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IN THE LOCAL FIZLD. Facts Picked Up Here and There About People and Things. Hest cotton is worth 8 1-d cents;; seed *2*2 cents today. Mr. J. C. Warren, who for several weeks wm3 ill of typhoid fever, on Saturday resumed his duty as sec- , tion foreman for the Southern lty. FhI; vdena are pretty luxuriant these bays. Turnips, turnip salad, snap heans, tomatoes, lettuce,corn, ami new fK>tatoes are nourishing. The pile of wood near Confederate park offers a splended opportuity to those who would keep wunn without the trouble of pnyiu^r for fuel. The weather at this sensou in u puzzle to everyone. The ovoii- ; iugs and the early mornings are very cool and the middle of the day j makes one think that summer is still here. The Times is requested to an- ; uounce tli>it there will be preaching by the pastor at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. All members are earnestly j requested to he present. The railroads have external the! time limit for State fair tickets, making ticketH purchased good from Satuarday, October 'J"). until Friday October Si. the longest time ever given py the roads. The fall trade is going on at a lively rate. Fort.Mill never had bigger stocks or better bargains and tbo advertisements of her progressive merchants in The Times! are drawing t rado from far and near. Officers Nivins and Warren raid- i ed a gambling den on the "Watson Kow" Saturday night and bagged five colored sports, who on Monday morning came across with the ainount usually paid for such offences. The farmers aro bringing their cotton to market about as fast as they can get it out and ginned. They are generaly paying their i^iituio ana pi i.isioti bills, >11>? 1 if the price remitius up, most of them will be ft hie t<> pay out. On account of the absence of Prof. ?l. A. '1* de, who attended court, as a witness, at. Hampton, S. C., hist week, there was no school in the a I van red department of the public schools on W'ednes- , day, Thursday and Friday. The tax Ixioks of York county I were opened Wednesday morning i in tlie otrice of the treasurer at Yorkville. The Enquirer reports that during the day Treasurer Neely issued 31 receipts and col- : lected taxes to the amount of : $190.78. The first frost of the season apnea rd Wediiesdnv muriiin.r .....I w hi It' it was barely noticeable on upland, the low marshy piaces ; wer? coverd in snowy whiteness. ! The frost it is thought did little damage to the cotton and truck crops. The Confederate veterans ?if the j country are agitatingthe question of discontinuing the plan of having ' street parades, it being claimed that the advancing age of the sur- ' vivingveb rans rentier long march t'H extremely fatiguing and ex- i hausting. According to the report of County Treasurer Neely to Supt. of Kducatioti Carroll, the balances in the hands of tho treasurer to the credit of the schools of Fort Mill township on October 15th were as follows: S. Fort Mill. $3.51;1 Goltl Hill, $2.20; Fort Mill, $.T>1 80. . A good corn crop was made ; throughout the State, and every fanner will have stacks of cobs on his hands this winter. Cobs make ; tine fuel. They make hot liros I and the average housewife had lather have eobs for cooking pur- i I loses than firewood. They are 2ilso ....: ? --- ?' 1.VJ4 Ulll II 1 11^ III tilt? fireplace. i The attention of those who hnve not paid their property tuxes for 11)02 is called to the fact that the j time for payment of said taxes without the 15 per cent penalty expires on November 1. You had better call at the otfice of the treasurer, Mr. J. M. Spratt, ami pay them at once. The largest hog raised in this township in years was put on the market Saturday by Messrs. Ira. G. Siuytho ?fe Son. The hog was raised on the plantation of Mr. J. H. Sutton, north of Fort Mill, and, while the exact weight was not ascertained, t he Messrs. Smy the ( are contiedent that it would have , netted over 10() pounds. By reference to the advertise- . , meut in another column, it. will be J i seen that the date of the chrysan- ! i them am contest to b' given under ( the auspices of the Ladies' Floral i Society of the First Presbyterian | church, of Yorkviile, has been I fixed for Friday, October .'11. In i addition to the attractions offered I by the exhibits, the ladies are ur- j| ranging for the occasion an enter u tninment lhat~nl*Tpronris,c*t to* be-h ^ quite a feature, [ i i Fort Mill was well represented in the crowrl that were in Char* lotte Saturday to witness the Forepauuh and Sells Tiros.' allow. The , crowning feature of the show was "Lo??pini* the L >??p** on a bieyle, though inlinv greatly on joy- < op the drill of a company of Zou- i ave soldiers. The perfomutice in ! all was well up to average. , Times readers are asked to kindly pardon the publisher for the shortness of homo-set news this week (>nr columns are so crowd- i ed with advertising that we are ] compelled to reduce the ro:t?lin?r mutter to nuiko r >0111 for tin' mis. j However, this will bo tin- cisc for ' not moro than two issues, after which we will give our readers the usual amount of news. A number of citizens stayed up i Thursday nii^lit to witness the total eclipse of the moon, which occurred at 1.20 o'clock Friday , morning. For one hour and twen- ; tv minutes the moon was com- 1 pletely hidden from view behind the earth's shadows. The moon struck the earth's shadow at 11.17 oclock and left it at Jl.ftO o'clock j 1 Friday inorniiit*. This is the last eclipse for 1902. , State Constable J. 11. Thomasson. of Rock Hill, pud the "booze lighters" of this township another uuwolcomed visit Saturday. A oroat many of the soaks" went up to the show that day and. ! as usual ?>e ledi occasions, returned well laden within and without. Const, ible Thomasson ned the train, however, and with a lit tie assistance, relieved the crowd of several gallons of the vile stall*. Mind th_rer liquor was very scarce in Fort Mill Sunday. Mr. C. P. Illaukens'iip. oT Cold Hill, on Friday presential The Times with several pads of the j 1111 cm I re.I pepper that we have overseen. Mr. Itlankensliip does not remember the variety of the pepper, hut it must he the latest i improved. The pods are ah mt two inches in oireumfercnee hy eitrht inches Ioiilt. There is an old saying that only those who are possessed of hi^h tempers can successfully irrow pepper, and as for Mr. Blankenship ?whoop e! The many Fort Mill friends of Mr. II.E. White, of liock Hill, will be much interested and pleased by the following item from the Iloek Hill Journal: Architect 11. E. White is kept very busy these crisp fall days. He was in Cheraw last week and completed plans yesterday for remodeling the Cheraw Presbyterian church. Residences for C. K. lioynton, in Camden, 1 George K. Gray, in Gastonia, and J W. IJ and J. F. Home in Chester. I nr.' ?d<?? n^MNlin" M V. 1 ..vvwiuiii^ vi > i i . n iiiif h t l plans and art1 being constructed under his supervision. Pursuant to announcement in tliese columns last week. Miss Eva Parks and Air. IS. S). ilaikey, of 1 Chester, were married Wednesday evening by the Kev. J. 1). Sheltou, of Chester at the home of the bride in this place. At S.ilO o'clock the strains of the wedding march hushed the laughter of the |] many friends present and the: couple marched in to the parlor ( and took their stand where Kev. i Shelton awaited them. The presents, many and useful, were dis- : played on a largo table in the sit- J tint; room. Mr. and Mrs. llarkey ( will make Chester their home in : 1 tin? future. J1 : > POLICE COURT. 1 The following cases, with charges and tines, were disp >seil of in < the police court Monday morning: : Edmoud Douglass, colored, dis. orderly conduct on streets, fined s:t no L. C. Stegidl, riding bicycle on streyts, fiued . liUin Norkett, riding bicycle on streets, fined $1. j SENT UP FOR HOUSEBREAKING. Paul Sanders, colored, wna com- | miffed fo York jail today from 111im place in default of $201) bond. ' The charge upon which Sanders 1 will await, trial is flint of breaking J" into t ho hoURe of ( ill tin Domiuick, 1 colored, who runs a restaurant in 1 the Leonard building near the rail- % row I station. ' In the preliminary trial before ' Magistrate Mills yesterday morn- c ing Doiniuiek and wife testified ' tliat they were awakened between s the hours of o and t a. 111. Tues- ' lav by a noise in the room, and found a man in the act of search ing the room, supposedly for money. Dominick made a grab for the thief, but failed to land him, mid i in escaping; through a back win- "I low into the moonlight, Dominick recognized the thief as being Paul v Zanders, who was arrested later / by Otlieer Nivensut a negro cabin t. to the rear of MeEllmny's stables. <> In making the arrest, the officer v found it imce.-sarv to take a broth c :?r of Sanders,as the two bore such 3 it it MiTeo~ H' v>:!-; f a rod thai the* man wanted would escape. 1,:,'. * N0T;C3 C7 SLSC7I0N For Riprosontativa In Congress 7<>r the Fifth Distriot. St vtk ok South Cakolin v, ) County ok Youk. J Notice is lu?reby given that the genera 1 election for Representative 111 Congress will !)?> held at the voting precincts lixed hv law iti the countv of York, on ru BSD AY, NOVEMBER 4, 1902, said lav being Tuesday following the lii\?t Monday, as prescribed by law. Tlie qualifications for suffrage are as follows: Residence in the State for two years, in the county for one year, in the i>olliug precinct in which the elector otters l<> vote four months, and the payment six inont lis before any election of any poll tax tlieu due anil payable: Provided. I'hat ministers in charge of an organized church and teas, hers of miblic ?ehuols shall 1??* entitled to vote after six mouths' resilience ill tlio State, otliwise qualified. Resist ration. Payment of all taxes, including poll tax. assessed and collectible during the previous year. The production of a ertiticate or of the receipt of the orticer mtliori/. id to collect such taxes shall he conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Re fore the hour lixed for opening tlie polls managers and clerks must take ml subscribe the const itutionul oath. The chairman of the hoard of managers can administer the oath to the other managers and to the clerk: a notary i public must administer the oath to the chairman. The managers elect their chairman and e.eric. Polls at each voting place must he opened at 7 o'clock a. m., and closed at -1 o'clock p. in., except in the city of Charleston, where they shall In' opened at 7 a. in., and closed at t> p. in. The managers have the power to till a vacancy, and if none of the managers attend the citizens can appoint from among the qualified voters the managers. who, after being sworn, can conduct t he elect ion. At th close of the election, the managers a id clerks must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result for each ollice and sign the same, j Within three days thereafter, the! chairman of the hoard or some one designated by the hoard, must deliver to tli i commissioners of election the i>oll list, the boxes containing the ballots' and writti'ii statements of thu results of t he election. The following Managers of Election have boon appointed to hold the elec11<in at the various preeincts in the said | county: Bethel?It. Meek Burnett, I. B. Fill*is. It. B. Kiddle. Bethany?T. A. McMakin, F. E. j Quinn, Fred Howell. Bluirsville?II. J. Shorrer, H. E. i Hood, J. A. Maloney. Bullock's Creek?Kelly Inmun, J. E. ; Bankheud, \V. B. Good. Clover?T. G. Matthews, John Knox, \ Samuel Beumgrturd. Coutes's Tavern J. It. Gottys, J. W. j ltoddey, J. E. Allen. Clark's Fork?It. M. Wallace, B. M. ' Love, E. N. Wilson. Ebenezer?E. P. Steele, J. N. Steele, J. A. Sliurley. Flint Hill?W. O. Baile-% B. F. Withers. Thomas Donald. Fort Mill?S. II. Epps. Sr., V. B. \ Blnukeuship, Lee Armstrong. Forest Hill?Leonard Wood, J. It. Cook, W. L. Pluxieo. Hickory Grove?W. H. Wylie, J. E. j Leech, C. M. Whisonant. MeConnellsville?J. F. Ashe, S. II. ' Love, P. M. Burris. Newport?J. Q. Howe, J. J. Edwards, 5. P. Pierce. Ogden?J. B. Davis, M. B. Dunlap, ! Jesse M. Moore. Rock Hill?W. H. Moore, V. B. Mo-! Fuddeii, W.C. Wherry. Sharon?A. C. Burgess, H. W. Shan- I lion, J. S. Hope. Smyrna?W. C. Whitesides, J. B. Bo- l iin, J. N. Quinn. Tirzah?J. J. Miller, J. S. Sadler, It. ! J. Jackson, i writvmi*?.1. r>. tsa untier, .J. 1J. Scott, ' R. L. Wilkersou. The managers at each precinct named ibove, arc requested to delegate one of heir number to cull upon GEOlUiK | L\ SCHORR, clerk of the commissionus of Federal elections, nt YORK- ; 1'ILLE, S. U., on SATURDAY, the FIRST DAY of NOVEMBER, 1902, to secure ballot box, poll list, registration | jook and instructions. R. \V. WHITESIDES, Chairman, C. P. BLANKENSIIIP, T. H. (tLENN, Commissioners of Federal Elections for York count v. October lHt'h, 1902. Mrs. Joe Person's t*r - -_i wasn. Tho healing property of my Wash in tot generally known. It will cure jxiis?i oak every time. It is fine for iutlamnatiouof the eyes, being perfectly paiuess aiul very soothing ami healing. If ' vi 11 heal any surface sore or eruption, >ut if th trouble comes from blood immrity, the Remedy should be taken in < omieetion with the Wash. It would >ay any one interested in the subject to 1 end for one of my pamphlets and eircn- ? urs. Iain, very truly, 5 MRS. JOE PERSON. |< Kittrell, N.C., Aug. 2'J, l'J02. ! ! I u ?ii<>iu 11 milv eoiicorn: I have been suffering for ten years 1 kith an eating c ini between my toes. * Lt times you could soo the bone iu my oca. Mrs. Joe Person's Wash was rocmmcuded to mo. I tried it for two /ooks iiud am entirely cnretl of my , j ore. I would roconnueud it to all uttering with like troubles. A. II. GARNER.' Burlington N. C., Aug. I'd, 1902, notice of election For State and County Queers and Upon Amendment to State Constitution. Statk ok Soitii C\kou\ i t-'utm y ok vokk. i rxonco is hereby given that the general emotion for State and county otli- ! cers will ho hold at tho \otiug precincts proscribod hv law in said t onntv. oil TUKsDAY. NOYKMHKlt ?. 1U>2* said dav being Tuesday followiup tho lirst Monday in November, as prescribed by , law. At tho said election a so pal ate box will hi- pro\idod, at which qualified elootors will volo njxin tho ailoption or rejection of an ainondiiiont to the Stato Constitution as provided in tho follow* ing .Joint Hosolution: A Joint Resolution Vroposing to Aniond Section 11 of Article VI1 of tho Consiitnlini of lVtr?, Relating to Countios and County (iovornment. t-cction 1. 1 o it resolved bv tho (Ionoval Assembly of the State of South Carolina: Hint the following amendinent to Section 11, Article VII, of tho Constitution, he agreed to: add to tho end thereof the following words: that this section shall not apply to the following townships in the following counties: Ihmklin and < Hikhiwn in the county of ( .?een\llle; the towhships of Cokeshury, Ninety-Six und t\n?p,*r in the county of Qreeuwo ?d: Sullivan tow ns'nip in the county of Laurens; Huiclt and l'ine t voxe in the county of r-'aludti. That the corporate existence of said towns'.ips he, and the same is herehy destroyed and all olHccrs under said townships are abolished and nil cor- i porate agents removed. See. 2. Hut the question of adopting this amendment shall 1-e submitted at the next general election to the electors as follows: Those in favor of the amendment shall deposit a ballot with tho following words plainly printed or written then >n,"t"oustitutionalamendment of Section Kleven of Arti<de Swell of the Constitution, relating to Counties and County (tovernnient. Yes." Those opposed to said amend- j incut shall east u h.illot with the following words plainly print* d or writ- ! ten thereon: "Constitutional amend- ' incut of Section Kleven of Article VII of the Constitution, relating to Counties and County ( iovernnieut, No." Approved the Csth day <>f l'\ hruarv. A. I).. 11K)2. Sec. 7. There slmll be separate nnd distinct ballots ami boxes at this elro- i tion for tin' following oflicers to wit: 1. ' Governor ami Lieutenant (Jovernor. 2. j Other State oflicers. Jt. Stale Senator, j I. Members of the House of liepresentalives, o. County otlieers. On which shall be the name or names of the jmtson or js rsons voted for as such otlieers, respectively, and the otliee for which they aire voted. lie fore the hour fixed for opening the polls managers and clerks must take and subscribe the constitutional oath. The chairman of the board of managers can administer the oath to the other managers and to the clerk; a notary public must administer the oath to tho chairman. Tho managers elect their chairman nnd clerk. 1'olls at each voting place must, ho ' oi>oned at 7 o'clock a. in., nnd closed at 1 4 o'clock p. in., except in the city of Charleston, where they shall he opened at 7 a. m., and closed at ii p. in. The managers have the jxiwer to till a vacancy, and if none of the managers { attend the citizens can appoint from i among the qualified voters the man- i ugers, who, after being sworn, can con* 1 duct the election. At the close of the election, the managers and clerks must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of t lie result for ouch oflicc and sign the same. Within three days thereafter, tin chairman of the hoard or some one des ignated by the hoard, must deliver to the commissioners of cleetion the jm>] 1 list, the boxes remaining the ballots anil written statements of the results of ; tin' election. The following Managers cf Election have boon apfiointed to hold tho oloo- i iidii ur inn various precincts :n the said , comity: Bethel?J. J. Nichols, J. Hone Ad:unc ! V)'. N. Wallace. Bethany?V. A. IIowcll, J. .T. Ilowe. J. I'. Smith. Bluirsvillc?S. A. Mitchell, S. G. Car- j roll, W. O. Blair. Bullock's Creek?W T. Sniarr, J. C. t Met 'arley, 10. M. Bunkhcad. Clover?W. D. Moore, John M. Ford, ! E. C. Jackson. Coutes's Tavern?W. S. Ixvsslie, T. 10. Put toil, G. A. Ge'tys. Clark's Fork?W. It. Bikers, A. C. White, t'. W. I)ixon. Ebeuezer? It. B. ltobinson, 10. H. Smith, J. W. Simril. Flint Hill?It. 11 Harris, W. S. MeChilian, A. II. Withers. Fort Mill?U. T. Crook, W. L. Kpps, j T. B. Sprat t. Forest llill T. M. Martin, J. M. ' CraiK. Purrv FurKorson. i , Hickory Grove?T. B MeDill, J. J. J. ltobinson, B. F. Sco^ins. McCoiiiiollsvillo?.1. T. Crawford, J. O. Moore, J. Mack Moore. Newport?L. J. Lumpkin, T. W. Jack- \ son, W. 10. (Jettys. Ggdeu?J" M. Bates, W. D. Dunlap, W. 1,. Hiusou. Rook Hill?J. F. Winoate, J. II. Mo- J Fadden, George Withorspoon. Hum>n?W. It. Burgess, It. D. Hope, It. M. Sherrcr. Smyrna?It. T. (.'a ties, J. M. ('aid- ' weil, J . W. Quinii. Tirzah?H. L. Yotuitfblood, W. T. V nun^hlood, \V. L. Jackson. Yorkville?James 1.. Moss, It. It. Mo- j Corkle, Meek Williams. 'I he managers at eacli preeinot named I ibove, are requested to delegate one of heir number to call upon 1 ... VV. LCI* fillAN, elerk of the commissioners of rtate and county elections for York jonntv, at YOIiKVlLLE." S. C., on *ATURJ)AY. ''ie FIRM' DAY of NOYK.MliHH, !!?>>?, to receive ballot boxes, joll list, resist nit ion book and inslriicions, Come prewired to lake FIVK J OX LS. J. H. K.\YK, Chairman, 1*. M. BUltRIS, W. A. YOUN< JliLOOD, Commissioners of State and County Elections for York county, October 1Mb. liM>2. T 'LACE YOUR ORDERS | FOR JOB PRTNTI N(? WITH TIIE TIMES' S . r?3?0?3? 3? ?? v Olot!" Ci) ? < jc Moii'h Suits CP Youth's Suits Vp Bo} "s Suits ^jv Klkin Blankets QP Ladies duckets Cy Sew illt? M ichines ? Cooking Stoves Helltinj^ Stoves Oak Bed doom Suits CP Chairs Knekiujx Chairs All the last brands of Calic A The latest styles\if Milliner, millinery price. W ^? *?. ^t,v ripoolal har^aims ill Wall I'm ($y paper your room ? while Mr. A 0 .. Don't tail to see our stock ?> Caps. Wo liavo tho latest styl liavo tlio I tost Shoos in town at |Jt? ( 'alihuiil "see lor yourself. (o> ISLjI. zB . ^ (Thone* Alto at for Strauss'linis'. tail I Few Of Our S still IMaolc Tafota, !(> inches wide, a for '.t>s con Is. Illaok Tafota, 27 iuolios wide, ov 1 astro, oho of tin* lit ?t. for % 1. All tho loading sluulos in strip* worth ?1, for SO rents. Dress C w o nro having the ho.-.t trade in Our stock i- complete, from 'J."? eenb leading shad* s. A full Ii??r? of Dicsj ELnitting All wool Knitting Yarns (N. 0. Cotton Knitting YnrnH, white in ]V?is cellt riO-incli Table Kelt, worth 50c, See oui West Knd una ran teed lA full line of Wool Mitts, for .. We are determined to made tlii* IMEeaclxarc ('I'll.,lie J Agents for Standard Fashions, others charge you. TOU HAVE THE WE HAVE TH Let's 1 There's an abundance of exeellei rare things at rare prices. W e watc tin* business, and the satisfaction cu what we have to sell. Goods well bougl We buy rioht because we know profit because wo sell only on short 1 loot. Our linos are complete: 1) (louts I'ndorwear, Alone' Shirts and and notions of every description. J5 a regular customer. Our Line ol This lino consists of everything j^oods are always fresh. A prize con MILLS & VOI HOUSE FUR E. M. ANDREWS, R Kverythiiipj for homo comfort sold hero, on mu d v m m r w * i * rm-% *+ * liU\> Vjft I IJ/ Kverythiiiif favors emlit. buying priees else who re. ()nr qualities are bility. Our terms are praeticallv Y in on t and tin* balance in weekly or i your convonii net1. Our slo. k consi> PAKI.OU and liKDROOM SION TAURUS. II ALL RA ENAMKRKI) HMDS. CHI 1)1 NINO ROOM (311A I KS, CARTS, HAliY (3 A 11RI AO ' )ur stork repm-onls notliinir hut I very laloHl output of the host, fftotori profits just to advertise tIt.* fact that of House Furnishings. E. Mu ANDRE J.S. LYNCH, o ? ? ? *?u. lirxg. J Cv . . .$1.90. 0.50, 8 no, 9.50 u V> $ 1.50, <>.50 h tit I 7 75c to $3.75 fe? 1 - - S .. . $2.;>0, 2 15, 13 25 nnd 4..7v. $1.50 to 5.75 '} $19.50. 22.50, and 27.50 Q'l $5.50 to 10.50 $} $1.75, 2 50 Mid 3/ 0 *v $15.00 to 37.- 0 J v 45c to $1.50 * * 75c to $1.50 ? 5c y at about half llie regular \ s * -V-r * P?T. [NOW IB the till.'' IO .lexander is here U: put it ci. V. t' Men's an ! Uoy's li ?lv i 1 t-s at whole-ale prices ?' ' thv lowest prices. L'~ .S^El^ST, ? to. 71.) <3 or-made Clothing. ",~(X > J5? ??0???1Oi: "V> ptial Mm. ^ood heavy piece, worth $1.25. ery yard warranted to wear, a iir ? s and plaids, guaranteed to bo ioods.* - * mis one liint we hnve ever In'1 i up to $1.50. We have all liiu i Linings. ft tA,A -LJ-C=I" make) at 70e. ad colors, at. 20 and 25c. meous. for 40e. vid Ciloves, sell for $1. 10, 15, 25 uud 55c. i our banner month. I. C&3 Epps, Jo. 04.) 15 and 20, not 28 and 25c, s some CONFIDENCE, IE GOODS, rrade. nee here for the one who wants h the Inlying and selling end of nnes from taking advantage.-, of it are halt sold. how; we sell for a low margin of time and have no fall debts to co!ry Goods, Ciolliing, Ladies and Neckwear, Suspenders, Overalls 11 y of us once and you will become Groceries. good fur Hie inner man, and our pon free with each 50c purchase. 1 'Phone Llnwj No. 12. NISHINGS. I0CK HILL, S. C. CREDIT] ISII I'll ICRS. Our credit prices are CASH personally ^namnteed for duruOl'R terms. A small tirst |w?>nontlily amounts, arranged to- uit its of an excellent mssoiImmit <,? FURNITURE. EXTENU CKs, BRASS and WillTK FK( )N IEKS COUCH ES% PORCH R< JOKERS. U< K KS, FAN0Y li()CKEHs^ lie newest styles of furnitm , the ies. W'e are selling it at st: wo carry a full and complete kuuk h4lfe> manager! " i - i