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THE FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATIC. PU11LTSII HP W K1 )N MS DA YS P. \Y. 1',RADFORD. Tkkms or SrnsntiPTioN: IlltHyt'llV $I.O(> Six 1 iioti t .AO Thrt m? months .... .2.*) j C"orros|?niideiire on current subjects is invited, no responsibility is assumed for tIn* views of eorresitoiiMciitK. Advert isiiif; votes are made known to those interested on application to the Fort Mill Telephone (with loin* clis tniice (ioiineetions) No. It is n fact easily proven that I where hangings are most frequent, 1 murder is most, common. In the: StateH of Rhode Island, Michigan. ; Wisconsin and Maine where the! death penalty has been abolished, j life is more secure than in other States of the Union. The death penalty was abolished in Switzerland in 1 S7t) and it is the most peaceful nation of En- j rope. Portugal abolished capital punishment in 1*07 and murders in that country have decreased more than one half. The acts of our last Congress j prove that tho murderous spirit is rampant in the United States. Congress appropriated $180,075,- j 278 t<? the army and navy, the de- j partmenta of our government de-j \ oted to killing, and to agriculture, devoted to feeding our population, only $5,2US,!MK) were approptiated. Tf these nppropriati(?na could be reversed, think of the national development, useful employment, happy homes, peace and plenty it ^^^^^YouUHiringtoourpeople^^^^^^ At the conference of coal miners and operators held in Washington recently, President KooRevclt nptlealcd to John Mitchell- nrenident of the miners union, to send the men to work, promising an investigation of their alleged wrongs by a commission to be appointed by the president and the report of the commission to be followed in turn by tl ic recommendation of proper i legislation. Mr. Mitchell took the matter before the presidents of the various unions, and after much dissenssioti upon the subject, sent President roosevolt a letter stating that he found it impossibly to comply with his suggestion and as"sured him that the only manner in which the strike could be called off was by concessions on the part of the operators. In refusing to accept the terms suggested, the miners doubtless remember bow little attention was paid to Roosc POEMS THAT WILL LIVE. ! CROSSING THS BAR. | TKXNVSoV. ! Sunset and evening star. And otic (dear call for nie! And may there be no moaning of [ the bar ' "When I j?nt out to sea: J lint such a tide as moving seems 1 asleep. Too full for sound and foam, , When that which drew from out t he boundless deep Turns u;ruin home. Twilight and evening hell, I And after that dark! : And may there be no sadness or * farewell i When 1 embark. For though from out our bourne of Time and Place I The flood may bear me far, ! 1 hope t o see my Pilot face to face WI...H i n... ? . i... i i t volt's recommends tions, made In the last session of ('on^rivs, for eoinpulsoiy publicily of trust sta tistictH and methods. They also remember how the president's earnest appeal for Cuban reciprocity was ignored by his own party, and they have, therefore, little faith in the success of any recommendation which lloosevelt ini^lit make. According to the New York Sun, a trust paper which is bitter and HinvaBonable in its opposition to all organized labor, the striking 1 4l. o.:- - tat i r? (IMU | 1.1 II 111 |i;u II 111 the coul lit Ids of IVunsnlvaniu arc puilty of the following crimes and misdemeanors since the strike bopan several months apo: Killed. 20; severely injured, 50; Lliot from ambush, 10; appravatod 'assaults, 72; attempts to lynch. 2; houses dynamited, 11; houses burned. It; buildings burned, lit; washeries burnetl. 5; stockades burned. !; riots. 75; works dynamited, 8; trains dynamited, 1; railroad bridpes dymamit-ed, I; railloads seized, 5; trains wrecked, 7; attempted wrecks, 0; trains attacked; 8; strikes in schools, 1 t. It. should be noted, however, that The Sun very naturally makes no statement, detailed or otherwise, of the outrages committed hy the mine guards and the militia doinp duty in the strike region. * ? * An exchange directs attent ion to the likelihood of the l\epul)li< nns nominating a candidate for C'onpress in each of the districts of this State. This is a matter which should bo considered of suflicient importance by every qualified Democratic voter to prompt him to po to the polls and vote for the pnrty nominee. The bipper majority the Democratic nominees receive, the less tin* probability of their heats beinp contested, lie it said tr> the discredit of our State, only a few years ago Congressman Shnfroth, of Colorado, received inoie votes than our entire delegation in the Congress to which lie was elected. U V * The nomination of the Hon. Win. R. Hearst, of Now York, as a oindidnto for Congress from the eleventh district, is a source of much gratification to Democratic leaders. In his acceptance of the nomination Mr. Hearst gave evidence that he was well tilted for the duties of representative. He vigorously denounced the trusts and made such a forcible statement that his followers are looking to him already as promising timber on tho Democratic side of the House. * * Under the pressure brought to bear by President Roosevelt, Gov. Stone bus finally ordered the entire military strenght of Pennsylvania to the scene of the coal strike and now the operators have an opporluity to make good their claim that they can nonesufficent coal to meet present deimmds, irrespective of the miners union. * ? Parties who are in a position to know say that a drop of Kentucky whiskey turned loose in ?r jack rabbit's ear kindles such a feeling of daring within the rabbit that he does not hesitate to stnud up and spit iu a bull dog's face. I STATE NEWS. The 1'ock Mill Herald reports n ' use of smallpox in that ?*ity. The Carolina (llass Works in Columbia beoan operations Wednesday. 'I lu-re au' lb.7^7 pupils attend ini? the public school- of Spartanburg count y. Greenwood isinnkin^an earnest elici t to obtain ihc location of the Methodist FVnmle college in that town. .lohn and Perry Ivearse. charter I with the itmrder of Town Marshall Good inn. of lienufort, have been granted hail in the sum of $2 5(H).t It isstatedthat farmers throimhont the Stale are enttino many cords of wood in hope of lindinn a ready sale on account of tlie scarcity of coal. Cnknown persons rocked the Southern's northbound train. No. I 1. ten miles sout h of (.'bestor Sunday nielil. Many windows i.i the coaches were shattered. A subscription is beitie raised in KoCk Hill for the purchase of a horse for Kcv. \\ . H. Ariiil, who recently lost a fine aniniiil. Funds aggregating ?,'{7 have been raised. The dispensary directors have granted a privilege to the Spartan inn of Spartanburg. This will make six dispensaries for that town, according to the Spartanburg .lour11 a 1. The old petrilied man found i 11 the vicinity of Columbia several years ago is ir; the Augusta oHiee of the Georgia road, held for freight charges, and may be disposed of at the next "old boss" sale. The Win unborn granite quarry has secured a eontiaet to furnish stone for t ht'ennsylvanm State capitol and the contract, will give employment to a large number of iih u for three years. Mr. Kobert F. Jenkins, of Beau fort, brother of Collector -Tonkins, has been appointed deputy collector in the internal revenue office, where his duties will he peiformed. The Suite hospital for the insane has closed its contract for laVf for next year. The lowest hid was that of .1. !?. 1 leriot. who is to supply the beef at 5.hoe per pound. The hospital uses about (>00 pounds 1 a day, twice a week. The people of Chester are ar, raneinjr for a veterans' rally to he held on November i). The idea is to have veterans attend from points in both this State and North Carolina within a radius of 100 miles of Chester. The people of Saluda court i house are making an effort to have the Aiif>nsta electric railway extend j its linos from A n^usta to Trenton i finil mence 10 cmiima. The Hotel Sumter, at Sumter, ! will hereafter have white gil ls for waiters. The management *>f the hotel has advertised for the'girls and as booh as they can be gotten they will go to work. The addition to the Helton cotton mill is Hearing completion, i The floors are now finished and tin4 work of putting down the new machinery, which is arriving daily, will soon begin. The city council of Rock Hill has passed an ordinance prohiting railroad trains from running over ten miles an hour inside the eorporate limits. Theordi tance prohibits the blowing t.f any steam whistle by the railroad people in the city. A premature explosion of dyna! mite at Port man Shoals, Anderson j c )tinly, Friday morning killetl James Tobin, while, ami a negro i laborer named Oglcsby. The people of the Dutch Fork section of Lexington are seriously discussing secession from that county unci joining with Richland. Tue Lexington papers tire tilled with communications on tho subject and nearly all of them favor , the change. The force in the Coast Line | machine shops at Florence is worki ingovertime in order to catch up with the excess of work, which is i i i? limim'iy mi convening coni-nurning locomotives into wood-burners. The scarcity of coal is really be| coming an item with the railroads. The hospital for the insane in Columbia has just received 700 tons of anthracite coal, laid down i in the yard, for $>?"> of> per ton. Dr. i Bubcock last spring was reliably informed that the price of coal would go 11 f>. and he contracted for that many tons, thus making | a great saving to the institution. America's Famous Beruties. i Look with horror 011 skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples. ; They don't have them, nor will any I one, who uses Buck leu's Arnica i Salve. It gloriiies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish before ! it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains. Infallible for I Piles. 25c at Meat-hum's drug j store. % WANTED! WAN Five hundred me hoys to come to see us <K _ fi mem up if! a auw ^in \ ii buying our stoc aimed to double our sn if vou consider oconoi aid us to attain this ei MEN'S CS We have a com 'stock of Moil's clot hi per suit, from $3.50 to We guarantee our 89 equal in quality and st I " iva 'J J i i ? 'TMvj.ww suns mar can n BOYS' CI Our stock of Boj nious, and \ve have pu tliov will have to A,valk > We can fit vour b; sizes os to lbs, from 7?$G to ! I Jul* ^-piece INorfo Suits for Hoys from 3 1 known values, and we and let us show them buy or not. It costs n Two to three hum that must go in the n have to say about Troi what you want, and */ please you. | ~ Ha J list a word about you intend to buy a i see ours. We have th . or price. THE OLE EEL] T. 15. 1JELK, There are ten n<*^r?? murderers ! at lar^e from this county, all of them having committed ihoir crimes anil escaped witiiin the past six years. Of the number, two killed victims near Yorkville. I two near Clover, two near Hock Hill, one in liothesda township, and three in the vicinity of ti.e ' (Jatuwha l'owt-r Cbmpany. Although rewards were otfeied for j each ?it' lliom, there is no infortna! tion as to their wlierenbonta. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR RENT?One 5 room cot t age, conveniently located. Apply to Dr. J. L. Spratt. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons aro hereby warned against . hunting, lishingorotherwise trespassing | upon any of the lands owned or eon-' trolled by the undersigned parties. The law will bo rigidly applied to anyone | disregarding this notice. F. Njms. W F. Pattkksox. W. 11. Jones. T. S. Kirk pat rick. J. W. Ardroy. W. C. Armstrong. I D.A.Lee. K. S. Tom nee. \V. E. Sprat t. T. C. Spratt. W. B. lloko I>. M. & prate, Misses Addie and Dovic Harris. I 1 l A iOKBIM TPTll WANTED! 11 and throe hundred at oikt and let iss fit \ of Clothing, k of Fail ( lothiiig we ties of heretofore, and oy anything you will id. X U r T JJ i iumj. plete and up-to-date na, ranuiutj,- in price, $12.00. .00 and ?10.00 suits vie to any ?1*2.oO and [ABLE STORE, , Proprietor. AN OUniVAMIK Fixing tIn* Levy and Providing for the Collection of Property Taws in the Town of Fort Mill, S. C. Le it ordained l?v the intcndant and wardens of the tow n of Fort Mill, S. and by authority of the same See. 1. Thar two mills on the dollar is hereby levied on all taxable projierty within t he eorjx! ate limit s of Fort Mill, S. ('., on January I, 11)02, he and the same is hereby made, for ordinary purposes. See. "J. That said taxes shall he and become due and jKiyablo nil the loth day of October, Hikl, at the office of J. M. Spratt, secretary and treasurer, and the treasurer's books shall ho open on that date for the collect ion of said faxes, and the same may he paid up to and including the 1st day of November, 11X12, after which date said taxes may be paid with la jht cent jienalty added until the 15tb day of November, 1P02. See. 51. That on and after November lath, 10)2, executions will bo issued for all delinquents for the full amount of taxes due together with the fifteen per cent penalty ami all costs, including one dollar cost for every execution issued by the treasurer. lXme and ratified in council assembled this lllth day of September, 11X12. J. YV. Mck.1.HANKY, Attest: Intcndant. J, M. St it ATT, Sec and Turns. k ... . .if-' T*5! I S. J, KIMBALL, I>t:am:K IN* Baggies and Harness, R\)CK HILL. S. C. W<> scii tlio "Rock Hill JinpfRy;** ?lv best bu^'jry * n tlio luiu-kot for tbo | Mio'ioy. LAUNDRY MARKS that an* 11 >t found on linen fresh from Tic MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY. Charlotte, N. C., are rust stains, ink 1 stains, fruit stains, and especially scorches from overheated irons. That is what we particularly guard against, tleekless, tiawless, immaculate?white ir.s white can be, or as strong of color as when von bought if (if originally of a color pattern), your wasluvble apparel is returned clean, well washed, well ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every Thursday morning and laundry returned Saturday mornings by ? LD. L. McELHANEY. A^ent. : f?a .. TKY Till-; tj EaE'Tjea? SIiop For a iirtst-elasa XIA1 K OFT, SIIAVE, SHAMPOO, or IIAlii SINGE. Car-ol/ksjjpns Son. i'Roi'Uir.rons. Third door Hank building. FOU i| cgod whiskies, 1 I WINES, HEANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WRITE TO Yv\ I!. IIOOVEtf, nnKi.orm N. c. D. J. WILLIAMS, Statesville's Lipor Dealer. Laurel Valley Cora Whiskey, 5 Years Cld: 12 Full Quarts, in neat case, . $7 ,K) 2-1 Pints, . . . S 00 is Half Pints . . . 8 60 4b,. Gallons, kep included. J) 00 One and two gallons, jtipand orate included, jH-r gallon, 2 25 Pure H. C. S^eet Hash Corn Whiskey: New, per gallon, . .1 40 Two to Three years old, j?er pal. 1 75 Pure Apple Brandy, per gallon, . 2 00 Elm City Club Rye. 7 yours old, 12 quarts, . . . 8 00 Twenty-four Pints, . . . & 50 Forryeight Half pints, . 0 00 [ Ono and two gallons, jug and crate included, i>er gallon, 2 50 Excelsior Rye, jug and urate ineluded, i>er gallon, . .2 00 Peach and Honey, jxr gallon, . 2 oo Reel: and Rye, jer gallon, . 2 oo j Holland Gin, ix>r pa lion, . . 2 00 Ronieniber I am no ri-otilier or cotnponndor. In buying my goods yon aro not buying water. L guarantee all theso poods mi porior to any t hinp beinp shir ?pud from this market. All jnpswill lx> put in Iwixcs instead of crates for 15c. extra; keps boxed for 25o? oxtra, and all boxes are shipped without any marks to indi tut ?i iiiiiirui'if, v ilfSH lliusr ilCCOlIlpuny nil orders. They will 1 h? filled the same day received. Fend money by registered letter, ivostntlicc money order or express money order. floods sliippod 1 either by freight or express. As to my responsibility 1 refer you to the llradstreet ami Dunn Mercantile Companies and my hundreds of customers all over the f-'outh. Remenibor, again, that I guarantee satisfaction in all eases or refund the money. D. .1. W ILLIAMS, FTATKSVILK, N. C. J. TJ. Trayw ck & Co., DEALERS IN FINE LIQCOKS AND WINES, No. 12 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C. , "DRT^TmcTS NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. Y&XE MO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pncumon ia,H ay Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. I Price 5Cc. and $1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. . e bought elsewhere. OTHING. ~\s Clothing is enor1 the prices down so about. [>y in any kind of suit. |4ii50? Ik Suits and our Vest to 8 years of ago arc invito vou to come 1o von, whether you ?' 7 / lolhing' to look. ?users. lred pains of Trousers ext o() days. All we users is that we have4 at a price that will ts. Ilats, and that is if lew Hat don't fail to em in any style, color