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r-r v.;,' r TEF9ST MILL TIMES. DFMOCRATICVU1JIJS1T KD W EI)NKSDAYS Tku>i.s of Svvscuiption : ()ne ycsir $1.00 Six months .50 Throe mouths .25 CorresiHUulonco on current subjects is inviteil, but no responsibility is ?s untied for the views of correspondents. Advertising ratea are mudo known to those interested oil application to the publishers. Fort Mill Telephone (with long distance connections) No. 20. OCTOBEH 22. 11)02. MR. BRYAN PROSPERING. Tint prosperous financial condition <.f William Jennings Bryan will interest Ilia many friends throughout the the country and doubtless excite the envy of his political Opponents everywhere. When Air. Bryan, entered the campaign of 18f(> one of his boasts was Hint he was a poor man; that In* was without a home, without sin Iter and had to work upon n weekly salary as a newespaper writer to sustain himself and family. It is sated upon unquostionablo authority that ho now has something like $l(?S,000 in the bank at I.iticolti. Neb., which he made from Ins campaign speeches, j His now home near Jjineoln cost $40,000. Mr. Bryan talked very freely to a friend who visited hi in recently about his financial con- ! dit ion, and seems to be happy over his pvoat prosperity. From ' his conversation it was inferred that his weekly income is some- 1 tiling like Mr. Bryan in 1890 had a hard time to raise money to make the campaign. He feels now that lie ! can afford to make"!he campaign out of his own purse, and would not hesitate to spend the money he has accumulated to elect himself or to defeat any of those prominent men who he feels are responsible for his defeat in the last two national campaigns. NEGROES DON'T MIGRATE. Thero wore <>500.000 colored persons in tho United States in 1880, 7,500,000 in 1800, and 8,800,000 in 1000, according to the last census report. A general movement of colored inhabitants from one State to another or form one section of the country to another, due to economic, political or hygienic reasons has been declared to bo in progress at intervals of two to throe years since the close of the war. But tin* figures of each succeeding census prove that, the colored population of the United States is by no means migratory; it. changes little year by year except as the ordinary increase in population. Various ambitious projects of leaders to colonize certain States have failed entirely. In Kansas, for instance, there are only '.1,000 more colored inhabitants than were twenty years ago, though Kansas has long been the Mecca of many colored colonizers. - DON'T LIKE UNCLE SAM. Reports which have for some time been coining from Mexico that an agent of the United States government was there negotiating lor land upon which to remove P a \ I I' * 1 t XL I soim* (>[ ilie mourn innt'H 01 mis country have at last been explained, says the Washington Post. The I nterior Department and the Indian Bureau have, of course, had no part in any such scheme, but it appears that Lone Wolf, a Com-, inanche, who has long been making .trouble in the Indian country, says that he is tired of the guardianship of the United States and desires to take his band of followers to Mexico, provided this government will buy for them a tract of land near Chiiinnhau, in xchange for the land to which his followers are entitled, under the allottment, in ()klalioma. It is suspected that some real estate speculators are hacking the scheme. CLAIMS TO BE THE OLDEST MAN ' A negro man, who claims to be the oldest person in the United States, celebrated Ids 1150 hirt Inlay Monday in ('lay county, Ky. He r is nanud Elijah Bledsoe, and for many years, in olden times, he lived at Fayetteville. N. C. He re members the war ?>f 1.S12 distinctly itud kn?*w Aaron Burr. Bledsoe i n?\- that ho did not like Burr because he tried to buy him from his master, and take him away. The negro has in his possession a pi ere of money that was given him by Gen. Lafayette when he visited ' "ayettevillo. It was given in the form of a tip for services in J830. Bledsoe made hinself famous by 1'ie greatest running feat in h into; y. He ran 33 miles in two hours. Ilis opponent dropped dead by the wayside,? Charlotte Observer. i > . ....... fc: Hilled a Negro Hobo. I Rock Hill Herald, today. Yesterday morning nt 12.10 o'| clocK, jimt lifter the arrival of the 1 first section of freight No. 37 from 1 Charlotte, Seasly Rodman, a negro who once lived here, was shot and Killed by H II. Lloyd, a flagman on tho train. Rodman had been stealing a ride from Char lotte, had been put off the train several times, and in tho presence of several passengers he swore at Fort Mill that, ho would continue to ride on the train or Kill the ! whole crew. At Rock Hill he was discovered on the rods under a car, and when Mr. Lloyd attempted to arrest Rodman for the purpose of turning him over to the police, the negro drew a pistol and raised his arm to fire at the flagman,, hut the latter fired first, the hall taKingefi feet under the upraised arm. Rodninn Fit I I ntwl ov i\i rial in o fo in mm I lllllll iV II U1IU V III (I IV. U I I I I 1 I , utVS. The coroner's jury rendered n verdict that Seasly Rodman came to his death by a gunshot fired by tlie hand of II. If. Lloyd in selfdefence, and considered justifiable. GOLD HILL NUGGETS. Editor Times: Our neighbors are generally well. As for ourselves. we are wabbling along in the same old rut. Wo learn that there Iiuh been some trouble over in II? No. 2. of late. A gentleman and lady had a knock down and drag out tight, and besides this, there were several minor skirmishes. However, all is quiet at this tiino. We see in The Yeoman recently that Bro. Roy takes us to task for saying that, we were too much like George W. to tell a lie, and says we certainly make mistakes. Brother, a lie may be a mistake but iH a mistake a lie? Right, here we will relate a lie we told .'IS years ago. It was ill December 'OH. while guarding some Yankee prisoners, near ibistol, Tenn., that we got into conversation with a big, 1 >11:?>-bi?l 1 ioi 1 ( 1i?n nect irnt Yiitikot' about the negro. He asked me if 1 owned any of them and 1 told him yes; that 1 had one hundred of the wooly heads. Ho a6ko.i me if 1 ever whipped them and 1 told him yes, every day just for amusement. "Well,'' he remarked, "are you not afraid of going to hell?" 1 assured him that 1 had never heard of such a place and asked him if it was located in Connecticut. Weil, he just looked straight at me and said, "You must be a damnd fool.'* Well, this was a whopper, lie or mistake, which? But then, we didn't go to do it. Now Brother lioy, we intended suing you for doubting our veracity and we would not take taters as damages either, but you just got a gallon or so of oysters for Thanksgiving and ask us to dine with you and we will stop further proceedings. Splinter. YORK COUNTY NEWS. Yorkvillo Yeoman. M r. Geo. 1{. Wallace, a farmei who lives on the Charlotte road, " miles out from York, shot and bad ly wounded a negro named Green Garrison Saturday evening. The trouble occurred at Gordon Bros.' irilinnru Ooreiarvti m?ici fit* ^ a i \ i j, *? uvic \?cii i i ov hi vt?ir> hi in# the engine. It is stated thnl Mr. Wallace passed the negro ami .said something about picking cotton on certain land, to which Gar rison agreed, then passing him r few feet, Mr. Wallace turned ami allot at him. The ball struck Gar rison in the back. He is now snf feting considerably from the shol but how serious it is will depend on developments. Arthur Smith, of Broad Rivei township, was allot on Tuesday tin 7th, by Martin Roberts. Smith was a negro; Roberts was white Smith ilied Sunday. Before the inquest, held by Coroner Louth inn Monday the principal witness testified, Roberts was showing him his pistol, that Smith wasstnudinp on the other side of his mule, when the pistol, one of 112 calibre, wne accidentally discharged, the ball entering his bowels. This tosti inony was fortified by an ante tnortern statement by Smith, and the I jury returned a verdict that d? nth was'due to an accidental wound received from a pistol. We have just seen a (iermnn lay taken out some second hand bagging shipped to Mr. B. N. Moore, in tliis place. Ordinarily, there would he nothing of particular interest. in that fact, hut there is inasmuch as examination of the bagging showed that it originally covered a hale of cotton shipped by Mr. M oore last year. It had his own private mark on it. Toe tag horej the name *>f "Antlion Gnnther, Bremen." The cotton had been exported to and used in Germany and the second hnud bagging strangely enough found its way hack to Yorkville along with a lot of its kind. FOR BALE?A small second-hand cail ifcovrf. A \>J>W at Times Ottieo.' I America's Famous Beauties. Look with horror on skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pi tuples. . They don't have them, nor will any i one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. It irlorities the face. Eczema or Salt lvheum vanish bofore it. It cures .sore lips, chapped | hands, chilblains. Infallible for Biles. -~>o at Meacham's drug i store. It is reported that a party of , capitalists have examined the clay and lime beds in the Santee river in the lower part of the State and are preparing to organize a coni' pany to manufacture cement from the mixture in the bed of the river. Cut of Eeatks J awe. "When <1? atli seemed very near from a sever" stomach and liver trouble, that 1 had suffered with for years." writes I'. Muse, Dur! ham, N. C., "Dr. King's New Life Pills saved tny life and gave per! bet health." Hest pills cm earth and only 25c at Meachum's drug store. ? - -4 Twenty Moros killed and three forts captured is the record of one day's operations against tho rebellious Moros in Minande. ? Sees Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling thing T havein my store." writes druggist C. T. Smith,of Davis. Ky., "is Dr King's i Now Discovery for Consumption, [ Coughs and Colds, because it always cures. In my six years of sales it has never failed. I have known it to save sufferers from ] Throat and Lung dn-eases, who i could get no help from doctors or j any other remedy." Mothers rely on it, best physicians prescribe it. i and T. 11. Meaeham guarantees satisfaction or refunds price. Trial bottles free. Keg. size 5()o and $1. ? ? The net profits of the Yorkville dispensary tor the mouth of Sepj teinber, including an investment I of about $1)0 in an iron safe i amounted to $128, or at the rate of $5,0(>1 a year. What showing the town council will make for its share of this is another question. His Life in Peril. "I just seemed lo have gone all to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back had made life a burden. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when 1 began to use Electric Bitters, but they worked wonders. Now 1 sleep like a top, can eat anything, have gained in strength and enjoy hard work," They give vigorous health and new life lo weak, sickly, rundown people. Try them. Only 50c i al Meacham's drug store. FLORAL SHOW, Advance Prcmiun List ?OF THE? Ladles' Floral Society of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorkvllle, S C. Contest to bo hold in tlio court house on Friday, October ill, from 11 a. in. > to 5 p. m. Class A?Chrysanthemums. I Best collection of cat flowers, not less than , ten varieties. First prize, $5.00 in gold, do, natcd by directors of Loan and Savings Bank; second prizo, table sot. Best ten whito blooms; lamp, donated by Dr. t John B. Bowen. of York Drug Store. Bost ten pink blooms; pair of Qucon Quality Shoes, donatod by A. Friedhcim. Rock Hill. Unit tAll vollnnr Klanma J ? ? - j ?..V TW W.VWIU0, VWUV, OUtUUU JliUl', to be decided, i Best single bloom, any variety; salad bowl, [ donated by Mr. W. Adickes. Ci.ass II?Rosea. Best collection cnt flowers, handsome rng, donated by 8mith Fowell Co., socond best ool' | lection, pictnro, given by Mr. Walter Moore. I Best collection any single variety. SI.00. Class C?Put-tod Plants. i Rest, collection of hotted plants, pic, | tare, ponatcd l?y W. 11. Moore & Co. llest potted plant, $1. All flowers must, be grown by oxibitor. All flowers must i>e exhibited on i their own stems. All stoma of chrysanthemums must beat least twelve inches long. None but amateurs allowed to exhibit. An attractive programme has been i i arranged from U to l p m, and again in i the evening beginning at H.BO. Price | I of admission 23 cents for adults; children 15 cents, or 25 cents for two of same family. For more detailed information apply > to Mrs. R. T. STKl'HKNSON, President, or Mrs. S. M. McNkei., Secretary, Yorkj i villo, S. C. ' | October 13 ,'ltc LOW RATES TO STATE FAIR. ' Low rates to the Annual State Fair, Columbia, S. C., via Southern Railway. For the above occasion the Southern I Kiiilway will soli from ]>oiuts in South Carolina, including Ashev ille, Charlotte i Augusta an<l Savannah and all intermediate points, tickets to the 84tli Annual State Fair, Columbia, S. C., at the rate of one-lirst-class far** for the round trip, plus 50c admission fee. Tickets to be sold October 2fith to 81st inclusive, with dual limit to return Novoinber 2nd, 1!K)2. The Southern Railway will operation October 21)th and 80th special trains in : and out of Columbia in addition to their regular trains. Call u)m>ii any atront of the Southern Railway for detailed information, or R W? ilUNT, W. II. TAYLOE, D. P. A. A.U.P.A, ' Charleston, S. O, Atlanta, Ga, <n V. p \ WANTED! WAN Five 1 uiiulred me boys to eome to see us them up in i\ New Sui In buying our stoc aimed to double our s; :< ,?v.. .i ii > uii ruiiMitrr econoi aid us to attain this ci MEN'S Ci \V c luivc a com stock of Men's clot hi per suit, from $3.50 to We guarantee our ^ equal in quality and st ?15.00 suits that can 1 BOYS' CL Our stock of lUv nious, and wo have pu they will have to walk HT.. - l* A _ 1 u ran in your I) %/ sizes 5s to His, from 70c to Our 2-piece Norfo Suits for Boys from 3 known values, and we land let us show them buy or not. It costs i Odd Tr Two to three hum that must go in the n have to say about Tro what you want, and please you. Ha Just a word about you intend to buy a i see ours. We have Hi jor price. [THE OLD DEL T. 15. BELK 9 ? KINDS OF? Chill - Tonic "We enrry in stock nnd this is the Benson for Chills. Groves Chronic Chill Cure is the new one. It is very strong and is especially adapted to cases which are hard to shake otT. Let us serve you when you are in need of chill cures. Ardrey's Drug Store.' * P. S.?You had l)etter get your spices for your green tomato pickle ; while others are. f .f ' * TED! WANTED! 0 11 and three hundred at onee and let us lit t of Clothing. l i* \ y vi I i I K OI V Jill UlOTIllllff WC o dos of heretofore, and my anything you will id. .OTHING. plcto and up-to-date ng, ranging in price, 1 $12.00. 1.00 and 810.00 suits vie to any 812.50 and >e bought elsewhere. -OTHING. rs Clothing is enorit the prices down so ; about. oy in any kind of suit, >lk Suits and our Vest to 8 years of age are invite you to come i to you, whether you lothingto look. ousers. dred pairs of Trousers ext (>0 days. All we %> users is that we have at a price that will ts. Hats, and that is if new Hat don't fail to leni in any style, color MLB STUBS, , Proprietor. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons an- hereby warned against limiting. fishing or ot herwise trespassing upon any of the lands owned or eontrolled by the undersigned jKirties. The law will bo rigidly applied to anyone disregarding this notice. F. Nims. W F. Pattkuson. W. H. Jones. T. S. Kirkpatriek. J. W. Ardrey. W. C. Armstrong. I). A. Lee. R. S. Torrence. W. E. Spratt. T. C. Spratt. W. B. I toko P.. M. Spratt. Misses Addie and Do vie Harris. J. H. Colt harp \V. I. Jones 13. F. Bonnett. Fine Photographs When yon fjo to Clmrlotte don't fail to pay n visit to RADER'S PHOTO. GALLERY. We make all the latest styles and sizes, at reasonable prices. 1 W. Fifth St., fkarlotce, N. C. m 4 ififfi S.J. KIMBALL, I DEALER IN jg Buggies and Harness, I KOCJK HILL, S. 0. 1 glW Wo sclI tho "Rock Hill Bo*nry;" | tlit" best butwy ou tho market for tho fi money. 1 LAUNDRY JSARKS that'art* not found on linen frosh from The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY. Chariot l o, N. C., are rust stains, ink stains, fruit stains, and especially | scorches from overheated irons. That is what wo mrticularly guard against, tleokless, (lawless, immaculato?white ias white rati he, or as strong of color as when von bought it (if originally of a 1 color pattern), your washable apparel is returned clean, well washed, well | ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every Thursday morning and laundry returned Sat unlay mornings by? F.D. L. McEMIANEY. A*ent. ?? .. . _ _ ? TRY TUB I Shop For a first-class I IIAIII CUT, SSI I AVE, SHAMPOO, or HAIR SINGE. CEnroOiers Son. I'UOl'UlliTORR. Third door Bank buildinc. ------- o* FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WRITE TO AVr. II. IIOOVEL?, (IHliU)1TB. N. C. D. J. WILLIAMS, Statesville's Liquor Dealer. Laurel Valley Corn Whiskey, 5 Years Old: 12 Knll Qiiiirti*. in neat ouso. . 47 ;"iQ 24 Pints, . . . . . 8tX? 48 Half Pints . . 8 h(1 I 41 . ( tiillniw l;otr iiiolmlml i\ i\i\ - f* ...\ 4u'? ' ? . f w? One and two gallons, jug ami cmte included, i<er gallon, 2 25 Pare N. C. Sweet Mash Com Whiskey- . | Now, per gallon, . . 1 40 Two to Throe years old. per gal. 1 75 Pure Apple Brandy, i?or gallon, . 2 00 Elm City Club Bye, 7 years old, 12 quarts, . . . . 8 (HI Twenty-four Pints, . . . 8 5(1 Forty-eight Half pints, . . U IK) One and two gallons, jug and crate included, per gallon, . 2 50 Excelsior Bye, jug and crate included, per gallon, . . 2 (X) I Peach and Honey, per gallon, . 2 Oh Bock and Bye, por gallon, . . 2 00 Holland Gin, per gallon, . .2 00 Remember I am no rectifier or ormiponnder. In buying my gnxls yon are , not buying water, i guarantee all these : gtssls superior to any thing being shipixxl i from this market. All jugs will Ik- put | iu boxes instead of crates for 15c. extra; kegs boxed for 25c. extra, and all boxes j are shipped without any marks to indi- * I cato their contents. Cash must aeeom' puny all orders. Tlicy will Ik- filled the same day received. Send money by registered letter, postoflieo money order or express money order. (?(kh1s shipped either by freight or express. As to my reaiionsibility I refer you to the Bnulstreet and Dunn Mercantile Companies and iny hundreds of customers all over the South. Remember, ! agiin, that I guarantee satisfaction iu ! all cases or refund the money. D. .!. WILLIAMS, ST A T CSV 11 .V. v r>. J. U. Traywick & Co., DEALERS IN FIXE L.IQIJOKS AND WINES, No. 42 E?.st Tr.ide St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C. dr. kbncps TRY NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, HayFever,Pleu. risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. i Price 50c. and $ 1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. ' ' J