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p t = VOL. XI. GROWTH OF Tilt COUNIRY" I Increase of the United States it Area, Wealth and Products. STORY OF A CENTURY'S PROGRESS Tlid Trraoury DrpHrtmrlit lMncen lhi> >"h- i tloii'n Wealth nt ?D4.00(1.<100.000 ? Value of Our 1'nHiiii.lniiK liirrmoeil * Thirteen Fold nnil An n Almost (Quadrupled?Statlstirs About Asrlculture. Washington, P. P.?A moving picture of conditions in the United States at decennial intervals from 1SOO to 1 ST?0, and aimunlly from 1ST?0 to 11)00. is pre- \ seuted in a monograph issued l?y the Treasury Bureau of Statistics. The area lias grown from S27.NH square tnllcs in 1800 to P.,02.".000 square j miles in 11)02. exclusive of Alaska and | tlie islands belonging to tlie United I States. The populntion per square mile, j which "was iu 1810, was "Jo.I iu 1002. The total wealth has grown from $7,000,000,000 in isr.o to an estimated $5)4.(HHl,tH)0,(MH) in 15 >00. and the per enpita wealth from $.".07 in 1ST.0 to $12:'.r? in 1DOO. 'n 1 SO0 the public debt was Sir. per capita: in lS-io it had fallen to twentyone cents per capita: in 1ST.2 it was $2.'i7 per capita: in lSf.l, before the beginning of the war. $2.71. and | then mounted rapidly until it became I $70.5)S per capita in 1St>0. gradually ; fallinc again after the war. It is j $12,517 in 15)02. The money in circulation amounted to $13.85 per capita in 1800. anil in . 15102, *28 40 per capita, the highest i point that it lias ever reached. Depos- : its In savings hanks amounted to $1.i:is.r,70 in lS2tt, and S2.r.5)7,05?l.r.Jd in; 15)01. The individual deposits iu National ; hanks have grown from S.V>0.010.873 in ISO.", to $3,111,000.15)0 in 1002. The numher of farms Increased from ; 1.440.073 in lSfiO to r..730.?r?7 in lOOO: i the value of farms and farm property I from $4,000,000,000 to $20,000,000,000. ' and tlie value of their product, which was not measured until 1S7ti, grew from $1.!).*i8.0<HM>O0 in tliat year to $3.TO'.ooo.oimi in loon. Tlie vaiue of farm animals increased from $54-1.000.000 in 1XT.O to $2.ttS1.00().000 in 1000. The value of the product of the manufacturing Industries -row front $1.0(1!t.(KM).(V10 in isr.o tr. $1: in 11(00; the number of people employed therein crow from less than 1,000.000 In that period to (i.TDO.OOO. NINTH CAVALRY RELEASED. To ttrtunt Kriitn thr I'll iti |>i>tnfi on tlse Transport l.nsiin. Washington, l >. C.?(Jeneral Chaffee ltns oahlod the War Department that lie and his successor, (leneral Davis, believe another regiment of cavalry i can be spared from .duty in the rhil- j ipi?ines. Tito necessary orders for this ] have been given, and he will send home one regiment, and the headquarters j and six troops of the ? inth Cavalry AVill he relieved from duty and sail on the Logan for San Francisco. The rest of the regiment will sail two weeks later. The stations for this regiment In the United Slates have not yet been i designated. It will require consider- j able shifting of troops to provide for It. , The organization of a large number j of batteries for Held artillery was an- ' thorized at the last session of Con- i gross, and ;.tese were assigned to qunrters and stables formerly occupied by 1 li*?<*.>. rfis iiiv accommodations for j the* 80 butteries hnve not been constructed, It will ho necessary to crowd the cavalry regiment considerably to get them under shelter for the winter, and it may be necessary to put some of the organisation in camp, as was recently done with the intire Seventh Cavalry at Chickainauga Park. MESSENGER GIRLS DO WELL. Chlcicn Kranch of lhi> W?it?rn Union DeeUIri to Alxiliili tti<* l'?? of llovn. Chicago.?The familiar messenger boy, so long identified with telegrams, is -about to disappear, so far as tin* branch of the Western Union Company here is concerned. This lias been finally decided by the local officers of the company having the matter in charge. The latest strike of the boys, the third disturbance in a month, forced the American District Telegraph Company, which supplies the messengers for the Western Union, to hire 4IK) girls to taue the strikers' , places, and after a trial of nearly a week it is aeclared that their services are satisfactory The girls are worn lug in the business district and the residence portions of the city during the day. The night force is made up of young men, not boys. JUDGE IGNORES ACE LIMIT. Ckldwdl, of, Is Seventy, Rat Thinks He li flood For Several Years Yet. Little Rock, Ark.?A letter was received here from Judge H. C. Caldwell, of the United States Court of Appeals, stating that he had reached the age limit of seventy yeurs, and that he had finally decided not to retire. The Judge says that l.e is enjoying the best of henlth, and believes that he is good for the beueh for several years yet. lie says lie has 110 idea of resigning. whether Cougress passes the iucrease Judielary salary bill or not. .Judge Caldwell's home is in Little Rock. 1 I ORT F< MILLIONS BET ON RACES! $13,200,000 Wagered at Saratoga During the Season Just Ended. ]loi)kiiink?r? Did Not ICchji tho llarvrM Tlicy Kxppcted?l.aige Individual Witil> t it CI? \Y 1111 n ?-v Compliment ed. Saratoga, N. Y ?Thirteen million two j hundred thousand dollars is tlie most conservative estimate given by experts of the amount wagered at the Saratoga race track during the season which lias just ended. Senator Patrick II. McCarren is of the opinion that at least St?dO,?Kto a day, on an average, lias been placed with the bookmakers. Ilooktnaker .Joe I lima 11. who handled $12!MKKl one day and broke the record a few days later by handling $ I.TJ.t><>'>, declares thai on certain days nearly or quite J?'J.tK)0.(n)!t had been wagered. The Mcfarren and the rilmati statements are regarded generally as the conservative and the extreme. These figures do not include any private bets which may have been made. The Gates. the Drakes and the Pittsburg "Phils'' have hit the bookie* so hard at times that the sixty odd lie. a who have done business for the twenty-two days have not reaped the harvest some of them expected. A careful observer of their doings said that he doubted if the bookies could count on more than two per cent, profit at the track. Tills would give them on \ $2tU,nOO to the good, out of which must be taken at least $1h(i.oon for exnptises. Tin* biggest individual winning on i single diiy was scored b.i "Pittsburg Phil." wlwn ho cleared u]? StUMHkv lolin W. lintes, who has made miserable overy bookmaker whenever he went ilown the line, achieved the (lisi lilt"!inn of i lit* l;t!*CO>*t o.SSSS placed on a single horse, lie cashed in &ti).OfV) on High Chancellor the day he bd't for Denver to wrestle with Osgood for control of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company. John A. Drake has once or twice pocketed SVUion as a day's winnings. he and other Westerners lost heavily by hacking Articulate, a nag which has proved a sore disappointment to Chicago and St. I-onis plungers. At tlie close of the last day's racing President Whitney exchanged eongrnt nlations with directors and others interested in the Saratoga Association upon the completion of the most suecessfnl season on record. For half an hour President Whitney either acknowledged or dodged lmnquets hurled at 111 in by the Itehnoiits, TUteheoeks. Wilsons. Follansbees, W( rdeieg lawyers and Alexandres upon bis admirable management of the affairs of the corporation. Treasurer Andrew Miller estimates that wli 'ti the honks are balanced the Dinv'Ue ? ?-'-11 * ' r " .mi urn He isir i roin summhio. j against $7d.OOO in V.tOl. The usual i tP<. per cent. dividend will be declared. The sui'i) is will be 'evotcd to now j yearling stnlilcs. training track and j otIter improvements. WHAT! CHANCE HER HAIR? Vlifi WonM *>?i It rnrlc Sum'* Km|i!oT Vlrnt, iitxl IMil. Washington. IT C.?A young woman pressfi odor in tlio Clovernnient Printing Otlioo has pi von up Iior job rather than change the style of doing up her hair. Th" foreman of the press room toM her she must change it or quit, as it interfered with her duty as a pressfeeder. She appealed to Private Secretary Ulcketts. who is looking after affairs In the absence of Public Printer Palmer. Mr. Picket Is courteously discouraged her. "I am sorry, madam." he said, "that you are having serious differences with Mr. MeWhnrland. I would not attempt for anything in the world to suggest to you how to wear your hair, which. I am sure, is most attractive, hut the complaint is that your hair interferes with the feeding of the presses and causes the spoiliug of many sheets of paper." The young woman went home. MILLIONAIRE JONES" WAS A MYTH Ko?1nn-Ctilrac" Mvar*rjr Fxpli*ln?v<l m nine to I-.xtnrt Fuatls. Chicago.? Tlio mystery surrounding the supposed dentil of "IMiiletus .Tones, millionaire." of Boston, whose death notice recently appeared in Chicago newspapers, was cleared up by the confession of John A. I., a local real estate broker that he had invented "Mr. .Tonys" in order to secure real estate commissions. He planned n ruse whereby "Mr. Jones" was to buy extensively of Chicago property for hotel purposes. An agreement was drawn up between the supposed Jones and a real estate owner and a commission was promised. These promised commissions were offered as security for a loan. Suspicion was cast on when the death notice appeared. In explanation, Lee. who is an old man. said that lie felt sure he could have sold the property to some on<> if he had lind time. It is said no prosecution will result. LANDSLIPS KILL HUNDREDS. Knln In Two Indian Towui Cnuaed by the Overflowing of Klvera. Caleuttn, India.- Heavy rains hav* caused the Stivers Bnghninti uud Visit nuuinti to overflow. Serious landslips have resulted and hundreds of persons in the cities of Ulmtgnon and Patau have been killed. The Baghmatl and, Vlshnmnati are tributaries of the (lunge*. The inundated region Is lu the extreme north of Hlndostan. i \ MI] ORT MILL, S. C., WEE ins bv strikers] Troops Ordered Out in the West Virginia Mining Region. NON-UNION MENARETERRORIZED Governor Slntoa That lit SoikIk Militia to I'rotfH I.I IV mul I'rnperljr, Itnt Not to hettlo tl\<? strike?Citizen* ltrfufte to j Aid lite Shrrllt?Klrft CIhhIi With So!iliiT* In IVnnstylvanlH. Roanoke, Vn.?A dispatch from Rlttcflold. West Va., says that there in great excitement on Crane Creek and Simmons Creek over the recent shootings. John Ritbie, a blacksmith employed by i the Sagamore* Coal and Coke Com- I pany. was shot by striking miners and killed. Ruble, in company with Rarncy Shit- ! mate, of tliis city, wlio had been cmployed as a guard, left the company store to go to a point on the works to | watch, as the company feared a visit from a mob. Kit route they were tired on. and Ruble fell. Shumate opened fire on the milters, who after their first volley tied. None of them lias been arrested. The non-union men who took strikers' places are terrorized, and a good many of them are leaving. A number of guards have been engaged, and rushed to the works. Charleston. West Va#?The troops ordered to the New River strike district by Coventor White arrived during the afternoon, establishing headquarters at Thurmond. The situation is very acute. Sheriff Daniel, who is here front Fayette County, says he is powerless to repress disorder, and property and lite are in (imsiniii danger. Nearly everybody refuses to act as deputy sheriffs to assist In the eviction of striking miners, and hence the Sheriff made n request for troops. tjovernor White says lie sends the troops to protect life and property, hut not 10 settle the strike. That, he says. in-mm:s 10 ine minors ami operators. Mobs attack soluii rs. C?t? Cull of MIUIIm Arf Sionot, ntul C:iptiiln In Hurt. Tnmnqitn, Pa.?The first clash lietwoon the striking miners ami the troops has occurrctl. ami as a result five prisoners are in the guard-house at tlio Twelfth Regiment oamn. anil Captain .1. Reaver (.Jearlieart, of Company F, Twelfth Regiment. is stifforing from a wound on his shoulder, made liy a stone thrown liv a striker. X report trained eurretiey that the striking men were gathering in force to make a niaivli on the No. 4 colliery, whore th:> T.ehigh Coal and Navigation Company is mining and cleaning eoal 'I'iie colliery 's at the wesi end of the Panther Creek Valley, and the troops wore on"!'Ted to that point. Companies F ainl K. of the Twelfth Regiment. i were placed on trolley ears and run through tiie valley, Puring (lie trip the ears were surrouuded liy a mob of strikers, who hurled at the soldiers. .Tames Marteen, an Italian, was caught In tiie act of hurling a stone at the cars. Wlien tlie soldiers attempted to capture hint Marteen offered resist- j ance. and the soldiers were compelled to fix their bayonets. In the melee which followed Marteen xvas slightly wounded in the left side. On fli?> i-otni"" ?- ? ? * ? _ , .,in|i ,-i mrge moil was encountered, and for a time It j looked as though there would be an- i other riot. As the first ear was passing through the mob Captain (Jenrheart j was struck in the right shoulder by a stone. Several soldiers jumped from the ear anil after tin exciting struggle j captured Joseph McCaun, a young mi- 1 iter. The cars proceeded again, but had j not gone far when another crowd was \ encountered and the soldiers were ; again taunted and stoned. Half a I dozen soldiers jumped off and captured three men. who. it is alleged, were urging the crowd to attack the troops. Tlte men gave their names as John King. Timothy King and John Kelly. T&ey were taken to camp at Manila Park, whore, together with McCann and Marteen. they were placed under a heavy guard. ROBBER CETS S3700. An-aiilln n New t(?m|>nMre Stntion Agent 1 aixl steal- an Kipron Package. Manchester. X. II. ? A powerfully built man. who is supposed to have arrived on the 8.40 train from ltostou. as -nubed tlK> station and express agent at Goff's Falls ns soon as the train loungers had left the depot and obtained a pneknge containing $3700, which came via the American Express and was designed to nav the botn n* tlK Devonshire Mills. A. H. McDerraott, the station agent, was taken unawares and could not Htve n satisfactory description of the robber, who ran over the Merrlmne Uiver bridge and escaped Into the woods. The exploit was evidently carefully planned. ClUDAD BOLIVAR BOMBARDED. Government Wnrshlp Attacks the Town Held by Insurgents?Many Killed. Washington. D. C. ? Unlte<l States Minister Ho wen has cabled the State Department'from Caracas. Venezuela, thht a Government warship which recently arrived at Da Guayra report* that for two days she bombarded 01 u lad Bolivar, after which she withdrew, naving exhausted her ammnnltloii. Other reports say that many persons were killed or wounded. British subjects hare asked that a war.; hip be sent "op their protection. LL J] (NESI)AY, SKTTE.MBE MINOR EVENTSUf IHtWEElM WASHINGTON ITEMS, Lieutenant Chandler reported recordbreaking target practice by the torpedo flotilla. Six thousand Navajo Indians were said to he starving, and relief was asked and granted front the Interior Department. A new ruling allows postmasters to contribute cash, but liars them from personal participation in political campaigns. Internal revenue collections for July W/lVft I'd! '{"M ? iljiOfaneo o'-on 1 ? ?- # your of $7,107,537. The Navy Department accepted the torpedo boats DcLong ami Wilkes. Secretary Shaw compel! >1 leaili;:^ New York banks to issue nearly 000,000 in new circulation. Plans for the reunion of Civil War , veterans at Washington in October were made public. The opinion was expressed in Washington that the President's speech at Providence would be used for a campaign document. OtTIi ADOI'TKI) 1st.AN m. Tleennse of inadequate appropriations the First Circuit Court of Hawaii erased jury trials, presiding Judge Rear dismissing the jury for the term. Over lot) prisoners are in jail awaiting trial. The Judges appealed to Coventor 1 tole. The appointment of Mgr. Cnidi. Papal Auditor, to be Apostolic Delegate to the Philippines was announced at the Vatican. Mrs. Chaffee, wife of Oeneral Chaffee. who has been seriously ill at Mai nlla. is out of all danger. Frank II. Howen. Acting SuperinI tendent of Puhlie Instruct ion in the Philippines, denied anti-Catholie proselyting by Protestant school teachers in tiie islands Official figures show 'jri.flO I cholera cases and lX.tMO deaths hi the Philippines tip to date, the actual number of cases and deaths lrring largely in excess of these llgures. Governor Taft has resumed his offi- j rial duties in the Philippines. The Governor testified in a newspaper se- . dition case in Manila, giving his reasons for appointing former insurgent chiefs to civil offices. The situation in Mindanao, P. T.. where the Morns have been causing | trouble, continues critical. DOMKST1C. President Ttnnsovelf itollvnrnd speeches in Nashua. Manchester. The Weirs ami Concord, X. II. Newport (It. 1.1 villas were damaged by concussion from big gun target practice at Fort Adams. Nebraska will figlit the proposed beef combination when il is effected. Ada ft ray, well known for her long poirayal of iho leading role in "Fast l.ynne." died at New York City after t long Illness. Senator Ilanna said street railways ought to pay dividends of seven p r cent, and bold franchises in perpetuity. Sergeant Coon, of Troop IT. Tli'r1 teentli Cavalry, stationed at Fort Keough, Mont., was drowned while at- | tempting to swim the Yellowstone , River. \f..o ? II...I I ? - ?:.1 -" ' ! .? i.Hill n- .\. ii(i|imiik, iviumv <>i mi' | American Minister to Argentina, was instantly killed by n street car in St. ' Ixiuis, Mo. After cutting iiis wife's throat with n razor at r*liillii?sl?nrjr. Kan., Chester West brook killed himself. Tlx* safe ami vault in the court house at Ipswich, Edmonds County, S. !?., were robbed of $2700 in sold, presumably by some one familiar with the i ofilee. Governor Odell. in a speech in I.ovrville. N. Y., declared his belief that a reduction of tariff duties would i of solve the trust problem. President Burt, of the Union Pacific, was held in $.'1(?00 bail for trial at | Omaha. Neb., charged with restrneting the liberty of strike leaders. In a trolley car collision at Hubbard. Ohio, Motorman Joseph Thomas was killed and S. 8. Butt fatally Injured. Burglars took $800 in stamps and money from tlie postotliec at Kidgetop, ; Term. A New York society woman mourns the loss of a smuggled $20.00(1 pearl necklace taken from her on the pier by customs officers. One of the Armour officials declared ' in Omaha. Neb., that tlie great meat packers' combination had been effected. Itussell Sage declared that J. Pier- I nrtflt \f Avrrn ?? oa..1,1 **?- - - ? ' .?vignu vuiuii m'iiil* ilie coal | strike, and regard for the public welfare made it obligatory on him to act. Water spouts formed nhout five miles off Cape May, N. J., before many spectators. Ariel Mitchelson, of Tariffville, Conn., said he had hired 200 chorus girls In New York City to work in tobacco fields. FbRKION. Sir Thomas Upton's third challenge for the America's Cup will be issued in September. Members of the Cuban House of Representatives, resenting the granting of the Caseaneda franchise, are urging the Impeachment of President Palma. The King of Italy, ns the guest of Emperor Willlnm, entered the city of Berlin In state; subsequently, at a banquet. speeches renewing the pledges of the Trlpl Alliance were made by the Emperor and the King. The Increased demand from the United States sent up the prices of Iron and. steel products in Great Britain. pime :R 1902. KILLED BY EARTHQUAKES About Twenty Native Victims of Seismic Disturbances in Mindanao. Over 40(1 Shock h Were Kelt Within n cck^Moro IV.rt? wrecked ?Army Storehouse Del roved. Manila.?The Islaiul of Mindanao has heen shaken hy a series of earthquakes. The inhahittmts were terrorized ami a few Moros were killed. There wore no American casualties. The commissary huildlif's nnd tlio Morn forts wore badly damaged. Hrixadicr-Cciicral Simmer tin command of the Anieriean troops at Mindanao), telegraphs that a dozen heavy eart hshoeks ami -Ittit slight tremors were felt at Zatnl>oant;o, Mindanao. Washington. 1>. The V\"ar l?e- i partinent has received a dispatch from tleneral ChalTeo, at Manila, reportiti:; the occurrence of a series of earthquakes on the Island of Mindanao. Twenty persons were killed hy falling walls, the vietitns all !>? lna Mores. The Americans in the vicinity escaped, and the dispatch says there were no reports that any of the soldiers net t.nyitt;: that portion of the island alTeetetl snstaitied any injuries. The npiteaval occurred in the country adjacent to the I.akc of l.anao. in the section of the isl- I ami. near Camp Tickets. whi. h is now the heaihinarters of the Anieriean forces stationed in Mimlanao. tteneral Chaffee's dispatch says the ntoenlains and rivers and other streams were eonsitlerahly disturbed, ami nnfh damage was done. It is presumed here that lite seismic shocks occurred ahotit tive tiays aco tixniyh the date Is not mentioned in tile tlispalelt. This is the first serious earthquakc i reported frost! that countrv wince Amer- ! scan occupation of the lMiilipplnes. The most Important previous seismic distnrhanee in Mindanao was the one that partly destroyed Cains. Kota. ltatu and the villages on the hanks of the lliver Mindanao in iST'-'. This phenomenon closely followed the eruption of the volcano of Makatnrm t ieneriil Chaffee also said tliat I lit* situation in tlit* island in tliat section remains quiet and unchanged. No attacks have been made on the American forces at Camp Vickers since the last report, which was sent ei.uht days ago. WANTS THE WIRELESS SYSTEM. lC??:tr-.\Un?iru] H Iritxlupon IN'coiu tl??' Nu\ v tit- I ?i ?i |* pc <!. 'Washington. 1). C. l\:c Navy 1'elavnt mail public'the report oi' itcar-Admiral kliKgitisou, Commanderin-Chh i of Nor.ii Atl..;..ic .-qoii'lloe. on ;i:c capture the hlte Sipiadruu ttUilei' Commander L'lllsbury. Art- I liti;mi 1 lii. , n>un say-: "Conn: ;nd-r I'ilisii.Jiy'.s tied was deileicl.t ill speed. IIis evasion of the out-.tie sci.a.s ami . arrival nit the ? >asl mid. it -ted was. I think, very creitiiahie >o itmi." Admiral kIi^yr nson eoiicim'.cs with a strong recomiiiendaiion tliat the vis sols of the Navy lie equipped with wireless telegraphy, lie stales the rcresult of (lie operation, in regard to ids I own force, was to gather very valuahle information for tlie intelligence otliee concerning tile enpahilities of defence i and means of eomiiiuuicat ion a lorn; the stretch of New England coast from , Cape Cod to Cortland. The Admiral closes hy observing Unit the operations , have hccii very hcnclicinl in training tlie young men in seouiiug and as oh- , servers. MURDER VERDICT FORCED. juror* In Wilcox Trial Sjiy IIow 11 ny >1 oh { Terrified Tkcm, Norfolk. Vn.?Interest In the Wilcox 1 ' case lias been revived since liis appeal 1 lor a new trial, which was argued in Kaieittii, X. ami the admission of several jurors that their verdict of ' ^ puilty ot murder in the tirst decree for j killing Nellie t'ropsey was the result of direct iniiinni.Ttion by the howling molt I , outside the Court House. , T. IV Wilcox, the prisoner's father, j made affidavit that threats were made against his son tliat if the jury failed ! ; to convict Iti 111 lie would lie killed, and 1 ) that while the Jury was deliberating ( the result of the vote was thrown front I iin winilnw in #!??. ? -- .... ... . 1?? I Kind lll'IOW. J One juror made affidavit before K, I-'. j A.vdlett, tlie prisoner's counsel, that but ^ for the sentiment against the prisoner c ami threats made lie would not have j consented to a verdict of murder in the i llrst decree. Another juror stated that i he had heard while on the jury that <i it' lie had caused a mistrial lie would s luive hut twenty-four hours to leave J the country. o AMERICANS FOR COLOMBIAN NAVY. I , Cn|>tuln Murmndtike in the Third to OtTer ' 11 Is Services. \ Washington, D. C.?Captain Henry * Marmaduke, who served during the [' Civil War 011 the famous Confederate 1 iron-clad Merrlinac and the Alahaiua. lias jolued the Colombian Navy and will sail for that republic on the new ? war vessel which has been purchased at Seattle, Wash., by Sencr Concha, the Colombian Minister at Washing- r ton. .1 Announcement was made a few days w ago that two ex-gunners of the Navy had cast tlielr lot with the Oolonihlnn e Naval service, so that Captain Marina- tl duke makes the third American who v recently has taken that step. ji - a Minister Shoot* His Child. V The Rev. Henry Turner shot and In- v stnntly killed his six-year-old sou at u Curlliivllle, 111., whom he mistook for tl a burglar. The father was arrested. d but the Coroner's jury discharged him. o f k /o NO. if. KILLED IN AUTO SI Mscnme Plunged Thirly-fAv Feel From a Railroad Bridge. OWNER LOST 1 HE CONTROL OF IT Itroki'r I'. .1. Matllii'Hs.iif.lrrwif < .mimIi Mr?. \V. I!. C?til>, <?r Kirtl'?MU<>. C'I'IinIkmI to Dcalli ? A l'rir?t. W?tiiat> tttnl t ItuulYetir 1 nj it ro<f? *> it % t ?nr? 11 u?l it Nurrcw I"rottt KM)Ofi<tl. N. .1. 1 V.s*oss?-?l I ?y tfM "spoott tuatlin ss." Frank .( Matt Im-m R. :i tvo'l known rral < <tato tirokor niitr nluhman. .lo'.'svy t'ity, rr:i In* :?iil<?tunhilo :it full spool ??v?.T Ot< I'urb :ivoiitto bfhlfio a?nv.s< Uio tnot;s of ? <? New York :tiiil l.oP;^ ICrum-ft K.ii:iot?I :it this plane. As ho name upon tii.' sircrtviM' :it'd ni' an express imiti he <;>.*?- s? plainly tlivssed mart, a cnrrk?.' ??*? init front tho ?ilit t hrreiMioo unsw|i ntint: any tlarmov. Mr. swnir tile machine slnrrplt .' ? no i*?? v'i:>u i',fo. knoek"'f ' ?> >*vj ;i. .t !iv. The when** ?'< >>'> rniitjlif iri 111 \rn?if**>- "mlv >m of tl:i? sham torn. ! far/ ?. iitr maoa'p almost at rielu :.vic\ ?t? ! ho im; whool broke fn'uvi , ,.*y rri"<'\ :!> (ho maofoiie .v/em" m>i:i"list Silo vaiiiuir. tin- tirnf/m-< v:iy. :;n.i t ho uutovuiii to wilt, s (<n ri r. 111; ;i:isscnui 's .mm; ninv ' ' >>.\i> ii? ;y;o i-.s it "Iy tin root ? '< "riu> ' " ] il ? crank J ys-.txs\tt'irv. "o? ' > ' > ars u !' > )' Ter.w ?' f'ifjr. invvov ' tin* iti'iii'' <;i."*i> er?r*-h <) 1 1? I *i ? tu:i -!iiit** iliffl ifr'.tntitly : Mrs. M". IV '"ti't'i. IIV 'ttiioMiJ * /.: >if'?>: , i*fo:>i hop in iitrit-< three hor.w i.iut si \! *:: i i ! i?? *:*>. i Ilr.anon. Tlti' ininreil nro: Tito f."'m r* iJr.cL" j Irani. Clmroh of tin- ''ui'.fisr rti///rrs n?>n\* Vorl; City; piok.rf nt? nn.-.ursimwattil roiiutvnl fo tlii> l f.-tit.nwas it.<u tfK Allonhiirsi mi n trolley oar; tar hi To 5k siiflVnin; from shock ami u/ rm ifan^er though faro is hailly <vri; JTTiMfofiil Moy.'fs, ohnulToiir; 1-apod front <i v am cliiti<* as i! wont over; bruises iwrt rious; Mrs. \V. I?. Pir.'/.ini. of .Ww Vnrk Citv. sistor-in-Iaw of Mrs. fi.l 1* 'op. hrokon. intornal iniurfos: /akcn fr Moiiinoiith Motnorial Hosm'tal: wiT' probably illt*. Tito ilisastor m-'m :< to liavt lufii wholly ?1m.> to Mr. Mallhotrs" nMciis It OSS. f.,? p ?v:> .' 111,, pi'sl " III nl i've;' i ' i ill" ma.'si o. ' u . ?? oaii,lotii'il to o? slnwlv In i iliiaiff nr. *' vors. wl'o'.o ' fc J !'1 1 Il.'? lo > OJ' s 1,. i r r Ii; . J III,. ,i > s||"! Ill) ii'.' -! "o *111 ' ?M.nJ i i > o.i i (l;ii it.,. >.. it *,jf. : .-v wlio v.*:'a ' 'i*.. >. * ." t i >?.-?, i: u" s o . '.mvliiT : ? ?">t u Si Inoy a von- 11 . .t.-1t ' 11j was rl-n sli? ' ) " ;jt I <> .) ; ?iv. C .* '1 miii! 1 * w ; >,.si>: I i* 11r? Mm I ' r i|';i !l? \ s!iisvv I'rv k. On.' >- t*:i! (> ? i cimii t:t:ir<* was flmr l!i" ni'ilfiiisMi of !li< .Mitlmwt'iifp iv;i? not irrciitlv Tli<* h-*'l moss lllMlt .Ml'il jaiHIIK'tl. ill' 'VHOtfiM/ K snllnli Ti'il dpi) ?uu> 11:it;i|?<*i* tvrv nVinniishril. Tlit' arri'l' :i; Ii.iv <1 iJi>o?? vrlonni In sctlln n't Mo* r?*M*'**i // cnltaifn ( oliiliv Ii?m : ;> of i J?< Pert, npinioii in wliicli \t- MstMfi "? s M;is immii. All s < inl , i'.jii' ilnii <!. I'l.rntlP? rilU'!:. of ' ,1/ . rilll 1 In lldM .Mil jilt)Ill's! illl 'V l*iy. Mr. MrMllii'ws" irIu :ilt II V I i t iV- Si'linpid 'V. u r vj?!K. I'rnncv*. ilm (MiTia*.' narf re v.; ivv ^prraiv Knla. of Mn. fr.-?f? Mr. Wattli<*ws pniil alir.::* .*?!'<iik) for ho m.i liiii". If was ilrivmi liv J - . ? ??r- ?HUI ivas of ahout sist-." u hnw 01 ? ?.*r Kl.OND KE GROWING PC OP- ^ Tito (ioldi-n llfirrmt Will"* NV^rlv On**-If m! I' 'I lit* 1 <** t . Washington. I >. Tii*?t <ho 7<5mj1 ik * is nut 1 lip poor man's O'T/in n is msfirostotl in :i ropo? t to the* S(at? 1H'liirtinont from Coils n) ?svivU wt Nui;arn Foils, who lolls cti: IV|Yr?rtumot hout a rocvnt examination infos \fi<msinoss prosi>?c!s of the Yukon t< ?\-ior.v I ?y tin* Co ami in ft Wirm/?" Vssoeiatlnn. An a Kent wn< < '?r, \i> Mwson some titti<> nc<t. Ills rtSftiiui enort shows tint: tin- fotut yi"M ?t? ;o!(l last year in the Klondike tvxs $-1.iiWi.OOO. Tin* produetinu of tin* toruluz 'par. aecoi'diiij; t<> <Jovemn?ewr j,pivuate?. will ii >t exeeed SM.fKHJUKtfr. No lew discoveries have heeir mat!** for iver n year, alllnm^li. si nee 1H>7. ITnninuds of prospectors Iiav<? been esji.'orinj every creek ami niauntaCn in the o.iii try. Tin- ('a no (liar: company's siavi : sT-r/r* hat at Hawson there were ten nppliants for everv eiinnee to tvorf,'. nud ct many hontloails of men citiithna1 tr* rvlve, the transportation ennifW.'rK elpinir to keep up the illusion fhrt# law son is the poor man's pnra/fvv. LYNCHING UPHFIO BY A JURY. rotrctlon of ll?inr? Sat,'. .1 Ity In North 4.'iir<>(k?ar. Charlotte. N. C.?The Coroner's s?ry eported that the lynrbikijc of T??o ones eolored, for assaulting :i white Ionian, was justltlahle. Tbc jury iwtya: "We, the jury to inquire bate*. vUt 11 use of tlu* death of Twiaa ireel tint he enine to his death by gunshot -omuls by parties unknown to tin* nry, obviously hy an uuf roped jMrirfte cUng in defense of tlteic hauir.v. rives, daughters and eftiUC-cai In iew of the enormity of tier eriiuv rer: iltted l?y said Tom Jones tip tlitf liey would have been lecreunt 4<r.Ii,..? uty as good citizen* bad 4%**y Acted tbcrwise."