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9 ON A WHEEL t&SfX MUCldoBt tiuppoiitl in U bottio of 31 Ulce Rju mural in need not become a body. If the}' do ' MEX MUSTANG will thoroughly, q nently cure these is no guess work a imeiit is used a cu YOU DON'T KNOW Sri, Mustang Liinlnicut. As a llcsh r ?- % BOH WORLD. <T? rmanr r.:m OXt.OOO trade inion* -is Is. Warreu, I., carpenters have orSfliiizcd. Toronto It'an.) lithographers will form a utilur. 1'lans are <n foot to luiild a labor temple ni Toprka, Kan. I'McpIwimkI. Kn.ulam!, carpenters li.tvp vlriiek against piecework. Marine ctitriitrer* on the <5real I.akc-s bave adoptimI In.-*t year's scale of wajjes for next year. There are "J'JTt.'l l.'i masters ami men fianloved in the mpreii.-nii ihmvIii.. ..r C.rcnt Britain. In tli?* past twenty years in only 0110tiflJi of tin* coal strikes have I lie men scoured their demands. . enters ??f the American Kx press Company have received n voluntary increase in salary of ten per cent. Female factory employes at Flint. Mich., averr, e unely n:io cents a day, ami one half are employed hy the piece. Class lev. !<>: ! at New York City it.iv i struck to enforce demand for a nine hour day and a new scale of traces. I lay l!ilw>rcl*v are mi grwit demand at St. I amis. Mo., and wages have advaneed ten per cent, in the iiast two months. \ ntovenient has been inaugurated among lite Northumberland, Fuglaml. miners for a general strike as a protest at gainst tlie coal lax. " Fvery member of the Clgartnnkers* Cnion at Jacksonville, Fla., cuniriimtca twenty -five cents a week toward advertising their union label. In Croat Britain there are I.OOo.OOO trade unionists. itnd hut l.tVtO.OOO In tin- dnited States aud Canada for About twice- the population. There have been nearly 700 strikes in fireat Britain during the past twelve months, sixty-eight per cent, of which b&vc been set lied in favor of tlie men. PA M'S~H0 R NBLASTS. ._y. rr supremo are oi I living may b< * summed up in giv hope of Balvatlcr t. X't^r v<K lies in the salvutioi T/v ?r thp8onlY V $' >) Thr.s- v.-hu e-icoel fbyi IV. 1 .u -.1:^ il"? 1 \ \ /, r d will no gnu. |f\,V 1M1W !>? llinj. fMvvi5 v^""* *iil not Wir * i 'c * * lcapcct who refuse: wet .., V. I.:.. . : nn ii'a opportunity for thi r ;.' < A of his ideals. V?. i .rnhltion is the child of envj i* will t.e the mother of sorrows. S-.!/ surrender is the secret of soul Mttafru-tion. The lights of the world are not 11 Smuinated by the tires of controversy He who has friends only to use then will have them only to lose them. Goods can n vpi constitute the chia good. The good iti a man may he known i>; rhe good he sees In men. There can he religion without ritua j*m we have light without lamps. Lift's plr:.yu:? - are but spring fresh erf#. Gtn.'s ,oy a perennial spring. The p> jsaros of a true saint eanno Ik- auyrrf-ntcd by the pains of sin urns. A good feliow is not always a goot friend. Inspiration is God's answer to ou mun -ftf Inn ir Chr bullet that kills and not th repfi'.l t He -3 ? tr.titor to mar. who is na -Cn.r *jo (Jc.'d. Mctff create* mora wants than I at Isfcrs iiadTs succor comas swifter thai icntly moots with disaster. Avory ient. doctor to hn vo with you whon icxlcuu Mustang Liniment. ? Mtt rs or ig Sores l fixture upon vour it is your tault, tor ICAN mm ent uickly and permaatilietions. There bout it; it' this linrc will follow. quickly a burn or scald can hocured [ you havo treated it with Mexican liealcr it elands at the very tup. PROMINENT PEOPLE. I Arthur Ciiirdincr, cycling champion of 1807, is entering the automobile business. Oxford University has conferred the degree of doctor of civil law on Ambassador White. Emperor William lias bestowed n deeoratioti on Captain Sverdrup. the j Arctic explorer. Sir ('una 11 Doyle has declined to j I stand as a l.iheral-Uuion candidate in I 1 <\ ntral Edinburgh. t ^ T?r. Joseph Parker, the famous preacher, has been ordered to give up | all work for six months. Mr. Kruger. former President of the j i South African Republic, has just pa scd his seventy-seventh birthday. King Christian of Denmark has j gazetted Anton Ilegner, the American . 'cellist, a Knight of the Danebrog Ordor. l?r. N. C. Morse. President of tho Iowa Association of Railway Surgeons, is the heaviest physiciau in America, \\ cighing -''>'J"5 pounds. Count Tolstoi is s lid to lie writing : another book in his old age. It will | deal with his impressions 01 the militnry revolt i- the Caucasus, ISoO. Andrew Carnegie has given $50,000 to Eastbourne, Sussex, for the est alt- I iisiimeut of a library, for which the} , Duke of Devonshire lias given liie site, i Keriuml Moses, of California, a member of the Philippine Commission, will I 1 retire on January 1, and will make a 1 I tour of Europe, afterward shaping Ids i !affa "s so that lie will be able to take up bis college work in the University j ol California. Rear Admiral Thomas O. Sclfridge h: fill* .?!( lout I i\-Sn<r tl><? V.? ? ?? , r,, ,, , n.S VIIIWI \?1 (Hi: nil* J. 1 [ The records show that he entered the i I Navy as a midshipman on .Innnary 1, | ISts, at whieh time he must have been , at lest tlfteen years old. lie is, therefore, probably ninety-nine. His eldest -on. Rear- Vdniiral Thomas O. JSclfrhige, Jr., is sixty six years old. .. ? . _L NEWSY GLEANINGS. t T.eaven worth, Kan., miners have , agreed with the operators cm a wage scale. A building for all the mercantile asv | social ions of Chicago, 111., is content) i plated. i ' The Italian Government hns-bought the Villa in Koine, for a pub1 lie park. The l'aris I.ouvre added Slo.oou t worth of art treasures to its collections | last year. Cotton brokers are counting on sendj ing $'>.000,000 worth of raw cotton to China next year, i A new starch factory to use 1000 j bushels of corn dally lias been started ' nt Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 7 American railroads are confronted j vrith the fact that there is a decided " | scarcity of telegraph operators. TIima * , ....v. - .... * luiKjruit'ii ii n vp nenil I oil a movement lo seeurc the church at' j tcmlnncc of the laboring people. 11 j More than half a million dollars' . worth of gold is used up every year by f I the dentists of the United States. The Hotel des Involutes, of Paris, y the home of veterans of the French I Army, will be innde into a museum. 1 Steam power is almost an impossi| blllty in Southern China, fuel being ! one of the most expeusive Chinese luxuries. t The famous naturalist and arctic explorer, Dr. Nanscn, is to be placed in charge of a new International marine ^ laboratory at Christiana. New coal fields which have been opeu?d up in Poland may, it Is stated. r lead to Warsaw developing Into one of the foremost mannfactorlng cities in Kuropo. { The New York State Board of Mediat Hon and Arbitration recorded sixty fresh disputes in April, May and Jnne, X involving 480 firms and 21JBOO workmen, who lost tn the aggregate ML000 . days week. Of the 2XJBOO etrlfegftAiifr skk msmaMsUirt. .i. i I HINTS FOR LITERARY PEOPLE, ; A German Publisher's Rather Expressive Views. The Author, of London, publishes the following "literary hints for the wealthy and rultivated," which, it says, were taken from a German publisher's advertisements: A gentleman does not give his daughter a dowry of from five to fifty thousand pounds and forget to provide her with a bookcase. A gentleman does not have a full wine cellar and v'mpty book shelves. A gentleman does not use eau-decologne and read greasy volumes from a circulating library. A gentleman does rot borrow good works which he is in a position to buy. A gentleman doe3 not talk about the latest llterntuve when he is acquainted utiij ?mi w11in nua ueen sain 01 it by the reviewers. A gentleman does not cut books with his fingers, oven after having washed his hands. A gentleman does not possess a box of carpenter's tools, but no paper knife. A gentleman does not receive hooks for review and give them away or sell them without opening them. A gentleman does not make presents only of things which are entirely without intellectual value. A gentleman does not send to hip bookseller for a parcel of books od approval, and after having read them, return tliem, saying that none of them suit him. A gentleman does not buy only i sixpenny cheap editions. A gentleman does not depend for i his reading upon the daily journals , and illustrated weeklies. 0. B. B. bdcir rKtici. Cnros unit Skin Dlnrase*, Cancers, I '--fit i?c Humor*. Isotonic Blood Balm (B. II. B.) cures Pi:n? !* ."*. scabby, aealy, it-riiiriK K 'scmu, Ulcers, Bating Sores. Scrofula. Blood Poison, llouc Pains, Swellings, Rheumatism, Clancor. Especluiiy advised for chronic eases that doctors, patent medicines and Hot Springs fall to euro or help. Strengt hens weak kidneys. Druggists, 31 per largo bottle. To prove it euros 11. B. 11. sent free by writing Bi.oon Balm Co.. 12 Mitchell Streot, Atlanta, tin. Describe trouble and froo tnoJieal advlco sent in scaled letter. Medicine sent, at onec, prepaid. All wo ask Is that you will speak a good word for B. B. B. The jaw of the sbnrlc furnishes the best watchmaker's oil. In each shark is found about half a n:~>*. How's Tills ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewsrd for snv ease of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenet A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .T. < honey for the last 15 years, and beiioTo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made hv their tirm. West \ Tnrxs Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldiro, Kinnan A Marvir, Wholesale Druggirta, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price. 7;>e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the heat. An o>l rich lives about thirty years, and the average annual yield of a bird in eantiviiv is from two pounds to four pounds of feathery. FITS permanent Iv eti n'd.No ilisor nervousness after 11 rst day's us? of Dr. Kline's (treat>r?T.t-ii'Jai oouio nau t reattsorroo i Dr.R. H.KMm, Ltd., 881 Arch St.. Phi la., Pa. '1 he cook can generally be depended upon to stir thing* up. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup [or children teething,soften the gums, reduces lull animation,allays pain,cures wind coll", 25e. ubottle American machinery, tools and sewing machine* are used all over the world. Tiso's Cur* for Consumption Is an tnfalllblo medicine for coughs and colds.?X. W. iiAiirrL, Ocean drove. X. J., Fob. 17, 1900. The experience that makes a man poorer should also make him wi.-er. Money refunded for each package of Putnam Fadeless Dyes if unsatisfactorvj^^ III 1-7 I I |il if***' ill i?yrv 11 ifi' itisPur?I1 | It is gentle. k |l ji I It is pleasant. ft 1 f ? ji It is efficacious. | || I y| || I ' It is not expens &3l' ill ! It is p-orxl fr?r rli ----i.V .ill It is excellent ft $ ii I $ ' S It is convenient it it ij It is perfectly sj Si i] It is used by mi I It stands highe? ? I j If you use it yo | J1J produces. I s. H i EMBARRASSED THE OLERQYMAN Hlola ter'a M>lc*.titrt All R1(kt Until th# Maid Appaaiad. A distinguished episcopal clergyman was once called on to officiate at a fashionable summer resort church, and, finding only a short surplice and no cassock in the vestry, was very much disturbed at the thought of having to appear in a vesture that to the frivolous would look like a white shirt and trousers. But a happy inspiration eamo to him. Why not wear one of his wife's hlack petticoats? The portion that would show below the surplice would look exactly like the regulation cassock, and no one would ever be the wiser. So he hurriedly sent one of t hr> nclmrc n ltl. nvnlnn^tr.rv note to his wife in toe hotel, anil in the niek of time the petticoat arrived. The makeshift turned out to bo a perfect success, and no one at a distance could tell that he \va3 not wearing a cassock. After the close of the service he decided to go out to the body of the church without taking off his robes, in order to greet some friends. And he was soon the center of a Troup of fashionable women, when a |reon Irish maid from the hotel came up, and in a loud voice said to him: 'Yer Riverence, the missus sint tnc iflher her petticoat that ye do be wearin", an' I wur. to wait till yc take it off."?New York Tribune. He Needed no Introduction. An amusing story comes from Peris of the device adopten by a prominent clubman of wealth and position to foim the acquaintance of a lady well known for her beauty in social and theatrical circles. The lady was lunching in a fashionable restaurant in the Bois de Boulogne, accompanied by her equally well known poo'lo, says the London Globe. The dog was; running from table to table, picking up pieces and collecting tnorsalj from other diners, and presently, when it returned to its mistress, she was astonished to see written on its bark in rod cnalk. "Toil your mistress that she is simp'.y adorable and I love her exceedingly." "The gentleman signed his name. After this a formal introduction WA3 no longer necessary. It is state-', that the Cathcart dumber Co. of Decatur. Ala., which has been operating a hand-saw miil at that place of HO.000 feet capacity, lias made arrangements 1 > build a mill of much greater capacity. YMem 13 NOT A BUT IT CURES R .turf nil itInr'i.vx friniiiri jYom impitril K| injure the it if/rxl inn/nii.i. t'ntiirrh H itiArti'i>rur t?nitrr t/ir /niicrrpd lituiui ;n TWO QOTTL I tienllemcn:? I tnko pleasure In In of your " ttTIEOMAClUC. I'lVip l-< :;!< ? ? ! I Ik- ft any la-m-nt to you ii; ndvortisinir j Yours truly, W. 11. HANI jjj^ Bobbitt Chemical Co., |(apudine i I > \ y ,ii<;uipi>i:,< oi.iin 5 ?; ami 1ii?.%i?a< IlliS. * Sold by nil DrngRlsta. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold In balk* Beware cf the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." Why jp.of fi<Ss t fAmity laxative ive. lildrcn. iautv.->? for business men ^ ifc under all circumstances, llions of families the world over. ?t, as a laxative, with physicians, u have the best laxative the world -A ' m- !. a. 5t.?,-.u; . v I..3I CONGRESSMAN (To The Pe-ru-na Mediclr "Pe-ru-na is All li ft III Congressman I). I-'. \Vi!bcr, of Onconta The I'e rami Me,Heine Co., C>tl a mbus, Gentlemen?"/VrxiKK/wl bu u fr I ha re a I most fa I It/ reenvtsre.l a flee I i eon t'l licet/ thai I'eruna Is all i/on eta netic/ your medicine to all who are it, IV-nenn n Vreveiillvo nml Cnrf tor Co'i'i. .Mr. ('. |-\ Clivcii. Sus.scN. !>.. Vicel'residcnt of lite I'nstiinc Routing Clu'ti. , write-": "Whenever the cold weather set-* in 1 liav : ?: y?ar j-.:.-' hern v? i v sure t i - :s!< li -i -cvere coltl. wlii-di was hard to throw i off. and which w on't! leave aft. ;f> i-h on my constitution the most of the win-j ter. ' l.ast winter 1 was advised t try I'erutin, and within live days the cold was broken up, and in live da\s more I was a well man. I recommended it to several of I my friends, and all speak the highest praise for it. There Is not It In'j like I'er una for catarrhal a ]}l let Ion s. It is t roll , nl;/h Infallible as n cure, anil l: ylatlly endorse It."?(\ F. Given. A Prominent siine-r ShvoiI From l.oss of Voire. Mr. Julian Weisslitz, 17:> Senna street. Hntfclo. N. V.. is eorresiionditijt secretary of The S in."" '-st, of New York; is the j ' leading kw-u -s of the Satigerlust, the; CURE-ALL, I HEUMATISM fi"* In the I'too,f. /? jioj.,tipr/i/ irlf/ tint fx . ft htne;/. t iree ait,I tioii art* t run fot* -tji f rl/i/ i ntj qnali/ic* of Jhiti no,licit jr. EH ?5 CURED. 1 i!Alston, X. C. ft testimony to thocurative prop* st'e* tied riy aon of a I>.-( < case. If this will L j our nu rltorioiifl remedy, you eau use it. L IN S'rtc Ird, .V. hint il lit ion for li'lurl. fcrj or c::prcssa^;c prepaid. Baltimore. rid., U. S. A. $ *~-" We buy llonntr'! \* i-no-'i to 'ol if dk-ri ? ) tile Moxh hi if. ! 'KsAVirill other enrly W?r? nutl I lllw XlLull 1,1,1 viilti.i ill .-a>li XWir ) i if/.tivaii rantM St.0t t,,r th..?o entitled. jn<-lmU:iK Uolr-. nr . Write for I'ariienlars : V eterans fhe c?Atlnntie Ituililinc, - Wuviiiualnu, I), t'. ^DROPSY iO DAYS'TREATMENT FREE. Havo na Jo Dropsy end its crra? plicatiorij a specialty for twonty Y vears with the oust wonderful r, X inccess. ilavo cured taaay ihaut1 """a. a. s. catEE'S ccita, tllrrilifl''' Box It Atlaatu, Ga. Bee a>.v Its component parts are all whe It acts gently without un pi east it is wholly free i'roni objection It contains the laxative princij It contains the carminative prii It contains wholesome aromnt agreeable and refreshing to t All are pure. Ail are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientific Its value is due to our method o the orginality and simplicity To get its beneficial effects ? h Manufactured (auforkia jh San Franciico LouiavilU. Ky. FOP SALE BY ALL LEADI1 V} LJ.J:. MiL,u?,rr. *1 romr.^J/ , N. V., writes: O'i io: irud I have tried i/nur remedy ami J he line of a few billies. I am /ally i ni /or it, a a I 1 cheerfully recomil with ca!n rrhul tconb'r." 1 Im rid l\ li t I Iter. . 'arrest fJerntan ?ineinn imeiety of New ^ >i k. and also t lie o!de <t. la lvi?!? I lie San:ei .i;>t ee!elira?ed in tion it! Ww Vo:i; City. 111following is hi.- testimony: " two yiT.v . ago I < :?*t *lit a severe i.iM while trineling. an.! which settled int > i itarrah of tin- bronchial tnlus. ami -o affected jny voice that I was obliged to cancel my engnietnents. In distress 1 was advise.1 to tr> IVrtina. and i It hough 1 had never used a patent medicine before I see.t for a liottic. "Words hut illy do* lihe toy surprise to find 'hat within a tew days I was greatly relieved, and within three weeks I was entirely recovered. 1 am never with.* it it now. ami take an occasional dose when 1 ieel run down." duliati Weisslit/. It you not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use oi I'eruita write at once to Dr. Ilartman. givin :a tu!' state incut of your ease and he will he p eased to give you his valuable ndviee gratis. \ddress Dr. II lrtrran. I're-'tdeet of The Ilartman Sanitarium. I'olutnhtts. Ohio. IX INl'ESTIEHT Tho Preforrod Stock of tho w, l. 08i!f ibs sc?.e Capital Stock, $2,000,000. SI,000,000 Proferred Stock. S! ,000,000 Common Stock. Shares, S S G O each. Sold at Par. Or.lj Pref rred Shsk offered fo s le. W. L. Doughs retain: cli Cemnrn S.'eck. Ttle Pivt. tr.- I Sti'. . aflli-W. I . Ikviuta St pnio 1.1>< tH-Mer llian S. n. ? It m:.? ... .....inni'iit I'.vrty ttiiti.ii .a si..- i. ..arret tin- r.iI.t:.- li.ts tsCiiii.t a uiorr itiAin. .tiillai's / \ I ll .1 U' Mli.t W. I . /y- \ "illI 'l.l. S l.? OWIt Oil , i.l .>f ||;?? t. i :iim| F ' is! ivticuii II;.* ,?i !,\r U?*Utl r * .? n?* ni. ' >< vVi. ? :? ** i\ "1-1 *m mi( ~/ " !?*?. l If .* ' ^ .yitfCim.*-.I ?UV. ! f I ! ?v /.'/ I. I ?i: IS i Mr latV* S| I'll# lu???H * V\\ iii %a >?' i.v M?*ik s V I v .?% > ?- . !. .mm#jAik vn'.-.' : ,'jSNv >? .*! in ?hr i ? w|n?n v ?- " ' r ^VCr^VVjfes*1,1 1|rl 1 1 r;,h^ ii'iii'li nun*? I^1'' :IIUo':i,r !l v*y "n T i *:?.! on fh" s|im?V ? ' *? ? * i.ju HIIII i t'. I?.isiin?s?? nc*\r h * :i .s uii-r/-isim; n v -i y::ii.I *. . ;i I Will ?7 o "tin II.*- >? :ir 1 ^ 1 :? fn?A?*rv is now l?;rni**^ ?*ui 7 i* imiiin ?it jm*i el hi ?-1?111 ui?i i?? tltr i?l.rn is luiili wh.cli W'll III' I*- t.s* !'.' :?).n*tl > t<? So,IM? ills \ I I: \ Tli'* 1 . i Ii*i* .?i_! tin* I'lt : i n*il SltnM. ?>r > %!*? is ?.?i*?r|M'*u it.? :?n' II > <Ml v.-: * i i<? trw it tri tin* Itosl l?ni n?**s m 11<?* w?n I, wliifli is ami 7 |*? r . *! ! on your , yon ?*nn mir?*1iii*?* on?* *?mn* ? ?n??iv in 11 :s irrtMi Ihi ? m>4. S???nl laoiM-y l v *j,.shi?-i\s -? ? <>t ?-rri i ll**<i lli,i*?C, III.I If |?.lv.?hlf* In \V. I Utill^lis. It lli^m is n?? t?*u* In your :??*vn. iiion**> t*y rxjirrws ??r l***! oft**** umt.i'V orilrr*. r?.?s|^?'us mvnm full Informal ion ulmui th.s i?r?*at anil i?mti|:tM?* tiHuim*** urn! upon .ini?ii?*:ttio?i. ViIiIii-h* W. I.. iMM'li LAS, Hi'urkloii, \1 >! ?. So. !.'?. Monev Savin' *>AV?^ WILBER SAYS | ie Co., of Colnmbas, 0.) i.? rou Claim For It." ^ 1 * ^\Vxnn^/ ?r /-> -c-r./rr c tfl (shoe cod (or a Postal ???- fifty--Tr-: ise ||l dcsomc. w' ; lib-;': SJ!' j|l, int after-effects. "J:; limbic substances. i|iji; fj >les of plants. jj | i uciples of plants. f I ic liquids which are ' % he taste. J ij $ j : j $ ' I I I ally compounded. i j; | $ F nl f manufacture and to jj p? of the combination. ( i] y |?? ?uy the genuine. mm lby (tija H Cel. ijijl j 1 New York. N. Y. \? j j VQ DRUGGISTS. |j i| k| . i *