf hiiu mere ih nothing ludo but watch and wait for 1904. Tlie Times has iti Fort Mill n few "dear friends," who take ospecinl pride and care in gathering a certain class of local happenings and, in preference to having them , published at home, forward the items to our contemporaries in Yorkville and Hock Hill. These expostulations usualy give in the most flowery terms accounts of "at homes,'' "leas," "Mr. and Mrs. - - entertains," "straw rides,'' or i other such occurrences, always ex pressing, willi a profound decree of simpleness. the pleasing style or hospitable manner in \vhi<-h 1 lie j host or hostess entertained. And ( whether through fear of ils beinn cast aside, or what not. the items are sent away from home for publication. Realizing, as wo do. that a very delicate subject lias been touched upon, every care shall be taken lest the feelings of these dear writers lie wounded, and such a calamity would be too bid; not only would it likely brine about the loss of a subscriber, but the loss of a dollar a year, as some seem to think, would cause the downfall of the paper. The Times has not made a specialty in the past of publishing these little '"walk rasies." and those of which mention was made, were stated in as few words as possible. We would not. have it understood that The Times was aware of all such occasions, for lltllliv- WIU'II lir^l ..I" !>? .... J "* " " "* ' " '.? I" rusingllie columns of tin* county contemporaries. Ar a reason for (lie lilt lo space and few words deVoted to those published. we would say, outside of (hose l?v whom the entertainments were ^iven, the public, in our opinion, read them with just so much interest us an account of a common cat Hj^lit. That The Times didn't mention more of these "sit arounds," is accounted for by tin' fact that the writer is not (thanks to the Father) one of the chosen (lock who thus euj?anc, ami were not informed. In conclusion, be it said that if our readers are haif h i well contented without su?-li news as Tile Times man, these writers are at liberty to continue this practice without further molestation. - in Divide Alliance Money. The Alliance Kxohange has formnlly gone out of business. It has practically been in that eoiulitioii for several years, though its corporate existence has been kept up. The Alliance hail $17,0(10 on hand \ and there lias been a great deal of controversy over what disposition I should be made of it. Theexeeul live comittce having the matter in ; charge met in this city,and finally concluded to take this money and | divide it pro rata. This will be an immense job, but it is understood that the sub-alliances will get as 1 nearly as possible tin' amount of money originally contributed to 1 the fund, and they can inakowhati ever disposition of it that they ! wish. It is saiil that some will de| vote their share to charitable purposes, and others will give it to j schools. IStill others wil attempt ; to return the money to individuals. ! It will thus be seen that whatever plan is followed, it is going to he a difficult matter to equitably dispose of it, for not only are some of the contributors dead, but suhalliauces also have long since been disbanded.?Columbia ltecord. A Beautiful Idea. Away among the Alleghnnies there is a spring so small that a single OX could drain it ilrv mi ' summer day. It steals its uiiobj trusire way among the hills till it ! spreads out in tin* beautiful Ohio Thence it stretches away a thousand miles, leaving on its banks more than n thousand villages and cities, and bearing on the bosom more than half a thousand steainIxmts. Then joining the .Miss, issippi. it stetohfcs away some 1,300 milesinore, tij^l it falls into the gieat em^h/ihdf eternity. It is one of the tributaries of the ocean, which, obedient only to God, shall roll and roar until the angel, with j one foot on the sea and the other on the land, shall lift up his hand to heaven and swear that time shall not be no longer. So with moral influence. It is the rill, the rivulet, the ocean, boundless and fathom| less as eternity?Kx. ? Five Die el Smallpox. The following paragraph from tli*? Charlotte Olwerver of Sunday allows to what an alarming extent smallpox in rauing in that city: "The Observer feels it necessary i to state, as a precautionary nieasI ute, that the smallpox situation in j this city is serious. In the pest i house and house of detention there nrc over 50 persons, tnore than half of whom are broken out with smallpox. And in every part of town there are people who hnve the disease and are quarantined in private houses. Five persons died of smallpox in and around Charlotte last week. Not a one of the five hud been vaccinated.'' t Mexican Mustang Liniment *1P* A irtziA una a. a. r. u a harrow rulTeri t o rimr that. n tortured ivit'.i Spa Son's, Sprains, ct*\ Most nml apply the kind < f tyn l'ar ami wide 1:3 Mexican Musta La Never fail??notcvcn in fi Cures caked udder in cow? 1 remedy. Hardly :v disease or joints that cannot Lo cur Mexican Mustang Liniment Jtu A little fellow, turning over the leaves of n scrap book, came across 1 the well-known picture of pome chickens just out of their s li 11. He examined the pictlire carefully and then, with a jjriive. sagacious look, slowly remarked: '"They came out 'cos they was afraid of beinp; boiled." Startling, But True. "If every one knew what a griunl medicine Dr. Kind's Now Life Pills is" wrileH 1). H. Turner, Dempseylown, Ph.. "you'd sell nil you linvo in a day. Two week*' nee has made I a new man of me.*' Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver trouble. 2"?e at Meachain's tlrn^r store. OS Experience and the tests of the ( 1 agricultural department has shown | that the made of lumber known as "perky cypress" is the best and most lasting stuff,for street curbing* culverts and bridges. A Startling Surprise. Very few could boliove in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust blacksmith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he sufferd such tortures from lteumatism as few could endure and live. Put a wonderful , change followed Iuh taking Electric . Litters. "Twobottles wholly cured 1110," he wiitos, "audi have not felt a twinge in over a year." They regulate the kidneys, purify the blood unci cure, Nouraisin, Nervousness, improve di, gestions and give perfect health. Try tliein. Only 50c at Thos. ii. Mencnin's. TRESPASS NOTICE. All ])orsou8 are horeby warned against hunting. Ashing or otherwise trespassing upon any of the lands owned or conj trolled by the undersigned parties. The I law will bo rigidly applied to anyone disregarding this notice. F. N IMS. W F. P ATT Kit sov. \V. H. Jones. T. S. Kirkpatriek. J. W. Ardrey. \V. C. Armstrong, D. A. Lee. R. S. Torrence. W. E. Spratt. T. C. Spratt. W. II. Hoke H. M. Spratt. Misses Addie and Dovie Harris. ,T. 11. Colt harp W. I. Jones S. E. White. II. F. Bennett. J. B. Mack. I ______________ k%2M LAUNDRY MARKS that are not fouud on linen fresh from The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, Charlotte, N. C., are rust status, ink stains, fruit stains, and especially oorches from overheated irons. is what wo particularly guard against. Hock less. Haw loss, immaculate?white ias white can be, or as strong of color as when yon bought it (if originally of a color pattern), your washable apparel is returned cleau, well washed, well ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every Thursday morning and laundry returned Saturday mornings by? ED. I.. McELHANEY, Agent. I readily overcome Loss of ETnlr, ceased llnnf* and Boratehos In hor. routes uud cattle, Farmers try it. illf ' n . '"l.tS *? ' 5er o than the fnithfhl horse vins, Swinncv, Harness horse owners knowt'ns jpatliy that iieub, lmowu ng mi! mem t, * most aggravated enres. quicker ilian any known peculiar to muscle, bkin cd by it. > b?~-t. reme-ly on the market, far nl i tnlls. f-'prniiisnnrt okin J .urnns. TAX COLLECTIONS, 2902. j For 'In1 convenience of the taxpayers i of Fori Mill Township, 1 will in- in Fori Mill on WEDNESDAY ami THITRSDAY. Ilu> 12TH and 13TH DAYS of NOYHMIlKK, 1002, for tin' pnrj>oso of rolled inn State and Count v Taxes for 11102. 11. A. D. N EELY, 11 -5-2 r County Treasurer. FOR GOOD "WHISKIES, WIN ES, j BRANDIES, ETC., CALL OS OK WUlTli TO AV. II. HOOVER, < n \iti.o n r. n c. D. J- WILLIAMS, Statesville's Lipor Dealer. Laurel Valley Com Whiskey, 5 Years 014: 12 Full Quarts, in neat case, . $7 50 ' 24 Dints 8 1H> 48 Half Pints . . 8 50 I 4's Gallons, kejf included, 'J00 One and two gallons, jut?and crate included, per gallon, 2 25 ' Tare N. C. Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey: ' Now, jht gallon, . . .1 40 Two to Throw years old. i>er gal. 1 75 Pure Apple Brandy, per gallon, . 2 00 Elm City Club Eye, 7 voars old, 12 quarts, . 8 00 Twoutv-four Pints, . . . 8 50 Forty-eight Half pints, 9 00 One and two gallons, jug and crate inclndod, i*?r gallon, . 2 50 Excelsior Eyo, jug and crato included, per gallon, . 2 (40 Peach and Honey. per gallon, . 2 00 Bock and Bye, i>er gallon, . . 2 00 Holland 3in, i*-r gallon, . . .2 00 Remember I am no rectifier or compounder. It? buying mv goods yon are not buying water. 1 guarantee all those 1 goods superior to any thing being shipjiod from this market. All jugs will be put | in l>oxes instead of crates for 15c. extra; kegs boxed for 25c. extra, and all boxes are ship)>ed without any marks to indicate their contents. Cash must j puny all orders. They will be filled the same day received. Send money by registered letter, jiostotHce money order , or express money order, (ioods shinned either l>y freight or express. Am to uiy responsibility I refer you to 1 the iiradstivet nnd Dunn Men-untile Corn jinnies nuil my hnitilrwls of nw- ! tdiiieis nil over the South. Remember, itKiiiu, that I guarantee satisfaction in all cases or refund the nionev. D. J. WILLIAMS, STATESVILE, N. C. -s --- | J. U. Trayw ck & Co., DEALERS IN | FINE EIQiJOHS AN 1) AS INES, No. 4'2 East Trade St. I CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C. DR. KING'S try NEW DISCOVERY | FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,Hay Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. Pric?50c. and $1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. SPECIE i <2 Beginning Thnrsda; 13th, we will begin a > ticks the sale to last 11 these prices will hold and on the dates name Ill the special sale November 131 b, wo stock of (Motliiiig and have never been offei community. Clotliing 3 Thursday, J Satui S12.50 Suits at . 11 00 10 00 .1 " f ^ 7 50 ' 11 11 7 oo * 11 n 5.00 Pants at . 4 oo > ii 3 oo ?* ii ii O 50 ii ii A 1 1 * . * ^ * ' 1 And all otlHT Uiotln at prices accordingly, closes Saturday night, Our Ne Will begin Monday 17th, and for three da entire stock of Hats at Monday, Ti Wediu 83.00 Hats at 82.50 82.50 Hats at 82 81.75 Hats at 81.25 Hati 81.00 I 65c And all other hatsai These special Sales Christinas, and we wil week, naming the goo cial nriees. We will < 1 ' ' " " to three (lays to each make to your interest * Yours for THE OLD EEL T. B. BELK PLACE YOUR ORDKBS FOR JOB PRINTING WITH THE TIMES. 1 TRY TFIE City Barber Shop For a iirat-claaa HAIRCUT, j SHAVE, i SHAMPOO, or HA IK SINGE. | Carothers dc Son,, 1'KOl'RIKTORS. Third door liunk building. | ? < lL BALES. v morning, November meeial sale of one ar I live days. Positively good only for cash <1 for each article, beginning Thursday, will oiler our entire Pants at prices that red the people of this Prices for F riday and ?day. $io.00 <) oo if 8.0D (>.?? n oo t I 3.98 3.? O 50 O o oo o ing for men and boys This sale positively November 15th. xt Sale morning, November ys we will offer our ; reduced prices. loss for i AnrlnTT nn/1 AUi^uaj aiiu isday, .00 $1.35 s at 98cts. lats at 75 cents. Hats at 50 cents, ad caps at like prices. will continue until 1 advertise them each ds to be sold at spe[ onfine these sales to article, and we will i._ i i * to watcn our ads. business, UBLE STORE, , Proprietor. Fine Photographs When yon ro to Clinrlotte don't fail to pny a visit to BAUER'S PHOTO. GALLERY. We make all tlie latest i styles and sizes, at reasonable prices. 1 \Y. Fifth St., ( harlote<\ N. C. The Times and the New York. I World at $1.75 a year.