University of South Carolina Libraries
GOVERNOR i \\*'r <* Uses Po-ru-na For Colds M CAl'ITOL 11UILDINU A I^??ttor Frotu the Exet 4Y ru na is 1 nown from the Atlantic to the l'iicilii . lit-tlrrs of congratulation ami comutcndaliosi testifying to the merit* of IVni'iu as a catarrh remedy are iwuring in f?-?iui every State in the Union. l)r. Hartman is rcceiviug hundred* of Mich letter* daily. All classes write these letters, from th" highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer, the indoor artisan, the rierk, the euitoi. the statesman, the preacher all agree that l'e-ru-na is the catarrh remedy of the age. The stage and rostrum, recognizing catarrh as their greatest enemy, are especially enthusiastic in tlieir praise and testimony. Any men who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh <- -? i? wcli-iiigh universal: almoit omnipresent. 1'o-ru-iia i? tin* only absolute safeguard known. A eold is the beginning of catarrh To prevent colds, to cure colds, is to client catarrh out of its victims. 1'e-ruiiu not only cures catarrh, hut prevents. Kvcrv household should b? supplied with this ureal remedy for coughs, colds and so forth. The (Governor of Oregon is an ardent admirer oi I'e-rn-na. He keejw it continually , W? buy Honttty T.nnU UnrrnuO l?meil to ml> 7 1 itlen of (tie Mexican ami |W3 AVtOOft ot'??<r early Wars rvuil jay UG X L/111 ,n" *?1?? in cshIi. Mur ilkW/VlVUil for them. j ro.itlmL. tiieliiill'iK heirs. kt 1 Write for | articular#. Veterans rhc c?i|i,is La,,d c?Atlnntic Itiiililiug, - UBghingtom *?? * Hcve II Seen Our \ bHOf col i Mo::cy Savin' Catalog W UUKtS W.ilKc All LLbl IAIlS. *2 hys Host < kiikIi Sjrt'ji. Tuera (loud. Uro t, j In tlniu. Sold l?v drivulsts. *1 Vigoro. a new game, described as a combination of cricket and tennis, 's iu uv iiiiiiHiit'd on tno world before long under tlio auspices of the Marylebono Cricket Club at Lord's grounds. It can be played all the year round and by women also. A decoction of coffee husks has been used as a remedy for malaria by Dr. Restrepo. of Medelltn. in the State of Antloquia. Colombia. It was found effective in eases where quinine failed and in other diseases as well, such as enteric colic and chronic dysentery. Ii" i n ... vm v.* ... t Is the Standard Ri n The ONLY compound on the m S disease without doing irreparatol I UNEQUALLED as a CHEERFULLY RE Gentlemen:?I bad rheumatism for at) ra I had i<? use crutches or cane. Was contln n at a time, sovernl times. Last spring I bei Ik bottles before I uotlced any benefit. A H euro seems to ho complete.'ns I have hi I can cheerfully recommend your medii 7; For sale by Druggists, or sent cxpr I Bobbitt Chemical Co-, i At ail Seasons. I 0 The Straight From 1 Royal Worcest M Bon Ton. Corse\ itf are just as comfortable in the wt Sa weather as in the coldest. \\\ Jfl been making these corsets for i M half a century, and \vc know jus ul every stitch is put into them. ^0 Ask your dealer to show lv?m to yo JL Royal Worcester Corset Co.,wwtWter Ay u'W|i * FACTORY LOADED R "New Rival" "Le H BTiiF y?11 are looking 13 iii is*}"*''011) ^nc B your gun, I H LoadetTShotgun Shells! ? R Black pc^ jgjnr; "I^|er" Eg Factor^^g^ed wL ALL OF OREGON , SALEM, OltKUO.V. ulire Ofllee of Oregon. in the house. In * recent letter to Dr. Ilartiiian lie .savs: State ok Orkuox, 1 Exkcutivt: Df.pahthkxt, V Salem, May 9, 1WW. 1 The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co.. Columbus, O.: Dear Sirs?1 have had occasion to use your Pe-ru-na medicine in my family for colds, atul it proved to be an "xcellcnt remedv. I have not had occasion to use it lor ot her ailments. Yours very truly. W. M. Lord. It will be noticwi that the lloveriior says he has not hail occasion to use Pe-runu for other ailments. The reason for this is most other ailments begin with a cold. Usinit Pe-ru-na to promptly cure colds, lie protects his family against other ailments. This is exactly what every other family in the United States should do. Keep Pe-runa in the house. Use it for coughs, colds, la grippe and other climatic affections of winter, and there will be no other ailments in the house. Snch families should w.-ovide themselves with a oopv of Dr. liartman's free book, entitled "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. ibewv migZd, I |\fe?^4.l^SHOES. ! i ) E E2ST SI-SOL / IN AMERICA ! ' FOR (f TAKE NO II f3t -HW \\ CIIRttTITIITF 11 jj I] your dealer does l\ ) jj HOT CARRY THEM, YL JL. ^f/7 A PO*TALCARO TO US NsfvX y/ WILL TELL YOU WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM. CR4PDOCK-TERRY CO. LEADING SHOE MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOUTH. LYNCHBURG VA. So. 44. leumatic Remedy, j arket that cures this terrible e harm to the digestive orgars. BLOOD PURIFIE.R. I COMMENDS IT. Fkbrstat*. 8. C., Autr. 18. IROB. H out twelve yearn. Great deal of the time H ied to toed, nearly helpless, threentoothi H ran to take " Hhkumacidk." I um-d t?u . Itosret her I used seven bottles mid the a, id no symptoms of rheumatism since. Kcine. H. F. FEN1GAN. ^ essa^e prepaid on receipt of fi.oo. ^ SHOTGUN SHELLS H ader" "Repeater^* k for reliable shotgun am- & I that shoots where you & buy Winchester Factory K LNew Rival," loaded with Jj? and " Repeater," loaded Jp, upoq having Winchester and accept no dtktqfs. r f KEEP THE;M J[ \ WINOR EVENTS OF THE WEEK WASHIJfflTON ITFIMS. 'A report made by the Commissioner of Education was made public. A large increase in the number of pupils in all branches was shown. The Naval Construction Board reached a decision on the features of armored cruisers, making a slight sacrifice of speed in favor of lighting power. President Ttoosevelt issued an order Ttrnmlnir .ill I.'n.tnH..l ,.<11.1.1...... o,..i the luw regarding political contributions must be strictly obeyed. Secretary Root approved tl>e recommendation of tlio Board of Ordnance and Fortifications as to the design for the new field gun. Plans for new buildings at tlie West Point Military Academy were approved by Secretary Hoot. President Roosevelt appointed the Rev. John Alvey Mills, of Massachusetts. an army chaplain. Minister Pioda presented his credentials from the Swiss Government at the White House. Former Secretary of State Reltz. of the Transvaal, culled on President Roosevelt. Secretary Shaw announced that he will buy $ir>.000,()00 four per cent, bonds of RVJo. OIJll Anai'TKll ISI.ANDR. The Philippine Commission will Increase the appropriation for an exhibit at the St. Louts Exposition to $.100,000. Governor Taft denied the charges that teachers in the Philippines have been treated unjustly. Many election troubles occurred in Porto Rico. The Navy Department sent ?1I>,000 by cable to the island of Guam to replenish t he naval food supply destroyed by the recent earthquake. DOMESTIC. Democrats of Detroit. Mleli.. renominated Mayor W. C. Muybury for a fourth term. Mentally 111, Alfred L. Carlow hanged himself in the Tompkins lighthouse on Staten Island. New York. The Grand Jury indicted William Hooper Young, grandson of Briglmin Young, for the murder of Mrs. Anna Pulitzer, at New York Oil v. Tlio mail bag. Raid to liohl S.~f>,000 in chocks ami money orders and stolen from a train between Cleveland and Pittalmrg. was found rilled at East Liverpool, Ohio. Antonio /Jrpoll. ciglity-lwo years old, pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the lirs< decree at New York City, and was sent to State prison for sixteen years. (loud behavior will free him when he is ninety-two. At New York City the Jury in the trial of ltoland B. Molineux for murder was completed, the ease opened by Assistant District-Attorney Osborne and the inking of testimony begun. Russell Sage, at New York City, took precautionary measures to safeguard iris clients in ease of bis death. At Haverhill. Mass., tiie house in which John Greenleaf Whit tier, tliu poet, was horn, was damaged by lire. Mrs. Era, the tenant, saved many relies of the poet. The loss Is $80 (X). The Whittier Association will have the house rebuilt. Slron It. Bostick, one of the three men whe caplured General Santa Ana at the battle of San Jacinto, died at ids home at San Saba, Texas. He was eighty-two years old. A twenty per cent, dividend was ordered paid to depositors in the wrecked City Savings Bank of Detroit. Mich. For a murder done thirty-one years ago, Albert Brown, colored, sixty-six years old, was sent to prison for life at Evergreen, Ala. A restaurant trust with ?.">.000,000 capital is being planned In Chicago. Dr. I.orenz, who performed the operation on Lolita Armour, in Chicago. was compelled hy the Illinois State Board of lleallh to undergo an exnrninatlpu as to liis qualifications to practice in the Stnte. The total registration In Chicngo for the year was :t39,3o8, a decrease of 02,054 as against 1001. FOBKION. All Europeans are reported to have been expelled from Fez, Morocco. The unemployed reservists back from South Africa demonstrated in llyd? Park, London, to call attention to their grievances. Negotiations l'or the departure of the International troops from Pekin, China, were interrupted hy Great Britain. The battle at La Victoria, Venezuela, between the Government forces and the revolutionists was not decisive. The Czar cancelled his in vital Ion to Servia's King and Queen to visit him owing to scandals in tli<? latter court. General Zinznr Marovlcs formed a new Servian Cabinet. Mass meetings to protest against Turkish misrule in Macedonia were held in Sotla and Phillppolis, Bulgaria. The coming visit of the King of Portugal to England is said to huve great political sitrniflenrifo Commander Snyman, formerly of the Boer army, Ik lu Mexico City, Mexico, to confer with Government officials regarding a colony for his compatriots. Importation of live cattle from Argentina into England will he permitted as soon as the regulations of Argentina afford security against the landing of diseased cattle. A request from Russia to establish a direct route from St. Petersburg to Cabul was not accepted by the British Government. The British Government ordered reinforcements for Snmnlilnud. The Soufriere volcano, on St. Vincent Island, continues active. Dissatisfaction is expressed over the distribution of relief fuuds contributed for the sufferers. The Haitian revolution was reported crushed, and the election of Seucque Pierre to the Presidency assured. The existence of a bribery fund In connection with a municipal concession was revealed in Havana, Cuba. General Firinin and other revolutionary leaders in Haiti embarked on the | Cincinnati and sailed from Cape Huytlen for St. Marc. I Odds and Etds. The city will hnve to pay next year 39 cents per cubic yard for snow veuoval. The contract price this year was <6 cents and the aggregate cost in Manhattan waa nearly $500,000. There was only one bidder for the contract today. Last year's contractor did not want the job this year. It is said of Lord Kitchener that three months of social lionizing, country house visiting and fulsome adulation from English society have marked a baneful transformation in this erstwhile stoic. Ho has lost mmh of kis sternness, has stopped refusing invitations for teas, dinners and luncheons, and indeed has surrendered completely I to Knc'm 1 infliipni'pa CURES RHEUMATISM AND CATARRH 11. li. R. Cnre? Dpep-Seateil Canes I^tptoUl* ly?To I'rove It H. It. It. Sent t'ro?. These diseases, with aches and pains in nones, joints and back, agonizing pains m shoulder i;!i\dt-s, hands, fingers, arms and crippled by rheumatism, lumbago,sciatica. or neuralgia; hawking, spitting,nos? bleeding, ringing in the ears, ai<;}> stomach, deafness, noises in the head, ba*P teeth.thin liot biood. all run down ieeling of catarrh ore suvc signs of an r.tvful poisoned conditio;! of the blood. Take Botanic Blood Balm. (B.B.B.) Soon all aches and pains ?'op, the poison is destroyed and a real permanent cure is made of the worst rheuinutism or foulest catarrh. Thousands of eases euied by tak;hg B.B.B. It strength' ens weak kidueys and improves digestion. | Druggists, ?1 per large bottle. Sample free I by writing Blood Rai.m Co, l-t Mitchell : ?d., Atlanta, (??. Describe trouble and free medical advicfr sent in sealed letter. Of all the silks used in the United , States 920,000,000 worth i? imported and $107,(X/0,IAA) worth home made. 1,000 Her One. Proilt in Pocket, 1 and Pi.xanttkf. Is paid by fresh, ! luscious, homo grown Strawberries allowed J to rip?n thoroughly on tko vines. We sell tho i Plauts packed to carry fresh nnyWhere In 1 the U.S. Our 150-page Manualffree to buyers) makes growing tor pleasure or profit plain to I all. Plant now. Catalogue Strawberries, Asparagus,otc.,froo. Oontinbntal, Plant Co. No. 12 Strawberry Heights., Klttrell, N. C. IOO Itewaril. aion. The readers of this napor will be plensed to | .. .w uk. mere i? hi ii-mi one <ir<vuiinti (itspa?" that science has boon able to euro in all its stages, ami that is Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is tho only positive euro now.knnwn to th? medical frntoruitv. Catarrh being a oonj stitutiohal disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhC'ere istaken inter In ally. acting directly upon the blood and milpons aurfacos of tho system. t hereby destroying the foundation ?i the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the eon; stftutlon and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so inuoii faith in its curative powers that they offer One ITuni Jmd Hollars for anv case that it fails to cure. I bend for list of testimonials. Address F. J. .V Co., Toledo, O. Fold by Druggists, 75e. Hall's Family Fills are the best. There arc no less thin ?2fi"2 different specie^ of fish inhabiting the waters of Amer! ica north of the Isthmus of Panama. , FITS perm an out ly cured.No fits or nervous' ness after 11 ret day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nervoliestoror. t?2trial bottle and trentisefrao Dr. 11. II. Klike, Ltd.,931 Arch St.. l'hiln., Pu. When a follow proposes he expects the girl to take him at his word. Mrs.VTInslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren teething,aofton t ho gums, reduces inflammation .allayspain.ourea wind nolle. 23c. nbottlo The truth is not always pleasant, and , that's when it is generally to'.d. riso's Curo Is tho best medicine wo ever used for nil affections of throat and lungs. Wm. O. EHMLBr, Vanburcu, lnd., Feb. 10. 1900. I American shoes are worn by thousands of Kuropeans in their native lands. Jcne Tint Butter Color makes top of the market butter. i - ?~?, BflPPMKIfay ?? .v i d . /> - 8 | ?3 ad X^oughs j 44 I had a bad cough for six 8 H weeks and could find no relief 1 g until I tried Aycr's Cherry Pecto- i I ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle I | I cured me." | L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. B 3 Neglected colds always a I lead to something serious. | I They run into chronic | , 1 bronchitis, pneumonia, I , I asthma, or consumption. | Don't wait, but take jjj J Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I just as soon as your cough a ; begins. A few doses will 1 cure you then. Tlirco 2k., 58c.,$1. All dragi'M*. 1 i i Consult your ?',o?-tor. If lio snys take I*. I thou a.< ho toys. If ho tell* joii not to tako It. thou iton't t .kc it. lie* know*. E I Li'tro It w'.lh him. Wo ?ro milling. I J. C. AYKK Ct)., to?(ll, P WANTED ot r?n ~<cr? ? ?- ? ? w? J. JarjLOIl At nnrs torjnallfr for * *>(! which w? will** In writing undnr n $5,000 Icj.oalt to promptly piaOHre thorn The Qa.-A!a. Bus. College, MACON, GICORGIA. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Beware of Ibe dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." 1(APUDINE is] ? \ y LIORIPPK,< ni.BS 3 J and HKiOA CHK1 J I Paid by all ltroitgiatn. ? W **** WKKTi W**S fc* mMSMM of Richmond, Va., a woman's troubles, tel Lydia E* Pinkham's "Dkah Mrs. Pinkiiam:?Nurse serein bearing-down pains, leucorrl tried many remedies, but nothing ga MI commenced taking I.ydin M I in June, 1901. When I had taken tY nrovetnent, and have now taken ten like a new woman. When I comm pound I felt all worn out and was i collapse. I weighed only 08 poundi am improving every'day. I gladly Mrs. R. C. Titpman, 4*2-1 West JOth When n medicine lias been si cases, is it justice to yourself to si believe It would hefi? me'".' Surely you cannot wish to ren a8f?d? exhausted with each clay's \ nient of the feminine organism, tahle Compound will help you .in? >irs. \V. I!. Pel ham, ?lr., I OS I\ u Dkau Mrs. Pinkmam :?1 must t female'medicine to compare with I ^ pound, and 1 n JBffiSEt^vn\ Iiiit your ? taking the \ off t hat I A who 1:; w 'ir women who are ill that Lydia 12. is thr medicine they should tnU< and it has hundreds of thousand shcMild consider it unwise to use j Hi rs. Pink ham, whose address fully and without cost all letters Perhaps she has just the knowli try her to-day it costs nothing. tjtfAan for?r?r if \v ?;. I f ft}' h I ul?o*.u tc-tiuioiiiak, which v.-'. i ? v a i i Q ft S Ssf.?re 't; M| 1 l??r gndunlr<t 'r ?niti? n refunded. AYtit? ^Li at once tor catalogu* .ind special ?>Ht^. ' Riassey coiled ?- Loulsxillo, Ky. Montgomery. AU. Houston, lex. Columbus. ^4. Richmond. V?. Birmmchan. Ala. )acl>rcn*IIS?. Ha Fruit trees; gn fi ^ ORNAA1ENTAL TREES, STRAWBERRY PLANTS. SHRUBS, ROSES, GRAPE VINES, ASPARAGUS, ETC. tie*'" Catalogue sent on application. I. B. WATKINS & BRO., I A I.I.SItOICO. V A. ^DROPSY 13 D;,v3, TaEATNENT FREE. f7\J iS Hoto mado Dropey *xd its com* ?vC? y plio/tlop* St. rpeoisity for twenty T years with tn# em it wonderfaJ a ? \ kQccmst. Goto cartd many thouica?e?. * * ?***'? 30H3, i*Arrv1v.i B-r U A'JmU, GO. $3 & *3?fi? SHOES M W. I Douglas 4ms ar? f/i? standard of the world. TV. Ij. l)on*l.?* mif and uM'mon ???' (foodyear Wtli Rand Kewert Prortwit iboe* la thefirat tlx month* Of IMH than apy other taaaafartarer. (If! nflA BKW tS1? wll) be paid to aarana vfko J \ S.VOU oaa #*pro*e thu kUteafeai. W. 'L. DQIJCLA8 &4 SHOES CANNOT 'd* SXC9LLCD. si i s???,ooo fleet lmgarto.1 an1 American leathers. Heyl's Patent Omlt. Frmaial, .*?* On//, Ca. A P/c/ K/d, Corona Oolt, Nat. Kangaroo. Peat Color /.yrlotn need. c?>tiaa t bho+e 9ft auuT, 3Sr. ettrn. 7tins. Catalog frtt. W. L. DOIVOS, BROCKTON. MASS. great sufferer with lis of her cure by Vegetable Compound. >me years I suffered with backache, uea, and falling of the womb. I ve any positive relief. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound le tirst half bottle, I felt a vus( inii Wattles with the nesiiJt that I feel icnced taking the Vegetable Cotnast approaching complete nervous s. Now I weigh KM pounds and testify to the benefits received.*'^ St., Richmond, Va. accessful 2ji more than iv million ?y, without trying it, "I <lo not ..... ?? \ aiv iiifcti r>K lv illUI UIM'Olirwork. You have some (lcranxcand Ly(!ia L*. Pink ham's Arbeit as sorely as it has others. i taker St., itielimontl, Ya., says: wythat I do not be iieve there is any .yd in K. I'iiikhum's Vegel able Comturn to you my heartfelt tlninks for ni'dirimt lisifs done for me. Jleforu .enviable ( i mpomiil I wus,so 1 acily thought I could not live much he little work I Intel to do was a a me. I suffered with irregular tion and leucorrhu-a, which caused tion of the parts. I looked ljke id consumption, but I do not look >\v, and I owe it all to your wonderl onlv six bottles, but it has made b...l 1!1? - rri uive ;i new person. 1 11 rank. Unit there is sueli a female lie!i?er on.*' ?< It, tlicrrforc, believed by nil Pinkham's Vegetable Compound i?. 11 lias stood the test of lime, s of ? ures Jo its eredlt. "Women my other medieine. is hyun, alass.. will answer eheerad dressed to her by siek woineii. <!:*e that will help your east? h l>i' ij; I * t if# and si^i,r.airo? of tlioir nl>*oli;te i-etsr.iiiene ?. L. 1'iiiUbutu jlciiicbiv ( >., Lyun, ll.iita. IX INVESTMENT TJ-.e Preferred Stock oi tr,e W. L. Dssglas Gap:tsl Stock, S2,0Gu,8GG. S 1,000,000 Preferred Stock. S 1,000,000 Common Stock. Shares, ? J OO each, Sold at Par. Only Pref rred Sleek offered to' s<lo. V/. L. Douglas retain; ail Common Sleek. TIih Plvfp|T<k(! Slot* . of llif \V. I . Doil^l t-Sli<* 4'otn nimv iciya Ik* tier Ur.wi Sa\tnRs limkn o <;ov? inuient iloiitl*. i?i Mork the |?uhlu* h;tB ^ 1m-"n!nvi ;i itiotvtlinnatUOlnr's yr ^(irtliotadiialn^M-is. W.I#, / rciiilliaU's i< ow i> / V(??! It.t ! t?f ihf l?;t*in? *, hikI V... i* *? romain th*? arr.vr ii?*a:l 1 5 of I fit* voTtrvriK r.f**1 v*?/ ThH ImnlTirM I* i?f-r an mt [< '*/ To\rtev.I(.,.c.l ,.r...|*n. it ? ? ii ' ^ 'Af ,'>?t?!ii"HMrr.toil !'*i-S'iiil i I'. .'/ ?T- I 111* I* Ilie Impr-t In - in >s I . * / | injiifititi *lrn'? L'1^*"**inV 1 I loodyear Weit i Hand Sewed i' I'to.vssi i.l.i ami lilts ill \ ."'J i.aya l?'fli linim-i wl> imiftl -i,1!*/.' A aide. I lit-r.i I .i? in : Im-n ? j&K /*nV. In til" lisn twi In- when Ayd.VmV?: the Imhii' ?, i ns iml < ; l:it'll /?, |1?V' -I|^<'; : |'T|-? I" Ml'tllAi I'.isll ll'.lli'li llllirt;v \.ST' i.',v***than 11.. iinoui.t m-'fikiiiy Biz:--'.<N \\3/r-f/. . ilUto pity ' t M i ti t annual dividend on the preferred rloeU of Sluo.imi ItllHlllfSI Il.tTT t? $?..'001*10. | HII'TIMsillK vory tepidly, and will oil.i ll H.iini'ii I n tl.f - i n ll(A. Tltf fnetory I* now turning out Tsfm ? ? ts of sin > tier day. and tin addition to the plant Is Venn; Inilil which will itii'insf t tie capacity to lO.ono nalrs per il:i y. I'll.- reason l nin otTormir the Preferred Stock (or rale is io iHTpetuaie t lie htuUueaa. If voii w mh to Invent in the he?t shoe hunmcM in the wot lil, wlitrh Is permanent. and receive ; per nt on your Homey, yon ran pttrrlui?f one aharror morn mtlii* ureal bualneaa. Rrml money bftuhbrt eheitit reitl ned check. made payable to W. I,. IHniirln*. If there m no hank in your town, tend money ny cypres* or post ottlfe tnotiry order*. I'riis|.f tus inviiiK : nil Informal ton about tin* yreat and profitable biuune** went upon appllfutton. Vd.lreas W. It. Itltl til.AM, llnsiltliia, Mum bo. 44. JT x-miivF I have been using Ripans Tabules for over two years as a medicine for general ills. I always keep a supply on hand, and find they come in handy foe everyday-, use in case of headache, constipation or a bilious attack. ? At dru^giata. rttt FireOnt packet u i\aa& Mff an ' ofdiaasjr ?cca*u>t?. The family ftula, <h ocuta, ooataina a auppty for a year. "*