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IN THE LOCAL FIELD. Eacts Picked Up Here and There About Perrale and Things. J: Best cotton 8 ! -lt? cents; seed, > 19 1-2 cents today. iOwiiip to the extremely lv?d weather, there wtm no service at j the Presbyterian church Sunday J initfht. Rev. D. M. Austin, of Chndotte., | tilled the pulpit of the Fort Mill I Baptist cliuroll Sunday iuorni?i?; i ( and ni^ht The dreary weal her df Kurday liad a quieting effect ou tlx; "souks" of the town, and not one ventured A 1. - ? A. 1 on 1110 sireeii*. Married on Sunday evening by !Rev. W. A. Wright, Mr. Troy Broom, of Fort Mill, asul Miss Ida Scarborough, of Sumter, S. C. It seentB that, owiag totliescarcity of bir<l dogs in Fort Mill, the sports will be compelled to hunt birds by the "walk-up" procossthis , season. The books of registration for tin* approaching town election\v j open at the Saving Bank. Mr. W. ' 13. Meachau has been appoitiled I registrar. Not n single arrest was made'' by the town marshals Sunday, and, as a consequence, there was nothing doing in the mayor's court \ Monday morning. ai ine iueiiioai8t parsonnge on Friday evening Rev. W. A. Wright joined iu wedlock Air. Bainey! i Neaum, of Georgia, ami Miss Ivy i i Gregory, of Pineville, N. C. I < That Fort Mdlians are a circus : < loving people ia evidenced by the fact that something over 200 tickwere a<ild at tliia place for Charlotte upon the occasion of the circus in that city recently. Many of the weavers of the] Hpringstein Mill at Chester, which j , shut down on Thursday, have sought work in the milla at this ( place. Employment has been giv- , -en as many aa possible those ( who have applied. Mr. George Berrier nnd Alias i Minnie Rindley, both of Lexing- J ton, N. C., were happily married {Saturday afternoon at the Palmetto Hotel hy Rev. W. A.. Wright. The couple left on the evening i train for their home. Tlte nvemWhcs of St. Jatpes church, colorejj, are aertainly an energetic set of people. Only a 1 few weeks ago a new hell woe < placed in the lower of the church 1 .and now the work e( finishing up . the inside of the building is well 11 in hand. i 1 The season for killing quail in iSouth Carolina opens Saturday, Noveml>er 1. The hunter can then 1 slaughter the feathery tribe with-1 out molestation, provided he does ] not venture upon posted land. A j perusal of the trespass notice in L another column might save you . a lot of trouble. The Ladies Home Missinnry Society of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church gavo an oyster supper in the town hall Friday night. The attendance was not large as whs "hoped, which was probably due to 1 the fact that the supper was not 1 previously announced, and the country people were not aware of ' it. However, about $15 were realized. ' StortMHl Motion. I Hon. J. R.Haile spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mr. T. M. Hughes of Lianeastor, , was a visitor to Fort Mill Wednee- , day- I Ex Chief Orr, of Charlotte, was | ntnong the visitors to Fort Mill i Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. !. B. Mills spent Friday in Charlotte. I Mr.B.H.Maaaey of the K.M.M.A. 1 at Ycrkville, spent Sunday at his 1 home in this place. Mr. and Mm, W. A. Watson of ' Charlotte, sper.t "Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Ar- ] drey. Dr. .T. H. Thorwell returned Sat- j urday night from Columbia, where ( he had been attending a meeting of the Synod of South Carolina. Miss Wren Harris came up from \ WinthroD Saturd HV PUMnin<# o awl i " * >"? ' spent Hunday with her sister, Miss Anita Harris, who is seriously ill at i lier home on Confederate street. f ^ I Speolal Sermon to Odd .Fellows. J On Sunday. November 2, the Rev. W. A. Wright, pastor of the * Port Mill Methodist church, will > deliver from his pulpit a special i ?eYm<>n to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. All members of the local lodge are requested and will be expected to attend the ser- 1 vice, and those members of neigh- t boring lodges who can be present I will be heartily welcomed. After I services a special col lection for 1 the orphans' fund will be taken. 1 The public is also invited to at- ' tend. t Military Inspection, Nov. 8. Capt. T. B. Spratt, of the Fcr1 Mill Light Infantry, has received notice from the adjutant generaTs office, in Columbia, that his com- | pany will be expected to assemble I, for inspection on the afternoon Saturday, November 8. For some time the company has been footling twice-H-week drills, prep .ratory to the inspection.and it is expected that little difficulty will U* experienced in passing a successful examination. -^??? Coming Marriage. Handsomely engraved invita- ! tions, which read as follows, were received in Fort Mill Monday: "Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander Boyd invite you to be present at ' the marriage of their daughter. ! Bessie, to Mr. Samuel Lewis Meaelmm on Thursday evening, the 13th of November, at. half past $ o'clock. At home, 1'iue.viUe, N. (J. "Reception. Dr. and Mrs. Tims. B. Meacliam, Friday, November fourteenth, from eight to eleven. Mr and Mrs. S. L. Meachnm.'" M iss Boyd is well known in Fort Mill wh??r?? for nmni' her father "successfully taught the ! [Riblic schools. She is a charming young lady with many admirable i trails, and lias a host of friends at this place. Mr. Meacham is one of Fort Mill's most energetic ami prosperous young men, and has gained notable popularity through the eery clever manner in which he j conducts his business?the Fort Mill Telephone Exchange. Will Not Build New Church. For some time past the congre- I gntion of tin* Fort Mill PresbyHe- i rian church has been in n quandary as to what action to take in j regard to the condition of the ; church building. The building i* much in need of repairs, and it is said by those familiar with such work, that it will require quite a ; sum of money to put the church in proper shape. In view of this fact, and tlvo present location of the church, it was claiitied~l?y some tlint it would ho bettor to tear \ down the building nnd erect it at j nTdne central point of tlie~1owii, thus affording a like convenience to all members. A meeting of the congregation was held just after services Sunday for the purpose of deciding what action should lataken in the matter, and, after due consideration, it was concluded to allow the building to remain upon its present site, and com mi ttes were appointed to so licit funds for the repairs. The roof of the building, besides leaky, is badly sagged in the center, aud it is feared that to repair it it will ! be necessary to renew the entine frame work. The church was! built in 1881 and very little money i has thus far tjoen expended lor re-' pairs upon the building. _ ? tor. Jones's Home Burglarized. About ten days ago, the home of Mr. W. I. Jones, 2 miles wvst of town, was entered and a number of articles taken therefrom. Mr. Jones and Mr. Hee Aiken, who lives with the former, were absent and the only clue to the thieves was the statement of a colored man who said that he passed the house during the day nnd saw two negroes going from the premises toward a patch of woods. His description of the men was that one was a tall mulatto and the other u short black negro. An at tempt was made to track the burg- ' lars but was unsuccessful. Noth- ' ing further was learned as to tl*& : whereabouts of the thieves until ! Thursday morning, when two ne- j groes, filling the above description, appeared in town, one wearing e military cap. Inquiry of Mr. Aiken, who is a member of the lo .-al military company, revealed the fact that liia cap had heen stolen in the raid, and the negro ouapects were placed under arrest. Upon ' jearching the prisoners, a pistol, :.wo pairs of brass knucks and several other articles, which Mr. \iken identified aa belonging to Mr. Jones, were found. The negroes gave their names as Sain Mcllwain and Bill Neely. In the preliminary before Magstrate Mills, it was thought that lufficient evidence to convk-t was Drought put and the negroes were >n Friday transferred to York jail :o await trial. 11- i -*1- ? * * . . . iTir. j\men nan some clothing i stolen from iiitn, hut the prisoners j "efused to say what disposition lad been made of it. Out of Deaths Jaws. "When death seemed very near irom a severe stomach and liver rouble, that I had suffered with "or years," writes P. Muse, Durham, N. C., "Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave por'eet health." Pest pills on earth md only 25c at Meachoju's dreg jtore. NOTICE or ELECTION For Ssjraceatati^o Is Congms for ths 1 Fifth District. State of Socth Cakomna, \ ! County oy Youk. j Notice is hereby given that the general election for Representative in i'on- ? cress will be hold at the voting precincts | lived l>v law iw the countv of York, oil TCKSDAY, NOVKMBER 4, lbOJ, said ' -lav being Tuesday following th? tirst ; Monday, as prescribed by law. The qualifications for suffrage are as 1 follows: Residence iu the State for two years, in the couuty for oue year, in the polling , < preeiuct iu which the elector offers to | i vote four months, and the payment six 1 months before any election of any jw?ll i tax then due and payable: Provided. ' That ministers iu charge of an organ- j iaod church and teac hers of publid 1 schools shall bo entitled to vote after i six mouths' residence iu the State, oth- : wise qualified. Registration. Payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed and collectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or of the receipt of the officer , ?>u. ?- ?" - .... '" " iw ii iu vuiievc sin* 11 taxes snail Ue conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening the | polls inauugei*s and clerks must take j and subscribe the constitutional oath. The cluiinaau of the board of managers ! can administer the oath to the other ' managers and to the clerk; a notary I public must administer the oath to the j chairman. The managers elect their ! chairman and clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. in., and closed at 4 o'clock p. 111., except in the city of Charleston, where they shall bo opened at 7 a. m.. and closed at 0 p. in. The managers have the power to nil a vacancy, and if none of the managers I attend the citizens can appoint from > among the qualified voters the managers, who, after being sworn, can con- I duct the election. At tlio close of the election, the man- ] agers and clerks must proceed publicly j to open the ballot boxes and count the ; ballots therein, and continue without : adjournment until the same is com- J pie ted, and make a statement of the 1 result for each ofliec and sign the same. 1 Within three days thereafter, the I chairman of the board or some one des- | ignated by the board, must deliver to ! t ho commissioners of election tlio poll list, the boxes containing the ballots J and written statements of the results of tlio election. The following V/.. - t juuuagcrs 01 X-iCCIlor. ? have boon appointed to hold the deetinn at t he various prociucttdiu the said | county: Bethel?U. Meek Burnett, I. B. Far is, R. B. Riddle. Bethany?T. A. MuMukiu, F. E. Quinii, Fred Howell. Blairsvillu?H. J. Sherrer, H. K. Hood, J. A. Malouey. Bullock's Creek?Kelly Innuiu, J. E. Bankliead, W. B. Good. Clover?W. I). Moore, I. A. Bell, , Samuel Beampuurd. Coates's Tavern J. R. CJettys, J. W. R.xldey, J. E. Allen. Clark's Fork?R. M. Wallace, B. M. Dove, K. N. Wilson. Ebenexer?E. P. Steele, J. N. Steele, J. A. Shurley. Flint Hill?W. (>. Bailes, B.F. Withers, Thomas Donald. Fort Mill?>S. H. Kpps. Sr., V. B. : BLiukeuship, Bee Armstrong. Forest Hill?laMuard Wood, J. _ R. | Cook, W- L. Plaxieo. Hickory Grove?W. H. Wylie, J. E. ' Derek, C. M. WUisotiiint. McCouuellsville?J. F. Ashe, S. H. Love, I*. 1L Burria. Newport?J. Q. Howe, J. J. Kdvard*, 13. P. Pierce. Otfiieu?J. B. Davis, M. B. Dunlap, Jesse M. Moore. Rock Hill? W. H. Moore, V. B. McFadden, W. C. Wherry. Sharon?A. C. Burgess, H. W. Shannon, J. S. Hope. Smyrna?W. C. Whitesides, J. B. Bolill, J. N. Quinn. Tirmh?J. J. Miller, J. S. Sadler, R. C. Jackson, Yorkville?J. S. Sandifer, J. B. Scott, R. L. Wilkernoit. The managers at each precinct named abov?t, are requested to delegate one of their number to call upon GEORGE T. SCIIORB, clerk of the commissioner* of Federal elections, at YORKVILLE, S. C.t on SATURDAY, the FIRST DAY of NOVEMBER. 1002, to secure ballot box, poll list, registration book and instructions. R. W. WHITESIDES, Chairman, C. P. BLANKENSHIP, T. B. GLENN, Commissioners of Federal Elections for York county. October 18th, 1902. Do You Ever HAVE RHEUMATISM? MM .... ..I ? _ ? - imutoiiiar, innammaiory or Soiatie ? I Yanceyville, N.C. Aug. 28, 1902. About twelve months ago I was af- | with sciatic rheumatism, from , which I sufferd so mnch that I could uot walk two hundred yards without ! suffering (treat pain. My laxly was drawn to one side front the effects of it. I used several remedies without their 1 affording me any relief nud was about ' to despair when a friend suggested that ' I try Mrs, Joe Person's Remedy, which i I did and after taking five bottles felt complete relief and I have never suffer- | ed front it since. I think Mrs. Joe Per- | son's Remedy is a great medicine, and i can cheerfuly recommend it. : T. H. HARRIRON, Clerkifiiipcrior court, Caswell Co., N.C. j The cost of firing a single shot from a Hixteen-it^ch gun would pay a private soldier for five year*. JTOTlfiS OF ELECTION For State nr.d County Officers and Upon Amendment to State Constitution. Statk or South (Jahousa, ) col'nty ok yokk. ( Notice is hereby given that the general elect ion for State and county officers will be held at the voting precincts prescrilred hv law its said County, oil TUESDAY, NOVKMBEK 4, 1?J02," said dav being Tuesday following the first Monday in November, as prescribed by , law. At the said election a separate box \ will be provided, at which qualified ; electors will vote upon the adoutiou or rejection of an ainendinent to the State Uoustitutiou as provided in the following Joint Resolution: A Joint Resolution 1'roposlng to Amend Section IIof Article \*1I <>f the Constitution of 1 s'j5, Relating to Counties and County Government. Section 1. I'.e it resolved by the General Assembly of tlas.* State of South Carolina: That the following amendment to Section 11, Article VII, of the ; Constitution, bo agreed to: add to the ; end thereof the following words: that this section shall not apply to the fol- | lowing townships in the following , counties: Dunklin and Oaklawn in the | county of Greenville; the towhskdps of ' Cokosbury. Ninety-Six and Coovwr in ! the county of Greenwood; Sullivau township in the county of Laurens; Iluiett aud Pine Grove in the county of Suln- , da. That the corporate existence of 1 said townships be, and the same is here- | by destroyed and all officers under said townships are uboltshed and all corporate agents removed. !Soo. 2. Hut the question of adopting this amendment shall be submitted at the next general election to the electors as follows: Those in favor of the i amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly printed or written thereon."< "onstitutionul amendment of Section Kloven of Article Seven of the Constitution, relating to Counties and County Government, ; Yes " Those opjnised to said amendment shall cast a ballot with the following words plainly printed or writ- j ten thereon: "Constitutional amend- ( inont of Siiction Eleven of Article YIl of the Constitution, relating to Counties and County Government, No." Approved the 28th day of February, A. IX, 11K)2. See. 7, There shall be separate and i distinct ballots and boxes at this election for the following officers to wit: 1. (Governor and Lieutenant Governor. 2. Other State officers. 3. State Se nator. 4. Member* of the House of lfepresontatives. 5. CViunty officers. On witic.h shall he the name or names of the person or persons voted for as such officers, respectively, and the office for which they are voted. Before the hour fixed for opening the HUM rMTKS IllUSt UIKO I and subscribe tho constitutional oath. The chairman of the lxuird of managers can administer the oath to tho other managers and to tho clerk; a notary public must administer tho oath to tho chairman. Tho malingers oloct tlioir chairman and clerk. Polls at each voting place must ho opened at 7 o'clock n. m., and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the city of Charleston, where they shall he opened at 7 a. m., and closed at <> p. m. The managers have the power to till a vacancy, and if none of the managers attend the citizens ran apjmint from among the qualified voters the man- j agers, who, after being sworn, can con- ' duct the election. At the close of the election, the managers and clerks must proceed publicly ' to open tho ballot boxes and count the ) ballots therein, and continue without ; llflinnrn iimnl unfit ?K.. it. ....... ? pleted, uml make u statement of the ' result for each office and sign the sun in ' Within throe days thereafter, th? chairman of the hoard or some one des iguuted by the btmrd, must deliver to the commissioners of election the {toll list, the boxes containing the ballots ! and written stateuiculsof the ivwults of the election. The following Managers of Election have Ihmmi appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the said county: Bethel?J. J. Nichols, J. Hope Adnn^ W. N. Wallace. Bethany?V. A. Howoli, J. J. Howe, J. C. Smith. Blairsvillo?S. A. Mitchell, 8. O. Curroll. W. O. Blair. Bullock's Creek?W T. Smnrr, J. C. McCurloy, K. M. Bunk head. Clover?W. D. Moore, John M. Ford, E. C. Jackson. Coates's Tavern?W. S. Lesslie, T. K. Put ton, G. A. Gettys. Clark's Fork?W. R. Biggers, A. 0. White, C. W. Dixon. Ebouescr? It. H. ltobinson, E. II. Smith, J. W. Siniril. Flint Hill?R. H. Harris, W. S. McClollau, A. H. Withers. Fort Mill?C. T. Crook, W. L. Epim, T. B. Sprntt. Forest IIill T. M. Martiu, J. M. Craig, Perry Furgersou. Hickory Grove?T. P. McDill, J. J. J. Robinson, I). F. Fcoggins. McCouucllsvillo?J. T. Crawford, J. O. Mooro, J. Mack M<x>ro. Newj>ort?L. J. Lumpkin,T. \V. Jackson, W. E. Gettys, Ogdon?J* M. Bates, W. D. Dunlap, W. L. Hittson. Rock Hill?J. F. Wingate, J. H. MeFadilcn, George Witherspumi. Sharon?W. It. Burgess, It. D. Hope, It. M. Sherrer. Smyrna?R. T. Ca ties, J. M. Qilrt- ; well, J. W. Quinn. Tirzah?R. L. Youngblood, W. T. Youngblood, W. L. Jackson. Yoikville?James L. Moss, It. It. MoCorklo, Meek Williams. The manngors at ouch precinct named atirn'n arn rn/i- ' . x , v?|uvmv?? ??/ ut .u.^un: Ull?5 Ui their number to call upon L. W. LOUTHIAN, clerk of the commissioners of State nud county elections for York county, at YOHKVILLK, S. C., on SATURDAY. the KIltsT DAY of NOVEMBER, 1902, to receive bullet boxes, I poll list, registration book and instruo- ' tions. Comu prepared to take FIVE BOXES. J. H. SAYK, Chairman, P. M. HU Kills, W. A. YOUNObLOOD, Commiftrtionors of Statu and County Elections for York county. October 18th. 1UU2. PLACE YOUR ORDEBS FOR JOB PRINTING WITH THE TIMES' v .r." ' ? I II Irsssesosseee STRj h show whig <? "W"i:rcr:o i We lmve been in husines ^3 this October is the biggest an ? shows thiit the peopleapy**c: ly honest business ro*4i>oii*. Hie always the lowest and q ?seut it. This week w? otfer b Cloit I.aclies' Suits at .. tMens' Suits at .... Youths' Suits at .......... Hoys' Suits at ......... Blankets ( per pan )5 ._ laulies' Jackets at X Underwear at J0? Cooking Stoves, Hitlers, at the very lowest prions v[p Our prices on Funiitnre m lower than at other placera. ^3 flairishurg Shoes ara-sti T <*JT. 3V1T & g ('Phone ???????O0 &??? h emit fif flnr? ( h nr.w ill inn ; 11 iun ui Ulli L Si? Black Tafeta, 30 inches wi(ler? for (.)8 cents. Black Tafeta, 27 inches wide, e lustre, one of the best, for $1. All the leading shades ill strip worth $1, for 80 cents. Dress C We are having the host trade ii Our stock is complete, from 25 cent leading shades. A full line of Ore* K.nittin| All wool Knitting Yarns (N. (J Cotton Knitting Yarns, white i ]V?iscelii 50 inch Table Kelt, worth 5<)e See our West KikI guaranteed A full line of Wool Milts, for . We are determined to made tin ]VIeaclia.ix ('Phone . Agents for Standard Fashions others charge yon. YOUHAVE THE WE HAVE Ti's r. There's an abundance of excelh rare tilings at rare prices. We watt the buHttntSH, and the satisfaction c what *e have to sell. Goods well boug We buy right because we know profit Ijecause we sell only on short loot. Our lines are complete: I. Gents Underwear, Mens' Shirts ant and notions of every description. J a regular customor. Our Line ol This lino consists of everything goods are always fresh. A prize co lMJflU SCO. IT1ILLO O I VI HOUSE FU1 E. M. ANDREWS, I Everything for home comfort sold here, <m LOWEST C: Everything favors credit Wyin prices elsewhere. Our qualities an bility. Our terms are pracIdeally ment and the balance in weekly or your convenience. Our stark oons PARLOR and BjgPROOft SION TABLES, H^Lfr H ENAMELED It EDS. OH DINING-UC >ok CHAIKK CARTS, BAHX (;AUU1,\( Our atock represent*, nibbing but very latest output of 'Jie facto profitw just to advertise the fuot tha of House Furnishing E. M. ANDRI 4. S. LYNCH j???<aia0Q??s@s ^WS | K WAVTHE 33L?OWS. % e-hteraeflm 2IB *r.d f$?3 oiitU we i?HVe i-w* knd. Thin tejj ; *t-s our il>'Ar pmce* anrt Blrict- g*', Tfoey know tli&t o?r |>rireri militv e.wrfrly iih we lt-pre- ? QS[ pecltil m iing. ...$(' 75 fc* IT DO $4.90 to 10.00 & _ flROtft 8.50 JgJ ? .. - 7nc 1?* 55.75 *v 50f to $4.50 CV S* tf? t? f>IK) Q 4Sr 4o 05c .v^iifft lyon nnti Stow Koni <!b IT } are frowr 1*> to 25- per tent C"C* II in the lend. ^ LBBEY, || No. 71.) jig $Q? !) " ?? ' ? ? Jpil Bai'pis. E3?_S? . |?ood heavy piece, worth $1.25. very yard warranted to wear, n " < pes nnd pfaids, gMumaxteeil ' i> ? thin liut? tlmt we limvi ever had 8 up 1 o ?l.utX We Iiav- all this Ijii>iiit;H. j "*5T" a,X-XXS}. . make > al .... 70c m<l et-iiitn. at> 20 and 25" aneous. for _ 10c. Kkl Ulwves,. sell for $1. - 10, 15? 2i and 35c.. b our banner month. X ?fc E3T3T7.3, No. 64.) , 10 and '20, not 21) and IS5rr 8 soni ; confIScE SE GOODS, rrade. Mice here for the one who waul* :h the buying and Bellini; end of uinea from taking; advantage* of lit are halt soli how; we sell for n low iruvc*'" *'H time and have no full debj&tw C' )ry Goods, Clothing, m 1 Neckwear, Suapcndefls,. Or/^t v . iny of nm once and yojiivu'lji : Groceries. : good for the inn^rmans fr~d uj upon free witU euclv n<#c pnroli.trse. UNO* % MUfiJiBJ.ttt!. ' _ * . INISHINGS. HUtfK HILL, S. C. ^GREDlTa A.SH VllKjE^. Our pricos n re- CAS Ft; v personally, guaranteed: Por dwrniTOUR ternm, A small: frinsi pnx monthly anifmnts, arr.nm^yd to rv ists of nn excellent naw^ftm ' I FIJRNITORE. TCXTFX W'KS, BKASS ami WRITE IIPKOMKRK. COUCH ToKCIl ROPKERfck ?KS, PA XI'Y K( the newest styles of t! * riert. We ere selling it u,^ t wo carry a full uutl 'll" =W54 ROCK HftA* . . . . s. c* I, MANAGER.