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THE FORT MILL TIMES. DEMOCRATICBUST1ED WKDNESDAYS B. W. BRADFORD. Tkkms or Suhscimitiox: Ouo year $1.00 Six mouths .50 Three mouths .... .25 Correspondence on current subjects is invited, but no rcsimnsibility is assumed for tho views of corrcsixiiiduiits. Advertising rates uro made known to those interested on application to the publishers. Fort Mill Telephone (with Ioiik distance connections) No. 20. AUGUST 27. 1902. The Latest State Return. Reports from Columbia at 8:40 this it.iii., said that 53,822 votes were accounted for .liny ward lends with 21,851 votes Tnlbort next with 9,038; Ansel 9,545; Tillman'9,099; Timmerman 3,491. For tno tenato oatuuor ioucis wun iz.ium EvanB 9,081; Johnstone 8,74(5; Henderson 8,411; Hemphill B.JHiU; Klliott 7,087. For lieutenant -governor?Bleuae 9,207; Gary, 17,710; Sloan 19,80(5. For Secretury of State?Austin. 11,1518; Gantt, 1(5,08,1; Wilson, 20,74(5?For Attorney General?Guntor, 24,191; Stevenson, 29,588. For Superintendent of Education?McMulian, 28,92(5; Martin, 22,980. ? Jouth Carolina News. Twenty-five hales of new cotton was sold iu Orangeburg one day Jast week, A stock company is now being formed for the purpose of purchasing and developing Chick Springs, near Greenville nnd making it a health resort. Rev. Metz Joyner, n 10-year-old preacher, is conducting a series of meetings in the First Ihiptist eiitirch at McCormick. On the 0th nnd 10th of Septeml>er the Colored State Toaohers' Association will hold its annual meeting in Lancaster. The people of Waverley, an eastern suburb of Columbia, have applied to the Secretary of State for permission to incorporate that community into n municipality. Will Gage, a negro, was run over and killed in the Blue Ridge railroad yard &t Anderson one day lu-t week. He had crawled under the cars and gone to sleep. Florence will he the lay-over point for main line passenger crews on the A. C. L. after Sept. 1. A farmer named Jordan fell asleep on the Dixie tobacco warehouse steps in Florence a few nights ago and awoke to find himself short $76, the proceeds of his tobacco sales. Walter Simpsop, a young man who has been teaching school at Leslie, near llock Hill, wns violently attacked and brutally beaten a few days ngo by Jim Thom. asson, a State constable, who claimed that Simpson had been t unjust to his son while the latter t was going to school to him. A t warrant, chargingThomasson with t assault and battery with intent r to kill, was sworn out but he was \ released upon a $J(X) bond. It is I said that a petition will be sent to i no Kuvoiiii'i it-i|u?-niiu^ nun 10 I remove Thomasson from the com I pta biliary. i A charter wns issued Wednes- < day the Lydia cotton mills, of * Greenwood, $(U),0()0 capital. ' The examination for beneficiary ! dndetahipH at the Citadel will he 1 held in the various counties of the ' State on September 10. The governor hna pardoned < Grover Stone, white, of Anderson , oouuty, who waa convicted of larceny and sentenced to ill) days.) Sphn S. Reynolds, of the Columbia bar, has been appointed supreme court librarian to till the . vacancy caused by the death of T- fci. Moorman. 1 The German vessel of war Stosch will visit Charleston from , January 10 to ?9 next. The governor has pardoned Chas \V. Anderson, cpnyicted in Green- , ville county in September. 1901, of mrnplaughter and sentenced to two years on the chaingang. An rierson in a white mail and has served one year. He killed n negro, it ia claimed, in self defense. R. R, Morris and I. A. Garland, of Florence, fell from an excursion train near Marion when it was traveling ?t a good rate of speed. They were badly bruised but no bonea were broken. <>( i A N?v?l Tim P1m?. I, i A Sonth Carolina genius, whose home ia at Union, has invented a unique tower clock for cotton milla. It is so arranged as to take up the striking of the hours at 7 o'clock in the evening and continue the strokes ench hour until 4 o'clock in the morning. At * 4.4o a. in. the clock will strike thirty strokes to arouse the opera- , # - = =r? o rr c rr en n ^ 3 S = - ?- o^: ~i -re 5- o -i ^ c g -|?l^l|| = 7"j * I "T M ? (J " p . - Q' n> r*. * y~ -1 * . . . rs ' {J 4 . . . ft * . ;.. * ,#? ,?? ' . . i a # * , . ? , ? ? a , ? * * IO u* ?\ C\ C\ 4* K> O ? <T ? ? ?. ON M VP -ft- O >?1 M _0 ?. C1J-- ~ to jT* "" to OJ W_N w w\ U>J q" I?i V^? ? .T; .A Ovm - K> A o vn ??? OC ? 1 ui 4k 1st 4^ to tO "M VO <-?* v: *0 O O ?J C> Cn ''i ?? C *vt OJ O vst 4? '>j U IJ <jj Cnoj tjy 4?. to M Q\ "-IU) m M ^ 'Q ?i C\ to oj Qn to 4^ to ? tow co O 4^. O Q ^ t ^-t to vi vi s. ?J Oj OJ C/i to C*w to ? to 4- ? ui Q\CN04>^0CCQ tst ? 4^ >?. OJ OJ to OC CN to oc to to OJ C\ oj oj to to ~ 4?- oi oj tJ oi ^1 >?i <?I I-|N| 4 p Oj y ON 4>ot to 4^. to ? to to oj C o oc 4>- to ? ? O Qj to 4j- to 4*- to ist to to <-n vo Cn 4jtst 4^. qj zr. QJ oj O C\ C\OI to vo ? ot to Q\ 0% vst to VSt O NO <V5 4^ 4- rn 4- ?i *^i Oc o > >o ? O ~ V3 J?" oj i?> ? to <st 4j- 4>> V| CO ? ?? D N ~ vst ^ I to Cn to ' to i?f i j to ? ? QV I <->- QN^I CO Op QC 00 w CO It?? >?I tO OJ ? PC UI CO GO m CO VQ CM CO 00 ro CO ? ui 4- O* 0^4^ W ui O K Q\ .p. 4^ 4^ 0QV1 OOU) Ui ? to 00 " 1?1 o W W O N VO 4^__ >i <-? > O ^ i Xu. c VO ? to (?< to 1?1 I?I ? -?*. ? 1?1 Oo \SO0CQ\MUJ-? * / Ow? 00 to OJ 00 OJ ?? to i-nn to -.1 vo vo OJ vc -P- W M to C\ K) vn _ Cv to Q to Qv-f*. 4>- 4^ CC N " vo <->-> u w w mA m Cv O Qv ^t Co CvvO to cc C\v? to to to to to ? -Pi. -pk *VJ to OJ OJ I?i ? to v? #?I O Vji to 1-ivn to i?I to ? ? OJ Qv vq mloui^o^oto ?? | In OJ C\ -J^ oj oj -p. to to C\ V I to On Q to in -p> q vq q <- q J m no 1?1 o ? t>0 vj -J -p. OC OO A N OOOOVO-^ ives and warn tliein that it in ime for breakfast. At. ft o'clock lie thirty strokes is repeated and lis machinery starts for the day. I L'he workmen are supposed to be vitli 111 the mill at that time. The liirty strokes is repeated by the j nechanism at dinner time each fay and on the closing hour in lie evening. A peculiar feature in connection with the mechanism jf the clock is the fact that, it! J tops striking the hours every Sat- j .mlay night and is silent, all day Sunday until early Monday morn-j ng again. A so-called program . lock will control the larger clock md the strokes will bo made on a bell weighing 5,000 pounds. There is n fire alarm striker attached to llie clock and the arrangement Joes away with all weights. < ? SHATTERS ALL RECORDS. Twice in a hospital, F. A. Qui- { ledge, Verbena, Ala , paid a vast auin to doctors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo soon cured liini- Subdues! Inflamation, conquers Aches, kills! Fains. Best salve in the world. 25c at Meacharu's drug store. The question of forming Pee Dee county from parts of Marion and Marlboro counties is again being agitated by the people of that section. LOOS PLEASANT, PLEASE. Photographer G. C. Harlan, of Eaton, O., can do so now, though for years he couldn't, because he Buffered untold agony from the worst form of indigestion, All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such won", ders for him that he declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the Htom- j ach? Diver and Kidneys, they build i up and give new life to the whole | system. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by T. B, Meacham, druggist. * TV ^ y; " i" yv",, h>W" n^'Ocrorcno1 C; ?r ~ ~ r-? -i rr =r O 2 2 n </>" 3 E; JL r:; i 3 S 8 H: * . J 2-o-^ : ? 5/1 2i < ^ ? 5. o ? :* r 3 = < : : 3 . : r 2 *? * ?( ? k, _ ? u 1^- Finle K M C W N W O VC *vi ? G\ *^I '-* > Co O ? J. W. Floy. ON VO 00 fr> ? ?? U) 10 Ui T. J. Strait ? ? to w to \0 4^ <-v> ? O cc ^ W. B. Wils ? <_n >- to V| 4>. 4^. 4*. Oj_Q\_Cn 4^ 4- to II' I ) Karri en s. i Oo 4* ' n Oo \G vl to O ? On " On O w " os - w ? - *> J. E. Beam sj ? 4- OJ UI O 4* en 4- to Oo 4> C C 4> P^t ig u* J? 1^. Haile * O\en en 4 4^ ?- Oo *sj : 4- 4^. oj C O ^ s' ? O u, Geo. \V. S. 00^1 OC to en Oo Cn ? ? p p to Cg 4 ^ vi 4> u Sain'l L. Jo ? 10 4 ?- ?- to to to to to u O P 4- OQ 4^ ? w J. Ernest.L 4 M 4. - ? O ONM CC IU1 o OCVQ 4- St to 4 OC _ ? ? ^ Frank P. M t 4. to oc to 4 - N OJ u \Q QV| ui 01 4 4 ? ^1 - 00 Thos. P. M zc sj cc to 0 ccw OJ oc en 4. o too O to to (O Cm to - w. H. Met \0 O en O Oo 00 C 41 St to en oc O O en 4. Thos. w. B to *4- to S| <J, (j, _ (g u OJ 00 4- QtOPQ 0_P to ? T. Gib Cult .4 en Oo ON en to to 00 c VQ Oo 1^0 ? 4. \2 J\ - ? John F. Go: 00 ? to ~ OO to OJ en 0 10 U CC 4k Q St Q\ p to to - - J110. E. Car -*? ow^> OCVO to v, or ??_P. O PC VO_ 40. Q\l ,n " n 10 ? -vj II. A. I). N 3 8 &? ii a ?; -a >1 ??:-uSv^5 w- H- Adi" O- O-l 4. ? KJl KJ, IP VO ^ Brooks Innr <->' OO 4*00 wn u> Q ? v] + ? + wi? f ^ ^ C c>j to vj .. r? r* oj R. A. Craw \ CC to 4* to Oj \Q vj t^i VI *"> vQ Q\~v? 00 oc 40 v? ? ^ ^ W. 1). Dun -?> W CC OJ Un O VO 4k - 4^ R G. Garri* , ~ C\vj 01 oj to uo vq ? c\ ^1 oi q4k c\ - - - - *, D. G. Stani Cy~ M 10 u vi - v, ci Ox O vo 00 vo 00 o o\v5 - - R. M. Whii ? 4k 00 ? <o ? 4? N UJ VO C\vn tO 01 Oo 01 TOBBIP SEED. PURPLE TOP, FLAT DUTCH, WHITE GLOBE, YELLOW GLOBE, SEVEN TOP, RUT A BAG A, SOUTHERN PRIZE. ALL FRESH. W. B. ARDREY & CO. TRY THE City Barber Shop For a iirbt-clnstt HAIR CUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO, or HA1K SINGE. Carothers ?? Son. Proprietors. Third door Bank building. S. J. KIMBALL, dealer in Buggies and Harness, ROCK HILL, S. C. hoii thu "Rook Hill burkv;" tlio boat boKKX ou the \mirkot for thu niouey. $ a CO w c ?? O Ml I tr CD __ I 0 J?< r 0 ! ? Cj fVQ ' >n h> yj 3 w ^ guard J Kj o" LJ ??5 2s " 2- vj 5 .PT >i,art =! o g K1 - o i hnston a'l fS B* " ??I1 2.Q W owren n m AT ! 1 I ic U ? cCam ? J? 3 L_J 2 H H? Tj cDiU ? *3 L J 5.A y ;ork,e l| ?9 p? !nj? no, \J ioy<i ;* n ; s = - 8* U i >""?1, -2. X _? ? ? s n rdon ? Q W V # M L-J ro..|S2| I 3J j 1_L & L - H 0 1^ eely II * r "Stf u a. n ri > 3 Vi jt mn i1 o i 1 iams ~ ^ | *1 P ford, Sr Ml ^ ; Z-, ?* lap S 0 n ^ o; K" c >on =? O J | ? tOll ? a. * 11 w tesides ~j p (/) M P. |~^=5=???( DR. J. L. SPRATT, ; SURGEON DENTIST. Office in Gunk building, Main Street, ( j Fort Mill, S: C. A ftor December 1, office will be closed I every Monday. * AT THE ] Drug Store 5 ?OF? j ! DR. T. B. MEACHAM You will Mnd the most complete ] and freshest stock of Drugs and i Patent Medicines in this section, ns well as a complete line of Toilet < \ Articles nnd Stationery, and all of ^ the host CIGARS, CIGARETTES, 11 J CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCOS. I've 1)8(1 years of experience in tne drug business, mid also as a practi- ? tioiier, and in either branch of my , business you can depend upon be- i ^ intf treated satiHfactorily. T B. Meacham, M. D. . FOR ! GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC.,!' CALL ON OH WRITE TO W. II, HOOVER, HHRLOITK, N C, ISPEC1M Li' I BIGGEST BARGAIN OF | 500 yards Colore j| (> to 7 l-2c now g ?>()() yards Colorcc I 71-2 to 81-3c now.. 150 yards Colored ! ffi] ?\ shades, worth 10 to 1 These prices would make a wif S g for next season. To show tliesi j$i| Come and see if you don't buy. I Company L A HARRIS, M r|j We pell for GASH only. Tlint'n lust a Word Before You I During our July Cleai o old stacks of goods, bi nod to close out all nun SUMMEB ANY Oii) fliis is no fake. Your lie benefit of some of vliy not you? i Little Chat About Shoe: We are still selling tl Shoes. The Eagle Shoe ontinued making anvt O iliocs, and they have aut Guarantee E )f their shoes. Now, wl 11 buying another brand an get a pair of stylish personal guarantee, for 1 We are the sole Fort Richardson Shoe for Wo shoe here, but is a knoi wild in competition \ brands. It is both styli Do You Need a Cooking I We have just receive* liana Stoves, in all size the closest prices. Furniture?We Like to Ti This department cor Dressers, Wash Stands, Tables, Extension Table ing Bed Springs, Chairs Try one of our Iron just what you want. Trunks and Traveling See us for anything ii Furnishings, Groceries, will save you money. THE OLD RELL T. B. BEI g fgngigjSBg SIWlS@E IN SALE. I THE SEASON. | <1 Lawn worth ? 3 l-2c ffi I Lawn worth fi P\rt ffS. oe (S Lawn, beautiful iS 121-2 7 1-2 | 3e buyer purchase now Hj it goods means a sale. ?E ES Store, 1 |a lanager. g i- _ i i i ? . _ O i wimi imiKCB iow prices. HSJMTSJWjHSSSiSl] 3uy. ranee Sale we have it we have determaining GOODS PBICE, nieglibor will reap flwttsn IvirmuiiC! on/1 I iiv uv' i'(ii^?unn^ tni\| 5. ic celebrated Eagle Company have dishing except men's horized us to very Pair lore is the economy [ of shoe, when you Eagle Shoes, with a > ess money? Mill agents of the men. This is a new vn value where it is vitli other leading: sli and durable, Itove ? d another lot of Ins, which we offer at ilk It. isists .of Suits, odd lied Steads, Centre ts, Mattresses, Fold** , etc. Bed Steads. It, is Bags. 1 Dry Goods, Gent's Hardware, etc. We ABLE STORE. .K.