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FORT MIU MELANGE. Minor Happenings In and About Town Told in Paragrahs. The town hall has been "repaired*'?nailed up. Mrs. W. H. Meueunm has been ill for several dnys. Tit ere are 31!) scholars enrolled at the Fort Mill graded school. Miss Lillian Masscy. of Tir/.ah, is visiting relatives in this town i ship. The warn: weather after the cool spell makes the temperature some u uuv Architect 11. K. \\liite, of ltock , Hill, 6petit Sunday with relatives near Fort Mill. Mi ss Frances Harris left Monday far Due West, S. C., where she will attend college. It is said that the Pinoville cot , ton mill will begin operations on or about the loth instant. Mr. Jack Iviihl, of Rock Hill, spent Sunday in Fort Mill with his brother, Mr. Hose Kidd. Mr. M. M. Mauney, of Shelby, N. 1J., is a guest at the home of his father-in law. Mr. R. T. Bailey, j Mr. W. S. Stacy. who is at pies- , ent employed at I *nion, S. Q., spent Sunday with relatives in Fort Mill. Mrs. J. J. Nicholson returned today from a visit fa her uncle, Mr. 7 T. Bailes, west of Pineville. There is considerable specula- . tion as to who will bo the next in terulant and wardens of Fort Mill. The storo windows are begin- : niug to put on attractive displays of specimens of their fall und winter goods. Dave Wade, the insane negro pi an who was captured in this place several weeks ag<>, has been placed in the asylum at Columbia. Hogs are very scarce this year. This is duo to the fact that farmers had little or no corn,and could not afford to pay the high price for it. Miss Mary O'Connell and her guest, Miss Geitrudo Gilligun, of Ashevijle, N. C., went to Belmont. N. C., Saturday morning for a short visit. In response to a tolcgrain, Mr. ?7. T. Nance left Monday for Shelby, N. C., where, it is learned, his wife ia dangerously ill of typhoid 1 fcever. There was no preaching at the Baptist church on Sunday, owing to the failure of Rev. D. M. Austin to catch the early morning train in Charlotte. Mrs. \V. T. Sellers and children left Monday for Manning, S. C\. at which place Mr. Sellers is engaged in the cotton business. Mrs. Sellers will remain there for several weeks. It is pleasing to hear the farmers talking every day about the ; encouraging outlook for a corn crop. There promises now to be plenty of "bread for the eater." Dr. J. II. Thornwell lias an appointment to preach at Washington, (hi., next Sunday, in consequence of which there will he no preaching at Ebenezeron that day. Perhaps one of tlie smallest debts you owe, and one that will , be the easiest to pay, is what you are due on subscription to your home paper. However small the amount is, we need it and want it. J Mr. S. Eugene Massey left Friday night for Richmond, Va., where he will enter a medical school for the study of pharmacy. Mr. Massey is succeeded as assistant postmaster by his sister, Miss J3ertha Massoy. Mrs. /. V. Bradford has been seriously ill since Sunday from the effects of spider bite which she received on that day. The last report . wt s that she was slowly improving, rni '* rue nnal meeting of the Fort Mill pension enrollment committee will be lit-Id on Saturday, next. Anyone having the name of a veteran to bo enrolled is requested to report tbe same to tho committee on or or before that time. Two marriages were performed by Rev. E. A. Hartsell Sunday night at the Catawba House. The contracting parties were Mr. J, W. Dillon and Miss Hnnna Gardner, of High Point. N. C., and n Mr. Warwick and Miss Mattie Steele, of Fort Mill. Tbe latter couple are employees of the Millfort Mill. w DARING WORK OF RGB IN The Savings Bank of Fort Mill Who HI on Op i'11 anil Boh S. $3,000?Utile Clue to the B The Fort Mill Savings Bank, an institution in which our town took gient pride, was robbed by professional burglars at an early hour Tuesday morning. Tiiis startling discovery was made 1 >y Mr. J as. Grid*, who passed the bank on his way to open his store for the (lav's business. Mr. (trier's attention was attracted by a lot of broken glass scattered over Main street. This, it was discovered, fiiimo f e/-*!-?-* r? f ( .... 1 ? 1 1 W IIUKJW OI lilt' building. Glancing in through tho broken pants, .Mr. Grier saw lliat tin* big vault and tab' had been blown open, and many books and papers were seattercd over the room, lie immediately notified Mr. \Y. li. Meacham, cash ier of the institution, who with other gentlemen entered the bank and began an investigation. The tirst discovery was a number of tools, such as crowbars, sledge hammers, drills, and a brace and bit, lying about the room. Most of these were the property of Mr. A. A. Young, bis smith shop hexing been broken open and the tools taken therefrom. As indicated by the big clock in the bank, tho robbery must hav? took plnce at 1 a. m., as the clock registered the hour at d.5."> a. in., and it in evident that the jar from tin* explosion cuused it tp stop at that time. Resides this, several citizens heard thy reports, hut supposing it to be a train shifting cars, paid no particular attention to the noise. The construction of the vault is such as to make two charges nee essary in order to reach the money. With the arrival of cool weather it is feared that smallpox will again break out in this township. Already it is noted that it has appeared in neighboring communities and our m-onle should los.? n<> time in tr?ki11?_c the necessary j>r? caution to prevent an epidemic of the loathsome disease should it a^'iin appear in our midst. It was rumored lure a few days aoo that the Catawba Power Company had purchased a tract of land on Catawba river at Wright's ferry with a view to building an. otlu r dam and electric power plant as soon as work on the one now in course of construction is completed. As announced last week, the fourth quarterly conference of the Fort Mill Methodist church was held Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Bays, presiding elder of the- Rock Hill District, was present and preached several very instructive sermons to the lar^e crowds who were in attendance. Aleck Pott us, colored, whose accidental shooting was noted in last week's Times, died Thursday at the home of his father, near Thorn's ferry. Our information of last week was to 1 ho effect tlint tho bullet] struck Pettus just above the knee, but this is not exactly correct. The bullet entered the lower part of the stomach, penetrated the intestines, and lodged somewhere in the back. Pettus is said to have suffered terribly from the wound. He was a member of one of tho most respectable colored families of that section and hia tin timely dent h is deeply regretted by both white and colored people. Only a few months ago a brother of Pettus was accidentally drowned at tho d on. Tt. is expected that the Jones roller mill, on Catawba river, will be in active operation by the latter part of the week. The mid is equipped with the latest improved machinery and those who patronize it may rest" nssurt d of the best results. BERS THE HEART OF TOWN. Vitlirri by Kxprl Crack much if?\ Securing Therefrom About uihy Party. To ^ain entrance, the robbers bail to first encounter mi iron door, equipped with u ' ombinalion look, 'I 11 iu-ii J ti>rn !?? >. ..1-1. II ??.) I'M || j/< II ? ' > * A | f It 111 I I I ii heavy charge of niir<> Ii ituv Then the double, time-look, so called burglar proof safe was blown to pieces, anil about $.*><).(U) in cash and many valuable papers were dcstryoed or stolen. TJio manner in which Hie papers and money were torn up ivtnleicd it impossible, up to the time of iioiuo to press, t<> learn the exact ainout stolen, but it is thought that the lo.-s will not exceed $0.000. However, Several packages of money were overlooked bv the robbers, and the l< ss i ? not nearly so heavy by several hundred dollars as could have been. There is no evidence as to who were the guilty parties, but it is known that the thieves left town in diU'cn-nt directions. A silv? r dollar, which bore maiUs of the explosion, was found early yester . (lay morning just beyond Bather's bridge, and it is thought thai tin piece of money was dropped by the thief w ho went that way. In view of the many iuquiiies I>y depositors as to who would lose the stolen money. The Tine s has heen requested to state thai, according to law, the hank is iesponsible for the entire amount, and that none of its patrons will be called upon to share the h-ss. The board of directors met \es- j terday morning and found that the bank was not seriously injured by the loss and directed that tieusual business be resumed this morning at the regular hour. Sold Hill News. Kd it or Times: Everything seems to la- moving a lout; nicely in these parts. But an old man sorter stirred us up this morning when he told us that the pla *e over tinway, call the I tain, win nothiuu less than* "!! 11 No. 2 1 And lie surr^csted that we send a mission < ary or two down there wnere we know they aio needed. and do you suppose we could yet one to ?;o to even a second class institution of tlmt kind? The Misses Hell and Lee Nicholson left last week for Concord, N. ( ' , where t Itey will enter school. M IHH Corrine Far is has licen en j^a^ed to teach a school 111 Chester county, and will leave for that section shortly. Can say nothing more unless we tell a lie. aud?we are too much like Georye W., to do that. Sl'LINTER. America's Famous Beauties. Look with horror on skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor wilt any one, who uses Buekleii's Arnica Salve. It ixlorilies the faee. Ef/.ema or Salt Kheum vanish before it. It, cures sore hps, chapped hands, chilblains. Infalhble for Piles. U5e at Meaeham's diu^ store. Site;for Rock Hill's Public Building Si<l II. Nealy. h government architect, viHited Rork iiill <1 nriiij_r the past week for the puipose of selecting a site for tie* big 000 postotliee building, t he apprupriafor whieh was made during the last, session of Congress. Sixteen lots were o'l'ered and oach was elosi'ly inspected, hut. Nr. Nealy did not give any indication of his choice, and the decisiston will not hi* made known until lie returns to Washington. The question of holding I'nited States court at Rook iiill, it is said, will have some hearing upon the plans of tin* building. However, it. will he; erected for postotfico purposes only, though the sight will ho so leoted with a view to remodeling later. It is expected that work will be commenced next spring. Gees Like Hot Cakes. ' The fastest selling tiling I havi in my stole."' writes druyruist C. T j Smith.of Mavis. I\y.,"is Mr Killed New Diseovory !< r C< >iih mi pt ion, ' Coughs and Colds, lieeailso it ill j ways en res. In mv six years ?>l sales it lias iiuvit failed. 1 have j known il to save sufferers from Dir.iat ami Lnn^ diseases, who could i'.ct no help from doctors or anv other remedy." Mothers rely on it. 'mat physicians presenile it. and T. !? Meaeliam 'guarantees satisTaytion or refunds priee. Trial ' lot t It s free. K. o size d()e and Si.' Pleasant Valley Dots. Pleasant Valley is well represented ..t the Charlotte fair this' week. Mis- lithel lv iss is visiting rela t ivos in ('liai lot te this w, ?k. Mi. .1. Lest r Wolfe, of Char I -tie. is visitietr ;i| !,ifather's, Mr. I I \ \ 1 * I i' < ' I . I /. \t iHll', I 11 IS WreK. liuli Lindsay, colored. \v!h> was .s|t<>, by Willis I >ai ill.ill. at a u?*oro ruuipinretiiic a lew weeks nuo.?1: mI I from its , llVrls Sunday. Willis is now looKino t lirontr'n 111?* bars ami v. iII answer h > t he elm i i;c of linn ?11-r at tin i? xt 11*i*i?i <?f ci in t. I'lii- editorial in 1 ho Trim s i few works at?o hpiirriiL; up Inn if spertive reporters Iiail a p^iod r| f.-i-t. S; baler. Willi all tin p >ti. p sit V ot a pll<!o>.?{ lirl". C;l!IIO out iii full Mas! with i li liimi >iis ami , im'Wsv art iele. M us radioes ami persimmons are plentiful in 1' V. loo, hut we shall leave tlioiu lor i tin- p issuiiis in feast upon. Il lias in <'ii iplitr awliiio sinrr I In aid Iroin my friend Uoy. I don't tliiak lir .should deprive Ins iniiia ?Iiii11 suction ot Ins Irtt >rs because tin i I ciioii didn't o,, iiis way, ami j til' the columns of other newspa prrs hardly known to this- comma oil y. d d . 1>. Fine Photographs \\ 111 11 you sjto to Charlot to illiii't (ail to pay a visit to ODER'S PHOTO. GALLERY. \\ e make all t lie latest styles and sizes, at reasuuahle prices. I \\. Fifth St., < hurlotec, N. V A Few Gift Books. 11 ere is a choice Selection iif recent copyrighted books hy authors <>l win id wide ?* !?*I>t*ily. Iliihertol ?1 < nly in Iul;1i priced ?diliuiih. < 'lolli hound and suitable tor presents Free I? e by dot d ('handier If arris. A Fair Ihirharian, l?y Francis liui nctt. Rudder (.ranges, liy Frank Stockton, labia. liy I vol id t Ihirr. Puritan's W ife, liy Max iVnilicrtou. Ninn>ii Pale, by Antliony 11'ij>c. Active Senice, liy Stephen Cram?. Across (lie < iiasiu. liy J ulia Mac^rudcr, lionai r 111 ii re, by (icor^'i1 \\ . (Gallic. A Cigarette ill ikrr's Romance, liy Marion Crawford. and others. Price, 155c ouch. The Spanish-A nierican War. a laroc "iid handsome book, profuseillust rated, at f)0 cents. Ardrey's Drug Store I A WinhM flnrp. _ _ > w AA M WJL A M. JL V iii. U Made by MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. ii i i mmmmmm ? Dnrpry, Person <>>., N. Sept. 2, l!io,\ Copper Mines. In tho spring of 11)00 1 had n child two years old thufc was l?roke ont all over with sores. The sculp of his head was a solid seab. lie could not lie down at night, but hud to sleep propjM'd up, because when he would lie down his lu-ad would stick to the pillow. Even the childs ears would become stopped up with corruption. Two of the best physicians in thy county gave him lots of stuff, but. no good resulted. I then got one bottle of Mrs .hie Person's Kennedy, ami when he hud taken two-thirds of it lie was entirely well. U. W. WOODY. 0??3?@? 0? ?@ Gx 1 YOU ARE o o to can g OUR NEN Q And COMPARE OUR 1 XV derstand how it in that wo sn cent on nearly every dollar's 1 is simply this: We have m a accounts to make up; no h?>u to divide with; no desite to l? Q SAT1SEI El) Cl'STOMERS ? sell the best ijuods at the lowi 09 Try a pair of our liar m ver want any other kind. Wi* have a I?i}_; stork to h ark you to compare our ptiee ? ? Iju jr. imlj ? 'Phone ? ?@@??????0??C A Full Stoc I fu.u (he Im'nI lu iiiuiiK Our lini' e?F 1 >ro\v, Selby ?fc Co.' I lit* best on tin market today. The II. G, S?g Are the largest maun tact urors < diviiH Slioi-H iu America. See tiio :j heavy wu i^lits. Their children's world heaters. The Famou is the most popular Shoo for i mm ran let to mvo satisfaction. In fact, all ol our shots thai so to ipvc m?od results. duck Frost will so; hi In* here at haying a pair ?.f shoes from the pe? Call ami look lliloiieii our stool You'll be sui prised. Meaoh am i New J F ^ Arc arriving daily. Wo $ complete** of Dry (ioocIs, ^ I li Ik Ht'iiKtm t lift ii over In-fore, s ^ intsro t to examine our 8'.ov:k i ? ' .-urn miner ^(JUllK. % GfOCt 2) Our slock in this lino v dravor to krt p wluit tin- pco}] w ri<r)it. So call up No. 12 wh \ cat. Your ord< r will have pre ^ Our tickets are still goof ^ them. Yours for $ ? ]\/ExlXs c % HOUSE FUI E. M. ANDREWS, Everything for homo comfort sold hero, on I* LOWEST C Everything favors credit linyin prices elsewhere. <)ur (pialitics ar liility. Our terms are practically ment and the balance in weekly or your convene nee. Our stock cons PARLOR and BEDROOA Sl< >N TA BLES. HALL IL ENAMELED BEDS. Of DIN I NO ROOM (RIM RS, OA UTS, BABY OARK1 A( Our stock represents notion;; but very latest output of the host facto profits just to advertise th ; fact, lha of IIouhc Enmi.-diinj/.s. E. M. ANDili J. S. LYNCH 3 0? ?@?e??& CO? INVITED | AND SEE .) ' GOODS, ? .'KICKS. You nii.v not uu- Cv vo you from 10 to 25 per worth you buy from us. It ^ ? TIME prices and no bad so rent to pay: no partner*on uiilliouni ;t>, but do want ^ i, and iii order to ^el them, est prices possible. lisbur^ Shoes and you will y led from, and rtapeclfuily o and qualities. M LSSEY, S No. 71. w p <P?P ?<P*cP<P?p P^PO*ri5"v> 1 .'-'j )k of Shoes cturers iu (lie country. h Uue Shoes for ladies i.-i one of dmaii Co.r >f medium priced ladies and chilli.23 kind for \von??n, in tijhi Hud Shoos at 30c and 73c ar simply s Walkover men, Every pair is sold with a II for $1.25 and up are guaranteed id you should prepare for him by ?pl? who handle only the best. L ami let us j^ive you our prices. & Epps. ;ali Goods | will carry a larger and more ^ Notions, I'ants. Hats, Shoe a xT so we can make it to your ^ before purchasing your fall & sties, $ vill be un to.-date. as we en If want mid our prices are on you want something to ^ niipt and careful attention. ^ 1. ho don't tail to call for ^ business, ^ " ' 1 1 .- i -JJ W1SHINGS. ROCK HILL, S. C. 1UKKD1T,| ASTI PRICES. <*. Our credit prices are GASH e personally ^un ran teed for tluiaV( Il'li icrnm. A small first paymonthly amounts, arranged to ,-int ihta of an excellent assortment of I FURNITURE. EjtTEN\ClvS. HHASS and WHITE > IIFFONIEUS. (jOU(fll L\S, P< >KCH R<>0KKRS, oV> iES, FANCY- I'oOKKiS, the newest *t v los of '"urr the i icM. We .lie se.lli it -.t h n't t we carry a full and coiv.pLte line ROCK HILL-, l. r% . . . , s. c. J I, MANAGER. |