University of South Carolina Libraries
LIGHT RA1LG FOR HARD TRAFFIC. Germany Sets at Naught an Axiom of Railroad Engineering Here. German raiiroad engineers have surprised the whole engineering world by disregarding In the new electric railway in Berlin what has been looked upon as an axiom of good railroading. Contrary to modern custom they have equipped a high-speed electric railway with light rails, and ties which in some places are five feet apart. The road is now complete and in operat':;:\ and British and American engineers are watching it with the greatest interest to see how long it will last, confident in their own minds that very soon there must be a collapse. If the railroad is running in good order at the end of several years it may lead to the reversal of some present ideas in railroad construction. American engineers have held that heavy rails nre a necessity at any cost, particularly on roads operated by electric power, and British engi ticcrs have supported this view, both in argument and in practice. "It might be possible to operate such a road, with very light rolling stock moving at low speed," says the Engineering News, "but this road is to carry electric motor cars weighing twenty tons and three-car trains are to run at speeds of thirty miles an hour at intervals of two and onehalf to five minutes. If this track maintains its line and surface under electric motor car traffic, there must be something in German conditions very different from those which obtain in the United States." Auk Y our Healer For Allen's Koot-Kase, A powder. It rests the foot. Cures Corns, Bunions. Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At nil Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Sample mailed Eukk. Address Allen S Olmsted, Leltoy, X. Y. London's newspapers use up about 200 Ions of paper every week day Rev.H.P. Carson, Scotland,Dak.,savs- "Two bottles f Hall's Catarrh Cure completely cured my little girl." Sold by Druggists, 75c. A rolling stone never makes much of an up-hill tight. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use ?>f Dr. KlVne's Great N'erveltestorer. $2t rial bottle ant*.. -entlsoCree Dr. 1*.II. Ltd.. '.'.'tl Arcli M.. I'inla.. I'a. Some men won't be guyed nd others won't be guided Mrs.Wlnslow's Soothing Syrhp for chiblren teething,eoflen the gums, redu\w* Inflammation,allays pain,cures wind colic; 25c. abottle .in- i.inn n. xr:i\iiauon are not rc.spon sihlo lor n mail's t ill from grace. rUo b Cum cannot l>o too highly spoken ol ss a cough euro.?J. \V. O'lUur.s, 322 Thir l Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. ?>. UJJ [ You never hear conceited people com plaining that lite isn't worth living Tlie Atlanta Journal, with chnraotorlstio on tor prise, is now issuing an attractive Sunday morning edition illustrated witli high-class colored engravings. This, togothor with its regular afternoon and semi-weekly editions places tho Journal well in tho front ranks of metropolitan newspapers. MHHMSHMHKSJIISuaMimduMadfeaaKmSDUC Gray Hair " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It has kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my liair from turning gray."?Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar I thing about Ayer's Hair | Vigor?it is a hair food, I not a dye. Your hair does I not suddenly turn black, ? look dead and lifeless. | Butgraduallythe old color I i comes back,?all the rich, g dark color it used to have. The hairstops falling,too. fl.N a bottle. A!l druggist*. If your dnipeist cannot nnpply you, aontl ua ono dollar ami wo will i-sprtss you a bottle. Ho sure ami pivo tbe name of your nearest express olllco. Address, J. l\ A YKK t'O., I.oweU^MassJ Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer's Pills. i Want your moustache or beard a i beautiful brawn or rich black ? Use Buckingham's Dye 50 eta. of druggiatsor R. P. Hall tc Co., Nashua, N. H Ik the oldMt and only business college in Vn. owrv Ing it? building?a grand new one No vacation* Ladies & gentlemen. Bookkeeping,Shorthand. Typewriting, Penmanship. Telegraphy. <kc. Leading business college south of the Potomao riser. ? MNila. Stenofapher. Address, G- M. Smlthdeal. President. Richmond. Va. ho. 35. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell ' "something just as good." IF YOU WILL PUT ^ with thi" garglo your throut ofteu * I Keej fact always fresh For Cuts, Mashes ? need only to apply (ff[ex\can (ff^\ ft few times and the sorci be conquered and the wo To get the best results; of soft cloth with the linii wound as you would a p< . 2 fie., oOc. jiih KEEP AN EYE ON = discuses ujuoiik your fowls use M : = ?!! HUB IIHill III llll SOUT1 m ^ I RAIL ? 77/F GREAT 4 OF TRADE A, $ Unlling the I'rinc l t Centers and Ileal n Resorts of tl\e ?ou I NORTH, EAS H Hi^h?Clasa Vestibule Trail ? between New York and J if Cincinnati and Florida 1 Aehoville. New York and Florida, eithi and iSavnnnah, or via Savannah. Superior Dlning-Car Servic Excellent Service and Lo\ count fouth Carolina 1 n1 Exposition. 'Winter Tourist Tickets to reduced rates. For (totalled information, litei aflply to noa rest ticket'a/tent, o S. H. IIARDW1CK, tic no ra ! Pnricnrer Jlscnt, Washington, D. C. R. W. HUNT. W a Div, Passenger Jlgcnt, ?1 Charleston, S C. Wi Ft BRUAAY 10. 1905. -xsgawmr.Tgg? PROMINENT PEOPLE. Rtnlynrd Kipling hits written 1(10 short stories. TTonvi. tl'nll/.. ...... .. (l , h i nun ticuics 111:11 III' IS :l Candida I <> for CJovernor of Kentucky. Professor Sclicnck. author of 'The Determination of Sex." died in Styrbi. Governor Cummins, of Iowa, is one of America's foremost authorities on forestry. , Prince Henry of Prussia, like his, 'irotlier the Kaiser, is nil earnest student of music. King Edward has devoted the gift of >."0,000 received from the Maharajah of (twalior to the hospital fund. John I>. Rockefeller, as all the world knows, plays coif. That and a mild game of pin;; pong indoors keeps away the blues, William A. Hemphill, former Mayor of Atlanta, Gn., and founder <?f the Atlanta Constitution, died suddenly at his houie in Atlanta. The will of John W. Maekny divided his estate Into two portions, leaving one to his widow and the other to his son. Clarence H. Maekfty. Friends of Senator Foraker, of Ohio, are working for his nomination for Vice-President, hoping t*> block any hanee of tlie nomination of Senator JIamia foi President. i 'riii4 gallant General IK? Wet objects4 .o being ternieil a "guerrilla lender." ' l.e lll' i'inr.-ntoin I'ost so referred to aim and subsequently withdrew the phrase at the lloer general's request. Senator Pettns, of Alabuma, whose term expires in March, llMKt, enjoys the distinction of being the oldest uian in the United States Senate. He was born In 1821, and when Ills term expires he will be eighty-two years old. Colonel George It. MeClellnn Harvey, under whose editorship Harper's Weekly lias much improved, is ouly thirty-eight years of ago. lie comes of a Scotch ancestry, was born in Ver mr.nt. received only a grammar school education. __ _ ' I I v . . * . 1 >oonfulof Mexican Mustang Lln: into a gloss half full of water and ( it will quickly euro u SSoro Throat. ^ > j this | in your memory:? md all Open Sores, you \ I ustang ^inimenl icss ami intlainiiiation will untied ilesh healed. ?> rou should saturate a piece inent and bind it upon the ^ mltice. I 11 r< 1 $1.00 a bottle. ! a: ^ \ a \ 6< poultry nn?l nt tlio very first sign of : *r> i, Seuly l.<'?s. Huiiil>l<>tont or other b< exleuu Mustang J.iuim<-ut. v bt fft . 1 rt " n.i HERN I WAY ?I HIGHWAY ? AID TRAVEL. | th And Pleasure | th witH the ^ T and WEST. \h, Through Slecplng-Cari New Orleans, via A-.lanta. Points via Atlanta and via I or via Lynchburg, Danville j Richmond, Danville and j e on all Through Trains. v Rates to Charleston act'ir-Stale and West Indian all Re sorts now on sale at I ? ature, time tables, rates, etc., I r address M W.H.TAYLOE, I Jisst. Gun. Pass. W^cnl, Jttlanta, Get. H J. C. BEAM, Q P District Pass. Jigent, I Mtlanta, Ga. b : NEWSY CLEANINCS. Heron possesses CO,000 telephones. China will make an immense exhibit at the st. Louis Exposition. An anti trust cracker factory is to be placed in operation in Minneapolis, Minn. After gelling as far as the altar a role in Chicago balked and refused to be married. The new City Directory of Itoston contains lioT.OOO names, an increase of 172J in a year. II. K Mellarg. of New York City, lias prosi nted Knoxville, Tenu., City Hospital with $25,<KX>. Fifty thousand claims for pensions have been tiled, it is said, by veterans of the Spanish and Philippine wars. James Sims, a farmer, of Ottuinawa, III., was shot aiul killed by his son while endeavoring to murder his wife The I'aris Municipal Council has passed a resolution urging the French Government to abolish capital punishment. The Mexican Government has orden d from the United States new machinery for its mint, owing to increased coinage. The most severe drouth known in many years, which has prevailed in Arizona for a year, has been broken by general rains. E. A. Tichenor will succeed General Spaulding as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury about October 1 and will reform the customs service. The Carnegie Institution will use n poition of its founder's endowment hi |d an endeavor to ascertain the origin, cause and principle of life. At Logan's Grove, Kan., a monument *~ was unveiled for the (Juivnra Historical Society in honor of Coroundo's expedition in 1541. The location was decided upon hy leading archaeologists | of tlie United States as being the approximate centre of Quivarn, in which Coronado searched for the seven gold- \ en cities* ri. ' v MOTHER ANI lured by Pe=ru=na o \ J Vn Interesting Letter From J Mrs. M. K. Bousch, of; Richmond, and Her Little j Daughter, Pearl. * M rs. M. K. Bouscb, Richmond, Yn., xites: "I had catarrh all through my nyn m /?r(?w yf?r* inirf could get no "He/. 1 wan ad vl*cd to try JVriinn, rtfl 1 hair (ahru /I ve bot tlen of it and ?v tcell and better now than I have *en for yea en. / ea n ad vise any one ho han catarrh of any part of the tdy to take i'eruna. My little girl, ho is eleven uearn old, had ra ta rrh. it wan cured by I'eruntt. lief ore I 'pan to take I'eruna I wan sicic all \e time, but now 1 am entirety ired atul all pratne indue l'crub."?Mm. M. K. Rouneh. Miss Pearl Househ writes: "When I was H in home, shop or factory car T'j their work much easier it tire comfortable corsets. The 1 Straight Front 1 Roy&l Worcestei jm and LBop Too Cors Combine Comfort, F.ise <ind Elcg.v Ask your dcalrr to show them td v? Royal Worcester Corset Co.,wcrc?t? p^.|llAREM< '' ?7^ jlfSfeWFofttilRLS ^ Yoi *T^LW' 'Vlrr*^aBi?n1,r,r ,lfn uwvrtttm MSKHi | J|| 'j.h NOIiMAS. V 1 J^w^ut to^:am Jrrr ?-iqq piano BOILE fork. t>hnftli?K, Pulleys, rteiiruiK, iloxos, llunpo *clty, Sttl Lull i?. I,um Itnril loiinitrv, Mu< ti ~prr^vrr?r-v-yy:-bS%4Ki.-t.-? ' 1 ippl "" " fin* p BR! p|? Sleep for skin-tortu ??>a tired, fretted Mothers & J| Cuticura Soap, and * j||? Cuticura Ointment, aiK* greatest of skin c severo cases by mild d B8& solvent Pills. Thisi Spl most speedy, permam treatments for tortur ing, burning, bleedia pimply skin and scalp teagl Lair, of infants ami ohl jH MILLIONS O J&lbi Use CtmcnitA Soap, a?Hlrte'l by J skin cure, for prcacrvlng, purlfyli for all the purpoaea of the toilet Women u*e (JcTict'BA Soap In tb Jyi ,~jj tatione, lnflainmatlona, and nicer Maatlve, antiseptic purpose*. COMPLETE TREATKEN' ConaUtliff of CtTTKTKA SOAP, rc, j OltfTMKNT, to heal the skin; and ISc&l cool and clrante the blood. A Su the moat tortwrlnp, dlaflfrnrtng, Itr jjfr.f-J rashes, and Irritations, with loss o rJv\*? Cdticdii HtviDin mtr ?ol<1 th'onphr i Iwfcuan Sq., Loadaa. Prrarri Dapoh J 1 a* -i CUBM. (.oar., Sot* Prop*., l>o*toa. IEWPENSION^AWS^r ?ply to NATHAN lilt ItlOltll, DM K *t? 1 tVawhlnglun, II, (!, so. ar>. j ' i ' ' 4 ? D AUGHTER f Systematic Catarrh. f "X'^'^'V'V'V^.'W'V-V-V'V^.-V-V-V'X-V'V-V A -v -> -\ -V-V %XAA.'\A'? J i baby I contracted catarrh, and was doc< tored by several good physician*. but none i lid me any good. My mother was taking J Peruna at the time anil gave some of it Sto me. and 1 soon began to improve, and Jan^ now well and fat as a little pig. 1 am Jtwelve old. The doctors told mother Jl had the consumption, but it was only ca'tarrh."?Miss Pearl Uoueeh. e ? .' j It is no longer a question as to whether jl'eruna can be relied on to cure all such J cases. During the many years iti which jl'eruna has bceu put to test in all forms j > and stages qi acute and chronic catarrh j no one year has put this remedy to greater tost than the past year. Peruna is the acknowledged catarrh rent- | cdy of the age. Dr. Ilartmnn. the com- I pounder of Peruna. has written a book on the phases of catarrh peculiar to women, | entitled. "Health and Beauty." It will lie sent free to any address by The Peruna ' Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results trom the use of Peruna, ; write at once to Dr. llartman. giving a i full statement of your ease and he will l>c j pleased to give you his valuable advice i gratis. Address Dr. Tlartman, President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. """QflnEbO mf iloilece, i 1n0women hickory. r.'.c. ( r iraivto ifacktrs a not to health risort. d " - ^ "" '' nl -in ., / T.(f.C'Tlv1" I IJV DOC.OXrORD>??L( IPilU. OIUi( lOl(^ I , I OIVl\ l\ MUSIC. RlAUflfJl CATAIOCUI I Rf f. | | -ic^,?cs ftnd engines wmLhb ^ Tanks, Stacks, Standpipes nud sheet-Iron rs, Kto. Hull.Hoc Castings?cist evorv day; cjt- ' I lie wild Holler Wiirko, AllKUstA (in. v" i iRTIIRED 1 ij -A i HEC 11 |g agi rod Bahies and rest for in warm baths with gentle anointings with purest of emollients ures, to be followed in loses of Cuticuha Re- k^sS is the purest, sweetest, ?nt, and economical of ing, disfiguring, itchg, scaly, crusted, and humours, with loss of Idren, as veil asadults. F MOTHERS fe ' CUTICmA OlNTMKNT, tllO gTV&t i aft. ?"<! boAiitlfylnj/ the *Un, ami (?'^3 , bath, anil nursery. Millions of ' o fonn of hatha for annoying ItI- '5./d nU VI* WAftk neMPd an/I ? r FOR EVERY' HUMOUR ??g to clenneo the ekin; Crnci'RA CUTIItJKA 1IKAOLVKNT 1'II.LD, to |fc{ J. iOI.k MhT Id often Huffielrnt to euro blnjc, burning, and ncaly liuuiourn, i'.': It if h.itr, when nil cine falln. g,>-? 'Ht ?h? wnrkt Il'itlah l>*pn|: 27-ff Chad- T -. W-} taa d? la Pais, Part*. PoTTaB lvauo i?? J-' "STUC Ki l l- I'M\:II',ON grain nm<l PRanut I ? I HRBS' lCRs eloeil all othe s by tit- i|iian HIT tnd qihll.'jr of Ita work, nod durability ..f i tin ronatrurtlon. I hrrt ilirt for atcain nml trend I |Hiwer. Kor I reu i ntui, Kne. prletM.terina, Ac. aililri M, Kit ?,t lt<? iirut'iitl A|(, liur^eaa. Va ?'/c.r^e I Thompson's Eye Walsij . g UNIVERSITY^COLLEGE I I OF MEDICINE-'EXXStiS- I | MEDICINE ?DENTISTRY ?PHARMACY 1 -Jj Lecture Hulls /.ir Theory, j Laboratories /or Proof, *j Hospitals /or Practice. H [ One hundred page Catnloguc Free. g f? Situations Secured lor graduates or tuition refunded. -Write at once for catalogue and special offers. Riassey SX?.8" Louisville. Ky, Montgomery. Ala. Houston, lex. Columbus. Ca. Richmond. Va. Birmingham. Ala. lacksonvllle. f la Richmond Female Seminary A SELECT HOflE SCHOOL For Young Ladies. For tortus and catalogue address, C. P. WILLIAHSON, Pres., No .3 East Grace St., RICH/TOND, VA. EPISCOPAL MALE ACADEMY, L HOUSTON, VA. REORGANIZED IN 1900. Huidrnti o' all IlriioiniiinltoiiN Etiro'lcJ. Academic, Collrre - Prparat -ry and Business Courses. A Christian homo school for hoys and young men. AH boarding pupils reside In tlie home of the principal. Session ix-slns goptoinls-r 17. 19UJ. Terms low. for new Illustrated catalogue address. TiiOs. J. ctii.Es. [Cornell Univ.) Piuxch-ai. o to o to o to o to o to o to o to o Vi o to o to o to o to o to t TTF&tlAflHF 2 V M-'?g 0 M FEVERISH CONDITIONS ? 5 I I AND COLD? CURED BY ? 5 xx<2 Al'llDlNE O |k" Sold bj- all Druggist*. ? * o * O If, O H O W O * O #? O ?r O K o ?* o ? o H. o >l o Medical college of Virginia. EV^AnLlSIIED 1838. 1 he snft"7-Fltth Ses-lon will commence September 80th 1902. Department* of -? Medicine, Dentistry ann 1'harmacy. Well Quipped Laboratories, sp'.o'dld Ha<pltal tacllltfe* and abundance or Clinlcnl Material afford unexcelled epportunit'es for practical work. For Announcement and further Information, address, t'liilsluplier Tompkliu,!*!. It.. llICHUilMi. Va COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIVFRSITY, m LKXISUTOS, KY. lliRheat Award at World'* Expntltion. i< t-X j. Hook k replug. Hu*lnr?s, Phort hau l.Tt po Y.'ritliitc and TYIcgraphv taught. l?M? Student*. 13 tea/rhem. 1?T OoO (irariuaiia tn Bualc*?V Hrrjtn .Vota A Mrtaa WILlilH K. NMITU. Prra t. Lexington, liy. ATLANTA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Free Dispensary, only college in tlie I'. S. operatlliR a drilK store Demand for graduates ?-r-'liter ihnn we <-nn mi| ply. Address lilt. (iKO, K. 1'AYNK, Whlleliiill, AMiuitii, On. A Royal Mush: K* $3.50 |5H- E Ctf "Kino Bee" Shoes. SWIFT CREEK Stock and Dairy Farm. 6 T f?S lla- fur sntenlnrge nunberof C" """ f f \ nice young registered V.J.l'.C. 1 , t ' ,i Jrr?ry Hull, ond Sleper.. ill jfs.%,," . J None better bred in the Soutli. f t'omiilnlna cl? i?o!y Hie 111 Ft noted una up-to-date Id-rod ^ nmrithn old. t-5.111. Ilidfi'm. -itnit* Mi!. E-U(W. I'OI,AND CHINA DION, eoc-h. K?*nd ohv.-k find cot what you want. T. I'.UIt VSWKI.1., I'rop . linttlrboro. !V V. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER IHUXIR BABEK. jjr. Knuvn Ml over Aniorlen us ihn snrIn -^Vk (>1>j ,.urt> f,ir ?|| in.i'iirlitl illw'Mu's uiiil in ii pri'vi'iicivii nicitnst Tvphol . Dri-jinn-.l hy K I.OCPiH I ?V III. \\ nsh Insl on, II. 5JT Write for tmtimoninls. fOLEMAN-WAGENER v HARDWARE CO. 303 Klua Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. (OKO. A.WAISKNEH, I'lHtSWKNT. OFFICERS: <UKO. Y. COLEMAN. VlCB I'liKitlDENT. (I O. It A 1.1., SKCT*V .t TnKAH. P^DROPSY fc, 'gf 10 OAYS' TREATMENT FREE. fZ! Tj) Eavo made Dropsy and its comHMn plications a specialty for twenty 7 yoars with tlia most wonderful X / .1 enccuEE. Havo cored uauy thous* Jkv. and cases. is.n.n. csssh'S cciis, ?2T<3 Bos li Atlanta! Go. fMos^l I ftRf.ANCi Pianos and Organs Write for our Catalog* and Easy Payment Terms. We can tell you bow to buy an Instrument at the lowest Cash price and pay for it easy. FURNITURE AND CARPETS Special Clearance Sale, j ALL THE MONTH OF AUGUST. H H'.-itr for lUduoeil Vrlct Litt. 3 1 Andrews Furniture & Music Co., B I ( HAHIiOTTKi N. C. I To say that 1 am surprised at their action will convey but n slight Idea of the value I set upon Hipans Tabulc8. 1 derived imniedlate bom-tit and to Ripans Tahules am deeply Indebted for feeling as I do to-day. If the people of this country knew the etllcacy of Kips us Tahules tor stomach and head troubles they would be relieved from many afflictions. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. J