University of South Carolina Libraries
In M- Inc. Rizzer?Did you have a guide when I you went fishing in Maine? ! Buzzer?^'or a few days; then the guide got lost. Unit's f'atarr.?? t;. > ; :i um toil 13 raicen Internally. mul not? uj'Oii the blood and mucous surfaces of tim system. Send for testimonials free. Sold !.y druggists. T5c. F. .1. Chunky .V Co.. I'rops. Toledo. O. T\;igii>.|i vliipiiuiMors pot tlicir suns and boilers in Germany. FITS remianentlv curi.i.No (its or nervousness art?r Mrs! day's use of Dr. Kline's tlr-a Nerve l.v.tor?r.*2t rial hotf le and irr tl isefre>? Dr. If.u.slivi.Ltd.. f'8i Arch St.. l'liiln., Fa. 'I'lie average sa'arv of clergymen in tiie L"list? ?? Stntes is Si',.1:1 a year. Mr?. Wins low's Sr. o ill in-: Sy-ut> Tor clii!(Jr??'i teethin.'-soften the rann i-.vln.-uu ;.. tion.allny*nniii.ciit-eft windeoli *. 2.V. :i bottle Tl?? firs', triie!?!c?? trollev m America will lx* run in Franklin. V !!. I dr. not believe r? s ('urn for Consii'nn1 ion bu? in equal b?r on-.tvbs an.I colli - Tons I . la'Yii4.. !vbillv --V'. ' Its generally youth nn?l not learning that mukos young people sot-tnnrt. So. 36. An liarly Riser. Rumnipr Boarder?You sat. up rather late last night, did yon not? I heard you going to bed about 3 a. m. Farmer?O. I was jes gettin' up then. Half- S/cA] muw.-rt- ? yiTui_x. ^.-azTsjxz^. i nrsi usca >tycr s oarsapanna in the fall of 1848. Since then I I have taken it every spring as a I blood-purifying and nerve- I strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your , nerves arc weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old standard family medicine, Aycr's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve I lifter, a perfect blood g builder. SI.OO o botlle. All iranlsta. I Aik yonr doctor w1iat Jtc thlnkR o' Ayer's I Sarin|iarlllH. Ho knowi all about t'lli grand I old fnnitly rucdtctno Follow bla advice and n wo will be intlitlol [1 J. u. Ann Co., l^jWell, Man. Cross? r\ i ? * - - foor man i nc can't help JL, It's his liver. He needs liver pill. Ayer's Pills. ! Want your moustache or heard a 11 beautiful brown or rich black ? Use BucHingham'sDye SOctl. of druggntsor R P. Hall&Co , Nuhua N.H r Situations Secured for yraduntcn or tuition refunded. 'Write at onrr for catalogue and ?pe< ial offers. Ifesey CoHegelf Louisville. Ky. Montgomery. Ala. Houston. Tox. Columbus. G|. Richmond. Vs. Birmingham. Ala. Jacksonville. Fl? oVioVloVloVioitoVioJdovioUoVioVioVioVi I TTEADAGHE, I fi n FKVERIS11 CONDITIONS jr oil AND COLDS CURED BY o S Uc A P.U DINE o f Mold by nil Dructlvt*. ^ : Ho?ioHoM,o?tononoiaonoHo?to?o*o ' FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER f _^| TAKE hlixir babek.i Known nil orrr American* the ?urt^t , ur.-for nil in?'oi lul ll?<'*vK and I aa a prnraiiiivp nuatnai lyphol. I'rupared by j KI.O("/.KiV?l?lii HI. n ninimn. B.C. i tW Write/or testinmniaU. Genalne stamped C C C. Mover sold ia balk. B?ware of the dealer who tries to sell 'something jut as good." dropsy! to. fR V 10 OATS' TREATMENT FREE. CI . Jv ,H?T8 made Dropsy and lU cop* QOb y plicatlopi a puoialty for twenty ysarswuh, tne mo?t wondcrfal A ( (D006K. Havo curedmany tnoua/<i cuia, it. rL a. osixri boms, " Box 11 Atlutki Go. MVAHS l hare been a great aufferer with piles for years, and 1 hare tried everything I heard of, and have been In the hospital at times. I hare had bleeding piles, and felt terrible. An aunt of mine came from the country to see me and she made me take Blpans Tabnles. I first took two foor ( times a day, then I took one at each meal, and then one every day. At , the end of two weeks I felt a great change. I thank Ripens for relieving, me of all I suffoiyd. At druggists. ' The five-Coot peek* is enough far an ordinary ononstop. The faatoiftettto, <P cents, eontatne a a apprise '^TT'i FOR HARNESS aSMf} at unco, and you will be ustonishod #^11 \ v? 11 It's this W? You can burn }*our3 Powder, etc., or you with Steam or Ilot1 only one proper waj scald and that is by Mexican Mustang- ] It gives immediate rolicf I linen cloth, saturato itwitl ' loosely upon the wound. 1 idea what an excellent rem you liavo tried it. t ft FOWL TIP. other poultry Idnlment. It ia called a btasdau BsnBna?n&i'?l ?C? uin&si tl'sOUT. , RAIL THE GREJil OF TRJIDE Jx Uniting the Prim Centers and Hea Resorts of the <Sot NORTH, Em li((h?Clan? Vcttibulr Trni betwaon Now YorI[ and Cincinnati unci Vtorida Ajhevilic. lsul Vn^lr ~ ? .1 I-r 1 I and Sav&nnalii or via Savannah. Superior Dinin^-Cnr rT-rvic Excellent Service ancl Lo' count ?nuth Carolina In Expoti'ion. Winter Touriot Tickets to reduced rates. Par detailed information, Uto apply to nearest ticket'agont, a S. 11. HARDWICH, General Passenger Jtgrnt, Washington, D. C. R. w. hvnt, S ? Die, Passenger Jl.-jent, ? C/tarteston, S C. racRUANY 10. iscc: t||B ?|| h Mil l llllB.illiln i II mill! ll PROMINtNT PtOPi-E. Senator Burton, of Kansas, has startmi on a trip to Hawaii. The Emperor William will pay the King of Italy a retunj vtsit to Borne. Andrew Carnegie, who bought tlie famous library belonging to Eord Acton. lias presented it to John Morley. Senator Vest is becoming extremely feeble, and 110 longer walks unattended. His eyes, too, have grown weak. The Sultan of Turkey liaR given a tiny pony and carriage to the Kaiser's little daughter. Princess Victoria Ixmlse. ruiuirr * apuun lircyfus has never recovered from the- horrors of his life in prison and is saiil to he in danger of going blind. W! J. Bryan will devote October to campaigning in Nebraska, hut adds that lv? will make few speeches outside that State this fall. Former President Kruger, of the Transvaal, has rented three villas at Nice, nnd will spend the winter there with his entourage. General Funston has recovered from the effect of a recent operation and has resumed Iris duties at the head of his department, nt Denver, Col. Professor C. E. Borchgrevink. the explorer, Is trying to interest the Carnegie Institution nt Washington in a proposed expedition to the South Pole. At the Vatican it is stnted on good authority that Archblslwp Ireland will he nominated a Cardinal at the Consistory closing the Pope's jubilee year. King Bid ward VII. is said to wear a six and seven-eighths bat. This makes the circumference of his head where the hot touches twenty-oue und threequarter Inches. Senor Sagasta, Prime Minister of Rpaln, was originally a society reporter of a Madrid paper. He la now nenrly eighty years old. his face scarred by as many wrinkles as was Von Moltke'g during the latter's closing years. ti ? Sores Mexican Mustang jv ?st what you n?e<l. It takes effect to seo how quickly it koala sorea. M I 2|1R> ' ||S' \ \\N^' ? iy: elf with Fire, with l can scald yourself iVater, but there is lt r to cure a burn or ? using u b C I) Liniment. I1 1 Oct a picco of soft ol<l ?, ti this liniment ami bind f. fou can have no adequate edy this is for a burn until e 8 bird afflicted with Roup or any 1 disease use Mexican Mustaug D remedy by poultry breeders. 8 F-^T<grTv .-v?irv mnrr iLLa.iuimuia -1 HISB-N I i -WAY 'I ' HIGHWAY i WO TRAVEL. | cipal Commercial 9 1th and Pleasure | ith with the j& g T and WEST. I ns, T!iro?j<h Slrcpinp'-Ciiri L Mev/ Orlonnt, via A.lonta. M I'o'.rit.l via Atlanta and via K er vIa Lynchbu-^'i Danville I Ricamond, Dur.villo and Eq :e on all Through Tralni. w ur Rates to Charleston ac- r ter-Stuie and West Indian I ! all Hasor'.s now on sale at |j ratare, tltnm tablet, rat mi S ir address n W. II.TAYLOE, ? Mast. Can. Pass. Stgent, St tlanta, Ga. I J. C. BEAM. ?1 I District Pass. St gent, S Sttlanta, Ga. B LABOR WORLD. Over 10.000 white farmers are needed in Natal. South Africa. The-o are "J0.000 unemployed in the Province of .Mntanzas, Cuba. Laborers on the a?iueduct at Croton, N. Y? have been granted a ten-hour day. Laborers at Holyoke. Mass.. avoided a strike by uniting with the Protective Union. Ogden, Utah, lalior unions are successfully agitating a Friday half-holiday movement. Utiles of their international organisation prohibit barbers' unions from participating in politics. Union miners at Lafayette. Pol., have won their strike, the iion-uuiou men consenting to join the union A movement is on foot to establish a branch of United Typographical Workers' Union in Lotyistoti, Me. San Francisco, Pal., upholsterers have received an Inwnnsn nf - ~..-v 11 j tt-uiB a day under tin* new wage schedule, the former rate being $iJ. The heads of the telegraph department of the different railroads in Indiana are trying to find some remedy j for the scarcity of telegraph otterators. I Employes of the Yonkers, N. Y., elce- a trie road were granted an increase from eighteen cents an hour to twenty eents after a strike lasting only three hours. In order to prevent further strikes J the Government of Spain has issued A an order that eight hours shall coustl- v i tute a day's lubor on all Government ? v work. ] Striking plumbers at Clnrksburg. W. Vs.. have Knitted a vietory. The scale ~ providing for a tliree-quurter day, with double pay for overtime, has been signed. Demands of firemen on large lake u steamers for more men lu tbe tire hole ^ is being generally met by the owners. u The new order gives three shifts of firemen Instead of two. . _ _ - - Education For Hangmen. ~ j England has a school for the educa- ( on of hangmen. This latest admet to civili7ation in Great Britain ] as established as a result of bungng work by executioners during the tst few months. The work of a hangman is light and 10 pay high so there are already a umber of pupils at the school which i in London. A session there is an ^ iteresting sight. One of the pupils } cts as the subject, the attendants < iking turns pla;. ing the role of the i ondhmned. Hanging consists not j < lerely in pla; inn a man over a trap oor and launching him into space by leasing n bolt. Thee are var?ou3 ice preliminaries to h? cone through. First the condemned must he artistallv pinioned. Then he must be upported on his way to the scaffold, i order to avoid > aint'ul scenes, fter that there is the rope to lie adisted quickly and without fumbling. 1 order that the agony may not be rolongcd on the scaffold. The rope lust be strong enough to bear the eight of tiie condemned, but not so lick as to slowly choke the condemnd to death. I Useful Birds in thj Garden. The meadow lark subsists on nov->us weed seeds, waste grain nnd in- , ects. But the lark is looked upon ( s good game for the table and is umbered among the insectivorous i irds which are not protected undef xlsting laws. The house wren, blue ird, cat bird, brown thrasher and all nrieties of sparrows, except the ling- i sh sparrow, are highly useful birds ) bout the garden, field and farm and o an immense amount of good and 1 ut little or r.o harm. These birds ] bould he protected in every way posib'.e. because they are truly the farm- J r's friend. Millions of injurious ineets of all kinds are annually dc- { troyed by them, and but for their i iresence on the farm, many crops j rould be annually destroyed by in j < ects or only protected at great ex- j ; ease to the farmer.?New York Sun. ; < 11 FACTORY LOADED J || "New Rival" "Lec IS y?u arc ^??^in8 ?:1 g| 18 munition, the kind lfaL8|S p0int your gun, b gj Loaded Shotgun Shells: "] ||j Black powder; "Leader1* jjpj with Smokeless. Insist t H Factory Loaded Shells, jR ALL DEALERS mo. ao. "i" GOOD I 3K~~| THINGS TO EAT 0SS& Prom Llbby'i famous ^ hyjjlenlo kitchen*. Wo employ a chof LIBBVS Natural Flavor Food Products Wa doot praotlee economy bwru. 11a iim the Tery chotonl material*. A supply on your pantry shelves rnthlci you to have Always at hand the casenOult for tb? wry host meals. I libby, McNEILL 8l libby . CHICAGO, U. 8. A. Write for our booklet "How to Mam Good Tiniw to Eat." IEW PENSION LAVKSruI pply to NATHAN Hit KFOItl), U14 V Hi., Washington, It. Cm ' WANTED aoo Touns Men I one* to qualify far go<il roeltlon? which we 'ill gnar.niinr tn writing under a 95,000 epoeit to promptly piocure them. fhe Ga.-Ala. Bus. College, MACON, GEORGIA. m of us" ran iheolately tlaUMrwM. T?U? where and hew > inveet monwfpUy. MB llfe-Uko engraving* of lining ntau mu<. etc Cripple Creek g?W impiuHy geacriaei 0?ly await Million left, wad <lej\ rt?l fre* to all. tugetMr wtth preapevfue SURGICAL OPERATIONS How Mrs. Bruce, ft Noted Opera Hinder, Escaped an Operation. J?roof That dlany Operations for Ovarian Troubles arc Unnecessary. " Dr:.\n Mas. Pixuham :?Trnvollinff for ye or s on the road, with irregular meals and sleep ami damp beds, bruho ' lown my health so completely t-ivo jrears a^o that the physician advised a soinplete rest, and when 1 had kmmxl \TV-'WJ \l ' ? MRS. O. BRUCE. ufllciont vitality, ?.a operation far ovarian troubles. Not a very cheerful i prospect, to be sure. 1, however, was advised to try L.vdia K. Pinklmin's Vegetable * Compound and Sanative Wash; 1 did so. fortunately for me. Before a month had passed I felt that ,my general health had improved ; in three months more 1 was cared, and I have been in perfect health since. I {fid not lose an engagement or miss a meal. " Your Vegetable Compound is certainly wonderful, and well worthy the praise your admiring friends who have been cured are ready to give you. I always speak highly of it, and you will admit I have good reason to do w>."?Mrs.;}. Brcck,'Lansing, Mich. j j COO forfeit If above testimonial im not genuine. The fullest counsel on this subject can ho secured without rest by writing to Mrs Pinklitvin, Lynn, Mass. Your letter will bo entirely confidential. ROYAL ii JRCESTER | AND ON TON OR.S ETS STRAIGHT FRONT made in all the latest shapes :olors. They have no equals, no others are "just as pood." your dealer about them. ' a! Worcester Corset Co. Worcoster, Mass. SHOTGUN SHELLS ^ ader" "Repeater" || or reliable shotgun am- BS that shoots where you gj uy Winchester Factory || New Rival," loaded with || and "Repeater," loaded k ipon having Winchester E and accept no others. E KEEP THEM JP f THIS IS A TYPE of the is not afraid of sun, wind Cuticura Soap assisted b preserve, purify and beautif hands, and to protect her fi heat rash, sunburn, bites anc and soreness incidental to 01 MF~Mucfc that all ah on Id k?<Hr abm the circular with Ccncv&a Sojj. Top dog lo any shoe "red'seal* $3 & $3*83SHOES S W. L. Oouylas shoes am the stif dard vf tl< world. W. L. Douulos made ami soM mnrr ir.< ti's f.oodjrinr Walt illan-l sfnul Prornsl shoes !:i the first si* month* ol 11102 ihun anv other ittnuufcriurer. (*tn nnr> UKIV V Ul? will he i>nl<t to uuiiic who \9 I vli?i0*0 ran li?pnivr this it at W. L. D05JCLAS$4SKOES CANNOT BE FXCELL1ID. ir::1;,;,. ii.i03.s-jo cmow Bi s! Iiancr'ct uril A n-e-irc.o lent rr. Ilryl'3 Betent Catf. Euatnol, [i <x C- ". Coif. Vl'i i\ il. Corona Colt, No'. Kco-joroo. Fast Color Kjelefs ihcmI. Civ'tntl ' The (. 'aula'' tvivo W. T.. TO^OLAB' niitap nuJ rrlco ptrunpfKl u.i '-ottom. H/iOtS by tntiil, 2!ir. rxtru. //'m.s-. ( <!.'?>>, w. l. douglas. brockton, mass. Piles or Hemorrhoids whether itching, bleeding or protruding, promptly relieved and pirmancnty cured hv my method without knife or operative measures. Write me fully regarding your ease and I will advise you honestly in the matter. Consultation free. I'rice of treatment complete. only 1'i.on, Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Write today. Dr. H. N. TANNER. Ervst Aurora.. N. Y. rpiYcgpal male academy, L HOUSTON, VA. reoroanizk'i is 1900. Kluitrnli 01 nil Dcnominatlona Kuro'le I. Acsdcmle, College - Frparatory and Hu-lness Courses. A Christian home h'IiihiI for boys nnd young men. All boarding pupils reside In ttie homo i f the Principal. N? sslon begin* Septenits'r 17. 1902. 1 arm* low. Kor new lllustrated catalogue address, I'nOs. J. COI.Kfv [Cornell Univ.] I'hi.scii'aaRichmond Female Seminary Aseli-ct Honn school For Yuuiir Lndies. For terms and catalogue address, C. P. WILLI AflSON, Pres., I No.3 EastGruce St., RICH/TOND, VA. COMMEoCml. COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIVFRSITT, LEXINGTON, KV. I *S"jl lllfbcii award at World', Ktpultloo. I Hook keeping. Mutln,,-. Short hand TTPS I Writing and T*-..-graphr taught. lov Ht, | drnta. 13 taaetiar,. lu.UWt.' ra t uat* , to Hti,1u,??. A'ow a?drtaa Wil.ULU 17- SMITII. Pre, t. l.r\lnatun. Kg. VUC ELLIS CHAMPION GRAIN and l'F.VNDT I lib THKEniiKItS egcell all otheis by the (|uaa0 tlty and junllry of Its work, und durability of lis construction. Ihroenli-s for steam and tread power. For free catalogue, price*, tormt. Ac. addresa, UKll. C. lll HIlKhH. General Agent, burgess. Ya fOLFM AN-W AGENER l hadiiu) adc rn ? n/ii\i; tt niiL, 8C3 Kins Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. (GKO. A. WAGESEU, I'RIWlKF.vr. OFFICERS: , <IEn. Y. COLEMAN. VICK I'ltKMDFKT. (I U. ItA I.L. >KCT'V .V TltliAH. FreeJTest Tyqat :r. est i If Tou have no faith in my method of tiiniimriu,uic r. ?uxuph? of >oor inormnn urm? for nnabnis. 1 will then send you t?y mail my opinion of your! nuowwk'n t if.*t ujwnt FREE OF ALL COST. You will then bo convinced that my treatment t-nroft. M ailnnr cane and hottlft for urine nftht frm?. DIV.,1. ILSHAHHR. 522 Fcnn Ave., Pittsburg, Pt, CI REPAIRS m llYfll 8AW8, RIBS. (SI M tdfl Hristle Twine, Kabblt, k9 D Ac., for Kiiy innke of Oln ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repalra for name. Shafting. Pulleys, Melting, Injectors. I'lpee, Valves and Pitting#. LOUBAKU IKON WORKS AN1) SLITLT COMPANY. Augusta, Ua. bright, up-to-date girl who or weather, but relies on y Cuticura Ointment to y her skin, scalp, hair and rom irritations of the skin, J stings of insects, lameness utdoor sports. K Um *kin, semlp, mad hair U uM km