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r v W' \ i . ?? TO YOirtiG LADIES. Trom the Treasurer of tho Young People's Christian Temperance Association, Elizabeth ! Caiue, Fond du Lac, Wis. |l ' " Dear Mn^. I'ikkuam: ? I want to ? toll you and all the voung ladies of tho countr}*, how grateful 1 am to you for all the benefits 1 have received from using Lydia K. Pinkliam's Vegctuhle Compound. i suffered for MI88 BUZABBTH CAXKK. eight months from suppressed menstruation, and it effected my entire System until 1 became weak and debilitated, and at times felt that 1 had a hundred aches in as many places. I only used the Compound for a few weeks, but it wrought s change in me which I felt from the Tory beginning. I have been very regular since, have no pains, and find that mv entire body is as if it was renewed. ^ gladly recommend Lydia K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to everybody."? Miss Ei.izabkth Cains, 69 W. Division St., Fond dn Lac, Wis.?$6000 forfeit If mbovo testimonial le not oenuino. At such u time the greatest aid to nature is J^ydla E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound. It prepares the young system for the coming change, and is the surest reliance for woman's ills of every nature. Mrs. Pinkliam invites all young women who are ill to write her for free advice. Address Lynn, Mass. ^ Situations Securer 1 lor graduate* or tuition relumtad. Write f Riassey Colleges J i- Louisville. Ky. Montgomery. Ala. Houston, lei. Columbus. t>t Richmond Vs. Blrmlnnhnm. Ala. Jacksonville. Fl* fQLEMAN-WAGENER v HARDWARE CO. 303 Kins Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. (OKO. A. WAUKKKR. I'iimokit. officers; <OF.<i. Y. fOI.KMAN. Vice I-hkkidest. (1 o. HAl.L.-Kcr y t Tiimi o*o*o*o*o??o*oiaol?oJao*o*olao* ?TIEADAGHE, o M FEVERISH CONDITIONS 2 5 I I AND COLDS CURED BY o * UC A P I T 1> I IN IS o it Sold by nil Drusslatn. & Ho?to?;orai^o??ono8^ono?io*ono?to r ^ liM w Ro Ss'Qln^i^y H Have mado Dropry and its oomQaL rs plicntlopj} a specialty for twenty flfiiSW / years with tBe most wonderful X_, ( liuccoss. ilaTocnrudinauy taons? ^SC^T Iw and oases. ra- s-E- OSEEH'S COKO, T>^r 1> Atljkuint Qs* AIT U/ DCMCIft 11 I am r WNT tmm III-WW rcnoiun LMW5 free Apply l<> NATHAN HICKKOItl>, tlI 1 F Hi., WMwhliiglun, l>. ('. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER "W TAKE HLIXIR BABEK. AKnovn all oyer America a* the ?ur. rut cure for all malarial dUcaae* and a* a prevennyo againai 1ypb?l<i. Prepared by KI.OCZEWHKIA CO. Waahlnaten, U. C. ^ W"lPHIr/??r ferfleumlala. m If more sales of Kipnus Tubules I are made daily than of nuy other I mpiilplnn fl>.. * %"C leaoviu^ Ulliy UO IOUIK1 j In the fact that there is scarcely any coudltlou of ill health that Is not benefited by the occasional use of n Itipuns Tabtile, und a package, containing ten. Is obtainable from any t druggist for five cents. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle. 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. rar ; AaUJf FfcR 1 P . RJ1EUMATISM, The G wL |?TARRH, E^fec INDIGESTION. ! llP JfftCQNST1PATION, ^ Sidney and ?*? * LIVER TROUBLES, j . BLOOD DISEASES. "SwmS '^Rtaeumi |P^< * th^too^* y RHfcUM ACI^>E U for sale by all Drygglsta, < V aOiaiTT CHEMICAL '* ' -W T!SL | HOW NEAT P/-OT WA3 TOILED. Hard-Hcartcc^ Girl Disccu.-anod Attr-'ti'.nr r f AHmlrrr. Sorwul young men, members of a prominent West Philadelphia library, had vainly attempted to become acquainted with a certain young lady there In charge as librarian. Plan after plan was tried, but all proved of no avail. Finally, one day when these gontlo* men were standing on the corner the young lady, carrying a suit case, alighted from a car. One of the gentlemen, thinking his opportunity had cotne. stepped forward and politely offered to carry the case. She handed it to him and they walked together up the street. Ho was thinking of the progress he was making and how joaious and envious | the other fellows must feel. All went well until they reached the library door, when she reached for her suit case and handed him a nickel. That was all.?Philadelphia Times. Meteoric Electricity. Wo now know quite accurately the nature of lightning and the method or prouucuon 01 me enormous electrical pressure exhibited by the flash. When clouds are formed by the condensation of very mlnuto drops of water from the vapor In the air, under certain conditions these drops exhibit a small electrical charge. As the drops coalesce the capacity increases less rapidly than the quantity of charge, for the reason that two drops of equal size, when they flow together, produce one of only slightly larger diameter. On this account the drops formed by the flowing together of the ! small mist particles, long before they attain such size as to be precipitated ; as rain, acquire an electrical charge 1 of enormous voltage, sufficient often to leap a distance of a mile through I the air. This must correspond with 1 pressures only to bo Indicated by millions of volts.?Electrical Review. i The Species of Woodpecker. There are some five or six species of woodpeckers, some of which farmers are prone to look upon with suspicion. Excepting a single species, the yellow-breasted woodpecker or sapsucker. these birds rarely leave any important mark on a healthy tree. The sapsucker Is some'.imes girllty of pecking holes in the bark of apple trees from which 'i drinks the bup when the little pits become filled. I^arge numbers o* Insects are also attracted by the sweet fluid In these pits, which the'Bapsucker also feeds upon, and to that extent largely compensates for the, damage done to the tree. The flicker, or golden winged U>An?lnn/il/o*. I? *1? *1 I <.uuu|>o\ nv;i, in Dkoil l.Jljnujf IJU U>H | ground. searching for food, which conj sists princlyally of ground ants and I grasshopper!. The examlr^Vm of a dicker's stomach was foun^H^cum tain more than 3,000 ants, ^Hpme people persist in shooting this valuable . insect destroyer for purposes of food, i ?New York Sun. i " Filfts on Mars' ice Cap. Despite the remarkable contrlbuJ tion to knowledge given recently ty | Prof. Holden in the question of physi! cal conditions on Mars, no less a scientist than Prof. Perclval Lowell contributes to the last number of Popui&r Astronomy a labored, detail paper on rifts in the polar "ice caps" of that member of the solar system. As there is every reason to b?lieve that the temperature on Mars is very low?probably somewhere between i lyo and 200 degrees below zero Fahi renheit, the term "ice," meaning i f rno/an w . ? uiui, id i Kiii uiuuH as applied to thin planet. Mars receives | but half the quantity of heat that comes to the earth and has no atmosphere to retain It as we have. The result of this is thnt temperatures are | appallingly low. It is believed that ; frozen carbonic acid gas Is what J causes the so-called "lco-caps" on Macs. Why the Ring's Music Stopped. The nephew of tho late Sir Richard Temple has In his possession a ring In which is set a minute musical box that on a spring being touched, emits a soft tune?weird and sad, an acho of a troubled past. Over a century back this ring belonged to a loyal follower of the 1Ufated French monarchy, who, when thrown into prison, was wont to find solace In the music of this ingenious trinket. It played Its last tunc for him while at the scaffold's foot he awaited execution, from which hour It remained unaccountably silent until its present owner took It to a jeweler, who found In its mechanism a clot of blood that had Impeded its action. On this being removed the musical powers of the rlug at once returned.?Stray Stories. Tho clairvoyant who strikes it rich l is a sort of happy medium. Z S0 1 treat BLOOD PURIFIER, Will I a Quick and Permanent Cure. urlfiee the Blood. Neutralises the Is.Starts the Kidneys Into Healthy on. and bullda up the Nerves and Entire System In a short time. CJnsrnhboho, W. C., July Mth, 1008. T CHEMICAL CO. :nr.s :-It yiv?s mo plecsuro to recommend teldo." for tho euro of rheumatism. Hornets year 1001, I had a severe cneo of rbeumayunkies. which I noylootod for some weeks, i>t eo I could hardly walk. I tried H11ED. and had not takon half the bottle before >lp was son*. I C.ntshcd taking tho bottle and I have not had a particle of the trouble Very truly, E. P. PARK EH. tr sent by K * press prepaid on receipt of $ I. oo. CO., BALTIMORE, MO. ilNOB EVENTSOFTHEWEEK WASHINCTON ITEMS, Evidence continues to accumulate at tlie War Department that the nbolition or the canteen has caused desertions. A new treaty soon to he sigued hy British and Chinese representatives will serve as a pattern for one between the United States and China. Lieutenant Chandler reported recordhronking target practice l>y the torpedo flotilla. Six thousand Navajo Indians were said to he starving, and relief was asked and granted from the Interior Department. A new ruling allows postmasters to contribute cash, hut bars them from personal participation in political campaigns. Internal revenue collections for July were $22,230,350. a decrease over last year of $7,107,537. The Navy Department accepted the fntnuulo l?/vo*o T\.?T * -1 ,,*MI \I?I iiuum i/viAMii; iiiiu n Secretary Shaw compelled lending New York banks to issue nearly ?100,000,000 In new circulation. OUIl ADOrTKI) ISLANDS. As a result of the war rinderpest among the enttle and the epidemic of cholera, agriculture Is at present seriously depressed throughout the Philippine Islands. Many districts arc badly Impoverished. Governor Taft told the Manila Chamber of Commerce that the Philippine Islands must ultimately rely on Filipino labor, and that the Civil Commission would again ask Congress to establish a gold standard currency. Cholera is spreading throughout the Philippines. Because of inadequate appropriations the First Circuit Court of Hawaii ceased Jury trials, presiding Judge Genr dismissing the jury for the term. Over 100 prisoners nre in jail awaiting trial. The Judges appealed to Governor Dole. The appointment of Mgr. Guhli. Papal Auditor, to be Apostolic Delegate to the Philippines was announced at ?>. uirgrei n Bt-COUU 8Uip, HIP I" 1*1111Jof, was spoken on August 14, and she reported iee very bad in the Arctic Ocean. The German customs authorities in their new rule regarding the origin of grain shipments seek to establish n retaliatory tariff against Canada. At the autumn review of the Guard Corps near Berlin Kinperor William paid special attention to the visiting American generals. 'I'wenty-three persons were injured in a collision of passenger trains at Glasgow, Scotland. The Boers are negotiating for an agricultural concession on the French island of Madagascar. The llkln stations throughout China have been abolished by an imperial decree. The export and import taxes will be increased. The foreign legations at Pekln. China, are receiving reports from ftzechuan Province that the rebellion here is constantly spreading, and that foreigners *w In orest dnngej. xno Vatican. Mrs. Chaffee, wife of General Chaffee. who lias been seriously ill at Manila. is out of all danger. domestic. Tn an affray over money at Pan Francisco. Cnl.. one Japanese was killed, two injured and Policeman Akers badly shot. Hesitating a moment before plunging from Brooklyn Bridge Albert II. Johnson, of Boston. Mass., was caught by n policeman and arrested. Infuriated at being ejected from tlie grounds, .Terry and Dnngertleld Ware, colored, emptied their revolvers into a crowd of dancers at Ilopkinsville, Ky., killing one man and fatally injuring two, after which they escaped. Murdered by robbers, the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Britton Lewis were found In tlieir home at Gainesville, Flo. Much needed rains, the first in three years, have saved Lower California from becoming n barren waste. President Roosevelt delivered speeches in Nashua, Manchester, The Weirs and Concord. N. II. Newport (It. I.) villas were damaged by concussion from big gun target practice at Fort Adams. Nebraska will fight the proposed beef combination when it is effected. Ada Gray, well known for her long potrayal of the leading role in "East Lynne." died at New York City after a long Illness. Senator Ilnnna said street railways ought to pay dividends of seven per cent, and bold franchises in perpetuity. Sergeant Coou, of Troop II, ThirPrirnlm* t ~.1 * vv..> > uiiiii.i, nuiiiwuuu iii r on Iveougb, Mont., wns drowned wliilo attempting to swim the Yellowstone ltlver. Mrs. Mnrie A. Hopkins, widow of the American Minister to Argentina, was instantly killed l>y a street ear In St. Louis, Mo. After entling his wife'.* throat with a razor at Pliillipshurg, Kan., Chester West brook killed himself. The safe and vault in the court house at Ipswich, Edmonds County, S. D.. wore robbed of $2700 in gold, presumably by some one familiar with the office. Governor Odell, in n speech in Lowvllle, N. Y? declared his belief that a reduction of tariff duties would not solve the trust problem. President Hurt, of the Union Pacific, was liehl in $.1000 ball for trial at Omaha, Neb., charged with restrueting the liberty of strike leaders. In a trolley car collision at Hubbard, Ohio, Motorman Joseph Thomas was killed and S. S. Rott fatally injured. Burglars took $S00 in stamps and mrney frorn the postofllce at IUdgetop, Tenu. FOREIGN. Charles H. Toll, an American in the British Army, was arrested in London for a murder to which he confessed in a letter to the Kansas City chief of police. A dispatch from Tromsoe states that vr.. * i ? Politicians' Barracks. * 'Politicians' Barracks,' ts tba name which Senator Hanna laugh lngly cwnferrod upon the new dormitory at Kenyon college at Gambler, Ohio, of which the cornerstone will be laid on June 25," said Mr. Jacob Ehrhardt of Cincinnati at tho Arlington the ether night. "It will stand a monument to his spontaneous generosity, which was demonstrated to be of a quality possessed by few men. The dormitory will bo built with a check foi $60,000 given by Senator Hanna, who attended an alumni luncheon at Ihe college In 1001. He made a little speech which followed that of a man who had pointed out the great need for a dormitory. "Without any preliminary Intimation of his Intention, Senator Hanna quietly remarked that he would be glad to write a check for $60,000 for a new dormitory to bo callod 'Politicians' Barracks." His offer dumfounded the alumni present for a moment, and then they burst Into applause. "The hall will be called Hanna hall, In honor of Its donor, who. hot/ever, In his modesty, would prefer that It be known by tho title he Jocosely conferred upon It."?Washington Times. Maggfe's Apology. William Pruette, the singer, was one of a group of married men who were dismissing housekeeping and servants the other evening In a Philadelphia hotel corridor. He told of a girl who served him and Mrs. Pruotte well enough while they were living In a New York flat several years ago. and who on? day went to Mrs. Pruetto In tears and asked permission to go home for a few days?she had a telegram telling that her mother was 111. "Of course, go," said Mrs. Pruotte? "only. Moggie, do not stay longer than is necessary. We need you." Maggie promised to return as soon as possible, and hurried nway. A week passed without a word from her, thea came a note by mail, reading: "Deer Miss Pruete 1 will be bank ne* week an plese kep my place for me. mother Is dying as fast as she can. To oblldg. Moggie."?Cleveland viRln Dee'-" President Baor. of the Reading Company, had a conference with Senators Quay and Penrose, and later issued a statement giving his reasons for refusing arbitration. P. J. Clicnev A Co., Tolecto, O., Prop?, of Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer ylOO reward for any ens? of entarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for testimonials. free. Solil liv llnnroliiK 7V About ninety-nine per cent, of the starch made in the t7nite?l States is made from corn. FITS nermanentlv cured.No tits or nervousness after first day4suse of Dr. Kline's Great Nerveltestorer. #21 rial bottle and treatlsefree Dr. It.II. KniXF, Ltd., t>Sl Arch St., l'hlln., I'*. The uverage duration of life in towns is calculated at thirty-eight years; in the country tifty-Hvc years. Mrs.Wlnslow'eScotlilnir Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces Inflammation,allays pain,care* rind colic. 25c. a bottle One of tlie yroatc*t rivers of the world, the Orinoco, <- also one of the least known to Kui o|>eans I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption save 1 civ life three years ago.? Mas Thomas Uoki i>s, Maple St., Norwich, X. V.. Fob. 17, 11XK). I Mother | I 44 Mv mother was troubled with ? consumption for many years. At H last she was given up to die. Then she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long, you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best tning you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consumption. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. [ Thro* sliss : 25c., SOc., tl. All drafftrt*. Consult your doctor. if he sots take It, then do as he uja. It he tell* yon not to take It, then don't take It. lie knows. Leave It with him. We are willing. J. C. AYEtt CO.. Lowell. Mass. Liver Pills That's what vou need: some thing to cure your biliousness. You need Ayer's Pills. - " - - - -?- -_ ? Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use Buckingham's Dye S0ct? 04 drue*'itior(\ P HtllfcCo Niihut.N.H "WANTEDT 200 Younft Men At on.-# to ,iua|t'T fn- cfl | vrfiltlono which we will fu.sriiutoc tu writing unj.^r a $5,000 deposit to promptljr pit-euro them. The Qi.-Ala. tins. College, MACON, G FA ,RO? h r |.|/X? <- " ' Gesaioc btan^cd C C C. *vtr u\V> in bulk. Bewue jJt denier ;? tries .3 sell **W- tic^. Ju\ good." WeeS' V/vaJ* r vHp$C 'i Eye Water v PRESBYTERIAN PRAI K& /uln i^i <>u\ I j^l j' jljj / ^ First Crcsbykrlaa Church of (Jrevnsl ril HE day was whfn men of prominence JL hesitated to give their tostiu?o:iia!n to proprietary meuirinu for publication. Thm retnuins true to-day of most proprietary medicines. But l'eruna has become so justly famous, its merits are known to ao many people of high and low stations, that no one hesitate* to see his name iu print recommending l'eruna. The highest men in our nation have given l'eruna u strong indorsement. Men representing all classes and stations are cquaily represented. A dignified representative of the I'reshyterian ehureh in the jiersou of Hev. K. I?. Smith does not hesitate to state publicly that he has used l'eruna in his family and found it cured when other remedies! tailed. In this statement the Rev. Smith is supprirtcd hv an chier in his c)iurrh. Rev. K. CI. Smith, pastor of the l'reshyterian church of (Jrrensboro, t?a.. writi-*: "Having used lVruiui in my family for some time it Rives me pleasure to testify to its true worth. "My little boy. seven years of arc. had been suffering for some time with catarrh of the lower bowels. Other remedies hail failed, but after taking two bottles of l'eruna the trouble almost entirely disappeared. For this special malady 1 consider it well nigh a specific. f Many Imifc M No Equals. / Royal | "Worcester I and Boo T I Corsel u Straight front. m Jilt that is Smart. % Healthful and up io date. Ask dealer to order for you. Accept no other. ^LRoyt! Worcester Corset Co., won* VVOM J The Sanati tic, Cleansing Beautifying 1 CUTICURA ? it of Pricelej Women. Sb?** Much that every woman shot wrapped about tho Soap. VUC ELMS CHAMPION OKAIN nr.'l 1'KtNUT I nt l HUESJ'KUs exeat! *11 others by th* quad. I llty and que'J'y nf n* nr rk, and durability of Im count ruction j 1 hr. p tlini for ileum and tread D*' ?->r. for free <<atelogue. orient lemi, 4tc. oddrratL | tift". 4'. -I.KjjK?k. c^i Agent, nurgeee. vZ *11118" If! Absolutely dlittateroated. Telia where and how to invent mieocef.tully. lu lifelike engravings of mining acenrs. ra?pi, eto. < ripple ? rerja gold en ip fullr described. Only amah edition left. ? ml to day. Sent fret to all. together with prevnectus of our nmpAay. Hand ntamp for post age. A^dre-a U II FLANI?K>tH. 8?cr. DENVER. COLO HA DO. . CS In I'toa. Hold by drugrrtet*. g| | ^e,uariA I \< ) &L.&iihi- I PASTOR SES PE=RU=NA. on5c rrhal f>? t| % ff <5^ IJ A*" ,ents fed % 'V red. l$?^ihfi ? & -- Jf'" PiSim -v"^-: fifSK1! V l f ^ I t lift ;23? p^l-H p* .... .?^. ?-h^< L?i^''Tr^ Ir,1'' t?oro, (ia., and lis Pastor aud Elder* K J. ~ ? - - minic /trr trrnK a?i#i vorn out proptr it ham a /ew or no Jirv. O. Mr. M. J. koMman. a prominent merchant of Greensboro, (la., and as elder in the Presbyterian church of that place, has used I'eruna, and in a recent letter to The I'eruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, writes as follows: "For ? long time I was troubled with catarrh of the kidneys, and tried r.-.anv remedies, all of which gave me no re lief. IVruna was recommended to me bv several friends, and after using a few bottles I am pleased to say that the long looked for relief was found and I a m now enjoing bettrr hral ih than 1 hove for year anrl can hrartilu reeotn?> end IVruna to all mimllarlt/ a/Jtlcto<l. It in certa inly a grand medicine. * ?lit. J. Kommman. Catarrh is essentially the same wherever located. I'eruna cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of I'eruna, write at once to Dr. liartimin, giving a full statement of your ease and he will lie pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hurtmnn. President o f The Hurtman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. P M. lAN'S fE ive, Antisep?, Purifying, Properties of >OAP render ss Value to ild know Is told In the circular EPISCOPAL MALE ACADEMY, l Houston, va. rf.oroasize:> in iwo. Hludi-nt* 01 all llrnnmlnnlloiia Karo'lml. Acadomlc, Collrgn - Prparatory and Ru*ln??a Course*. A Christian hotnc school for bop* aiM young man. All boarding pupil* raaldr In th* hum* of the principal. Session begins September 17. UU 7*rm* low. For now illustrated caialoguo addrag^ TuOn. J. CllLKs, (Cornell Univ.] PiusciraA^ 80. 37. gomreiicikl college of kentucky university* LEXnflTOM, KT. ni*bni award at VaM'i lipilif. '* 11 1 f_r 1 > t in in* Ti ulii 1 n nil 111 a 1 n 1 Tr*w <rnu>t tad T?i|ruk; ut|M. IOUO Stadroit II H?a?n. I'VOOO (.rttuahi It ItidMv. HiyliiMa 4**rua WII.MCR iLllflTH, Pre* 1. Laala?toa. K? Comfort-chasers swear yge&M by "'King Bee" <3 $3.50 Shoes,