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FORT MILL MELANGE. Minor Happenings In anil About Town Told in I'aragralis. R.'s* cotton is worth L-i cents; seed 24 cents today. R 'member us with the amount of your subscription when you soil jour cotton. The presence of the sere nn;l yellow leaf reminds one very forcibly that winter is approaching. Tin1 regular monthly mectinjr of Catawba ljodyje No. 5(5. A. F. M., will be held tomorrow evening. There was an unusally n dice- j able gmiount of drinking and dis*?r 11 c r on the streets Saturday night and Sunday. This section is now having more than its share of rain and farmers would appreciate u few weeks of dry weather. Tli >se of our p itrons who want to pay their subscriptions to The Times in wood should bring it along before the roads get bad. Mrs. Alice Osborne, wife of Mr, YV esley Osborne, died Saturday at her home in Steel Creek, X. C., after an illness of a few weeks. Notwithstanding that the bird season do -s not open until X >veinber I, a number of hunters in this section are reported to have already begun killing tpiail. The priee of eotlrm still hnngs near the S-cent mark and it s-*ems that those holding their cotton and expecting to get U or 10 emits for it are apt to be disappointed. The famine in the poultry market was broken Fri lay by the arrival of t wo crates of nice frying size chickens. These w>*re the first offered for sale on the streets in several weeks The rain of Friday rendered farm work impracticable and most of the farmers of this section were in town Saturday. This fact, of course, means that business was brisk. Do not miss the opportunity to take your family to the State fair. Young and old will be instructed and entertained. All immoral, gain bliug and questionable features will be rigidly excluded. Those who object to being j dunned should call in and pay tlicit nub-cription. We will begin seudiug out statements in a few days, and if you are one of th ?so who get mad admit it, you had better give us a call and settle up / \.. rill- i * < wiit* <u ujw largest. p nis 01 pep per ever grown in this section was brought to The Times otlice Saturday ufterno m by Mr. W. 11. Parks. The variety of the pepper is known as "Phinese Giant," ami the poil weighed <> ounces. November is perhaps the best month in which to set out fruit trees. He sire to set out a few this fall if yon have to ride out amongst your neighbors and beg some scions. Better put out any | sort of a tree than have none at all, j Mr. Springs Parks, the popular caicner 01 me local uaseuiill loam, is considering an offer to catch for the Lexington (Ky.) team during j the coining season. Mr. Parks has never played professional ball, but his friends are confident that he could '"make good" in almost any team. For the benefit of the colored people of this section. Rev. It. (i. Elakc, pastor of St. daims church, A. M. E. '/j., requests The Times to siate that the next conference of the Rock 11 ill district will be held in his church on the 22d, 2.'kl and 24th instant, ai which the presiding elder, Dr. ] . lvillingBworth, will be present. Owing to the failure to secure a sufficient head of water, it is said that no attempt will he made to run the Jones roller mill, on Catawba river, regularly daring the coming winter. The public, ferry at that point, however, will he opened in a short while, the dwelling in which the ferryman is to live having been completed a few days ago. Messrs. Hyatt & Perry, of Van i M'yck, have completed the work of repairing Harbor's bridge, 2 miles east of Fort Mill, and the structure is again in first-class condition. For some time the bridge has been unsafe, owing to the absence of the foundation of the center bench, which was carried away by high water some months ago. Invitations have been sent out to the marriage of Miss Eva Parks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parks, to Mr. Harry llurkey, ofj <Jhe?ter. the ceremony to be per- j formed tins evening at S.IJO o'clock at the home of the prospective i bride's parents in this place. Only the members of the family and a few of the young lady's friends will be present at the marriage. The advance in the price of anthracite coal occasioned by .the miners' strike has not affected either o! the local mills, both of which made contracts a few months ago for a year's supply, to be fur j inshed ut the price which obtained ( ft k.= before the stiike hoipin. Most .f the coal consumed hy these mills is mined iu Wot Virginia ami is known as si mi bituminous. A tola! ec lil nc of t lu? moon wil 1 lake place on the 11i111 of October lOili, visibk to North ami South America. The line of totality will piss over this; sectional l.2o a. m. The lirst approach of the or I ipse is Kcholduled to he visible at t 1 I p. in. The total eclipse will bet* in at 12.17. and the total etTuceinnit uf the liu'ht of the moon will oocur ;u -0111 tlieu on until -.1U the total eclipse will ho on. Tin' ladies of the First Presbyterian church, of Yorkville, pur pose to conduct a chrysanthemum show during the First week in November, for tho heiietit of the church. Tho contest is open to growers in the whole county, and it is earnestly hoped that many outside the town will enter for some or all the prizes. These have (leen donated by public spirited men of the county. The (partial) list of prizes and the rules governiiiLj the contest appear in this issue tit The Times. Yorkville Yeoman: Mr. M. Sprat t. of Fort Mill, was here Thursday on important business in the olliee of the clerk of court. Mr. Spratt had all his real estate titles and o her papers of value stored in the bank. When the safe was blown open last week by burglars, these papers were blown all over the room by force of the ex plosion. It is business here was to e?>t from the clerk of court certified copies of such lis had been recorded. This experience shows anew the importance of having all imp jrtant papers recorded. Personal Paragraphs. M r. T. (i. Gulp spent Thursday in Y orkvi lie. Mr. Mrs. J. F. Muir and children went to Lancaster Thursday to spend a few days at the home of Col. Leroy Spi uios. M r. \V. U. Stewart, of Rock Hill, visited Fort Mill township last week. He was here i^n t hcriiilt shi tisties from the <4ins of the cotton crops for October for the I'nited Stales (io\ erniuent. C. C. Miller has fjiven up his |H)?ihV-a as boss ilyer for the Fort Mill Mfo. Company to take a siui imr place willi llio AlcUall -MIlt. Co., McCall, S. C. MOTHER NEGRO KILLED. Monday morning added another fatal accident to the already lar^e number that have occurred in cunneetion with tin* eonstniuliou ?.f the (lain of the Catawba Power Compiuy. This time .John Pelt'.is. a youni; neirro mm who was employed in the quarry of the company, had the life crushed out of him by a falling st< lie. John Pettus was the third of five brothers to los his life by accident recently. Six months a?;o Tom Pet t us. one of the thrco, f-11 from a boat vhile crossing the Catawba and was drowned, and only a few days a^o Krwin Pettus, another brother. accidentally dropped a pistol which was discharged by the fall, the ball taking etfeet in his boily and resulting ill death. _ ? Only Seven Left. Mr. 15. M. Spratt, of Chester, was in our city Wednesday. Inquiry of him reveali cl tho fact that Col. Ij. \\ . Sl)ratt. formerlv ot Charleston and lator a distill gnislied citizen of Jacksonville, Kla., is still living at Jacksonville. It recalled tho fact that of the many signers of tin* original Ordinance of Secession, only seven survive. They are: Henry Mclver, Cheraw, S. C. K. A. Thompson, Walhalla, S. C. Peter Stokes Hampton, S. O. Jos. I). Pope, Columbia, S. C. J. II. Carlisle, Spartanburg, S.C. It. C. IiO^an, Kint?Htro'. S. ('. L. \V. Spratt, Jacksoville, Fla. ?Yorkville Yeoman. ? NEW CLASS OF CLAIMS. In his annual report to the secretary of war, Hrirj. Lien. F. C. Ainswortb, chief of the record and pension division, notes the fact that a new class of claims against the I'mted States appeared during the last year ie the shape of applications l>y artillery and cavalry officers and private soldiers of the (Confederate army or their heirs for compensation for horses, sidearms and bau^aire alleged to have been taken from them by federal trorifiu nl ruifl nflt>r (lm I.. . nt Appomattox, in violation to tl a terms of i lie hiiiTender. These claims, to the number of .'102 already filed, have been, by authority of Congress, taken under consideration.?Washington I'ost. -* *? Unless a man can see a slight improvement in himself it's impossible to convince him that the I world is growing better. * - - I r ** - .4- .(.-A ALC3HCL. 1 l?"lii'Vo that alcohol, to a certain dcyree. deiunrali/. *s those \vln? make it. tIn rt;* who sell it. and those who drink it. i believe from tin* time it issin a from tlio coiled and pois<minis worm ??f the distil i lery until it cmpt os into tin* hell of crime, death and dishonor, it evervbod v thai touches it. I ?t'> nut believe that itnyIm??ly can eoiitemplate the subject with out becoming prejudiced against this Ihpiid crime. All you haw to do is to think <?f the death, of the suicide-*, of the insanity, of the poverty, of the ignorance, of the distress, of the little children t uooiu:* at tin- faded dresses of weeping and despairing wives, asking for bread, of tin- millions who have strubied with im aeinary serpr* n!s produced by this devilish tiiim*. And when you think of the j lils. of the almshouses. ol the prisons, and o f the sealfolds iipm either hand. I d?t not wotuhr that every thoughtful man is prejudiced a<.raiiusi the damned stuff called alcohol Kob e.'t C*. 1 uoersoll. TO COLONIZE LIBERIA. Another etTort is to be made to start a movement of nei;i\>eH t?> Libt ria. It is announced by the liiberian Colonization society of I'tirmin^ham, \!a.. that a ship will sad from .Mobile with a party of emigrants on .lanuary 20 next for that country. Ilishop Turner, the senior bishop of the African .Metli ? ? 11 1 KplSCopal clllll'rll, commends | tin' movement ??f negroes to Africa in tlic strongest terms, aiu) has written a letter i:i support of the ?'tr?jit of t hi' eoloz.ination Ho -ii'ty of Iiiniiiiu;!iaui to send a paity oil January 20. Tin' hisliop says this country is no place for the mi;ro | hrcansc his political rights arc denictl 11i111. Acconliui; to liis view, there is no future for tlie people < 1 his race in the I nited States. ? ? Cut cf Deaths Ja^s. "When death seemed very near from a sever-.' stoinacli and liver trouble, that 1 had suffered with for years.'' writes 1'. .\lu*o, Durhaui, N. "l)r. Kind's New Life l'iils saved my life and j^ave per f? ct health. ' lo st pills on earth and only 'Joe at Meuclmm's druj^ :store. I ~ , r . The State stat ist ieian of Indiana hns|compiled tables showing the relation between marriage and divorce in Indina for the year ending J une JO lust, and tinds that jiorevery sewn mnrrnigH licenses i issued leere is one divorce, or that Id per cent ofninrriags are followed by legal separation. Gee: Like Hct Cakes. "The fastest selling thing 1 have in my store."' writes druggist C. T. Smith,of Davis. Ky.,"is l)r Kino's New Discovery for Consumption, ('oughs and Colds, hecauso it always eures. In my six years of sales it has never failed. 1 have known it to save sufferers from Throat and Bung diseases, who could ot't no help from doctors or any other remedy."' Mothers rely on it. best physicians prescribe it. and T. B. Mcuchani guarantees satisfaction or refunds price. Trial j bottles free. Keg. size bOo and $1. - ? The Thornwell Orphanage at j Clinton has al> >ut 2A0 b >ys and 'girls, ranging in ag' from three years to twenty. Time is money to the man who i has a government job. If you are not satisfied with the world you should hire a balloon and get out. ? His Life in Peril. "I just seemed to have gone all to pieces." writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back bad made life a burden. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt al most too worn out to work when i began to use Klectrio Bitters, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can eat anything, have gained in strength and enjoy hard work." They give vigorous health ami new life to weak, aickly. rundown people. Try t lie in. Only oOe al MeHcliain'R druiz stole. NEWS AND OPINIONS op NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS HOTII. Daily, by mall, $6a year. Dally and Sunday by mail, $8 a year. The Sunday Sun IS TUK (IKKATKST RTHDAY NKWSl'AUKK IX THK WOI'.I.D. > Price 5c. a copy. By ma?', $2 a year. 1 Address THE SL'N, New York. 3i FLORAL SHOW. Advance I'muiiui Li>( ?OP T1IK? Ladies' Flora! Society of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorkviile. 8 C. FIRST 'WEEK IN NOVEMBER. t'i. \ss A Chrysanthemums. Best collection of cut flowers, not lota t-ian ton varieties. First prize, ?.6.00 111 gold, donated by directors of Loan and Savings Bank; second prize. J-.-2.50. Best ten white blooms; lamp, donated by Dr. John B. Uowcu, of York Drug Siore. B? it ten pink blooms; pair of Queeu Quality Slices, donated by A. Friodlicitn, Kock Hill. Best ten yellow blooms. JP2.50; second prize, to be docnlcd. Best single bloom, any variety; salad bowl. donated by Mr. W. Adickos. (.'i, vss 1??Koscs. Best collectiou cut flowers. handsome rug. donated by Smith Fcwell Co.. second best collection. picture, given by Mr. Walter Mooro. Best cOilectiOn any single variety, $1.00. llll.Ks. All liowers must ln> grown liy exibit<>r. All bowers must be exhibited ?m their uwu slums. All stems ??f ehrysantiiemums must heat least twelve inehi'S long. None hut amateurs allowed to exhibit, l or detailed informal ion up ply to Mrs. K. T. Stkimikxson, I rest., or Mrs. S. M. McKki i., Secretary, York- I ville, S. t\ Oetober l.~? -It c ITizie Photog^aplis \\*1. .. . > O 111*11 yuti l;i? kj v unrlotto don't fail to pay a visit to RAkJER'S P"CT0. GALLERY. We make all tin* latest styles and si/ ?, at reasonable prices. I \Y. Filth SI., (harlolcc, N. C. 9 KINDS OF ? /-r 4 o?id nr\ o Chill = I omc Y\ e carry in stork and this is i the season for Chills. (droves Chronic Chill (hire is the new otic. II is very strong and is espocially ndapteil tf> eases which are hard to shake otV. Let ns serve you when you are I in need of chill cures. ftrdrov'c Ilriirr 5tnrc ii.lU.lUV u t!l UllTiU. P. S.?You 1 ind bettor ^ot your spices for your screen toiiuito pickle . while others lire. i LOW RATES TO STATE FAIR, I/i\v rutis to tlu> Annual Slate* Fair, Columbia, S. t\, via Soul horn Railway. For the* above extension the Semth'in Railway will sell from pointk in S'eiui h Camlina, inetlueliiiK Asjie*ville*. Charlotte; Augusta anel Savannah ami all interineeliate* |M>iuts, tie*ke*ts te? thee {AtIt Annual State* Fair, Ce>lumbia, S. C., at thee rate* of e?ne first class fare* tor tin* remnel trip, pius 50c aelmission i'e*e*. Ttcke'ts te> lie* se?lel I )e*te?be*r VJl?th to 111 st inclusive*, with final limit te> return Ne?veinber 2nel, 11102. The Senithern Railway will opcrsito on Oeletber ll'.ttli anel :50th spuria I trains in ami out e>f Columbia in artelitien tei their regular trains. Call njMtn any aj;ent e>f thee Southern Railway fe>r detailed infeirnmtion, e?r R W. ilUNT, W. 11. TAYLOK, D. P. A. A. IF R. A. Charleston, S. C, Atlanta, (la. I Mrs. Joe Person's Wash. Tlu> healing property of my Wash is not generally known. It will euro poison mil; every time. It is fine for inflammation of I he eyes, being per feel ly painless and very .soothing and healing. It will heal any surface sore or eruption, but if the trouble coiues from blood iinI parity, the Remedy should be taken in connection with the Wash. It would pay any one interested in the subject to send for one of my pamphlets and circulars. I am, very truly, MRS. JOE PERSON. Kittrell, N. C? Aug. 20, P.K)2. i To whom it may concern: I have been sulfering for ten years with an eating corn between iny toes. At times you could see the bono in my toes. Mrs. Joe Person's Wash was reo| ommended to me. I tried it for two I weeks and am entirely cured of my I corn. I would recommend it to all I suffering with like troubles. A. II. GARNER. Burlington, N. C\, Aug. P.), PJ02* ?GOQ00Q3? <5? ?6 I Gloti O Men's Suits v> Wmi I li s Suits I li>\ H Suits l\lkin IjIkiikots \V Latins .1 uuki'ts V?/ Sewing Miniums ( Viukin^ Stoves X llt-ulin^ Stoves jg? Oak 1 ?uil Knout Suits QP t'huiis Qy liiu-kui^ ('liuirs All tlm best luuiuls of L'uli )?{[ Tlif lilt est i-t v lt*s 11T Millimi millinery prim. Gp Special bargains in Wall 1', paper your mum w hile Mr. , ?1 ).'ii l fail to see our stock < Caps. Me have the latest s!\ ^ have the best Shoes in town r Call and .-roj'or y urself. 3L?. T. JMKJ* Cv {'Phone Aoenl for Strauss l?ro.s\ tai ??? 30???? @? ? Great Rush at Mi Yes, we are having the bi^est iness. New ".roods arriving weekly. I ^?? BUCK SKIRTS. A fresh lot pniiff for 50e, 7.1c, St. $1.25. $1.50 ami $t .75. waisuns SKiitTS. .Tnst arrived. f ?r bXc, $1.5:) $1.75 ami $:t.50. These j^oods are nicely made ami bargains at the price. JACKETS, CAPES. I Sold more jackets and eapes tip to this time t nan we did the whole of last season. A nice line for misses, women ami children. .^DFRWEaS. We will KhovrMon the largest and lo st assort ever carried. Women's vest a of heavy cotton for 2le^M^nim-n's \est and {units 1-Swool, woffli 15c, for 5t)c. Women's vest and pants 2-!{ wool for HXe. Hov'r Call and make your selections ' 3VE e a,clia.ii ('Phone TOUHAVE THE WE e??VE Ts T.iS't'S r There's an abundance of excell rare things at rare jiriees. We wat the business, and Ihe satisfaction t what wo have to soil. Goods well tjoug We 1 >uy ri^ht hoeause we know , profit because we sell only on short loet. Our lim-H are complete: i dents I ndorwi'iir, Mens' Shirts an and notions of every description, a regular customer. Our Line o! This lino consists of everytliinj goods are always fresh. A prize ce MILLS O YO HOUSE FUI E. M. ANDREWS, | Everything for liome comfort, sold here, on Hi1 LOWEST C I Everything favors credit hnyin j prices elsewhere. Our qualities ar i hility. Our terms are practically mont and the balance in weekly or your convenience. Our stock .com PARLOR and REDROO! SION TABLES. ||ALL II V V \ \l W I ir l i iti.'l w CI ' - * IMJI'H, V I Dl NI N(r-lt()()M OKA IKS. CARTS, liAI'.V OAKKIA( Our Block represents nothing bul very latest output of the bent fact* profits just to advertise the fact tlui of House Furnishings. E. M. A1NDRI | J. S. LYNCI >??????@??e S* X Ji. XXjS^- @ ve O <U- v^,' ... 51.90, 0.50, 8 no, 9.50 up. $ 1.50. 0 no and 1 >) cy 75c to So j 5 \. ... .$2.50, 2.75, 3 25 ami ?1.50 ? $1.50 to o.75 ^ $10.50, 22.50, ami 27.50 v, -v $5.50 to 10.50 $1.75, 2 50 and 3.00 , ^ $15.00 U 37.50 Vt 45c t<> $1.50 ^ 75c to $4.50 Co 5c ?f? ry at about half the regular .tper. Now iH 1 ho lime to VJ*' \ loxanclor in here to put it on. (li if MfiiVuiul Hoy's llutB and fvh * Ins at wholesale prices. We 2> it the lowest prices. LS3^352^5T, & No. 71.) tor-made dolliing. 5 55? @??0??O??r Bachsm & Epps', trade of the four years of our bus This week we offer the f- dowii, heavy floored eottou vest unci puut* for Uric. All sizes. A complete li o ot men's underwear in cotton and ?void ? 25c, Hoc, 4i> , 50ct, and '.kSc. Ihv.vy cotton tiaunul drawers, elastic scans, 70a. SHAWLS. A ni. o assortment of Silk and Zephyr shawls at 25c to $2.50. DRESS GOODS Of all kinds and colors in prices from 25c to $1.25. A full line of dress linings in the lutost styles. SPEGEAL SALE OCT. IS. 7 S Fruit of the Loom Wenching at Cc. Only It) yards to the customer. Two packages of good envelopes for .5 rents. Motion's Talcum Powdwr at 13c. Ouo box to the customer. while our lines are complete. 1 tSQ HIS]P]pS, No. 01 ) I CONFIDENCE, HE GQ3DS, X'r'stcie enee here for the one who want0 ch the buying ami selling en?l < I otnea from taking advantages of ;ht are halt sold. i how; we sell for a low margin of time and have no fall debts to colJry Goods, Clothing, Ladies and d Neckwear, Suspenders, Overalls Buy of us once and you will become 1 Groceries. 4 good for the inner man, and our iupon free with each 50c purchase. 'LING. ,ftea. FISHINGS. ROCK HILL, S. G. CREDIT,! AS1I PRICES. i^. Our credit prices are CASK v personally guaranteed for limaYOUR terniH. A stnall first paylnoutlily amounts, arranged to,-u<t. lists of an excellent aasoitui ut ot d FURNITURE. EXTENTacks. itKass and WHITE 11 ff()n1 e ks, c( )uci \ es, , pouch rockeu{s~7j()i es, fa n cy k< ICKEKS. t the newest styles of furniture, 'lie ?ries. We are selling it ht suer it wo carry a full and complete UUv> EWS,??CKH4Lk