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Corporation Philosophy. Tn the office of a large corporation down town the following bit of philosophy is displayed conspicuously in bold lettering: "No talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character is required to set up in the grumbling business, but those who are moved t>y a genuine desire to do good have little time for murmuring or complaint." Life is concrete opportunity. Ho. 42. my I Isxii nuutiv vi la ipjic I'-'ll IT1C ff with a bad cough. My friends said H I had consumption. I then tried fi Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured mc promptly." fi A. K. Randies, Nokomis, 111. 4 You forgot to buy a bot- 9 tie of Ayer's Cherry Pec- I toral when your cold first 9 came on, so you let it run 3 along. Even now, with 3 all your hard coughing, it 1 will not disappoint you. jj There's a record of sixty g years to fall back on. ? ' Three utict: 25c., 50c., SI. All druggist*. Consult your doctor. If ho rat* take It. 9 then <to at he s.iys. If ho tolls you not a t" toko It. then don't take It. Ho knows, a Lcavo It with litvn. Wo urn x.llllii/. V J.O.AYKr. CO.. Lowell, Mast. 9 Headache ? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills arc liver piiis. J Want your moustache or beard a \ beautiful biwu or rich black ? Use j Buckinghain's Dve ? 3 0 c t s of d'Uggittsor R P HaM&Co Nashua N H ' L,.? cjfwfM&ub tk^L #SKOES. / //7^ e BEST jSMOE . / wAvIN AMERICA [j FOR f!^$gop (( TAKE NO I ]\ SUBSTITUTE II II IF YOUR DKALCRDOtS Ul J I I/ W0T C*RRV TMEHt YV jC A PO*T*L CARD TO US y/' WILL TtLL YOU WHERE CRWOCEC-TERHY CO. LEADING SHOE MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOUTH. LYNCHBURG VA. OMOllOMOllOMoMOilOllOUOVtOMOUOII | HEADACHE, ?**? t o H FEVERISH CONDITIONS 2 I I AND COLDS CURED BY o * UC A 1* IT DINE o f Sold b>' fall Drusrclata. 41 K o K o ?t o * o at o ?r o tet o ?* o H o ??o ?t o H o wt o lik DriffUU Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something jast as good." | JUST PATENTED^AraSlSf 5 ft- I lug l''!r?li iiikI 4'orpnloncj. dt o a I Une?l two mlnniasdnlly, will work t* J? Ar wonders. No<lloiIur. No inedlctno W M whatever, t.'uickly care* liullves- dt M tion and l>VMiH*P'l?i. rl to for circular. dt M IIIM.PO Mrli, CO.. Box 37G. Tolede.O. |g FOR MALARIA, CHILLS ANO FEVER E"^ TAKE LIXIRBABEK. Jt Known all over Aincrlca as the suecit rure for all malarial discs*..* and M u prnvmiivo aicnlnBl li. I'repar?(1 by Kl.'l(7,KU*lif A II-, v\ ash in a ten. D. C. ItT Wr\tr for luKausdia Piles or JtlemnrrhoiH^ whether itching, bleeding or protruding, promptly relieved and permanenty cured by my method without knife or operative measure*. Write mo fullv regarding your case and I will advinc you honestly in the matter. Conciliation free. Prico of treatment complete, only ti.oo. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Write today. Dr. H. N. TANNER, En.t Aurora.. N. Y. Tlic SUA CftAMPION OPAIV Mkd l'KANOT fit l llhF.Hi.KKH cxcntl ?tl other* by the quan tlty and quullry of Ms work, unit durability of Ita construed .n. 1 tarco aires for steam and tread power. For free cntalogue, price*, terms. AO, addr?**s. I*K(>. Ill Hlilinh, urueral Agent. liurgesa. va Old Ijetters. I wl-1< to hny Antogmrb latter* r.f fatnoua people. Bond list of what you )uiv?. ? ? , W H. BENJAMIN. II* Broadway. Now YorV NEW PENSION LAWS FREK I Apply l? NATHAN niUKFOKI), 014 F HI. >V?Akln?Von, Q, (!. ; BODIES IN COLD STORAGE Hnirty Found in a Warehouse in Louisville, Ky. Kuppo??>?1 to llnrn I'.ojmi Stolon From In? <linnitpolla OiiiotpripH ? Wauimi Ciavr Tip to the I'olloo. T.oulsville. Ky.? The police of T.onlsville found thirty bodies in cold storage in a warehouse directly across an alley from Wathcn's ice cream factory The bodies "were being kept cold by pipes hi underground from the ice cream factory. The discovery was made on a telegram from tin* Chief of l'oli<>e of Indianapolis. saying that in a letter from Mrs. Mary .Tnno Smith, of I.ouisville. she had told him that all the bodies recently stolen from Indinunpolis cemeteries could lie found in the warehouse. The I.ouisville police went to work at oner, and after some difficulty forced their way into the warehouse, where tiie bodies were found. They were nude, and a majority were in a fair state of preservation The Chief of Police of Indianapolis was quickly notified of the discovery and lie telegraphed the authorities that he would come .o Louisville, aeeornpnnied l?y relatives of the dead persons and photographs, and would make an effort to identify the bodies. Mrs. Smith says she knows the bodies were brought from Indianapolis. Members of the faculties of the v*. rious medical colleges here deny nnv knowledge of the presence of the bodies. and sny there is 110 oeension for them to steal bodies, the State turning over to them all those of persons who die in the public institutions of the Commonwealth. The owners and attaches of the iee cream factory refuse to talk, except to sav that the bodies were not stolen, and that their presence in the warehouse will he accounted for in a legal way. BLOW KILLS JOHN KTNSIT. AnM-KHunllit l.ei?<1er IM?a From tnlurv K?cflvp(1 After i>n? of Hi* M^flliisi. London.?.Tolin Kensit. the noted antiritualist. Is fiend. About two weeks ago Kensit attended an anti-ritualist meeting at Kirketdieail and inveighed against Hie {Established Church in his usual style. After the meet ing Kensit wns followed by n crowd of hootItig young men, one of whom threw n chisel :?t hint. The missile struck him in the 1 ft eye and inflicted n dangerous wound. Tie was taken to the Liverpool Infirmary, where the physicians pronounced his condition critical. Kensli's son is- serving a three mouths' srntcv-e in jail for creating nnl l-rilunlisth i'stilt bunees in a church In Liverpool. Z -ItVfrJL. Six years a-r?. 7<lM'n Kensit wns an unknown bookseller in London. !! * started his anti-rUv.alistie erusnde. and. reinforced by converts, he enrried his warfare into lite eliureites tlint were the ohjects of ltis attacks. IIis meetings were Invariably attended with disorder. and many of his followers have suffered arrest and imprisonment. CONSUL BRACC TRANSFERRED. He C>ne* From llavsnu to II?ni(knnif In til* Hmn* Cnimrlty. Washington. I). C.?Kdwnrd S. Bragg. Consttl-Ceneral at Havana, lias been transferred to the post of ITiited States ('onstil-fJenernl at Hongkong, taking the place of William A. Ilublee. wlio lets lieen transferred to tlie Consulate at Havana The change has boon In eontemplation for nlmost three months. The official salary of the place is $fi<M)o per annum. hut there arc fees attached. much of which so to the Consul-General, which swell the total compensation to about $7000 per year. General Brass lin?l made himself unpopular with the Cuban Government because of an adverse criticism lie had made of the Cuban people in a letter to his wife, which somehow found Its way into the public prints. SCHOOL WASTER KILLS PUPiLS. Rrrniiir* Suddenly nnd " Knm Amuck ?I* T.ynrhcd by Villnscrn. London.?A dispatch from Vienna an nouneos that a fearful tragedy was enacted at Droyssig, Bohemia. A village schoolmaster, forty years of ape. while talking to his class, sudd* n. ly hecaine insane, rushed to his desk, drew a revolver from it. and "ran amuck," shooting right and left anions tlie terrified children. Three scholars Were killed and three were dnngerousj.v vonnilmt On hearing the shot* and scream* the villagers quickly arrived at the school, and. infuriated at the sight which met their eyes, lynched the schoolmaster. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED, A TennetAoe Mob Avenue* tlio l)e?th of a White Knrmer. Newborn, Tenn.?Garfield Hurley and Curtis Brown, two negroes, were hanged here l>y a 1110b of oOO persons. Hurley shot and instantly killed P. Flatt, a well-known fanner near Dyersburg, after a quarrel o\Lr a horse trade. A posse loentod Hurley in a negrd eabln at Huffman. Ark. While being brought to Dyersburg Hurley confessed the killing, implicating Curtis Brown as an accessory. Ilutglar* Kt?b .? I'ontofaco. Burglars took $'J(X) cash and $SOO in stamp" from the postottlce at Tazewell Court House, Va. Shot Wife nnct Killed H lint elf. After killing his wife by shooting, TCll Ttnukott L-nioH l.lmunlf Ol?n V? Boy !*?nt?nef<l to Bo Hanged. Frank IIlogins, the boy convicted of the murder of Willie Dolierty near llockwood Park, X. I?., was sentenced to be hanged on December IN in St. John, N. B. The boy took the sentence coolly. Mlioot* VVIfo wnd Commits Suicide. Hurry W. Patton, twenty-three years old, shot his wife Florence, twenty years old. nt Philadelphia, Pa., and then killed himself. The Buttons nad j been married about two years, but sop. I arated three mouths ago. A---. \ CURES BLOOD POISON, CANCER. Aoblnx ItoDFf. HIilftiiiK Pains, Itching Skin, Pimple*. Entlng Sorcn, Etc. If you have Pimples or Offensive Eruptions. Splotches, or Copper-Colored Eruptions, or rash on the skin, Festering Swellings, Glands Swollen, Ulcers on any part of the body, old Sores, Boils, Carbuncles, Pains and Aches m l'oties or .Toints, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, persistent Sore Mouth, Gums, or Throat, then you have Blood Poison. Take Botanic Blood Balm. (B.B.B.) Soon all Sores, Pimples and Eruptions will heal perfectly. Aches and Pains cease, Swellings subside, and a perfect, never to return cure made. B.B.B. cures cancers of All Kinds, Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Ugly Ulcers, after nH else fails, heeling the sores perfectly. If you have a persistent pimple, wart, swollen glands, shooting, stinging pains, take Blood Balm, and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. (Write for special circular on Cancer.) Druggists $1 per lurge bottle, ihcluding complete directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., 1g Mitchell St.. Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble, and free medical advice aent in sealed letter. Hall's Catarru Cure is u li?pii<l and is taken Internally, and acta iNrectly on tint blood and mucous snrfncns of tbo system. Writs for testimonial.*, freo. Monofuelured by V. J. Cukmkt A Co., Toladb, O. Tl?e largest coral reef in the world is the A-istmlwu barrier reef. which is 1100 in-lee in length. FITS permanently eu red.No tlta or nervousness after ttrst day's use of Dr. Kline's (treat Nerve Restorer. Atrial irottlwnnd treatisofroe H. Kusr.. Ltd.. *.'31 Arcli St., I'hlln., Fa. France's 16.000 doctors average lee* than $750 a year proieeeionul income. Mm. Wlnslow'sSoothing Syrup for children teething,soften the pims, reduce* inflixnmation,allays pain,cull's wind eolie. 25c. a bottle It's the tiresome jieoplc who bore their way through life. 1 am sure l'iso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.?Mas. Thomas UobBIMB. Maple St., Norwich, N. V.. Feb. 17, 1900. There is a difference between being outspoken and being out-talked. Pitt .nam I'a dki.kss Dyks color more goods, f>cr package, than others. PARIS TAKES TO HORSE FLE9H Over Two TIiin<1reiI Hhop" Wlioro Chop Meat la Sold* Tho taste lor horseflesh in Paris, which is demonstrated by the recent banquet, does not date back many years. It was under the second empire. during the expedition to Morocco, that it came into tho dietary of the French soldior. The expeditionary colI umn had nothing to live upon, so it I slew and ate the horses, and everyone j was agreeably surprised at the quality I of tho meat. Emile Decroix, a veterinary surgeon with tho troops, resolved to profit by the experience. Arrived in Paris, he set about popularizing the horso as food. He distributed meat gratuitously to the poor population. In his propaganda he interviewed the prefect and ministers and even had audience of the emperor. He opened the first hippophagous butchery, in the Place d'ltalie. in 186G. It was the siege of Paris that caused the flesh of horses to bo regarded as a positive delicacy. That was thirty-two years ago. How has the notion progressed since? Paris i has^now 250 shops where they sell the !meat; all are prospering. Last year j 30.000 horses were slaughtered and I oaten. Rouen, Toulouse. Lille. Orleans. have all taken to horse eating. The meat Is cheaper than beef. Whereas one pays 3 francs the livre for good fillet of heef. it only costs a franc if you take horse. The animal that was enten the other day with such eclat had a singular history. It won several steeplechases at Auteuil and' Rois-Colombes. It was an English mare and its name was Noll Gwyn. In November, 1893, the crowd on the course was very irritated at the defeat ot the favorite in the preceding race. It revenged Itself by throwing stones. One of the stones struck the left eye of Nell Owyn and ruined the sight. Nevertheless, the noble beast won the race.?Pail Mall Gaaette. Ill* Saving (Irar*. Economy is the order of the day j among the reigning families of Europe. Whereas in times gono by the very word "royal" implied a reckless disregard for money and extravagance, it now stands for something perilously approaching close-fistedness. Extravagance is left to the now-rich. To begin with King Edward. It is no hearsay that as soon as he came to the throne he appointed his friend. Lord Farquhar, to bo master of his household, and I^ord Farquhar immediately set to work to ao away wun ail unnecessary expenses, to dismiss all superfluous officials and servants, to Ret tho largest possible returns for the smallest reasonable outlay, and to exact usual discounts for all cash payments. The savings thus effected are understood to amount already to close upon $126,000 a year. ^ 1 '^^TO WRITE FOR CA1. & SPECIAL RATES. f ^'tuat'ons secured m m for ffrartnniMnw tuition f /jr J 1 refundfit. Wf |?ay Karo BIRMINCHAM.ALA. RICHMOND. VA. HOUSTON. TEX. CttUMBUS. CAWANTED 2SO Young Men X t once to qualify for good | oaltlots? which we will ffunriiiiteft In wi lting under n $5,000 ir^oait to promptly piocuie tliem. I he Qa.-Ala. Bus. College, MACON, GKOItOIA. 1 Ostrich Eggs as Food. Ostrich eggs aro only a twelfth the cost of hen eggs, that is. so far as South Africa la concerned. Hen eggs oost 76 cents a dozen,but ostrich eggs, each of which Is equivalent to 20 or i 24 hen eggs, cost 10 cents. When required for use the housewife makes a small hole in the top of the egg. The quantity required is shaken out. and the shell containing the remainder is corked up. as though it were a bottle. So trented. the contents of the egg keep quite a long time when care is taken to place the corked shell in a cool place. The authorities have strictly prohib but the birds have been acclimatised to South Africa. An American has also founded an ostrich eolony in the south of France, at Nice. The results are that South Africa has dangerous rivals in the field, and that ostrich eggs may soon figure on our breakfast tables. An Up-to-Date Child. It was in a photographer's studio, and a lady called and stated that she wished to have her child's portrait taken. "Certainly, madam," said the photographer. "This is the little man. Is It? Coo-roo. Hlena 'lm, Httle tootsiewootsle. Dear 'Ickle fallow." "Mother," said the up-to-dafa child In a voice of scorn, "will jwu hlndly inform me whether the deplorable condition of this porsoa Is due to lack of education or hereditary Inawaity? , Kindly proceed, air, and make as ; creditable a likeness as lie* within your apparently limited capacities." Cows Ate Dynamite and Died Peacefully Thirteen Holsteln cows belonging j to Dairyman Claude Peters, of Martinsburg, Pa., were taken s!ok yesterday, dying on after the other, Peters was mystified tiil this morning, when telephone linemen came to his house and asked what had become of the thirty sticks of dynamite they had left in a meadow. Investigation showed the cattle had eaten the dynamite. stick by stick and fought over It. None of the animals lived more * K -f* " 1 iiiciii inici" nuuis uiicr swanuwing the explosives. jtU: M H H ::::K;lrtnu?mreinmj Wjrni/i, 1 The Standard Rhe ? ^TAlMftADn because ?hl? physiciai g O 1 Alll/Aftl! cure for rheumatism j? i physician recently said | prescription that will cure rheumatism, o 3 dies do incalculable harm to the digesti I pletely overcomes this difficulty?benefit | digestion?hence it can be taken for an i | be, to effect a permanent cure." The Doctor quoted covers the casc ezecfly, ' <-i All Druggists, fi.oo, oi I Bobbltt Chemical Co., wrwagWTMKDqHDtntllCMlglgyigttlHlMtOUlKtaTBJtfr^l jrvw, /bon ton cor I STRAIGHT FRONT improve the appearance of ^ all women, stout or slim, tall TTlArltltm A rle ^ . iioiw uili UCU1C1 ilU' ROYAL WORCESTER , ^^j^CORSET CO., wor" WINCH M ETA'LLIC C i?ii URING our 30 yc discovered many 1 no one could lea ' ; A discoveries in thi 1 experience manufi to embody many ; Metallic Cartridges for rifles ar superior in many ways to all oi Winchester cartridges in all c and exact In size; being ma ! manner by skilled experts. INSIST UPON HAVING WINCHE | V, ' V,L"~ tf61A111FIBTFTTI AlA : 1 MB I n I U I ft I OI A I II / I 1 ii bi ii i wi Y i 1 i 61 <P"t" We wtl give the :ibove toward to any |>or*on wh tin- namea of three American cities. 1'Hfvarli letti money > ), anil you may I ? the fortunate yeraon, anaw rs the money will Iw divided quaUy. Foi 1 answer*. each will receive |AQ; should ten persons i twenty peraona, V.Vcacb. We do this to Introduce slide. tteixl no inonay with your auawer. Tide eat t Those wlio h*\ e not received any tldi ; I NATIONAL SUPPLY CO., NI Fre^TesfTjeatmen! If TO" havo no faith in my not hod of TjtW \ tre.iliowut. M-ud mo n >.ini|>le of your KU v morning urina for analysis. f v. Ii wvB then send you by rntil my ootnlou of ;f*T loiird'ute.vsnand oao woeji's I roaiiuriit rV ^ \ PP. IE Of All g>?T. You will then Ua convluced that my treatment curee. .. A. Matlingcaeonnd bottle f >r urine sent S* wTvaa hii p?nn Ave., PlttibuiK, Pa 500 YOUNG MEN Service/ Ad "rest"TjT?l"m ' , aou a I'facllcal Railway last.. Indlnnapolla. lud. | SUFFERED S With Catarrhal D< F^clvic Miss Kate Brown, Recording Secretary of tlie li. C. B. Association, of Kansas, in a letter from Wt5 N. Seventh St.. Kansas City. Kail., says: "For ncven years I have not k no ten tchai ft wan to upend a icell day. 1 enmrht a severe cold, which 1 nec looted. It was at the time of menstruation. and Inflammation sot in ami prostrated mo. Catarrh of the kidneys and bladder followed, niy digestive organs gave way: in fact, the cold disarranged tny whole system. "I spent hundreds of dollars with doctors and ntediolne, but derived but little benc/lt until I began treatment with I'cKuna. I kept taking it for nearly nine months before I was oompletely cured, but I kept growing better gradually so that I felt encouraged to continue taking Perunn until my health was restored. I send tny thanks umatic Remedy. j i* declare that it is the only absolute ' in its various fofms. A prominent ? : "I have never been able to write a I wing to the fact that the usual rcmc- ? ive organs. RHEUMACIDE coms rather than injures the organs of ndefinitc period, or as lone as need " Rheum AdJe" is Absolutely harmless. ? expressagc prepaid. - Baltimore /Id.. (J. S. A. jj CESTEjNl out them. *^^1. 9 rfo* \ir CESTER, I ESTER ; a rTirTi dges. :ars'of gunTmaking, we have things about ammunition that rn in any other way. Our <! s line, together with years of icturing ammunition, enable us fine points in Winchester id revolvers which make them :her brands upon the market, alibers are accurate, sure-fire de and loaded in c modern If you want the best 'STER MAKE OF CARTRIDGES. \ : 0'? CASH FREE o will roriwetly arrange the above letter* to *i>ell pr bnt once. Try It. We will positively kIvk tbe Should there lie more than one *e, of rorreot Inatalirr, should live ifTHoim *end In M*n?l in correct answer*, each will receive (4;i; M our ".'in and Roods we linydle as tiuickiy a* [x.s free contest. A post card will do. I iir from other e. meat* try ibis one. 3 AGAKA FALLS. ONTABIO. ft in ! "Cat-llfcd" xmx "Queen Bess" S2.50 Shoccui shoes for women, feu* frHCURtS WHtHL AIL ELSE FAILS. Eg [m| Deal Cough 8ymp. Tfcatea Good. Us? pj L ^ to time. Sold by drug^tA. P^l EVEN YEARS jrangcmcnts of the Organs. Hundreds of Dollars Spent in Vain-Peru-na Cured. A neglected cold is frequently the causf of death. It is more oftcu, however, the muse of some chronic disease. There Is not an organ In the laxly but what is liable to become seriously deranged by a neglected cold. Discuses of the kidneys, bladder and digestive organs are all frequently the result of a neglected cold. Hundreds of dollars are spent on doetors and medicines trying to cure these diseases, but until the true cause I of them is discovered there will he no [ use in using medicine. Dyspepsia medicine, diarrhoea medicine and constipation medicine is of no good whatever when catarrh is the cause. The catarrh must be treated. The cause beiug rvipoved, the derangemeats will disappear. I'eruna cures cntarrli of the digestive organs, the urinary organs or any of the internal organs. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. llartmun, giving a full statement of your case, and he will he pleased to give you ids valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartuian, President of TheHartman Sanitarium. Columbus. O. and blessings to you for Peruua."? Miss Kate Brown. i . Jkxirists, sportsmen, hunters and fishermen liud Itipaus Tubules an always li ami jr. article in bqfel. in*C car, tiekl uud camp- They are the best and only medicine needed for an outing, us they keep head, stomach, bowels and Hver in the right condition, and tints prevent any other trouble likely to arise from exposure or sitting at late ea in p fives. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet ia enough for an ordinary occuMion. The family bottle, >ui ^ .. u?nnl,. Inr ? ........ W. L. DOUGLAS $*> o cr-<-* Kn oia o iiNinN 01 Oni/C.O MADE W. L. Douglas shoos arc the standard of the tvorld. W. L. Ilouirlas made and sold more men's (Joodyear Welt illao'l Sened Process) shoe* in ihe llrst six months of litre! than nnv other manufacturer. (hi n nnn ,,r i**'1' * ? >?<?>*'?ho 0 UiUUU run illsproTe this statenn nt. W. L. DOUGLAS $4- SHOES CANNOT BE EXCEL*. !:*?:& si,io&xso !n.o,r;:'"s..j- =0.000 Best Imported and 'American hat in Hey! 'a | Patent Calf. Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vi K.d. Corona Colt, Nat. Kangaroo. Fast C'nlnr Kvfli'ts usotl. Caution I Tho Rtnulnii have W. L. I?OUOI.A6' name nncl price stamped on bottom. Shoes by mail, i'.V. < r int. ft hi. t ntnloy ,free. W. L. DOUOLAS. BROCKTON, MAS?. | FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER TRIAL In nirt.i b?ni. w.Va'nlili n^dealy uuioti.Hkuo altiksaTixu <tbkkkt ki.h ihii bkltr to an; reader of thla paper, ho * >,) Is nhnrti for; low Mt|p..lU.en.r.Bte*. COST! ALMOST HpiHIMO??rarM wlt.i mmt all other trcutinrnta Cures whin sllotkrruluae trlf Bella, apfllaaeac and rrntcdln* fall. Q( I( K C'l'llE for aiaf# Ihao 80 ftUrjfnts. Only aura euro tor all nenoi? JI wiakiNiM aud dlaard?r?. For complete arafed coa* fldrntlol catalogue, rot tMa ad. cut and mull to ua* SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO., CHICAO0. , W# hnr IVonntr !,??< Warranlii IimuwI to tolas t diva* of thl[Mexican and fyl Aviflfl other early Wars *n>l fay ! TluXILdll t?n value Inrwh. ?'a?| i' 1 W/\ 1VU1I I rallt, ?ecurc<l for thoaa i entitled. Including heirs. I ar . Write for particulars. Veterans n? whs Lud c* Atlantic Huililiuf, ???' Wasldugton, D. fj. So. 42. <88^. DROPSY fc, . Wj 10 OATS' TREATMENT FREE. C7 . ^ Eavom&do Dropsy and its oom? , y plications a speoialty for twsntr flCuW^fce T years with tos most srsnderfaT A i \ success. Havo cured many thoua*' V and oases. fWfr&xftrrh* 152. COWL I J Bos B Atlanta, Qa.